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ETH Zurich
International Relations and Security

This Week at the ISN

Our Weekly Content Roundup

18 22 May 2015

JUMP TO Editorial Plan | Security Watch | Blog | Video

// Security Watch
This week, our hard power-centered Security Watch (SW) series focuses on the disputed effectiveness of the nuclear nonproliferation regime; the transition of Jamaat-ud Dawa (JuD) from a terrorist organization into a legitimate political actor; the
current status of the United States' ties with Mexico's armed forces; the reasons behind China's militarization of the South
China Sea; and the current defense expenditures of NATO's EU member states. Then, in our second, more wide-ranging
SW series, we look at Nepal's broken political system; the EU's possible contributions to this December's UN Climate
Change Conference; the prospects for meaningful political change in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); the impact
of the Andijan Massacre on Uzbekistan's diaspora; and the lessons learned from Africa's recent Ebola outbreak.

Assessing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime

18 May 2015

Given the emergence of 'second tier' nuclear weapon states, many Western analysts now question the effectiveness of
the nuclear non-proliferation regime. Joseph Siracusa isn't one of them. He believes that its accomplishments to date have
been both extensive and enduring. More

Fragile in Every Sense of the Word Nepal's Political Crisis

18 May 2015

Nepal's rebuilding efforts will end once it recovers from its recent earthquakes, right? Wrong, says Olivier Guillard. Local
politicians and ethnic minority activists will remain at loggerheads over the future political shape and trajectory of this
impoverished country. More

Jamaat-ud Daawa: Into the Mainstream

19 May 2015

Paris 2015: What's in it for the EU?

19 May 2015

Andrei Marcu and his colleagues think that the EU should seize the initiative at December's UN Climate Change
Conference. Indeed, by helping formulate a comprehensive final agreement in Paris, Brussels will maintain its credibility
as a leading global actor. More

U.S. Ties with Mexico's Military Have Never Been Closer: An Interview with Jesse Franzblau
20 May 2015

The US continues to provide military support and equipment to Mexico in order to help combat its drug cartels.
Unfortunately, all is not what it seems. As Jesse Franzblau reminds us, some of the aid has gone to rights-violating
security units and even fallen into the hands of the cartels. More

Congo: Is Democratic Change Possible?

20 May 2015

What steps should the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) take to ensure that the presidential and legislative elections
scheduled for 2016 result in genuine democratic change? Today, our partners at the ICG provide nineteen
recommendations, including that President Joseph Kabila steps down from office. More

Why is China Militarising the South China Sea?

21 May 2015

Fearful Silence is Andijan Massacre's Legacy

21 May 2015

Uzbekistan's diaspora remains tight-lipped about the massacre that occurred in the city of Andijan a decade ago.
According to Dean Cox, that's because the Karimov regime continues to go after political opponents in exile. There's also
growing concern that Russian intelligence operatives are helping to enforce the silence. More

Defense Spending 2014: The EU Picture

22 May 2015

Despite pledges to the contrary, many EU states continue to slash their defense budgets. That's bad news, says Katharina
Wolf, especially for those who worry that Europe is becoming increasingly weaker and susceptible to 'miscalculation and
aggression'. More

Learning the Lessons of Ebola: Why the Spread of Disease is About More than Just Health
22 May 2015

What lessons should the international community learn from its handling of West Africa's recent Ebola crisis? Levi Maxey
and Brian Finlay think that there is a growing need to 1) "think horizontally" across the health-security divide, and 2)
anticipate more participants in complex global health emergencies. More

// Blog

John Quincy Adams The Grand Strategist

18 May 2015

There's something different about Charles Edel's new book on John Quincy Adams, writes Chris Nelson. Unlike previous
biographies, it argues that the sixth President of the United States was quite possibly the country's first grand

Will the 2018 World Cup Start the Next Football War?
19 May 2015

Indeed, could it? After analyzing the troubling relationship between past World Cups and interstate conflict, Andrew Bertoli
argues that FIFA's next showpiece event in Russia might further destabilize an already troubled geopolitical landscape.

After April Stalemate, Could Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement Rise Again?
20 May 2015

Hong Kong's recently unveiled reform package has failed to bridge the political divide between Beijing and the
autonomous territory's pro-democracy opposition. As a result, Surya Devya expects the reform-minded 'umbrella
movement' to re-emerge in the weeks and months ahead. More

Tackling Militant Islamism Means Also Confronting its Non-Violent Forms

21 May 2015

Why should mosques, schools and religious classes be on the frontlines fighting against Islamist extremism? The answer,
according to Elham Manea, is that militant radicalization often feeds on non-violent Islamism. You can't tackle the former
phenomenon without ideologically confronting its source. More

Turning Back Time: Putting Putin's Molotov-Ribbentrop Defense into Context

22 May 2015

What makes Vladimir Putin's recent defense of the 1939 non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet
Union so surprising? As Robert Coalson reminds us, it wasn't that long ago that the Russian president dismissed it as a
'personal matter' between Hitler and Stalin. More

// Video

Is the US Back?

In this video, four experts discuss whether the US is experiencing a revival in its global power. The resurgence, if it is
indeed occurring, may be attributable to innovations in energy production, military affairs, and information-centric
technologies. More

Art in a Time of Violence

In this video, Boston University's Michael Danti discusses the destruction of cultural and archaeological sites by the socalled Islamic State (IS) and others in Syria and Iraq. More

The Economics of Conflict: Ukraine in Focus

In this video, three senior practitioners discuss Ukraine's economic troubles and what the international community can do
to help Kiev enact needed structural reforms. More

// Multimedia Content
Here is a selection of this week's additions to the ISN Digital

Publications More
// Cyber Security Capacity Building in Developing Countries: Challenge and Opportunities More
// The Gulf Moment: Arab Relations since 2011 More
// Corporate Engagement in Non-Proliferation along the Nuclear Supply Chain More

Videos More
// US Strategy for Civil and Military Space
//The Humanitarian Response in Somalia More
Kurds' New Clout in US Ties with Turkey and Iraq More

Audio / Podcasts More

// The Results of the British Elections and its Consequences
// Russia's Pivot to Asia
// Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual RevolutionMore

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