2DMT 1415 - Brief T3.3

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Miskin Theatre Assignment

Assignment Cover Sheet

Assignment Reference:

T3.3 Level 3 Diploma in Music Technology

Brief IVd By: A Pettitt

Miskin Theatre Assignment


Special Subject Investigation


Unit 43 Special Subject Investigation (GC 1-5)

Timing within Course:

Yr 1, 3

Date Set:



Miskin Theatre Assignment

Submission Deadlines:

Proposal 2/6/15
Investigation Presentation 29/6/15

Special Considerations/

Independent study and time management is essential.

Access to internet required. All sequencing work must be available on the software

Miskin Theatre Assignment

provided in your workspaces. All uploads must be tagged.

Tutors in charge of Assignment:

Matt Power

Miskin Theatre Assignment

1st Year Level 3 Diploma in Music Technology TERM 1

Producer in charge of Assignment: Matt Power

Miskin Theatre Assignment

Relevant Departmental Notes: Assessment throughout this course is essentially formative, company members can re-visit criteria to arrive at their final
assessment grades.
Evidence: This will be in the form of blogs/logs, observed participation, director observation, video recordings and research notes
This project is inextricably linked to all other performances

Grading Criteria: Pass, Merit or Distinction are attainable.

Miskin Theatre Assignment

English and Maths: This project will include functional skills in English and Maths. Please bear in mind your industry requires eloquent
use of English and accurate use of figures, to which end, the continuing development of these skills are firmly embedded inside all your work.
Note on copyright and plagiarism: This process will require independent research. Copying from the internet and additional sources is not appropriate
and violates copyright and will be classed as plagiarism unless fully annotated and credited. You must make your work your own. We need to see that
you have an understanding of the areas that you have researched. Copying work directly from ANY source will not be tolerated. If you quote ANY

Miskin Theatre Assignment

existing material you must put it in quotation marks and in brackets, attribute the source / author. For example: Im getting rid of my hoover. Well it
was just collecting dust (Tim Vine, 2015, Edinburgh Festival)

Miskin Theatre Assignment

Miskin Theatre Assignment

The Brief in Detail Special Subject Investigation

This project is a chance for you to research into an area of music and/or its technologies in which you have a particular interest. This may
not only broaden your knowledge of certain industry standards but also open your eyes to potential career opportunities or professional
pathways. The subject can be anything from a broad and diverse range, so long as it is specific, relevant, and is something that can be
realistically investigated (think SMART). The initial part of the project is for you to produce a proposal (GC1,2) that must:

Miskin Theatre Assignment

a) Identify why the subject is appropriate.

b) Outline your planning, with time-lines and methods of research.
c) Highlight how your research will be presented.
Research material must be of high quality. This means that you should not rely on google searches alone. Some examples of high quality
material will be: telephone conversations and interviews; visits to companies and their literature; email responses; questionnaires;

Miskin Theatre Assignment

newspaper articles and archives (i.e. BBC). Your research trail must be documented on your blog, and reasoning what you believe is high
quality or poor quality and whether it should be used to form your conclusion or not (GC3,4).
The presentation of your research can be one or many forms. A good idea would be to have a dedicated Tumblr or website that can host
audio and video recordings, copies of emails, photos, and anything else that you have discovered (GC5). Podcasts, video documentaries
and powerpoint presentations are all legitimate ways to present your research. To get the highest grades you must include a conclusion

Miskin Theatre Assignment

with judgments and analysis which will hopefully answer the reason for your research. With this in mind it may be useful to title you
investigation as a question. For example:
- Is there a place for surround sound outside of the cinema alone? A study into Dolby and home speaker systems.
- These companies are responsible for the sounds you here every day post production houses for tv and film in soho.

Miskin Theatre Assignment

- Does the perfect guitar amplifier already exist? If not what is the future for Marshall?
- The hottest Grime Labels in London right now!
Include the title on your proposal (due 2/6/15). The final presentation must be ready by 29/6/15.

Miskin Theatre Assignment

Special Subject Investigation
Task 1:
Decide on your subject for investigation and submit a proposal on your Tumblr whichs explains the appropriateness of your choice and clearly indicates the sources you
will go to and the timelines in which this will happen. (U43 GC 1+2)

Miskin Theatre Assignment

Task 2:
Undertake the research required for this project keeping a log of your own research trail. (U43 GC 3+4)
Task 3:
Present the results of your research in the manner as proposed in Task 1. Include a conclusion and rationale behind your research. (U43 GC5)
Evidence: Observed participation; Tumblr entries; and specific high quality research material (as outlined in the brief).

Miskin Theatre Assignment

SUBMISSION DEADLINES: Proposal 9/5/14, Presentation 23/6/14

On completion of this project you should:

Unit 43 Special Subject Investigation
1. Know how to identify an appropriate subject for investigation.

Miskin Theatre Assignment

2. Be able to plan a research project.

3. Be able to carry out research.
4. Be able to produce and present results of investigation.

Miskin Theatre Assignment

Miskin Theatre Assignment

Miskin Theatre Grading Criteria Sheet (Please see your brief)

Qualification: Diploma in Music Tech


Project: With and Without Words

Unit Title: 43 Special Subject Investigation

Miskin Theatre Assignment

Criteria: 1-4

Initials: MP



Miskin Theatre Assignment

To achieve a pass grade the

evidence must show the learner is
able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence

must show the learner is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must

show the learner is able to:

select a subject for
investigation describing the
appropriateness of choices made

select a subject for investigation
explaining the appropriateness of choices

select a subject for investigation justifying the
appropriateness of choices made

produce a research proposal
that describes planning and research
methodology and includes clear
timelines for the project

produce a research proposal that
explains planning and research methodology
and includes clear timelines for the project

produce a detailed research proposal that
justifies planning and research methodology and includes
clear and considered timelines for the project

P3 undertake research into a chosen

subject generating material of
variable quality

M3 undertake research into a chosen subject

generating relevant and useful material that
explores the subject in some detail

undertake research into a chosen subject
generating high quality material that explores the subject
in detail

produce a research log that
identifies the research trail

produce a detailed research log that
describes the
research trail

produce a well-organised and thorough research
log that explains the research trail

present the results of
research and investigation.

present the results of research and
investigation in a well-structured manner, with
clearly reasoned and valid judgements and

present the results of research and investigation
in a well structured and fluent manner, with fully argued
and supported judgements, analysis and conclusions.


so far

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