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MAY 24, 2015

Our Purpose...
To reach people with the love of Jesus Christ, provide a safe and
supportive environment, proclaim the standards of Gods truth,
duplicate the Christian life in others, and celebrate the majesty
and works of Our Great God.

New to Salem Heights?

Welcome! We are glad youre here! We invite
you to seek out the folks wearing the Ask Me
badge. Through them you will find information
about the ministries of Salem Heights Church
and how to become involved. Please fill out a
Visitor Card and drop it in one of the offering
boxes as you leave or scan this code to go directly to our website
and fill out a visitor card. We have an excellent nursery and
programs for children newborn through high school. Any of the
ushers will be happy to direct you to the proper classroom. If
you feel more comfortable having your infant with you during
the service, the last row in the Auditorium will be reserved for
parents with small children. There is a private room for nursing
mothers across the hall from the Auditorium with a rocking chair,
changing table and portable crib. For your convenience, it also
includes a monitor to enable you to still hear and view the

Sunday Worship
Part 28

This Just Isnt Natural

Luke 6:276:27-36
Presented by

Pastor Matt MacCollin

But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting
nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will
be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful
and evil men. Luke 6:35

Info & News

Informational Haiti/Guatemala Mission Meeting
Are you interested in going to Haiti or Guatemala as part of Salem
Heights Church missions outreach? If so, we have an important
informational meeting on June 7 at 2:30pm in the Chapel. If you are
considering going on one of these upcoming trips or would like
information about a possible trip in the future, please plan to attend.
Greenskeeper Ministry
The Greenskeeper Ministry will meet Saturday June 6 from 9:00am12:00pm. Contact Don Whitehurst at 503.391.4987 or Scott Hunter
at 503.930.2606 if you have questions or would like to help with the
outside maintenance of the church grounds.
Eastern Oregon Missions Donations
We are looking for clothing in good condition of all sizes to share
with the folks in Eastern Oregon during our June mission trips. We
are especially looking for new packs of socks and underwear of all
sizes. Please bring your donations to the church office. If you have
questions, contact Kate Denny at 503.569.5787.
Baby Bottle Boomerang
This fun and far reaching fundraiser for Hope Pregnancy Center, is
up and running! Bottles are available for you to pick up and fill
with loose coins at each of the exit doors. Filled bottles are due back
to the church on Fathers Day, June 21. This is a wonderful way to
support women in making a healthy, life affirming choice.
Vacation Bible School
Registration is open for our upcoming VBS this July 13-17. Go to
the church website to register by clicking the banner for VBS. Our
theme is Zeros 2 Heroes, God taking ordinary people and making
them extraordinary through His power. This is an awesome event
from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. for kids ages four through entering fifth grade.
Welcome Luncheon
Our Welcome Luncheon is coming next Sunday, May 31. If you are
new to Salem Heights Church, this event is for you! This is a
wonderful opportunity to get to know our church staff, ask any
questions you may have and enjoy a delicious lunch! Lunch begins
at 1:00 p.m.
Marriage Conference
Registration for the Salem Heights Marriage Conference continues!
Go to the church website or call the church office to register. Make
sure to join us for What Did You Expect? with Paul Tripp on July
10 & 11 as part of our 2015 Summer Series.

This Weeks Events

8:15 a.m.
9:00 & 11:00 a.m.

Prayer - Room 205

Worship Services

7:00 p.m.

Church Office Closed - Memorial Day

The Most Excellent Way

6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.

Club Rocksalt
Middle School Cause

6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.

Worship Team Practice

High School Cause

6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.

The Cross Road College Group

Careers Group

Upcoming Mission Trips

Our summer mission trips are quickly approaching. Be sure to be
praying for our teams that will be launching in the coming weeks.
Arizona, June 18-28
Eastern Oregon, June 20-27

Mexico Team 1, July 16-24

Mexico Team 2, July 24-August 2

Important Upcoming Events

CAUSE Senior Sunday, May 31, 9:00 a.m.

Welcome Luncheon, May 31, 1:00 p.m.
Haiti/Guatemala Informational Meeting, June 7, 2:30 p.m.
Missions Meeting, June 7, 4:00 p.m.
Arizona Mission Trip Departs, June 18
Eastern Oregon Mission Trips Depart, June 20

Giving Update
The ministry of Salem Heights Church is funded entirely by the
generous giving of Gods people. You will notice that we do not
pass the offering plate; however, there are offering boxes in the
back of the auditorium. We have done this so no one gives out
of compulsion. We believe from the Word of God that the Spirit
of God will lead people towards giving back to God of their first
fruits. ...God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7) and we know
He blesses those who take His Word seriously in every regard.
Thank you for prayerfully supporting Salem Heights financially as
we desire to reach the lost and disciple the Saints.
(Prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you do.)
May 2015





May Weekly Need

Actual Giving Received

Week 1 $21,400


Week 2 $21,400


Week 3 $21,400


Week 4 $21,400
Week 5 $21,400
Fiscal Year to Date +/-


Current Balance $23,211

How Can I Serve?

Scan the coded icon below to view opportunities to serve the
body of Salem Heights Church.

VBS is fast approaching! If you are interested in

volunteering for this high impact, fun filled event,
contact Russ Libby at 503.588.0403 or call the
church office.

We are also looking for people who can volunteer

to fill in for the summer months in Sunday morning teaching
and childcare. If you would be available please contact Russ
Libby at 503.588.0403.

Justin Greene
Senior Pastor/Elder

Carl Chica

Lay Elders

Pastor of Family Life/Elder

Chuck Moore
Ted Ferry

Matt MacCollin
Pastor of Mens/College/Elder

Administration and Staff

Ron Groves

Jason Brownell

Julie Bernard


High School Ministries

Womens Ministry

Russ Libby

Ed Reister
Community Connection

Gina Weigand

Director of Ministries

Scott Hunter

Jay Duffus

Facilities Manager

Mens Biblical

AJ Acker
Music Ministry

Tim Saffeels

Office Staff

Christa Kahili
Office Staff

Laura Chica
Womens Biblical

Connie Libby
Office Staff

Director of Student

Please see our Mission Boards in the foyer for
current active missionaries.
Salem Heights Church
375 Madrona Ave. S.
Salem, OR 97302
fax: 503-588-5338
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Sunday Worship Services:

9 & 11 a.m.
Message CDs are available in

the Registration Area for $4.

Please visit the desk in the
southwest corner to order
and pick-up your CDs.
You can also check the
website for our podcast.

Part 28
Luke 6:27-36

This Just Isnt Natural

Presented by
Pastor Matt MacCollin
May 24, 2015

The American dream, when we consider all that is happening

around the world, isnt just American. The average person
anywhere in the world desires to have enough. They want to
be free from hunger. They want happiness. And boy, this one is
sure true also: They want to be free from enemies. So life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a dream people on every
continent could be having today. This is why Luke 6:20-26 was
challenging last week. Warren Wiersbe puts it this way,
Like people today, many of them (the Jewish people)
thought that happiness came from having great
possessions, or holding an exalted position, or enjoying
the pleasures and popularity that money can buy.
Imagine how surprised they were when they heard
Jesus describe happiness in terms just the opposite of
what they expected! They discovered that what they
needed most was not a change in circumstances but
a change in their relationship to God and in their

outlook on life. Jesus was not teaching that poverty,

hunger, persecution, and tears were blessings in
themselves. If that were true, He would never have
done all He did to alleviate the sufferings of others.
Rather, Jesus was describing the inner attitudes we
must have if we are to experience the blessedness of
the Christian life.
So last week we saw Jesus proclaiming the attitude we must
have toward circumstances of life, which leads into this weeks
passage. It being just as challenging as we encounter the
attitude we must have toward difficult people. You may be
thinking, This just isnt natural, and youre right. So, lets look
into who Jesus calls us to be toward others, knowing His Spirit
wants to produce His attitude in us. For as we treat people as
Jesus treated people, we bring the Father glory.


To you who are still listening, He knew what He was saying is


At this point in His sermon some have already tuned Jesus


We must remember that these are the words of Jesus.

isnt natural.)



Love is used six times in ten verses.

We must remember its the first fruit of the Spirit.
Love drives all the commandments.

(This isnt natural.)



For those who mistreat you.

Enemy = An actively hostile person toward you.

To people who hate you; curse you; strike you; take from you:
Remember these people are a lot like those who abused our

He went to the cross for His enemies. (This isnt natural.)


Jesus was speaking to His disciples.

Are you listening to what He is saying? (This isnt natural.)

Judas would witness Jesus live it all and still reject.


Your reward will be great!

You are in the Family!


will be like God as you head toward eternity! (This isnt


You will be used by God to rescue people as you show them

Gods mercy.

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