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high tech high technology; any technology requiring the most

sophisticated scientific
microprocessor the smallest part of a computer that
performs all the functions of a CPU
thin having relatively little extent from one surface or side to the opposite
transistor - a semiconductor device that switches the flow of current
between to terminals
to contain - to hold or inculde
calculation - the act of calculating
product - a thing produced by labor
oven - chamber or compartment for baking, roasting, heating, etc.
surgeon - a physician who specializes in surgery
to diagnose - to determine the identity of a disease, illness, etc.
to treat - to act or behave toward a person in some specified way
to represent - to speak in somebody's name
to manufacture - to make or produce by hand
surface uppermost layer of sth
decade - a period of ten years
invention a new, useful process, machine, improvement, etc., that did not exist previ
to develop - to cause to grow or expand
fund supply
convenient situation a situation that is good for you
efficient performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the
least waste of time and effort
variety - a number of different types of things
railway station - terminal where trains load or unload passengers
stunning - of striking beauty
to spread out - to draw, stretch, or open out, especially over a flat surface
to link to connect; unite
to handle - to manage, deal with, or be responsible for
inner-city - an older part of a city
district - a region or locality
multinational - involving several nations
masterpiece - anything done with masterly skill
enormous very big; huge
basement - the lowermost portion of a structure.
brewery - a building or establishment for brewing beer
vast - of very great size or proportions; huge; enormous
feat - extraordinary act or achievement

undivided - separated
departure lounge - lounge where passengers can await departure
escalators - moving staircase, moving stairway
to extend - to stretch out; draw out to the full length
a triumph - a significant success or noteworthy achievement
boutique a small shop or a small specialty department within a larger store
patisserie - a shop where pastry is made and sold
delicatessen a store selling foods already prepared od requiring little
preparation for serving
chocolatier - a person or firm that makes and sells chocolate candy.
brasseries a
restaurant, tavern, that serves drinks, especially beer, and simple food.
revolving doors - an entrance door usually consisting of four
rigid leaves set in the form of a cross and rotating about a central
laundry - articles of clothing that have been or are to be washed.
coal - a black
mineral substance consisting of carbonized vegetable matter, usedas a fue
l. plumbing - the system of pipes and other apparatus for conveying water
facility something designed, built, installed, etc., to serve a specific
outdated - no longer in use
a halt - a temporary or permanent stop
headache a pain in your head
headlight one of the two large bright lights at the front of a vehicle
headline the title of a newspaper article printed in large letters above the
headphones a piece of equipment worn over or in the ears that makes it
possible to listen to music without other people hearing it
headquarters the place from where an organization is controlled
headstone a large stone with writing on, used to mark where a dead
person is buried
headway to go forward or make progress in a difficult situation
tea bag - a container of thin paper holding a measured amount of tea
leaves for making tea tea cup - a cup in which tea is served
tea time - the time at which tea is served
briefcase a flat, rectangular case with a handle for carrying books, papers, etc.
bookcase - a set of shelves for books
etstate - a piece of landed property
a gig - fast, narrow boat adapted for rowing or sailing
forecast - to predict a future condition
ancestor - a person from whom one is descended

wobbly - shaky; unsteady

reuse to use something again
to cope - to face and deal with responsibilities, problems, or difficulties
a bruise - an injury due to bruising
to shrink - to get smaller
eyesight - the act or fact of seeing
solar panel - a bank of solar cells
data - facts, statistics, or items of information
withstand - to stand in opposition; resist
harsh - ungentle and unpleasant
rainforest - a tropical forest, usually of tall green trees
a loaf - a portion of bread or cake
to be outdated to be old-fasioned
modern amenity pleasantness of a place, person, etc., that is
a penthouse a flat on the top floor of a tall building that is usually the
most expensive flat
to depict to represent/to symbolize/to show in drawing, painting, etc.
an embrace an act of holding someone closely in the arms
to glide to move with a smooth continuos motion
to glide to a halt to arrive with a smooth motion at a minor stopping
place on a local railway line
a dining room a room where you eat meals
a waiting room a room in a hotel or airport where people can stay wait
a changing room a room in a shop where you can try out clothes
a traffic light an automatic signal that controls road traffic
a second-hand shop a place where you can buy things that have already
been used
a shoe shop a place where you can buy shoes
traffic warden a supervisor that controls the vehicle moving in a public
traffic jam a line of vehicles at a standstill because of roadwork, accident,
an antique shop a place where they sell antiques
a postman a man who is employed to deliver and collect letters, etc.
a chairman a person that presides over a company's board of directors
regeneration the act of improving the condition of someone/sth
thriving prosperous; rich
a platform a raised structure along side of a track in a railway station
a span the complete duration, length or measure of sth
to be restored to be brought back to former condition
digital describes sth that is represented by digits
capacity the power of containg/producing the maximum amount that can
be contained/produced

programmable to be controlled by a computer

a code a system of words,letters,etc. used to ensure secrecy in
translating messages
amenity - an agreeable way or manner
to appear - to come into sight; become visible
arch a curved construction
basically - fundamentally
censorship - the act of censoring
commerce - an interchange of goods or commodities
complex made of many parts
daily every day
decoration - something used for decorating
democracy - government by the people
device - a thing made for a particular purpose
distinctive - having a special quality, style, etc.
feature - something offered as a special attraction
to flash - to break forth into sudden flame or light
handcuff - a ringshaped metal device that can be locked around a person's wrist
instantly immediately
newsagent newsdealer; a person who sells newspapers
notice board - a board on which notices, advertisements, etc.
are displayed
skyline - the boundary line between earth and sky
to supply - to provide
wool - the fine, curly hair that forms the fleece of sheep
a washing up sponge a small soft thing you use for wasing dishes
washing powder a soap in the form of powder gor washing clothes
a remote control a thing you use to change the channelon TV by pressing
knitting needles long thin sticks that you use for knetting by hand
a light bulb the glass part that fits into an electric lamp, used to spread
certain amount of light
tape measure a long strip of plastic that has measurement marked on it,
used for measuring lenght of sth
blu-tack a blue sticky material used to attach paper to walls
padlock a type of lock used to fasten two things together, usually used
with chains on some gates
a pin a small thin piece of shiff wire that is sharp on one end and round
on the other
an iron nail a small thin piece made of iron that is sharp on one end and
round on the other end, used for attaching sth together or putting sth on a

a pair of tweezers a pair of small pincers used for plucking out hairs,
picking up small objects, etc.
a rubber band elastic material used for holding things together
a can opener a device used for opening cans
a cheese grater a device for reducing cheese to small pieces by rubbing
a dustpan and brush things made of plastic used for removing dust
bandage a material used to protect the injured part of the body
dental floss a white thin string you use to clean the area between your
glue a sticky material used for attaching sth together
nail polish a polish used to paint nails, it can be clear or colored
screwdriver a tool made of metal used for turning a screw, it has a
plastic part for holding it by hands and a metal part
flypaper a hand device used for killing insects, usually made of plastic
chopsticks a pair of thin sticks used for eating, Chinese people use it
corkscrew a tool for pulling corks from bottles, you need it to open a
bottle of wine
potholder things you use when you want to pick up sth that is hot
nail files a small tool made of metal used for shaping nails
pain threshold the point beyond which a stimulus causes pain
skyscraper a very tall building of many storeys
acquaintance a person you know but not a friend
agitated - anxious; upset
irritably in an annoyed way
scandal - an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong
disturbed moved from their original place
lump a piece (without a regular shape)
stand on tiptoe to stand with your heels raised off the ground
a tutor a private teacher, typically one who teaches a single pupil or a
very small group
culprit a person who is responsible for a crime
work sth out to find the answer;to solve sth
work out to progress in a good way; to do physical exercise to keep your
body fit
make sth up to invent sth, often sth that isn't true
make up to become friends again after an argument
anniversary the date on which an event took place or an institution was
founded in a previous year
apparently as far as one knows or can see
break out of escape
cheers expressing good wishes before drinking

clue a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime

come up with produce (something), especially when pressured or
dreadful causing or involving great suffering, fear, or unhappiness;
extremely bad or serious
dump deposit or dispose of (rubbish, waste, or unwanted material),
typically in a careless or hurried way
eat out
eat up use resources or time in very large quantities
fall out have an argument
gamble play games of chance for money
intruder a person who intrudes, especially into a building with criminal
lightning conductor a metal rod or wire fixed to an exposed part of a
building or other tall structure to divert lightning harmlessly into the
oversleep sleep longer or later than one intended
ransack go through (a place) stealing things and causing damage
really in actual fact, as opposed to what is said or imagined to be true or
shrink become or make smaller in size or amount
spare additional to what is required for ordinary use
spike a thin, pointed piece of metal, wood, or another rigid material
undoubtedly without doubt; certainly
wobbly uncertain, wavering, or insecure
abandon cease to support or look after (someone)
absurd unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate
adapt make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose
alienate make (someone) feel isolated or estranged
bid an offer of a price, especially at an auction
bulk the mass or size of something large
concept a plan or intention
contradict deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite
contrary to opposite in nature, direction, or meaning
descended from be a blood relative of (a specified ancestor)
evolve develop gradually

force-feeding force (a person or animal) to eat food

heresy belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine
hurl throw or impel (someone or something) with great force
incapable - unable to do or achieve (something)
indifferent having no particular interest or sympathy
influential having great influence on someone or something
insoluble impossible to solve
mediocre of only average quality; not very good
mesmerize capture the complete attention of (someone)
notion a conception of or belief about something
opponent someone who competes with or opposes another in a contest,
game, or argument
originate have a specified beginning
persuade induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or
railings a fence or barrier made of rails
reputation the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone
or something
reverse make (something) the opposite of what it was
riot a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd
significance importance
slash cut with a wide, sweeping movement, typically using a knife or
species a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals
struggle make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or
telescope an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear
unaware having no knowledge of a situation
undermine lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially
gradually or insidiously
unverifiable not able to be verified
content in a state of peaceful happiness
pave the way for create the circumstances to enable (something) to
happen or be done
effort a vigorous or determined attempt
proposal a plan or suggestion

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