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Chief Justice Nathan L.

201 W. 14 Street
Supreme Court Building
Austin, Tx 78701

Dear Chief Justice Hecht,

I am very concerned that this country is moving away from the Constitution. We are allowing our
government to legitimize just laws based on prevailing opinion, and not on "Laws of Nature and Nature's
God". I am speaking about the same- sex issue. Kennedy based his opinion only on equality yet they are
equal except when they are perverting what GOD has established. God established marriage for one
man and one woman from the beginning of time and since our constitution is based on the ten
Commandments we cannot abridge our God given right to changed what He established. We do not
have that right. Our constitution states this "endowed by our Creator" with certain unalienable rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed,
--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the
people to alter or to abolish it."

But the Declaration of Independence which had to be declared before the Constitution it begins like this:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the POLITICAL
BANDS which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the
separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent
respect of the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to
the separation.
So here is the cause. I do not understand a ruling of "equal" for the Gays and marriage for they are
equal in the same ways as straight people are. Every man made law is equal for them and straight
people. They are trying to get accepted by a God given right and are trying to change the established
institution by God by getting Christians to associate with their Sin. We have a right to say no! We have
a right to chose for this state by vote of the people that they do not have the right to marry for that is a
God given right and he says NO to that type of Marriage for he did not establish marriage to refine what
He has already defined to create the family. Marriage from God was established to carry forth the very
thing he loved - us. It is a perfect plan given to us by our God so we just cannot associate with their
vision of their man made creation of marriage. We established this country so that we could have
freedom of religion and religion will never agree to same-sex marriage. If they could point to one
marriage in the Bible that was established by Nature's God I would like to hear it. Marriage was not
established by Man it was established by the Living God. I therefore proclaim that I will resist this call
fo r something that man is trying to establish. This is a man make requirement which His children just
can't go along with.

I want to use the 19, or any amendment that states this is a state decision and the states have declared
their definition is from the established God of this country. It is not for men to decide or declare what
marriage is for it has been decided by Nature's God. I will not stand with a government that is setting up
an institutional bases aimed at securing the God-endowed unalienable right of the people. I
stand with Justice Roy Moore on this issue and I so hope you will also stand with Justice Roy
Moore in protecting our rights under the Constitution.
I want to resist Justice Kennedy and the Gay sector decision that I have to do what they say which is
against MY GOD! Shoot me now or shoot me later for I will not give up my rights to worship my God as
he declares and not how man declares it should be! Kennedy's decision is based on a false narrative of
being popular with that community rather than being popular with the Living God; for that decision and
Roe vs. Wade are both established by man and against God Laws. We voted, the people spoke, and put
this in the Texas Constitution now we have an Alamo moment. Do we fight" or do we give up our beliefs
in this state! Being born in Tennessee I say fight for our God and thank Him for the many blessing He
has given us as a state.
We are in our Alamo moment. Please fight this like Alabama is doing. We must follow Alabama's lead
and join the chorus to fight Same-Sex marriage in this state. The people have spoken by a vote and now
we fight for our right to worship and follow God's Laws from the Constitution and the Bible. I say resist
this intrusion on our rights in this country!!!!


Katie Jones

Alan Keyes
Monday Morning
Mr. Aubrey Roden, Jr.

'I h

1 I 111..11 ,, 1.,

h I 1

111111 1lI 1111

II l l ' I'

1 1


Dear Aubrey,

. " Tiie :fuaic.ial malfeasance we are - seeTng today represents a careless but
calculated promotion of an understanding of freedom that no longer respects
the natural boundaries ordained by God.

You see, the demand for so-called homosexual "marriage" is but another
way the elitist faction is attempting to transform America from a society
based on unalienable God-endowed right, to one based on government

These elitist:judges provide a government-sanctioned, albeit

illegitimate, li
' cense'to reject the requirements of human1ity -- including
its role of procreation and child-rearingi

That's because they disregard the fact this sort of activism is

something they are strictly forbidden to do by the Constitution!

Only massive public outcry and proper defiance such as we are now
seeing by Godly people in Alabama can stop the wayward federal judiciary
from achieving their subversive purpose.

But in its call for defiance, it is imperative th citizenry

unde:rscarcdcorrt"',ctlv wha,t tb.e Constitution sa?s. Hence t.h:i.s irrri;:;urta.nt a.nd
essential letter.

For certain, there is no denying that implicit in the drive for the
legalization of homosexual "marriage" is the legitimization of homosexual
erotic relations -- that the public declare that these are normal and right.

This is why the political campaign for legalization, and a coercive

public relations effort, go hand-in-hand with the effort to stigmatize and
forbid the public exgression of religious convictions that declare
homosexual activity,isordered, snful, and wrong.

Simply put, they are attempting to force the American people to either
acquiesce in normalizing homosexuality, or refrain from disparaging sexual
practices that contradict and subvert the natural human rights of the
Our valid claim of right makes it incumbent upon others to respect

(over, please . . . }

- 2 -

what is right. But when right becomes equated with license or arbitrary
freedom, this leads to the absurd consequence that when one person chooses
to do evil, others have no standing to intervene. You know as well as I, we
do not have the right to do wrong!

Their strategy seeks to legitimize evil in disregard of your

But it's much more. It is a blatant attempt to replace America's
constitutional self-government with an elitist tyranny. It is a tyranny
wherein the powerful rule without regard for right. They make justice a
commodity which tney' discard -- or redefine -- wh'en it suits their lust,
greed, or ambition.

I'm writing you this letter because they must not succeed in
dissolving the moral, legal, and institutional basis for just government.
That is iivnment aime at securing the God-endowed unalienale rights of
the people.

But it will take citizens like you, citizen leaders, citizen

statesmen standing up now and saying, "We will not capitulate to their lies
and coercion"!

There simply must be more champions like my friend, Alabama Supreme

Court Justice Roy Moore, who is standing firm on constitutional principle. He
is justly defiant against an illegal attempt by a federal judge to deny and
disparage the antecedent unalienable rights retained by the people of Alabama.

This same will to resist such an abuse of the powers of government -

power constitutionally reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people,
is exactly what called the American people into existence as a nation!

If today th,;3.,t r,,,,,;i],l of the people has failed,. its failure will be
the headstone that marks our republic's demise. Be advised, this tragic
conclusion is the purpose of the whole "gay marriage" onslaught!



Already we are seeing capitulation to these evil encroachments upon

our rights from those we least expect -- supposed "conservatives" such as
Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty
Commission, and politicians like Jeb Bush and Scott Walker.

That's why it is so important the majority of citizens understand why

and how we must legally and logically fight this deadly chicanery of the left.

Please understand, personal feelings by any federal judge provide no

warrant of authority to interfere with the rightful exercise of sovereignty
made by the people of any State in defining marriage.

But it is irrational to assume that the judges who have been the source
of such abuses will now suddenly cease and desist. To stop their attacks,
the Constitution provides for Congress to impeach and remove them when

(continued on next page .

- 3 -

they violate their Constitutional oath of office. Yet even Republicans in

Congress have failed to initiate such proceedings!

These rogue judges claim that the 14th Amendment, and the U.S. Supreme
Court's supposed recognition of a so-called right of homosexuals to "marry,"
puts the people's exercise of their authority in conflict with the Supreme
Law of the Land.

However, given the plain language of the Constitution it is logically

impossible for any federal judge or court -- including the Supreme Court
to demonstrate by rational argument that this is so. In proof, consider the
1 11
!' 1

Either Some ground in tha U.S. Constitution for the so-called
right f hombsexuals to "marry" -- or there is n6t. If thee is ground,
then something enumerated within the U.S. Constitution has been construed to
verifS,-TnTs so= called right.

But the people of the various States have exercised their rightful
authority to define marriage since before the adoption of the U.S.
Constitution, and the 10th Amendment plainly says they retained that
rightful authority, which is nowhere to be found among the powers explicitly
delegated to the U.S. government.

Thus any authority the U.S. Judiciary purports to assert over the
people of any State to define marriage within their jurisdiction must arise
in the context of some Constitutional power delegated to the U.S. government.

Hence, this power is being wrongfully applied to deny the authority

over marriage by the people in any given State.

But the 9th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution unequivocally states that
"the enumeration ig tpe, Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed
to deny or dispari!lg-e ptners retained by the people.'"

CQnsequent1y; .even if the so-called right of homosexuals to "marry"

be found by some trick of the eye among those enumerated and entitled to
constittional protection, this may not be used to deny or disparage rights
retained by the people.

, ,

The people of individual states had, at the time the Constitution was
a dopted, rightful authority over marriage within their jurisdiction.

The authority being rightful, it is therefore their sole right to

exercise it. No right lurking in the shadows of some shrewdly constructed
interpretation of the U.S. Constitution as a so-called "living" document may
be construed to deny or disparage the right obviously retained by the people
o f the States during the centuries, since the Constitution was adopted!

Such retained rights are therefore immune from denial or disparagement

by the U.S. government or any of its branches.
Moreover, the language of the 14th amendment explicitly says that "No

I il


(over, please . . . )



- 4 -

State hall ake or nforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or
immunities of citizens of the United States."

You see, the States are thereby forbidden to enforce as law any
decision of any court (including the U.S. Supreme Court) that abridges the
privilege (i.e., the proprietary right by law) to define marriage, which the
people of the States retain pursuant to the language of the 9th Amendment.

By this simple reasoning (applying the basic logical rule known as

the law of the excluded middle ) no lower U.S. Court can have the authority
to interfere with the retained right of the people of any State to define
marriage for purposes of law.

For it is either found explicitly among the enumerated rights in the

Constitution, or it is not.

---,n;s-you-cc1n see, by direct bservation we ascertain that the so-called

"marry" is not found explicitly in the Constitution.
right of homosexuals to


Therefore, h right is not numbered among the rights the U. S.

Constitut,ion protec.ts,. its inclusion must be by construction upon some
existtngiprqvision or provisions.
But the 9th Amendment clearly forbids any such construction if it
denies or disparages rights retained by the people.

Logically, therefore, the U.S. Courts (including the Supreme Court)

cannot deprive the people of a retained right in order to impose adherence
to an enumerated right subsequently found, by sly construction, to be lying
about in the shadows cast by that construction.

The only way to overcome this logical conundrum is by amending the

U.S. Constitution so as to explicitly provide a basis for the federal
government's authority to enforce this subsequently recognized right.

This was the logical reason why prudence dictated adoption of the 13th
and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Reasonable people concluded
that without them the citizen rights 0 persons reed by the abolition of
slavery would have beep subject to continual challenge.





:Iloday, iby abandoning America's historical respect for reason, the

Left seeks to move us decisively from a government legitimized by the
rational construction of just laws, to a government based simply upon the
forceful imposition of prevailing opinion, however contrary to established,
antecedent right, including the rights arising from the "laws of nature and
of nature's God."

Some may pretend that such forceful imposition advances justice or

compassion. But in fact it brings us closer to the day when Americans
who thirst for justice will find no satisfaction except to seek it in the
(continued on next page .

. )

- 5 baneful prosecution of just war against those who deny and disparage their
right to do what is right.
What government gives by law, government may lawfully take away. But
that which God endows, no human government has given, or may lawfully take
The violation of God-endowed right therefore justifies resistance
ber mnt res onsible for the violation.
alise for war, casus belli -- an occurrence wh,ich brings
9bot a1 1decla aijion: of war -- of the very sort America's founders cited in
tte Declaration of Independence, when they declared their withdrawal from
the jurisdiction of British tyranny.
Thankfully, there are steps we must take prior to the point when our
founding principles say we are forced to take up arms.
Pray to God we succeed, because otherwise dire will be the
First, since you know the truth, it is your responsibility to do
everything in your power to educate others to the truth, and counter the
lies of the media, many of our politicians,. and most of the federal courts.
Time is short and this must be a priority. You can act by copying this
letter and give it to everyone you know, with encouragement to read it. provides a free download of this letter
and also a free copy of my booklet, "How the 'Homosexual Rights' Claim
Destroys the Logic of Liberty." Put it in the form of your own letter or
email if yoush iJust make certain you send this clarion call to defend
ety tyranny to everyone you knowf
rigbt a9tion hd





,. I Belisure, it1oi1indlude your pastor, priest, teachers, children, and

p6litical officiais. Send it to your State representatives, your
Congressional representatives, your Governor, your Lieutenant Governor,
your Attorney General, and the Chief Justice of your State Supreme Court.
Attached to this letter I am including addresses and phone numbers.
I am also including a postcard addressed to your State's Chief Justice
you can send immediately. It sketches the reasons homosexual "marriage"
is not properly under the jurisdiction of the federal courts, but it is
difficult to explain the full context of the impact of the 9th Amendment to
our just liberty, iB the space of a postcard.
Also, call your local media. Write letters to the newspaper. If you
use Facebook and other social media, get the word out there. Use blogs,
online news forums, :and any other means you can think of!
Next, ple,;1se help me get the word out. Contributions to Liberty Tree
Alliance are not tax-deductible, but you can call 703-582-6890 to discuss
(over, please .

. )

charitable gift-giving options.

- 6 -

My goal is to .sn,d this letter to at. least 10 million other Americans,

just like you, who will take up this mantle to spread the word and armor
Americans with wisdom for spiritually and politically resisting the
destruction of marriage. So please, be as generou as you can.

We know promoting so-called homosexual "marriage" will actually lead to

calls for the abolition of legal marriage, since without the connection in
principle with procreation there is no public justification for its existence.

And if force is used to impose homosexual "marriage," as we are seeing

that we resist, civil
now, iven the ri
society will. give if':3o conflict and disunion --,unless Americans in great
numbers demand an.n
o judicial tyranny.

I l
I .
. : I I 1 with
. Sa. a.s.1,-Y, raq
all..diligence for Pray not. only about
God-ordained'marriag, but for a spiritual revival and national repentance
where our people and.our government once again acknowledge that our
unalienable rights do in fact come from God, as limned in our founding
creed, the Declaration of Independence.

Keep Faith,

P. S.

Dr. Alan Keyes, Chairman

No humanly fabricated "right," including the practice of

homosexuality, can be allowed to deny or disparage the unalienable
right essential for the natural conception and perpetuation of
humanity itself. Such denigration of antecedent unalienable right
as we are now experiencing in America is not only unconstitutional,
it explicitly C.(;) n ravenes the aim (to secure God-endowed rights ) for
which all j. tl orernments are instituted in the first place.
This is . an tt I k1 on the eo le of the United States a;3 grievous
as' :lj:hau whi H I edl the first generation of Americans to declare
tHetr :i!l!depejndetice from Grea:t Britain. If even an "irate, tireless
minority" of Americans continue in their attachment to the
unalienable right' of liberty (as opposed to the licentious freedom
that has, in some quarters, usurped that name) this attack is likely
to produce the disintegration and dissolution of the United States,
for like humanity itself the United States is inconceivable apart
from respect for God-endowed unalienable right. That is why it is so
essential you take to heart each action I have asked of you in this
letter. Now, before it may be too late!



Please continue to the next page and take action TODAY!

Liberty Tree Al(ia nee,



131327, Houston, TX 77219-1327

TEXAS officials. s;ied to know it is their constitutional duty to
oppose the tyranny of the federal government!

Yes, Alan! I am returning my.p9stcard to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of TEXAS,
encouraging him to take whatever means necessary to protect our unalienable rights, particular when
it comes r'.
. sp e. ing ari ip . a. ticing the natural uman rights _ of the_ family and its role in sustaining

J,um , .c . I .understand, as IS carefully la1d1out in your letter, no branch of the
federal gove rinm
. e t has . in. disparaging such antecedent God-given riihts, and the attack we
are now seei rg 0: the pI
. I I nsisting we embrace so-called homosexual "marriage," is more
grievous tht\ tha whic I 1 d the first generation of Americans to declare their independence from
Great Britain! To help you get this message out to ten million other Americans, here is my gift of:



0 $25,000





D $5000


D My check made. out to Liberty Tree Alliance is enclosed, .OR

I prefer to give by credit card.
IF CREDI TCARD: Q Maste'rCml Q VISA Card No.________________

Name on Card _______________

Expires________ csv_______



My gift is at least $50, please send me a copy of How the "Homosexual Rights" Claim Destroys
the Logic f!?f Liberty.
JRCD1 I 94374299

1 111111111111111111 1 11111 11111 1 111 111111111 1111

Mr. Aubrey Rode .Jr.


1821 Firs .,
Pampa, TXHF06$


j't I

rty Tree Alliance, P.O. Box 131327, Houston, TX 77219-1327


L---- T""'n ---......:-- : ___,,..1.,.,,,..-.-J

1---- L>etc1c11 ana return

. Your TEXAS: Officials who Need to be Contacted Soon and told:

"Don't let the Federal Government Trample on my Unalienable Rights ...
Governor Greg Abbott

PO Box 12428, Austin, TX 7871 I



Lt. Governor Dan Patrick

Attorney Gen'ciral Ken Paxton ., .

Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht

Congressmap Mac'!] 'rnbe

Please also qfact




Capitol Station P.O. Box 12068, Austin, TX 78711

PO Box 12548 Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711-2548

20 I W 14th St., Rm. 104 Supreme Court Bldg., Austin, TX 7870 I

2208 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4313

tir stat is rt rs!, You can use this website:

t I

Plea do 't

wf {:


ontact your state officials as soon s possible!


April 14, 2015

Chief Justice Hecht
201 W. 14th St., Rm. 104
Supreme Court Bldg.
Austin, TX 78701
Mrs. Frankie Bidwell

Chief Justice Hecht, Sir

Enclosed is an urgent letter of the utmost importance, from Alan
Keyes. I do hope you will read the entire contents. It pertains to
homosexual marriage, which is destroying the rights of many
citizens of America.
Instead of pro-creating, as God intended, the LGBT is going
against the laws of God and creating mass havoc in the laws of
man in a political process.
Homosexual marriage is neither constitutional nor God given. I
ask why this very small percentage of our population are a
''protected group" and allowed to create so 1nuch havoc in our
I thank you for your time reading Alan Keyes letter.

Mrs. Frankie S. Bidwell

Alan Keyes
Monday Morning
Frankie Bidwell
1 1

I 11 11 11111111111 1l' 1l11ll l1l1l1' 11 I l1I 1 1 1l1I I ,1,11

Dear Frankie,
The judicial malfeasance we are seeing today represents a careless but
calculated promotion of an understanding of freedom that no longer respects
the natural boundaries ordained by God.
You see, the demand for so-called homosexual "marriage" is but another
way the elitist faction is attempting to transform America from a society
based on unalienable God-endowed right, to one based on government
These elitist judges provide a government-sanctioned, albeit
illegitimate, license to reject the requirements of humanity - including its
role of procreation and child-rearing!
That's because they disregard the fact this sort of activism is
something they are strictly forbidden to do by the Constitution!
Only massive public outcry and proper defiance such as we are now
seeing by Godly people in Alabama can stop the wayward federal judiciary
from achieving their subversive purpose.
:a.L1t in its c:aJ ft)J::- defi.1Jce, it is imperati,le tb.e citizenrl
understand correctly what the Constitution says. Hence this important and
essential letter.
For certain, there is no denying that implicit in the drive for the
legalization of homosexual "marriage" is the legitimization of homosexual
erotic relations -- that the public declare that these are normal and right.
This is why the political campaign for legalization, and a coercive
public relations effort, go hand-in-hand with the effort to stigmatize and
forbid the public expression of religious convictions that declare
homosexual activity disordered, sinful, and wrong.
Simply put, they are attempting to force the American people to either
acquiesce in normalizing homosexuality, or refrain from disparaging sexual
practices that contradict and subvert the natural human rights of the
Our valid claim of right makes it incumbent upon others to respect
(over, please

- 2 what is right. But when right becomes equated with license or arbitrary
freedom, this leads to the absurd consequence that when one person chooses
to do evil, others have no standing to intervene. You know as well as I, we
do not have the right to do wrong!


Their strategy seeks to legitimize evil in disregard of your

But it's much more. It is a blatant attempt to replace America's
constitutional self-government with an elitist tyranny. It is a tyranny
wherein the powerful rule without regard for right. They make justice a
commodity which they discard -- or redefine -- when it suits their lust,
greed, or ambition.
I'm writing you this letter because they must not succeed in
dissolving the moral, legal, and institutional basis for just government.
That is government aimed at securing the God-endowed unalienable rights of
the people.
But it will take citizens like you, citizen leaders, citizen
statesmen standing up now and saying, "We will not capitulate to their lies
and coercion"!
There simply must be more champions like my friend, Alabama Supreme
Court Justice Roy Moore, who is standing firm on constitutional principle. He
is justly defiant against an illegal attempt by a federal judge to deny and
disparage the antecedent unalienable rights retained by the people of Alabama.
This same will to resist such an abuse of the powers of government -
power constitutionally reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people,
is exactly what called the American people into existence as a nation!
If today that will of the people has failed, its failure will be
the headstone that marks our republic's demise. Be advised, this tragic
conclusion is the purpose of the whole "gay marriage" onslaught!


Already we are seeing capitulation to these evil encroachments upon

our rights from those we least expect -- supposed "conservatives" such as
Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty
Commission, and politicians like Jeb Bush and Scott Walker.
That's why it is so important the majority of citizens understand why
and how we must legally and logically fight this deadly chicanery of the left.
Please understand, personal feelings by any federal judge provide no
warrant of authority to interfere with the rightful exercise of sovereignty
made by the people of any State in defining marriage.

But it is irrational to assume that the judges who have been the source
of such abuses will now suddenly cease and desist. To stop their attacks,
the Constitution provides for Congress to impeach and remove them when
(continued on next page .

. )

- 3 -

they violate their Constitutional oath of office. Yet even Republicans in

Congress have failed to initiate such proceedings!

These rogue judges claim that the 14th Amendment, and the U. S. Supreme
Court's supposed recognition of a so-called right of homosexuals to "marry,"
puts the people's exercise of their authority in conflict with the Supreme
Law of the Land.

However, given the plain language of the Constitution it is logically

impossible for any federal judge or court - - including the Supreme Court
to demonstrate by rational argument that this is so. In proof, consider the

Either there is some ground in the U. S. Constitution for the so-called

right of homosexuals to "marry" - - or there is not. If there is ground,
then something enumerated within the U. S. Constitution has been construed to
verify this so-called right.

But the people of the various States have exercised their rightful
authority to define marriage since before the adoption of the U. S.
Constitution, and the 10th Amendment plainly says they retained that
rightful authority, which is nowhere to be found among the powers explicitly
delegated to the U. S. government.

Thus any authority the U. S. Judiciary purports to assert over the

people of any State to define marriage within their jurisdiction must arise
in the context of some Constitutional power delegated to the U. S. government.
Hence, this power is being wrongfully applied to deny the authority
over marriage by the people in any given State.

But the 9th Amendment of the U. S. Constitution unequivocally states that

"the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed
to deny or disparage others retained by the people. "
Consequently, even i f the so-called right of homosexuals to "marry"
be found by some trick of the eve among those enumerated and entitled to
constitutional protection, this may not be used to deny or disparage rights
retained by the people.
The people of individual states had, at the time the Constitution was
adopted, rightful authority over marriage within their jurisdiction.

The authority being rightful, it is therefore their sole right to

exercise it. No right lurking in the shadows of some shrewdly constructed
interpretation of the U. S. Constitution as a so-called "living" document may
be construed to deny or disparage the right obviously retained by the people
of the States during the centuries since the Constitution was adopted!
Such retained rights are therefore ircmune from denial or disparagement
by the U. S. government or any of its branches.
Moreover, the language of the 14th amendment explicitly says that "No
(over, please .

. )

- 4 State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or
immunities of citizens of the United States. "
You see, the States are thereby forbidden to enforce as law any
decision of any court (including the U . S . Supreme Court) that abridges the
privilege (i. e. , the proprietary right by law ) to define marriage , which the
people of the States retain pursuant to the language of the 9th Amendment.
By this simple reasoning (applying the basic logical rule known as
the law of the excluded middle ) no lower U. S. Court can have the authority
to interfere with the retained right of the people of any State to define
marriage for purposes of law.
For it is either found explicitly among the enumerated rights in the
Constitution, or it is not.
As you can see, by direct observation we ascertain that the so-called
right of homosexuals to "marry" is not found explicitly in the Constitution.
Therefore, if the right is not numbered among the rights the U. S.
Constitution protects, its inclusion must be by construction upon some
existing provision or provisions.
But the 9th Amendment clearly forbids any such construction if it
denies or disparages rights retained by the people.
Logically , therefore , the U . S . Courts (including the Supreme Court)
cannot deprive the people of a retained right in order to impose adherence
to an enumerated right subsequently found , by sly construction , to be lying
about in the shadows cast by that construction .
The only way to overcome this logical conundrum is by amending the
U. S. Constitution so as to explicitly provide a basis for the federal
government's authority to enforce this subsequently recognized right.
This was the logical reason why prudence dictated adoption of the 1 3 th
and 1 4th Amendments to the U. S. Constitution. Reasonable people concluded
that without them the citizen rights of persons freed by the abolition of
slavery would have been subject to continual challenge.
Today , by abandoning America's historical respect for reason , the
Left seeks to move us decisively from a government legitimized by the
rational construction of just laws , to a government based simply upon the
forceful imposition of prevailing opinion , however contrary to established ,
antecedent right , including the rights arising from the "laws of nature and
of nature's God . "
Some may pretend that such forceful imposition advances justice or
compassion. But in fact it brings us closer to the day when Americans
who thirst for j ustice will find no satisfaction except to seek it in the
(continued on next page .

. )

- 5 -

baneful prosecution of just war against those who deny and disparage their
right to do what is right .

What government gives by law, government may lawfully take away. But
that which God endows, no human government has given, or may lawfully take
away. The violation of God-endowed right therefore j ustifies resistance
against any government responsible for the violation.
It is j ust cause for war, casus belli - - an occurrence which brings
about a declaration of war -- of the very sort America' s founders cited in
the Declaration of Independence, when they declared their withdrawal from
the jurisdiction of British tyranny.

Thankfully, there are steps we must take prior to the point when our
founding principles say we are forced to take up arms.

Pray to God we succeed, because otherwise dire will be the


First, since you know the truth, it is your responsibility to do

everything in your power to educate others to the truth, and counter the
lies of the media, many of our politicians, and most of the federal courts.

Time is short and this must be a priority. You can act by copying this
letter and give it to everyone you know, with encouragement to read it .
www.declarationproj ect . com/defiance provides a free download of this letter
and also a free copy of my booklet, "How th e 'Homosexu al Right s' Claim
Dest roys the Logic of Libert y . " Put it in the form of your own letter or
email if you wish . Just make certain you send this clarion call to defend
right action and defy tyranny to everyone you know!
Be sure to include your pastor, priest, teachers, children, and
political officials . Send it to your State representatives, your
Congressional representatives, your Governor, your Lieutenant Governor,
your Attorney General, and the Chief Justice of your State Supreme Court.
Attached to this letter I am including addresses and phone numbers .

I am also including a postcard addressed to your State' s Chief Justi ce

you can send immediately . It sketches the reasons homosexual "marriage"
is not properly under the jurisdiction of the federal courts, but it is
difficult to explain the full context of the impact of the 9th Amendment to
our just liberty, in the space of a postcard .
Also, call your local media. Write letters to the newspaper . I f you
use Facebook and other social media, get the word out there. Use blogs,
online news forums, and any other means you can think of!
Next, please help me get the word out . Contributions to Declaration
Alliance are not tax-deductible, but you can call 703- 5 8 2 - 6 8 90 to discuss
(over, please .

. )

- 6 charitable gift-giving options.

My goal is to send this letter to at least 1 0 million other Americans,
j ust like you, who will take up this mantle to spread the word and armor
Americans with wisdom for spiritually and politically resisting the
destruction of marriage. So please, be as generous as you can.
We know promoting so-called homosexual "marriage" will actually lead to
calls for the abolition of legal marriage, since without the connection in
principle with procreation there is no public justification for its existence.
And if force is used to impose homosexual "marriage, " as we are seeing
now, given the right of self-preservation requiring that we resist, civil
society will give way to conflict and disunion -- unless Americans in great
numbers demand an end to judicial tyranny.
So lastly, pray with all diligence for America. Pray not only about
God-ordained marriage, but for a spiritual revival and national repentance
where our people and our government once again acknowledge that our
unalienable rights do in fact come from God, as limned in our founding
creed, the Declaration of Independence.
Keep Faith,

Dr. Alan Keyes, Chairman

P.S. No humanly fabricated "right, " including the practice of

homosexuality, can be allowed to deny or disparage the unalienable
right essential for the natural conception and perpetuation of
humanity itself. Such denigration of antecedent unalienable right
as we are now experiencing in America is not only unconstitutional,
it explicitly contravenes the aim (to secure God-endowed rights ) for
which all just governments are instituted in the first place.
This is an attack on the ople of the United States as grievous
as that which led the first generation of Amer icans to declare
their independence from Great Britain. If even an "irate, tireless
minority" of Americans continue in their attachment to the
unalienable right of liberty (as opposed to the licentious freedom
that has, in some quarters usurped that name ) this attack is likely
to produce the disintegration and dissolution of the United States,
for like humanity itself the United States is inconceivable apart
from respect for God-endowed unalienable right. That is why it is so
essential you take to heart each action I have asked of you in this
letter. Now, before it may be too late!

Please continue to the next page and take action TODAY!

Declaration Alliance, P.O. Box 1 3 1 728, Houston, TX 77219-1728

(703) 582-6890

Texas officials need to know it is their constitutional duty to

oppose the tyranny of the federal government!

Yes, Alan! I am returning my postcard to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas, encouraging
him to take whatever means necessary to protect our unalienable rights, particular when it comes to
respecting and practicing the natural human rights of the family and its role in sustaining propagation
of the h uman race. I understand, as is carefully laid out in your letter, no branch of the federal
government has any say in disparaging such antecedent God-given rights, and the attack we are now
seeing on the people, insisting we embrace so-called homosexual "marriage, is more grievous than
that which led the first generation of Americans to declare their independence from Great Britain! To
help you get this message out to ten million other Americans, here is my gift of:
D $ 100,000 D $ 50,000 D $25,ooo D $ 10,000 D $5000
$ 50
D $ 500
D $ 250
D $ 1000
D $ 100
D Other ( $.____
D My check made out to Declaration Alliance is enclosed, OR D I prefer to give by credit card.


0 MasterCard O VISA

Card No._________________
Name on

D My gift is at least $ 50, please send me a copy of

the Logic of Liberty.


How the "Homosexual Rights" Claim Destroys

AZFGE1 / 94340935

Fran kie Bidwell

1124 Ga nnon Dr
Plano, TX 75025-2921

I llllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111

I =:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:::=
Return to the Declaration Alliance, P.O. Box 131728, Houston, TX 77219-1728

Detach and return TOP portion in enclosed envelope. ------------------

Your Texas Officials who Need to be Contacted Soon and told:

"Don't let the Federal Government Trample on my Unalienable Rights . ..


Governor Greg Abbott

PO Box 1 2428 , Austin, TX 7 87 1 1

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick

Capitol Station P.O. Box 12068, Austin, TX 787 1 1

Attorney General Ken Paxton

PO Box 12548 Capitol Station, Austin, TX 787 1 1 -2548

Chief Justice Chief Justice Hecht

201 W 14th St., Rm. 1 04 Supreme Court Bldg., Austin, TX 7870 1

Congressman Sam Johnson

2304 Rayburn House Office Building , Washington, DC 205 1 5-4303

Please also contact your state legislators ! You can use thts website:

Please don't wait ... contact your state officials as soon as possible!

Dear Alan:
H e re are the names, postal addresses, and email addresses of the key persons I personally know
who need to read the letter I j ust read a bout a national movement of defiance i n response to the fed e ra l
a b u se o f o u r unalienable rights guaranteed in the Constitution a n d Declaration of Independence. These
a re people I believe will most likely spread the word or support this movement fi nancially (or both):


City, ST Zip

Add ress

City, ST Zip


City, ST Zip

The i nformation enclosed describes one or more of the activities of the Declaration Alliance. Your gift is very much appreciated and is NOT deductible as a charitable contribution for federal
income tax purposes. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained by writing to the Declaration Alliance, P.O. Box 1 3 1 0 Herndon, VA 20572-1 310 or calling 1-888-672-9305. If you are
a resident of the following states, you may obtain information directly by contacting: IN FLORIDA: A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED
FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING 1 -800-435-7352, TOLL-FREE WITHIN THE STATE. Maryland: Copies of documents and i nformation submitted by the Declaration Alliance
are available for the cost of copies and postage from the Secretary of State, Statehouse, Annapolis, MD 2 1 401, 1-800-825-4510. Mississippi: The official registration and financial information
of the Declaration Alliance may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State's office by calling 1-888-236-61 67. New Jersey: Information filed with the Attorney General concerning this
charitable solicitation may be obtained from the Attorney General of the State of New Jersey by calling (973) 504-6215. New York:: New York residents may obtain a copy of the Declaration
Alliance annual report by writing to the Office of the Attorney General, Department of Law, Charities Bureau, 1 20 Broadway, New York, NY 1 0271. North Carolina: Financial information about
the Declaration Alliance and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at (91 9) 807-2214. Pennsylvania: The official registration and financial information of
the Declaration Alliance may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free within Pennsylvania 1 -800-732-0999. Virginia: A financial statement for the most recent
fiscal year is available upon request from the State Division of Consumer Affairs, P.O. Box 1 1 63, Richmond, VA 23209, 1-804-786-1343. Washington: You may obtain additional financial disclosure
information by contacting the Secretary of State at 1-800-332-GIVE. West Virginia: West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary

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