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cuisine: sweet berries, big business


Blueberries mean big busi- There are about 180 commer- the nation. But there’s plenty to
ness for many farmers in South cial blueberry growers in go around for South
Mississippi. Last year, blueber- Mississippi with a combined Mississippians. “Farmer’s mar-
ries brought in about $13.5 mil- total of 3,000 acres of blueber- kets are getting real popular
lion dollars wholesale and ries. again,” Braswell said. He added
another $2,700,000 from direct The average price of blueber- that people are realizing the
sales, such as farmers’ markets ries in South Mississippi last value of buying fresh fruits
and pick-your-own sales, year was $2 a pound for fresh straight from the farmers that
according to Dr. John Braswell, and $1.60 a pound for frozen grow them.
Extension Horticulturist berries. The majority of blue- Last year, there were about
Specialist with Mississippi State berries grown in South eight million pounds of blue-
University Experiment Station Mississippi are shipped outside berries harvested in South
in Poplarville. the state to locations all over Mississippi, according to


8 4 • south mississippi scene

cuisine: sweet berries, big business

Braswell. Harvest time for scare,” Braswell said. berries are higher quality. The
blueberries is just around the Blueberries can take tempera- methods of harvest have
corner, usually beginning the tures down to about 28 degrees improved, and the shelf life of
last week of May and going after they have flowered. He fresh berries has been extended.
through late July or early said that in most places in “But it’s still a natural fruit
August. The blueberry harvest South Mississippi the tempera- with no preservatives,”
of 2007 was good, but the har- ture hovered right around that. Braswell said.
vest of 2008 is expected to be “I don’t believe there was too People are really seeing the
better. “I think it’s going to be a much damage,” he added. health benefits of blueberries,
good year,” Braswell said. “It Blueberries are native to Braswell added. All you have to
looks pretty good. There’s a lot South Mississippi. The rabbit- do is look at a healthy eating
of fruit out there,” he noted. eye variety is one of the most cookbook or website and you
Favorable soil conditions have popular. But breeders are con- will find that blueberries are
helped with this year’s crop. stantly working to grow better high on the list. They are high
There’s good moisture in the varieties through cross pollina- in antioxidants, which fight
soil. Coming off several dry tion. “Each variety is a little aging, cancer and heart disease.
years, the spring rains this year better than the last,” Braswell They are also a good source of
have helped to improve the commented. dietary fiber, magnesium, iron,
growing conditions. “The industry has really folate, and Vitamins A, C, and
There was some concern in evolved over the last 25 years,” E. Blueberries also contain folic
late March when the south suf- Braswell observed. Plants are acid, ellagic acid and bacterial
fered a late frost.”We had a more productive, and the inhibitors. One cup of blueber-
“ B l u e b e rries as big as the end of your thumb,
Real sky-blue, and heavy, and ready to dru m
In the cavernous pail of the first one to come!”
R o b e r t Fro s t

ries contains just 80 calories and one gram of fat, activities for the entire family. There is live
making it a healthy dessert or snack. music and storytelling throughout the day. Kids’
In addition to being healthy, the city of activities include a Baby Crawl, Bubble Gum
Poplarville, located in Pearl River County, has Blowing Contest, Hoola Hoop Contest and
also made blueberries fun. The Blueberry Jubilee Blueberry Coloring Contest. Helicopter rides will
in Poplarville, which is always held on the sec- be available. And of course, there will be blue-
ond Saturday of June, will celebrate it’s twenty- berry vendors, along with other food and arts
fifth anniversary this year. In the past as many as and crafts booths. “It’s a lot of good family fun,”
35,000 people have attended the festival, accord- Tims said.
ing to Marcelle Tims, treasurer of the The The Blueberry Jubilee is a non-profit organiza-
Blueberry Jubilee. tion. According to Tims, all money made on the
Over two hundred vendors are expected at this festival, minus expenses, is turned back into the
year’s Jubilee, which is scheduled for June 14. community in the form of grants.
“We only had 30 to 50 booths when it first start- T-shirts and posters commemorating the
ed,” Tims said. “It’s just continuing to grow.” Jubilee’s silver anniversary will also be available
About five years ago, Tims noted, USDA tours of for purchase. For more information on
the ARS Small Fruits Research Station were Poplarville’s Blueberry Jubilee, visit
added. It’s a state-of-the-art research facility, one
of only three of it’s kind in the country. Visitors Besides the fresh blueberries available at the
will get to see how the blueberries are grown Blueberry Jubilee, there are farmers’ markets
while touring through the facility and seeing located all over South Mississippi, with many
how the complete operation works. open year round.
In addition to the tours, the day is filled with

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cuisine: sweet berries, big business

blueberry muffin
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flou r
3/ 4 cup white sugar
1/ 2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking pow d e r
1/ 3 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
1/ 3 cup milk
1 cu p fresh blueberri es
1/ 2 cup white sugar
1/ 3 cup all-purpose f lour
1/ 4 cup butter, cubed
1 1/2 teaspo ons ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease muffin cup s or line with mu ffin
li ners. Combin e 1 1/2 cups flour, 3/4 cup sugar, salt and bakin g pow d e r.
Pl ace vegetable oil into a 1 cup measuring cup; add t he egg and enough
mil k to fill the cup. Mix this wi th flour mixture. Fold in b lueberries.
Fi ll muffin cu ps right to the top, and sprinkle with crumb topp ing mix-
tu re. Bake for 20 to 2 5 minutes in the preheated oven , or un til done.

Crumb Topping Mixture:

Mix together 1/2 cu p sugar, 1/3 cup f lour, 1/ 4 cup butter, and 1 1/ 2 tea-
spoons cinnamon. Mix with fork, and sprinkle over mu ffins before bak-

N o t e : Makes 8 l arge muffins. You may double the reci pe and fill t he
muf fin cups just to the top edge for a wonderful extra - g e n e r o u s l y - s i z e d
deli style muff in. Add extra blu eberries i f you wa n t .

8 8 • south mississippi scene

easy blueberry pie
3 cu ps blu eb erries Bring 1 cup of blueberries and wat er to a boi l.
3/ 4 cup wa t e r Boil gently for 4 minutes; add but ter. Stir in
1 tablespoon butter s u g a r, corn starch and salt. Cook slow l y, stir-
1 cu p sugar ring, until thick and clear. Remove from heat;
3 tablespoons cornstarch add lemon juice.
dash of salt Pour mixture over the rem ain ing 2 cups of
1 teaspoon l emo n juice bl ueb erries; stir gently to combine. Pour into
1 pie crust (9-inch) baked th e baked pie shell.
S e r ve chilled o r at roo m temperat ure with a
To p p i n g s : Sweetened Whipping Cream or do llop of sweetened whi pped cream or scoop
Vanilla Ice Cream of van illa ice cream.

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