(Comments From Carla Burkhardt) - I Have

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(comments from Carla Burkhardt)

• I have a question about Bullet #2: “If the graduate program supports the
student’s appeal for readmission into his/her program, the student is
readmitted to the program.” Is the student given a probation status? If so, it
should say “..readmitted to the program on probation.” But then, that would
lead to the question of how to get off of probation…

• I agree with Amelia about the time limits. I’m not sure that is useful. In some
cases, the student needs to appeal QUICKER in order to continue in an
upcoming term, and in other cases, the student may realize that some time
off would be beneficial as in Amelia’s example. I’m sure it has been added to
assist with defining “due process” but maybe the emphasis is put on the
timeliness of OUR response once the student initiates the appeal.

It could maybe go something like this:

Timelines (expressed in calendar days):

Within 30 days of notification of academic dismissal, the The
student must meet with the graduate program director to discuss the
appropriate course of action (STEP 2).
Within 45 days of notification of academic dismissal, the student
must submit his/her appeal materials to the director of his/her graduate
program (STEP 3A of the Appeal Process).

If the student desires to appeal the academic dismissal, he/she

must submit his/her appeal materials to the director of his/her graduate
program (STEP 3A of the Appeal Process). This must be done in a timely
manner if the student hopes to attend the immediately upcoming
semester. (Insert note about Winter Intersession timelines here??)

o Within 14 days of receiving a student’s appeal materials, the

graduate program from which the student was dismissed will schedule a
meeting of its appeal body (e.g., a standing committee or an ad hoc
committee). The appeals committee must have a minimum of 3 members
including graduate program director or another faculty member
representing the graduate program.

o Within 14 days after receiving written notification of the graduate

program decision denying readmission into the program, the
student must submit a request in writing to the Office of University
Graduate Studies that the Graduate Council hear his/her appeal on the
DUE PROCESS(STEPS 5A of the Appeal Process). The student’s appeal
materials must accompany the necessary evidence/information. The
Office of Graduate Studies will then schedule a meeting of the Graduate
Council within 30 days to hear the appeal.
From: Dittman Amelia A
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 3:41 PM
To: Kennedy Michael D; Keller Sandra J; Burkhardt Carla A
Cc: Agarwal Vijendra K
Subject: RE: Academic Dismissal Appeal


The only feedback I have to this document on the appeal process is one I raised last
spring, too.

There are strict time limits associated with the stages of appeals. That’s probably
ok for someone appealing for immediate reinstatement to a program; however, I
would not want that limit to preclude an appeal from someone to be readmitted to
their program after that time limit. We have had two or three cases where a person
appealed to be readmitted to the MBA program years after they’d been dismissed.
We would want to be able to entertain such an appeal. Is it really necessary to have
these limits?


Amelia Dittman
Asst. to the Dean;MBA Coordinator
College of Business Administration
223 Wimberly Hall
UW-La Crosse
1725 State Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
ph. (608) 785-8090

From: Kennedy Michael D

Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 2:31 PM
To: Dittman Amelia A; Keller Sandra J; Burkhardt Carla A
Subject: Academic Dismissal Appeal

VJ would like your feedback on this document by February 9th, next Tuesday, if you
could please. This document deals with Academic Dismissal Appeal.

Thank you.


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