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Second Year Physics study material 2015

Modern physics possess five important chapters

1. Dual nature of Radiation and Matter
2. Atoms
3. Nuclei
4. Semi conductor electronics
5. Communication systems
Blue print of marks for PUC and CBSE board are as follows

CBSE Board:
Marks weightage





Marks weightage

Dual nature of
radiation and matter

Atoms and nuclie

Electronic devices


For PUC board Karnataka

Marks weightage


Marks weightage
Atoms and nuclie

Electronic devices


Dual nature of
radiation and



Second Year Physics study material 2015

1. Write a short note on J.J. Thomson Atomic model?
A) Thomson proposed an atomic model called Plum Pudding model . He assumed
that the positive charge might be distributed continuously throughout a certain small
region and the negatively charged electrons are embedded in it like seeds in a
Failures in J.J. Thomson model :
1. It cannot explain the stability of atom
2. It cannot explain the hydrogen spectrum.
2. Define Spectrum? How many types of Spectrum present?
A) Condensed matter (Like solids, liquids), dense gases emit electromagnetic radiation
continuously which is a mixture of lot of wave lengths or frequencies. This is due to
interaction of Neighborhood atoms and molecules. This results in creating a
Continuous spectrum
Rarefied gases (less dense gases) produces line spectrum like this . It produces lines
only at certain wavelengths. As space between these atoms is very large, radiation
emitted is due to interaction in the atom itself.
Scientists found there is an intimate relationship between structure of atom and the
spectrum of light it emitted. They are like finger prints to human beings.
Balmer identified a simple empirical formula which gives wavelengths of group of
lines emitted by atomic hydrogen.
3. What is Rutherford Atomic model?
An atom may be regarded as a sphere of diameter 10-10 m , but whole of the
positive charge and almost the entire mass of atom is concentrated in a small
central core called nucleus having a diameter 10-14 m.
2. The nucleus is surrounded by electrons. In other words the electrons are
spread over the remaining part of atom, leaving plenty of empty space in atom.
3. As the atom is electrically neutral, the total positive charge on the nucleus is
equal to the total negative charge of the electrons in an atom.
4. The electrons are not stationary; the electrons revolve round the nucleus in
circular orbits. The necessary centripetal force provided to them by the
electrostatic force of attraction between the electrons and nucleus.


Second Year Physics study material 2015

4. Explain briefly Alpha Ray scattering experiment?
A) Rutherford performed a series of experiments on the scattering of alpha particles
due to atoms of thin gold foils. (Alpha particles is a helium atom from which two
electrons have been removed)
A beam of alpha particles emitted from
a radioactive source (bismuth) directed
at a thin gold foil. Alpha particles were
collimated into a narrow beam by their
passage through lead metal plate. The
beam was allowed to fall on a thin gold
They are scattered in different directions
which are detected with alpha particle
detector. The detector consists of
Fluorescent screen coated with zinc
sulphide and a microscope. On striking
the screen , alpha particles produce
They may be viewed through a microscope, and the distribution of number of
scattered particles may be studied as a function of angle of scattering.
Experimental observations :
1. Most of the alpha particles were found to pass through the gold foil with out
being deviated from their paths
2. Some alpha particles were found to be deflected through small angles (< 90
3. Some alpha particles were found to be scattered at large angles (> 90 degrees)
4. Some alpha particles ( 1 in 8000) practically retraced their paths or suffered
deflections of nearly 180 degrees.
The graph between number of alpha particles and the angle Scattering is as shown
in figure


1. As most of alpha particles pass through gold foil

undeflected, so that most of the space in an atom is
2. Since the fast and heavy alpha particles could be
deflected even through 180 degrees, the whole of the


Second Year Physics study material 2015

positive charge and practically the entire mass of the atom is confined to an
extremely small core called Nucleus.
3. Since 1 in about 8000 particles is deflected through 180 degrees, the size of the
nucleus is about (1/10000) th of the size of atom.

5. Define Impact parameter and Distance of closest Approach?

A) The impact parameter is the perpendicular distance to the closest approach if the
projectile were undeflected. Particles having small impact parameters have large
deflections, while particles having large impact parameter undergoes undeflected.
Distance of closest approach :
An alpha particle which moves straight towards the nucleus in head on direction
reaches the nucleus , that is move close to a distance (ro)
As alpha particle approaches the nucleus, the electrostatic repulsive force due to the
nucleus increases and kinetic energy of alpha particles goes on converting into the
electrostatic potential energy. Now the particle returns back and suffers an angle of
reflection through 180 degrees.
Consider that an alpha particle of mass m possesses initial velocity u , when it is
at largest distance from the nucleus of an atom having an atomic number Z. At the
distance of closest approach, the kinetic energy of alpha particles is completely
converted to potential energy, mathematically
mu2 = (1/4o) (2e (ze)/ro)
ro = (1/4o)

((2ze2)) / (1/2 mu2))

from calculations the value is found out to be 4.13 x 10-14 m .

size of the nucleus is of the order 10-14 m.
6. What are the failures of Rutherford Atomic model ?
A) 1. It cannot explain the stability of nucleus . According to classical electromagnetism
a charged particle continuously emits electro- magnetic radiation It looses energy
continuously resulting spiral down of electron in to nucleus leads to destruction of


2. It cannot explain the spectrum of Hydrogen atom.

Second Year Physics study material 2015

7. Write a short note on postulates on Bohrs atomic theory?
A) In order to over come failures in Rutherford atomic model (stability and radiation
spectrum of atoms) , Niels Bohr applied Plancks theory of quantum theory of
radiation to Rutherfords atomic model.
Postulates of Bohrs atomic model :
1. An electron revolves around the nucleus with a definite fixed energy in a fixed
path known as stationary state without gaining or losing the energy. The
stationary state of electron is also known as energy level.
2. Electron can revolve only in those energy levels , in which its angular momentum
is an integral multiple of h/2 .
L = mvr = nh/2
Where n = 1,2,3.
3. Electron can jump from one stationary orbit to another stationary orbit , if an
energy of difference between two energy levels is supplied
E2 - E1 = h
8. Write a note on Bohrs theory of Hydrogen atom?
A) In a hydrogen atom , an electron having charge -e revolves around the nucleus
having charge +e in a circular orbit of radius r as shown
The electrostatic force of attraction between the nucleus and the electron is given by
Fe =


If m and V are mass and orbital velocity of the electron , then the centripetal force
required by the electron to move in a circular orbit of radius r is given by
Fc =

The electrostatic force of attraction between the electron and the nucleus provides
the necessary centripetal force to the electron





According to Bohrs quantization condition, angular momentum of electron

 =   or

=   -----------(2)



2 =

Putting the value of v equation in above equation (1)

Second Year Physics study material 2015

 = 4 .


Since n= 1,2,3. , it follows that radius of the stationary orbits are proportional to
n2 .
Bohrs radius : The radius of the inner most orbit (n=1) of an electron in hydrogen
atom is called Bohrs radius.
In the equation (2) substituting the value of r , we get





This equation given velocity of electron in the nth orbit.

From the above equation

The velocity of an electron is inversely proportional to its principal quantum number.

The total energy of an electron is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy
Kinetic energy =

Using equation 1 in the above equation , we have , kinetic energy =


The electrostatic potential energy of the electron revolving in a circular orbit of

radius r round the nucleus is given by

Potential energy = 

The total energy of electron revolving round the nucleus in the orbit of radius r is
given by
E = Kinetic energy + potential energy

In other words, an electron can have only some definite values of energy , while
revolving in orbits n= 1,2,3 . it is called energy quantization.


Substituting the respective values in above equation we get

Negative sign indicates that an electron and the nucleus form a bound state.

Second Year Physics study material 2015




9. Explain briefly Energy levels ?

A) From Bohrs atomic theory we know E 1/n2.
This indicates that the energy gap between two
successive levels decreases as the value of n
increases. At infinity level the total energy of the
atom becomes zero.
The State n =1 is called Ground state and n > 1
states are called Excited states. When electron
goes from lower energy state to higher energy
state , potential energy and hence total energy
increases and kinetic energy decreases. The
energy level diagram of Hydrogen is as shown in
Total energy of electron is negative implies atomic electron is bound to nucleus.
Energy should be supplied to remove electron from the influence of nucleus. The
minimum energy required to remove an electron from ground state of atom is called
ionization energy. Its value is 13.6 eV.
10. Write a short note on Spectral series of Hydrogen atom?
A) When an electron jumps from higher energy state to a lower energy state , the
difference in energies of two energy levels is emitted as radiation of particular
wavelength. It is known as Spectral line.
Ei = -( 1/40)2 . (22me4/ni2h2)
Ef = -( 1/40)2 . (22me4/nf2h2)
Ef - Ei = h
h = ( 1/40)2 . (22me4/h2)[1/nf2 1/ni2]
If is the wavelength of radiation emitted , then
C =

or = C/


This equation gives the wavelength of radiation emitted. Here RH is known as Rydberg
constant = ( 1/40)2 . (22me4/Ch3)

1/ = ( 1/40)2 . (22me4/Ch3)[1/nf2 1/ni2]

Second Year Physics study material 2015

1/ = RH [1/nf2 1/ni2]
The various series of spectral lines of
Hydrogen atom are
1. Lyman Series : In this series in which the
spectral lines correspond to transition of
electron from some higher energy state to
lower energy state corresponding to nf =1.
Where ni = 2,3, 4.
1/ = RH [1/12 1/ni2]
These spectral line lies in Ultraviolet region.
2. Balmer Series : In this series in which the spectral lines correspond to transition of
electron from some higher energy state to lower energy state corresponding to nf =2.
Where ni = 3, 4,5 .
1/ = RH [1/22 1/ni2]
These spectral line lies in Visible region.
3. Paschen Series : In this series in which the spectral lines correspond to transition
of electron from some higher energy state to lower energy state corresponding to nf =3.
Where ni = 4,5,6 .
1/ = RH [1/32 1/ni2]
These spectral line lies in Infrared region.
4. Brackett Series : In this series in which the spectral lines correspond to transition
of electron from some higher energy state to lower energy state corresponding to nf =4.
Where ni =5,6,7 .
1/ = RH [1/42 1/ni2]
These spectral line lies in Infrared region.

1/ = RH [1/52 1/ni2]


Where ni =6,7,8 .

5. Pfund Series : In this series in which the spectral lines correspond to transition of
electron from some higher energy state to lower energy state corresponding to nf =5.

Second Year Physics study material 2015

These spectral line lies in Infrared region.

11. Write a short note on Debroglie explanation of Bohrs second postulate of

A) Bohrs Second postulate is given as The angular momentum of an electron
nucleus system is quantized
mvr = nh/2
Debroglie explained why angular momentum has only those values which are integral
multiple of h/2.
According to Debroglie all material particles such as electron in its circular orbit must
be seen as a particle wave. In analogy of waves travelling on string, particles waves too
can lead to standing waves under resonant conditions. A vast number of wavelengths
are produced, but only those wavelengths survive which has nodes at the ends and
form standing wave in the string.
For an electron moving in nth circular orbit of radius rn , the circumference of the
orbit is
2rn = n where n = 1,2,3
Where is Debroglie wavelength of electron moving in nth orbit.
Now using Debroglie relation for the wavelength 2rn = n = n h/p
Where P is the momentum of electron. Then P = mV
2rn = n (h/mv)
This is known as Bohrs Quantization condition

Numerical problems:
Numerical problems dealt with model
1. Distance of closest approach


2. Bohrs model of Hydrogen atom



Second Year Physics study material 2015

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