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0:09 If you would have asked me 3 years ago what I would be doing,

0:12 I would never have said oil and gas.

0:14 <i>Instead of going in opposite directions,</i>
0:16 <i>- they'll be parallel.</i> < i>- Oh, really?</i>
0:18 Shell is looking for future leaders.
0:21 I like this statement.
0:26 I am responsible for the development
0:29 and blending of bespoke fuels and lubricants products
0:32 that we provide to the Ferrari Formula 1 team.
0:34 <i>This is the GTL 4,</i> < i>meaning four centistokes at 100 degrees C.</i>
0:37 <i>That's correct.</i>
0:38 It gives me a wide range of opportunities to work in challenging projects
0:43 and in stuff that really matters.
0:45 <i>This is the flow line, where oil flows.</i>
0:48 My role is to speak with geologists and the geophysicists
0:51 that actually look at the earth and tell us whether this could be an area of interest.
0:56 And then, on top of that, my role would be to discuss with governments
0:59 the added value that Shell can bring to a country.
1:03 Everything that I do at work is only achieved
1:07 through working together as part of a larger team.
1:10 We have up to 50 different scientists and engineers,
1:13 and we really couldn't achieve the things that we do
1:15 without that wide variety of multidisciplinary skills.
1:19 I can go out and actually experience the real deal.
1:22 You look at your subsea equipment, your controllers,
1:25 to make sure that they're operating to how you design it to be.
1:29 <i>These are for the particular controllers, right?</i>
1:31 My job is to try to find out the best solution
1:35 to get more oil and gas from the well.
1:41 We will remain dependent on exploring oil and gas resources,
1:46 and it's Shell's responsibility to do this in the most efficient way.
1:51 We get to develop and test fuels and lubricants products
1:54 in one of the most technically challenging engineering environments in the world.
1:59 We can take those learnings and we can put them into the commercial products -

2:03 the V-Powers, the Shell Helix oils and fuels - that everyday customers get to use.
2:07 It gives you a sense that you can make a difference.
2:10 Your work is actually creating an impact.
2:16 Shell always provides the opportunity to look and search for your skills,
2:20 and then maximise on your capabilities and share it with others.
2:24 I was given a rig within my first three months of working at Shell.
2:27 Of course, I had my mentors there with me.
2:31 It helps you grow very quickly.
2:33 Your learning curve just escalates like you would not imagine.
2:37 <i>I have a company that</i> < i>are working on those plans right now.</i>
2:40 If you're proactive about your development, you can just go anywhere.
2:44 If you find what you're good at,
2:46 Shell will definitely give you the opportunity to deliver on that and expand further.
2:50 <i>The calculated volume came back</i> < i>and we didn't see much...</i>
2:52 You have a global network.
2:54 So I know that somebody out there knows this issue that I'm dealing with
2:58 and I could pick up the phone and, you know, figure out whatever I need to.
3:05 You do not need to depend on a certain region for that knowledge and experience.
3:09 It's just at your fingertips. You can get it at any time.
3:13 I meet new people every day.
3:15 Every day is another excitement, another new challenge.
3:18 I look forward to tomorrow.
3:21 I'm Prashanthini Sunderan.
3:22 I'm a Subsea Controls Engineer.
3:25 I am Zhu Changlong.
3:28 My job title is Production Technologist.
3:33 My name is Cara Tredget.
3:34 And I am Shell's Ferrari Technology Manager.
3:39 My name is Marc van Rooijen.
3:42 And I work as a Senior Commercial Advisor in floating LNG.
3:47 My name is Mohammed Al Rayahi.
3:50 And I'm a Rotating Equipment Engineer.
3:53 My name is Ana Flenoy and I'm a Drilling Engineer.
3:58 When I tell people what I do, they don't believe me.

4:00 But it's fun. I love it.

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