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Az EGTC (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation) egy 2006 ta ltez unis

jogi eszkz a hatron tnyl intzmnyi egyttmkdsek hatkonysgnak
nvelsre. Az EGTC nll jogi szemlyisggel, sajt kltsgvetssel s
szemlyzettel rendelkezik, vllalkozi tevkenysget folytathat. A kzssgi
jogalapot jelent 1082/2006/EK rendeletet Magyarorszg s Szlovkia az elsk
kztt ltette t a hazai jogrendjbe.
2014. vgig az EU-ban mintegy 50 EGTC nyilvntartsba vtelre kerlt sor,
ennek kb. egynegyede (!) a magyar-szlovk hatr mentn jtt ltre. A budapesti
Civitas Europica Centralis Alaptvny s a rvkomromi Selye Jnos Egyetem, a
Nemzetkzi Visegrdi Alap ltal finanszrozott kutatsa azonban rmutat arra,
hogy a magyar-szlovk hatr mentn ltrejtt 13 db EGTC klnbz fejlettsgi
(rettsgi) szintet rt el az elmlt 5-8 vben.
Vannak olyan EGTC-k (Pons Danubii, Arrabona, Ister-Granum), melyek mr most
meghatroz szerepli a hatrtrsgek revitalizlst clz fejlesztseknek.
egyttmkds mg jellemzen az ETE plyzati forrsok levadszsra
korltozdik. A megyei szint EGTC-k (Rba-Duna-Vg, Via Carpatia) hossz tv
letkpessge elssorban a 2014-2020 kztti Magyarorszg-Szlovkia ETE
program n. kisprojekt alapjnak menedzselsre vonatkoz dntsen mlik.
Ezenkvl vannak olyan EGTC-k (Karszt-Bdva, Ung-Tisza-Tr-Saj, Svinka, Torysa),
melyek mr/mg nem mkdnek, a jogszablyi elrsokat sem teljestik.

Press release
The EGTC (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation) is an EU legal tool
existing since 2006 for increasing efficiency of cross-border institutional
cooperation. EGTC is an independent legal entity having own budget and staff,
and it may pursue entrepreneurial activities. Hungary and Slovakia were among
the forerunners transposing the 1082/2006/EC Regulation as the Community
legal basis into their national legal order.
Until the end of 2014 some 50 EGTCs were registered in the EU, one-quarter (!) of
which were established at the Hungarian-Slovakian border. The research of the
Civitas Europica Centralis Foundation in Budapest and the J. Selye University in
Komrno financed by the International Visegrad Fund points out the 13 EGTCs at
the Hungarian-Slovakian border have reached different level of development
(maturity) in the last 5-8 years.
There are EGTCs (Pons Danubii, Arrabona, Ister-Granum) that are already
significant actors of developments aiming at the revitalization of border regions.
Other (Abaj-Abajban, Bodrogkzi, Novohrad-Ngrd, Saj-Rima) cooperation
are mainly restricted to hunting CBC grants yet. The long-term viability of
county-level EGTCs (Rba-Duna-Vg, Via Carpatia) mainly depends on the
decision on the management of the small project fund of the Hungary-Slovakia
CBC Programme 2014-2020. In addition, there are EGTCs (Karszt-Bdva, UngTisza-Tr-Saj, Svinka, Torysa) which are already/yet not functioning, they do not
fulfil the legal requirements.

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