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Mound Builders Quick Reference

Controlled / Uncontrolled
Hopewell Era: all Lands <= Peace Pipe marker position / all Lands >
Peace Pipe marker position.
Post-Hopewell Eras: all Lands < Hostile Army position / all Lands >=
Hostile Army position.
Unorganized: Land with no Chiefdom marker.
Decline/Ascension: Add -1/+1 to all markers on the Warpath.
Hopewell Era
Setup: -Place unbreached Palisades on 4F and place initial 5 Chiefdoms on
the Warpaths, Plains side up.
-Create draw deck: Shuffle all the Green cards and remove 2 at random.
History Phase: Draw top card from draw deck.
Economic Phase: Receive indicated APs.
Hostiles Phase: Place the Decline/Ascension marker.
Revolt Phase: Roll a die:
If Land is Uncontrolled, Wilderness, Mounded Chiefdom and/or Birdman
Chiefdom, no effect.
Otherwise, retreat Peace Pipe 1 space (remove if retreated into
Action Phase: Spend APs to:
1. Advance Peace Pipe (1 AP) into adjacent Wilderness or Mounded
Chiefdom and Discover New Land.
2. Incorporate Chiefdom (1 AP): Roll > value of Chiefdom; best of 2 rolls if
peace pipe present. If successful, advance Peace Pipe and Discover New
3. Build a Mound (x AP): Spend APs equal to Plains value of chiefdom to
flip to its Mounded side.
4. Fortify Cahokia (2 AP): Rotate Palisades one click clockwise.
5. Loot: Flip a controlled Mounded chiefdom to its Plains side to gain 1 AP.
6. Store APs: Save up to 1 AP for next round.
Discover New Land: Place a Chiefdom marker (Plain side up) in an adjacent
Non-Wilderness Land.
End of Turn Phase: Remove Decline/Ascension marker.

Mississippian Era
Setup: -Place the 5 Hostile Armies on the Land 1 higher than current Peace
Pipe locations.
-Remove Peace Pipes from Warpaths with no Mounded Chiefdoms.
-Place Great Sun in its Available box.
-Create draw deck (bottom to top): 6 Silver cards; 4 Silver cards +
The Spanish (#26); 4 Silver cards + Coosa (#25); remaining 12 Yellow
+ 10 Silver + 2 Green cards.
History Phase: Draw top card from draw deck.
Economic Phase: For each resource type, +1 Trade Goods for each
Mounded Chiefdom or for 2 matching Plains Chiefdoms. Note: Chiefdoms do
not need to be controlled!
a. Receive indicated white APs.
b. Receive APs equal to Trade Goods minus black AP number
(minimum of 1). Then receive +1 AP for each controlled Trade Good
Hostiles Phase:
a. Place the Decline/Ascension marker.
b. Advance Hostile Armies
Advance halted if Peace Pipe present in target Land; remove Peace Pipe.
May Defend if advancing into Mounded Chiefdom/Cahokia: Roll >
Chiefdom/Palisades value to prevent Hostile Army advance; Roll of 1
results in Chiefdom being reduced/Palisades breached.
c. Black Tortoise
When a Black Tortoise card is revealed, place Black Tortoise (reverse of
Great Sun) on a random Tribal Homeland. Advance corresponding
Hostile Army.
A Defence roll of 5 will always fail, but will remove the Black Tortoise
from play (return Great Sun to Unavailable box).
If a 6 is rolled and Black Tortoise is not on a Warpath, place it on
Cahokia and attack the Palisades directly. If you roll a successful
Defence or a 5, remove the Black Tortoise from play (return Great Sun
to Unavailable box). Otherwise, the Black Tortoise will remain in Cahokia
and grant Fail on 5 ability to all attacks on Cahokia.
Revolt Phase: Roll a die:
a. If Birdman Chiefdom, Wilderness or Tribal Homeland, no effect.
b. If Land is uncontrolled, retreat Hostile Army 1 space.
c. Otherwise, advance Hostile Army 1 space (does not remove Peace Pipe).

Action Phase: Spend APs to:
1. Attack Hostile Army (1 AP): Roll > Army value to retreat it 1 space; Roll
of 1 = lose 1 AP.
May Ambush (best of 2 rolls) if peace pipe (anywhere on track) or Great
Sun (on target Land) is present.
May spend Great Sun for 1 Ambush (best of 2 rolls) attack per round.
If Black Tortoise is present, a roll of 5 will always fail, but will remove the
Black Tortoise from play (return Great Sun to Unavailable box).
If you defeat the Black Tortoises army in their Tribal Homeland, remove
the Black Tortoise from play (return Great Sun to Unavailable box).
2. Powwow (2 AP): Spend Great Sun and place Peace Pipe adjacent to a
Hostile Army. If Black Tortoise is in play, may only Powwow on Black
Tortoise Warpath.
3. Build a Mound (x AP): Spend APs equal to Plains value of chiefdom to
flip to its Mounded side.
4. Fortify Cahokia (2 AP): Rotate Palisades one click clockwise.
5. Repair Palisades (x AP): Spend AP equal to current Palisades value to
flip to unbreached side.
6. Colonize (x AP): Spend APs equal to value of chosen Plains Chiefdom to
move it from Conquered Chiefdoms box to any controlled Land
(including Wilderness) that has no Chiefdom, Plains side up.
7. Go Buzzard (5+ AP): Spend APs equal to current Trade Goods marker
position (minimum 5 APs) to flip Trade Goods marker to Buzzard Cult
side. Must control mounded Obsidian chiefdom. You may now ignore
all negative effects or rolling a 1, but can never increase your Trade
Goods marker.
8. Loot: Flip a controlled Mounded Chiefdom to its plain side to gain 1 AP.
9. Improve Storage Pits (1+ APs): Spend APs equal to controlled
Wilderness Lands (minimum 1) to flip the APs marker to its Save 2 APs
side. Must control mounded Seashells chiefdom.
10. Store APs: Save 1 (or 2) APs for next round.
End of Turn Phase:
Remove Decline/Ascension marker.
Remove any Peace Pipe markers that are not in the controlled space
adjacent to a Hostile Army.
Remove uncontrolled Plains Chiefdoms, unless Peace Pipe marker on
that Warpath.

Flip uncontrolled Mounded Chiefdoms, unless Peace Pipe marker on

that Warpath.
Calculate the current Trade Goods level and move the marker
accordingly (but no increase if on Buzzard Cult side).
If Leader marker on Great Sun side, place in Available box or in any
controlled Land.

Spanish Era
Continue play as in Mississippian Era, with the following exceptions:
Card #25 (Coosa): Check the position of the Trade Goods marker and
place the three corresponding Spanish Leaders in the Draw Cup. You are
now limited to a maximum of two Peace Pipes on the map.
Card #26 (The Spanish): The first time this card is revealed:
o Place the Spanish Army on a random track and remove any
peace pipes from this track.
o Permanently remove the Great Sun from play. You may no
longer Powwow or add peace pipes to the map.
o Black Tortoise: Always move to Spanish Army Warpath and only
moves the Spanish Army. You do not receive free APs for these
o Spanish Army Advances (as below).
o Place the Smallpox marker on the AP track equal to the Spanish
Armys final location. You may never have more than this
number of APs.
o Shuffle Card #26 back into the draw deck.
Card #26 (The Spanish): The second time this card is revealed:
o Spanish Army advances (as below).
o Once the Spanish Army is defeated a second time (or Cahokia
falls), the game ends.
Spanish Advance (Relentless):
o Draw a new Leader for the Spanish Army.
o Advance the Spanish Army one space.
o Gain 1 AP each time the Spanish advance. This AP must be used
to Attack a Hostile Army.
o Continue advancing the Spanish Army until they are defeated in
battle (through Attack or Defence).

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