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Preschool Program

ABCs of the Bible

A is for Adam
Greeting, Attendance Chart, & Activity (5 min.):
A is for Adam Writing Sheet
Coloring Page (5 min.):
A is for Adam Coloring Page
Prayer (2 min.):
Take Prayer Requests and Praises

My hands upon my head I place (Place hands on head)

On my shoulders, on my face (Place hands on shoulders & face)
Then I raise them up so high (Raise hands)
Watch my fingers quickly fly (Make fingers move quickly)
Then I clap them 1, 2, 3 (Clap hands each time you say a number)
Then I fold them silently (Fold hands and put them in lap)

Songs (3 min.):
God Made Me
I Am Special
Jesus Loves Me
Bible Story (5 min.):
Adam and Eve (As you teach the story use the object lesson with the bowl of fruit.)
Questions about the Story (2 min.):
Who was the snake really?
What was the rule that God gave Adam?
Who broke the rule?
Snack (7 min.):
Snake Pancakes, Cupcakes, Biscuits, or Cookies
Clean Up (3 min.):
Bathroom Break / Check Diapers (5 min.):
Songs (2 min.):
God Made Me (Second Song)
The Adam and Eve Song
Special Activity:
Snakes, Snakes, Snakes
Playdough Snake Letters
Paper Plate Snake
Bible Verse (5 min.): f:
PRoverbs 1:10 (Sing the Verse)
Game (5 min.):
Look Out Snake
Clean Up (5 min.):
Free Play (10 min.):

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

Songs Sheet
God Made Me

God Made Me

God Made Me,

(point to self)

God Made Me,

(point to self)

Im So Glad that
God Made Me.
(point to self)

God Made my fingers,

(wiggle fingers)

And God made my toes,

(touch toes)

God made my knuckles,

(hit knuckles together)

And God made my nose.

(touch nose)

God made my hip bone,

(put hand on hip)

And God made my chin,

(hold chin)

And God made the shape

(make shape of body with hands)

That I am in.
(point to self)

God Made Me,

(point to self)

God Made Me,

(point to self)

Im So Glad that
God Made Me!
(point to self)

God Made Me
And He Loves me
And He is my Friend forever.
God Made Me
And He Loves me
And He is my Friend forever.
And it makes me jump up high
Fall down low
Spin around in a circle
Run run fast,
walk walk Slow
Stop with my hands and shine
I am Special Song
(sing to the tune of Frere Jacques)
I am special (point to yourself) I am
Don't you see? (make binoculars with your
fingers) Don't you see?
Someone very special (hands out to the
side, palms up) Someone very special
'Cause God (point to heaven) made me (point
to yourself) God made me!

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam
Bible Story: Adam

Songs Sheet

The Adam and Eve Song

(sing to the tune of the Farmer in the Dell)
God made the universe
God made the universe
He saw that it was good, Amen God made
the universe
Then God created man
Then God created man
He made Adam in His likeness Yes God
created man
God made the woman Eve
God made the woman Eve
He took a rib from Adams side God made
the woman Eve
God placed them in Eden God placed them in
Eden He said all this is yours for good
God placed them in Eden
But please dont touch the tree But
please dont touch the tree Just please
dont eat that fruit you see
Oh, please dont touch that tree
A serpent slithered in
A serpent slithered in
He talked to Eve about the fruit A
serpent slithered in

and Eve (Genesis

Eve ate forbidden fruit

Eve ate forbidden fruit
She shared the fruit with her husband
They ate forbidden fruit
God was very sad
God was very sad
He told them they would have to leave
Oh, God was very sad.
And thats how things went wrong
And thats how things went wrong
Oh that is why life became so hard
Yes, thats how things went wrong.
Jesus Loves Me
Jesus loves me, This I know,
For the Bible, tells me so.
Little Ones to Him belong,
They are weak, but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so.

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam
1:26-31, 2:15-2:5)

Read the passage 3 times. Read it quickly. Read it slowly. The last time you read
it take time to write down things you find interesting, that speak to you, or things you
have questions about. Study and find out answers to the things you wrote down.
Write the Bible Story in your own words:


Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam
Where does this story take place? ___________________________________
Who are the characters in this story? _________________________________
What is the key message of this chapter? ______________________________
Was there something in this passage that surprised you? If so, what was it? __
What does this story teach you about God? ____________________________
How can I apply what I have learned from this passage? __________________

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam


Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

Object Lesson Idea for Teaching the Bible Story

Materials needed: a bowl of cut, fresh fruit (strawberries, blueberries,
etc.) and a note that reads "DON'T EAT"
Place the bowl of fruit in front of you at circle.
Read the note. Mention something like "I wonder why this fruit is here
if we aren't supposed to eat it?" Then shrug and begin reading your
story, from the Bible or in your own words.
As you read the story, reach into the bowl and eat a piece of fruit.
Continue as you read the story.
The children may mention that you should not eat the fruit. Act
surprised and say "Oh, you're right! Oops!" and continue.
When done, discuss eating the fruit and how tempting it was.
Discuss temptations and how sometimes we need to work hard to not
follow through on temptation.

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

Snack Ideas:
Snake Cupcake:
Cake Mix
Green, White, Yellow, Orange, and Black Frosting
Paper Tongue or Fruit Roll-Up
Arrange the cupcakes in a snake pattern
Frost them green
Add eyes, orange spots, and tongue

Biscuit or Cookie Snakes:

Purchase ready to bake dough (like Pillsbury).
Have the children roll a piece into a snake.
They can use tooth picks to make little eyes or
designs on the snakes back.
They can coil the snake up or leave it stretched out.
Bake. Eat while telling the story of how the snake
tricked Adam and Eve.
Pancake Snakes:
Make Pancakes in the shape of snakes

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

Special Activity Ideas:

Snakes, Snakes, Snakes
Provide a wide variety of toy snakes.....rubber ones,
stuffed animal ones, etc.
The children can sort them, compare them to snakes in
books that you also will have at this interest center.
Provide paper and markers for children to document what
they see and learn!
Playdough Snake Letters
Provide letter cards that are laminated.
Provide playdough.
The children roll out balls of playdough into snakes and
then shape the snake playdough into a letter shape on top
of the letter card.


Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam


Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam


Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam


Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

Y Z a
b c d

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

e f g
h i j

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

k l m
n o p

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

q r s
t u v

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

w x y

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

Craft Ideas:
Paper Plate Craft:
Paper Plates
Bubble Wrap
Googly Eyes
Red Paper
Rolling Pin
Dip Bubble Wrap in paint and roll onto paper plate
After dry, cut out in a twirly circle
Add Eyes and Red Tongue

Hand Print Tree

Brown Construction Paper
Green Construction Paper
White or Blue Paper for background
Red Paint
Have the green trees already cut out.
Trace the childrens hand on the brown paper and cut out.
Glue the Green then the brown hand on the tree.
Let the children dip one finger in the red paint and make fruit.

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam
Tree and Snake:
Blue Paper
Green Paper
Green Tissue Paper
Red Buttons
Toilet Paper Tubes
Green Pipe Cleaners
Googly Eyes
Red Paper for tongues

Pre-make snakes
Have the toilet paper tubes and and snakes already
glued down
Let the children glue down the tissue paper and
buttons for the tree

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

Game Ideas:
Look Out! Snake!
Materials needed: jump ropes or long ropes
Stretch the ropes out and have the children jump over it.
Try wiggling the rope for them to jump over.
Pass the Fruit Game
Bring a piece of fruit to school.
Sitting in a circle, pass the fruit while music plays.
When you stop the music, they freeze. Have the child who has the fruit hold it up in the
Ask the children "Should we eat that fruit?". Instruct them respond "NO!".
Extension: Discuss this part of the Adam and Eve story before playing.

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

My son, if sinners entice

thee, consent thou not.

My son, if sinners entice

thee, consent thou not.

My son, if sinners entice

thee, consent thou not.

My son, if sinners entice

thee, consent thou not.

~ Proverbs 1:10

~ Proverbs 1:10

~ Proverbs 1:10

~ Proverbs 1:10

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

Search on youtube for song If Sinners Entice Thee Dont Give In or click on the link

If Sinners entice thee

Dont give in,
Say No, (Clap) No, (Clap) No! (Clap, Clap)
If Sinners entice thee Dont give in,
Say No, (Clap) No, (Clap) No! (Clap, Clap)
Say No to your friends
Who wants You to give in,
Say No to the Devil
Who wants to win.
If Sinners entice thee
Dont give in,
Say No, (Clap) No, (Clap) No! (Clap, Clap)

Preschool Program
ABCs of the Bible
A is for Adam

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