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Introduction to

Information Technology

Department of Industrial Engineering

Institut Teknologi Nasional
Bandung - 2014

What is information technology?

: the technology involving the development,
maintenance, and use of computer systems,
software, and networks for the processing and
distribution of data. [Merriam-Webster Dictionary]
: processing of data via computer; the use of
technologies from computing, electronics, and
telecommunications to process and distribute
information in digital and other forms. [Microsoft
Encarta Dictionary 2006]

Extension of IT to ICT
Sometimes the term IT is extended to ICT:

Information Technology (IT)

integrated (tele)communication
Information and Communication

What is computer?
: electronic device that can receive a set of
instructions, or program, and then carry out this
program by performing calculations on
numerical data or by manipulating other forms
of information. [Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia

History of computer and IT

Abacus: an old calculation tool

(Sumerian abacus <2000 BCE)

Stone tablets: oldest

information storage media

Scroll: early sheet-based

(leather or paper) information
storage <>

History of computer and IT

Blaise Pascals mechanical

calculator (1642)

Charles Babages difference engine

(1820s) and then analytical engine (1830s)

History of computer and IT

Punched card: discrete data

storage since 1800s [Microsoft
Encarata Encyclopedia 2006]

IBM punched card

Accounting Machine (1936)

History of computer and IT

ENIAC (Electronic Numerator Integrator and Computer): first

generation digital computer (1946) [Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2006]

History of computer and IT

IBM Mainframe Computers (1970s) <>

History of computer and IT

Personal Computers (PC)
Apple I PC (1976)

First Apple Macintosh PC

(1984) <>

IBM PC (1970/1980)

History of computer and IT

Now, the micro-world: notebooks, tablets, and smartphones

History of computer and IT

Now, the meso-world: servers and server-room

History of computer and IT

Now, the macro-world: the internet, world-wide web, and cloud


History of computer and IT

Blue Gene/P supercomputer

with 250,000 parallel processors

Cray-2 supercomputer

Now, the giants: supercomputers for the purpose of highlycomplex scientific computing (e.g. nuclear simulation, etc.)

Three core aspects of computer


Hardware is the tangible components
Input devices: keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc.
Processor and the mainboard.
Storage devices: hard-disk, CD/DVD, flash-disk,
Output devices: screen, printer, speaker, etc.
Data communication devices: modem,
hub/switch, wireless access point, etc.


Interaction of hardwares in a computer system

[Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2006]

This is CPU (Central Processing Unit)
or microprocessor

This is not CPU, but the CPU is inside it.

What should we name this thing? :)

Software is a set of instructions, programmed to
the hardware.
Operating system: basic program to enable the
use of the hardware
Application: specific program to perform one or
more tasks
Software development application:
application for developing other application, by
using a programming language

Operating system: Windows, Linux, UNIX, iOS,
Android, etc.
Application: Windows Media Player, Calculator,
Microsoft Office, Acrobat Reader, etc.
Programming Language: Java, Visual Basic,
C++, C#, etc.
Software development application: Microsoft
Visual Basic.Net, Sun Java Developer, etc.

Peopleware (or brainware) is the people related
to the computer
Programmer: the one who develops the
Operator: the one who uses application
System analyst & designer: the one who
analyzes a problem and proposes computing
solution to the problem
System administrator: the one who takes
responsibility for the computers system

IT in Industrial Engineering
Industrial engineering is concerned with the
design, improvement and installation of
integrated systems of people, materials,
information, equipments, and energy.
[Institute of Industrial Engineers]

IT in Industrial Engineering
From the interviews by Institute of Industrial Engineers
(IIE) SOLUTIONS magazine, in January 1999:

30 ways to be a better Industrial Engineers:

16. Master Microsoft Excel!

IT in Industrial Engineering

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system: the

information integration of the whole enterprise

IT in Industrial Engineering
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an
integrated information system that serves all
departments within an enterprise.
An ERP system can include software for:
order entry
accounting and finance
distribution and transportation
human resources

IT in Industrial Engineering
Some major ERP vendors and the softwares:
SAP: SAP Business Suite, SAP ERP
Oracle: Oracle E-Business Suite
Microsoft: Microsoft Dynamics

IT in Industrial Engineering

CAD/CAM (Computer Aided-Design and Manufacturing) software: the

computer-assisted mechanical design and the integration to
manufacturing processes

IT in Industrial Engineering

Computer simulation: one of the most widely used

industrial engineering tools

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