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Chapter 5


Vertebrate Evolution
I) Universe Big Bang
II) Geology Materials, Plates, Mechanisms
III) Early Life
Universe 15 billion years old
The Suns Rays Nuclear Energy Amount 10 billion years
Earth 4.6 billion years ago
Reduced Asteroid Activity
3.6 Billion years ago Present
Earths External Conditions: Materials, Axis-Rotation, Magnetism &
75 % Nitrogen/ 15% CO2 / Low Oxygen / Gas-H20 / Ammonia /
Methane / Carbon Minerals
Magnetic North 700 thousand years ago Present
Magnetic South 2.5 million years ago 700 thousand years ago
(Archae) O2 (Animals) CO2 (Archae)
Plants O2 (Animals) CO2 (Plants)

Earths Internal Conditions:

Geologic Layers & Materials
Crust Mantle Outer Core (Magma) Iron (Inner) Core
Geologic Layer Calculations: Wave Refraction
Alfred Wegener: 1915 The Origins of Continents and Oceans
Fossil remains of the Triassic land reptile Cynognathus.
Fossil evidence of the Triassic land reptile Lystrosaurus.
Fossils of the fern Glossopteris.
Fossil remains of the freshwater reptile Mesosaurus.
Separate? - Uncertainty
Haden Eon 4.6-3.8 billion years ago
Archaean Eon 3.8-2.5 billion years ago
Rodenia: Proterozoic Eon
2.5 billion years ago 543 million years ago
Pannotia: Palezoic Era

543-290 million years ago Early

Precambrian Explosion in the number of animals.
Pangea: Paleozoic Era
290-248 million years ago Late
1 Continent
Age of Fish (Amphibians)
Laurasia & Gondwana:
Mezazoic Era 248-65 million years ago
2 Continents
Present 7: Cenezoic
65 million years ago (30) Present
7 Continents
Age of Mammals Birds independently
Tectonic Mechanics: Faulting
Transform slide back and forward (San Andres)
Compressional compress and create mountains

Extensional create rifts and valleys

Tectonic Mechanics
Continents moving away from heavy (largest and densest) African
plate under influence of inertial forces
Earthquake Volcanic Zones
Ring of Fire
Geological Time Scale
Homo sapiens
Genus Homo
- Mammals
- Reptiles
- Fish

- Invertebrates
- Eukaryotes
- Prokaryotes
Virus Scenario
Animate & Inanimate
Bacteria Scenario
Archaen Prokaryotes: Bacteria 3.5 billion years ago
Fossil: Cynobacteria & Extant: Oscillatoria Stromotolites
Stromotolites = oldest form of life, take in CO2 and put out O2.
Prokaryote Proto-Eukaryote?
Asexual Reproduction
Parent Offspring
Asexual Reproduction Mistake
Two DNA mixing Eukaryote (mtDNA & DNA).
Organism Evolution Speciation

If two populations dont get back, get a new species and stop their gene
Aristotle Epicurus Darwin
Chain of Being To Ladder of Life To Tree of Life
Phylogenetic Tree Life
Radiolaria, Testaceafilosea, Chromista
Invertebrates & Vertebrates Taxonomy
Paleozoic 540-250 million years ago: Age of Fish
1st Fish: Cartilagenous Bony
Fish eventually get lungs and gills.
Fish Evolution & Speciation
Lung Fish: Mudskippers
Gills & Ear Lungs
Arm like structures to move over ponds when they dry up.
Closed ears to get lungs.
Fish Evolution & Speciation

Hand Fish: Specialization

Fore Limbs Fin Hand
Fish Evolution & Speciation
Blind Cave Fish: Vestigial
Late Paleozoic 300-250 million years ago
1st Amphibians
Amphibian Evolution & Speciation
Fish Amphibian
Amphibians have the most bone and ribs for lungs.
Tiktoolik: Fish-Amphibian
Bridge Species
Amphibian: Evolution & Speciation
California Salamander
Amphibian Evolution & Speciation

Pacedeomorphism: Hox Genes

Standard Salamander & Axolotl Salamander.
Mezozoic 250-65 million years: Age of Reptiles
1st Reptiles
Reptile Evolution & Speciation
Fish Amphibian Reptile
Dominate Reptiles:
Dinosaurs 300 million years ago - 65 million years ago
Dino-Birds: Archaeopteryx warm-blooded quality.
Have feathers to keep in warmth.
Bavaria 1870s
China 1990s
Vertebrate & Mammalian Evolution
II] Earths Early Vertebrates
4] Vertebrates Evolution & Trends

Cartilaginous Fish & Vertebrates

Evolution 540 million years ago Present
Hagfish, Perch, Salamander, Lizard, Pigeons, Mouse, Chimp
Development of Jaws (P), Lungs (S), Claws/Nails (L), Feathers (P), Fur (M);
mammary glands.
Tetrapods: Birds
4 limbs, a hind limb and a tail.
V] Extinction and Evolution
Dinos vs. Mammals & Birds
Dinosaur | Mammal
Large \ Small
Terrestrial \ Arboreal
Homodont \ Heterodont
Specific Diet \ General Diet - Omnivores
Ectothermic-Scales \ Endothermic Hair
Asteroid-Comet Impact 65 thousand years ago
Iridium & Ash-Layer reflects suns rays

Mexico Yucatan
Dominate Reptiles:
Dinosaurs 300 million years 65 million years ago
Vertebrate Evolution
Mammals \Primates
Size of texas.
Paleozoic Age of Fish
Mesozoic Age of Reptiles
Cenozoic Age of Ancient Mammals
Cenozoic 65 million years ago Present: Age of Birds
Birds from terapods.
Crows are the smartest birds, live a long time, territorial.
Tupaias are the closest thing to a primate.
Mammalian Phylogenetic Tree

Reptile to Mammal: Synapsida (teeth-skull-jaw).

Mammal Evolutin: Miacid & Feldids.
Mammalian Evolution Elephant & Horse
Horse = Grazers
Browsers = Elephants
Sharp teeth to more flat and smooth.
Horse go from small to big.
^ More Rain = More Grass
Less Grass = Less Rain
Mammalian Evolution & Speciation
Camel & llama arose in South America
Camalama, Mule (Sterile), & Liger
Ring Species can share traits
Primate Species
Plesiadipid | Prosimian/ Monkeys \ Hominoids \ Hominids
All the mammals are rodent like then start showing diversification.

Primate Evolution:
Omaia, Tupia, Peliadipid purgatorius.
Plesiadapis features 1. Long tail, agile limbs, claws, rodent-like jaws & teeth,
eyes at sides of head, long snout, and no post-bony orbitals
Prosimii: Prosmians (60 Million years ago)
Lemurs, Lorises & Tarsiers
Big eyes = Nocturnal
Platyrrhini: New World Monkeys (35 million years ago)
Cebids: Spider (Largest of new world monkeys) & Capuchin Monkeys (Most
Calltrichids: Marmosets
Catarrhini: Old World Monkeys (30 million years ago)
Colobine: Langur/ Colobus
Cercopithecine: Baboon (Largest of old world monkeys) & Macaque (Most
Family Hominoidea: Ape (23 million years)
Gibbon, Orangutan, Gorilla, & Chimpanzee
23 mya, 15 mya, 8 mya, 7 mya

Hominids Humans:
Family Hominidae (7 my- Present)
Sahelanthropus tchadensis
The human lineage
Australopithecus afarensis Homo habilis Homo erectus Homo
neanderthalensis Homo sapiens.
Height increase and shortening of arms.
Anatomical Trait Type
Primitive-Ancestral & Derived-Modified
Height & Neck Derived (Can only be derived once).
Eyes & Tails.
Primitive that we have body hair, different degrees (quality of trait =
True Erect Bipedalism - Primitive
Full Opposability Derived.
Grasping - Primitive
Homoplasy: Homology
(Structure & Recent Descent)
Arm Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Carpal, Metacarpal, Phalanges

Fish are the crucible for the development of mammals.

Homoplasy: Homology
Fish & Human/ Bat & Bird
Human & Fish has 4 hox (2 Sets) genes in arm. Bat has 2 hox genes wing.
Homoplasy- Homology
Taxonomy: Phylogenetic: Primitive & Derived Traits
Taxonomy: Cladistics (Derived Traits)


Primate Order Taxonomy

1] Prosimians
Prosimii (Sub Order)
Plesidapiformes* (InfraOrder)
Lemuriformes (InfraOrder)
(Family) (SubFamiy)
Lorsisformes (InfraOrder)

iv. Lorisoids (Super Family)

(Family) (Sub Family)
v. Tarsiiformes (InfraOrder)
vi. Tarsioids (SuperFamily)
Family (Sub Family)
2] Platyrrhini Monkeys
A. Anthropoids (SubOrder)
B. Platyrrhini (InfraOrder)
C. Ceboids (SuperFamily)
I] Callitrichids (Family)
II] Cebids (Family)
3] Catarrhini Monkeys
Anthropoids (SubOrder)
Catarrhini (InfraOrder)
Cercopithecoids (SuperFamily)
Cercopithecids (Family)
Colobines (SubFamily)

Cercopithecines (SubFamily)
4] Hominoids
Anthropoids (SubOrder)
Catarrhini (InfraOrder)
Hominoids (SuperFamily)
A] Hylobatids (Family) (SubFamily)
B] Pongoids (Family) (SubFamily]
5] Hominids
Anthropoids (SubOrder)
Catarrhini (InfraOrder)
Hominoids (SuperFamily)
Hominids (Family)
A] Basals (SubFamily)
B] Australopitchecines (SubFamily)
C] Hominins (SubFamily)
HAMMP Humans Apes (Old) Monkeys (New) Monkeys Prosimians
A H (GS) P (OGC)

Primate Origins: Peliadipid Purgatorius (Dinosaurs extinct)

New World in North America.
65 million years ago: Arboreal? Visual Predation? Both? For BOTH.
Small, Heterodont, Omnivorous, Semi-Lateral Eyes, Color Vision,
Prehensile (Can grasp with hands), Claws (More rodent like)
A. Long Tail B. Agile Limbs C. Claws, not nails D. Rodent-like jaws and
teeth E. Eyes at sides of head (to see predators) F. Long snout G. No bony
post-orbital bar (bar behind the eyes)
Primate Size Range (Height: 610) Weight: 10oz-1k lbs)
Dwarf Lemur 10 inches (smallest)
Macchas 1 to 2 feet (Most Numerous Primate)
Mountain gorillas
Gigantia pitchecines (10 Feet Tall) In China/Southern Vietnam with
Bone Density
3x For Humans
5x for Chimpanzees/ Gorillas
8x Orangutans
Primate Sex Dimorphisms (Weight: 0-400 %)
Males have to show off in various different ways to impress females
(behavior and looks); to intimidate other males.
Chimpanzees and Humans 10% Difference in Males & Females

Skeletal Positions
Superior Cephalid Inferior Caudal
Anterior Ventral Posterior Dorsal
Lateral & Medial
II] Skeletal Areas
Cranial, Axial, Appendicular
Name, Location, Articulations, Features
III] Skeletal Features
Head Top
Neck Connection
Body Main
Tubercle Lump
Condyles Knuckle
Spine Pointed Projection
Laminae Sheet
Process Projection Crest Pointed Tuft

Pedicle Stem Tori Bulge

Articular Joint
Foramen Hole
Sulcus Channel
Mastoid Nipple
Meatus Canal
Petrous Dense-Rocky
Styloid Slender
Protuberance Knob
Fossa Ditch
Tubercle Lump
Arc Ruler
Squamous Thin-Plate
General Bone Structure & Growth
Blood Bone Cells Osteons
Epiphysis Diaphysis Metaphysis Epiphysis (Cartilage Growth)
Crania: Bone Elements
Single Bones:
Frontal, Sphenoid, Occipital, Maxilla, Mandible, Hyoid
Paired Bones:

Parietals, Temporals, Zygomatics, Nasals, Facials

Cranial Bones & Features
Mental Eminence
Nasal Bridge
Nasal Spine
Nasal Aperture
Supraorbital Tori (Each one torus)
Auditory Meatus
Ramus (Arm of Jaw)
Mastoid Process (Behind ears)
Protuberance (Only in Males)
Occipital has Foramen Magnum Big Hole
Sagittal Suture
Meitopic (Disappears overtime 1-2)
Foramen Magnum Location

AMP Diagonal (Bipedal & Quadpedal), Horizontal Frontal Slope

H Vertical (Bipedal)
Dental Structure
Crown Neck Root
Enamel Dentine Pulp
Dental Element Forms & Shapes
8 teeth, incisors 2, canines 1, pre-molars 2, molars 3 in quadrant
Overbite in industrialized countries because jaw is not being
strengthened by eating hard foods, too many soft processed foods.
Cusps and Morphology
Trigon Cusp: Prosimians
Bilophodonty Cusp: Monkeys
Y-5 Cusp: Apes and Humans
Incisors: Peg Spade
Canines: Long Sharp Short-Blunt for Humans
Old Word Monkeys, Cercopithe, Baboons have long canines (most
progmathism B30/F30) Humans B60F 40
Mandrill are the largest of the baboons (cercopithecines, old world monkeys,
apes) use their canines to intimidate other males and attract females
PreMolars: Squarish
Molars: Triangular Squarish Rooundish

Dental combs only found in prosimians to comb hair.

Dental Formulas (Quadrant)
3143 Early Mammals
3132 Prosimians Some
2132 NW Callitrichids
2133 NW Cebids
2123 OW Monkeys/Apes/Humans
Name/Shape, Location, Articulations, Features
Primate Anatomy Skeleton - Axial
Thorax & Scapula Clavicle
Sternum knife-like bone has the xiphoid process and articulates with
the clavicle and cartilage of ribs
Clavicle s-shaped bone (curvy), axial, articulates with scapula, pins
back scapula
Ribs & Lungs in axial, articulates with sternum & vertebrate.
Scapula triangular shape in axial skeleton (thorax), clavicle,
articulates with clavicle, vertebrate, ribs and humerus
Features: glenoid fossa (humerus ball and socket), scapular spine
(superior to cavity), corocoid (next to glenoid), acromion (past
Vertebral Elements amorphic , articulates with ribs, has foramen,
spin, and fossa

Vertebral Column double s curve (monkeys/prosimians have straight

spine) with internal tail, articulates with ribs, skull, and pelvis.
Vertebral Elements
Prosimans & Monkeys: Flex-Straight 7-9-9-5-13 (use tails for balance).
Apes & Humans: Rigid-Curved
Prehensile Tail Provides some support (Sea bit old world monkeys
and spider monkeys)
Part of appendicular skeleton, made of ilium, ischium, and pubis;
articulates with vertebrate and femur; features an acetabulum, birth canal,
Other primates have rectangular pelvis, which puts their legs closer
together and tips them over when standing. We have a square pelvis.
Humerus appendicular skeleton, has condyles, olecranon fossa,
articulate with scapula and ulna.
Ulna-Radius articulate with carpels
Hind limbs: Femur: Head-Neck-Body-Condyles
Has a head, body, and condyles. Has a 120 degree Valgus angle. Thick
shelf bone. Trochantas.

Femur Pelvis
Ilio-Femoral Ligament
No articulation
(Fibula does not articulate with the femur)
Tibia Fibula Talus
Primate Olfaction
Rhinarium a wet nose very strong sense of smell scent marking
denitorized & mating.
Strong sense of smell NWM
Fair H/A/OWN
Taste & Smell tied together
Primate Auditory

Very strong (Low frequency) Nocturnals

Moderate All diurnals
Primate Vision Trichromat
Very strong
Cones color, rods (bigger) light (night)
Mammal dichromat
Very Strong (Diurnal Prosimians, Diurnal Anthropoids)
Moderate (Nocturnal Prosimians & NW Oul monkeys)
Human Eye
Eyes in front
Nerves cross through brain and both eyes send signals to both sides of
occipital lobe vision cortex
Frontal lobe- Language (Broca) share with apes, Logic-Emotion
Thinking, planning execution, motor execution, short-term memory
Parietal Lobe: Sense: Perception, Integration, Vision-Space Integration
Temporal Lobe Long-Term Memory & Emotion, Auditory, Language
Wernicke unique to humans
Occipital Lobe Vision
Cerebellum Arousal, Swallowing, Digestion, Breathing, CardioVascular

Medulla Motility, Balance, Sensory Reflex

Corpus Callosum Male = Logic > Emotion (movement)
(Bridge-Left Right) Female = Logic=Emotion (Nurturing)
Wide = Female, Narrow = Male
Hind Brain
Mid Brain
Higher Brain (cerebrum)
Frontal Lobe (olfaction)



Range where they live

Lemurs only in Madagascar (smallest in range)
Lorises nocturnals (big eyes); Africa, South Asia, Indonesia (largest range)
Tarsiers nocturnal, big finger to tap into trees; Indonesia & Philippines (2 nd
smallest range)
New World Monkeys - Playtrrhini
Cebids South & Central America
Callitrichids South & Central America

Old World Monkeys - Catarrhini 35 million years ago: Baboons, Macaque

Cercopithecine Africa & South Asia high as China, southern Spain, Japan
- most numerous of old world monkeys.
- Ethiopia herd
Colobine Langur: Semnopithecus entellus same range
Apes (Hominioids)
Hylobatids Southern Asian & Indonesia
Gibbon 23mya & Orangutan 15 mya Japan, Carribean
Lori Sheeran
Birute Galidihus
Diane Fossey
Jane Goodall
Common Chimpanzee: Pan troglodytes
Fruit 50%
Leaves 20 %
Insects 20 %

Meat 10 % - Scavenged Lizards, Birds, Hunted

(Deer/Monkey) D----- Prey ------ Apes
Alliance Alpha 1 & Elite 5, Commoner X, Outliers 2
(L 1
6 5)
Squirrel Monkey: Saimiri sciureus
Fruit 70%
30% Leaves, Insects, Meats Lizards & Birds, Scavenged
Prosimians - Lemurs
Aye Aye: Daubentonia madagascariensis
Insects 70%, 30 % Fruit, Leaves, Gums
Gorilla: Gorilla gorilla
70% Leaves, 30 % Fruit, Insects, Meat
Sacculated Stomach, Special Enzymes

Range of Common to Rare

Omnivore > Frugivore > Insectivore > Folioivore, Gumivore
High (Meat-easy) to Low (Plant hard)
Ruminids (Low) has multiple stomachs to process nutrients of lowquality foods such as plants
Density of Calories & Nutrients (Eggs)
Fork Marked Lemur: Phaner furcifer
70% Gums, 30% Fruit, Leaves, Insects
Activity Patterns: Circadian Rhythms
Day Lark (4-8 am), Night Owl (7- 9 am)
Day Lark Fast Tempo, Night owl has Slower Tempo
Brain Area: SCN ( Suprachiasmatic Nucleus)
SCN Transmitter = Orangisms Clock Activity Pattern
SCN Receiver = Cells Clock Activity Pattern
Quadrupedalism Strength ball & socket joint
Quadrupedalism Standard
Quadrupedalism Slow nocturnal and eat insects

Quadrupedalism Knucklewalking
Great Apes Orangutan Gorilla Chimpanzee
Brachiation Standard Arm swinging graceful
Brachiation True Hylobatids (No tail, 5 Set of teeth) & Spider
Monkeys (Tail)
Brachiation Poor Too big for humans
Gorilla too big
Semi-Erect Bipedalism All the primates = bent knees but cant lock
True Bipedalism Humans
Vertical Clinging & Leaping rubber band knees exclusive to lemurs
Primatology: Captive
Joseph Yerkes Center Georgia
Primatology: Semi-Feral
Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico

Primatology: Feral
Gombre, Tanzania
Lewis Leaky put Jane Gooddall into the field.
Omnivore: Foliovore
Diet Food-Water
Body Size
Group Size
Predators leopards, chimps (hunt),
Sympatrics the idea of two species living together.
Sleeping Sites
Human Predation: Bush Meat
Bamboo Habitat for Apes
Callitrichids = twins often
Norm for primates to have only one offspring.
Natural Selection: Infanticide
Polygyny = many females with one male. Group of male trackers outside
trying to outrun male. As females charge to attack, the male will kill their
babies and females will stop charge in shock.

Group selection
Colobus Protection & Chimp Hunting
Only hunters chimps and humans
Driver --- Prey---- Ambusher
Alpha (1M,1F) Females have 90 %, Males have 30 %
Elite (5M,5F)
Commoners (Most) 70 %
Outliers (Few)
Sympatric cycling when females are near each other, the start to
cycle on the same cycle. Curried favor gifts and grooming to help
procreate. Alpha will be given meat as a sign of respect, but cannot ask for
Kinesics Body: Relaxed mouth closed.
Kinesics Body: Play mouth open, eyes relaxed
Kinesics Body: Fear eyes down, concerned, tight faces
Face: Hundreds of Muscles

Myriad of Expressions
Calling Face
Thoughtful/Curious/Laughing mouth open
Submissive Grin, Embarrassed & Pouting
Angry mouth open, eyes pinched back
Vocalization: Singing & Calling
Touch: Hold, Groom, Kiss, Hug, & Caress spend majority of day
Mother Infant Bond & Learning
Alloparenting chimps like to help out in a group.
Chimpanzee: Learning & Culture?
Tool Use & Modification
(Bird/Mammals) Tool Use = Object as Tool
(Apes/Humans) Tool Modification = Object Made Better Tool
Hominid & Hominoid Self Awareness only humans and chimp aware of self.
Develop true permanence.
Ape Language: Sign Language

Symbols, Form-Classes & Syntax

Frontal Lobe: Brocas Area
Temporal Lobe:: Planum temporale
Ape Language: Sign Language
Symbols, Form-Classes & Syntax
Brocas Area Frontal Lobe
Sign Language 800 Words+
Chimpanzee: Washoe
Gorilla: Koko
Chimpanzee: Kanzi & Speech
2000+ words
can say carrot, bean; made own words for banana, carrot, juice, and yes
Kanzi & Music Melodies
Tool Manufacturing (Oludwan Tools)
Ian Toth & Kanzi
Hierarchy: Display Bluff & Fight
Hierarchy Displays: Alpha Freud & Frodo Challenger
Hierarchy: Alliances & Status
Hierarchy Touch: Sex
(6 Estrus Cycles Yearly ++)
Social-Bond Apes (Bonobo)


Polyandry queen female
Multiple-Male/ Female: Fission-Fusion

Other Social Dynamics

1] Deception Food
2] Deception Power alpha baby kills lower class mother
3] Hunting chimpanzees will leave group and attack males
4] Cannibalism chimpanzee Passion eating babies
5] Mourning chimp male did not want to be part of group

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