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Response to question 5

Carmen Laliberte transferred from the mailroom as the supervisor into the Business Office as a
supervisor in February 2014. Upon meeting her I expressed my desire to seek a position within
the company utilizing my recently obtained degrees. I applied for and interviewed for a position
in Orders Quality March 7, 2014. On June 20, 2014 I was called into Carmens office to go over
my mid-year review. At that time Carmen proceeded to advise me I received four customer
complaints without understanding if the complaints were valid or simply situations where the
customers were upset they didnt get what they wanted because the correct procedure was
followed. Also during the review Carmen pointed out I had the highest cashiering and order
accuracy for the office and pointed out other things I exceeded on as well. On July 17, 2014 I
applied for a position in the Legal Department. After Carmen received notification that I
applied for this position I was written up July 22, 2014 for the same customer complaints she put
in my mid-year review in June. I asked her if the write-up would prevent me from interviewing
for the Legal position, she informed me she had to contact a Human Resources representative to
find out. On September 9, 2014 Carmen Laliberte called me into the conference room again and
suspended me for 2 days without pay as a result of listening to a monitored call from August 6th
where she stated I made threatening comments to the customer. Clearly throughout the call the
customer and I are engaging in friendly banter and can be heard joking and displaying cordial
conversation. Once I handled the customers inquiry, the customer thanked me for my
assistance. During the month of October, Carmen didnt pick or harass me at all I assume only
because I experienced death in my immediate family.
On November 19th and 20th suspended and November 21, 2014 terminated without warning for
employee complaints saying I dont pull my share of the workload.
Called to conference room yet again November 19th by Carmen Laliberte who stated she
received employee complaints that I dont do my share of the work. She pulled one sign in sheet
and showed some video which was inconclusive because there was no way to see what was
really going on in the video. Carmen tried to make it seem as if I didnt do any work for 2 whole
hours while other employees did all the work. She failed to realize per her request we are to
assist walk in customers as well as take call center calls in between walk in customers.
Response to question 6
I have been an employee of SCANA for 14 years. All previous managers and supervisors never
had issues or concerns with my performance. All my evaluations have been stellar and praised
me for being a team player. The type of employee that comes to work early to make sure the
office is ready to open at 8 am and I offer assitance to employees in regards to cashiering
issues. I truly feel Carmen Laliberte picked, harassed and discriminated against me just because
I expressed a desire to better myself. She has been sued by other African American employees
for exhibiting the same behaviors and attitude she displayed against me. Her motives are the

same. She targets then picks and harasses an employee until she feels she has just cause to
terminate an employee. Carmen made the working environment unbearable. The harassment took
a toll on me physically and emotionally. I found myself stressed out which affected my blood
pressure and diabetes. I missed work as a result of this and found myself taking multiple trips to
my doctor for chest pains and other issues.
Response to question 8
The following employees work the same position as I do but they are not treated as harshly as I
Mauricio Ottich- Hispanic Male- CSR

Mauricio has his own used car lot he has been written up by Carmen for buying/selling
cars on company time. This is clearly a violation of company policy and outlined in the
company handbook as a grounds for termination. She simply wrote him up, nothing
Mauricio is habitually late everyday. His tardiness was also an issue with other
Mauricio was told about his accuracy issues in cashiering in his mid-year review

Trinita Brown- African American Female- CSR

Habitually tardy. This was an issue with our previous supervisor as well
Does not manage PTO based on guidelines
Below average cashiering and order accuracy

How could I NOT be a team player if I out perform both my co-workers?

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