2 Image and Beauty: P Ints

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2 Image and Beauty

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A Before you watch

Which of these things would you do to become more fashionable
or attractive? Rank them from 1 (most likely) to 8 (least likely).

Put on make-up
Put on perfume
Get a piercing
Get a tattoo

Work out in a gym

Go on a diet
Buy a new item of clothing
Have cosmetic surgery

B While you watch

1 Choose the correct answers.
1 When Cindy was young, she felt that better-looking children got
a more attention.
b nicer clothes.
c better grades.
2 She came to feel that her nose and chin were too
a fat.
b big.
c thin.
3 Cindy had cosmetic surgery done
a to her face only.
b to her face and body.

c from her waist down only.

4 Cindy now works as a full-time

a model.
b writer.

c personal trainer.

5 Which of these activities do we see Cindy doing?

a roller-blading
b swimming

c lifting weights

6 Cindy says kids of eight or nine should be allowed to have cosmetic surgery on their
a nose.
b eyes.
c ears.

2 Complete the text with the verbs in the box. Use the correct tense.
play be experience get lose not be take (x2) love have
I 1
all 7

a very shy, introverted child. I 2

very communicative
animals, and I
with my Barbie dolls, and my cats and dogs
peoples rejection of me seriously. We all 6
rejected from time to time. We
pain, we all 8
things friends pets members of our family. But I
them very, very, very hard I always 10
something that I was down about.

3 Circle the correct word(s) to complete the sentences.

1 C
 indy had over twenty cosmetic surgery operations that transformed her face and body in what must be
the more / most extensive beauty makeover ever attempted.
2 I know Im more / the most beautiful now by the classic definitions of beauty.
3 I lead a very healthy lifestyle Otherwise, the face-lifts and the operations that Ive had wouldnt be
as / more effective.
4 I think beautiful people are happier / more happier and more successful than least / less beautiful people.

Photocopiable D.R. Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

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2 Image and Beauty

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C After you watch

Imagine you are a reporter. You are going to meet with and interview Cindy Jackson or another celebrity who
has had cosmetic surgery. Write some questions to ask her/him.
Why did you decide to have cosmetic surgery?

D Language Points
1 Match Cindy Jacksons statements 14 with their similar meanings ad.
1 I was just in a world of my own.

a I was very sensitive and everything seemed serious

to me.

2 I took things very hard.

b N
 ow that I have been both ugly and beautiful, Id
rather be beautiful.

3 I always had something that I was down about.

c I was unhappy very often.

4 H
 aving been on both sides of the fence, I know
its a better life to be beautiful.

d I was thinking my own thoughts and not paying

much attention to what was happening around me.

2 Complete the sentences with information about you.

2 I take it very hard when
3 When Im feeling down about something, I

because I was in a world of my own.


E Your Viewpoint
Work in groups. Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Give reasons to justify your opinion.

Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to have cosmetic surgery.

Beautiful people are happier and more successful than less beautiful people.
You need lots of money to stay beautiful.
Beauty is only skin deep.
Beauty can open doors.

Photocopiable D.R. Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

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