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ISSN 2051-6940




29th May - 11th June 2015 The Most Popular Freebie in North Norfolk.

For Only

For Office or HomeVisits

: 01263 579 327

Available at All the Best Places Between Cromer

Nth Walsham, Mundesley, Sheringham & Aylsham.

Also @

or F

The Crab & Lobster Festival


Danum House, Overstrand, Norfolk

The official opening of the Festival was

thanks to the Mayor of Cromer, Tony
Nash, with help from the Town Criers
and the Deputy Mayor Tim Adams
in attendance.
The Evington Lawns ( Above ) hosted a
large and interesting assortment of stands
i.e. Conservation, Farm Foods, Breads &
Spreads, R.S.P.B., Norfolk Food & Drink,
Breweries & live music.

There was also Punch & Judy for the kids

& various games, Cookery demonstrations,
Theatre, heritage displays and much more.
Councillors John & Chris donned Crab &
Lobster costumes and moved from the
Lawns into the town, much to the
delight of the children. Hello to
Sid the American bulldog.

Continued On Page Six

Randells Footcare

HPC Registered Chiropodists & Podiatrists

01603 737188
Podiatrists to
Norwich City Football Club

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965

Richard West
Home Improvements

Chimney Sweep
Jones The Sweep


Telephone Harry on 01263 833 362
Mobile phone - 07799 484 012

The Village Chippy

5 Beach Road, Mundesley
(Next to the Manor Hotel)



Any Small Jobs To Complete Rewiring Undertaken

All Work Fully Guaranteed & to Latest Standards

Call Dave on 01263

722 517

Open Every Day

(Except Sunday)

11.30am. to 2pm...ish
4.30pm. to 9.30pm....ish

Cooking Fish fresh to order,

Chicken, Ribs & Peas etc.
All at Good Prices
Tel: 01263 720 565
(Awaiting Connection)

Crab Tales web site:

From The Editor

National news is often depressing

and what we as humans allow to
happens to others less fortunate
than ourselves is truly depressing.
I personally will not be holidaying
in Thailand or any of those countries
which can stop the poor unfortunates
fleeing Burma landing on their shores.
But it is not all at a distance slave labour is happening
here in North Norfolk!
It was brought to my attention last
week, an acquaintance trying to get
back into employment worked at a
local cafe for a day as training! not
that much training was given and
then told at the end of the day she
was not suitable and given no pay
for her days toil as it was training!
(I spoke with NNDC & ACAS and
with out a long drawn out procedure
which a law student would find very
difficult, there is no one who wants
to know, as ACAS stated there is no
employment police! well I think
there should be)
I had a call that the catching, caging
and dispatching of birds is to aid all
of the environment, not just the
shooting fraternity, the caller may
be correct but I think nature, if left
usually balances all in the end.

To finish on a happier note two

jackdaws have returned to my
friends chimneys.
I am afraid that many our our Crab
Tales readers will be disappointed
to see that there is not a single joke
in this issue. We always to include
at least one but we had last minute
adverts coming in. We will make
up for it in the next issue so keep
them coming in!

Enjoy Your Crab Tales

Liz King

tel: 01263 834 965



For ADVERTISING contact Liz King: 01263 834 965

For ALL EVENTS, contact Lis Keddell


Benefits Agency...........01603 248 248

C.A.B.............................08000 855 889
(Holt)...........................01263 713 849
(Nth Walsham)............01692 402 570
Coast Guard..................01493 851 338
Council (County)...........01603 222 222
(District)...........01263 513 811
Dentist...........................01263 515 229
Doctors: Aldborough ...01263 768 602
Aylsham.........01263 733 331
Cromer .........01263 513 148
Mundesley.....01263 724 500
Sheringham...01263 822 066
N.H.S contact number..................1 1 1
Hospital (Cromer) .........01263 513 571
Job Centre (Cromer).......08456 043 719
Mundesley Visitor Centre...01263 721 070
Opticians.......................01263 512 345
Aylsham ..............01263 732 320
Cromer ................01263 512 850
Nth Walsham.......01692 402 482
Mundesley...........01263 720 702
Sheringham.........01263 822 874
R.S.P.C.A.......................0870 555 5999
Tourist Info-Cromer......01263 512 497
Travel Enquiries............08712 002 233
National Express...........08705 808 080
Rail Enquiries................08457 484 950
Veterinary Surgeon.......01263 822 293
Victim Support..............08453 030 900
POLICE..........................0845 456 4567
* Cromer Police Station Staffed Mon 8am - 3.30pm,
Tues & Weds 8am - 4pm*

Letters to the Editor Send to: 10 Hilda Rd, Mundesley NR11 8BA
e-mail to: OR Drop off at:
K Hardware, Church Street, CROMER
Dear Crab Tales Readers,

On Weds 20th May, all those in our contacts

list for received
this letter which is shown it was received:
Hope all is well with you over there? Am sorry for
the inconvenience and shock this message might
bring to you now as you read, am so depressed and
freaked out at the moment., I need assistance and
prayers from you because i dont know who else
to write this message to except you. My family and
i had to be in Ukraine for holidays and a program,
the program we came here for was successful but
our journey has turned sour :((, We got involved
in a car accident on our way back to the hotel we
lodged after the program. The driver died instantly
after the incident, but we where helped and rushed
to a nearest hospital around the town here, Well. I
thank God we are still alive and also can write you
this message. Firstly the reason why i write you this
message is to seek for your assistance financially,
Because the doctor said we cant be discharge
unless we pay our hospital bills just because we are
not a citizen of their country. Please i want you to do
me a favor by giving me a quick loan of some cash
() to settle up our bills, and also get a cab to the
airport and find our way back home before our bills
starts going higher here in the hospital. I promise
to refund back to you in full as soon as we get back
hopefully tomorrow or next. Please write back now
to let me know what you can do.

I await for your quick responds xx

Kind Regards, Lis Keddell, Crab Tales
I would like to thank everyone who told me
about this letter and would like to assure all
who received it that we are fit and well and
NOT in the Ukraine.
Not only is this a horrible scam but we had to
spend loads of time dealing with everything
from reporting it to the police, sorting out our
files on the internet, changing passwords and
scanning the computer for virus threats (none
found!) and after about 3 hours, retrieving our
contact list which had been emptied, along with
all our other folders.
Later that day we noticed that we were getting
no e-mails (on Copy Date!) so spent about an
hour going through each problem with our
internet providers who are investigating it.
We are still getting very few e-mails as our
usual contacts have been informed that the
e-mail address - shown below- does not exist.
If you tried to send us an e-mail on the 20th
or 21st of May, could you please re-send it
and accept our apologies if it is too late.
Lis & Philip Keddell
Crab Tales

Letters continued on Page 4

All material is strictly copyright. The views expressed in the CRAB TALES are
not necessarily those of the publishers or the Editor. Material including letters may
be edited. Layout & Design by Lis Keddell. Published by The CRAB TALES.

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965

Letters Continued From Page 3

Dear Editor,

I would like to send a personal Thank You to

everyone who voted for me at the May 7th
Elections. Having served for the last eight
years, it is a great honour to have been reelected to serve you all for a third term.
Once again many thanks for your continued
support and you can rest assured that I shall
continue to do my very best working with
you all for the benefit of our community
which it has been my privilege to serve.
Cllr Barry Smith NNDC. Representing
The Mundesley Ward.

Dear Editor,

I would like to express my thanks to all the

wonderful people who voted for me in the
local elections. Im overjoyed that I am able
to build on the foundation from my previous
two dbut years at NNDC. Working without
divide, towards all things good, with vision
and compassion for a brighter future.
The election campaign was relentless and I am
truly grateful to the deliverers & personnel at HQ
for brilliantly backing a memorable campaign.
My running partner, Pierre Butikofer, was an
inspirational driving force on this journey and
kept me going even when we were exhausted.
My thanks are extended to Norman Lamb, who
visited the town on numerous occasions to help
out, even though he was running his own race
for the region. There are so many other people
who were involved so please accept a universal
acknowledgement to embrace all of you.

Im extremely proud of our beautiful town and

the many events it offers throughout the year,
thanks to dedicated organizers and volunteers.
I will continue to support their fine efforts at
every given opportunity.
Andreas Yiasimi
Cromer Town

Dear Liz,

The man glasses, Paul Blencowe would like

to thank the 420 voters from the Mundesley
Ward, who supported and believed in him
for the district council elections.
Sadly they were not enough but Ill be back in
four years to challenge the incumbents again!
Paul Blencowe

Dear Editor,

I was quite surprised to see a letter from Mr H

Mouse in issue 061 of Crab Tales - I thought
hed been mouse-trapped a long time ago.
I note hes bothered by all the thank you
letters which appear in your magazine.
Perhaps there could be a special thank you
page and that would mean more room for
the entertaining letters -or even the
controversial ones !
On Monday 11th May, I was in Nth Walsham
quite early, it was a beautiful morning, sunny,
clear skies, warm -just the day for a bus ride
around our lovely countryside.

Jake Neale's Scrap Metal

& Recycling Services

Your local licensed scrap metal collector

FREE Collection on: Washing machines, dishwashers,

tumble dryers, cookers, car batteries, radiators,
anything metal we will collect.
We will pay for large quantities.

If you are reading this, so too are

your future clients
To advertise in the

Crab Tales
phone Liz King on:

Please call : 0777 586 8378

01263 834 965

May is my favourite month with all the greenery

coming out everywhere so I thought Id take a
trip to Yarmouth, passing through Smallburgh,
Stalham, Sutton, Hickling, Catfield, Ludham,
Potter Heigham, Bastwick, Martham, Rollesby,
Fleggburgh, Filby, Ormesby and Caister.
The Number 6 bus turned up but I couldnt get
on it - it was that dreadful Postcards from
Sheringham bus - beautiful pictures of
Sheringham on the outside and like the
Black Hole of Calcutta on the inside.
What on earth do holiday makers think? How
can they appreciate our lovely countryside
through those black windows?
Whoever came up with the idea of painting over
the bus windows to advertise Sheringham should
be made to travel on that bus forever - theyd
soon end up with a headache.
Blackened windows on cars are not approved
of - why have they been allowed on buses?
Janet Munro

10 Years ago I was diagnosed with MS and the

bottom of my world fell out. What better way
to prove to myself and to others that life goes
on than to actively raise awareness and funds
for this great charity? I have MS, MS doesnt
have me!
The MSTCN is a registered charity providing
services, information and support to all those
affected by a long term neurological condition.
If you would like to sponsor us you can via my and searching for us individually
or by adding to the collection boxes at Cromer
Tennis Club and Priceless Photosprint,
Hamilton Road Cromer.
Thank you
John Seton

Dear Editor,

On the 20th June this year, I will be completing

a tandem Sky Dive for the Multiple Sclerosis
Thearpy Centre Norfolk (MSTCN).

Dear Crab Tales Readers

Vote for St. Andrews School!

St Andrews School in Aylmerton needs your

help! We are a small and very special school
caring for young people with autism or social
and communication difficulties.
The School wants to develop a major piece of
glass artwork for our new Reception with the
students leading the project under the direction
of local glass artist, Susan Purser Hope.
The School has applied to Aviva Community
Fund and need your vote to get into the finals.
If you feel able to help us, please read more at:
If you like what you see, please vote for us and
forward this link to family, friends & colleagues
who might also be interested in supporting us.
Dont delay - last day for voting is 30th May!
Thanks for your help!
Susan Purser Hope

Dear Editor,

Joining me are more than 20 others, including

my sister- in- law, Leanne Harrington & close
friends Victoria Craske, The Flying Foulsers:
Sandra, Barry & Nathan for his 16th birthday
present and Charlie Pearce for his 18th.
All bravely, (or stupidly) raising funds
for this good cause.

I wish to thank all those who supported at the

Barn Dance organised by Aylsham Christmas
Lights Community Committee to raise finance
to provide extra Christmas lights for the Town.
We all had a most enjoyable evening and the
Grand sum of 647 was raised. I would like
to thank all who donated food for our event.
Thanks also to the Headteacher of the Bure
Valley School who gave us the use of the
school free of charge.

Letter Continued on Page 8

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Firewood logs and wood chippings available!

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tel: 01263 720 309

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Open to Non - Residents
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Medical Negligence

Richard Barr experienced clinical negligence solicitor

based in North Norfolk. Free preliminary consultation without
obligation (at your own home if you wish) Cases may be
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Bond Street, Cromer. tel: 01263 512 320

Open: Monday - Saturday 8.30am - 4.30pm

Our aim is to serve good quality

home cooked food using locally
sourced produce wherever
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We cater for vegan, vegetarian
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Find us on TripAdvisor
Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965

GARAGE DOOR REPAIRS - call 01362 690 290

for prompt expert service - ALL AREAS COVERED
*Repairs & Spares *New doors supplied & installed

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Door Services Norfolk

Tel & Fax: 01362 690 290

Continued from Front Page

At Cromer Town Councils War Memorial

Restoration stand, people could purchase
letters or names of the fallen from WW2
to be engraved on the War Memorial as
part of the restoration plans, running it
were Mr & Mrs David Pritchard.
The aim of the festival is to benefit local
businesses and to involve local people
while having fun and raising money
for the RNLI stations.
The weekend was very well organised
and enjoyed by everyone. Thank you
goes to the St Johns Ambulance.
Thanks also for the very thoughtful
residents letters.
It is so lovely to have the festival
on the Lawns, we would welcome
more events here.
Mr Jim Page would like to thank
the RNLI and the many helpers
involved in this event, as it all
came together so brilliantly.
The Editor would like to thank
Cindy Johnson for this report.

Open For Public

Cromer RNLIs original boathouse on the
East Promenade will be open at weekends.
(Weather, Launches and crew permitting)
Come along and see our inshore lifeboat
George and Muriel on our open days.
The boathouse on the East Promenade by the
Henry Blogg Museum will welcome visitors.
This historic building dates from 1867 replacing
an older building, which was approximately
100 metres from the present area.
This new boathouse work included building an
extension to the sea walls and a slipway across
the top of the beach.

Henry Blogg and Henry Shrimp Davies

and their crews.
(To date there have been awards of 45 Bronze
medals, 8 Silver medals and 3 Gold medals).
The station operated two offshore boats from
1923. The second boat was replaced by an
inshore lifeboat (ILB) in 1967.
This photo below shows the crew in 2013
Ted Luckin is on the far right hand side.

The work cost 476.4s.0d and was

carried out by a local builder by the
name of E. Simmons.
The cost of the station was met by
Benjamin Bond Cabbell who had
also bought a new lifeboat for the
station at the same time.
Since then the volunteer crews at
Cromer have gained a record of
gallantry stretching back to the
beginnings of the RNLI.
Some of the most notable rescues
and service have been carried out
by famous coxswains such as

Crab Tales web site:

North Walsham
Windows & Glazing Ltd


Unit 13 Douglas Bader Close, North Walsham

For all your Glass & Window


Specialising in Replacing Sealed Units.

All glass types stocked:
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The Ship Inn

21 Beach Road, Mundesley

Beautiful Seaview Restaurant

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Would like to welcome you to
come and try a freshly
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Book Now for Fathers Day

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See our web-site for Menu


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Competitive Rates Apply

Eat in or take-away

All our pizzas are cooked in a stone-based oven,

which allows them to be cooked quicker & crispier
than more conventional techniques.
We make everything on site from our signature
twelve-hour dough to our mouthwatering
classic tomato sauce.

01263 761 652

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Rooms Ready for Booking!

Seaview Function Room available

for ALL occasions.

To book or for further information

phone us on:

01263 722 671
or e-mail :

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965

Letter Continued From Page 4

I must also thank the many local shopkeepers

and our Committee members who gave items
for the Grand Raffle. We had a tremendous
number of prizes.
Finally, my grateful thanks must go to all who
helped prepare the hall & the food on Saturday
afternoon, worked tirelessly during the evening
and cleared up so well with the help of some of
the dancers at the end of the evening.
A tremendous evening. Well done.
Keith Elphick.
Chairman. Aylsham Christmas Lights
Community Committee.

Dear Editor,

A sign for the times in Aylsham.

Just in time for the Spring Bank Holiday, Aylsham

Community Partnership unveiled a striking new
sign directing visitors to the Heritage Centre.
The sign, made in oak by John Leaf of Matlaske
woodcarvers, was designed to fit and blend with
the existing church sign.

Aylsham Parish Church vicar Rev. Andrew

Beane was on hand for the unveiling on
Wednesday 13th May.
The sign was constructed from oak donated by
Aylsham residents Maureen and Richard Burr
while Broadland District Council made funds
available to cover the cost of carving.
Commenting on the sign, Aylsham Community
Partnership chairman Giles Margarson said:
The Heritage Centre is a lovely building, sitting
in the churchyard. It is a great resource for the
town as well as an attraction for visitors.
With the new sign, we believe visitor numbers
will increase, allowing more people to enjoy
what the Centre has to offer.
Find out more about Aylsham Heritage Centre,

Dear Editor,

We are so proud of our new car park at Thorpe

Market church, but guess what?
For the second time recently we have received
the unwanted gift of open sacks of old Artex
ceiling material heavy, soggy, messy and
definitely not wanted.
Fly-tipping despoils the countryside and has to
be cleared away by SOMEONE.
If any Crab Tales readers have any suspicions
as to who might be the perpetrator of this
despicable act please will they tip us off?
Have you employed anyone to work
on your ceiling recently?
The latest offering is in a Wild Bird
Feed sack.
Margaret Hunter

Celebrating 20 Years
On May 19th I joined nearly 100 members of
Coastwatch & partners at the Royal Hotel in
Mundesley to celebrate their 20th year of
watching and recording the movement of
the passing ships every day of the week
from 8am to 6pm.

Dear Editor,

The Cromer Ladies Lifeboat Guild AGM held

on 30th April, saw 2 of its long serving members
receive prestigious National Awards in recognition of their long service and outstanding
contribution to RNLI fundraising.
Life President, Mrs Daisy Spurgeon, received
a Gold Bar to her Gold Badge and Chairman,
Mrs Beryl Mansell, received a Silver Badge.
Daisy has been a member of the Guild since its
inception in 1973 and was the inaugural Treasurer
and became the Chairman in 1979 until 2006 the longest serving Chairman to date.
On her retirement from the role of Chairman,
she was invited to become Life President.
Daisy has worked tirelessly for the Guild, for
over 40 years. She still takes an active role,
chairs the AGM, and provides invaluable
support to the Committee & the Guild.
Beryl also joined the Guild in the 1970s and was
a hardworking & reliable committee member for
many years before taking on the role of Social
Secretary and responsible for organising many
successful events, followed by five years as the
Secretary. After a break, Beryl returned to the
Guild and in 2009, she took on her current role
as Chairman. She has guided & steered the Guild
to achieve exceptional results over the last few
years, resulting in thousands of pounds being
raised for the RNLI. The 2014 - 15 figures the
highest annual fundraising total to date!
The presentation ceremony was introduced by
Mr Tony Webster, Cromer RNLI Station Chairman, awards were presented by Mr John Davies,
Cromer RNLI Coxswain and the flowers and
cards were presented by Mrs Barbara Mayes,
a founder member of the Guild.

Mundesley Maritime

I take my hat off to everyone involved this this

organisation as the ship movement along the
Norfolk Coast continues to grow by the day.

Open From 30th May until September.

The star of the lunch had to be Richard May, who
back in 1995 set up the second Coastwatch in
the UK. There are now 50 stations in the UK.
All of those who have given so much to this
organisation over the years paid their respect
to this delightful man.
John Carpenter spoke brilliantly on Richards
behalf (due to lost of voice) and awards were
given to 6 volunteers for serving 5 years, one
for 10 years, 2 for 15 years and 5 for 20 years
(those good folks surrounding Richard May
in the wheelchair).
There are now 50 trained volunteers running
the station overlooking the sea at Mundesley
7 days a week, rain or shine.
Also present were The Lord Lieutenant and
the High Sheriff of Norfolk, Archie McNichol
and Nic Pratt.
After speeches were given a lunch was served
which was enjoyed by everyone.

Also present at the lunch were members of the

Friends of Mundesley Coastwatch, which is a
group of wives & partners of the watchkeepers
who organise fund raising events.
Their next meeting is on Tuesday June 2nd at
10.30am at the Corner House Cafe. For details
phone Barbara Booth on: 01263 720 558 or
Jan Molyneux on: 01263 478 226.
On June 23rd a Garden Party from 1pm - 3pm
at 13 Texel Way, Mundesley. Details from
Barbara on 01263 479 64

Now 20 years on, the Maritime Museum will

open from 11am - 1pm & 2.30pm - 4pm
every day except on Saturdays.
A meeting of volunteers was held on May 15th
at Mundesley Parish Offices to celebrate 20 yrs
of the Museum being open. Notably the same
number of years that the Coastwatch opened
its door upstairs.
As a volunteer working a couple of hours every
week, I can recommend visitors to pop along to
check out this free (and smallest) museum in the
UK, as it is full of interesting photographs and
records of Mundesleys history and, if they have
the time, you might be able to visit the
Coastwatch station upstairs.
It is also interesting to do a shift in the Museum
so if you would like to spare a few hours every
week during the summer showing visitors around
do give Peter Gray a ring on: 01263 722 662
or on his mobile: 07799 105 611.
Looking forward to welcoming you as a visitor
and / or as a new volunteer.

Crab Tales web site:


Nut Lane, Cromer. NR27 0JN tel: 01263 579 202

Opening Times

Breakfast 8am - 10am

Reptons Restaurant

12 noon - 2pm & 6.45 - 9pm

Afternoon Tea 12 - 5pm
Sunday Lunch 12 - 2.30pm
All open to non residents

Fathers Day

Sunday 21st June

2 Course Lunch @ 15.00

Our Bar Area is Dog Friendly

Afternoon Tea Packages

Bronze, Siler and Gold

Served from 12pm-4.30pm daily

New Bar And Garden Menu

Please Call For Details









01692 402 515

Also suppliers of firewood logs
all year round.

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965

Afternoon Tea
At North Repps School.....

.....who invited local residents and yours truly

with the idea that the school provided tea and
scrumptious cake and visitors informing the
children of their knowledge of North Repps
Marcus greeted me and, with help, supplied tea
and sold me some raffle tickets. Tom taught me
about Twitter & blogging, I have a lot to learn.
Tabby made the tea while Keeley and his class
asked probing questions on visitors knowledge
of North Repps history!
The tea finished with an amazing raffle followed
by the result of guessing the teddys name, which
was Ted e bear and won by Sofia on her
second birthday.


tel: 01263 512 190

Jarrolds Top 5
Crime & Adventure

Buy one get one half price offer

applies to these titles:

1) Agatha Raisin & Blood of an Englishman

: Beaton 7.99
2) Skeleton Road : McDermid 7.99
3) Personal (Jack Reacher 19) : Child 7.99
4) Private Vegas : Patterson 7.99
5) Freeze Frame : May 7.99

Book Choice

The Appeal by John Grisham

A very enjoyable afternoon with the children

practising their one to one communication
skills and the visitors had a lovely tea and
recalling memories of North Repps.

In a crowded courtroom in Mississippi, a jury

returns a shocking verdict against a chemical
company accused of dumping toxic waste
into a small towns water supply, causing
the worst cancer cluster in history.
The company appeals to the Mississippi Supreme
Court, whose nine justices will one day either
approve the verdict - or reverse it.
The chemical company is owned by a Wall
Street predator named Carl Trudeau, and
Mr. Trudeau is convinced the Court is
not friendly enough to his interests.
With judicial elections looming, he decides to
try to purchase himself a seat on the Court.

The cost is a few million dollars, a drop in the

bucket for a billionaire like Mr. Trudeau.
Through an intricate web of conspiracy and
deceit, his political operatives recruit a young,
unsuspecting candidate.
They finance him, manipulate him, market
him, and mould him into a potential
Supreme Court justice.
Their Supreme Court justice.
Do you have a favourite book that you would
like to share with Crab Tales readers?
If so please e-mail details to Lis Keddell

From Humble Beginnings

Norfolk Landscape Gardeners
started off with humble beginnings,
as JJS Gardeners working out of
the back of a Rover 220 but it has
rapidly grown into a thriving
multi-vehicle company with
multiple employeees.
This success is down to the tireless
hard work of James Sandell, who
after getting his qualifications at
college decided to start his own
business in the gardening and
landscaping industry.

This family run business has the

knowledge, experience, training
and qualifications that you can
trust to do the work efficiently
and safely.

Joined by his partner Becky who

Customer Testimonial
worked alongside him in the field
& the office they worked together
I recently had my garden landscaped
to gain regular customers weeding
by Norfolk Landscape gardeners who
my sister recommended. Her garden
and cutting grass.
now looks like a show piece, I was
Larger projects came next and there unsure
of how to improve the garden
was nothing they couldnt turn their as it was very overrun with weeds &
hands to, such as fencing, patios,
tree stumps thrown in. Everything went
ponds & garden transformations.
well from the start. James came around
the day after I called to give me very
But it was not all plain sailing, with helpful advice & suggestions, which
customers who didnt pay, vehicles I thought would be very expensive but
that went wrong more than they went
compared to two other quotes they
right, and having their prized Ford
were going to charge me less money
for more work.
Ranger stolen in 2014, it seemed the
world was against them, but with
Trevor & Karl turned up the following
hard work, determination and
Monday and got straight on with the
their regular customers they
garden, the plants I had forgotten to
move, were carefully dug up by Karl
managed to pull through.
and replanted in the front garden.
In 2014 came the decision to reThey have done an excellent job and
brand, so Norfolk Landscape
I have recommended them to all my
Gardeners came into being.
friends. Thank you James & co.
Covering the area from Lowestoft
to Holt the team of James, Becky, Visit our website or give us a call
today on: 01692 405 301 to see
Susan, Trevor and Karl can make
what we can do for you!
your garden dreams come true.


Crab Tales web site:

HG & Sons
Redecoration to Restoration
07980 528 027
01263 510 978
5 million commercial & public liability

Waste registration (upper tier carrier)


painting and decorating

tiling and wallpapering
bricklaying and pointing
cherry picker hire
waste removal
loose shingle and sand delivery
full bathroom & kitchen installations
total renovations
ground work including digger
roof and gutter repairs
property maintenance & servicing
All Trades Covered
Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965


Just 1 Coin

V. E. Day

On Tuesday May 20th Budgens in Cromer

played host to 26 children each with a
1 coin to do their shopping.

On the 8th of May around 100 people gathered

from Mundesley and beyond to celebrate 70
years since the end of the war.
The event was organised on a shoestring and
within just a week of Brian Hall Jr. posting
on Mundesley Past & Present to see if any
events were taking place to commemorate
this anniversary.
The Coronation Hall was swathed with flags
whilst metres of bunting adorned the stage.

Pictured Above Heather Cox ( who has been

with Budgens for a mere 30 years) with
Tianna & Stanley.
Looking at what they purchased, it appeared
that every one of the children was buying
sweets of some sort.
As well as visiting Budgens they moved
around the town doing other ventures,
besides just shopping.
They all appeared to be enjoying their
morning shopping trip.

Motorcycle MOT Testing


Motor Engineers

MOT - Cars and Vans

Service and Repairs
Body Repairs and Welding

Tyres, Batteries etc.

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We danced to Glenn Miller,

sang-along with Vera Lynn
and formed a conga line
to the Chattanooga Choo
Choo! with our compere
Nigel Holmes.
There was a raffle of rations
such as a weeks sugar ration,
meat from the Mundesley
Butchers and a veg-box
from Country Pickings.
At 9:30pm the crowd all
gathered outside to watch
the WW2 veterans Cyril
Ardley & Edward Hester
light a beacon in unison
with others around the
Many Thanks to all of the
impromptu committee who
have already started planning a VJ Day
celebration which looks to be even larger!


and win a Family Swim voucher from

SPLASH in Sheringham ( 2 Adults & 2 kids)

If you are under 12, tell us your name,

age and address, also in which advert
the Crab is hidden and the page number.
Please Note : Entries should be written by
the child themselves, at least their name.
OR - If you are a pensioner,
SPOT THE COD and win
now at Huckleberries

43 Church Street, Cromer

Hand in your Entry, with your name & where you

found the cod and the page number please,
to: K. Hardware in Cromer, or post it to:
Crab Tales, 30 West St, Cromer NR27 DS
before the next issue comes out.

The first entry out of the hat wins !


Congratulations to Matilda Davis, aged 3,

from Beeston, Notts. who found the crab
on Page 2 in the Albion Hotel advert
and to Mrs S. Bensley, from North Walsham,
who spotted the Cod on Page 7
in the Care UK advert.

Many Thanks to Paul Blencowe for this report

and to Paul Damen for the photos.

The Overstrand
Gardening Club

On Tuesday May 5th. the speaker for this

meeting was Robin Parker and was entitled
Fruit Tree Pruning.
The talk covered top fruit & soft fruit, and gave
guidance on the different types of fruit trees to
suit every size garden and patio. Illustrations
showed how to prune & care for fruit trees
such as apple trees & soft fruit pruning
i.e.raspberries & gooseberries.
After the talk there was time for questions, and
to sample some of Robins own apple juice
36 members & 2 visitors attended.
On Thurs. 25th June there is a visit to Howards
Nursery, a family run nursery with 150 acres of
field grown perennials as well as an extensive
glasshouse growing area. The trip includes a
tour around the nursery, a chance to meet the
experts for advice and afternoon tea & biscuits.
If you would be interested in joining us please
contact Mrs Y Ford 01263 512 350.
The next club meeting will be held on
Tuesday June 2nd, the speaker will be
Simon Harrap, and it is entitled
Wildflower, Friend or Foe
It starts at 2.30pm at
Overstrand Parish Hall, The Londs.

Crab Tales web site:

History Tales
Sheringham & Cromer
In 1781

This description of Sheringham and the North

Norfolk coast dates back to 1781, the original
text often uses an f where we would use an
s for example efpecially crabs and lobfters.
I have changed this to make it easier to read
but otherwise left the original spelling and
The town is divided into Upper Sheringham &
Lower Sheringham, alias Sheringham Hithe, as
lying by the sea shore; the houses in the former
being nearly a mile from it, while those of the
latter are so near the beach as frequently to
suffer by the impetuosity of the tides.
Lower Sheringham is situated on a part of the
cliff which is but a few yards from the beach,
and the cliff gradually rises on each side to upwards of a hundred; the sea gains considerably
here, and it is not un-common to observe large
pieces of arable land carried away with corn
growing near do the people plough to the
edge of a cliff, which strikes a stranger with
horror to look down it.
There is a very considerable fishery from this
place of cod, skate & whiteings, but especially
crabs and lobsters, with which this place and
Cromer chiefly supply the London market, by
vessels which take the fish from the boats
while at sea.
There is a very good inn at Lower Sheringham,
much resorted to in summer for the sake of eating
lobsters in their highest perfection; the dining
room stands so near the edge of the cliff, that at
high water no land can be seen, and from which
a stranger cannot but be delighted with the awful
but pleasing prospect which the unbounded ocean
affords sometimes thirty or forty fishing boats
within a mile of the shore, and often fleets of
three hundred colliers and other large trading
vessels are seen passing so near, that with the
naked eye you may discover the men on board
while at low water the beach is enlivened by
the multitude of fishermen either drying their
nets, hawling up their boats, repairing their
tackle, landing their fish, or securing their
lobsters and crabs in coys, a fort of boxes
fixed to the rocks, which the sea overflows
and fills at every tide.
This prospect may be enjoyed within doors, but
when abroad you will be charmed by the beauty
of the country, surrounded by richly cultivated,
and what in Norfolk may be called bold and
lofty hills; from the hill to the east of Lower
Sheringham you command a wonderfully
extensive view of the seacoast, abruptly
bounded by Cromer light-house, about
four miles to the east...
Bob Wilkinson

Call us to see how we

can make life with
your Garage Door
a whole lot easier

My name is Steve Bobbin and, with my son Sam,

we are Your Local Garage Door Man Ltd.
The Sales pitch..... With four members of staff,
we are a small family-run business, based in
Reepham & Brundall, that is focused on the
quality of our products & the highest standard
of work and we pride ourselves on presenting
top quality products and services at affordable
prices. Sam & I are both City & Guilds qualified
in carpentry and electrical installation.
The Mission statement.. Our aim is to make
our customers lives, with their garage door a lot
easier. Either from a door service, to an Up and
Over door or a new automated door system, we
will match our products to suit your budget.
The Research bit. When we embarked on the
journey to set up our enterprise, we put ourselves
to the test to ensure we researched where to find
the best suppliers for our range of garage doors.
It was quite an arduous task as we would only
consider assured manufacturer backed products.
The Science bit.. With over thirty years of
experience in the garage door business, our
range of services & door products all carry 5
& 10 year Manufacturer-backed Warranties.

Our service and repairs

carry a 2 year warranty
and coupled with our local
presence we are always
there if you need us.
Lets face it, a garage door
is a long term investment
so it has to be right for the
customer and low (or no)
maintenance for the future.
Its all about peace of mind, which we know from
over 450 handwritten customer references, which
appear on Norfolk County Councils Trusted
Trader website: Google
This is just one example:
Dear Steve,
I feel I must get back to you to say how
delighted I am with my new garage door.
From start to finish the whole experience has
been perfection. Yesterday the young men
worked with quiet efficiency and were
pleasant and friendly throughout.
The site was left clean and tidy and all
rubbish taken away.
As for the result, I am very happy and very
impressed with the way everything works
so well and smoothly. It is A1.
Thank you to all concerned, I would have
absolutely no hesitation in recommending
you to friends who might enquire.
I certainly feel like a very
satisfied customer.
Yours sincerely
And lastly
We get immense satisfaction from seeing the
customers reaction when they see their new
door installed which, they tell us, completely
transforms the look of their homes. 100%
customer satisfactionWe love our job!!

From Petes Pen

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965


23 Church Street, Cromer
01603 736 238

Back & sciatic pain

Neck & shoulder pain
Trapped nerves
Sports injuries
Babies to adults treated
Arm, leg & hand pain
Barbara Shearing Hip, knee & foot pain
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Jeanette Robson
Fully Insured


Written by Miranda Marshall

Director at Hayes + Storr
A farmers daughter from Carmarthenshire,
West Wales dubbed the Cowshed Cinderella
has won 1,300,000 from her parents for her
30 years of work and the loss of her young
days of freedom.
The High Court in Cardiff was told that Eirian
Davies, 45, missed out going to dances to look
after the cows on the family dairy farm while
her sisters partied.
Hard-working Eirian was assured by her
parents Tegwyn and Mary that you will
have the damn lot one day.
Eirian gave her life to the farm in the belief
that her patience and hard work would be
rewarded and that she would take over the
thriving farm and its pedigree milking
herd when her parents retired.

It was ruled that the farm was worth about

3,800,000 and that an appropriate award
for Eirian would be 1,300,000 for her to
start a farm of her own.

Until she reached 21 she worked for nothing.

After that she often received as little as 15 a
day for milking the cows. If she complained
about her treatment, her father told her not
to kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

The legal way of preventing this problem

would have been to put in place a properly
drafted Partnership Agreement to protect
the respective interests of the different
parties. This advice would apply to
any family business.

Both her sisters Enfys and Eleri left home to

pursue other careers and for the past 20 years
Eirian was alone on the farm with her parents.
Eirian was shown a copy of a Will in 2009 which
left nearly all the farm to her. Relations with
her parents deteriorated when she formed
male friendships.
A family fight broke out and the parents
began proceedings to evict Eirian.

This article aims to supply general information,

but it is not intended to constitute advice.
Every effort is made to ensure that the law referred to is correct at the date of publication and
to avoid any statement which may mislead.
However no duty of care is assumed to any
person and no liability is accepted for any
omission or inaccuracy. Always seek our
specific advice.

Eirian launched a legal battle for her

rightful share.
The Appeal Court found that she had relied to
her detriment on her parents promises and
thrown herself into working on the farm.
She was thus entitled to a beneficial interest
in the business in order to reflect her suffering
and the promises made to her.

If you require advice on this matter please

telephone our private client department
on: 01263 825 959.
For advice on any other legal matter
please telephone our Sheringham
office on: 01263 825 959 or

From Snails
To Pizzas


Aylsham High Schools Nurture Group

had a great time making pizza this week
as part of a visit from representatives of
Aylshams Cittaslow Committee.
Giles Margarson, chairman of the
Committee, was accompanied by Mo
Anderson-Dungar & Town Clerk Sue
Lake, between them explaining what
Cittaslow is all about and how it
benefits the town.
Rather than just a talk, Giles, Mo and
Sue used the pizzas as a metaphor for
how the community comes together via
Cittaslow: the pizza base represented
Aylsham itself, the tomato paste the
towns infrastructure while the
toppings are the local people.
Cittaslows emblem of a snail was also discussed
with the youngsters learning that Cittaslow
translates as Slow Town so the use of the
snail emblem is particularly appropriate.
The local community and its infrastructure was
further highlighted by a discussion on how money
spent with local businesses in the town often
stays in the town to support the local economy.
Commenting on the event, the High Schools
Head of Nurture Danny Sweatman said:
What a fabulous afternoon! Thank you Giles,
Mo and Sue for providing such an interesting
talk pitched perfectly for our young people.

They thoroughly enjoyed it and I know they

will now be very keen to do what they can to
support our community even further.
Aylsham is currently one of only 5 towns in the
UK which have met the strict entry criteria of
the Cittaslow movement that internationally
includes 147 towns in 24 countries.
Cittaslow status is an accreditation that acknowledges the dedication & commitment of community
members who work hard to make their part of
the world a healthier, greener, happier, slower
place to inhabit.
For more information visit: or locally contact
Aylsham Town Clerk Sue Lake at:

Crab Tales web site:


20 High Street
Norfolk NR27 9HG

17 - 19 West Street, Cromer.

With our additional provisions for the Community,

we are able to take on more new clients.
This includes new NHS customers of any age.
We welcome all enquiries
Contact the Reception on

01263 515 229

North Norfolk Beaches

Keep Britain Tidy has announced
the winners of this years Blue Flag
& Seaside Awards.
Flying the flag for our seaside resorts
this year are Sheringham, Cromer,
Mundesley and Sea Palling.
All four are continuing the standard
of excellence that was recognised
with the awards of Blue Flag status
last year.
NNDC is celebrating an extra award
this year; alongside East Runton beach
which has been awarded a Seaside
Award for the second year running,
Wells-next-the-Sea beach has won
the coveted award for the first time
in recognition of high standards of
beach management.
Each award-winning North Norfolk
beach has scooped the awards based
on offering visitors great facilities,
a litter free & safe environment and,
for the Blue Flag awards, meeting
the highest international water
quality requirements.
England can now boast more Blue
Flag Award-winning beaches than
Cyprus or Mexico and now ranks
in the Top Ten in the world for
beaches that meet the very high
standards set for the award.
Both Blue Flag & Seaside Awards
are the quality marks for our beaches
and mean those visiting them can be
sure they are clean & safe and meet
the highest environmental standards,
as well the tough bathing water
quality standards.
NNDC Leader, Tom FitzPatrick,

said: We are absolutely delighted

that four of North Norfolks Blue
Flag resort beaches have retained
their awards this year and it is
fantastic news that Wells-next-theSea has joined East Runton as a
Seaside Award-winning beach for
the first time. We are immensely
proud of our coastal resorts and
these awards are testament to the
hard work that goes on to ensure
that North Norfolk beaches are
among the best beaches in the
country and allows us to keep
the Blue Flags flying.
Our award-winning beaches are a
wonderful place for both residents
& visitors to enjoy; they put North
Norfolk firmly on the map as a
first-class visitor destination.

Keep Britain Tidys Coastal Award

manager Paul Todd said:
As an environmental charity,
Keep Britain Tidy is committed
to improving the quality of the
places where people live, work
and holiday and these winners
have proved their commitment
to providing the best possible
beaches for locals & visitors.
The fact that 140 beaches will be
flying a Blue Flag or Seaside Award
this summer is testament to the hard
work of our beach managers.
Great beaches are good for the
communities they serve, good for
visitors and, therefore, good for
the economy, as more visitors
means more money going
into our coastal resorts.


The Tides Sponsered By

The Best
Fish & Chips
in Cromer

01263 512 316

TIDES For Cromer

29th May - 14th June 2015
For Mundesley Add 15 minutes

Piano/Keyboard Teacher
Stuart Lundie
Any age, any level most welcome
9 Surrey Street, Cromer, Norfolk NR27 9EZ
Tel: 01263 517 197 Mobile: 07554 756 889
- Local own home tuition available -

Visit for current Weather & Tides

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965


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All plumbing work, bathroom and kitchen installations undertaken,

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High Quality Work, Friendly Professional Service
All Aspects of internal & external plastering
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Tel: 01263 834 572 Mob: 07867 777 938

What, When & Where All Phone tel nos. are code 01263, unless otherwise stated.


Bridge Club 7pm Fri 7.15pm t: 761 308

Broadland Junior Chess 8.30am term-time Sat.
t: 735 740
Country Market each Friday 8.50-noon
Cricket Club indoor Sun 3-5pm t: 510 102
Evening WI 7.30pm 1st Thurs Town Hall.
Extend Over 60s Exercise Fridays Jubilee
Family Centre t: 01692 407 851
Farmers Market 9am-1pm 1st & 3rd Sat.
F.I.T. group 2nd & 4th Weds t: 731 177
Flower Club 2nd Wed 7.30pm Town Hall
Fitness Yoga/Pilates Tues & Thurs
Friendship Hall t: 01692 538 569
Gym Club Fri 5pm. High School t: 576 609
Inspired Gardeners group. 2nd Thurs 10.30
- noon. Methodist Church Hall. t:733 535.
Lammas KC Lodge ROAB Tues 8.15pm
Sutton School Of Dance, Mill Row.
Meditation Classes Thurs 12.30 -1.30pm
Friends Meeting House, Peggs Yard
Monday Stall Parish Church 8.30-noon
N. N. Mental Health Users & Carers Forum
2nd Weds Jubilee Centre 1- 3.30pm.
RBL (Womens) 1st Mon Salvation Army Hall
N.N. Speakers Club 7pm alt.Wed High School
t: 01692 402 662
Scalextric Club Presto Park Weds 7.15pm.
t: 01603 754 319
Quaker Meetings Sun 10.30am Peggs Yard
Yoga Tues 7.30pm Peggs Yard. t: 732 426


Age Concern Fri 10am The Cottage.

Aqua Therapy Classes Mon 11am-12pm
Wed 7- 8pm Country Club t: 501 914
Air Training Corps 7pm Mon & Thurs,
High School t: 515 452
Baptist Church 1st & 3rd Sat Coffee
morning t: 576 524
Bridge (Duplicate) Mon 7pm t: 822 778
C.A.B. Appointments: t : 01692 405 847
Christian Fellowship Sun 10.30am former
Gospel Hall t: 838 180
Cromer Orchestra meets 7-9pm The Belfry
Arts Centre. Overstrand. t: 511 600
Diabetes UK 4thThurs 7.30pm Methodist
Church Hall. t: 01692 405 492
Elderberries Badminton 3-5pm Mon & Fri
Cromer sports hall. t: 761 142
Elderberries Short Mat Bowls 3-5pm Mon
& Fri Cromer sports hall. t: 511 246
1st Suffield Park Guides 7pm.Weds. info:
Flower Club 7.20pm 3rd Mon Junior School.
t: 513 408
Folk Dance Club 7.30pm Tues Community
Hall t: 578 224
Garden Society 7.30pm 2nd Weds
Community Hall t: 514 399
Hockey Club Mon under16 6.30pm Adults
7.15pm Sports Centre t: 01692 404 440
Korean Martial Arts t: 07765 282 981
Lip reading classes Thurs 10 - 12noon
Methodist Church Rooms t: 0344 800 8002.
N & N Assoc.for Blind 9.30-1pm Tues
Merchants Place.
N.N. Mencap Society Thurs 1pm Merchants
Place. t: 578 116
Parkinsons Disease Society 10.30am 2nd
Wed of month St. John Hall, Bond St.
R.E.M.E. 2pm. 1st Wed Halsey Hse t: 512 450
RBL 2pm 1st Wed. The Cottage t:510 146
RBL Womens Section 2.30pm 1st Thurs
Sing for Joy Singing Group Thurs 10am.
Community Centre. t: 570 117
St John Ambulance Adults Tues 7.30pm
Cadets Tues 5.45pm St John Hall, Bond St.
Sea Scouts Beavers Fri 5.30pm. Cubs Weds
6.30pm.Scouts Fri 7.15pm. t: 514 562
Tabletop/Craft Sale Sat 10am-4pm Parish
Hall. t:649 441 t: 649 441


Spiritualist Centre Sun: 6.30-8pm

St Johns Ambulance Hall.
The Wheel of Light 1st Thurs 7.30pm
Orchard Gardens Pub. t: 721 484
Victory Explorers Weds evenings
14 - 18 yrs t: 01692 406415
Walsham Writers Group :
Acorns Parent & Toddler Group 1.30 -3pm
Thurs (term-time) Belfry School. t: 579 275. Weavers Morris Dancers Wed 7.45pm
Gardening Club 2.30pm 1st Tues Parish
St Nicholas Room t: 01692 404 447
Hall t: 576 437
Carpet Bowls 2.30pm Thurs. Parish Hall
t: 833 369
Railway Quilters & Craft Group 2nd & 4th Beetle Drive 3rd Tues.7.30pm St.Josephs Church
Bridge The Morley. Duplicates Thurs 7pm
Tues.10-12 Parish Hall t: 576 986
Strand Club 2nd Wed of month (except Aug) Beginners Fri 2pm t: 822 087
Bounce & Rhyme under 5s & parents/carers.
2.30pm The Pavilion t: 579 433
Tues 10.15-10.45am : Library. t: 822 874
W.I. 3rd Wed 7.30pm Parish Hall t: 834 242
CAB. YESU,Thurs 10-2pm t: 01692 402 570
Chess. All ages & abilities. 7.30 Fri.
Morley Club. t: 576 575.
Badminton Tues & Fri am: Coronation Hall. Christian Spiritualist Church Tues 7.30pm
Tel: 722 835
Oddfellows Hall t 513 067
Bowls Pavilion Bingo: Sun 7.30pm, Whist English Country Dancing Mons 7.30pm
Drive: Tues, Wed & Fri 1.45pm t: 721 815
Methodist Church Hall t: 01692 404 447
Cafe Church 1st Weds 10.30am Church Rooms. Evening W.I. 2nd Mon. St. Josephs Church
Carpet Bowls Mon 1.30pm Coronation Hall Hall t: 823 889
t: 720 344
Gingerbread Fri pm. Friends Meeting Hse
Come & Meet Club 3rd Weds 11am. Royal t: 0785 9364 702
Hotel, Coffee Bar t:720 558.
Harry Upcher Lodge ROAB Mon 8.15pm
Community Choir Tues 7.30pm Methodist
Tyneside Club.
Church t: 722 022
Hearing Aid Clinic 10-12pm 1st Mon.
Craft Club 10am - 12pm 1st & 3rd Mon
Age Concern.
Coronation Hall. t 720 549
Ladies Fellowship 7.30pm 2nd Tues
Creative Writing Group 1st Fri 2.15-4.15pm Salvation Army.
Library t:720 702
Lip reading classes Thurs 1.30 - 3.30pm
Knit & Natter Tues 4-5pm Library t:720 702 Health Centre t: 0344 800 8002
Library Mon & Sat:10-1pm,Tues 2-5.30pm MS meetings 7-9pm 1st & 3rd Wed. Robin
Fri 10-1pm & 2-6.30pm. t: 720 702
Hood Pub, t: 823 392
Luncheon Club for over 60s & disabled.
Morris Dancing. Oddfellows Hall. Weds
Mon &Thurs 12-2pm Free Church t :721 984 7.30pm t: 837 693
MADRA t: 07734 689 978
Old Shannocks 2.15pm last Wed of month
Methodist Church Sun worship 10.30am
Community Rooms.
RBL 4th Weds Haig Club. t: 722 238
Quaker Meetings Sun 10.30am Cremer St.
RBL Womens 3rd Weds 1.45pm Coronation R.A.F.A. 4th Tues of month. t: 519 684
Hall t:721 021
Saturday Super Sale First Sat 9-11am.
Scrabble Club Fridays t: 720 663
Salvation Army Hall.
Table Tennis Club Thurs 7pm Coronation Hall. Sheringham & Cromer Lions Club 2nd &
t: 722 930 or 07828 175 493
4th Tues.The Morley Club. t: 821 276
Village Cinema 7.30pm Coronation Hall 2nd Sheringham Lace Makers. Mon 1- 4pm,
Tues Info:
St Andrews Church Hall. t: 822 075.
W.I. 2nd Mon 7pm Church Rooms t: 720 744 Sheringham Singers Ladies Choir Tues 2-4pm
Lighthouse Community Church t: 768 126
North Walsham
Sheringham Voyager 2pm 1st & 3rd Thurs
AgeUK 4th Thurs 10 - noon Drop in for info Community Centre t: 01692 500 550
& advice. Library t: 01692 402 482
Sheringham Youth Choir 11-18yrs.Weds
Animal Magic Dog Club t: Kathy 720 730
7pm (term time) Baptist Church
Beginners Tai Chi & Qigong. Tuesdays
The Fellowship Choir 10-11.30am Mon
St. Benets Hall. Qigong 6.30pm. Tai Chi
St. Andrews Church. t:761 482
7.30pm. t: 01603 466 120
Bipolar Self Help Group 3rd Thurs 2pm
Bingo Sun & Wed 7.30pm Bernies Social
Saddlers Shop t: 0854 434 9872
Charity Bingo Weds 8pm Community Centre. Club East Runton
t: 01692 407 214
NN Amateur Radio Group 7- 9.30pm 2nd
Chess Club 7.30 Mon. Orchard Garden Pub. Thurs East Runton village hall t: 519 485
All abilities. t: 01692 404 649
N.N. Chess Club Fri 7.30pm. W. Runton
Extend Over 60s Exercise Mon. Methodist Social Club t: 823 814
Church Hall t: 01692 407 851
Philatelic Society 2nd Mon 7.30pm
Judo Tues from 7pm. Millfield Primary School. West Runton Church Hall.
t: Hazel: 579 345
Cromer & Sheringham Probus Club
Lions Club 7.30pm 1st Mon. Community
12.30pm 1st Tues, Links Hotel t:824 306
Centre. t: 01692 400 702
Rotary Club Weds 6pm except 5th Weds
N.N. Speakers Club 7pm alt. Weds. High
Dormy House W.Runton, t: 578 194
School t: Gillian :01692 650 250
Sequence Dancing Mon 7.30-10pm
Parkinson Support Group 2nd Tues 10:30am E. Runton Village Hall.t:01692 403 071
Sacred Heart Church Hall. t:01692 406 486 West Runton Scouts info : 712 288
Quaker Meetings Sun 10.30am Meeting
W.I. 2.15pm 2nd Wed. W. Runton Church Hall
House, Mundesley Rd. near Swafield.
RAFA 7.30pm First Tues. Bluebell Inn
Reading 4 U 3rd Wed 9.45am St.Johns Hall All at Pilgrim Shelter. Free Parking
t: 768 164
Whist Mon & Thurs 1 for1.15pm deal 1.50
Short & Sweet book group 1-2pm Tues
Raffle & Refreshments. t: Liz 834 965
every 3 weeks in Library. t: 01692 402 482 incl.
Yoga Mon 7.30pm 4 t: Linda 834 349
Taekwondo Sports Centre. t: 711 824
Tennis Club Sun, Weds & Fri t:513 741
The One Oclock Club over 60s.1-2pm
Thurs. Barkers Herne.
W.I. 2nd Thurs 2 pm, Garden St.

Trimingham continued
Slimming Club Tues 2pm t: Val 579 797
Computer Class Thurs 11am 6
t: Liz 834 965


1st Suffield Park Guides Weds evenings
Acol Bridge Club Tues 2pm. All abilities.
Weybourne Village Hall. t:515 588
Badminton Thurs. Gresham Village Hall
t: 07917 596 797
Beachcombers Dining Club 1st Mon 7pm:
The Feathers Hotel, Holt. t: Hazel 838 566
Cash Bingo Tues 8pm Aldborough
community centre.
Cantamus Choir 7.30pm Thurs. Southrepps
Church. t: 07785 782 498.
Crazee Kidz Club 7pm 2nd & 4th Fri. term time.
Roughton Village Hall 7-16yrs. t:768 138
Cromer & Sheringham Brass Band 7.45pm
Thurs Upper Sheringham Village Hall t:733 638
Cromer Air Rifle Club 9am -noon Sundays
Near Sheringham. t: 570 223
Extend exercise for over 60s Mon 2.30pm
Northrepps Village Hall t:768 159
Farmers Market 1st Sun 9.30am - 12.30pm
Aldborough Community Hall t: 768 766
Fit Together Health Walks t: 07766 259 999
Fit Together Tea Dance Tues 2-4pm Briston
Copeman Centre - 2 Info: 07766 259 999
Greenfingers Gardening Club 7.30pm 1st
Thurs Jubilee Hall, Banningham t: 761 620
Gym Club Thurs 5-8pm Northrepps Village
Hall t: 576 609
Knapton Ladies Club 3rd Mon 7.30pm
Village Hall t:720 908. 1st Tues Womens
Own Methodist Church t: 721 439
MS Group Mon 10-2pm Southrepps Village
Hall t: 823 392
Nordic Walking Tues & Thurs 11am
t: 07825 773 368
Norfolk Dixieland Jazz Band 1.30pm 1st Sun
Goat Inn,Skeyton.Free. t: 01692 538 600.
Norfolk Submariners 1st Wed 12noon Kings
Head, Horsham St Faith t: 511 758
N.N. Minni House Club 2nd Thurs 2-4pm
(except Aug) Bodham Village Hall t: 826 970.
N. Walsham Cage Bird Club 8pm 3rd Tues
Felmingham Village Hall. t: 01692 404 750
Northrepps Pre-School Mon-Fri Term-time
t:579 396
Northrepps R.B.L. 1st Mon. 2nd.Mon. BHs.
7.30pm. Northrepps Cottage t: 579 633.
Nth Norfolk Model Engineering Club
1st Fri 7.30pm High Kelling Social Centre
Prize Bingo 7.30pm 1st & 3rd Fri
Gimingham Village Hall
Roughton & District WI. 2nd weds of month.
7.30pm Roughton Village Hall t: 768 106.
Roughton Under 5s Playgroup t:07553 456 083
Rubys Prize Bingo. 1st Sat of month
7.30pm. Lower Southrepps Social Club
Seniors Swimming Mon & Weds am., Fri pm.
Greshams Swimming Pool, Holt. t: 711 123
Suffield Park Bowls Club. Whist Drives
Tues 2.15pm. Fri twice monthly 7.30pm.
Traditional Catholic Latin Mass 4th. Sun
5.30pm Mission Rooms Horsham St. Faiths
(opp. Parish Church) t: 01603 788 873
Trunch Bumbles Pre-school t: 720 931
Trunch Friends 2nd Tues 2pm Trunch
Village Hall t:721 570
Trunch Methodist Church 1st Sat 10am - noon.
Coffee Morning. Stalls Cakes t: 720 145
Weybourne Folk Club 3rd Sun 3-6pm
Maltings Hotel, Weybourne.t:588 781
Woodlands Pre-School Mon am,
Tues - Fri 9am-3pm t: 834 148



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Special Events

Saturday 30th May

9am -12pm: Bodham Playing Field
Car Boot Sale ~ set up from 7 30am. For 5 pitch
contact Mike Sayer : 588 228 no need to book.
Sorry no dogs.
10am- 4pm: Marsham
Garage & Garden Sales ~ Over 20 sales : Maps 50p
from Village hall, Table sales, tombola & refreshments
Raising funds for village causes. Enquiries to Adrian
Scargill : 734 488 or Hazel Kingswood : 734 091.
2 - 4.30pm: Highview Hse, Roughton NR11 8NA
Roughton Village Garden Fete ~ Traditional garden
fete. Auction of Promises, Stalls, Entertainment,
Refreshments. Limited parking at venue, a shuttle
bus will operate from Church Car Park. Proceeds
to St. Marys Church, village clubs and groups.


Monday 1st June

10:30am: Dales Hotel Car Park, Sheringham
Fit Together ~ Sheringham Park Pinetree View
walk, 3.5 miles. Info: 07766 259 999
Arrive 20 mins early if new.
1pm: Dales Hotel Car Park, Sheringham
Fit Together ~ Sheringham Park Temple walk, 2 miles
Info: 07766 259 999 Arrive 20 mins early if new.
Tuesday 2nd June
10:30am: Lay-by opp. Woodlands, Trimingham.
Fit Together ~ Trimingham Cliff & Countryside walk
2.2 miles. Info: 07766 259 999
Arrive 20 mins early if new.
1pm: Lay-by opp. Woodlands, Trimingham.
Fit Together Walk ~ Trimingham Cliff Bookable,
1 mile. Book this walk on 07766 259 999
by 3pm Mon 1st June.
2.30pm : Overstrand Parish Hall
Overstrand Gardening Club ~ Simon Harrap will
spaek on: Wildflower, Friend or Foe. further info
from: 512 350.
Wednesday 3rd June
9am-12noon: Gold Park, Mundesley
Car Boot Sale ~ pitch : 6. Set up from 7am.
Info or to book: 720 603.
Thursday 4th June
11am: Car Park behind Trafalgar Court,
Mundesley NR11 8DB.
Fit Together Walk ~ Mundesley Town, 2 miles.
Info: 07766 259 999 Arrive 20 mins early if new.
7.30pm: Cromer Community Hall.
Cromer Preservation Society ~ The Farjeons On
Holiday. Illustrated talk by Geoffrey Kidd showing a
familys holidays spent in Cromer and Overstrand at
the turn of the century. 3. Members 2
Saturday 6th June
9am -12pm: Bodham Playing Field
Car Boot sale ~ set up from 7 30am. For 5 pitch
contact mike sayer : 588 228 no need to book.
Sorry no dogs.

No problem!

Reliable, friendly, efficient service in the

comfort of your own home.

Andrew Benn 01263 761 133

Silver Surfers Computer Services

Lost Data Recovery
Free Advice Tuition

Saturday 6th June

7:30pm : Cromer Parish Church
S Wonderful ~ Iceni Choir Summer Concert. Songs
from the shows. Tickets 10. Incl. Interval refreshments.Under 16s free. More information contact
Jim Stebbings 01362 693 277
Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th June
11am - 4pm: from Aylsham Heritage Centre
Aylsham Open Gardens ~ 5 entry to all gardens
that day. Plants & light refreshments available in
some gardens. Tickets from Heritage Centre. All
proceeds to good causes. Info:734 408 or
Sunday 7th June
From 9am: Trimingham Pilgrim Shelter
Table Top Sale ~ Fresh Organic bread, Local
hedgerow jams, many bargains & Refreshments
Free Admission. Free Parking. To Book table @ 5
Tel Liz: 834 965
From 10am: Gresham Village Park
Car Boot Sale ~ Pitches 5. Set up from 8.30am.
Refreshments on Sale in the Pavilion.
Info: 07765 633 549
12.30 - 5pm: Itteringham
Open Gardens Day ~ Over 12 gardens open. Lunches
served at the Village Hall. Auction of promises 4pm
Promises include: A helicopter ride along the Nth.
Norfolk coast. An afternoons fishing with picnic
at Barningham Lake. A private picnic by the river,
cream teas, babysitting, rubbish collection. In aid
of the Village Shop, Itteringham. Tel 587 325
Monday 8th June
10:30am: Merchants Place, Cromer.
Fit Together Walk ~ Cromer to Overstrand, 4 miles.
Info: 07766 259 999 Arrive 20 mins early if new.



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Tues - Sun 12pm - 2.30pm & 6pm - 9pm

Sunday Lunches :12noon to 4pm

Wednesday 10th June
9am-12noon: Gold Park, Mundesley
Car Boot Sale ~ pitch : 6. Set up from 7am. Info or
to book: 720 603.
Thursday 11th June
7.30pm : St Andrews Church, Felmingham
Double-Octave ~ Cappella music featuring: Linda
Phelps Soprano, Lynne Roberts French horn,
Phillipa Martinez Recorder, Conductor Graham
Hoskins. Refreshments during the interval. Retiring
collection for church funds.

More Special Events on Page 18

Voted one of the Best

Lunches in Cromer .

Booking advisable

Saturday 6th May: 9pm

Music by Tom, Dick & Harry

Friday 29th May: 7.30pm

Colin Bumphrey Memorial Darts

Sunday 7th June: 8pm

Grumpys World Famous Quiz

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965


Special Events Who Was The


Friday 12th - Sunday 14th June

10am - 5pm : Sloley Church. NR12 8HL
Flower Festival ~ Musicals Tombola, Cake stall,
Refreshments. Name the Musicals competition 25 cash prize. Light Lunches Sat & Sun :12-2pm.
Saturday 13th June
9am -12pm: Bodham Playing Field
Car Boot sale ~ set up from 7 30am. For 5 pitch
contact : 588 228 no need to book. Sorry no dogs.
10am - 1pm :St Margarets Church Thorpe Market
Wildflower Identification Workshop ~ The Church is
hosting a wildflower identification day. The workshop
will be led by Chris Roberts, a local botanist. Those
attending should bring a notebook, pencil, & a hand
lens or magnifying glass if they have one.This event
would be of particular interest to those involved in
the management of their churchyard and want to
learning more about wildflower identification.
This is not a condition of attendance and no previous
botanical knowledge is assumed. Places strictly limited
& must be pre-booked. There is no charge. Car park
available & all facilities. Reserve with Geoffrey Hunter or 07980 695 385.
7.30pm: St Botolphs Church, Trunch
Concert ~ Darragh Morgan (Violin) Mary Dullea
(Piano) Tickets in advance 12 (5 under 16s) from
Trunch Corner Stores or NNDC (card payments )
on: 516 294. On door 15 (5 under 16s)


On Saturday May 16th I decided it was time

to check out how Annes White Horse Inns
Sausage Roll competition was going.

While 17 entries and 5 judges, pictured below,

were involved it was an event that was
enjoyed by a packed pub.

The competition, which required entrants to make

15 sausage rolls, raised a very healthy profit
which went towards the Neo Natal Intensive
Care Unit, who helped the landladys
grandson Theo.
After the winner, Valerie Whiteford, who just
happens to live across the road in West Street,
pictured above on right with Annie, was
declared, a raffle was held of numerous
items which had all been donated.
The remaining sausage rolls were sold on the
night to raise even more funds.
I didnt enter the competition but the sausage
roll I tried did go down very well thank you.

Crab Tales web site:

Set Up Over 38
Years Ago

estimates that can, and do, go through

the roof once the work has started by
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And, I would add, Wethacote are still

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Having originally started his business in
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Since starting up Wethacote, other than
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With now over thirty eight years
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Above : Before Wethacote got to work

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If your property has started to look drab, if the pebbledash has

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why our satisfied customers have chosen WETHACOTE

Above : The finished job

This is an just one example of the work

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To see many more pictures of all kinds of
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Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965



Crab Tales web site:

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