Gazeta de Peking

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1 s t January.. 1897.
, ,


special service, A K 8 ~ t n nis herehy commanded to take his place as Senior ViceCornrnissi,rnrr of Octroi and Lieutena.,tGenartl o i Gendarmerie, ad iilterin~.
(2) Ying Nien being abseni on special
service. P ' u Liang is commanri<d t o act
as Junior Vice-President uf tlie Hoard of
Civil Allpoint,rnet~tsuntil Ying Kien ret u r n s . ;~tid Cll'ung Kuxng is comimlxtlded
t o iict d u i n g Ch'ang Sui's ahsenee as
J u n i o r Vice-Freridai,t ,,i the Board of
Wc..La , , A



(4) Hsi;~tlg Lit, is :appointed Assistant

M i l i t a ~ yGovernor ni Cll.abs~.,Mooirolia.
(5) The other day in answer t o our c i , ~ u manda. Yen Mitu, in reportinn on the
chnrges rr~adeby a Cenwr ngairlnt En .l'se,
Milltitry Govcrriot and 'Tartar-8;envral of
Heituugc1l:any ~ t l dhis ~ubotdinatea, tile
melt~orlalistrecorrrmel~ded t h a t Pei Yuen,
C h h g Wei-chow, and ChZenu Kuo-clrun
-the said subordinates-should be placed
under tile aurvrillanca uf tlre said Tar- 1
ter-General who w a s t o report o n
t h e m if they still continued in their
evil courses, etc. We approved of the
suggestion nt t h e time ; b u t the Censor
S u n Wu-Cl~'ien has since commented o n
this suggestion and demurs a t allowing
t h e accused t o remain lorlger in Heilung..
chiang, sthting t h a t with their bad records
a n d having been the subject of constant
denunciations o n all hands, i t would be imprudent t o allow them t o remain louger as
s e o r e t ~ t i e sand scribes and d e p l ~ t i e sin t h e
Military Glwernor's yamin a t Tsitsihsr,
etc. The above statement i s quite reasanable and we, therefore, cannot permit t h e
sccusedpersons t o remain in Heilungel~iang.
T h e said Military Governor is therefore
hereby conimanded t o forthwith expel t h e
t h r e e men from his province, uamely, P e i
yuan, who is a Manchu, t o hia Banner Reaervation and t h e other two t o their native

uravinces. withr,ut a n v delnv. T l ~"e vare

n o t t o be allowed t o linger in Heilung:h:--:
csn'nny account "aiter [ec-ipt of t ~ m s
(6) Chi Cli'enr, R r n d e r of tlie H ~ n l i n
College, denouncrs t i e practice o i d~silonest
bankers i l l tnukeitig fi~lseinilures ill order to
g e t rid of t h e necessity of p y i n g out in full
d a p o s i t s o r f redee~ninytlieirnotes, ctc. F o r
iustancr, t h e Tien Y I K I two
otllar h w ~ k s
in the E;tstertr C ~ t yhave l ~ t e l yunavcuuntahly fiiileii a n d in rotrwquence of their
secratizig considernhie arni,u>lts of ciqlller
vaah, wlticl, s l ~ ~ ~rig
u l dt i y he in tlir in;,,Let,
-3ece I ~ i lbern
il conirestion. wl,erel~vdurinc
n e last few ,lays both tlre t r ups a n d
comrnon p.ople l h ~ v eh w n e x p e r i i l ~ c i n ~
co~lsiderable l,ardsiii~>s f r o m tile sc;ircitv
s i cash and the E h e a p ~ ~ e s so i silve;,
We would, tiiemefore, c u ~ l ~ ~ n n n d
the General ot the G e n d a r n ~ e r t e a n d
the Censors of tlle Five Cities t o Nusue t h e
rlecasnary procli~matwrrs p~.obihiting a n y
furt,lier priictice oi the sort ~ o ~ ~ ~ p l~ ~f i ,i ~ ~ e d
and, if i t be discmered that t l i r s , b ; ~ n k s
have been doing this in collusion with t h e
t o severely
ward pmilioe inagiatr;iten,
t h e g n ~ l t y people f o r c,,ndign


(7) T h e same o 5 e e r demounces the tirneexpired Treasury guards o i t h e Bonrd of

R,venue who in conjunc!ion witli b r d
characters gatller around t h e Trensury
Vaults wilenever tiley areopened to pay o u t
or receive Government funds and seize t h e
opportummity t o steal 01. otherwise pursue
their malpr*ctiees, causing c,~rrsidersble
loss t o tile Governnrent, etc. We hereby
command t h e Vice-President o i the Bonrd
of Revenue, who h r s special charge of t h e
three principal 'Treasury Vaults, to personally superintend, a t the head of his
seoretaries, etc., whenever t h e vaults are
t h u s opened a n d arrest a n y outsiders
found i n t h e vicinity. H e i s f u r t h e r t o
investigate a n d expel all time-expired
guardsmen hauging about t h e place, a n d
thereby protect the vaults from being
robbed, o r t h e Government f r o m suffering
from such malpractices.

(8) The Crtlsor Sun Wu-ch'ien urg*, tly

reeomrn~nda R change t o present-day requirements to be made in the curriculum
of exami~rationdu~ritlg the milit,*ry competition~ for degrees. The Board of War
ia llerelly commnndrd to dalrbernte upon
the n:~id Cemor's reco>,~mendat~ons
report the result to us.
(9) The Bo;ird , f Rites is eomtnanded
to deliberate upon n nlrmorial of thr same
Censor who denounces the practice frequently obrcrrrd, of I;<te, where st~ccessful
essays a t the examn*tioos are stild to
wealthy cunipetitors in w l i ~ c lthe
~ writers
relinqii~all their c1,nnr.e of getting degrees in farour oi tile purelisrer*. The
said Crusor suggests, therefore, that s
special stamp be made to append t,o eacll
eoml~lrtrdF L S : , ~ ivitll the j i o t ~ a j l d ellnbt~e of
the writer tllereuf.

(5) Ts8tlg Kuang halt, Earl Weiyi, i s

nppointeli aeling Vice-President of t h e
Imperial Clar~Court.
(6) The Censor Ch'en Chi-chan: denounces F u Erh-tan, the lately retired
Deputy hsbistsnt Military Govarciur uf Kirin, who is accused of lmving wrongly and on
his own responsibllity executed some of Iris
soldi,.rc, thereby stilritlg up t,he mratli a l ~ d
hatred of hm trorppr and endiingeric~g tlie
pence of the city of Ktrin. Itappears that
before the accused official retired fro," t h e
service on sick leave a eertaili \?Jan Ymz.
who liad been nrrevtrd by tlla ~nllltauy
patrol of Kirin for m a s q u e r a d n ? ns a
soldier and e r t o r t i ~ l g>moneylrotzr cttlrens,
defended l~irnself by makiug .c co:iotercliarge ng.iinst the raid pntrl,l, consi~tinqof
T'ien Sllu~linaud three others, of robbing
peaceful peuple. Tlle accused officer instead
bf maklng careful enq\>iriev into these
211d January.
ehnrsrs or waitiug for orders from" lhis
E o papers of interest.
superior ( h e Military Govertii,r, took
3rd January.
upon liimaelf to sutnlnhtily dac.ipil;tte the
pi~t1.01,W I I ~ C I I C O I I ~ I U C ~v z s tiot 0 i l 1 ~ hast"
i n d ill-advised but t
Ch,n,,p S,li is t o be transferred
powers. llle xbnve llas beeu autl>,:iltieated
of , h e
of K i r t ~ , and
~ ~ . u n~g c ~ , o;,pzU
, ~ s h n n is~
~ by Yoni Nuhi, CirilGoucc~ror
we I ~ e r e f o r eorder in punisllrnent for his to
Junior V,ce-Preside,,cy of the
cond~cCtlwt ? U EcII-tat1 be cnshirred of
B~~~~of C i v i l A p p o i n t m e l , t r : K , u , , Hsiu
to be se,,ior ~
~ of ~ his pplessnt
~ rank
~and idiso>issrd
~ for ~ever~
the ~~~~d of
p." ~~i~~ is
nppointd .Tuuiur Vice-Preuidacjt of the
(7) Wann \Ten-sbno, Viceroy of Chillli.
complains oftbe dilatoriness of tile familyof
same Bunrd.
thelste LI Cllao-tnet,fi>rn>eriy
rlistri~t~ngis4th Janunry.
trateof Hsuanhtlr, C l ~ i l ~ lwho
i , was c,shierIMPRRIAL DECREES.
ed eventually for failitig to mate good cert ~ i ntares collected by him duriltghis ms( I ) .ro K l is appointed Inspector of the
gistracy.Sinoe h i s d e a t l ~ s n d a l t h o ~ ~ g h r r ~ r a t affalra of tlie tzollgol Bordered yellow
edly exhorted by the turernorialist to liiisten
Baalner Org.*rlisation.
liquidate the debts o f tile raid deceased
(2) Lu Pao-cIlung ia appointed acting
official, liis heits have taken no r,oticr of
Senior V ~ c e . P , r r i d e n t of tile c o u r t of
Cens4rs,zicc 'idnx J U WIIO is
~roldini! this duty they owe to the memory of tlrrir
late hend.andco,sequentlynli the prliprrty,
an ; ~ p p i r r t n , r l ~i~broad.
(3) S I I AC1l.i
is a p p i n t e d ~ i ~ , , t ~ , , ~ , , t . real n t ~ dpersonal, of tlledoceaaed in Chihli
Gene .%I of the Bol.derid Red ~~~~~l~~ province ~vais oonfiseated by the o,amm,rialist at our o ~ d e r s . I t has, however,
Bnrrlicl- Organts.,tion and Tsai Cho is ap.
t n ~ ~ s p i r etliat
d tlledefieit still amoonts to a
pollit d t o tile same ralik in t ~ \\-l,ite
: ~
large s u r r ~and the heirs still declare their inHnnclllni Hatlwer Orgnnisatioii.
ability to trliika good the balance. etc. As
(4) TIlr I t l ~ ~ l e rciiill
i ~ l court
lriust not suffer
dent13 of T5;ii Tsin, a noble of the ~
~ the
~ Government
i exchrqiirr
tl~rouglithe defi~ultingof t l ~ ai~fici;lls.we
lineage, ,niilrh in order oi drscetlt, ivitl,out
hereby comlnand the Gr,vrrllor o t Sham
issuc ; but tlia. his widoiv. belonging l o
tile Klo-kulu clan, is ~ i l l i ~
to ~;,dopt
PC,, tung, the native provlnee oi decensed,
Hs:u. tlie srcotld soll of Prince Tsai ~ i ~ , , , to investigate in thi? nntiue town of the
decessed uajcial and see \what property
3rd Order nnd brevet 2nd Order, a s tiie
there is in his name tliare and confiscate
heir uf the deceased noble. TI,^ =idh ia
the same toGouerncnent.
hereby gl.nntrd nud as an
grace w e Irereby furtiler a l l ~ ~Pw' u Hsiu to
(8) Pel, S l o u , Civil Governor of Kirin,
take up tlle rauk of his deceased adopted
ill obedience to our o o ~ n m s n dsends
parent as a noble of the Imperial Clan.
his report on the general conduct of the

Commandants and officers of the brigade

known as the "Ching-pien," or Frontier
Defescs Brigade, wlwse dismissal a e had
been compelled to order owing to their
bad conduct. H e statee that General
T\m: Yang-ch'un. Llia diamlssed Commnnrlnnt of tlra Right Dirisio~l of tile
said Brieade, was guilty of great crtnelty
t o the soldiers of the various bicttiilions
belongtng to Ius command, and was,
rnoreuuem, guilty of using a lnrge n u n brr of " clulr~mios" s., as to pockeb tllr
mav of the trtlops for liis n w n benrlit.
altl8ougl1 tllere wasappointed
a Ciiil Commiisionrr in the persot) of one
Wu Clii-c11'~no.the latter it seemed n e v e r
turned ur,,
Ihradquartera. Henoe the
accured Gener.,l h*d the audacity to dniw
and pocket tllii oficer's ply xlso Sun YIhang the dlsu>iired Colonel eomm*~~ding
. .
nf tile said Brigade
while atatlotled a t Ngehoiuhlrolu ip :aid
to IISVP been guilty of l1l~trl,atin,nthe
merchant- ntrd people nf tliat irl~port*nt
town. \?Jheri n band of brig;uids attacked
t l ~T'ullgcliii pawnsl~rlp in that town
aud I8uitit ccrlairl portions r,f tlie town,
iosrrad of coming filrivard to c;~tcli the
robbers lhe vein %inedqoiet in liis quartera,
and eventually eneoura~ed lhis men t o
piilaae i v l l n t w*s I-ft by the robbers. Tllis
was n*turally resented by the tow~isprol,le
and a general fi.aeas would hare resulted
had not energetic effol-tr been inade to
preroilt tile disi~ster. Then Lin Wei~olr'i
the di-missed nctins Co~cimrndsntof the
Rerr Divlsino ,of the said Brigade is
a c c u ~ e d oi h*rirlg made away with or
l~iddeua l*rge prupor:io,, of tire rlfles of
t h e troolrs under hi:n, so that tlwy hall nut
n o ~Dw h f i r - ~ ~ r nto
~ dcill
w i t h : nor
eliuugh to llave with them when k t o n
eaueditons ansiiost bnndite. He llas also ,
beer, acc\ised of putting down a number of
llis rull so as to draw their
FtlP l~i~n-*lf,
etc. A11 sucl~cr,nduct is
~ ,.
both disgraceful nod reprelletisible in tila
extreme ; we thel.tfhrecuminand that tllesa
three officers be iurtlnrvitll cnshierad sod
disnlisred from tlla service.
(9) The same high offieixl further denounces General CbangYu-ynn, comma>>dingthe Right Bsttaliunof the Left Division
o f the stole Brigade, and Ta T'ni, Mancl>u
Major of tile L e f t Battalion of the said
Brigsde, for eownrdice, atnling that when
they were detailed to taka their men to
attack a robber fastness they tirat delayed
their march to an unconscionable denree,
and next, when in front of the fastness,
dared not lead sn attack. The t v o officers
we lrereby conllnand to be cashiered aa a



warning t o the r e v . The Board of War is

to take no:e thsreo~l.
(10) We have received the memorial of
t h e Censor P a n Ch'ing-Ian, 8 s k i . g that
orders may be sent to the varioufi provilces
rornmanding bhnt all remarkable acts of
filial piety. devotion to seniors. and hen*.
~...v,'lence, %c , b e r e e u l ~ r l yreporfed forcom.
mendation to the Tlirone wheoei,er these
occur, and, iurtlier, that local oiiicisls
be curbed in their power to maltreat
literary gradlintes, etc.. 'Tile Bsiardr con.
earned are cunrln~lldedto d-liberate a n d
report to us.
(11) The Censor Li T'iao-yinF ati~tes
that c~~atiy
cstsec have occurred ti, liis ktlowledoe where t,lle Tltriloe havine remitted
raxer: of t h e paople*tfrated iby fnmines
distress, t l ~ r yIhave been et>mptlled t o



some crses they lhare reirained from tellille

the people of the elerneucy of the Throne
until -I certnin ~~ort,ion
of the taxes has
nlieiidy heen paid hy the distreswd people.
Ii s > ~ e hbe indeed the trush tlre~i o u r
cla~rlerlcy baa been m : ~ ~ i c i o u s put
ticugl~t nnd issued simply lo till tile
1wclirt.a of utiseruptllous and disllonest
<offic>ils. Tllia ruust not be permitted
f o r a moment ntrd the high pro\incial
authorities rntlst not fall t,, eaeroise
care in such matters. They should, i n
fact, take care to make careful investigation whenever fsirnines occur, and
wherever they find the local uEcisls acting
d s l ~ o n e s t l y they must not llesitnte t o
detiou.ico for sevrre pu~lishrnent these
avaricious rlelinquents. f l u mercy should be
shown t-wards suelr.
(12) Yen Mou, Civil Goverrlor of Kirin,
denounces the prefect Chao Clrunn-Iran of
tinvinq made tibe liretooce oi reu~iuinn
" his
tu cornpel~thepeople unrler lhim t o
pny extm taxes, etc. As Chso Cllul,g~han
is trow o n leive a t hts llome in CI1Bkiann
~ . ~
a. ~ ~ ~
the Governor of tl>e snid province is eominnnded to colnpel the s:iid prefect to make
good the ;tmwuots llr took ftmm tile people
and he is further to be han>ded to the
Board for deteroiitratihn of an adequate
(13) \Ve have read tlie postscript mernorial o i the snnre lhiglb officer asking h a t
rhe words of coinmendatiun iswed by t h e
Tlirone and recorded i n t h r Board of Civil
Appointments in favour of Wu Chan-cli'ing,
an expectant ehilwie~i.,fur good government
anid eammendiible conduct be cancelled
from the records on the ground of t h e
said magistrate's recently proved incapability of conduct i n administering his


4 .


government, etc. Also that the aaid offioer

300shih elf rioe (one
equald 160 cattie$)
andanother expectant district inngiatrate
has not heen f o u n d
for the
he temed over t , ~tile Board of Civil
purpose and tllerrfore begs for
Appointments for transfersrlce to sotna
allowance, etc. H U yu.fensspr,yrr is
other pro~,ince owing to their unsoitgrrrlted a n d we be eby com,nrn,j
ability to hecolne magiatrate.i it- a rough
e a t r ~portion 400 shih be
to tl,e
like Kirin. 'Ih* request is granted,
Benevolelut Society
and tile h n r d co~leeriirdis ordered to take
~i ~ 6 . ~ is
1 ,appo;,,ted
~ ~ ~ v i c e ~i~~~~~~
note of the conterlts of thlsdecree.
of tile Superrisor~te~f Ilistluctioii of the
IIeir A p P e n t .
(14) Tihe same Board is co,nlnanded to
deliberate ,in the menlorin1
the cellror
8th Jhnuary.
P'no Cl~'it,:-lnn axkill;. tli*t tile id B~~,.. ,
be ordnred to tisue r r g ~ l l ~ t i u nivitii
,,,n,,>o r i n l of ,vB,r
eller to daitts of sen>o~.ity
of omclrs ivlro
h a r e lint ttia8e througl~h l r i n n t.,ken I ~ . , ~Po,
~ Police Ccnsi,r id tile Sort11 c i t y , an.
of iill-nr,. lo, lllOllr,,,,,~
110~11cingtile ~ ~ ( l ~ t ubyr etile I , O I ~ C C ~f the
m i l city of t r s n ii~t,>riousd
~ Of ~
otlli.l.* iillo I ~ L V C1 i 0 ' Illlt:ttlj.ti 111,1, I I,11 ,Y),,)
l u r e entered the Ciiil Service iarel.,
Pekinq, wlui l ~ e l o ~ l ~toe ~.,l g , , , S iullicll
tried not 10nc nqo to f l ~ r c i t ~ nbdi,ct
5tli , J ; L , , , , ~ ) - .
I I I P C H I A LI > E C R E F .

the memorial of the Superviiillg Censor

~ i , ~, i .~~ i , atati,,g
tllat yieeroSs
~ ~ , , e r n ouiplovillcea
should he n ~ d eto
u ~ l d e r s t r ~ ititst
d cashiered officiall, whom
tu their raliks
t l l r f o . l > l eask
r to be
and to be allilwed to retaill sucli me~rin
s,,ch re.
arc ,,,;i<
on thr
~ , l l t zl,,
r 1 L.i91c, tll*t if tile
ed ufiiciill siiollld in i u t u l e be g l l i ~ r y of
or ,l;isde,,,erl,ours their .
sp,,,,rors he pu,,isl,rd i l l
their protiqb.
(4) TlreComrna~ldaz>t
of hie Geud~rmerie
reports the c:,pt,ure by ihi* forceof eight
counterfeiters of 3tmr1ouscopper eaalr. Let
~the prisoners
, he~ handed
d over
~ to ~the B ~m d
of Punishme8,ts for trial ~ n dsetltetlce RCoordinq to tire l:iws of the h o d . As for
the deserving ofiicers whn made the espture, as roan as tire said Board ha8 finished t ~ y i n gthe said prisone1.a t l e said Commandant is ordered to fiend us the list of
names for promotion and record.
(5) The sawe high officer alan reports
the capture of a gang of twenty robbers
who had been mur.iering and pillxeing the
suburban cities and villages near Peking.
Let these 81-0 be sent t o the above
named Board &,r trial and sentenoe,
and let. strict search be m.sde for two
others still a t larse belonging to the ahove
hand. When the mid Hoard shall hsve
finished its lahours in the matter the ssid
ootnmaniiant shall thev send us the names
of the deserving officers who effected the
oapture for the usuxl rewards, eto.
(6) The aame officer reports another
capture of four b a d i t 3 caught while
robbing ill broad daylight. Let the prisoners be treated in the Rame manner as
noted in the foregoing deoree.
(7) Asimilardecreeregardingten thieves
belonging to a,) organisad gang in Peking
whohadheencapturedby the gendarmerie.

El, p p w s g f





9i1r .innu;iry.

sacriiice nt tile teiir

p e uc h i n g
exsminations i t Nnnkiug.
a t the iniddli ;,lt,irs.
10th January.
(2) Tile report ill tlte s;ime Court anIXI'ERIAL DECREES.
noulices tlir sanie date a. t h e :in\\ulievelit
(1) Tino L i - ~ i l l ~Suptr\,isin:
ior tile .ratid novsiiill at tile tellrl,ie
tiie yriil (;od; prilrueKC,,^^ pi,,, lst semmds in n rnenrorial suggestirlg tllnt tire
o r d e r , is llereby eo nilrlded to sncr,iice sale of o%einl rank be rroi,ped for ever, as
tliis tliing is a diqgraee to the country, ete.
there in our stead on that day.
Tile Board oiRerenue is conl~nrlided to
(3) h i'i,cn,, ting a
,I oficials to
delibrrate thereon, as well as o n another
the dlctri,poliia~lAdmintstrotion.
proposition of tlie Cenmr to change the
7th January.
present methods of trausport,ing tribute
rice by the Gr.cnd Cnnnl, in order to save
large annual sunls paid for transport and
(1) B u Tu-fen, G o v e r n o r ofPeking, and
fre~glltto t l ~ e I ~ n p e r i exchequer.
Sun Ci>va-nai, Gover~ior Adjoint, reports
(2) The Board oiTVnr is eoirli~lar~dedtode.
that amongst the m m y poor rcfugers in
liberate npon the list of names i~fdeservinq
the capital t h e Chill Shnn-t'ang Benevolent
military and police officers recommended
SoeiotS-'s \T7i'inter Refuge in the Western
by the Commandant of the Gendarmerie.
city has lodged and fed tire Ihr,nest n u m b e r
(3) TheBoards of Civil dl,pointments and
of fszrline refugees in reking, so far, ins,,much that the usual government grant of
of Warare commanded to deliberate upoo


11th January.

Ch6ingM~~~ p a n c h u ) is
Police Censor of the Middle City.
(2) w ~ ,p,,,
, p a n o h u ) is appointed po.
lice Censor of the Northern City.
(3) Wan Pei-yu is appointed Police
Censor of the Eastern City.
No papers of interest.
12th January.

(1) we hare
chsng ~ h i h - t ~ , ,viceroy
of the two Hu
reporting the
of the

trials of the rnglenders of rile riivsl coolie

faction3 who recently c r ~ t e rllcii
s-inguioary p*rtism fiphtn in the streets i the
n c w y opened Treaty I' .rt i 8 f Sh;i.;i. As to
tile re],r>rt of the Bo;ird of P u s i , ~ l ~ ~ ~ i c n t r
wit11 i?f<reiice t , tile above cas? drc:,hrbng
t l ~ tt11e l,~cxlrr~ilit$~ry
ax~d ,:)vil <~lIici:~la
of S l ~ a r i ; i r e bee,, n u ~ l t yof i ~ r g l ~ g e n c e
in no1 ciuqli> g the r i t i t s nt tlie heginling.
w e 1 i r r . b ~v r d e r tile s.ud Viceroy to review
tlia erldenea in tile nnid trial* i ~ n drdt30rt
t u q 'lie decree of culpnbility of each of the
o0icinls named thereill.
ri3t referred to above was
owi g to tile rivalry h e t w e e ~ the 1 ad
coolies coniing from Hv~ilrow ntlrl those
from Wtlcl,nlic nnnd H~nynmig who eonpregrte in very l a ~ g rnumber9 in Shzri (all
four cities belonging to t l ~ eprrivilice of
Hupeh). There wasa cervaiupartof theriver
bank rllare usually lie a numb-r of cargo
junkn which the Hankow cuoliea had lheld
as their rpecial
huntibg ground " ;~nd
therefore claimed tlte right of ~ r n n s l , o r t ~ n g
into the city d l the cargo coming t l i r u g h
t1w.t psrticulnr wllnrf. This spot was a.1
objeo of emmvr. amongst the cc,mbil~edWuehanv and Hnnynng eoolieswho t r u s i n g in
their superimrity of tuulm~bersattempted one
day to usurp this whnri. Nnturnlly, the
Hankow coolies resented tile aot and e. grand
battle ellsurd hetweec~ the two parties in
whioh tho latler were evem,tually victorious.
Mare sanguinary fights ensued, the local
authorities being powerleas to repress t h e
t u ~ h u l e n tcoolies. Then foliowed R reign
of t e r r , r : trade was almost stopped. ~ n ad
series of murders began when members of
would try to asaa~sinstsone another. It was
not until the Viceroy Chang wxa appealed t o
and ha had aent a strong foroe of disoiplined
troops to Sllaai that order W H ~restored ;
b u t nearly a hundred lives had bsen losb
which in the eyes of the law placed t h e
local officinls under a heavy responsibility.

(2) p ' u Yuan, a member o f the Imperial
clan, is by 8n act of extra grace given the
rank of an Imperial Body Guardsman of
the First Class, with privilege of doing
d u t y a t the prineipalentrsnce of the Palace.
13th January.

(1) Appointing s number of officials t o

the Provincial Administration.
(2) Oh,,nn Shan is appointed Asaistant
Secretnry of the Board of Rites in charge
of the dspnrtmsnt having supervision of
the Muiing Imperial Mausoleum.

(3) J u i Ch'ang is spp i n t e d to a similar
post ill the deprrtnlerlt h:~virrpsupervision
of tlie Hoilitlg Imperial i\fatisileurn.
14th J ~ a u a r ~ .


hereby command MnYli-lientobedegraded

two steps 8 0 tile rnnk of a deprrtlnalit
magi-trate; Cll'en Tat>-clli and Wang Shuting to beorderedto vxcnte their ufficeseompulsorily, mid Lin Pin-avuto be commanded
to retire into private life. The Board concerned is co~nlnandldto t.,kr "ore tllere n .
(4) fIsili ch.inq is lppllinted s l l p e r i n .
tendent of theHunia~~Cuitrirns
of Kiangsu.
15th January.


(1) \Tit11 reference t r , tlie memorial af

the Ci>mmandiint of the Gendarmerie re-

portii'g the capture of K ' a w Pa-lann, a

notorious Pel<ioa desperado and bandit, a t
Newchwang t r ~wllicl8 port ha had fled, we
hereby com~,~azldthat he be handed to
tlie B m r 3 ni P~lnisllmentsfor trial. Ynng
a F i r s t Lieotenalrt of the Corps,
througi~ ii,llose activity and cleverness the
sbove~amained bandit was es~pturedis heraby raw;arded wit11 a proitliltlon t<,the rank
of a Second Ciiptain, togebller ~virli the
h r w e t d n r i blue buttun He is also permitted to ci>;~ogehis decorzition of the
plain blue feather to that oi a peacock's
feather. As i t ~ r P a n g Ping-wei, First
Lieutenant of tile 3rd clnqa of tha Corps
and s r c o ~ ~ind c<,mma,dof the detachment
sent in pilrsuit of the bandit, he is lhertby
made Firqt L i r u t e n a t ~ toi tlie 1st elass
with tile llreiet crystal button ancl pencock's feather.
(2) Liu K'un-yi. Viceroy ,of the Liang
K i a n ~ ,accuses Bhen Shou-ch'ien, T;lotsl
of Hiochou, of ce,t*in rniaderne;moul.s,
amongst which is failing in properly
attelldtnz to tile sdruinistration of his
lntendnn'ry, nnd that when the said
Vic-roy sunrv~io~>ed
him t o Nanking in
order to exalnihe into 1hi.i conduct,
t h e sxid T.,otai, knowing tllilt be would
hare to lore his nost. made s nrorniscuoiis
eleiiranceofall uniinisiiedcase~;:iedhy him,
by allo>\,ibg;dl thr~.;ecnlifir~cd
in g;wl to he
balled ,our sitlrt~utrrgnrd
to tilo cllrrcr under which each prisonei
lay, etc. This is most culpnble on the part
of the mid 'r:totai. ;xnd e.8 a warning to
others he is tllis diiy cashiered and dis-




(1) The Supervising Censor of the Board

of Wsr and Police Censor of the Middle
cit.y. Ch'ing Mien, and liis colleapues, eonjointly denoul>ce the arbitrary conduct o i a
cerlhirr Chnng T&-pei, an expectant gaolwwrde~mand il~vesigatingofficer of one of
the Metropolitan summary police courts.
H a is a,cused of having used illegal
tortures t h w z l y encompassing the premature death of a prisoller brought to
him fur preliminary inrestipation before
any guilt could be prope~.lyfixed upon she
deceased. This is a gr,ve offenrcr and we
comn,md that t h e scvused officer be temporarily cashiered and placed under trial
befor- the Court of the Police Censor of
t h e Western City. The Board of Civil
Appcrintments is eo~nnlnndedto take note

Boavd of Rites is hrreby comdeliherate m o n and reoort to

I ua concerning tile memo;ial of thr densor.
S!m Wu-cll'ien, sugg~sting that certain
chariges be:lmade in the curriculuil~of the
literniy eaamtiiatiotss of Peking and the
prorilcial capitals, a d further that theold
rreulationa as to sulijects required uf cnndidatesat the ea:~tuinntiuosfortllrdegreesaf
Chujen and Chinshih (Provincial and Metropohtan gr*du*teb) be revised in order t o
keep pace with tile progrras oi tlie times.
(3) liiu K'un-yi, Viceroy ili tile Linng
Kiang provilicer, send8 us n list of wurthy
officrrs from prefecrurxl to m;igisterial rank
in the proiince of K i ~ n ~ swit11
u tlie 1.e.
(:3) '1'111.s.inc4 \'icoroy <lenouneen tlm
quest tlirt t h e Irnperlal Cornmerid mtion be
folloiving nflici.ils h r l ~ i ~ to
~ i nthe~ civil
given concerning tile virtuous conduct of
serrlc,, of ICi,inru rlrorit~ce:-Tile erueetant, lprefict,
1'"-tie,,, for earrlcs~rress the ofiei .I? concerned. Tlie follouit g is
the list of the srid rv~rrtlly and rirtuou*
and ilr!~iir;tiicr of blle duties of lhis rnnk ;
Ch'rtl T ~ i ~ - c I i is,,b-l,reirct
,.f P'eielnuu,
officers :-Yen Hsiu, prefect of P I ~ i m k ~ n n ~ ;
Sl>ell Hsi-Chin, prefect o i Yangcilow ;
for i,c.iixg i d mrdiacrr talcl~tsand thereClliiu H u s , g - m ~prefect
of Hsiichou ; W o ~ g
fore o~iiju;il~tird
for dizch.<rrinr tlie duties
S I i ~ - : ' ~ t ~ g . i n d e ~ i r ~ rob-prefectofSouth
a i 111s <,ilica; 11-nnir S l t i district
Tungclli~u(near Nanking) ; Cliitl Yuan-yin,
mngisrrxte of zLntlioglliien, for possessing
district magistrate of Ii'&iighsien (city of
a cruel nature end beinn u u s ~ i t e d to tile
Sungkiang); Shen Ch'uro~m~c,,
people ,over ivlrl,~n1)e rules, ntid Lmg Pindistrict magistrate of Tnoyonn and acting
sen, district mngitiat* i f K;l~lyihsien,for
magistrate of Paosllac~(Woosung) ; T'ang
untitrress on nccou\~ of great age t o bear tlre
Yno, district magistraue of Tungt'ai ; and
resporraibiiites ~i office. With refereuce
Cli'en S h a o - t h e , acting magistrate ok
to tlie above-named denounoed officers w e




T'aoyunn. All the above officer3 have been

eulogised by the said Viceroy as being
" men above the eolnmun herd of aBcials
a n d possessed oi brillia~~r
talents and steady
earneatness in discharging the onerous
duties of iocal offieialdonl," etc. W e gladly
desire to express our perfect appl-ob~tiotb
.of the conduct of the officers named herein
and com",al,d t1i;it the wards of the cornrnetidatiun be t~.nnsmittedby t h e
said Viceroy to I he wort1,y officlala eoncerned. \'dewnuid herefurther eallort theseprefectri, sub-prefect, and district ma~istrates
t i con'iaue wit11 ze*lousness and diligence
in their severd pxths of duty i n order t o
deserve nell rlla eoillidence and trust we
have reposcil in Illern as sllei,llsrds and
parenti of our people. Let them beware
of showiog ;I brmlllant arid zeaous beginning in twer officinl life without the proplrtiolrate and ippiopriate eompleti,>nthat
mleht be expected 1x1 the future of rheir
acaeral careirs. Fi~,nllv.let our noorobation of fheir clmduet b:;it;iy noted'by the
usual Bo;trd ntsd recorded in the official
b i o g r ~ p l i y, i tlia said officers.
(4) C h m Sl~u-jno,Governor of Kianesu.
senils us n memortal drnou8mcin~ the unort thy co~>duet: ~ n dmediocre sllilitiev of
oertain civil ofiicera under Ilia jurisdiction.
I n tile case oi rhe ex-prefect Ma P l i ~ t i e n ,
degradrd by a former decrce to the rank
o f a department r>ingirtrataa t the inatante
of Liu K'un-yi, Vccemy of Lintig Rinag,
t h e said Gorrmnr further denounces
him <in the oround of excessive crrelessness
and being possesard of a
ooarsa "atwe. In view of this supplemental d r ~ ~ u n c i a t i oitn is evident that
tha said Mn Yu.tien is e~rtirelyuntit to be
trusted witl, the noveurlment of our auhjects
a n d Ire is, tilere!ol.e, ordered to be cniKiereil of all Ills rauk and titlrs nod to be dismissed from tile service. The said Gov e r n o r also drnuunces En Sliou (Manchu),
tile sub-grrfrct of tlie d r p a r t ~ n e ~of
i t I'aihu
L:ike(ne:~rSunclmw), for confiding tuomuch
to his oi\,tr svrrants, llerrhy gxininq ior
t h e r tnasler a ltloat uoaavnury reputatirhi ;
Y i Jn11, (~lli~tlxer
Dlnncllo) at) expectant
sub-prefect, for keeping n o diseiplil,e or
restraint o v e r Ilia undet.lings, tl~erefnre
causing nluch unfavourable conlmrnt
amongst t i e masses ; Ling Cho, district
magistrate of Wuliaien (ci!y of Sooelro~v),
for being 8 , . %Wetted bg ill hesltll that it
h a s unfitted him for grdsping the details of
his usual duties, further accentuated b y
azv and craft" habits : Wu Kuan-lc,.
diitriet migistiata of musieh, of such
vac~llatingconduct tlsat grave oomplaints
have b en msde agaiust him before

the memorialist by # h e people of Wusielt ;

and, finrlly, Wu Sliou-yi, sn expectant
district magistrate, of avaricious ci,n,luet
and glassing over hismixdemeanunrs before
llis ~ u p r r i o r s i n rank. All the ahove
officers so denounced nra liereby cashiered
and clirmissed irorn tlirir aivernl posts. .is
the cotnplnirits made 1,y tlie s ~ i dGorern,,r
neai18stFei Hune-nien, district magistlate
of Ts@t~gtsi.,
who has been nocused of being
exceedingly mediocre in talents a n d
abilities and, thereiore, utlfit for his past,
Cl>lh-ii, district
and ngiiiist Ynng
magistrate o i L i y n l o , who is dascvibrd na x
man whose "vitality i$ enlr;u,strd" and
whose ''di~eliarle (if lii9 usual lluties i s
ehsracterired by delayand procrast~nation,"
we herehS eomrnslid t l i ~ ttile twn ufieers
so d e n o u n e d be eo:t~pulsorilydiswissed
from tlwir present posts and awiit ibther
empl,,yment in the civil serviceof Kiangsu.
16th January.



(1) To l i u a o is appointed Manchu subChnncellur of t h e Grand Secretariat, a n d

T'ai Fu is appointed Mallcllu Viee-Director
uf the Ba~iquetingCourt
(2) Appoiimt ng a number of offioials o
va)iaur posts in the Metropolrta~r and
Prurincial Admixristrrticns.
17th .January.

Clrun Liilt~gis ~ppointedSub-Cliancelloz

of tha Grand S e c r e h r i ~ twith the brevet
rnnk of iVioe-President of tile Boiird of
No papers of interest.
18tll and 19th January.
No pnperr uf interest.
20th January.

(1) Sllih Sui~chnngis appointed prefect

of Kiungelrow (Ilainan island), K u z ~ > ~ t u n g
(2) T'ao M u , Governor~GeneraI of t h e
Shen-Iian pnivinies, l>nring recently s e n t
us a s1,eci;lI memorial rrcurnrrlelidi~igpromotions for R nulnber of civil aud nr~litary
offieinls \vho had distinguished thei~~selvcs
in certain rvays during t h e cnmpnign azainst
the Mahonril~edan rebels oi Hsining prefecture, ICnnsu province, we comn~iuided
the Boards of Cfril Appointments and of
War, a t the time, t o deliberate over t h e
said me~norinland rcoart to us whether
the pronlotions so recommellded slrould
be confirmed.
TVe are now in receipt
of a memorial from Wu Kuang-k'uei,

trialand punishment aocording to the lawe.

24th Januarv.
As for thk rest of the band whose names
are known, we hereby command that
(1) Ch'ing Shu (Manchu) is appointed
,trick search be made for those
prefect of Liangchou, Kansu province.
large, and that as soon as the trial of the
(2) s u n Chis-nai, Governor Adjoint,
be finished a list be sentin
a n d H u Yii-fAn, Governor of Peking. conmen of the
of the names of the officers
jointly denounce certain territorial offieirrls
gendarmerie who distinguished themselves
of the Imperial Prefecture of Shuntienfu. I i, making the capture so
The expectant magistrate Ch'en Shoube taken 01 those t,f deserx.i= conduct and
ch'un is accused of low conduct and of
proportionste rewards granted to them.
being addicted to currying favour with
26th January.
those superior in rank in order to get
their assistance in proouring nubstantive
appointment for him, etc. For this mia(1) The Censor Li Nien-tzu denounced
demeanour we hereby degrade the said
the other day Ch'en I-pei. the departmeat
magistrate to the rank of gaolwarden in
of Chunhua, Chihk in cona
vamkn or to that
sequence of which we commanded
magistratu(st~,mnk). ~i yen.~hCsng,magis.
trate o~ ~
' of i,,com.
~ Wen-shao
~ to
~ investigate
~ the
~ matter
report to us. The report of the said Vice~ ~ t i b i iini this
~ i t the
roy is now before us in which he declares
his district, H~ is ordered to vacate his
that all the charges preferred by the said
post and
police magistrste of ~
~ ( ~ ~ h Censor
c~are groundless
~~ ~ t and unproven; but
that the accused had been unable to put
wall entmnce), ~i ~ ~ i - h ~ iand
, , , sllnchihproper restraint over the 'conduct of his
min, gaolwarden of pingkahsien, are, the
~ e r s o n a lattendants, which of itself confirst accused of inveterate habits, (opium
stitutes a fault. We hereby command the
smokins or in,bibing,)
of having
"id department magistrate to he handed
left his post without permission,
to tile Board of Civil Appointments for
sham,ning death in order toavoid
the determination of an adequate penalty.
taking up his post, ~~~h the two men are
AS for the aceuaations made against the
and dismissed from the
deputy Tang Chin-shih, who had been
service. he Board of Civil Appointments
Bent to distribute famine relief to the people
is commanded to take note thereon.
of Chunhua, it has been found that the
(3) The said memorialists also request
that the district magistrate
~ ~ i . f & accused
~ ~ , ~official is not fit to carry out the
relief owing to his ignorance of the wants
appointed magiatrate of the ,qetropolitan
district (in peking)
~ ~ h ~ i , , ~ h ~ i of~ the
~ .people, ill consequence of which the
has been guilty of
request is granted and the Board canrnisdemeanours. He is hereby cashiered
oerned is ordered to take note.
I and dismissed the service.
(4) The said memorialists further ask
(2) ChangHuai-yiiisappointedBrigadierfor an extra grant of rice in aid of the
Generd of the military division of Palik'un
gruel station
(Lake Barkul district), Eastern Chinese
a t the K u a u g c h ~gateoi Pekingowing t u the
unusual number of famine sufferers and city
poor who have been soekil~ghelp rind food
(3) Wang Fang-mingis appointed Brigasince the winter opened. We hereby grant
dier.General of the military division of Ili
another gift of 300 shih of rice to the said
Society in order that our poor subjects be
(4) The Commandal~t of the Peking
properly fed during the winter.
Gendarmerie reports the capture by his
force of eight desperadoes who have a large
25th January.
number of murders and robberies recorded
sgainst their names. The prisoners are
hereby ordered to be handed over t o the
(1) T F Commilndant of tile Peking GenBoard of Punishments for trial, and let
the capture by his force
strict search be made for those of the band
of four ni,toriuus b a n d i t helollgillg to a
who are still a t large.
band that had bein infesting a neighbour(5) With reference to a memorial by the
and who generally escaped
inside the limits of the Metropolitan Pre- , same high officer recommending certnin
officers of theNorthern andRight battalions
fecture in order t o
pursuit, etc. The
of the Gendarmerie who had distinguished
are hereby ordered to be handed
themselves by energy and activity in
over to the Board of Punishments for

capturing bandita, the Bosrd of War is

hereby command& t o deliberate over the
said list and report t o us for oonfirmstion.
27th January.


With reference t o t!~edenunoiations by

the Supervising Censor, Sieh Hsi-hang,
against certain Taotais, etc., helonging to
t h e Hunan provinoial service, we ordered
Ch'en Pao-chen to investigate into the
charges and report to us. The memorial
of the said Governor is now before ua in
which he reports that some of the aoousatioris against the Taotai Ch'ien K'anggung, the expeotant magistrate Lii J u chun, and YiiLiang-tung, district magistrate
of T'soyuan, have turned out t o be partiall y true. These three officers are therefore
hereby esahiered and dismissed tile aervioe.
As for the charges against Li Ching-hsi
(nephew of Li Hung~chmg), fornlerly Salt
Intendant of Hunan, and the prefeot Yii
Ch'ing, since they have been found to be
groundless no further attention need be
given t o these two officers' case. JBn Ling,
a secretary in the Provincial JudgeVsyam&b,
whohas been found guilty is hereby ordere d to be deported from Hunan to his native
town in ChBkiang.
F a n g Wan-shao, Viceroy of Chihli,
reports a crime of unusual gravity from hia
jurisdiction and the aiatences impoeed on
t h e oriminals. The crime in question took
place in December last in the district of
Chiichou, where a son a t the instigation of
his mother murdered his father. Ae this
was a most serious crime memorialist
ordered the care t o be sent t o Paotingfu
for trial by the Provincial Judge, Chi Psngch&n. The finid Judge having made the
usual investigations reported thst he had
found the murderers guilty of the crime
they were acoused of and recommended
t h a t both mother and son suffer death by
t h e slaw and shameful process (1ingch'ih)in
accordance with the laws of theland. Memonsliat, however, wished to be aure that the
aocusstions were just and so ordered Yuan
FBng-lin, the Provincial Treasurer, t o make
a special trial of the case. The evidence
first reported was adhered to in this trial
whieh showed as follow^ :-Chang Hsi-fang,
the murdered man, was s well. to-do farmer
of Ch'iichouhsien. H e had a n only son
(Chsng Tee-kuang), the murderer, who wan
no petted and spoiled by his parents,
especially by the mother, thst as he grew
older he became unmanageable and fell into
dissolute habits. T o get money t o supply

his wsnts Chane TsB-kuans used

---- -- r - suade his motheFto get it for him until at
laat they began to sell portions of the land
belonging to the father. I n spite of the
latter's remonstrsnoea the mother and eon
persisted in their course until i t became
evident to the father that unless something
was done to stop the two they would soon
sell the house which slreltered him and
them. So the father one day assembled
all the headmen of his clan and complained
of the conduct of his wiie s n d son and
wked for protection against them. It was
then decided that the remainder of the
property of 47 m w af land be retained for
the support of the father in his old age,
and the dissolute son and his mother were
there and then interdicted by the seniors of
their clan from touching this land on pain
of suffering punishment administered by
the elan. This stopped the pair for a short
time ; but the gambling debts contracted by
the son became too pressing and so, assisted
.by his mother, Chang TsB-kumg tried to
martgage or aell the 47 mom of land in
recret. The father found the matter
out and forcibly upbraided his wiie and
eon for their conduct and in stternptin, corporal punishment on the son the
mother assisted the latter in getting away
from his father's clutches. Exasperated
beyond reason the father a t last said
that the best way to stop this would
be to kill both wife and son. When the
pair heard this they began to consult soas to
lay hands on the father first before h e could
put his threat into execution. S o on the
night of the 30th December last Chang
Ta6-kuang having first filled himself with
dcoholio drinks and egged on by the mother,
who persistently declared that if they did
not kill the father he would kill them,
seized hold of an iron rake and marched
into his father's room where he lay on the
k'ang or stove-bedstead. The mother also
followed into the room to assist the son if
necessary. Three feadul blows were then
dealt with the iron rake on the head of the
murdered mau, the third blow on the back
of the head being tho fatal stroke. When
Chang Hsi-fang was killed, the mother
dressed the oorpse with an old cotronwadded jacket and with the parricide carried the body to a back garden wall. Placing
the corpse beneath the wall the guilty pair
pulled down a lot of bricks from the top af
the wall, half burying the body with the
dab*, so as to make it seem to outsiders
thst the old man had been killed by
the falling of the wall over which h e
wan supposed to have tried to vault.
The next morning the brother oi


the deceased having his suspicions reported the matter t o the magistrate of
Chiiohouhaien who finally extracted the
above confession iron, the parricide and
murderess. The law for this crime demands that both the woman and her son
be sentenced to death by the lingehih
process, the head of the son being exposed in
thevillage where the crime was coalmitted,
the mother's head in consideration of i t
being a woman's being exempted from this
exposure. Memorialist upon receiving the
above confirmed report at once gave orders
for the carrying out of the sentence reeommended by the mid Provincial Judge, in
accordance with the laws of the land.Rgseript: Let the Board of Yunishments
take note.
28th January.
Wei Kuang-tao, Governor of Shensi,
denounces a number of incompetent officers
in his province and aaks that the accused
o5ciale be degraded or cashiered according
to a list presented with the memorial. The
request is granted and t h e Board of Civil
Appointments is commanded to take n&e
29th January.
(1) E-k't-t'ang-h, Military Governor and
Tartar General of Fdngtien province, Manchuria, recommendsthe bestoaalnf adequate
promotions on the o5cials detailed by him
to reorganise the likin and customs of the
Eastern Marches on the frontiers of Corea.
Aa through the efforts of the said officials
the revenues of the cities in question have
been annually increased by nearly half a
million taels, the officialsnamed deserve proper recornition for their successful efforts,
namely, the Taotai Wang Hsi-hsun, who is
hereby rewarded with having his name
spsoially recorded in the Grand Council for
the first vacant Tsotaiship in Fdngtien ;
the department magistrate TB Lin, who is
hereby promoted to the rank of a subprefect; the district magistrate, ChaFu-chi,
who is hereby rewarded with the privilege
of wearing a prefect's brevet button as
soon as he gets his sub-prefect's rank ;
and the magistrate T'u Chin-tao who is
promoted to be a sub-prefect as soon as
h e shall have received his substantive distriot maxistrate's post. As a special bounty
of the Throne the officials promoted above
are exempted from personally coming t o
Peking for an audience for examination
of their qualifications, eto.
(2) Pien Pao-ch'uan, Viceroy of the
Min-Che provinces, reports t h e death of

Chang Ch'i-kusng, late ~rovincial'cornmander-in-Chief of ChCkiang, a t N i n g p ~

headquarters. We are deeply grieved st
the lossof thisfaithfulservant and command
that he be accorled burial rites and the go.
vernment grant to his family befitting his
rank as Genepal. Further, as a recognition
of the eminent services rendered by the
deceased General during the Taiping rebellion, we hereby bestow on his eldest son
Chnng Shih-min the rank of a suh-prefeot,
m d upon his second son Chang Tsu-yao the
rank of an Assistant Seoretaryof one o f t h e
Six Boards. The Boards concerned are t o
take note.
(3) Ch'en Chi-ts'ing is appointed Pro.
vincial Commander-in-Chief of C h b k h g ,
.aice Chang Ch'i-kuang, deeessed.
(4) J u i Haiin, 8 Reader of the E m l i n
College, denounces the rowdyism and want
of circumspection of the sons and heirs of
the high Manchu and Chinese ofEoiala
reaiding a t Peking, and complains that the
parents of t h e young men do not keep
proper restraint and discipline amonpat
them. Many cases have been cited in this
memorialwhioh, if true, ahowthat theyoung
nobleanre under lax discipline indeed. W e
would, therefore utter a note of warning
t o all concerned, and exhort all t o behave
in a proper and seemly manner so that
they may deserve the eonfidenoe we shall
have t o plaoe in them in the future when
they succeed their fathers. I f , after thisdeCree, any be found to have neglected our
waning, we shall surely punish such and
we might add that the parents of the delinquents will not escape scot-free either.
(5) Lu Ch'uan-lin, Viceroy of Szechuan,
accuses Wang Hu-ch'ing, magistrate of
Chianganhsien, of avarice and making himself an object of hatred amongst hie people;
and Wu I-shih, magiatrateof Yenyuanhsien,
of mediocre abilities and neglecting h L
ordinary duties. Both the accused o&er=
are hereby cashiered and dismissed the

(6) The same Viceroy complains of the

many frauds prevalent during the literary
examinations for the degree of ChzLjin i n
ChCngtu and ask. permission to reriac the
rule? currentin the exantination halls, which
favour frauds rather than prevent them.
The 'aid Viceroy i s hereby commanded to
frame what rulea he thinks beat and embody
them in a proclamation for the information
of all. The candidates, .Is% are commanded to keep themselves more under
discipline during theexaminations, and t h e
assistant examine" are exhorted t o uoe
e ? e T diligence in preventing fruads eo that
only the worthy can attain their degrees.

30th January.
(1) Yii Hung-lisng is appointed marine
sub-prefect of LiaimCn, Cl18kiang province.
(2) Li Ping-hene. Governor of Shantung,
number of magistrates and
directors of studies belonging to the vnritzus
distriot n~agiatracies of his pruvinoe, for
ineapaciy, avarioe, or fraud. We hereby
cashier the accused offiei~lsas per list
handed us by the said Governor.
(3) The same Governor dsnou,,ces Gwnera1 P'eng C h ' i n - y a n ~ commanding tlre
front battallon of tme Yellow RiverqContingent, aud T u Yung f u , Colouel commanding the rear battalion of tile s a m e
oantinganb, for drawlng the pay of " dummies" on the bhttalion roll for tlreir private
aggrsodisemenr, and also of haviog done
river embankment wl!rk in a .ilipsl>odmanner. Both the accused o5cers are hereby
degraded to tlrr rank of First Captain and
removed in punishment thereof. The eapeCtant Major Yen Ta-sui belonging t , tho
River Cunservrnoy Bureau is also accused
of wasting a 1 . t u i g o v e r n m e t money u o
useless river worka, rtc. The accused
n 5 c e r is degraded to tlle rank of seoond
Captain in punishment of his iscapability.
31:it January.

celebrate to-morrow by eating the sacrificial

mrata wit11 the Court fit 8 o'clock, and later
on in the forenoon will proceed to t h e
Suutlrerm, Lake Palace to pay the compliments of the season to H . I M t h e
Em1lress Dowager, after which his Majesty
ar,d Court will return to tlie city.



I h l P R l l A I UHCBBES.

Li Nien-tzu, the Suparrising Censor,

complains of tha glaring frauds prevnlent
a t Nankinr during the provincial eaamiamntious for tlre chiiji*~ degree and he,
therziire, prays that urdera may be given
t o the Viceroy asid Govenlors eonoerned to prevent a reotlrreuoe of such
frauds. We hereby command L I UK'ue-yi,
Viceroy of tile L.i*ng Kiamzg, r o d Clrao
Shll-jao and T&rg Hua-hsi, Goverllurs of
Kiangsu and Aohtai, resprctively, to frame
more fitrialgent ruler for the guidance of
the Proctot.~and Ersminars a t the said
exa~aioatiuns when the licentiates of
Kisngsu and Atrhui assemble s t Nanking
t o coiupetr for the chzljin degree, so that
only the mortlly and deservitkg shall be
able to get thriu degreea.
1st February.
No papers of interest.
2nd February.
Tliii day being the 1st day of i l ~ enew
yew, tlie Imperial Astron<,mical Bonrd
sent in a report to his Majrsty that the
directio~l of the wind coming from the
south-east prognosticates a year of plenty
and long life t o men. His Majesty will


Yen Mou, Military Governor al>dTartar

Genernl of Kirin, det~ouucesthe diatriet
magiatrate 01 Nunganhmen for making unreliable ,eports of the quantity of grain in
his district granary and for listening entirely to the reports of the tlpoos or village
oonsables eomcerning the conditi-n of t h e
cnm~trywatead of m killg peraonnl inveatigalions ittt,~the matt. r. I n 1890 aocord18g to the reports of previous mxgirtrxtes
of Nullgnnhsien tlie nnnunl collection of
txxcr in kind of the said district u n s 3,000
shih of rice which are Inid u p in thv district prao.ry to provide fos. emrrgencirs
such *a w a r or faixlina. But on t h e 14rh
of Oetilber last Tu Hsio-yiog, tlme tnsgistrate of \lie above district rrportn.3 tlmrt
owing t o a drought : 1 1 1 1 cm-eqiietl, f ~ r n m
in Nungnn, tile people were in d;~nyerof
stnrvxtiamx, but lhsr accll dinx to rl,e ronstab1.s a d herdmen of rncll v i l l n ~ ethe
fiel,ls would still be able to ~rimduee
ahour tbrre-tenths of the ~lsualCTOIIP.
present. hon.ever, there w*s n l i t t e danger
of fnmi,,e,etc. Oil the lOtb of December
tlie said magistrate again reportpd the condition of 111sdistrict and agaih quoted
from the reports of the constxb'es and
herdtoen that tisere was " n o lbopr of n
harvest atrd tliilt tlleciops were li t~Li~llnss."
That over 3.000 fntnilier belo:g no to the
hamlets of Nunsho and Nunglo were in
d a n ~ e of
r utter staronti<is,,uot counting tho
people of otllrr hamlets. There mere, lhe
repcxted, only 1,300, odd, sl~ili , f rice
avsilal~la ill tlie grsli:*ry to feed the
sufferer8 ivllich was mat,ifestly insuficient
to satisfy the wmts vi the people, etc.
The said magistmte had, thrreforr, collected s e r e r ~ ltl>ousand taels for next
spring wliicl~ wi~s the redl mciinecrt of
distreas atlonasr
the famine suffe'eiors. etc.
He promised nlso to mdke out for mrmvrialist a list of the families and
number of souls that will require aid.
Memorialist upvn receiving t h e above
two reports made enquimies about t h e
matter and tiltds that Nunganhaien lies
in the public lands granted to the
Mongol lergue of Korlos, and that the
l r ~ i d are
s rented by Cllineas squatter8 who
have settled in the country ; hence the In>perial Government has nothing to do raith

this oonnection. The cruiser Ytcnd'ai
t h e Fooeliow dock and shipbu~ldingyard.
stationed a t Ninepo, 18 ix,w beiny averThe chip's keel was laid in 1893 by the
hauled and repaired in this dockyard. A s
then Viceroy af Ming CIIB. T'xn Churl-lin,
soon as the new European staff engaged
and was destined to be a trrnsport to
for the arse~tsland dockyard shall have sll
carry grnirl i o t t h s Uovertmlent, and the
prrived [A large nutnber earlie out from
price nf h ~ i l d i n gher wua est~matedxt Tla.
France in March of this yenr-Tea~islator]
220,000, odd. The lengtlr uf tlre Chiem
memorialist intends to set to work a t orlee
ching bstlpeen perpet>diculnrs is 252 feet
to build ilew works. foundries, etc., aecord7 inches, and breadth ,,f beam 31 feet,
1 inch. depth of hold, 25 feet, 1 inch,
ing to present day requirements, in this
and burthen 1,900 ton..
The depth a t
Naval yard, in order to be able to eonstrucp,
the bow of the ship, when loaded, is 14
equip, and prepare for aea ships equal t o
feet and 16ieet a t tile sterri (all calcslated
the bestcruisers and men-of-war of modern
n~vias.-Resckpt: Let the Boards eoneen~ed
in Chi~mesefeet). I n Aid, 1895, the eligities
of the Chielichitbg were put into her, cantake xote.
sisting of eornpou~id horizontal enginen.
18Lh February.
with four boilers, two large and two small,
No papers of interest.
&he indicated horse-powcr of the engines
being 1,600. I t was a t firet intendad to
19th February.
have finlahed the veaael this yesr, but,
owing to the urgent need of ships in
the Peiyang, work was hastened on her.
with the Court
Hm Majesty will
W ~ n gWbn-shao, Viceroy of Clrihli, has
to-morrow b,ranoon s t 10 o'clock to the
since turned the vessel into R training
Tzekisng Pavilion to entertain tlie visiting
ship for the cadets of the T i e n t h N w x l
Mongol Princes and ~ ~ o b l and
e s to witness
Academy and changed hal. name to that
athletic games and trials of strellgth hetween Mnnchu and Motlgol wrestlers and
o f Tzmgdri. 181oonsrquence of the ship
being taken over by the Peiyang authariathletes.
ties, the latter sent thesum of Tla. 180,OM)
20th February.
to memorialist on account or the ship. At
tha trial trip of this ellip in August last
year, the vessel was put und*r the eoln(1)Ch'en PAO-clien. Govrrl~or of HumandofComm~,~dkrWangI-p'kng,
C a p t ~ i ~ t nxo, ~ e n d aus the f ~ l l o w i t denunciation
of ihe Feiel~it', sloop-oi-war, n~rmorialist of certain
and incapable
being also on board with the Assisthnt
~ f f i c e runder
llis j~risdiotion:-Tcsin ErhCornmisaioner o f the dookyard, the expecttan, district magistrnte o i Tungtinga n t Taotni, Yangi Che11-yi. At R pres6ure
hsien, is spoken of as haring a muddled
of 100 p o u ~ d a and 84 revolutions the
intellect snd making llims-If ridicnlous
Chielichixg's recorded x speed of l l *
whenever he moves i n any matter; Sieh
knots, nlld it was dem,,nstmted that
Fa-yuclg, acting nolioe magistrate of
with better itiel slia cuuld lha made
Hunngmou. in the district of Hsiangt'sn,
is ncouned of lnok of control over the
t o make 1 3 knots w, hour. Whan i t
was f ~ a u t dtlii~t everytlring had worked
actions of his nubordi~lntes, csusing much
tile ship w a s tutned ovrr t o
comment ao;ongst the people ill regard t o
their oonduet. Tai Shu-chih, police magisthe rommalid of Captain Li Ho. 17f tile
peiynog mvy, who with llir crrw had o , m e trateaf Liangtien, in the sub-prefeoture af
dowl, to Foocliow to receive her. %nsI tnke
TBnglinelrou is scoused of frivolous co8,duct
and possessing a very mediocte r.,putstic~n.
t,, Port Arrltur; she will ha nrmed
in the North. Another vessel. tile F ~ c I ~ i l l g , All the above named are to be forthwith
hio oh
been eomp1et.d aud comcashiered and difimlssedfrom service. Shsn
missiond for service in 1895, hss also
Chia-yung, district magistrate of Tungtaohsien, is stated to have iailen into a atste
been taken over by the Peiyang naval
authorit,ier, w d her nrm:$nlel,t o f quickof decay as t o eharncter and "bility and t o
be inonpsble of attending t o his duties profirera and new guns llms been returned
perly. Let the said msgislrnte be ordered
to tile ar.ensl, and, it is i0tend.d to make
forthwitl~to resign his poat and retire from
thelnfor%,,part ot the armament o t a prothe public service. Kuo Pbng-gun, district
tected oruiser s l r e ~ d ybuilt a t this yard.
rnsgistratu of Yuanchianghrieu is accused
This vessel is to be named the Ehai~and
of baing weak both as t o character and
and boilers are all ready f a r
ability and unsuited to the locality over
Placing inslde rif her. It only remains to
which he has been ~ I s c e d ,but owing to his
place the steel pr,,tection for her battery,
being a literary gtaduate of high rauk his
and work is proceedillg rapidly on her in


eduoetion i.of superior merit and h e therefore can be utilieed by being tranafarred to
the rsnk of a dlstrict director of studies
+aawait appointment from the Board of
Rites. Finally. K u Yii-ch'eng, district
magirtrate of Shenhuahsien, i s aooused
of lazy conduct and of heipg neglectful
of his duties. He is forthwith ordered
t o retire from his present post and await
further appointment, in order t o serve
as a warnina to others. -The Boards
mneerned are t o take note thereon.
(2) The same lligll official reporta the
case of Chien Sh,'i~~g,deceased,
formerly dis:rict s~sgistrate of Haiangpinhaien, who when in office failed to
make good to Llte provincial treaaurg a
lsrge sum in taxes on laud and grain in
his district, and although he is now dead
bin lleira and asaignn have den failed to
liquidste the said debt. aud asking that
at) ediot be irnued avthorising the usual
atepa tu be taken for the recovery of the
same according ta law. The mma d u e by
the aaid deceased officialwere as follows :Tla. 6,290, odd, for land tax; Tle. 1,120,
add, fmzr miscellaneous taxer; Tribute rice
intended to be transported to Peking by
theoanal bosteduring the year 1894. sxlued
at a sum of Tla. 5,311. odd, and Tls. 511,
o f the appr pri*tion for yamen erpenaps.
None of the above dabrs lhxd bran discharged either by the dcfuulting offioer or
hia heir after hi. d*sth. 118 emlnnaequet>ce
o f this, the then Ql,ven~or of Runan aeked
and obtsimd the parmiasion of the Throne
to cashier the man and allclw him n osrtxin
period to repay the above t o the provincial
treasury. At the time the "aid accused
official suocseded in repaying Tls. 700 odd,
and Ilia family d i l l owe gwernment
a total aum of Tla. 4,610. W e hereby oommend the Governnr cd Peking to search
and fiud out wllat property belwged to the
late deceased official s:r that it mag be
eonfi~cstedto government t o help in paying back the mrn'8 indebtedness. As h,r
the deceased official's family let ateps he
taken to compel their departure from
Hunan to their native prefecture of Shun.
tienfu and their property in the former
province be seized by the authorities on
behalf of the treasury.
21st February
(1) W e have received the report of
S u n g Ngao. Snperintendent of Customs at
Shshuk'ou. (an outlet in the Great Wall,
north of Peking and meaning **the place
where the tiger was killed"), snnouclcic~g
t h e expiration of hia year of office and

transmitting R B U of
~ money consisting
of surplus taxes collected a t the post
over and above the set limit required
yearly from the Shahuk'ou Customs.
With reference to the said surplus, consisting of Tla. 8,074, let the smovnr be handed over to the Keeper ot the Privy i u r s e :
there bein. no necessity for rewarding t h e
said Superintendent with these fruits of
his energetic management of t h e said
Cttatoma. The Minister concerned will
take note of the matter.
(2) Hai Lu, P'u Liu, and F u Ming are
hereby appointed Assistant Chemberlai~ls
as a mark of extra grace on our part.
[Note :-An) Aaaiatmt Chrmberlain i s
u a u ~ l l y Captain Geuerxl of one of t h e
Eight Bannerainto wlvioh Manchu, Mt~ngol
and Chitsese Bannermen (Hamhum) a r e
respectively divided, nud lha xu8.l Ilia eolle.gues lnke turns in eaxntmsnditlg t h e
Palace Guqrds of the Imperial Household
220d February.

W a q Wbn-shao, Viceroy of Chihli,

reports the result of the trial of a certaiu
Clibni Ting-pih, wn expectant District Megistwte of the 4th c\*ss, who had been
found guilty of the crime of sellding
anonylnous letters to tlme Governor of
Peking, the Prouinci~l Judge, and the
Treasurer of Cllihli, containing f ~ l s ea n d
foul charges against R conneetion by marriage, vf whom the said wrtter of anonymoaa
letters appeared t o have been jealous,
with the co~~fessed
objeot of oreating t h e
s'lspicion of the high authori~ies against
his alleged enemy. The ease was transferred
to Tientsiu by the Governor of Peking,
Hu YB-fen, owing to the fact of the victim
of the accused ex-maqistrate being in t h a t
city in charge of a likin station. Upon
receiving the despatoh of H u Yii-f&n, t h e
memorialist immediately deputed the inveatigation of the matter to Shen Chi.-p&n,
prefect of Tientsin, and the following reliable evidence llss been extracted iron,
the guilty party :The ~ceusedChsng Ting- ih is a native
of Shaoshing. Ch&kiang, an$ was an ofieer
who had obtained his first steps by purcbaae, from which by successive promotions
h e attained the rsnk of an expectant
magirtrate of the 4th class, being relegated
to await employment in Eonan provitlce.
He had also the decoration of the Plain
Blue Buttot,. It1 1877 while in Honan t h e
aceuaed somehow got an appointment t o be
acting magistrate of Lotinghsien, Honan,



b u t subse?uently betrayedllis limitededunotice of them.

But laat year in
cation and inability a t the usual annual
Auoust Clleng Ting-pill was caught in his
examination of magistrates held by the
own meslaes ; for *he,> going x ~ e c o n d
Governor and Treasurer of Honsn. 111 time to the Governor of Peking's yarnam
consequence of this Cheng Ting-pih was
h e presented a petition praying for s,,me
denounced to the Throne and degraded
appointment. His handwritinq struck the
ti] the r m k of a deputy ma,olstrate
said Governor as peculiar and rernarknbly
or its equivnlent-that
o f gaolwnrden
like that written by the anorlytnous writer
in r prefect's ijumiib. 10 1881 the
of the infamous letters of accusation ngainst
accused gmt his nrme inserted in tile
Huana Chen. So following up the clue
list oideservingofficrrr ahosrrved through
the said Governor caused Cheng t 3 be
tile campaign 'n Kuldjn (111) a f t e r t h e
placed in custody nnd ennntined, wherereconquest of Chil'ese Turkest-n t i the
up,,,, the whole infamous scheme was
Imperial Rule, and uot his rank of ftjll
brought to light. The lalv demands that
mavistrnte restored to him n couseqliencr.
tlie w r ~ t e rof anomyl~~aus
letters to officials
with the enceotion o f aw~itii'gprcferirrent
r r s u l t i ~ gin fa'al consequences bepunislwd
fro,>>the Board of C r i l Apl~r~iotcnents, by death by stmngul*tion, b u t as in this
inste;id of being sent to Hunatl ns e x p e c t i case nothing
from, Cllenoa Tino"
*lit ~oniristrate. I n lS95 tile acctlsed ctune
pih's nnonymoua e n ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ u n i cbut
n t i dison~
t o Tietitsin and tlliougl~the usual ' ' g o I covery of his own infarnuus nrheme, with
betweells " was engaged lo and legally ! ndditisn of loss of rank lte has been punishmarried to
daugllter of the late Chang
ed one degree lasr. that is to say, bambooed
Lin, Second Captain of
100 blows nnd banishment i.,r tliree years.
battalion, nrar Peking. At the time the
A - Ire was nn affici:tl and the efore should,
accused got acqulinted with one Huati"
h ; ~ v eknown better, tlie sentence llas been.
Cllen, an erpectant deputy maxistrate,
made a degree harslier by sending hint to
connectioil by marriat,oe. Slloitly after liir 1 bard lnbour on tlle post roads in Clii, ese
marriaoe, his mnthrrln-law, \ulio ~ 5 . m reTurkestan -Resoil,t : Let the Roiwd ,!f
purted to be quite well O E C Rand
~ ~ lived
delibei.nte tiiereoit aild 9qiol.t to
wit11 lier d u g h t e r the wife of Clieng Tlngpill ; but eventually for some reasovr o r
23rd February.
other removed n p i n to Huaog Cbeu's
(another son-in-lair) house, and with lher- 1
self slie removetl alio everything she
His Majesty granted inreivell
possessed to the latter'b house. This
this morning, (preparatory to their leauilhg
fired tlie envy and jealousy of Cbnng
for their newly appointed posts) to Pun
against Huang whg'in the f,,r!ner suspectid
Tsu-yi. Treasurer of Cl18kiang, Wo Heng.
of lbnrino reriled his eliaraeter to the
ngell, Assistant Commsndant of the Banner
mutual mother-iu-larv, so tllat filled with
troops and military colonists of Kuldjr. Y".
distrust of the ultimate views of lie? new
San, Manohu Brigade-General of Chapz",
son-irl-law, the old lady had moved herself
Ch&kiang coast, and to Tsai Chan and T&
of? from his thouse and settled at tile older
Yuan, Commandants respectively o f the
son-in-law's house. Thematlerwasfurrher
Manchu garrisons of Kaiehou, Liaotung
aggravated by the old lady's reiusi!lg t o
Peninsula, and the city of Houan.
lend m y mt,re money to her new sonN o papers of inrereqt.
in-law. Actuated by feelings of revenge and
24th February.
jealousy tile accused decided upon n trip to
P e k i l ~ gto petition the Board of Civil ApINPERIAL DECREES.
pointments for preferment and seized the
(1) The other day the Cetlsar Pceno
opportunity of sending an anouymous deSh8 detlounced Sung K'un, Goverllor <,f
spatch to Hu Yii-fen, Governor of PekKuiietmu, for acoeptialg bribes and otller
iug accusing Huang Chen of incest, etc.,
irregularities inel,mpat>bls w ~ t hthe hiqlp
with the object, as the accused declared,
office he holdr, etc. We then delegated
of "raising suspicion against Huang'r
Sullg Fan, Viceroy of the Yun-kuei pro.
character" so that he would be made t o
rincer, a t ~ dHuang Huai-sell, Gmvernorof
lose a lucrative post in the likin service.
Yuonan, to im~vestigate into the above
T o make things "surer," Cheng also wrote
cl>arpes. The joint repnrtof ihese c,fficereis
anonymous letters, which he sent by post
now befure us it) whicl> it is stated that tile
from Peking t o the Provincial Treasurer
cltrrges made by the said Censor have
sod Judge a t Paotingfu.
The latter
not been proved, but that whet, in 1895
however, troated the anonymous comthere was a bad harvest in Kueichou,
munication with silence and took no
TLang Shu-sen, the then Treasurer of^

t h e province, failed to report the matter

to hi. superior nor did Sun K'un urnas
atriot enquiries to be m J e rs to the
~ariousneasof the threatened famine, nor
did he urge upon his aobordinstes the
necessity of a speedy and thorough inveatigatioll. SungKLun,therefore, without waiting for details memorinlised the Throne on
the subject of tlte tllreatened fatnine in
his province, and accordingly got permission to receive from Cilihli pecuniary relief,
which upon arrival he promiscuously caused
to be scattered and distributed amongst
t h e alleged famine districts. irrespective
of the actual cu,ditions which grmerned
separate villages. Furtltermore. Sung K'un
has been found blamable fb~r giving
too much liberty to his yarn& uslier,
Ho Liu, whose couduot Kith a ce:.tain
Liang Ping-chun, au expectant sssistant
magistrate, has caused much comment in
Kueiyslmgfu, the provincial capital. The
accuaed Govrrnor is tilerefitre handed over
t o the B ,ard for determination of st,
adequate penxlty. AB for the lateTreasurer
of Kuaiohou, Taolg S h u . ~ ~above
~ , mted,
who i t now transpiles had been guilty
of gross misconduct and igol,rance of
the wauta of the people, although he is
dead, still he must be further puni8hed by
having all his rank and tijlea takeh
from his name. The civil
associated themselves with the usher of
t h e accused Governor have shown no self.
respect and have disgraced the ser.rioe.
We therefore command that the above.
named Liang Ping-chun, assistant magis.
trate of Ping Mei-lssien, and Liu Pao.hou,
district magiatrateof Chunpihsien, he both
cashiered and dismissed the service.

~ s o t s i 'of Chinkiang and then actinp

Taotai of Shanghai t o hand over the latter
poet as a o m aa possible to his suoceasor.
Furthermore, awiog t o t h e extensive
improvementsand additi~znsilltended t o be
made in the said Kixngnan Arsenal in the
near future s u d the proposed manufacture
of modern small arms and the casting
of heavy ordnance according to the
latest inventions in that establishment,
memorialist has thought i t inadvieable
t o appoint n new man to take Liu
Ch'?.hsiang3s post in that araenxl, a n d
has accordingly r e t ~ i n e dthe latter in his
old post, hence the exid officer's officixl desigrlaticmrl will be 'Paotai of Shanghai and
Superintendent of the Kianqnan Arseoal,
in th? future.-llese~ipt:
Let the Boar&
C D ~ C ~ tTd~e Ll w f e~.
26th February.

(1) Once in every three years there is

made out for our perusal and approbation
a list of our Ministers stld officers remlting from an examination i n t , ~their
05cial records during that time, and thisi.
on8 of the means by which the Imperial
Government endeavours to stimulate the
emulation of all Manchu and Chinese officers of the metropolis, high and low. And
those who have distinguished themselves
by most careful and diligent attention
to their aeseral duties we rewnrd by
handing them over t o the Boards for the
determination af extraordinary favours a t
our hands in order t o make then, exrmples
af most favoured treatment on the part of
the Throne. The time for the examination into the records of our Ministers
26th February.
and o5cera during t h e last three years
having now arrived we received, this morn.
ing, a lint from the Board of Civil AppoinG
A postcript memorial by Liu K'un-yi,
menta praying us to look into the detailed
V ~ C ~ ~of O the
Y Liang &ng
records therein contained. We find that
report8 that npr8n receiving notice of hia
Prinoe Kung has been diotiaguishing himMajesty's appointment of Liu Ch'i-hsiang,
self by extraordinary exertions in the
Manager of the Kiallgllan Amenal t o the
performance of his dutiea, and we commend
Shanghai Taotaiship, ar the ~ u - ~ h o g - ~ ahim
i for his q u i b b l e and loyal attention
IntendancyofKiangsu province, memorialthereto, thereby standing a t t h e head of
iat llaving regard to the great importance
the list. B y his diligence and exof Shanghai as the centre ctf an immanae
srtiox>a,day and night during a most trying
international trade, and the consequent
mbb of our history, he has prosed
reapansibilities of the post, baa thoughb
himself a Pillar of t h e State, and he ia
i t best to inatruct the new incnmhereby ordered to be handed over t o
bent Liu Ch'i-hsiang t o make no delay
the Imperial Clan Court for the deter.
in taking over the seala of his new
mination of extraordinary rewards. With
0 5 ~ 0 which
his long rsaideocs in Shmgrefemnos to Shih Tu, Prince of Li,
hsi and intimate knowledga of tha port
1st Order; L i Hung-tsao, Asmiatant Grand
peculiarly fit him for. Ordera were dm Secretary and President of the Board of
transmitted t o Lii Hai-huso, m b s h t i r e
Civil Appointments ; W6ng Tung-ha,

1,000.) This cash memorialist turned into
silver eycee a t market rates. I n August
1896 memorialist was able to send under
charge of trustworthy deputies t o Peking
300 peieea of silks, satins and gauzes,
for the special use of Their Imperial
Majesties rhe Emperor and Empress and
Ernpress.Dowsger ; 100 pieces of the
same stuff3 for use of Court officials,
764 pieces of silks, pongees nnd raw silks
for the use of the inmates of the Palaces ;
200 eetties weight of silk threads and floss
for stitching the clothes of the same ;1,000
pieces of tine cotton cloth for the Imperial
Households of their Inlperial Mnj-sties
and 1,000pieces ,,f satins, satinets, pongees
and raw sillin for storage in the godawxls of
thrr Board o i Revenue.
for eovernment
gifts, e c. The above have already been
delivered a t their destinations xnd the ircr
has also been recorded. Aftrr employing
the necessary artisnrls and weavers a t the
looms, mrmot.ialiat was able to send a simiof silks, satinets, pongees, etc.,
lar qunt>~ity
etc., like those cne~kionedaboveto P e k i , g ,
the brarers v f the xtuffs having started
overland Hangchow in the month of
D ~ c e l n b e rlast with instl.uctions to deliver
the goods :as usual to the officers of the
Imperirl Household department and the
Board oi Kevrcmue. The total sent by the
Hangchow looms, iocludit~g both timra,
4,650pieces ofsiiks, satins, etc.,
400 eatties weigh? of 8ilk t h t ~ a danii floss
and 2.000 pieces of tine cottot, clotlles.
detailed nccuunt of expenditures in regard
to tlre s:irxlc will be sent in another mamar
: Let the ynniEils concerned
toke ?tote.
4th Mnroh.


The r t a t i o u for the periodical inspection

of the Irrlllcl;il aruiirs ill tlie rsrious pro~ i n c e s has ,:#is year fallen upon the
pro\,incis of linkiell,ChCkiallg,Kuangturig
and Kui~ngsi.\'e therefore hereby appoint
pien l'ilo.cll.oati. Viecroi oi i\lili-ch&pro"inccs, to ihspeet tllr troops in the
vnrl,,us w i l i r : ~ ~c~reuits
of Fukien prov , , l G e ; Li;iti Si8i3u~i&ae,
Governor of Ch6kinlig ; t . illsllecit i p iorcrs i n his province,
T'no Clluno-lin, Vieerlly ui the two
K u a t l p 8 , ) d,, tllesnnie duty in Kunnutung
provirlci.and S i l l Miru-tsu, Governor ui
Kusng,i to inrpect our troops in Kuangsi
provirnee. Tlie said Iligh r;ficerr are eommanded to go tllrough thrse spocinl duties
W I ~cars
I ~ and diligence, i o r tlie army is one
of the nrost important departments of the
Ernpire. \Ve nn~>u.lly expernd immense
of treasure on our troops be-

[MAR. 3-5.
hy their mesns we have to prepare to
prevent aggression. and encroachments
from without. Of late years our Viceroys
and Governors have heen io the h ~ b i of
looking upon tllis duty of inspection ns so
mucl~ writirmg on paper Hence the
army has fallen clay by day into worae
plight, lieel-ct, and inefficiency. This i s
in truth fniling is, their duty to us and the
confidence we have lepored in them. We
would tmerefore, unce mare, exhort the
Viceroys and Governors t o be more alive
to their duties and use every oare in
eram~ning i he troops under them. and t o
denounce truthiully I I I us the ofieers of
regiments wliisll have proved themselves
to be incapable, wenk, old or ill-di4plined.
No leniency must be xllt~wed.
5th March.



Liu Shu-tang, Governor of Honan, reports that he lhas received the petition of
one L u Cir'ing~tang, 8 r~stiveof Chiniogehou, Sl~a~iytunri,
a chdet by purohase of
the Imperial Academy, who bought the
r w k of departltment magiatrnte and got
appointed by a deorea of tlie Init Chinese
year to tlie drpartment magistracy tolluocted with tlie prefectural city of KueitBfu. H o n a l ~ . I t seems t h ~ tWIIPII th4 said
officer arrived at Kueitafu, to lake over
the seals of his office. Ile found upon enquiry that the post was illside the limits of
500 l i (186 miles) distance froin his native
~ i t of
y Chininxcl>ou, in Shsntung province.
The etiquette ill blle prrivilicar is that an
officer appointed to a substar~tirecivil post
lying itwde of 600 li from the said officer's
native c t y , the said officer is bound hy law
to reuort the case to his suuerior officers
and ask to be tr*ltafevred to'a similar post
a t s point beyond tlie 500 E
i noted above.
Ar a ouitter of Lot, corfirclled 8ubsqoeotly
hy ;r communicntioo from tlie Governor of


6th Maroh.

Chane Ying.lluan, Setlior ~ i ~ ~ - p

of the Board of Revelrue, and ~ i , , i ~ tof
the Tsungli Yaman, is hereby appointed
Special Ambassador t o the courtof s t .
James l o congratulate H. M. the Queen of
Great Britain on our behalf on the corn.
pletion of H.M.'s reign of sixty years llext

His Majeaty granted audienoe this morn.

ing to chang ying.llusn
Council Chamber, when the latter returned
thankafor the honour conferred upon him.
No papers of intareat.
7th March.


(1) Waog Yii.two, T~~~~~~~~of

of Kueiehou.
is IterebyH pr,,moted
e is further
t o be Governor


(3) Ban &'a, Ming Hui, K u m o Chung

and Sa-p'u-ching-b b e i w on duty a t the
Southern Hutding Park, the posts of
Lieutenant-Generals of the Mancliu Bor.
dered Yell'lw Banner, Bordered White
Mongol Bnllner, Bordered Red Mongol
Banner, and Bordered Red tianchun Ban.
,ler Corps, are gi ",,, ad iliterim to Kuan
Hsiang, Tsai .rs6, Yung Lu,,g a,,d Ying
Esin t , , take charge , f.
(4) Yi Kung is nppoihted acting Commander of the Imperial Eacor: during the
absence of Faem Ch'a a t the Southern tiunt.

i"g( 5Park.
) A KO-tan is appointed Seliior Lieetenant.General of the Left \Ving of t h e
t o proceed strampht to his post, and t,,,,
Van Guard Division u i the llnperii,l Guards
eotne up to the
for his
during tile absence of F e n Chc8 in the
(2) ~ ichCang,
a former~reasurer
H u n t i t %Park.
p r i u d of mourning has expired, is hereby
(6) The officers mentioned in this list
appointad to be Treasurer of szechusn
recooirnended for promotion by the various
d c e Wxng Yii-taao promoted.
(3) We have received the repoltof ~ i , , ~ Iioards in accovdnvce witlr thr triennial
Ch'un, Superintendent of ~
~at ~ ~~ 1r e c .o dta of the~ Mrtropolitnn
*re con'manded to 611 the posts in the list
gan, and Tls. 3.802, odd,
herein named [then follow a number of np.
surplus received from duties over and
al,<lve the limit a ~ t ~ l u s l lrequired
by law,
The snid aurpllls is liereby
(7) Yallg Cbun?.lien is appointed Taotai
to be ltanded to ,Ire keeper of the
of Hotung Intendaney, prwince.
Privy Purse. As f l , r the
(8) C h u Huangehi i s appointed Chief
prnyer that a reductiolt of thenmount fixed
Supervisor of Instruction of tlie H e i r
by law, requirrd allnually as a surplus,
let the Boardof Revenue report thereon.
8th March.
10th. .

Ta Lai is appointed, by special grace, to

go on duty at the Cll'ientsing gate of the

his collergues, the Provincial Treasurer
a n d Judge, decided to effect a transfer
between the rri6 Lii Ch'ine-tnng and Li
Jui-tu'ng, department n~xgi.trnte of the
p,efeetural of Ht~ricli'ingfu,in the m n e
province. This will bring tile i o r m ~officer
to a post cu~,siderablg further than the
500 Ei prrsc~ibed hy otficial etiquette.Rescilpt: Let t b Board of Civil Appoilttmmts lake note.

(2) As Kuei Hsisng and Cha-la-fang.&

are nnw on duty a t the Southern Huntit,%
rctibg Captain~Park,
~ ~ChinCh'i
i d ~isappointed
~ t
General of the Hanchun Bordered Whits
Banner Corps, and Jung Lu is appoitlted
a~tingCaptain.Generslof the Blue Mongol

Yii Ch'npmg, tile b8ewly appointed Provincial Treafiurer of Szechuatt had nn

alldienee of B.I.M. the Emperor in the
& a n d Council Charnbsr, this morning.
No paper. of interest.
9th March.


(1) With reference to the memorial of

the Police Cens5.r of the North City, Wan
Po, asking rewards for deserving officers of
the ward pfmlice whose oourage and daring
secured thecaptureof a numberofdesperxte
criminsls who had fled into a neighbouring
district, let the Board of Civil Appointmemlta report on the list so presented.


(1) The Bonrda of Civil Appointments

and af Revenue are commanded to delibernte upan the prapositi,,n oi tile Censor
Pleng SllE to compel persons buyinn the
privilege of heing appointed to first
vaosncies ns district manistl.ates in the
provinoss to pay the full faes instead of,
as heretofore, a considrrnble reduetiotl.
(2) Sung An is appointed BrigadierGeneral (Matlchu) of Malnocl>Cn together
with R 80at on the Board of CoznptrollersGeneral of the Imparinl Houseliold Depnrtment in Peking.
11th Mare!).

With reference to those of sixty-five

Year8 of age and above, commencinr: with
Chin Ic'uei, wllo were recommended t o u s

b y the Board of Civil Appointmellts ns
having distit~guished themsr?lves durinq
the 1713t three years for energy r i ~ ddiligenee in their duties and wlin were il~troduced to us this morning, it is our pleasure
t h a t they be commanded to continue their
dutieq in their present posts in the various


MAE. 13.1

for trial and sentellcs aocording to the laws

of the land. A s for " L < u " Wai and
"Hsiao" Wan,a(i.e. nicknamesold Wei a,id
Y o w q Wang) two other known members
of the same gang wlla have su far escaped
arrest, let strict search be wade for them
su t l ~ athe
t entire 11,stidmay he exterminated
from, the country.

12th Marell.

13th Msrch.



(1) We have received the me~norial of

(1) We h81e received a menlorial from
the Colnmzndant of the Peking Grnd*r- ( ~i ping.heng, G~~~~~~~,f sjlnntung,re.
merie (Ju"o_ Lo, also Assistant Grrud
pnrtlng the sudden rising
the yellow
Secretary of State, illember of the N a i v
caused by tire
Ministry of War, President of the Bunld
the districta of ~ i ~ h and
l a ~ ~
of \Var, and &firlister of the Tyungli 1 ilt~,ers
were inundatedcnusillg much !ass to
Yams"), giving a lilt of the deserving
officers of Ilia force who cap'ured tile
troyed, etc. The tmemorialiat at the time
notorious Peking despendn snd chief of
,,ding in l,is ,rle,l,orialllad already
brismds K'nng-hsiso~pr-erh,a h , ? was with
deviped ,netllo,la for atopp n,a the breach
difficultytraced to Newcliwang, Inst s i l ~ t e r ,
by tile
overfio,,., at the same
arrested a t that port. brougllt back to
to be harldrd to tile ~~~~d of
Peking, and sentenced to execition by time i ci,il ~ p p o i n t , , , , n t to
s be l,enalised for itis
Board of funisllmrntr, lately. The follolv- ~
~ in prei,enting
b c~t*st,ol,he.
~ H~ ~
in. 8.8 the names of t e deserving o%cer,
~ 1 8 ~ ~ ~ p , ~ , llmi
and the uroll'otitlns accorded to each,
has warned his subordillirtetiin chargrt h ~ t
b y spacial Imperial grace, in order tu I be refrains f r o m ilncr d-.noulicinathe,,,
stimulate their brother officer8 and men ' to tile
in hopes that tlley may be
of the gewdarmerie to gr-ntar earnrst- I
and diligent in tlleir rndeh,,ours
,less and ~liligenoa in their duties:to ,,pair the ?,il a,,,jthus
,heir loss
Wu K'uri-lil), Lieutenant-Colonel of tile
of rztik, e . 0 . I t appears that on the 23rd
Right Battalion, Peking Gelldarmerie, is 1 01 ~~b~~~~~last, the
t l i e sllows
hereby ordered to be handed to ( h eBoardof
caus.d the embankme\>lsof the inh;lbital>ts
War fur specin1 promotion; Wu H.*n-cllang ~ f t ~ , ~ i l i ~Lich'Bng,
t ~ i ~ C
t ~I ~ ~ . ~ C I rnd
a n d Wal'g We-huan, S-ctlnd Capt~in<, Yunnfang to be deatroyrd and breach was
brevet First Captains and decorated with
t , uFmadameasoril>gover400feetin width.
t h e brevet dark blue button alld peacock
~ h i2,~,,dation
flowed i l l t l ,t.he
featlmers are rewarded with the privilege
of assutning tlie brevet button of Majorsan
its way to the sea, etc. As the cdtastrophe
soon 2,s they ahsll have obtained tlse ports of
seems to have heen caused by ,,*turs,
F i r s t Capkains ; W u I ao-lirl. First Lieuwhich man's strengt!a, naturally, is
tenant aud brevet Second Cnptsin, ia to he
in,ufficient to defelld itself, and aa the said
rewarded with the brevet of %: First
Governt,r states that be abstained from
Captsi.1 2 8 s,'on aa he has obtained the
denouncing his stlbordirlates i,, ciinrge of
post of Second Cnptsin. Bui W81t-k'uri the ~i~~~ ~~~~~~~~t~~B
~ we
and Liu CliQn-kang, expectant First Lieu~ o m m s n dthat one rn<,nth's grace be ziven
tenants, are to tie rewarded with the rank
to these
namely, Chiang Chao.
of lhrrvet Second Captains zs soon as they
kauei, expectant ,rrotai ;<,,d chief
sl~nlllhareobtained the suLatrntive posts of
,ion,,, wu yao, prefect n l , d ~
their present, rank. The Board of War is
commissioner, and
Cllen.hring, ~
prorntlesDtain. oommandille t l ~ e River works
. .
trons rioted above.
and they ar;hereby
to stop up the said breach with.
(2) Lye h a r e received another znenrorial
from the same high officer reportillg the
in one month's time from this decree.
Failing this they are to he severely decapture hy Iris force of six nioinbers of n
gang of brig;~iidswho had beer, ~ i i l l a r i \ ~ g nounced for tleelieence in thei,. duties.

(2) Li Hsing-jui, Taot*i o f Tientrin, is

hereby proms,ted to the Provincial Judgeship of Fukien, vice Chang TsBng.yang




left. The neat day Wn Hen-chih told her

httsbnnd that she wanted her f u r clothes as
it was getting colder and rsli-d hilt, to go to
the p ~ w t ~ s h okept
p by Pe-nn-erh-pei, nesr
the templeof the grlddeaa of the w:~termill.
Not suspecting any
Ch'ang K&,,g, Tsrtxr-General of Ili and
foul play to be intended, E-kB-Cu-slian eoclOllinese Turkestsn, and Chullg L'ani.,
senteil, and taking money with him for the
thesame provillee,reports
purpose also told his wife to make ready
tlte murder of aMarichu military oolotlist of
and go with him. Unable to excuse herself
the Sib$ tribe, nwmsd E - k & - t ' ~ . ~ hby~ his
the woman was forced ta go with her
wife Wn HPn-chill and her pars;mour, Mu
husband, attd just as tl,e cou17le pnssed
T&-chcun, s'so a Sibs colonist, and a
out of the c ~ t ygnte* s1.e observed ller
herdsmrl~of the Itnparial flocks in tllnt
paramour seated 0.m I ~ c ~ r ~ amned
~ b i ~with
province. The illicit ,elations between
a long quartel-rtaff waiting xt s distance
the latter two began five yrara ago, but
the huebaod, their victim, beinn cornoutside the city.
When Mu Te-ch'un
pelled by his duties tcl ba frequrn<ly snw tlie pair corning o i t of the city Ile
away from honle, knew nllthillg of tlie
made a d ~ s hforward to the temiple in
matter until late one night in Novemquestion which was about a mile from
ber, 1894, when he unexpeotedly returned
the city and sparrely inbshited. It was
dusk when l~usbnlldanri wife havimmg ret o his l~omeattd found at, intruder in it
wh.7, hiding behind the d0c.r as i t was
deemed the fur clutllep atsrted for the
being opened, daahed through the ~ p e n i n g return j,mur#ley, o n foot, ns before. Tile
just ns the husband pot inside. As s
murdrrer, whi had kept ,out if sight all
the wife, Wa HBn-chih, beirlg ullthe time, thengalloped at full speed ns the
able, satisfactorily, to give a n account of
retreating figures were being lasr in the
gloom of fast darkening night. When
her o,,nduct, was s a ~ e r e l gbaxten by her
husband and the injonc.ion W A S laid never
the horaemiln got up to' the pair illerr?
w*a no one else in sight. Charging a t
t o allow Mu TQ-ch'un to enter the
house again. Being unwilling, for obvious
full sperd o f , the back of E-k8Q-t'ureasons, to report the matter to the military
shsn Mu TQ-ch'un swung his quarter
authorities for the arrest of the paramour,
staff altd as he brushed pavt his victim
the husband simp'y kept a strict watch
the staff was brought d.hvn with orushaver hia wife's cunduct, until h e wsa
ing violence
an the
head of
compelled to leave home on duty again
husband wlso immediately fell stunned
sonle months afterwards. Then Mu TBto the ground. Pulling up his horse the
ch'un again began t,, frequent the house
murderer dismounted snd xpproached t h e
and often asked the woman t o conspire prostrate form of his victim alld clutching
with him t o encompass the death of her
hold of his preue rained terrific blows o n
husband, to whioh she always gave her
the head once more, and with such force
disapproval. When the hushnnd came
that the brains of the murdered man were
back home s p i n (this was in December,
freely scattered about the spot and upon
1895) Iba fourlcl the wife working a t a
the garments of the murderer. I n the meanman's jacket whioh he s h r e w d l ~suspected
while, Wa HEn-ohih frightened a t the scene
W H 8 to c o - e ~ the shoulders or the parauf blood fled city-wards without waiting t o
watoh the result : but ss soon as her
~mour. , hcer,sed beyond measure EKkt'u-shan began to best his wife
paramour saw that his viotim was stone
a ~ s i ! most
On the 3rd of
dead he flun,o the body into s grass grown
Jxnusry, 1896, the pnrsmour contrived
ditch on tlte side of the road so th..t no
oue should atumble over the corpse during
the night, and regainilig llitl horse galloped
t said : " I hava a plan now where you
need not give manual assist"rlce in killing
after Wa HEn-chin whom he carried pn his
Your husban.l." Tlte woman naked what
horse behind his back and escorted t o
sort of plan this waa. Mu T8-ch'unreplied : her home ; telling her on t h e w ~ ys h s t
"Can you get him t o go outside the city
ha had done. After he had wen t h e
walls, to-ml~rrow, t o the temple of the
wornat! safely inside her h o s e the rnurderrr
goddess of the water mill? If you can
gallop~d back I D the spot where ltis
d o su I will settle him for you." The
viotim laynud carried the bodyto a large d r y
woman, who had begut, t o cordially hate
ditch farther Rway and deposited it.. This
ller husband through the many baptings
as. about 4 o'clock i n the morning. Thia
she had teceived a t his I~sndaof 18%.
done t h e man returned to Wa Hen-chih's
co~laentedto do so, and the paramour then
house and twld her what had been done.



Mas. 16.1



morninl: a heavy fsll i l f n o w

occurred, still furtllsr oblitar.,ting i r
lnontl~s to come any traces of the
murdered man. But Chin Li-slran, tile
latter's y.,urlger brorhov, happa,med to
return that day ironr his c:mp ailtl
enquired for E-k'8-t'u-sllnn. Tlie guilty
woman rrplied that lha had left on the day
before for the camp. Chiu L i - ~ h h uialmedistely told an uncle of the 111:tttersaying
that it was straslge fizr lhil elder 111.uthorti,
go to tile cartlp since he was off duty, and
so the two returned to camp t,,~l i u t r for
t h e misviug mnn ; but of couvse [riled.
Returning liorlie they a ~ a i uquestioned tho
woman, who prevaricated in such a man,mer
that they began to suspect foul play and
accordingly reported the matter to t l m r I
military conlmsndnnt. Tlie wonian i v , s
arrested and eo>~iessedu der ti,rtnrr rile
whole t:$le. l'he w miri W A S tl#erefore
seritenced to die by the slicing. or l i i i q c ! ~ ' i l i ,
1,roeess and her p i r a r l l u r by deer'pit~ii>i#
accordin!: to the laws of tile Innil.-Resold; Let t ! ~ eB o i ~ ~ofd P?viiili~aei~ti

15th March.

(1) With referetice to the list of Court

ofr,:ers belonging to tlie three Imperial
I'.~lacei wl~npusre-sed first-class records for
the last three years, recommended to us for
{remotion by the Comptrolle~.s-GenerrIof
tlie I m p e r a l Houachol~iDepartment, is will
he obsemved 4.e have placed a circle
(nitit the " Vermiliu~lPeticil ") around tha
names of a cerlsin number in the said list.
We hereby comnutnd that the said Comptrollers-General sl>nll trsllscribe opposite
tlie names of encli officer thus enciroled, n
detailed summary of the eilndurt aod nbility
of the said officers and ih~troducr them to
o s a t aspecial andienee to be designated by
us. Therrst in the said list are to continue
as before in their heveral posts.
have received the joint memorial
of the Vice-President Ch'arig Sui and his
collezgues sent recently on spacial duty to
the Imperial m~usolenreporting that tiley
b:*d suece-<led in destroying all the inaects
which bad been devnsbatit>g the !lines and
at oilce.
firs planted therr, at. the Southern Lakes
14th X n i c l ~ .
atid in tile r e s t e r n hills, eto. Since the
rn-moiiali~ts lhava completed duliea
ill this r e p r c t tliere is no furtller
(1) m e I>a>,eieceived a inelnorial irom
need fur ~ h e ~ton remain where they
tllr Court, "i Worslii~, repor,are and they are therefore commnn.led
ing tile 4th of 4 w i l next as the ; ~ n n u a l (Cliang Sui and Ying DIBn, Vice-Preceremony of a;~crificingto the ?,tilikes of
sidants of t h e Imperial granaries and
the vnriuus Einperois who Ilare s r t o n the
Board id Works. respectively, 2nd their
T1,~olreof Clii~la. [ F ~ o n ,Fulii tile first
several staffn) to return toPeking toresulne
Emperor to tllr last Sovereign of the &fino their u s u d duties: With repect to the
dynasty, Clrung] K'&i future treattnellt u i tlle pests, P'u Lib, the
Tan), Priuce of Cligng, 1st ordor, is comsuperinteude~>ta t the innuiules, .lid his
rnatlded to + ~ ~ i a l rnt
i p that t-mple on that
eolle~guesare hereby c o m m a ~ ~ d et ol pry
dny in oul. .te*d nnd the Vice-Presidents
car-ful attention to the subject so that w e
of Bo.~rdaP'u Liang a, d K'uti Hsiu nre
may not be troubled with t e m ally more
commanded to worsl>ips t the s d e altars.
The 1211d of Auril neat being the
16th Rlareh.
anniverrsryfi~caorshippingnt theshpins of
A N E W Ena I N E D U C l T I o x IN EaNnr.
t h e Firht Ag8 iculturist, P'u Ching is collrCbi:ing Pino, Literary Chancellor of Humanrled to iiorsllip tllera in our stead a n
uxn province and a Senior Aca.ieriiicina of
that day.
the Hanlin Imperinl College, bega toreport
(3) W a n g Il'8n~slin0, Viceroy , f Cl,ilrli,
reports that C1liiwg TGog-ymg. Pruri~lcial tlie r e ~ u l tof his recent administration of
the n~etropoliiau college of Chunpslis, the
Judge of Ful<lrr>,who ubtaibed leare ui
capitnl of Hunan, in order to encocage
absence tu return toTientsin to recjiparate
etudy and research amot~gstt h e students
his heal,h, having beelm unable to recover
and lieecltiates of the said province, tliis
befo1.e tlie e r p ratio,, of his leave asks to
being the special duty of x Literary Chanbe perljlitted to resigtl lhis post, etc. The
cellor, who is expaetedtu keek a good lookrequest is griintrd.
out for men of promise and nbility. Tile
(4) Ch'ung Li, formerly Rlilitnry Goliteraryeolleges hold a competitive eraniicla.
vertlor of Jell", and Haii Yiog-kcuei,Pretion unce a month, while the Literary
sident of the Board of \\'arks, are hereby
C1,sncelIor holds two in the space of three
further appointed Ministers of the Tsungli
years. If there are no colleges to serve a s s
supplement to t h e labours of thsLiterary

out of his awn salary auffioient funds t o

Chancellor it follows, ns a mrtter of course,
form prizes a t the qtisrterly cmnpititive
t h a t study and ressarclo will not be properly
ex~minations. H e neat paid out of his
nourished aod it would be difficultto p u t
owl, privxte purse motley eiiough to build
one's hand on met, of prom;sa and ability,
extra quartera far distant students in t h e
while, further, the nul~lber of students of
collenc compoond na well as new libraries
such a desirab!e class will qrow gn<ually
which memorialist filled with old and new
less and less as time goes on. Uponinvestipublicutio~~s
of eo~umentarieso n tho clasqies
gation, the other day, the memorivlist
rind tlis like, bougllt flnm f.,r and near.
found that Chang*ha ~ossessed the Chiao
Mernorinlist has also recently formed
C h i y College (College for the examinni.,n
of tlre Classics.-Trol~sl~tar) ahichaimedat ; classes in the skid college for the study of
follt~aingt,hefotstepsrftlieancients byen- ! astronl~my,and t.,pography, taking ohsercouraging comment on tlie classics atld dis- I vntiuna of the heavenly Grmnplrtlt nnd
s ~ ~ r v e y i while
~ ~ p , lie l~nsalso presented the
cussion ns to liow iogoreln the people. The
said iwstituti,!n wit11 scientific iilstrurnents,
~ompetitiva ernrnin;~tioosof this college
chemicals, models, ete tvllereby the studwere opeued to the studenta and graduates
ents could be Laugllt, by praetlcal erof tha whole province of Hunsn. This
periments, in cllarnistry ( s ~ ~ % l y t iacn~dl
insti'ution of e r m i n g was established by
theoretiorl) and electricity. I!, tllie wiry.
a former Governor named Wu Yung-kuang,
memori*list ihougl~tthat in addition t o
and his efforts in this direction were aftertho study of th* ancient classics and
wards ably suppleinented by auoh men as
Chu Chon-jBn and Chang Hang-chia, former history. I he sludermts sl~ouldalso be taush?,
pari passie, the sciences of modern times.
Literary Citaneellors of tliis province, wlio
The projects still uttder di-oussion are t h e
enlarged ita scope, etc. As a result, the
establishment, in the nenr future, of
oollege turned out quite a mamber of able
mathemat8cal and !:eographical classes wnd
me,! and promised to do much i n t h e cause
of education, but for t h e unfortunave fact
a class for the study u f moderu foreign
lnt\guager, as well R Y the publication of a n
that tile funds available t o keep the
sdid cllege i n a flourisl~ingcondition were
eduostio~lxl mngazine, where its readere
could keep bright their knowledge of
not forthcoming, thus curtailing its ever
iticreasing u.efulness as Alma Mnterof the
modern scieuces nnd arts and widen their
ideas on sucl~ subjects. etc. This lhas
students and graduates of Hunan. I n fact
thecollegedepended mainly on the intejsst
been done in obedience to tlie hpecial
drawn on n li~uited endortncnt fund subdecree issued by the Throne on tlie 11th
of August. 1898, in response to the memoscribed a t the time by sundry wealthy
notsbles and gantry nf Hunan and a few
rial of tlie Tsungli Yamso on the subject
of encouraging the study of the New
Salt nlor~opc~liatsbelongmg t l the Huai
wlaereby, aa
Circuit a i K ~ H X ~ R
Learning, i.e., modern ficiences nnd arta.
time went oa the exjleuscs i ~ t .outstripped
Upou looking over the Imperial Catalogue
Of late, the number af
t h e income.
dealing with tire question of colleges in
the Empire, the memorialist finds that i n
students, hailing from all parta of the
the constitutions of the Moukden Ctdlege,
province, h ~ sconstantly increased, and
theq have b.sieged the doore of t h e
Manchuria, and tile Chint'ai College of
Chihli, there nre regulations providir~g,i n
college in their eudenoours to be allowed
t o enjoy the privileges afforded by
t h e ease of t h e first-named ci,llege, a
specified sum to bennilually deducted from
t h e said institutiun. But owing to t h e
unforturiate circumstances noted above ( h e t h e reuts of the various college l;~lldsi n
majority of tllese eager seekers after kuowthat province, for distribution amongst
ledge ltad to be turned away from the
t h e tutors and i n d i g ~ n tstudents of that
doors of ( h e college. and nrany were the
particular college. 181 the ease of tlre
siglis of disappoiiitmenr of the indigent
second, the other colleqea of Chilrli are
scholars who )had come from their distant
bourbd to deduct aonually irom t h e rents
homes only to be debarred from, satisfy- of their end,,wed lands n certain nroount
ing their desres and ambition&. Hence,
aggregating to a total of Tls. 400 per year
tlloual~ the Liierary Cltanceliora of the
for the said Chint'ai College t o be given a s
time were ttioved t o pity by the sight and
bonuses t o teachers nnd indigent students
tried their best to procure extra funds
of the said institution. Then when i t mas
for the college, t l ~ arestrlts were must b u r e n
eveituallyiaund owing to the great number
and matters were still in this unsatisfactory
of indigent students stryinq there that t h a t
state when the rnemorialiit came to Hunan.
sum was insufficient for t h e purpose, t h e
T h e memorialist learuing of thia state of
crops of the military grant lands a t h'8ngaffairs a t anoo set about t o subscribe from
paying, Chihli, were assessed for Tls. 200

%. 'a-el.]
per annum to assist the Chint'ai College.
departmeut mngistrateof Chichou, Imperial
etc. So, upot8 ealculntiun, memorinlirt
Prefecture of Shuntienfu, be promoted t u
finds that taking the wllcle of the rents of
the post of sub-prefect of the northertn
the endowedlntldsof the various clleees in
irontier of the said urefectu.e.
H u n a n niter paying out expenses, the;e oan I
20th March.
essily be obtained I nurplus of Tls. 500 ti) 1
Tls.600per snnt~m,which used to be hasided
over by forrner L i t e a r y Chancellors of
(1) With r e f e n n i r to the three yea*
Aunall and paid into tile Provincial
conduct list of Court officers b~ttachsd t o
Treasury fur public works, etc. Now sa
the three Palaces belongingto theImperial
t h e college in question-the
Chiaochicig ' Househc,ld Department presented by the
College, in Cllnngal#s, was orginally
Comptrol1rt.s-General of the srid Departestablished for the belletit oi the indigent
ment, we hereby colnmnnd that with t h e
students ot the whole provimlre and not
exception (nf J w g K'8 xnd Chi T8 who
locally as is the case of the other colleges,
are to be exolnded from the privilege, t h e
menmrialist thinks t h , t the above-noted
rebnainder of the oEcers in the said l i s t
aurplus sccruiaig frotn Ienta belovlging to
are to be recorded in the b,moks of the
collegrs of the whole province should
Grand Council for first vncanoies in pro.
riglltly he [handed over for the use of
portion to their several ranks.
the arid college in order to support
(2) The Commandant ,if the Peking
t h e w o r k i ~ g of the ,sew additions to
Geridarmerie reports the capture by lhis
the curriculuttr inaugurated by memoforce of six tnembera of a g ~ n gof armed
rialist, and which ia tile subject of this ' batidits who have recently been itliesting
paper. His Majeety's cement is therefare ! tho neighbourhaod of the Imperial Pree*me.tly solicited by tlle memorialist.; fecture. The prisonera are llerehy com.
Rera-ipt : Let tit<' B,ia~.ds eoneer~ieddelibe- I minded to be l~nodedover to tha Bonrd
vntr orer tlie inatti). and ~ e p o r t o zu.
of Punislimenta ior trial and sentelice
1 acoordinp to the laws of the land, and as
17th Mnrch.
soon ns the s ~ i dsentences have been given
Xa papers of interest.
oltt tile snid Commandant shall he permitted to recommend for special promotion
18th March.
amid pecuniary reward tlrr deserving and
- ofticers wlio effected the said
The Bonrd of Civil Appointments is c o a capture.
msnded to serutinise the liat of perty civil
( 3 ) 4 postscript memorial by the same
ward officials and gentry of the Northern
high officer reports the Bight from his
City, who have been reeommendrd by \Tan
nost of a roll~nteerSecond Cantxi,,
r~~~ -~ -Po. Police Censor of the city and his
hereditary noble a i the 8th grade, belongeolloagues, for promotion in consideration I ing to the Southern battalion a i the Genof their services in procuring the capture
darmerie force of P e k i ~ q , 18amed P e h
o i a band of desperadoes who hare been inSung-nien, and the request that the said
festing the snid city ior some time past.
refugee be casl~ieredior his conduct. The
The said B f ~ a r dswll report to us the result
request is granted and the commander of
of (heir scrutiny.
the said battalion is ernnowered to oro1 secute selreh for the rur;away so th& he
No enuers of interest.
may be brought to punishs;eut iur his
19th March.
misdemeanour. Tlre Board eol~cernedis
commanded to take note.
(1) Granting promotitmn t o some tifty
(4)Deeree r ommandiug that the deserving
secaetarios, nssistxnt secretaries, scribes,
o5cers whose names had been recently
etc., helongiog to the six Boards and
recorded in the Grand Council for 6rst
thres Courts of Peking, in proportiotr t o
vacancies, shall be introduced in batches
the decree of ability and diligence in their
of two a t a time each morning, cc~mmsncing
duties during the last three years as prefrom the 23rd uf the month, in the Grand
sented by tile Presidents of the said Boards.
Council Chamber where they are to give
(2) Hni Yustt ia appointed Libstioner
specimens i,f their penmanship for ap(Senior Direoror) of the Imperial Academy.
proval by us.
(3) The Board of Civil Appointments is
( 5 ) With reference to the memorial of
commanded to delibprate over the memorial
Haiang Lin and his colleagues reporting
of Sun Chia-nai, Governor Adjoint, and
that Kuo Jhn, holding the czyil rank of s n
H u Yii-fen, Governor of Peking, reoomassistant secretary of one of the six Boards
mendmg;thst Slien Chung-ma, a t preseut
and Comptroller of #he Ta-erh-chi Mongol





tribe of the 'herdsmen in Ch'ahsr, had

b e " accused of certain misdemeanours by
tb Mid herdsmen, we note that the laid
memorial is incumplete and possesses no
detail. of t l ~ acharges whiclr have been
made agxirnat the snid Comptruller. To
this end, theaefore, we retraiu from iaruitlg
adeorre 08, the case in order t o give the
memorialists the chance ol adding details
to their mems,risl.
(6) AsClning Yin-huan has been ordered
oo s special miraion abroad,HiiiYung-yi is
hereby ordered t o a s t ad bJe8im HB Senior
Vice-President of the Board of Revenue,
etc., during t h e fonner's absence from
(7) Haiang Lin, Administrator of the
M~ngolianDependencyof Ch'ahar, reports
the escape from t h e post roads of
Cbiaug Chi-fu, csel~ierrdex-gaolwardan of
Haieh'eng and Chao Lio, cashiered expolice magiatrate of Newohwnng, wllo were
working out o n the said p t e t roads tile
period of banishment fur cowardice duriaq the Japanese invaaiotl o f Manohuria.
We harehv co~r#maod
that strict asaral, ha
made for-tlle rudaw"ye along the entire
Mute of the post roads and that in ease
they should seek safety by returning to
theiz nxtise towns the Governors of Anllui
aud Peking are commanded tcb keep a striot
look out in their several juriadietions, for
aignsof the escaped exiles.
( 8 ) W e have received the joint mexnorisl
of T'ao Mu, Viceroy c,f Shela-ksn ; Tung
Fu-hsiang, Provincial Commander-in-Chief
and Kuei Shun. Imoerisl Re.
sident, of Haining and ~ o k b n o rreporting
the complete pacifiortion of that Mongol
dependency s o d the sicinityof the western
portion of the Great Wall, snd the e&lee.
ment of the Mahommedan rehelsfram tllore
places. I n this connection the memorialiets
iecom~nendthat promotions and rewsrds
be granted to t h e deaerping of the
Mongol princes, dukes, nubles, oaeers and
tribesmen who diarinzuished
-~~ thamaa1v.a
. -during the war, just as those t h r t were
given to the Chineae ofioers who cruehed
the rebellion inside of the Great Wall,
etc., in order t o encourage the Mongols
to emulate each other in bravery and
courage in time of war, etc. [Then follow
the names of sixty to aeseuty Mongol
nobles, ohiefs. and subordinate o5cers.Tra~ulato~..] We have, however, noticed
a case of gross neglect and carelessness on
the part of the offioers of the Nongolian
Superintendency, namely, that although
th8 memorial in quastiun put down the
name of a certain 1st class Mongol for
promotion, &:-Su-nao.wu-to-eh'u-chi,

the Mtmgolisn S u p e r i n t e t ~ d e n c ~in re.

porting upon the asid memorial called that
noble by the name of "Su-nall-lnu-be~en.
We mutt, tllerefore, hand the
Secretaries of the raid Superintendency
concerned in the matter uver t o the
regular Bo,rd for the deteraninatinn of
adequate penalties, while the Presidellt
and Vice-President of the same are also
handed over to the Board f o r investigation
into their oonduct. The Board concerned
is commanded to cake uote thereon.

Chaug Yin-llua!,, Senior Vice-Presidet~t

of the Board of Revrnue atld Special
Ambassador to Great Britain to convey
tile congratulati~ns of their Majrsties
the Etnperor ntld Empress-Dowager t o
H.M. Queen Victonia on the sixtieth
sv8nivereary u i h r r reign, had his farewell
andience of the Emperor in the Grand
Council Chamber this morningpreparatory
to his departure for Europe.
21st March.

The Ministers of the Grand Council are

commanded to issue our decree that on t h e
26th inst8ut all princes, dukes, nobles and
officers who are to do duty on that dxy
within the Ptlaces are hereby c o m m ~ n d e d
to appear a t Court in full Court dress.


Liu Hsiang-sbBng, brevet Provincial

Commander-in-Chief, recorded in the books
of thn Grand Council for the first vacancy,
and aubatsntive Brigadier-General of the
Winohow Military Circuit in ChBkisng,
reports that he has received the Imperial
edict issued cm the 30th of August, 1896,
at the irbetance of the Board of War, re.
commsc~dingthat a new law be enforced
prubibiting fathers of high military rank t o
he in the same province as their sons who
are civil expectants or substantive ofticiala,
or vice uevsd, similar tc the law prohibltiilg
fathers and sons, brothers and first consins,
of civil rank serving in the same nrovinoe
- ...- .
m e m o r i a ~ i ~ t - r aappointeb
to 11is
present post in July, 1894, while since 1876
hia son hss been a civil official in the sanle
provinoe, eommencine first as R anh-nrsin.-t
by pure1;ase and a t t a k n g his present rank
of expectant prefect and brevet Taotai of
Chekiangin duecourseof promotion. Sinoe,
however, the above decree has been issued
the cage has become changed and benee
memorialist hastens t o report his present


circumstsocea t o the Throne and prays for
the Iar~perial inatructions in the mxtter,
whether his sou should be transferred tu
another province or not.-Rescript:
Board of War h commartded to deliberate
and report thereon.
22nd March.

(1) Wang Wen-ahao, Vioeroy of Chihli,

reports that he 118s haen asked l o
memorinlise on behalf of Chang Tsengynng, Provincial Judge of Fukien, who is
now on sick leave in his native province of
Cl>ihli,to the effect , h a t slthough his leave
is a b ~ ~to
u texpire his maladies still remain
the seme. *nd praying to be ~ l l o w e dto
resign his post in order the better to
attend to his illuess. The request is
granted and Chang P h g - y a n o is hereby
~ e r m i t t e dt o resivn his Judeeshio.
(2) Cbing Li, ex-Military Assistant Governor of Jell& and Hsii Ying-K'uei,
President of the Board of Works. a r e thls
day apponted Ministers of the 'Tsung-li
(3) Appointinr A large nurnber of officials
t o the Metropolitatr and Provincial Administrations.


- .

23rd March.

(1) .EHsing-jue, Customs Taotai of

Tientsn, is hereby promoted t o the post of
P~nvineial .Judee of Fukien., vice Chatme
Ts&ng-yang, retired.
(2) The Censor Sung Peh-In complains
t h a t nowadays the Boards, to whom are
gisetl the privilege of deliberatil~g nnd
reportino upon matters of fitate presencwd
t o the Throne are moat cxreless and negligent of tlreir dutics and do not try t o get
a true comprehension of the subjects tlley
have beell oalled cpou to deliberate, hence
they make light of grave suggestions and
arena anni~nst imnortxnt nieasures in the
way mo;t pleasing to tlreir own prejudicrs.
The nlemorinlist, tllereiure, prays that
stringent orders be issued exhortrng she
various Boards to nav more care and
stricter attention to whatever wstters they
may lhnve been ealled upon by the Throne
t o decide. Now sucb a state of affairs is
tu be deprecated and denounced ss moat
harmful to the welfare of the Empire. We
w<,uld. therefore, cill the attention of the
Presidents and high officinls ,if the various
Boards to a n ~ l y s ein tlie future impartially
and with more care wl~ntcver measures
they are ealled upcln lo decide atid report




[MAE. 21-23.
upon and further, peraons who memorirlise the Throne on various matters are to
take heed thst the oause they advorat.e a t
the time has received an impartial weighinn of the pros and COrt.3 before being
presented to the Throne for aeceptnnce.
They must know that t h r y ono*o~ot~esoape
the striot scrutiny of theThrone if they have
memorinlised from purely private motives
and not for u!~iversalbenefit.
(3) Ch'ang Sui xnd Ying Nien jointly
report. that the wdl- %round the Easters
Imperial Mausolea have for the most pxrt
tumbled dowla and are sadly in nerd of
The Vice-Paesident P'u
Shsn nnd Li Tunn-far, are hereby ordered
t o go to the Easterh Mausolea tr, examine
the snid place and make an r s t i t n ~ t eof the
sum required for the new wilrks, e'c.
(4) A t ,he audience
Cll'nne Sui
rnd Ylng Nien this morning the said V ~ e e Presidents reported that althougln they
had mannged to destroy the greater portions of the iflsectg which had been foryears
devastatinq the trees and planls round
about the Iml~erinlMausolea, the siturtion
is atiil very #rave. I t apperra that there
wore s'gns i,f these pests in the sunrmer
< i f 1896 and in the following autumn they
msrured smld swarmed about in such ilumbers that all the trees in the Mausolea
around* were covered by them. The fault
lay witit rlte liglt officials entrusted with
the care of tile said Mausolea, who failed
t o report the true c~mqditionof sflairs a t
the right m,ment., so tllxt when n memorial wns sent 8 0 the Throne tha trees
were already alnlost past redemption and
those who hsd been appointed todestroy tlte
irlseotfi oilen found their best esortsrendered futile by reason of the ever-inerea-ing
numbe~.sof the insects and the deep hold
they had taken on the trees. Now P'u Lin
and llis colleagues wlio had the oare of the
said Mausolea entrusted to them knew
i ery well that the trees plantedthece formed
the principal jdngsht~iof the place. Instead
therefore of taking extra care wnd using
more diligence in their duties, these officers
totslly neglected themand not until We had
sent special eommissi<mnsto investigate did
the truth oome out, and it was found that
ssarohing for and destroying the pests N ~ S
no light task. Tliese officers, namely P'u
Lin, Lin Chis and Wan J u i have therefore
been guilty of grors negligence and lsziness.
nnd K e hereby hnnd them to the usual
Boerd for the determination of extraordinary penxlties and punishment. We
also command that in the future the aboire
o8icers shall arrsnge in proper manner as to
wliat must be done to prevent a ceolrrence

of the evil, and that any dereliction of
duty will be visited with even severer
punishment in the future.
24th March.

Li Pei-yung is appointed Major of the

Right Battalion of the Vioeregal troops of
Chihli province.
No paper8 of interest.
26th March.

(1) We have received a me~norixlfrom

Wang Tinq-siang, a censor, c,mplnining
bitterly of the laxity of the regulatiaos
and system of organiaed frauds in the Imperial schools speoially established for the
primary and h i g l m education of ohildren
belonging to the I~nperial Clan and the
Collateral Brauehea (gioro), and pmyit~g
that eomnlnnds be issued insisting on a
thorough overhaul of existinw regulations
and tile establishment of atGngent rules
fnr future puidsnce of all concerned. etc.
We lhereby cr~rntnand the metubera of the
Imperial Clan Court to act oo8,jointly with
the Inlparial Schools' Board stld consider
the memorial in question and report to us
the result.
(2) Shih Rang, Senior Brigadier of Jeho,
who is now iu Peking, is ordered to do
duty in the cnpital. while Yen T s h g is
appoirbted t o fill the aaid Shih Kane's
place in Jello.
(3) Of those officials belongi,lg t o the
various Courts in the oapital who were
presented in audience to us this morning
on the basis of their three yesra' official
raeord, we hereby command tlwt Ch'iug
F u , Director of tile Court of Slrorificisl
Worship, Sam, TB. Vice-Director of the
Court of Revision-a bralaoh of the Court
of Censors,-and Li TB-elt'cng, Vice-Direetor of the Imperial College of Physicians,
be ordered to meturn t o their present posts
and attend to their several duties aa herrtofore.

Tile G~.snd Secretary. L i Hung-ollsng,

and Minister of the Tdungli Yandn, obtained this morning leave c ~ f absenoe for
t e n days. After traosacting State affairs
and granting the usual au,liencra in the
G r m d Council Chamber. His Mxjesty tlie
Emperor and Court will proceed to the
Yinehsiu gats of the Palace Garden t o see
on bended knees H.I.M. the EmpresrDowager start for the Lake Palace tomorrow morning.

The whole of this day'. Gnzette is occupied with the final report of Wei Koangtao, Governor of Shensi, regarding t h e
complete pnoification of the Kokonor
(Mongolia) region which had been invaded
by a large force of Kanau Mabommedans,
the 1-t remnnnw of the rebels, driven
from their native province by the Imperial
armies to take refuge beyond the confines
of China p r a t w . T h e H u n a n army corps
under the above-named Governor o:o-operated with the Kansu troops of the Generalissitno Tung Fu-hsiang, ,the Kuangtung
and Manchu troops of Kuei Shun, Imperial
Resident a t Haining, etc.. and assisted
the Kokonor Mongols in e~~circlinat h e
doomed rebels within tile inl~oapitable
remions in the Tibetan xnountains on t h e
~ g k o n o r - ~ a s s frontier
from whence
there was no possibility of eacape-either
death by .tarvation and cold if they went
on into Tibet or tlte sword and bullet if
they turned about to face the pursuing
troops. The memori~lended with asking
extraordinary promotions fur the deserving
a5oers of Governor Wei's army.
26th March.

(1) We have received the memorial of

E-k'a-t'ang-2, Tartar-Garlersl of FBngtien,
Manchuria, statino that he has made
careful estimate.
the 6Um require&
for repairing and renewing the decoratiorls of the Mausolea h e l o ~ l g i u t~o
our revered ancestor8 of the Imperial
dvnastv, near Moukden. and the said
memoriilist also asks u s to select a propitious day for the commencement of t h e
work in hand. The Imperial Board of
Astronomy is hereby commanded to select
such &daya t any timeduring the month of
April neat, and notify the said TartarGeneral of the chosen date. On the other
hand, ns lioon
auspici,,us day arrives
the said Tartar-General, assisted by the
Civil Governor of the province, Chung
Ling, ia to see that everything be reveretltinllg nnd carefully comtnenced as
befits the ionuguratio~~
of sucli a sacred
(2) Chitig Sic,g (Manchu) is hereby promoted to the Salt Commissionership of t h e
Cb'anrlu Circuit of Chilrli orovince. %ice
Li H6ing-jui transferred to' become the
Provincial Judge of Fukien vice Chang
TsBng-yang, retired.
(3) Sieh Hai-llsng ia hereby appointed
to be prefect of Cl~ingchouiu, Yutlt~an


27th Marell.


local militia. B u t on) t h e 7th ,,f Jauuary,

Ch'antg W n having importmt buaijtew
(1) Granting extraordinary prornotior~s away from home left t h e place unprotect.
to a number of Metropolitan an,l Provin. ; ed, althoug'l there were other fallow-labourers besides the murderer on tho farnl.
eial ofiieials for tlieir good records during
t h e last three years of their ufficinl duties. ; Whell Lu srw that hle young master was.
to g0aw.y for the day and n'ght it occurred
(2) We havr received the memorial of
to him (Lu) to i~npersonatra robber,as Sun.
Wu 'l'inq-f6~1.Vca-Pmerident of tile Board
clliwtun beihg n small hamlet in a sparse.
of Civil Appointments, ete., asking for
Iy rettled district tlxn
had ,,itea bee,,
leave o i absence to enab'e hin, to return tn
r a ~ d e dby scattered bands of hrignndsli7ing
his native city in the si~uthfor tho purpose
in tile neigllbovring hills and fnrerts.
of restoring t l ~ egraves of his nncest,lrs,
the room the murderer usually slept in were
ete. V'e hereby grant the inenrorialist tw,,
four male labourers and two female hands.
mor~ths' laave for the purpose indicated.
Lu's first inta8mtion was to despatch
(3) The Busrd of Civil Apylintments is
these ihur and trust to frirhtening the
hereby c,,mmanded to deliberate orer t h e
fen~al*sof the housel>old to obtain the
joint irternolial of Sun Chir-nsi, Gover8,or
money and silver ornaments he want&
Adjoint, aud H u Yli-fan. Gor,eramor of the
while the grest age of Cl1'8~gWan.hsiiao,
Imperi*l Prefecture of Shuntienfu, rehis master, precluded any anticipation of
comnlendiug t h e erpeotant sub-prefect
any effective resistance on the latter's part.
Sieil Yu-k'xi, t o fill tli* substantive post
Lu, therefore, waited until 10 o'c'ock on
of sub-prefect of the Western Marches,
that fatal nigllt, when findin% that
Shuntienfu, and report tllereon to us with
t h e room were fast asleep he rose, dressed
all haste.
(4) H u a Chin-shnu is transferred to beto get the axe which was used to split firecome Senior Director, and Li Chao-wei,
wood. Having obtained his waaponLu walk.
Ticr-Director, of tile Supervisora~eof Ined back stealthily to tile general sleeping
struction of the Heir Apparent.
, room, and begall (contrary to his first
iotetmtions) to strike promiscuously those
occupying the room with his axe, calling
T h e Gurernnr Adjoint aud Governor
out "robbers!"
with every blow of
of t h e Imperial Prefecture of Shuntietliu
his weapon upon t h e unfortunate heads
iointlv reoort that during the orevious dxv
and shoulders of his sleeping victims.
i n d i i g h i Peking m d t,he s u r r o u n d i n
The nuise he made fortunately aroused
towns obtained a fall of orer three lnchev
m e of t h e labourers, who slipping
of snow.
away from his bed, or k'ang, bansgA SIX-FOLD MURDEK.
ed t o get l o the door before the
Yen Mow, Tart~r-Generalof Kirin, Manmurderer peroeived his escape. Lu, a t
churia, reports a sin-fold murder,-which
once, gave chase without waiting to aee
came dangrrously near being n seven-fold
whether his five viotims were alive or not,
one-in tlie Tartnr village of Sunchlntun,
but his intended victim succeeded in
Kirin proi,ince, on the liight of the 7th of
escaping. I n the meanwhile Ch'ellg WanJ s n u s r y laat, and the summary execution
hsiian, his master, being also aroused
of t h e snnguibary wretch whose horrible
by the cries of the murderer made his
crime called 6,r his illstant removal from
way to the sleeping room of his labourers
this world. I t appeared that the murderer,
and was met half way by Lu rrha replied t o
named Lu Ci~ing-t'ang,was a hired labourhis master's queslion as l o what was t h e
e r on t h e farm of the Blue Baunerrn~n, matter by n~akingavicious swing with his.
Ch'eng Wcirr-hsiian, a t Suncliiati~n, and
axe a t t h e old man's liead.
The latter,
had slwnys bren liberally treated by his
huwever, evaded t h e nlurderous sttoke and
master. I n 1896 Lu Chin:-t'ang became
turning round wrested # h e wenpun away
suddenly pt,ssessed of s strong deqire t o
from the murderer. I n this dilemma L u
visit Iris n ~ t i v etown in China proper, but
ran to the wood pile and selected s club-like
was un.ihlr to do so owing to lack of the
limb of a tree and dafihing upon l i i ~maater
necesary funds to carry'hirn home. Ha
unawrres brought him dawn with a stutlapparently brooded a great deal over
ning blow. Thinking that be had killed
his misioxtt>ne but dared do uotliing to
his master, the murderer suddenly
forcibly obtain the money he required
bethoueht himself of those whom he had
awing t o the swe he had of Ch'8ng Whn,
left in the general sleeping room. So h a
t h e son of his master, who was possessed of
returned t o the apartment and began rainimmense strength and belonged to the
ing numerous blows with his club on t h e










heads of each of his five vlctims-threemslo

labourers and two female tieid hands-who
had, however, "pparent'y alrewiy received
their quietup from the axe, for they were
all in the same plsition as he had kit them
chasing after the
Being now snt~sfiadwith his halldi~vork
t h e murderer tied his own clothes into
a bundle and then visited the q srters
oi his ~ n s s t e rand rnistrers. Just tlren
he saw the aged wife of his master tottering aertlss the courtyard to laise her hurhand's prostrnte body. The murderer at
once br. ugllr her down with one illow of
his olub, slid then i*slked into her room
with the i,,tewtion of ransacking the place
for momiey. He, however, aeetned to feel
that some time must have already elapsed
since he chased the labourer who l ~ a dfled
smld that the latter must have by this time
aruused the ileighi>i,urs-who lived far
sep4rated from each otiter-in which ease
he (the murdrrer) tbaught that lie llnd n,,
time to 1 . m if he wished to e c a p e arrest.
He had n l tilne as he thougllt even to
change Ilia blood-stained garlu.nts
dripping with tlie gore of his victims,
A sudden fear seemed to roias t h e man
arid ho a t ouoe fled from tila lmuse, for- ,
getting even l o tnkr with him lhis awn
bundle of private effects. A i ~ wminute3
after the murderrr linli gone, Ch.8ng Wen,
the son, returned from llis trip to town
and saw the horrble sight tbwr ~ r ~
him ui his aged father and mother lying
prone it, the courtyard but still breathing
and bleeding f r , m fearful gashes on the
head. Asssting his parents to their room
2nd leaving tharn in the hands oi the
female house servants, Cht&ngW&", armed
w t h r sword, a t once gave chase, vowing
to out t h e murderer down nt ~ i g h t . In
the mealltime neighbours were o,.ming to
the rescue led by the escaped labourer, and
t o avoid tlrrse the murderer started for
snnther point. Here, however, n police
patrol lhsppenad to be encamped and seeing
the man nod his gnrrnents reeking with
blood nt o n c e stol>pedhim and wsked him
whence he liad come and whither going at
suoh a n hour of the night-long past mid.
night. They mere unable to make out his
incoherent replied when Ch'Bllg W8n
on the spot aw! idetlified Lu as
the murderer of 6r.e of his felloiv arrvsnta-for
the old mother was still
alive when
h'811g Wan started off
in pursuit uf the murderer. When
L u war b o u q h t back $ 0 the farm
escorted hy the pdic- ~ a t r o l it
, was found
t h a t t h e oldlady of the house had also ,lied
from the eRects iuf her club wauild, thus

making six victims, while the rnnser of t h e

farm also lay in s precarious state, hovering between life and death. The law demands that when a murderer makes away
with three lives he is to be sentenced to
die by the slow and shnrneful process (liiigchcil~).In this case Lu Chins-t'nng killed
six ; three males an'i t'mee famalei. M e morixlist therefore crdered the rel,tence of
the law to be carried out i>~lmediataly
Lu Chi,>g-tcsnghad sigs~ed his c o l i f ~ ~ s i o n
before the memorialist witliout t ~ ~ i t i c ' g .
owing to the gravity of ihe crime, far His
Majesty'sRercript,i>tthe ,o*tral..-Eesci.ipt:
Let the Board of Pzt,i~ialsnetbts'tohe i m t e .
28th March.

(1) En Shou ia appnil>ted 'P~otniuf the

Sl~en-AllIiitendsncy of Sl~ensiprovince.
(2) 'Tsni Hsin rapvltr t h t tile Eastern
Imperinl Mxti~olea require t t ~ u r c , u ~ hrepaire ;und prays that ordrrr 1,. i-sued
to c o ~ n ~ n r n c e rlir necessary works
without fnrt,l>erdel:,)., erc., Wa llcrvby
c o m m l n d K'un Hsim, to pr,~cael with
all ha st^ l a eramine the repairs required
for the E.tstrrn M~usolenand then inbake
n oarefsll s s t i ~ n a t e a ithe amount r e q u i r ~ d
for such works.
(3) Hu I ' i ~ ~ - c l ~ Goverl~',r
of Sili~ori,
dellouneel L
i C h i n - e l ~ a n ~district
inn%i*trnte of T~eochenhrien, and \Vi~rlgChi-110.
magintrat,e of Polaien, for
~~ t ti n~gdistrict
effete police organisation w b e ~ e b y their
several distl.icts have beet, * , v e r ~ . u nwith
robbers, ao,l thnt tl>enfearfulof tlre consequences they tried to xuppress matters by
trying to bmwbert the victitns of tlie
robbers to report simple tiwits lnstehcl A
s t ~ m n n r y punishmellt joust be give81 to
such ullwrlrthy aud oraity inngistrntes
and we hereby colnmand that these he
immediately cashiered and d~smissrd
from the serivce. Tho memorialist further
complaiils of Wnlio Eu-f6, Director of
Studiei in Hocliou, for being ;%I-sentfrom
hir post without authoriced leave; oi K'ilng
Icuaog-hur, for l,ain:! cu[ierno88oaticl nlld ,,f
med~ocraabilities a n d chereiore unlit f'mr
llis duties of superintendant of sbndies of
Chuyuenhsien : mid i f l l r r o petty 11,lice
magistrates for unworthy cotrduct. All the
officials r ~ i e c r e dto above :%relierally to be
cash~eied: ~ n ddismissed from their posts.
(6) As Wu Ting-iEn lhna ohtninprl le*w
of ab.euce to return to liir hoore, his post
of Junior Vice-President uf the Board of
Civil Appointments is l~ereby glverl to
Chang Tlno.-lin to act for him ad i,,
and Yang Yi is alar, commanded to act
temporarily as acting Vice-Presidrnt a t

[Man. %-APRIL 4.

the ~~~~d Works, rllich ti,,^ *ppointment is also held by Wu Tina-18".
29, h March.

As the post of ~ r n i o rprefect r'f Chgngtu,

the enpit,,l oi Szechuan, ir one of e x ceptional icriportance, we hereby command
the Viceroy oi tlrn province to sel-et t h e
man whom he thinks best fitted for the
Chengtu plist from rtnonqst he rubs,anlive
preiects oi Szechuan, and let P ' s n Plllg
be nl,pc,inted to the post vncated by t h e
officer , f the said Vi:eroy's choice.
. .
YUth IYlnrcn.




practioea of the afficixls both a t tile capitrl

~ n din tila provinces. D o u b t e - s his in~ ~ ~ ~ p n t i bmsdehissnemien
go the usual
rid oi himt~by szcuring him nn
\ray to
nl i t ,.
~ l- d~
the farther from
~ r ~
Peking the better. Hence the above :,ppointment to tliv far distant province
of Szechunn where the ex-censor may
now bury himsclf ,alive if he ohou.-es. As a
c.osor in i.eki.q, possessed only of the
5th ra,,k. Sun \Vu-ch'ien stood i , t l a iootin: of equali\y, by virtue of his pm'st ss
.'tl,e Eyes *,,d Ears o..
f ctle Emoeror., "
with the highest official in the e ~ p i i a ;l but
r now suuuosed
to be




31st Narclr.

3rd April.

I i I P E R l l L DECREES.


(1) TsBng Cli'ullq is nppilinted Superthe lntperial silk looms of

(1) T;, C I I ' ~ ,is~ ;ippc?iriteiInsjlertor of
Kislicn;in (Xaliking).
11x0.ti its of tile i\lnncllu Borderrd Yellow
(2) \V,< 11;tve receivecl H.I.BI. t h e
Emlzess Di,wi~ger'scommancls 8 1 , hra'ow
(3) F U T ~ U , is
, ~:tppointed
. ~
to n s m i l a r
the deenr;itii,n oi t h e three-~yeilp.acock 1
i n the Mnnci~uRHa Brigade orpanisziedtiier upon P . i \Yei, Prince oi tile 3rd
~ ~ d e ~\Vo
. . r,.rerentiaily oh-y N.I..hl.'s (
X o papers ioi interest.
illustrianc ~ ' ~ ~ ~ i ~axid
~ ~ hiileby
i m d s gPh.ilt
4th April.
the sal<1,lccol.~vionti, P'v \L7'ei ;is dtrected
(3) Y i , , g Lien, Brisadier~Ge8ierd
Kirin wty, I ? lbcreby rr:~nxierr-dto ;t siznilar
(lj we \,ave ~ ~ , i ; l i n e that
tile 26th of
post ;,t H l i i l ~ ~ i '~li ~
, . (t.lS l ~ ~ - l ~ ~ B -ct~~. .Ll i- ~this
rnontll be m ~ d ethe date f u r t h e
pu, dccc:l.,:d, *,,,I CI,I c l , ' e ~ ,is~ al,l,c,i~~ted
I excl,anSlog of
oficial hilts fhr sulrlto succzeii L I I ~ ..;lii1 Yillg L ~ r unt Kirio.
~ 1 , i c is
h to be observed throughII lripr
- - . -illtl
out, tllr E~ilpiie.
1-t .$pril.
(2) Li Tirll~linis : ~ ~ , ~ , ~ i nExpositor,
S o p ; ~ l ~ of
i \ iuterist.
and Hna Chin-shoo Resder, of tlia H t n l m
2nd April.
KU", C n i ~ e r n n r~f I<ueiclh3\~,


(1) Sull \ Y u - c l ~ ~ i iq
e u npiic,iilted prefect
rts the result of his tr8etlt'lhl
! rrp
e r ~ m i n a t ~ iof
l nthe records of the officials
Clt'ucliou in Szecllorll lltouiors.
Amongst thl'se tment~oned
:-Tllis ottiei;il is ijuite a y m n g m;an 1 \under him.
;L c?n.;c,r esllrciiilly nrll-krrc~iiniil I for ;L sgrci;~l I~nperlal rec0:liition
Cli'uan 1\10!,., ~ r e i e c rof Chenyunniu, Kueithe enpir;d as a nr;~oof great tlrlllrstyand
integrity, and :,ti unbei,dillgfoeto the mal- , chow p o v l n e e , v h o is described as a




speoixlly clean-llanded ottioer who really

loves the people and has their welfare
at heart ; i n inct, the memorialist prophesies this officer's future advancemen&
as speoialty titted to hold by his great
talents and i .resight the moat responsible
posi~ions. En Liu, preiect i,f Ts8uchoufu,
is said to ba very talented and sagaeio~~e
and who never makes nny trlisrxke in t h e I
perfor8uance of his doties ; Chang She":ehen, sub-prefrct of Cho:~nohou,has t h e
r e p u t ~ t i o n of always tsyilin to bestow
benetits nmongst the people under him and
being eaceediugly popular wherever he has
held office ; the same is also said of Chii
Huns-siah, sub prefect oi Huangpingehou ; finally Wang Wei-kB. Director of
Studies ui T~enchuhsirn, and Wallg
Hurtg-lin, Directorof Studies of Cheoyuanhsim, are both ,described as men of profound literary knowledge and brilliant
schnlars who have populnrised essay writing
and classical researches amongst tlle
sludents un,ler tllem, and hence have
turned out m,>re brilliaut and successful
student- nt tile literary examinations
for dexreea than any orher Director of
studi-svin i he province. I n recognition
thereoi we lleieby cwnnrand tliat t h e
ottieinl~eulogiaed above be all handed t l ,
the Boarils of C i r i Auoointment~and oi

to furnish the above co~stribuLionsba commanded to make n o more delay in forrarding these important remittances, etc. W e
hereby command the Board of Civil Appointments to report sun the said memorial,
nrrd the appended list of names u i deserving o f i c i ~ l sis also ordered to ba handed over to the said Board ior invertigation.
6th April.

(1) H u Cliing-kuri is nppointed Ta,,tti

of the Ninghsia Illtend~ncy a i Kansu
' (2) Liao Shou-fens, Governor of ChEkiaog, denounces she following offici;rls
~ e r s i n gunder him :-Hei Sh h-lie,),district
magistrate oi F8nuhuahsi-11. ChEkiang,
isoharged witlr bein~supemnc~uatednnd
energetic enough to periorm his dutles properly. The saidofficinl is hereby oommnnded
toretire from his post, at once, being alliiwed
the privilege oi retaining his proper rank i n
private life. T'ang Chi, district n~sgistrate
oi Hu~ngyenllsienis declared to be a creature oi impulse, thoughtless to a degree
in the discharge of his duties, and un6t
ior his present post. The said c~fficialis
ordered to reoigu his post and await
some other npptintme~tt. Chang Ch'eng.
deputy magistrate oi JEnhohsien (Hxngchow) is accused of craitg conduct and
rewi~rda. On tlie other hand the sanle m&
going beyond liis powers in receiving, o n
mt~ridistin a postscript merrliirial charges
his ovn responuibil~ty,petitions on oivil
Li Sliu-jen, an vxpectant prefect, of i n eases ~ n dinvestigating them judicislly.
proper cr,tlduet and action, damtine low
which is the preropative oi tlie district
cunn~u::incompiitible with his rank. PeGi>g- ~nagtstrntealone. So also is Kao Huan,
Cllung-l~ut~q,an expectmnt army First
ga .lwnrdsn oi the district iriagistr.icy of
Lieuteiianr, is accused , f lack of control
Lanch'ihaien, who is a1s.l ;tccused of extraover 1116 ;actions nnil lheing frequently iound
vagant conduct and ibability to keep lhin
guilty vxtortion. \\iitB reierence to the
underlings under pruper restraint. The
tir,, officers above-#lamed they are hereby
Inst-lirtr~edtwo officixls are hrrohycnsl~iered
punished by baing casl>i+red and disand dismissed from their posts as n warning
missed the service. The Bonrds of C i ~ d to others.
Appo ntnients nud oi Witr are hereby alsu
(3) Appoin,ino some 6ity tosixty <diiiicisl3
cuulnianded l u tnkenote.
t f , the v*rL,,ua Provitlcinl gorerntnaws.
(4) P'nn Cll'ing-la<#is
Police' 6th A
Censor ~ .the
i Soutberli City, Peking.
7th Avril.
We hare received the m e ~ ~ ~ o rand
E O I I I ~ R I lift
I ~ ~ of
~ ~natlres i ~ o m
the Board
\vita reference to the punisllments
oi Rerenue requesting tllnt rewxrda be
to be awardad to the uiticials havit~gcharge
gmalltrd to all the otticials belonging to the
oi the Eastern Imperial Mausolea for
various piovi~reisl gourtnm-nts named
~ l r ~ l i g e n ooic their duties in l i a u ~ n rbeen
tharrik who h ~ r de s t ~ n ~ u i s l i etlsetnselves
in prom l y iorwnrding the annual Kansu I utlabla to discover until too late ti& real
and ~ u r f e u t a nsubsidles, during the year
extent ot tile ravnges oi the tree-destrosing
worm8 ~ n grubs
surr,,undibp the said RInujust passed. Owing to this promptitude
the high authorities of Kansu an,i Chinese
soles, w e havenow beforeusthejoint report
Turkestan have l ~ , ndo occasion ior memoof theBoards
oi\VnrnndCioilA ooc,intme~rts
. . .
rialising the Throne, as was fornrerly t h e
and the I~uperihlClan Court, iuho recornrule, praying that the provinces whioh have
rnei d, and we hereby confirm, the i o l l o a i ~ > g




[APRIL 7-11.


perial Clilnsman C h ' u n ~Sliouis promoted'

t , ha
~ nn enp-ctnilt Metropolltrt~ i!fiiocr of
the 4th or 5th giade, wllila the I l n p e r i ~ l
C1nnsm;ln Clr'i 'PA is made 811 expectant
Metropolitan ~ E c ofe the 5t'h griide. T h e
retnatl,ing fifty to sixty ofticeis a.; per list
sr- to h*rs tltt:ir i,smls recorded in the
Grand Cout>cil f r vacancies either as
Taatais or prefec s.
10th Apnl.

sentences. namely, t h s t P'u Ling and Ling

Chia, nobles,ninth t n n r d e r o i d e c e n t of the
IniyerinlLineage, ChieiSupeririteodentq of
therairl RZauso'er,behereby d~slnisiedfrum
their posts and fined ac.nunlly, for foln i
eum~secutivnyears, one-11 I f ilf tllr irrco~ne
belonging to them by rislit of their rank
nndlmperial lineage, witliuut going i n " I
detailins to nrowect- of cotnmutii~ntheir I
penalties by "set off*"
mnrks. A S for WPlm
Gellernl illid Superiiitundelit of Octrw a t
rtrrl a Comptroller-Genersl of
the Ilnli,.rinl Houseliold Delizrtmrnt, for
his sll;~ro in tlie general neglioenez of
dutirs ;and carele%snesa.we hereby cashier
s , , d distnias him from his port.
8th April.

. .



The Commandant of ,he Gendarmerie

repwtn t h - capture by llts men * f five
timber tliievrs milo h;id barn furreptitiously
sawing d o w n forest trees brlongin: to the
Imperial dellies~~escalled the
farms. Sorne of t,lle thlevrs being members
oi the 1lnperi;il Clan aod collateral branches
tllerroi, w e liereby command titat, the Ioiperixl Clan Court joiu the Board of Punis11- 1
ments, to whom the slid prisoners are
hereby handed, in trying the me?, a n d
seotencing them necordin:. to the lairs itf
the realm. $ 5 for the thrce members of
t h e In.licrinl Clark who hare escaped and
are siill a t lnrge, let strict search be made
for them s , , that the ~vhologang may be
punished and broieen up.
No other uaners of interest.

memorial from
(1) \Te hare received
the Court of Sacrificial!#nnuncing thwt ,in the o-caaion of the conling
summer solstice sacrificial worship should
be performed within the precinle oi the
Imperial Ancratrnl IInll, etc. \Va lierehy
announce that It is our desire to ba present
nt the paid fu~\ctions< m i tile day in queation where we intend t o offir i>eraonal
worship before the tablets of our I m p r i a l
Ancestors. P'u Chine is also eomtt8~1ided
to assist and srcrifice at the rear rhrines ;
TA Shou a the E*stern rhr~nea,and Huang
Yung-nu nt tlre Western s h r i n s .
(2) The fiame Court further rini>ounces
that on the 5th day uf the 4th moon (7th
May) specinl s ~ c r ~ f i e ersh o ~ ~ l dbe mstde
before tile :altarr of the Templvs of Heaven
and the Ewth. 18, this coni~eetiott w e
also intend to personally mlcriticr in t11o.e
temples, while E n Cli'ing. Li Jui. Cllung
Haui, and Ying Chiin nre comrllar~ded to
snct.iiica at the four minor altnr?, respectively, on that day.
11th -4pril.

.urn a p r l i .

(1) Cllung Hsiu, Censor oi the Sbnnlung

Circuit, deriounces the efi-te organisation
(1) Sun8 An is nppointed Brigadier
of tlie police iorce in the Nortller~lCity of
General and Superintendent of Oetroi a t
the capital. I n consequence of tliis state
Mnlnnclrhn mnd a member uf tlle Bonrd of
of affairs robberies arid thefts oreoi. them
Comptrollers General of the Impeiial
in constant sueecs5ion n.itht.ut it ever
Houselrold Drpartmeo: rice Well J u i ,
hamenini. thnt tlie police succeed
cashiered for neglect of duty.
in making a single arlest of the ~ u i l t y .
The ihference to be drawn frim tlris is thnt
(2) \Tit11 reqlrd to the promotions lo he
these verv i~oliceR P ~ . in BC-ire ~ ~ l l ~ i s i o x t
as.irclrtl to the Metropt,lit;~#infici;rls wlio
with the robb rs and ihieves tl~emselves,
hare had c ~ c e ~ ~ t i o n agood
i l y offic~alrecords
etc. This is r Inmelttnble state of affairs
duri,,gttie pnst three PATS illsd who hsve
for the North City and plainly shows the
been grinled an ;audience twice. w e
utter uselermess of the m . n and oficors of
hereby conmmand t h t t of this batch Tan::
the nolice force of that c i t v Wllat then
Shu, Li Poi-min, Chu Fu-hsien, Ts'ui
Y u n g ~ a n Hsii
Shou-hen. L u ChunpchLi. are t h e police magisbrates doing and ~vhnt
do they consider to be their 1)mpar duties
Yeh Clr9alg-chlh, Chci Sui, E n Hao, LO
in this respeot? e'\ are exceedingly sngyy
Ping-sliaa, Slrsu Yi, En Ch'ung, Ch'iog En,
at being informed of this by the satd
YenTs'ing, and Hsil Liang will retail, their
We thereiura com~nand that
former ranks, rrl~hletlie Imperial Clnnso>an Censor.
the police gaolwarden, Sun Cli'i~yung,
YingTzc is commanded to retair, his rank
be forthwith cashiered and disniissed from
of expectant Dletropolitan officer of the
his post. and that the Cocnmandsnt of t h e
4th or 5th grade as heretofore. The ImIMPERIAL DECREES.



~ " .



Gendarmerie investigate t,l~e matter ;md

denounee;~ndreport to us hat poniahnrslrt slimuld be tlleted outtu Cnptain Wani:
Liench'u, head of the police force in thst
quarter. The Board of Civil Appointments
is coitlmanded to take note therron.
(2) The said Board i.i also commanded
to investigaite the revised list sentin t o d a y
by the Crnsor of tha Souther,, City, recommending exlraordilrnry rewards for the
gentry and headmen of the-said oity whsi
lately distinguished themselves by their
rnerw and diligence in capturing a number
of bad characters iufestic~gthe said district.
(3) I" February laat the river at a place
called Hsiaoshat'an. or Small Sand Banks.
dividihg the two di.trncts of Lich'bng atrd
Ch'ntlgch'iu, Shantung, suddenly avorits banks causing
larre gaps io tile ernbankmrnts a t E s i i o Huchiaku. Li
Guvergr,c of Shantuog, immed~atelycoin,,,,teli
of ,,is
to ck,se tli,. two breaches and finally suc-



iln~nhi tile said pirits wns con6nrd, ~ y e

1hel.eliy etnnlnurld tlmt. l h be hnnrlrd over
to tllr Eoiird rsf Civil .4ppaintments for
tile determin.ation of the usual penalty ful.
not keeping a betler look-out over liis own
premises; a t the ensue ticne the usual period
of a lrundrrd days is be given for the
r e c ~ p t u t eof tll'r escaped criminal, iniliug
which the offeuding offi~ialswill be subjrcted lo more severe punishment.
13th April.


Cr,rsor Sung P ~ ~ , -suggestin?
~ ~ ,
r ~ d i c a ichanges in the hnlancea tnd scales
in i(,o various deph;tments
till e,,lpire so as
system of weights for the whole country,
and not as now, to allow each province,
even city,
use a speci*l balance of
itr own a t variance wit11 every oLher place.
111 this wAy
raid C e l l ~ o r ~ ~to~ think
~ l n i tthe guvernment will be a gainer by
r,il,ering to
weight, etc, The
n o i ~~r dof Revenue
isl eo~nmilnded
to ~report ~
d thereon.
m d in reply to a memurial reoeived
No papers
irom llie snid Grivernor reeomme~id(1) Lien Slteng, the Police Censor of tile
i i ~ g t l ~ n t exlrnorrlinary promotiol~ be
City, alld his collengues, report
awnt.tled ti, thnae o f his tnil~tary rub- 1 Eastern
that tlrey lmtrre, in ohrdience tu r previous
w h o distinguished
cdict,, n~:,,lr o u t 3 list, of n~rrltsof llie 1110st
tlsrir eigilat~ce,e a e q y , and tnct,, v c laereby
of 1 l e .n~ntryilld police officials
comn,a,,d lh,,t
cancel- ilesr,rvinq
of the snid E.wtern City who liareot8 variolls
lation of the decree caahicring t l ~ r nin~
oc~asion.icli';plnsed C I I P L Y ~rind vigilance in
conqrquence of , h e a h , , q ~brrnches,
breaking up or bringins nhoot the capture
promotions, with their original lank8 as
.fvnriousgangsof,eraduesand bandit,,
bases, he also given to the deserving officers ' w ~ , ohad been us;ng
*;,id E~~~~~~
in order to create emulation RInonqst all
base to
up,n t h e neighbo,,ii,,R
officials connected witlt river cotlriermncy
townships and vill;~grsoutsiilc
The memorialists pray that the usual p l r l ~
12th April.
lnotions mny be granted to the officers and
grlltry set down in the said list, in order
t h e public
due encouragement
displayedm ~ vhe given
We hare received the memorial of Pien I that
Pau-ch'u:ttl, Viceroy of the Min-Chb protherefore, con,mnnd tl,e
of Ci,il
uinees, detrounoing one T'ang Hsi-chung
Al)p,int!nnnts to scrutinire the *aid list
the district
and report thereon to ua ns t.1 wllnt proCh'ungsnlisie~l. Fukien, whose culpable
motions sl,ould be given to eecl, of t h e
negligence c;tused the esorpe from prison
of notoriaus pirate named Cho Mao-lin.
(2) ~ i ~ ~ir appointed
~ i . s ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~
who was lyillg uuder sentence of deatl!.
cer,sor of the rPreasury
the Banrd of
Tlte said Viceroy is to place the snid gaolR
~ ,e,, Keeper
of ~the Seals~
warden under arrest as well as t h e rest i
(3) K~~~ Niell is
lo go
gaolwrs u"der him
o"der to
inrentigate the affairs of t h e Mnnchu Wllite
see whether the escape of t h e c'indemned
was cmnnivrd a t by them in cotlsideration
15th April.
of R bribe, or ott some other ncoount. The
said gaolwarden is also to be first onsltiered
of his rank it, order to reduce him t o the
Appointing n large number of officials to
eamnlon level when the time for his trial
tlre Metropolitan and Pcouincinl admi,,is.
arrives. As far Tu Hsiu-ohcun, the acting
magistrate nf Chcunganhsien, in whose
No papers of interest.






A P B Ilb20.1
of our sentetlce to Shih Tu, Prince of Li,
1st Order, who is the senior member of the
Imperial Clan, atid he is to see t h , t the
sentence be wholly carried out. As for
thesuecesaor of Tsai Shu, we hereby leave
the Prinoess Fu Clsin hererlf tn select
(1) We received this morning a special
rdict from H.I.M. the Empress-Dowager the neat heir to the late Prince F u Chit)
and Ilia estates.
Tzt-hsi.tusn-yri-k'sng-yi, etc., ete., which
(2) T'no Mu, Vtceroy of Shcn-Ran, rewe hasten to confirm. I t is to the followport- that K'uei Shun, Imperial Resident
ing effect :-" The Princess Fu Chin, 2nd
Order, the Consort of t h e late Prince F u ; a t Hsining, having recaved news of the
Chin, has presented to us (the Empress- 1 death of one of his parenls, asks ~ e r m i s s i a n
Dowager) a memorial complaining of the ! to retire into mdurning, and dhat someheadstrong, wilful, and un6 ial conduct of : one be appoirrtad to succped him. K'uei
Shun is hureby give81 100 days' leave of
Prince Taai Shu. 3rd Order (Beilth), her
absence to enable him to teturn to his
eldest son and I he heir to his father's estate.
Banner Reservation and sssuue the usual
A s a "latter of fact he frequently sllowed
mournitre. Lien K'bei is appointed Itmicontetrlyt of his mother's sffirts to restrain
his headstrong conduct s u d of l a ' e has perialResidetltpva ten^ during K'ueiShun's
absence. The Board euncarncd is to take
wilfully shown disrespect in his ilz~lybearing towards hir widowed mother. For
Note.-The period of mourning f o r a
instance, the 10th instant wss the birthday
parent a,c1ongst the Mnnolrus is 100 dnys ;
anniversary of tlie Princess F u Chin.
for the Chinese it is 27 nlonths. D u r i n ~
Instead of showing due 61ial piety by
at, iclterest in or direoting the , these periods no mourner is allowed t o
proposed festivities to be held in honour I hold substantive offioe whioh possesses an
official seal-these
neslr whether gold,
of the occasion, Prince Taei Shu pretended
to fall ill the day before and asked to d v e r , oopper, or wood are xll mnda and
enpr~veda t the Board of Rites in Peking.
be excused from participating in them,
tliereby evading certnin important ceremo- Otheials who have been diacovered t o hare
purposely delayed or omitted reporting to
nies which as the eldest son and head of
thrir superior offieers the denths of their
t,he house he sllould have tried bv ever"
means in his power to perform. hen, & 1 pzreuts,'in ordsr to get as much money
crownall, whenour(theEmprrss-Dowager's) ; as they can before retiring i!,to enforced
birthday presents to his mother arrived nt mourning, have not only lost their rauk
the F u Chin Palace, Prince Tsai Shu and posts entirely, b u t have even been
banished to work as convicts on the postmade no attempt to appear a ~ l d show his
roads in Manoliuria. Mongolia, or Chinese
loyalty nndre+pectfor us, as well as thsnkTurkestsn to atone for this greatest of social
fulness for this mark of Imperial boutltg
to his mother, thy reverentially kneeling at crimes in Cllinrse estimation.-Tvocsslato~.
of FBngthe grand elltrance of his Palnce while the
tien, Manehuris, d~nriuncesthe careless.
Imperial gifts were being borne within.
Furthermore. ,neither did he worship a t ness amou,tting to crime of a certain T b n g
Yu-ts'ing, Firat Ceptsin of the left bsttathe tablets of his ancestors nor pay eon.
gratulatary obeisrnce before the image of lion of the Rear Division of the Brmy of
It appeilrs that one Wnng
Isis mother, which he should have done on
such an oeoasion, even if he had been con- Chao-kuei, a n expectant chihsiei~, or district magistrate of Shsnsi, was returning
riderably more ill than bc pretended to be.
I n a ward, this audl~city.this contempt far from Shansi to his native city of Lisoyarig.
and was sailing up the Liao river sceomthe first principles of filial piety and loyal
derotion ro hi3 parel~thna really gone be- panied by his family in three boats. Not
mxny miles from Linoyanr. some pirates
yundbaunds, and if we do not made a most
had nttaoked the mnndarin's boats and
severe example of tlie we cannot
~fterlootingthem had just rowed off, wllerr
expect to see dutiful and logs1 conduct
the above-nnmstl Captain and a sqwdron
in others. Our (the Emperor's) sentence,
therefore, is that Tsai Shu be fcrthwith of cnvalry, whose duty it i s t o patrol the
river for pirates, rode up along the river
stripped of his prinoely title and handed
banks attracted by the noise on tha river.
over to the Imperial Clan Court far the
Wlrhout making the l e ~ s investigation
administrationof eighty blows of the broadto who were the pirates and which were
bladed bamboo. H e is then to be immured
the plundered boats, the said Captain
for ever within the four walls of an empty
room. We hereby depute the oarrying out at once gave the order t o his men to firt

16th April.










into the latter, probably taking them t o be

pirates. The above-named district Magiatrata fell s t the first valley, while t h e real
pimtea escaped ! This is most strange,
sod must be rtrictly enquired into. Let
the said Captain be cashiered and handed
over to thelocal xuthoritiee fortrialandsuoll
ofhia menas were guilty of like carelessness,
and lek them be puuished according to
above is an instance how
affairs have sometimes t o be falsitied when
reported to the Throne, for t o tell the
truth would have been fatal to some of the
highest of the
from Moukdell to
Liaoyang, where the murder took place.
~h~ on!g portion of the
which was trlle
=bout the Shxnsi
lnaeistrste returning to his nrtlve eitv of /
LiGyanp. Asa mat<& of &ot, it aeemsihat
the i . a i pirates "ere the Captain and hia
patrol. But to acknnwledga this t o
the Emoeror would have been eauivalent to' ackn,,wledging that all' the
troop3 inF8ngtielmwerepiratcs slid robbers,
and theGenersl himself thegreatest o f them
all ! I n such a case quite a number of heads
would bare t o fall before the emperor'^
wrath could be appeased, while the l~ghtest
punishment would hxre been baniahme~it.
A sinlilar cxse happened in Honan some
thirty odd yvars *go when Mei Clt'i-chao
nns Governor. Thirtv-lhree men were behvaded; incluJiug the'kotai, prefects, rtc.,
of the Inteudilncy where the muvder took
place, wllile the Governor sold Provincial
Treasurer were exiled.
The Judge
happened, luokily for him, to be in Peking
a t the time or he also would have been
banished. A Censor pwsing hy the scene
of the rriurder em varctc for Peking le8'rned
the whola story from the survt;ors, and
reported the matter to the Throne wlth the
above resulc. I n the case under review
there war no Censor. The Captain and four
of his men were eventunlly beheaded by the
river side on the identical pot of tlte
robberp andmurder. Acompenaation of Tls.
3,000 was also givau as eolstium to the
drcessed mandarin's family.-Tva>ulator.
(4) The other day we sent Ch'uog Hsi
ta investigate the alleged frud.uds perpetrated by the officers in charge of the
Imperial herds and stud preserves in
Mongoha, in collusion with those in ol~nrge
of the Imperial mews a t Peking. The
said Ch'ung Hlii nnw handa in a list of
names against whom eertrin charges l~ave
been pmved. We hereby ccomn~andthe
Board of Punisllments to arrest these men
and to sentence tlla guilty aceorditlg
to the laws of the land.

17th April.

p,a Lun is appointed

Boa'd of Music'

of tl,e

18th April.

No papera of interest.
19th April.

Tha Court of Sacrificial Worship an

"ounces that the 6th of May neat will
be the day for the allnual sacrifices t o
the B o ~ ~ n t e o uHarvests.
We hereby command Prince Tsai Hsiill to exxnlirke t h e
sacrificial animals, and the Vice-President
Kiun Hsiu is comma,~dedto superintend
their slaughter before tile altars.


Onih d n r l l

(1) Mu Ch'i.llsian is appointed Taotai of

the Ka'i-Kuei-ChCen.hsii Intendancy of
Honan province.
(2) We lia5.e this day reoeived the itsstructions of H I M.the Empress.Dowager
e t ~ t i n gHer Majesty's sympathetic eompaasion for tiha sufferings of the faminestricken people of the districts belonging
to the Cll'unntung Iotendancy of Szechuan
(East Szechuan), ;&swellas for those in the
Western pdrtion of Hupeh province who
sresufferins" in *similar manner. The re*.
son for this scarcity of grain and consequent fnmilrc ir alleged to be r prepo~~deratiog
fall of rail) in the autumo ut
laat year, while in the winter fallowin< the
wratller was too dry and witlivut snow.
H. I. M. tlle Empress-Dowager, wisl~iog
to show her comoassion in x suhstxntinl
her order, that t h e sun, of Tls, 1-00,000 for
Szechuan and Tls. 50,000 for Hupeh be
drnwn frum the Trensurv of the P r i w
Purse and remitted &rit.llnstr LO L;
and Cllxtlg Cl~ih-tung,Viceroys
of Szechuan and tlla Hukuang provinces,
respectively, xvl~oare hereby com:nanle,l
to make all speed to send relief where
it is most needed within their jurisdiction.
I n this way Her Imperial Majesty
hopes that slie >nay be instrumental i n
savitmg same of her faithful suhjrcts' liles.
In s u p p l e m e ~ ~ t iHer
l ~ g Majesty's comrna~~ds
we would exhort the said Viceroys to
deserve tlaa confidenca Her Rlaiestv uiacer

~ ~ ~ . ~ - .
and carefully carrying througlt tlis lilans o f
relief in aid of ihe distressed agriculturi~ts
of thsse two provinces. Far this is must



-important and tllc only way in which t11o
{people call parlake uf tire Iniprrii~lboultty.





21st April.

which has suffered through the conduct of

the cashiered general. Again, it has been
affirmedthat tlie son-in-law of the deceased,


The Comm;indant of the Gendarmerie re-


(2) Ch'ang En, Deputy Military Govrr- completely overhauled. The memorialists
n o r and Manchu Brigadier-General o f H a n g ~ request that the Imperial Astronomicll
chow, reports that as he has tilled Ilia Board may be conllnanded t o select at,
present past for two consecutive terms he auspicious day for the commencement of
wishes to be permitted to qo up to Peking this important work, etc. We hereby
for an audience with us. Now it has always
command the said Board to chooae at once
been the custom for Tartar Generals and
the luoky day s ~ l dinform the memorialists
Manchu Brigadier-Genernlq to write their
8s speedily as possible in order that no
memorials in the Manchu l a n g u ~ g rwlien
time m a g be lost over the work. On the
they wish to ask for an audience, but it
other hnnd the memorisliuts are to see that
t present memonal i, written
seems t l l ~ the
every little work is done in a tlloroughly
entirely in Chinese, whioh is therefme n
rvorkma~~likamanner arid nut in that
deoided breach of etiquette. Cli'ang E n is shoddy way which looks gorgeoui a n d lhandhereby turned o v e r to the Board of War
some a t Brst aight but which can never
for the de~ermination of an adenoat,.
last long. As for tlle funds t,ci he raired
: let it be as recotnmended by the mr(3) LI Ping-l~i?ng, Governor of Shnn- i morialists wllich the Board of Revenue is
tung, arks th*t punishnmnt may he
to tnke note of.
meted out to Chxnn
. , +he
28th April.
retiring Tsotai of t h e Chi.tung-t'ri-u,u.
lin Intendancy of Shantung, on the followWith reference to the memorial of t h e
ing grounds :-When the accused h r d tlle
chief control over the Yelliw River Ci,n- Censor Li T'iao-9iug ruggestit~q thnt a
servatio~iBureau heused to take advilntage regular aeo.,utmt may be kept of tlie mattera
referred irom time to iinie by the Throne tr,
v f his position tonell nppoint~t~cnts
to those
the various prouinci:ll hiqh authorities for
rvlmo could pay for them, ill prrference to
rrport thereun and that at the end of each
thore who had the ability but were ndims
the nieans of buying his favour. Hence, as yeAr a sttmmrry for that year be scut "1, tll
Pzkiov to be placed on r * c i d , wa hereby
a n excuse to receive presenls lhe would
co~ntrinnll tlie various Vieeruya and G,,.
rnake *I1 these aspirnn's nck!iowledge him
vertlors to pay strict attention to this
as their uatrun so that nositions iur makregulatiuu atid th*t t l ~ trralce
~ y n o delay ill
ing money could be seb,etly auld to the
aenrling u; tlsoir rajlorta ,181 subhighest bidder. Furthrr, the aocuaed uaed
to demand and pocket l u g e percentsg~s jeclh s a t to tluctn iirr dclibcr~tioo. fur^
irom material bought by his agents such ns ther, they aru to nwke a aulnulnry uf these
same relmrts a t tllr a81d u f excli year, and
timber, poles, matting, etc., etc. Now if
lllust know also th*t wo cnnnut allow in
we dlow such barefaced o~mductlike thnt
the i u t t ~ r eany more delay in sending the
narrated by the said Governor to go u~
snirl sumln:~rirxfor record altd reference.
punished others will bo following i s the
aoouaed afficial'a footstep. and it, will be
2!Jtlt .\pr~I.
hard to prevent suoh oonduetil~t , h e f u t u ~ ~ . .
We therefore comrnand ChmngSl~nngt , , t,n
(1) Making rnriolls el~nr~gesit! tile
be fortllwith caalliered ns n warning to 8
o t h e ~ r . T h e Board of Civil .lpg,ni~ltmrns Cco-orinl ~ u dHaniin deki:,rtiusnts and
' appuinting 2 ,>umber of oflicinls to tlie
is to tRke note.
rariou? ~8mi~iilcinl;~d,iiiirist~.nt,ioos,t , l ~
25th and 26th April.
ennilidates being 111,er~tirnemetropolltnlr
utlicors \ ~ h ulliire to ~ s ~ wry
k e for younger
h'o papers of icuportauca.
:xnd more energetic ; i r l ~ i r ; ~ ~
l t sf:~cnr.
27th Ar,ril.
(2) Sl~oinSll~ti i~ppointediictirlg Carl>IIfPERKAI. DECREE.
of the Pekiiig i:eodaorrrle during
E~kC&t'an,o-h,Tartar Grtlernl ~ n dNil. I I l r : a b r o e e of .lung Lu nhil l i ; ~ rLee11 sent
"$1 n speei.rl mission.
itary Qorernor, and Cllung Lin, Cirll
Governor of Fengt~en, Manchuria, Imve
30th April.
s e t ~ us
t r joint report of the repairs needed i
h'o pnl'ws,of illterest.
for tbe "Etorn.tI" hlau~olea-tile last I
1 s t hlzty.
:ibidlnp p1:cecs of our lrnpemial ;~nceators.
TIw Grand Reception llalls reqllirr c , ~
aiderahle raprirl a i d time grsrr larlls ill
(1) \Vs l.ccc~ved llic other day a
frout must also he returfed, while the
msrnurial from the Hatilin Eeadcr. Chi
pavilions oo either side of the land in^
Ch'eng, d o t ~ < ~ u ~ lolic
c i n ~Pa-tn rna.'rl~.~~,places of the artificial rivers 111u~t be I u-'rll, a l l e w IXungol i~uble,who before

ferenee with the dally subsiqtence of the

poor of Peking we a s h i e r e d him "f his
degree of military ehujEx, and fllrthertnore
ordered him to be deported to his native
town where I he local officials were to hrdd
him under strict surveillance. But the
said ex-chtcjiqt has su~reptitiauslyreturned
to swindle tho people of Peking again, and
he has even printed certail, regulations,
etc., about building railivays in order to
zive a better eolouring to his speciiius
attacks on the purses of the super-ignorrnt.
This ia really a serious crime against the
laws of tbo couiitry and bl~ould by
tlo meatla
b e p r r m i l l ~ d . We hereby
c o m m a ~ ~the
d srld Commat~daiitto lrand the
said swindler to t h e Bawd of Pntlishment.,
which is commanded lo strictly t r y the man
and punish him according to t h e laws of
I he realm.
22nd April.

Ilim and make him disgorge his plunder,

ctc. We hereby commandon t h e one hand
that dispatches be sent to every Viceroy
and Governor of the Empire containing
a delineation af the ex-recorder, and on the
other, that Ch'en Pno-ehen, the Governor
of Hunan, be commanded to search for the
eetste of t h e dead ex general and to
confiscate i t as already stated.
(2) A8 W e have sent Yung Lung out on a
spec~almission, we hereby oammand P1&ng
Shou to act as Lieutenant-General of the
Yellow Hanchun Banner Corps, ad interim,
and Ling Ngch is to act as Lieutenant.
General of the Bordered R e d Mongol
Bnnner Corps d i i ~ t e r l mduring Yung
Lung's absence.
23rd April.

Yang Kuo-ting is appointed Brigadier

General of the Chenyunn Military Division
< i f Kueichou province.
24th April.

(1) H u P'ing-chih, Gorrrnur oi Shsnsi,

reports that he has after cnreful examinaIhlPERIdl DECREES.
tion recently brought to light a number
of frauds pecl~etratedby the late cashiered
(I) We have received t h e memorisl of
Shell Yil-tiers, while be Ileld the important
the Ass~stantGrand Secretary, Li Hungtsno, President of the Board of Civil
post of acting RrigadiarGener~lof Tatung,
Shansi. I t npprars tlrzr rlir <deceasedhad
Appointments, beseeching an extension of
before 181s d m l h t:il;cii :i systematic
his le;ive awing t o his maladies still lingerpercentage o u t of every :il ttrlt: of eapending with him and also that same one be
tiire hc 1r:d t i l a autl~oritg ;ii#il power to
sppoinaed to act as President pf the
make tliroughout llie wholr extent of his
Eonrd n f Civil Appointmet~ts fat. him
mil it;^, y circuit, such ;L* v x l . r . ~ r t i ns~rerular
oil itite~int. \Ve hereby
grntit LI
pev~rn1t.8" fimm tilt. 1 8 s ~ ~ /lie troop3 >
Hung-tsao another mcnth's 1cax.e froln
f r o ~ ut l ~ wlnic<,s of lh,,ravh : frt>tu relmiriuq
hisduties with the advice tiot to be flurried
.,ncl buildlo: l,trr;icl<h ; ~ l i r Ic*1tt1m,ote. I t
;about llis sickness, but to lkeep c , o l nn,l
~unecesi;iry,I c u r i e , I,, ~ . c c i > v r , the
quiet, with a determit~atlon t o get cons u m s ; h u t , .is. ~ l p o ni ~ ~ i c ~ ~ f i g it~ thas
i o i ~ , rnleseent by socnril>g p,crlect rest irec
tmnnpirril t l , i l tihe dcer;~sedlhas l r f l >loproiru,n the toils a t ~ dworrles of nfiice. \Vo
theroirrre colnmai~dSun Cilia-nai to act f u r
perty eit.l>ci i l l 1,lic proiinclal ccliital n o r a t
T ~ t n n m~:mi~riili;l
that cnquiriri,
LiBuug-tsao a t the Board uf Civil Appointh l ~ ~ IlI lC III~LLIC
111 liis i>ativc ~ ~ O V ~ I I 01
rr~entti tlutil he is ptilfectly eonvaleacent
Hurran tu .cc a h d t properly ic slill lefl
nnd strong.






sum which is bring constantly incrpasprI, of tlie prouine~,he h o p r his Mnjeft,y will
rvhich he ia n o w prepared i n ~~~~~~d gr*;,t Rim b l l ~ necissnry snnetion tn
081 the ereat purpo-e Ile has it, r i e r .
complete the porehnse mitlrout del~y.M e . a r ~ a l i s grmted
a d
i e recently,
R e r . i p t : Let the d o a d cominud take
to a certain fclreign a r m s taerch*nt ill
Moukden wllo inf,mrrneil him that ihc- ithe
7th b1.lav.
merchnnt) had wit11 him 400,000 smoke- I
N,, l;*l,rra ,f i,iter st,*
leas c ~ r t r i d g efor
~ small bore M.mser rifler;
8th May.
5,000 single-fire Mausvrs for iuf iwtry, nnd I
1,200,000 cartridges for them. He R)s,,
srid he bad also on t ' # e wlv
., n-t ~.t ,
one nlillion smokeless cartridges for the :
\Vaog \Van-shao, Vi,.rrny of ChiI>li,T'nt,
amall-bore Mant~lichermagiizihe rifles, and
Rlli, Vtceroy ,if Shen-Kan, *nrl ,180 Y ~ u g further stated tbar he hrd with llim 2,180
eli'i, (+,,i,ernor of i!ll~nesa 'Purhi?stao,
infantry M~nnliehers,with sh rt hayonets,
o l ~ t l ypresent nn account of rrpensrs
the brlauce of x eolitract with the Peilrrcurred in conilruc in:: a t-log~al,lrline in
d i i s t t i . TIIC said merchant
Ih18.,xe..rkest.~~. be;;fcwt~ t11ec11y
the11 <'Rered to sell tlie rrhola of tlir
of, not far froin Haoii, owside
above to tlre rnrmu~.ialist. Tlio lattet., : tlrc (:reat TVidI, and paibiug tllrc,ugI~tllu
finding ibnt the price charge1 i 8 . r tile
citivs of Kharasl~ar, KCucll'2,i\Tni;t!basl~i.
h l = n ~ l l i c ~ ~was
e r s extremely moderate, aclid
altrlicc t
i,l,l city
culdingly made arrancenlents wit,h tllc
:L tlistt~t~co
* f 2,:381 L * i t , :&
said vliercllnnt to ~ ~ u r c i ~ athe
s r : rvbolc lot
t I
.\I1 illi:se cities a l e s,,utli
offsred him ill order to pruvide for future
of t l ~ c Tie~iul,;~u
or C+leatii~lIClou>tmio-,
emergencies, ;~x>d
he (~nem,iriaIist,)asks tho
irl\icl~iliride Kuldja frutn I< i l i x n r i ~ . Tllr
sanction of the Tllrone t o this. .4gnin.
Iml~erials a n c t i o ~tor
~ the l i ~ ~W :eL ~ given i ~ ]
the maill rirers of Fengtien wbicb cox, , Jartuary, 1893. ; u ~ lit a n - corr~p!~trrIi l l
atituae the Great Liao, t,he H u n , nnd
Frhrunry, 1895, ilicludir~qa rtopp:igr t o f
:be T'aichih, rivers, lmve all expanse 1 in,,ntl~sin A k - u . ~oiviogi i l tlie rrrerisy r . f
strt'tohingand winding tltmugh tlie cutlnary I the minier \vl>ieliprecludccl irutdotsr wiik.
ti, a distance of mnziy tbuu~nnrls of li. I The nppr~~1,~intiou
i i ~ tllc
r R a ~ l , p ic.le~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Every year, irt t h ~spritlg, summer ;i,,iI gr;ipll llns i n ulltrd t i , 11s. 251,1100. r, ill.
itutucr8n, tl8eie rirers r i s , r o nri abr~urm:~l i ~ ~ l i t ; ~ l l ~ ~ l i vl,.fwrrlt
i i l r r l lllc ~ p e c > iii,n<Is
lreightrnabling nutoprous g~.aiujunks, PIC., t.i,iel.ia,l I I ~t,llv Sl\:iti~li,i C u s t o m s Rank
to aail up a n d down the 1,rovirice. Owmi.
for t l l ~Emhnisiea :ahio*d, asid tile 6xed
tl> t h ~ spir:~cy ii: q u ~ t rfrequent in t,he.e
d ~ l , n r i t nf tlw Ad8niralty ( o n m riefi~nct)
waters, but onmg to tile : ~ d ixt Pl.lii1t4. T ~ s11m.1
rotten ?tat* uf the inln~ldwitr-jiinks, the
"(1 n m o ~ i o t ~to
d 11.1. 61,606, od,l, f o r
llt,ter ZTP never hhlr t . , *itch tile piratps
tcleg~,;i[,h wire shroail ; 'l'li. 109,140.
m d tllpir w i f t cr:lft wlln ethily outstrig ( odd, fzlr eort of sumeyr, tt~tnsport i ~ f
tile 1 0 1 . 1 1 1 1 ~ I V I I I . I I ~ P P P :L ~ l ~ i is
l ~n trt m l p :
inatori;.laby raternnrl laud, and tlie pry nf
ed :nfcer i l l - cntmlrlret
oi n piracy,
the coolies ntt;~eliedt l ~ e r a t o ;Tla. 18.20i.
I n some cssrs ~ , i r . ~ t ijcu~n kl s hare beel> od6, pay of S I I T Y P ~ O I . and
oflieers il8ld
known to 91111111:~ e tile n ~ a n d a r ~ junk3
cooi.ruction staff'; Tla. 2.278, o i d , f o r
and thus conre rud.lenly atid nnatvarps
new telegraph stxtion-, and TI*. 33,771,
up081 t i e t l i l d i ~ er;,ft,
l l i u e lto
~ the debr#. odd, for cost imi timber a81d telegraplr
inent of !he Intter i r i c l~ftennceusoll tlle
poles-tliir laat. howt,vrr. rl,oi~ldbe p i d
nnrnl perqilc ,of committins pi~.;~cy.Hpnec 1 hy tile lrlcal ;wtlioritiea of Kzsliraria-ot.
tirernorial~st Intr ile<,nlrd to huy, to rom- ! n total amount expended on tlli- work of
rnenee wit!), <one rivifr atcam launch to
'I'ls. 225,607, odd, lenvitlg n halr~leo n i
ciuisr especially after l)ir,lter i l l the
over Tls 54,000. still in the 1h:urd. o f the
r~nntrdahore. If tlii, ~ ~ t . i de~in~rldeil
li:asllo:~riao g ~ l r o l n m t ~ n alrich
will he
s : I I
I . ;
I r ~ u o l i t forwarrl o n :\ccounr of tire e x i
t i
t , 1 , ,
t e l l F h l (of L I ~ C telrgrilph line into Iitlldl L
lvms~l>le. 18, .* t l , ~-mokclrai. r n r
fr,vm T~liuafu, the pmvinei:il c:~y~t.rl.!ri<I<c,v, tl,,, ~ l . ~ ~ ~ ~I,II,I~ l Ai I~, Ll~ ~ s~c ~rIs!s< . ~ , ~ ; T,et
p t :tltc Ij,~r,l.qof WCW,
:,nil tlici, : L I I ~ , ~ ~ ! ~ , itilcl
T I I ~ ~HI,,
~ ~ st~;ini
io,ri PVorl:~take note.
Inu>~chrcnotrcl :iilllill :lrr mnttrrl i n d s
'I'wo ,,,ore milmorizl~ by the same I>ixIl
peosahl~,,:LC prc~tmt,tn l i ' i ~ i ~ t i rproi,uncr.
~ R i c i i r sreporting the nmounts erl~endedin
i t 1;a I
: i l l b
h e t
buildi,r telegraph lines between Sllnchou,
t o I
f I
d by
I I P R ~ the western extremity of tlie Grent,
Wall, to Tihuafu (Urnmtsi), the oapitnl of
hitn without touel~ingthe exchequer proper





ChineseTurkest~n,a distance of 2,069 li

in a straight line between the two points-a
niost difioult -work over bill and daleand
across the great Kansu desert called Gobi.
The amouot used for this line, which includea several mwor branches oonneoting
mimrtant eommeroial or military centres,
en route, was T l e 173,653. odd. The Kuldja
line, a distance of 1,130 li, cost n total of
Tla. 82,301, odd.
9th Mey,
llir Majerty rile Elnperor ull' qrmr sn
a u d i r u c ~1.) th* n.\v Austriat~\ l t t . ~ i ! z r Chi
Kon i n rhz \CE hua Thr, c hhll t -it.,,rrua
No papers of
10th May.
His Majesty granted a special audieuce
thin morning ill the WBnhu L Throne-llall to
H.E. Chi Kan, Austro-Hungrriao Minister
tu Peking.
(1) Ch'uog K'urn is appointed a Subolbaqcellor of tho Grand Secretariat, with
the brevet rank of a Vlca-President of tlre
B w r d of Rites.
(2; We received a memorial from Su Lu.
tai.. Brinade General a t Kuoeik'ou (an
entrance in the eastern
of ;he
Great Wall), reporting that several Ban.
ner troopers under his command have
beet) in the habit of receiving double
ratiot~e and Banner allowances owing t o
the oarelessl~ess of the officers of thrir
regiments. We hereby c o ~ ~ ~ m athat
u d the
officers culpably negligent in this matter
be handed to the Board (sf War for the
determinat'on of adeqsate penalties [names
given], and further, that in view of the
shove disoosery it is probable that such
drawing of double rations, etc., cannot
he an unoommon thing amom~gst the
Banner garrisons throughout the Empire,
We therefore cclmmsnd all the Mmchu
generals commanding our Banner troops to
make all proper inveatigatiou inti, this
matter and report a t once t o us.
11th May.
We received this morning a report from
the Commandant of the Peking Gendarmerie announcing the capture, in eonjuno.
tion with H u Liang-ol>ii, dietriet magistrate of Bsienhaien, Chihli (formerly a
favourite civil Aide or Uaher of Li Hungchang when the latter was Viceroy of
Chihli-Tra+dator), of threemembers of a

s r n ~ l gang
of bandits who had been infesting the said magistrate's territory, and
who, an the present ocoasion, had been
raiding a hamlet, various members of
which had been seriously wounded by the
raid bandits. We hereby eammnnd that
the oaptured robber8 be a t otsce handed over
t l l the Board of Punishments for trial and
punishment according t,>the laws of t h e
land, and further, that after the case has
been dealt with as above, the conduct
of the energetic magistrate above-named
be presented to us in the uounl report, i n
order thst proper recognition may he given
of such conduct wl~ieh, of late, has been
quite rare amongst looal authorities in
Chihli slid elsewliere.

12tb May.
Li Haing-jui, former Salt Comptroller of
the Ch6anglu Circuit of Cl~ihliand Honan,
of Fukien
- - -:~- ~ - ~ Judee-desie~iake
vzee Chane TsBne-vane reeiened.
" . was
received in?srrwallukdi~ncethis morning
by Ibis Majesty in the Grand Council
Chamber! During the audience, the new
Judge asked and received permissi8.n t o
visit his home before nroceedine to his
new post-a montli's leave bringugtanted
him for the plirpose by the Empelor.



T'ao Mu, Vioeroy of tlle Shen-Kan

provinces, sends to the Tllrone R report as
follows :-About the middle c,f June, 1895,
the Grand Counoil transmitted by telegraph
an edict of his Majesty stating that on t h a t
morning a oertain Censor had me~uor~alised
that the origin of the Mahommedan Rebellion in Kaoau was really due to a
religious struggle for supremacy in the city
nf Hsiinhus, amollgst s sect called t h e
Sxyeds. The contestants applied t o t h e
local department magistrate far redress
and justice. Inatesd of giving the j u ~ t i c e
prayad for the local msgiatrate demanded
money from the litigxnts before he would
decide ! Naturally, this gave grave cause
for diaeotrtent amongst b th parties, with
t h e result that when themandarins tried
to enforce the law to maintain order, t h e
flame of insurrection began t o burn fiercely
a t once, spresding throughout the province.
Owing to the pral~minarysuccesses of t h e
insurgents, the trouble resulted in a wide"The
spread and very serious rebellion.
man who was the oause of all this," remarked the said Censor, " was Ch'Bn

x m 20-22.1



(1) LiPing-hang, Gsrarnor of Shantung,

denounces certain officers connected with
the Yellow River Conservation Bureau for
fraudulent pmcticec, auclr an supplying
inferior materials f f r embankment works,
as nell as buying insullieient sul,plies ill
~ 4 , v ." r
. - difference
~.~~ resulting
o i.
it must be obvious to 1
., ~..t.c .Now
a11 that the proper construction f river
work6 in Shantu8,g is of suprellle importanca to the whole country, hence such
culpable corlduct as aupplylng insufficient
as well as inferior matrrlala for these important public works constihte$ a. selious
crime which ought it, nil wise t o be condoiled. We, therefore. ~ m ~ m a nthat
d the
following penalties be given to the officcra
ill this decree, the severity c.1 which
is to he eomnlensurste with the degree of
culpability of each :We hereby cotnmand that the following
expectant district magistrates of Shantung be f o ~ t h w i t hcashiered, uiz. :-ChLi?g
J u i (Manchu), Liu Chia.chBn, Sung Hslu
(Manchu), and Ch'B Ying-tau. With reference to the expectant district magistratss Ynng Sien-ohia and Wang Wri-hsien,
we hereby command thnt they be degraded to the rank of recorder alld judicial
c o m ~ n i s s a r in
~ a prefect's yomg% alld
assistant district magistrate, respectively, as a warning t o their fe1l8,wofficials to
refrain from iollowing in the footsteps of
the 8bore.named.
(2) Ch'utlg Kuang (Manchu), a member
of t h e Board of Comptrollers-General of
the Imperial Bousehold Deparlment and
Senior Vice-President of the Board of
Civil Appointments, has sent us a Prayer
t o be allowed to resign his of6oe on the
ground of serious illness, etc., We hereby
grant the said Ch'ung Kuano another
month's leave of absence, there being no
necessity for him to resign his post.


18th May.

\Ve hereby appoint the Grand Secretary

L i ~ lShu (Manchu). Comptroller-General,
and Wens TLung-ho, President, respectively, a i the Board of Revenue; Bsii
Ying-k'uei. President of the Board of
Works ; Ch'i Hsiu (Manohu), President of
the Mongolian Superintendency ;Bsii Shu.
ming and Ysng Yi, Senior and Junior
Vice-Presidents, respectively, of the Board
of War ; Li Tuan-fen, Senior Vice-President of the Board of Punishments ; Ch'en
Hsio.ftn, Junior Yice.President of the

Board of Reuenue: Mien Yi (Manohu),

Senior Vice-prrside'r~t of the Mungolian
Superiotendelicy, aud T'aog Cllin-ch'ung,
sub-Chancellor of the Grand Seoretariat,
t o be judges and to look over the essays
of the competitors for posts as Literary
Chancellorsand Assistant Literary Cllancellors ill the plr.vinces, at the forthcoming
examinations in the Yaoho Throne-hall.
19th Mny

\ye have
t i l e memorial of the
c ~ , Ch,,u
, ~cheng-kuang,
~ ~
oirtain innovations witib regard to the
storing ,f reserve Drain in the
pro~ The ~B w d ~
vincial cities of the ~
is llereby comlnsllded to take
nnder consideration and report
result f, tiieir deliberatrons
20th May.


(1) Tai En-p'u. Supervising Censor and

K~~~~~f, the seal the Treasury of the
~ of ~
ddenounces the lax
i n , which the local provi~tcisl
officiala who i ~ v failed
t o awake good their
t,, deficits to the
have been of late dealt with by their superior, the lligh provillois~ authorities.
~h~ me,noria~ist suggests that defaulting
he henceforth severely punished,
sinoe these defa~cstiollsor delays in paying
up arrears in taxes if totallei up would
aggregate to mauy huudreds of thourands
f. taels-a
welcome addition to the present
of the Imperial ex.
ehequer. W e certainly agree in t o t o with
set forth in the said
memorisl and
warn the Viceroys
a.. ~ ~ v e r n 05o rour
~ provinces t o be more
on the
in the performanoe of
their duties in this reqpeot. They are.
the liberty to denounce
ss severelv as ~ o s s i b l eany delinquencies
such as <hose 'uoted aboie by the ssid
Censor, slid we look to our high authorities
to cleanse the official arena in this respect.
(2) The Commanda~~tof the Peking
Gendarmerie, J u n g La, reports the capture by his force of the remaining members of the band of desperadoes formerly
led by the notorious K'ang Pa-erh who
w a s traced to Newehwang last spring,
captured, hrougltt back to the capital, and
summarily decapitated by special Imperial
decree. Five of the gang (names given)
were osptured yesterday a f t e r a desperate fight, in which snme of the gen1 darmes were wounded, and these prisoners



we hereby command are t o be handed

over to the Board of Purlishments for
trisl and sentence aeeordiug t o the lsws
of the land. There now remains, according to the report of the said Commandant.
only one inember af KLang Pa-erh.8 gang,
Yaog " N o 4," who is still x t large, hiving
escaped arrest, so far. Let no effort be
spared in eornpnssing this man's capture
in order that the whole band may be
swept from the face of the earth. 4s
soon as the Board of Punishmenee
shall have given sentences on the five
men above noted, we command the said
Commandant to present to us n list of
the deserving of his officers and men who
~ themselves
by their bravery and energy in capturing these desperrdoes, in order that adequate re-ards
may be granted ta them. Further.
those officers and mon of the di~ciplined
bsrtalion of FBngtien province who
assisted the gendarmes in oapturing K'al9g
Pa-erh in Nawchwang, and later on the
five memhers of his gang in other parts of
Mnmlclauria, are also to be rewarded for t h e
effective aid given by them to the Peking
gendarmes, and the said Commandant is
hereby conrrnanded to include the deserving
ones of the said battalion in his list to ba
p r e s e ~ t e dto us.
(3) The Court of Sacrificial Worship
announces t h i t the 13th day of the 5tlb
moon (12th J u n e ) will be the anniversary
of the birtll of Kuan Ti, the God of Wxr,
and that it will be neoessary to offer special
sacrifices a t his godship's temple an t h a t
day. W e hereby command K c a i T'ai,
Prince of Cheng, 1st Order, to sacrifice ill
the said temple on that day in our stead,
while Ch'ing F u ia commanded to sacrifice
a t the rear altars of the same temple.
(4) The 2lst of J u n e being the oooasionof
the Summer Solstice, we hereby aolnounee
ou*,intention of personally sacrificin- a t
t h e temples of the Earth and the ~ o u n r i f u l
Season8 i n hnnonr of t)lat day. Chung
Hsiu, Li Jui. Ying Chun (Manchus), and
Huang Ying-an are hereby commanded t o
aooolllpauy thecourtandasaist in seerificing
a t the four minor altars connected with
the said temples.
21st May.

We have reosived a memorial from H u

Ping-chih, Governor of Shansi, requesting
that permission may be given him t o
=shier, arresr, and crmfiseate the property
of one Wang .Ting-jui, a fourth-claw
expectant distrlct supervisor of instruction, and ex-acting dwtrict magislrate of

Shouyang, Shansi, ss a punishmeut for

failing to make good some Tls. 800, nhioh
he had collected during his acting inoumbency, but which the enid officer failed to
make over to h C s successor when the
former resigned his senls of office, etc..
I n the
meantime, since the alleged
delinquent returned to T'aiyunnfu, the
provincial capital, to awxit further appointment, in spite of repeated appeals
from the Provincial Treasurer to refund
the said debt, the aceused official ignored
them all until the patience of the
memorialist hns beun wsmm out v i t h
this unwarranted procr<stination, with
the result that he recon,menclr that
not only the delinquent be cashiered, but
arrested, and his property-whatever there
may be-confiscated i,, older t o serve as a
warning t o other Local officials i n t h e
future: We hereby command tlist the
erid Wang Ting-jui he f,~rtlrivithcashiered
upon the arrival of this ediot a t T'aiyuanfu, and that he be placed in coufinement
while investigation is made by the said
Governor and his c.,lle.~guesto find out
what property the accused own, both in8
Taiyustlfu ns well sr in Shouyntlghsiew.
the disCrict where he held office. If these
be fourmd i i u E c i e n t to make good the
au~nof the accused offioer's debt to the
Imperial eovernmsnt, we hereby authorise
the eaili Govarl~orto place hinlseli it, commu8,ioation with Wei Kuang-tao, Governor
of Shensi-the
native province of tho
order the confiscation of
whatever property may staod in the name
of the ssid Wang Ting-jui in his native
city. For in this way only can the
revenues of the Crown be properly protected.
22od Msy.

AS Chdsng Sllao, ex-Tartar General and

Milit*ry Governor of Kiria, Manchuria,
has returned t o the capital, h e is hereby
granted the pririlege of returning to his
old post as one of the nffieers of the Guard
a t the Ch'ientSsing gate of the Iluperial



Liu K'un-yi, Viceroy of the Lian.

Kiang prominces and Imperial High Commissioner of the Nanyang adminatrstion.
reporta that having received 8 despatch
from H s i a ~ g Hang, Tartar General of
Eupeh province and Military Governor
of t h e City of Chingchoufu, Hopwh,
requesting the memorialist to aupply him
with modern firearms and ordnance, owing

t o the wretched condition of the ordnance
department of the Manchu garriaon of
t h e laat named city which has only
antiquated firearms of the old style,
and, further, as memorialist took into
account tho importance of the eity of
C h i ~ g c h o u which dominates and guards
all the Iwperial highways connecting the
south with the northern parts of the
province and those provinces to the north
of it, the said meinorialist considered
i t of the first importance lhat the troops
of Chingcllou should be properly armed
in order t o he able to cope with ally of the
numerous bands of brigands iniesfing the
bprdars of Hupeh and the northern promnces. Hence, although the request of
the said Tartar General was ntlier irregular, since he sl~nuld have made his
request through the Viceroy s t Wuchang,
the importance *sf the matter prevented
t h e mentorialist from taking exception, and
h e has therefore sent by special gunboat
500 s t s i ~ d of hreach-loading cmtre-fire
Remingtun rifles with 500 cartridges for
each rifle, and also a battery of four 6centitnetre calibre steel bresch-loading
K r u p p guns, to be used as horse srt%llery,
together with 300 rounds for each gun.
H i s Majesty's apprc~valis now asked f o r
this matter.-Rescript : Let the Boavds of
War and qf Revenxe take ?tote.
23rd Mry.
T'an Chung-lin. Junior Guardian of the
Heir Aptlarent and Viceroy of the provinces of Kuangtung and Kuangai, and Hsii
Chewyi, Governor of Kuangtullg, send
a. joint memorial cancerriing a case of
promiscuous shooting in the city of L i u pingehou, Kuanetnng, wherein a m n who
was intending t o shoot dawn an enemy,
fatally ~voundrd iustead the latter's wife
with the first shot, and with the sec,lxld
instar~tanrously killed his own mother.
Owing lo the seriousness of the crime the
culprlr mas hrought to Cnntnn for trial before tlie Provincial Judge, and Inter 0 8 1 , the
evidence vbtainrd by that oRicer was eonfirmed by apersonali~~vestigati~~rl
menlorialists themselves. The murderer
was a member of the militia of the eity of
Lienpingchau and was noted for his filial
piety towards his widowed mother. The
man he wished to kill was a ileighbour,
and the two men, moreover, owned
adjacent pieces of lsnd on the hills
behind the said city of Lienpingehou. One
day, while the latter, a man named Liu
Ah-hsi, was cutting trees and picking up
brushwood far firewood in the liill land

[MAY 22-23.

aforesaid, he happened to he standing just

on the boundary separating !he two properties when the mother of the murderer,
(a man named Chou Ah-lu), passing by a t
the time, suspected that the former was
stealing the brushwood from her property.
She s t o t ~ e eaccused Liu Ah.hsi of theft,
and ha conscious of having 8one no
wrong naturally reuented, resultit,g in hard
language being used oat both sides. The
old woman then returned home and told
her son, who had just returned from
guard duty, a b w t the disrsspect shown by
their neighbour, living opposite the way.
This ao exasperated the son a,ho was nalurally of s violent temper, that he went
a t onoe aoross the street to seek for
Liu Ah-hsi. H e found his enemy and
without more ado struck a blow st Liu.
Liu dodged the intended blow and turned
round to return the compliment, when
Chou ran back to hm o w n houae and pieking up a club oame out again to sttack Liu.
Just then Cllou's ntother came u p and aeeing iier son with a club in his halid, ready
for mischief, and on tlie point of crossing the
street she laid hold of his club, and partly
by ft~rce,atmd partly by words of crmmmmd,
persuaded him to go back into tile house.
This done, the mother pushed the son into
his room and loeked him up inside. This
rrvonl faced the street and the wooden wails
hei~igfull of crevices snd apertures, Chou
could easily sea what was going on outside. Be saw Liu still standing it, the
street in front of his own door, but swearing away and gestionlating in the direction
of Cl\ou's house. This appmently 8 , ) in.
flamed the hearer that lie lotakgd around
for iiolne mesns of getting out of his room
" t o llave i t out" with Liu. I t this
moment he espied his musket whrzh
belonged to him by virtue of his connection with the oity militia. He instantly
took down the weapon which hung on the
wall raddy for use, and drawing out the
old oharga reloaded the piece with n d u g
putting s fresh percussion cap on the
nipple. Chou then shoved his gun through
an aperture in the wall and deliberately
aimed it s t Liu, who ignorant of the shot
in sfure for him atill stood swearing in
front uf his house. J u s t as Chou pulled
the trigger of his gun, Liu's wife issued
from the door, and in sodoing just easered
her husband's person. The result was that
the woman received the ball in her left
side, and fell moaning t o the ground.
Enraged beyond bounds a t this outrage
upon his wife Liu dashed into Chou's house
eager to wreak vengeance an the perpetrator, and orying out tlbst he was determined



ta have the latter bbuod and taken bsfot$

t h e authorities. When Chou saw that his
s h o t had missed his enemy, and that the
lstter wsa actually in his (Chou'e) house,
t h e m u r d s e r relosded his gun determined
t n shoot a t him again. H i s gun reloaded,
,Ohuu pushed the ~ u d through
an aperture near the door of his room. B u t just
as he fired hie own mother had rlished up
in front of Liu t o push him out of the wayknowing thather syn wotlld fire again, now
that his blood was up. I n doing so the
o l d woman received the bullet in her back
killing her instsnt'y, thus savillgonce more
Liu'e life.
A88mn as Chon reoognised theenormity
'of his crime, although done accidentally,
h e a t o n c e oame ~ ugun
t inhand, and made
hiaway lo the sub-~refeot'syam6nto whom
h e gave hiniself up. As the law makes
n o allowance for accidetltal homicide, the
me~narialiatin consequence of the murder
being that of the homicide's own mother
a t onoe ordered Chou Ah-lu to beexecuted
by the ilngch'ih or " slow and shameful
process." The sanction of his M a ' e a t ~is
requested to the above sentence.-desckpt:
Let the Bmvd of Punishments speedily report
24tli May.
(1) H o F u is npi ointed speoial Inapector
of the asaxre of i he Bordsred Red Banner
of the Mongolian Corps.
(2) Ch'ern Ch'i-ohang is hereby appointed Censor of the Mstrol,oitsn Circuit.
T'ao Mu. Vioeroy of the Shen-Kan provinces, announces Itis inability to out down
the strength of a certain portion of the
galriaon of Kansu province, especially a8
regards the corps under the special mmmand of General Tuug Fu.haiang, Provincial Commander-in-Chief of Kanau and
Generalissimo of the Imperisl armies in
the North- West. These troops called the
Tttng Chicla or "Tung Army Corps" are
veterans of former Mahommndan wars
andserved both in K m a u andChinese Turkestao. They number twenty full battalions or 10,000 men and as they wsre
eoially detailed hy Imperial edict to kee
t i e peace in Kansu and are regarded wit
respect by the M h o m m e d ~ npopulation,
knemorialiet thinks that i t will bs misjudged economy to n t b m p t to eut down
Eha strength of this oorps, at the present
crisis, in order t o asve a paltry uevere.1
bans of thousands of taels a year. The

utter uselessness of the sedentary territorial regiments during the recent rebellion has been too well proved, hence, i t
would be much lo tl8e advantage of t h e
province both as to future peace and quiet,
as well as economy, if the strength of those
troops be cut down in aooorda~~oe
with the
Imperial commands lately issued to all
the provinces in the Empire. B u t as
the situation it, Kansu province is dflerent from the other pr.lvinoes of the Empire, memorialist requests leave to keep
the Tun& Army Corps intact, as it now
stands, instead of having its economical
conditions interfered with a t present.
The saving through cutting down the regimental strength of the ~ t h r rcorps and
brigades in Kansu will amount to some
Tls. 250,000 per annum. As it costs
Tla. 300.000 to keep the Tung Claps,
memorialist proposes to devote the above
saving to that corps and the balance still
wanting can be made up by economies in
other. branches of the civil administration.
-Resef-Lpt: Let the Board of Rczentm 1.ep01.t
25th May.

(1) TIE Board of Punishments is cummanded to make x strict investigation into

the oase of the common soldierTu Lin who
appealed to us esterd day morning while we
werg on pur way t o Eho Park.
(2) T'so Mu commends in eulogistic
phrase8 the p~triotismand benevolence af
TungBu-hsiang, ourProvineial Commanderin-Chief in Kausu. H e states that the said
General eseeing the great distress of t h e
people inhabiting the districts of Haioh'eng
andPCingyuan who were the first to suffer
from the ravages of the rebels during
the late Mahommedan rebellion, a t once
gave Tls. 10,000 t o the civil authorities t o
buy psin and ayricultural inlplements
and cattle for the sufferers. Such sn act of
philsnthropyought notto pass unrecognised
and we therefore command the Board of
War t o coneider somendequate reward t o
the mid General as a mark of the Imperial
(3) Hsieh Yuan is appointed Taotai of
the T'ung-Shsng Intendsncp of Shensi.
(4) Li Hsi-tuug, Taotai of the abovenamed Intendancy, is hereby transferred
t o the T8ng-Lai-Ch'ing lntendancy of
Shantung (Chefoo Taotaiahio).
(6) L i Kuang-ehiu is ap ointed Taotai
of the Fang Pun-Lu-Sze intendaney of
Anhui (Fengyang Taotaiship).


26th May.

Chun-lin, prefect of K'aihuafu ; Liu Wanch'un, Brigadier General of Lingyuao,

and Kao T 8 . y ~Culonel
of Lillg~uan,are
hereby pardoned and eaouaed from penalties for their diligence in their duties and
determination in reporting the disgraceful condition nf nffsirs in the territorial
battalions a t L
i e-oioe.
-. etc.., to t h s said
31.t May.


~h~ ~~~~d secretary

~i aung.chang,
Minister of the
Yamen, was
o,,e mo,,tb3s sick leave by his
Majesty this morning.
No papers of interest.


27th May.
No papers of interest.


28th illsy.

(1) Chon KIBh-k'nan is appointed Chief,

and Yii K'un, Assistant, Literary Chancellar af Yunnan for the enruing year.
(2) Tu P'en-sI1u81 is appointed Chief,
altd Ch'en PPh-t'ao. Assistant,, Literary
Chancellor of Kueichou for the e n s u i q


(1) S g a h L6-ch'un is appointed B r i p d e

General of the hlanchu g.iriiron of Kwng.

niliu. KianSsu province.
(2) Tai iY~a*ois nppoinbed Senior Director
of the Supervisorate of Instruction of tlte
Heir Apparent.
29th May.
Eo papers of interest.

30th May


Fan, Viceroy of the Yun-Kuei

p r o ~ i n i e s , denounce; in savcre language

the conduct of Lei Chia-cll'un, Colonel
Commandant of the territorial battalions
parriagning the city of Litlgping a l ~ ddistricts surrounding the said city, and his
subordinate ofdeerr for: 1st-pocketing the
pay of the men under them ; 2nd-for
reducing the strength of the various batta.
lions and keeping "dummies" on the
regimeutal rolls; 3rd-for keeping the arms
of the troops in x wretohed oonditian, and,
4th-for going sbout and leaving their posts
a t will. Such c,lnduct should be visited
with condign ~unishrnents n d we hereby
cashier the said C o l o ~ ~ eLei
l Chia-ch'un,
and his subardirlates the First Captains Li
Pang Chih-tsing, and M a Ch'ilianu, and the Lieutenant-Colonels Liu
Esiu-ho and Yang Tsai-mao. All the
above-named officers together with the previously cashiered ex-Mxjor Yang Ch'un.
tscai, are further hereby ordered to be
banished to the military post-roads in
Chinese Turkestan to expiate their orimes
there. As for the said Viceroy we eommend him for his baldnesa and diligenoe in
his duties in denouncing the cashiered
otficers and he is therefore excused, by
special grace, from being relegated to the
Boards for penalties in permitting such
discreditable conduct within his jurisdic#ion.
(2) With reference to the above decree
Tsou Haing-Ian, Taotai of the Ling-An.
K'ai-Kuang Intendancy of Yunnan; Liu

[MAT2 6 - J n ~ ~1.




(1). We hare received the annual report

of the Viceroy Chang Chih-tmg, of the
Hu-kusne nrovinces. on the conduct of
the loealautll,irities &rd magistrates of the
c '~ .t l e sunder tlie said Viceroy's jurisdietinn,
and we note that the said -Viceroy praise.
some while, on tlle ather Ilanrl, he
denounces others who the considers
should be punished. Of the first class.
Ting Kuo-cll8n, sob-prefect of Mienyang;
Li Chin-chiang, ehihsien. of Tsinoynng ;
Chang Chi-ch'ing, substantive ehihsien of
Maoh'eng and acting chihsien. of Chianglin,
and ChYn Chcang-chiang, chihsienof Yitu,
are eulogised by Chatlg Chih-tung as tiste
examples of honest, energetic and benevolent-minded officials from whom the
people under them may reap the
advantages which come from just nnd
equitable rule. The said Viceroy sincerely
believes that with time and experience
the four officerswill be an orriament to the
higher spheres to which their talents and
probity will, in future, bring them without
fail, etc. Let the marks of our Imperial
approval be sent to the offioers shovenamed with our earnest hope that with
t h e confidenoe they have now obtained
from their highest superior o5cer they will
show inoreased energy and diligence in,
their duties so as to deserve the eulogy
~ronouncedon them by the said Viceroy.
Let them not follow the example of some
unfortunate officers who showed energy
and talent s t the Commencement of their
careers get wound up with a name for
incorrigible laziness. The said Viceroy
further gives a l i t of the officers who have
disappointed him, and broken the rules
of honesty, and made themselves generally

the degree of chzj,i.(pn,vincial graduate) a t

onfit for the duties to whioh they 1:ad
been npp.icmte.t, v;z :-Wmg
Yi-l~sin, the forthoorning oon8petltiotha.
(2) P i Liela is appointed Cllief Proctor
f e m e r oh&i+n , , f Jenxhiea nnll Ho
a t llle said competltiotl.~.
Pao-hsin~, !~n expeotaut ch~hlien aud
(3) We have raceiu-d tlne rnemori 1 of
of Mien.
the Ca~~soc.
Ynug Cll'u~ig-~i
whr, cwnplxins
ysng. Th-aa two mra the worrt, as
of thegreat scarcity i,icopl,er cn4r tl<mu<hmporte.l by the said Vioaroy, aud we
out the Etnpre. i,, c naaquence of which
thsr-fore, eumtnxnd tllem to be itirtantly
oopper cash ltaa become ercesdi~>gly<dear
csshiered and dismissed from any post they
in the excltange tnxrkrts. Tllegrent tlouble
,nay now bn holding.
A s for Ynng
cllenchianghxien, lies in the fsct. tlbxs a though tllc purcltasing power nf tlte said coppel. oaah has
he is hereby co>nmxndeI to be dimissed
thereby becntue c<,rrasp7cldit~rlyitlcrea~ed,
fro181hiJ poet. m d to be fu tiler degrad-d
the prices of urliu, tllra 81md loud ea,,erto the rxlrk of ~eoortller ill n pvef ct'a
imtaild of dcclinitlg as lnigltt be exyamen, or n,) ~ a r i ~ t ~chihsia~
(8th rmk).
The expectnut ehihsie~ Li Yu-k'uao is
pecte,l, have also hecome prop.,rtionalso to be deg-sded to the rank
stely-at the rate of ona in four-higher
of I pcllice mngiatrata (9th rank).
thnu when cash rvn? ~lormxb. The plice
for Raii Yno-ti, fon,rerly nc?ine chihsien
of copper cnslt rlinq becumea euhanced
of Cl~uhsih~ian,
and Yii Pitng-hsin, subs.
littla over twallty par cent above
of ~
~ , , a,,d
~ i ~its ~tlormnl
h ~level.
i ~Crxitk
~ fhr illstattee
fomerly neting chihsien of Tunghuhuisn.
formsrly priced a t 2.000 oash per picul
they hnvinq ahown ino~pxbilitpof pmernshould hy ciuhta hxve I,eau p ~ ~ r c l ~ a s nslt~ l a
rnent, but bei8.g men of liigh literary rank,
the rate 01 1,600 onsh ; but ins end of this
am 11.r.b~ ordered t o resign their present
people Imv* to pay 2,250 0a.h per pioul.
rank and arrvica in eao,,nnye for tibar of
TI."? tlrr.,ugh rcnrcity of this me tiulu of exdirector elf srudisa in diqtriet magistracies
chanee tlla poor people of the count, y hxrw
and await xppui!bment a t the handa OF the
to suffer both in the dearnesa of mmey as
BosrdufHitaa Theotlrerrecott~cnrndatio~s well xn ill enhatxed price8 of proviin the -aid Vicaroy'a tnemorial we gralltad siotrs. Tl1i.i rxd eot~ditiuu of rffni,s t b e
Censor nsvures us ia umliva~snl
ao usurl.
the I(:mpire, and he tirerefor* prays & h i t
(2) ~h~ 22,,d dly of the ourre,,t mol,th
(21~. J,,,,~), brillg tl,r oLcn.ii,,n ,,f the 1 strict e mmandc he fortl>witltiwued to the
Viceroys xtld Guverr,c,rs of provinces t o
go in
re-open the ,,Id niints wltieh lhave baa,,
o ~ a Dpecial
aacricce at
*ltars drdicat.
vlosed for m w y yaara wi, hin tlleir aeveral
ed to E~~~~
,,,,d the hin.v,d and
jurisdictions, and wllrre there lbnve been
by conlmand pCu
clling to net as I~~~~~~~~
none that new mint3 be establislled in
of the arcrificinl snlmnla while K S ~ ,a,a i u
(both ~ i ~ ~ . ofp one
~ ~ the
~ s i x d ordm
~ ~ P h~~ ra ~free X U P D ~ Y he given t . 1 the
peollle of this
Boards) ahsll examine th- entrails of tile
-id eaoriticial a t ~ i m l ain mnnectiot~with
: ~ : t ~ ~ v ~ , " ~ ~ , " ~ '
the above t~nraradrites.
In the Southern City of the capit.1 and
8 r s t e ~that t l ~ eword " m i l l t min their case
2nd June.
is hut a hollow name, etc. Tlie Board of
Revenue ir oommnnded to isveatigate the
(1) Chou Kuallck'uao is llrre1,~ a~ ,
presatlted by the said
to us
early date.
po~niedChief Literary Chan~ccllurfur the ; c,,,,,,,
pmviocw . f Yutlrlan, and Sung K'uu
(4) we llsve rec.ired a
appointed Ass'stant Literary Uhrtrcellor
pie,, pa,,.ch'u
viceroyof lIrooinoes
of Fukien and CLBkiang-, asking that
~nstruction. may be ~ e n tto the newly(2) Tu Pan-chna~gis appointed Cbief
appoiuted Provinciid Judge of Fukien t o
Literary Chancellor, and Uh4en PBh-tso,
Assisrmnt Literary Chnr>mllor, i f the proh,naten to take up Ilia poat HB tberaare oonrince of Kusichou.
s l d e r ~ b l e arrears in the ilutiea of the
1 said post which n me ely Aotinv Judge has
3rd dune.
no authurity to settle, etc. w i t 1 regard t o
the above, the *aid n e ~ l ~ ~ p p o i nProted
(1hCh'i Esiu,Preridentuf the Mot>gulinn r i n e i ~ lJudge, Li Haiog-jui, when at his
Superietm<ter~cy, is hereby appsinted
fxreaell audience with ua the other day
was g anted one rnl~utl~'a
leave to return
Ersminer-ln-chief of Archery, on foor and
to his native city to repair the dilapidatde
ou liora-back, of tile Banner candidates for

:a1: ,





.*4I ,



haste :o liis n+w poat.

(5) Appoir~tinealarge nllmber of ot31cia1s
to tile Met3npolitnn and Plorinei;~l Adminiatratirms.
4th June.

t,ibe of Monrols and the Oelots uf Tarbagxtni are a ~ ~ r i o to

u s hnv. tile ceirnb dintlent
of their baioved Sailrr once mrlre avionyst
,hem, and hare ihareforr petitinrrcd t h e
n~enlorialist,tu pray tlie T h r ne to grant
them their wiall. 'The prayer is hereby
panted, aud the raid Ssillt ahall be
Icuan Tino-haiell i s app.,in,ed Cenqclr of
.ppuil,ted ~ z L t , , k l L t [l,,b ,lie M nstery of
the Mrtropolitn,, or Pekinv Circui .
Yeny~i>shioheubuawhan he beconlea an
6th June.
I Avatar, and pem~nisaion is a160 hereby
~ r n n t e dfor a spccinl m-mimix1 temp e t o
No papers of interest.
be built in tse ci y of Tarbagatsi PI, enmBth J u n e .
memorate the l,.yslty arid valirm t deeds of
the said Saint in his former liir durin,r t h e
(1)Yihg ~ : n , Military Governor of the
r r q n of the Isre Emperor Tung Chih.
Jeh.. t rritory in hereby ordered to rern-irt
and also ns a toltel. of t h e
st Peking ~ r l dawnit other wppointnieut ;at
favour tosviirds tile H u ,lig CiLiao
(Yeliuw-rohsd brxuo'm of lllr Tibetsn
(2) HBug Cll'i is Ilerel,y appointed Mill- Buddllist H e i v a r ~ l > ~as) , well a to srt,isfy
tsry Governor of the Jalm terlttory, %ice the rish of tlle liopulntiou of 'l'arbnzatai.
Ping Lio retained a t Court.
(2) W r l,a\e rcoecved r report from
C11:sng Cl~ih-tuny, Viceroy of Hurlan a u d
7th J u n e .
Huprh (HI,-Kuang pmv>tbces), dawunoing
the er-Second Oaphin (now deceased) of
(1) Ch'ang K h g , T a r ar General of
tire Grsln Police Servioe. stxtione I a t
Kuldja, wrlt ng ,upon the distinguislled
tIs,nngcli'~ttg, for iniliaK to refund cectain
services rendered ta the I ~ p e r i a lGover,,.
s u i ~ l s of muney dlae the trasuries of
meat in t h e e i ~ t i e sby a cermio Hutl~khtv the Pn,rincirl Treasurer and Grnin I n (Mongoli.n Buddllist Sai-t, or Spiritual
tendant of Hupelt pruvuice. >!ally cnlln
Ruler) nrmrd K i ~ o g - r n ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ - t ' ~ W-re
- k ~ imade
~ ~ ~ upon
. n ~ ~tlla
. s ~ l dSeoond Cnptain
pa-ju-{)'a-chun, pays a t ~ i l m t eof ndmirai r this nmney, but 310 notice wns ever
lions to t h e r n i ~Saint whrl, w h e n Cllitaken of tilese xppexla a t ~ dnow the said
nese Turkrshn awl Kuldjs had 1,een ollicec is reported to be de~cl. Such conuverrlin by kfnhomrned~n rehrl-, and
duct nlnrt not be nilowed t~ pnar t . t h e
a,) attempt waa baing made t.1 invilde
dat1,imentof the Imperial Ene'.iiluer, slid
the Mongol~nr~T+t.ritory of T ~ r b r q ~ t ~r is brrrhy co~nlnnlidCllno Shu-jail, Gover(immetintely tc t h e nat.tll-eic?t of Kuldnrm of l<inngsu (the n s i v e proritlcr i . f the
ja), i;l,ar d ~ r r t ~courage
and li,yalmy decearerl officer), to scud n deputy t o
by l e a i l l g ~ I Iperriln t e Mi~riliol trilier- ! T ~ i n ~ l ~ o l ~ s tile
i e n ,inntibe city of the late
men iun,lrr llir j~irisdictio~l*gnit,at the
officer, to invest gate ; ~ n d~ 1 ~ f i s c ivhat~ l e
invader,, and r~icc*eded,ere!~tunlly, ill
e, er p ~ w e r t y
stood i n the dairultem's lnanle
driuillg I,* the icllcl*, tller-by !holding mliru iilire. TI,.. c<,nlisca-rd p r o j l c ~ . t yi s
Talh:xgntai f i v 1 1 1 . Cioivll, i.llen all tile , t , ~11e \,,Id n t ~ dthe procreds give,, up tn
other ewowtry r w n d W A S held allti garrisotr- : tile treasuries wllich lla%-ebeer, rnulctetl of
ed by frl?r.
t i l e r just duau.
The snit1 T ; l r t ~ ~ G r ~ ~ Ilertii>re,
con- 1
8th Juile.
sidern r l t . t p i p - r r r ~ ~ , ; . ~ ~ ishould
t i ~ , n be
made by t l ~ a T111.onr i l f the spleriili~l
service of tlie r-siil Saint; and t,llcreiure
(1) Clinn!: Chih-tunr, V<camyof Hiinan
prays that a apec,;~ld c t . m.ty be issued
i n 1 Huiiah. htntes thibt ntt aged officer,
grantng l!e,>o~.-ionti, t < e heroic soul oi
n native of Hupeh, ~ ~ ~ r n eCltia
ly. Hulgthe said Il~it,iiilit!c f o b r c i ~ ~ nrn
e Aratxr
cllr.,, ex-Guverllo~.of Y n 1 8 a l i ,!,ow res p i n . I n o t h e r wntda. , l ~ \hi*-liirit
be tirrrl, alio obtuved liis rank of chtlj61~
pertnibted, by sl,ecial glace01 the 'l'h$i~nr, sixty ye;irs or a cycle :,go, is still a l n e
to becowe reembodied once mar. to serve
and by right of literary e l i q u ~ t t e and
araitr the sacred dy~~nscy,
fhr the preei,artesy sllvuld be parnlitted to attend
svrrrtioll of whici> he lrrd f8,ugllt I a reco d tinla the Luming Banquet given
valiantly in the sixties agminst the
to tllc iuuxv c h i , j E ~ ~of Hupeh, who shall




Imving promised or paid bribes t o their

superior officers conl>rcted wtth the Imperial Mews, but t,o etringent and srxrolting questions made rvith reference to tbese
charges the aocused stoutly refuse t o give
a single straightforwar,l Rnslver.
Board of Pun~ahments therefore prays
t h a ~the csfficarq 6 0 accusezl be commanded
l o resign their pllsts so that they ,may be
put otr tlleir trtnl like thr rest. T h e raqnrst. is granted and the S-nior Secretaries
of l ~ Imperial
Mews, Clli T8, Yun L I ~ .
and Shib H h g are hereby eom>nanded t o
resign, and J u u g Lu and Hrii Ying-k'uet.
tllr Arhitmtor,, w e hereby cammnm.drd t o
try t1b.m it) coitneotion wit11 tlra above
(3) Yao WBn-cho, L ~ t e r s r yC l ~ a ~ ~ c e lnf
Yunnxn province, sands us *report tvlmem rill
are denouarel n ~ l u l ~ l b eI rI,ors (af
studies of dietric's. sub- prefecture^, and
prrfacturel in the snid provi,mca, who are
charged with being no: suffit:iently le*rnrd
to taka charge vith ability of the cducst~on
of the y~rutha-f that pv,uit,ce. B e a l s o
gives the nxln,.n of five of these educatiotlal
oRicern wl~ose literary lorn is above t h e
average slid begs thnt s , t n e mark of
Inlperial recagniti,ln and xpprovsl be give18
in tljeit. case, e t o These able otiicezs are,
therrfol.e, hereby v i i ert the brevet rnnk
of Secletnries o f the Grand Sacreta1.i t aa
n rrwrrcl inr tlieir diliuence in il~eivdutieq
ml>il- the rest, accnsed of itleapnbility nra
hefeby cashiered and disnlissed tlieservice.
10th Juue.

obtrin their M.A. d-gree in the forthcominnliterary onmpetitionrat Wuchanr. Unfortunately the said ea-Governor was formerly dismissed the service for certain
feultu and a t the age of over ninety years he
still live* in retirement a t his home i n
Euprh, ete. I n recognitibzn of the said Chia
Hung-ohao's g r e ~ tage we hereby grant
him the rnnk of a third grade button
(hght hlt:e) an,l f u r her* partnit him t
attend the Luming tnnquat i n Ironour of
his oyole of litersry rank.
(2) H u ~ n gHuni.sen, G,rernor of Yon*an, 8-rids US a list of defaulting officers
who awed taxes, collect-d by them during
their i ~ e u m b e e ynt office, to t h e pro~ i n c i a ltrsaaury. The follr~wi>\g
are t h e
n m r a of t h e offic m eomplai~8e.l of :YsIs Tm-ohun, f nner diabiet magis-rate
of Luch'uanhaien, n,,w deceased; Haieh
Lun. farmer district magistrate of W8ntsgnhsien, now deoensed ; Wang F e u p m u ,
ex-soting aub prefeoc of A oping ; and Siao
exacting department magisirnte
of Luhni, n l r c ~ d ycashiered. T h e nbove
named either died before clearing their
accounts with govert~ment, or did nt,t
refuud a single oxsh, or nurreptitiously
returned to t l w r sdtive cities in order to
efoxpa paying ?hair debt,^ to the Ilaperinl
Eaellequer. Tllis is most eulpnblr, and we
hereby oumrnnt~d the Viceroya aud
the n*tive pruii~ices, i f the drfnulters, to
seize alld eu.tfiscnte tile propet.tiei of t h e
aaioe8s ahuve de~lumlwcrd, in ut.drr thnt the
Imperial exchequer may not soEer through
t h e frauds of there disllonest ex-, fficers.
9111 June.


Matzopulitnn alrd Provitlcixl Adrr>iuirtratiotm.

(1) The Board c ~ fPunishment- complnins
(2; Cli'ol, Shun is njq~,iii,tedSalt Intenthix nkor*,ing,that tile oficereappointed * ~ n dant *ttd Txotni of rlla Jui-Yuan-Lill 118thespecid t;ibnoal to try thacitri oi ths deancv of I < i ~ n g sprovince
fauititlg herdsmen aud officersi n cllnrge of
No papers of it>tefest.
the I m ~ a r i stud
~ l farms it, Mo,mzulia. lhve
l l r l l JIIIIP.
been ubxble t * ,agree uputl tl~ea;nt*,t;ces to
beriven oo the various eulprita i n tlleab ,re
ease H S I G
~ U ~ ~ P St h
C i t w e s110uld appoint
(1) lieh Pso-l~u*is l~errliy uppointed
soecisl Arbitratbrr to eo over the whol*
CIlwi I.itc.raiv Cl~attcrllor.; \ , d Rsieh Paicase, li-trn i o what tlra special justices
Ilsien Vier: ~ ~ r r v r~ll;u>crllor,
for t h e
have to say in tlla matt:,
and clacide uvon
province of Fuiirlt.
Lien (Mollgol) is ;appoiled
L u Fit-yxo, Vice, Literary
for liuanetunc ur rince.
(31 Ying Min-eui >o;d T%; Cl~'i-juiare
~ e u d a r ~ G e r i rctc..
Jung Lu, r r d Hsii
Ying-k'uai, Preeident of the B w ~ r d of
xppoinred LO fiitrailar posts in Ruaugsi
Works, e h . , to act sr Asbitratorlr in the
(4) The other ilay w- reorired n meabove cRie and report to us tlieir deoieiorr
murial from the Ceust~rYxng Ch'unr-hou
(2) I n regard to the nbove oase, certain
dentunciug ~ e r t x i tlord
~ officislsinEastern
and Slucl~-Enltel~nhZr~icI~uri~fur
of the accused have been charged with




(1) Appoit>tinya.~,umher
ofofficialsto tlle

illegal taxes from tlie people already overburdened by the raragea of war slid poor
h r r u e ~ t r , rtc. We, tlret.rfors, inatruc8ed
t h e Tart , r Gelirrri anil illilitnry G ,vernoi
of Ftngtien, E-K'd-t'ang-i, and Sung Lin,
t h e Civil Gouer.nor. to rrlnke a j u i ~ ~
tigatiooj of tile axid c1larg.s. W e Ilnve
now the report of these ti- officers htfore
us in w h i c ~it~ Isas been detlied h;tt illegal
taxen lhnd been levied, hut owing t,o rile
utriveranl distress the uflieials eo~i,plsinsd
of should have had s conferet\ce as to
a~railyingabout giving time to the people
under tliem fur pnyiuv their taxes, ,>wing
t o tile present co,,diti,,n of tile country,
and thereby ex.reiae bmeusmlenee ill govercsmenr, irlstrnd of cott~pellitlgthe(>)to
pay t m r s regnrdlrsp of ihe fact wlletl~er
they are able to pay on the spot or not.
ete. Such conduct isextremely ieprehel~aiblr, for tile accused otlicinls sh,.uldxlsoliave
retnetnbered (our decree issued a t the clure
of the lace war c ~ t n m ~ t ~ ~ ali
l i n gIOCRIofGci*Is iu &l;,ncliuri*to treat the people kindly owing to tlle suff ,rings they had reeelitl y passed tllrougll. Further, tlint if diatric~s
werefound tu he very piiverty-stricken o r
barely recovered from their straits to not
only grant lime to the people for the payment of their taxes, but also to grant them
a discount u f 30 per cent. The xocused
o5eials have therefore been guiley of cruelty
attd neglect of duty. TTr, tllerefore, hereby
corama-d that Pa,) Yun, Major of the Bordered Yellow Rlauchu B x n r ~ e rCorps, garrison of the city of F8nghuaogehCrng (near
t h e Yalu), sl~nllbe iLrtlrwith cashiered and
removed from ofioe. Ch'en Yii, Acting
Captain of the above named Banner Colps
garrisoning the srid c i t y ; En Ch'ing,
Major of tile Bordrred Red M a ~ ~ c i tB*Nu
ner Corps. garrison of the city of Hsiuyen,
and TBh Yine. Caolain of the White Manchu ~ a n n e r ' c o r d s ~ s r r i s o n i n g the same
C I T ~ .rr.
f I~hc~rimp.lca:ion
LIB thz ?b \ c
tc.1)andr.d t t l ~ cU.,.*rJ -i1Y.r
I. r Iv:v?,,.,~
< f .a 1. 1wt.c
t c,,,kl:i ..
The same punishment is also to he aecorded to J u i Yao, Military Commilndant of
F$nghuangch8eng, and Ch'ing Lu, acting
Military Ctv, mandatlt of Hsiuyen, for
nrglect in keeping n better supervision
over the cobtduet ~ , f their subordinate
officers, and as a warllinl: to all.
12th June.



The Governor of Peking reports this

morning thst oqsr one inch of rain fell last
night in the capital and around the vicinit y of the Imperial Prefecture.
No papers of interest.

13th Juile.

Tine J&n.cll's me is lrereby promoted to

the post of Raadrr and Taotl Fu-pno.
Recorder, re.j,eetiuely,
of tlie Hacilin
Lu Ch'uan-lin, Viceroy of Szechuan,
reports a number of rrup ions of various
"eivilised" aboriginal Miaotze trihes ill.
habiting the districts imf Mapien, Leipu,
Ywbsi,nt~dNgopieli,who,witlrthose amoligst
certain pure savage tribe-. w e omaidered
the bravest nnd nlost resllese among.t # h e
Miaotze tribes of the pt.ovmnce. They
are however, governed hy their own
e h i ~ i sand
, geserxlly act i~ldependentlyand
do net kuoe how to corrtbine amuugst
themselves. On the 3 d of Mnrch last
about a llunr'red or so yautng tribesmen.
belongivg to Kiehch'ien, made a.5 incursion
ittto the low country borderiug Mnpirn,
wltere are many Chinrse as wrll ar tlie
more pe~ceableof the aboriginal tril~astnen,
and attempted t., b u , n and pllluder the
market t.8w.t of Yuclral,'ino. T l l s was
however ),revented by Captain Yxng, a
veteran in border wars. who, s t tlle head
of n company -f troops, sent by Generxl
Wang, Military C c m ~ n ~ n d a ns t Mal,ien
and cotnmandiny the Ta regiment, c h a ~ e d
the enemy back into t l b ~mnuu sins hefore
much damage was done. I t was thought
that seeibg that the trtmopawere on the alert
the young vnd rvstleas tribesmen would
desist from invading the eivilised towns.
Bur contrary tu erpeetatiotm, s fcmrt!~ight
later nnother tribe muatering severs1
lhundred warriors sllddellly ~ p p e a r e dbefore
the towns of Tak$ug. Lion's Head, and
Tawnn, and began plundering, killing, and
burning wllerever they went. Fortux~stely
the t o w n s l ~ ~ egut
n behind them city walls
before many lives were lost, and only s-ven
were killed ; but twice that numb-r were
taken intu the hill8 fur rxnsom and twice
the last number of people were more r,r
less wounded by the aborigin*~during
the latters' a t t ~ e k s
the said towns.
Large numbers of houses were, moreover.
plundered s81,lthen buwt. Three b , t t s l rons of troops were speedily collected b y
General Wang, reinforaed hy a small force
of town militixmen. aud an ndvnnoe was
made in s semicircle to surround the
enemy as they were -cavered about a t
their work of plunder. On the 21-t of
March the enemy were found massed
a t a place called Msping and in front of

their camp there ran a m . I I I I S I I I 3 t r ~ a m .

AD attack WHI ;II .nc.. m1.12 1 1 , ~t!.e e~ el, y ' ~
cnmt, art1 ihu t r ma rro,rr I r1.c 5rlr;rn r I
b e k t by a stor; of mipsilea, cauristing
of nrrcws, alones slung from slillgs, and
bolts and bullets from mstclrloeks. Ar the
ewemy had been joined by other tribestnen,
encouraged by the former's recent suocessee, they outnumbered the troops.
t h e militis battalion of Mongpa was called
out to assist and the next night the
troops fording the stream ~ s t o r n l e d the
enemy's camps killing a large number of
then,. The enemy retreated and the
troops burned 300 to 400 of their lhouses
a n d captured r large imumber of spears
a n d eworda and a quantity of akin rugs
s a d clotlling of the asvxgrs. Niuety heads
were slao brought back to camp by t h e
troops as trophies. The enemy twice again
made H stand against our troops, but ware
defeated both times, losing thiltee~tof their
headmen, who were decapitated on the
spot as soon as captured, in order to
m i k e fear into the iosurgents' hearts.
This had the desired effect and the remaining chiefs asked to padry for s surrender
andmadepromiseaof iulu, e good behsviour.
Two of the most formidable of $heirchiefs,
Ch'ii Na sud Shi Ha, were als,, captured.
and will be confined b~tMapien as lhnstrges
for t h e future good beltaviour of their
several tribes. .4n amnesty W R S eventually
grxnted the rebellious aborigines but not
until they had given up all the captives they
had made in the plaine a t the commencement of their raide. Memorialist thinks
that with this, the severest lesson ever
dealt the aborsgines, they will become
more quiet and law-abiding in the future;
but to provide against certain eventualities
he has ordered G e n e r ~ l Wang to post a
strong force to guard the passes leading
into t h e aborigines' cr,untry, and ha now
asks b ~ the
r promotion of the most deaerving of his officers who distinguished
themselres in the recent cnmpsign.-Re.
script : Noted. Let the Boilrdb c o n c e n ~ e d
t'el~ovt O ~ the
list of names l~atfdedill by the
sac1 Viceroy.
14th June.

Chang Chih-tune, Viceroy of Hunan

a n d Hut'eh, reports that he has received a
request from Lo Ch'usn-lin, Viceroy of
Szechuan, to buy for the lxtter province
foreign machinery for strikingsilver doliars
and the subsidiary eoil>a and copper cash,
andalso for s supply of the ,newest pattern
magazine rifles, quiek-firing mountain guns,

and the necessary smmtlt>iti,~n. etc.

The said Viceroy also ssks tllat when
the above are purchased and W L r o x f e for
Chengtu that the provincial sovernments
through whose territory they \vill 1iai.e to
pass will not collect likin duty on them.
As tnemori~list00nside1.5 that such n porchaw of tlla Szeclluxm~Vicerny is one of
t h e first principlee of atrrngthening t h e
country and oxls to be co~nmenrled,h e
gladly joins the said Viceroy in a-liing his
M ~ j e s t yto command that ncl duty be
collected o n :.he unchinery, fireat.iils. a n d
ammunition by the i,rorincixl Soreriirnonta.
e n voqito. -Rescrb~t : h t e r l .
Let it be as
15th Jutle.

(1)Oh'ung Kurng (Manchu), Senirx

Vice-Praaident of the Board of C,vil
Appoint,vents, reports that nr,tioithrtand.
iug the four months' lenre uf absence f r o m
his duties i.raciously granted by the Thrime
to enable him tc, restore I t m he;iltl~,his
leave is ,(bout to expire and yet his lheslth
is just ar bad 8s before. Hmce, in order
t h s t the duties of his oWce mig not suffdr
through lack of supervision, the mrllro.
rinlist prays to he permitted to r e i g n his
post ill order that he may derote all his
time to nltelding to lhis innladies which are
very serious, eto. We llereby com~unnd
t h ~ tCh'ung K u a l ~ ghe grnnled another
month's sick leave, there beinil n o >necessity
of a successor to him a t prvaent.
(2) FVII are extremely gl.ieved to receire
t h e news of the death nf Chaclg Chih-wan,
the l ~ t e l yretired Grand Secretary, which
hsppened yesterdsy ill the capital. T h e
decexsed statesman cxme to Peking in t h e
thirties fl>r the literary exnminatlons f o r
the rank of Master of Arts ( c h t t j i ? ~ )a n d
successfully competed, eventually carrying
05 the prize as Optimus (Cl~.iang!ii'ari)
of the gear. The Emperor Tao KUBII:, i n
recognition of his hmgll literary abiliries,
appointed Chang Chih-wan to r high post
in the Imperial Library, he being also a
member of the Hnulin Acsdemy. U n d e r
auccesaive reigns his great literary abilities
slwaye secured for hiit, posts of importance
and trust and eventually obtsined i',r
him a high appointment i n the provinces (,'rorinoisl Treasurer of Fukirn).
He was sf~erwnrds recalled to Pekina
and for fifty years served, in various
capaoities, id tLe Stx hoards during t h e
reigns of Hsien Fang, Tune Chih, and (of
ourself. H i s habitual carefulness and dilioenoe i a his duties gained him nur whole
confidence and we advanced him to the

hiehest posts
( i e~~~~d

I at the substantive Directors, Sha Lien
~ life office-qnd
~(Manchu) ~and K8h t Pao-hua ~to become~
c ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~~f ~tile~~~~~d
, ~ of~C ,. V G~ Literary
~ ~ P Chsncellors
~ ~ I in the provinces. We
~,,pOintment.-~ranslator). L ~ year,
S ~his
hereby appoint Tsai Ts.8: (Mxuclhu) and
age which b r o u f ~ l twith it the
L Fa-tsxo to the actine Direotorshipa of
co,npe~ledthe deceased statesman
the snid Bureau, during ShaLien rind K e h
to resign his
Pao-hua's absence from Peking.
to ,eP31t.dly R S to
~ be
(2) T h e Board of Rises announces t h a t
we a t laat grented.
sarious posts
the time hxs come for tlte transference
l,im permission, however, to retain
n i the tablet of the late Plince Ch'un,
~~~~d seoretnry in his
his full
Father of the Emparur, from the mansoprivate life ~ i t the
leu," of the late Prirloe to the Imperial
ta(i.e.,4,000 r,icu~sofrioeperanrium,
Ancestral Temple. and requests that two
to ~ 1 1~0 , .0 0 0 - ~ ~ ~ , , ~ lR~ ~t ~Sdeath
high officers of the Court be appointed t o
fills us *itit grief at the loss of faithful
escort said tablet to Peking, eta. W e
ill recognition of his loyal
herebrappoint P'u T c i n ~ ( ~ f a n c 1 ~Junior
hereby colnmand that a 'rLolo Vice-President of theBoardof Rites, and L i
covPriet be given tile deceased
TUB"-fen (Chilleae), Sanior Vice-President
for a shroud, wh;oh we commn,,d p r i n c e
of the B o d of Punishments, to reverelltl~
T~~~Lien, 3rd order. to carry to the
house of the deoensed,
excort thesacredtabletfrom thernsusoleum
,r personal B O ~ Y to the Imperial Ancestral temple at Peking.
of ten members of
(3) With refereme to the Imperinl
~ ( ~ F the
~ ~ d~ of .~
Guards officers who are to be appointed t o
nppointed the T~~~~~
G . ~ ~ ~L
I .~, u -supervise the erecincta of the Pwho
t e n a n t . ~ e n e rand
a ~ ~s
~sent d
who \,old the
Throne-hall duriilg the examinations of
hiohest mili,nry Llranes obtained a t the
the Metropolitan ofioials far the Posts of
compet,tione, imlnedintelyafter
Literary Chancellor. in tile provincss, we
the literiry exrminatiol,a.-~mn~l~zt~r,)
herehy appoint the followins melnbers ,,f
"UL.Persond Body Guard to undertake the
~ 1 said
, prince
mid duties, viz :-Prince T ~ a iLien. 3rd
the hler of
out ,he funeral libations
Older, Duke of Ci~ih,Shrill Ch'si. E Li-pl,
as a
tl,e deceased statesman
in our
lo patrol the precj~lcts
for hirn. ~ ~ ~ and
t h Cll'us!,
~ ~ Shan,
last token of o u r
dating the first h If of the enminatlons.
g,rernmenr p'c""'aPy
a n d P r i ~ ~ eP'u
e Lun, 4th rder. Fu Sento bhe family ,,f the
gr,nt Shall be
PU, Ai Lung. Cll'no~lK w . and Sell Lingdeceased oificrr, and allblack marksnqaiosr
i t" r'atrol d u r n g the latter half of t h e
his name shallbe er&& f r o m rile ~ f ~ i ~ i said
d examinations.
records. pern,is.ion is hereby ~ i s ogrlnt.
17th June.
ed for the transport cnf his remains through
the ~
~City bnok
~ to his
~ n~t~
i v ecity ~


wid denunciatory memorial.

I n doing
taw, the said Cens'lr, Chsng Ch'ong-yi, declares~ that the accused President
wss guilty of accepting a bribe from his
nephew to use his power as presiding Judge
of the above-named case against the said
4of Yiitlenhsien, and further that
the said President in consideration of the
slleged bribe promised to use his influence
with his colleagues in giving 8 favourable
,&ntence in accordance with the wishes
of the giver of the bribes- in the first
inatx~lce,etc. Thew charges bping very
serious, as made against a high Minister of
our Court, muat be investigated and probed
t,, the bottom, and we hereby appoint the
Gral'd Secretary Esii T'ung t o undertake
the task and make an impartial and bruthful re a r t of the result to us. Ch.i Hsiu,
( ~ m c R u ) President of the Mongolian
Superintendet~cy,is also hereby appointed
to act as Aasiatant High Commissioner t o
investigate the above oase.
18th June.

(1) Li Chin-hsi, Salt Intendant of Hunan

pmsmce, is herebypromoted to be Provincia1 Judge of Yuunan.
(2) Ch'ino Ts-cllii is appoi~itedBrigadier.
General nf the Urga Military Division of
Kuldja, Chinese Turkestan.
(3) E-ka-t'an~A, Tartar General of
Fdngtirn province, Manchuris, denouuces
the lax discipline and carelessness of the
gsol.w.rden and his subordil,ates belonging
to theaub-prsfectural yamhof Shingking,
Eastern M ~ n c h u f i a , whioh enabled a n
armed band of m~raudera laat May to
steal inside the city walls and breaking
into the gaol liberate certain memhers of their band who hrd beell captured
by the troops
were then lying under
sentence of desth. I t is true that the
~ a o l e r sand thief c+tchere belonging t o the
yam& turned out in f'ircs to resiet the
marauders, resulting in number of the
former being killed and a atill greater
number aerioual~ wounded by the bandits. But there must have been considerable carelessness in the guarding of
gatea and gaol. containing, as
it did, a number of .mdemned criminals,
otherwise the banditti could not possibly
have succeeded in setting into a walled
then breaking with such ease into
what should be the well-guarded preoinets
Of a sub-prefectural YW-&.
We therefore
command that the gaol-warden of the city
of shingking be cashiered and atripped of
rank of judicial commissary of a
prefect's ~ 4
that he and his suhor-

dinstesbeallpl~cedundernrrertandbe taken
to bfoukden w h e ~ ethe said Tartar General
and the Civil Governor of Moukden, Sung
Lin, oau personally investigate the case t o
fiud out whether any bribery had been
accepted by the accused t o facilitate the
Liberation of the condemned men by their
A s for Lio Chuno-ch'i, thesub-prefect of
Shingking, who cl&s to have been absent
from the city on oiticial business in the
country villages when the gaol was broken
into, although he seeks to wash his hands
of all blame in the matter, on the strength
of the above circumstance, the affsir is too
serious to be l~ghtlypssned by, and we
hereby command that he await the dseision of the Board of Civil Appointments
which hap been ordered to deliberate
over his ease. As n matter of fact, it is
extremely ircportant that the eaenped
criminal8 be recnptured as soon as possible,
and those who liberated them must also be
arrested by the said Tartar General who is
hereby commanded to send out troops t o
assist the said sub-prsfeet in effecting their
capture, within the lirnit of time prescribed
by law in such cases.

19th June.

(1) We herehy appoint the Grand Secretary K'u,, Knng, the ~

~ of ~
,he i
o ,f R~~~~~~
dwar,~whng pung.
I , ~and H B ying
K S , , ~ ~&,,d
, the sub.
chance~lor ,,f the ~ , . ~ , , dseoretariat, L~
Pa"-ohuog, to examine the theses ,,f the
competitors a t t h s examinations for ~ i t e
Ch~noellorahipsin the Paoh,, Throlle-hall.
(2) ~h~ prince of j u i ia sppni,rted to
saorrfice, in our stead, before the sncred
lbperial tablet ~itl,i,, the asiao.lin
perial maueoleum.
(3) J u n g Lu, Commandant of the Peking
reports tile capture by
his force of four members
bandits who, with arms in hand, robbed an
eecort of soldiers in charge of treasure
destined for the Board of Revenue, outside
the Capital. The men arrested are hereby
commanded to be handed
t o the B O , , ~ ~
of Punishments for trial and punishment
acc ~rdingto the lrws of the land.
Ts'ao ~ ~ h - t the
a , ~ h i ,f~ fthe band, a n d
others still a t large, no *fforrs
spared in trying to effect their capture at a
speedy date.
(4) The same high officer reports the
capture by his force of eiqht
a gang of robben who had been guilty of
using vi~leoceand murder in plundering
a house in an adjacent district belonging

[ J a m 19-22.



tlie Imperial Prefecture. The robbers

are to be handed over to the Board of
Punishments for trial and sentence according t,, the laws of the land. The said
Cmnnrsndant is hereby also ordered to
send us a Itst of the iriost deqerrinu of
his o6eers and men ivho diatinguishod
then>selvesin making the above capture in
order that proper rewards rimy be given
them in corder to sii~nulntethe efforts of
the orher officers and men.
(5) l p p o i n t , i n ~a largenumher of offici.1~
t o the Metropolitan and Pr,iuinciaI ad.
20th June.


(1) The Censor. Suns Peh-lu, denoutlees

tile present system of grnlltinx uew patents
of nubility to hereditary heirs who have
jnat assumed the ranks and titles handed
down by their predecessnrs, and declares
that the whole system stinks with fraud
and the foul ways of depriving legitimate
heirs of their rights wlion unable to pay
the fear (legal and illegal) demanded for
assunling titles by rioht of l,rimogeniture.
The Bmards concerned nre commanded to
inrestlgate and to recomma~,dsome better
sysrenr of protecting the rights of minors
ti, their titles.
(2) Lie21 ShBng, police Censor of the
Eastern City of Pekirq, denounces tlie
conduct of one Xuei Pel), a,, Imperial
Clansman, who oil the 12th of the manth
forced his nxy into an assistant police
magistrate's y&m& and by vowdyish conduct and bullying manner tried to obstruct the course oi iustlce. therebv shoning contempt of Eourt in a &gularly
instituted oourt of justice within the sacred
precincts of the Imperial Capital. The
accused Imperial clansman is also charged
with having struck down the screen behind the presiding judge'e bench in the
said court, etc. We herely command tihat
the neeused elansmnu be handed over to the
Imperial Clan Court which, in conjunction
with the Board of Punisliments, ahall investigate into the truth of the said Censor's
(3) The snme Censor also hands us a
postserlpt memorial sug,oestinq that Im.
perial Clansmen (Yellow Girdles) and
members of the Collateral Branch of the
Imperial Clan (Red Girdles) be compelled
to wear their distinguishing girdles
wherever they go, and tlrat if in the event
of their entering s court of law without
their girdles they be treated like eommuners without any special privileges, ete.
The Inlperial Clan Court is hereby com-

m ~ n d e dto deliherate over and report upon

t1,esaid memorial tu us a t an early date.
21at June.

idvih'aen,who seek thin as one of the means

A *..,,*".

(2) When XVP appointed Sieli P'ei-hsien,

Recorder of tlreHnnlin Academy, the other
day, to become Vice-Literary Chancellor
of Fukien province,-he
h ~ v i n gpassed
a oreditable ranminatiait in tile Pnoho
Throne-hill-we reoeived the , e a r mnming
a tr~emotial iron, the Censor Wnng T'inghsiang, accusing the said sppotntee of
hsring been guilty sume years ago of
giving unbridled license to his servants t o
extort money, etc., from the local officials
of Shansi province while the said Sleh
P'ei-bsien mas E1L rot~tefor Knnsu province
to take up the post uf Vlce~LitervryChnncellor of that UTOYIIICC+. This nnr H serious
oharge and k e therefore cn<xrlled the
present appointment of the aeeuied Hanlin
(teeorder, comnmnding in tlie men,i:itne
Hu Ping-chih, tlie Gureinor of Sl~anqi, to
inrestivnte with all s ~ x a dinto t l ~ atruth of
the above charge. In the merr~irhile w e
hereby appoint H t ~ a n gShno-ti to succeed
Sieh PLei-hsienn s Vice-L~ternryChaticrllor
of Fukien, aforesaid.
22nd June.

(1) Chu Yi.fam is hereby appointed Chief

Literary Chancellor and Cl1'8o,
Vice-Liternry Chaileellor, of Hunan pro.
(2) Chang J8n-fu is appointed to a nimi.
lar post in Szechuan province. and Ysno
Chieh-snn is appoir~ted the above-named
officer's Vice-Literary Cliancellor.
(3) Lien Chin (Rlnnchu) is appointed
Chief Literary Chancellor of Kansu provinoe, and Wxng Tiog-hsiang ia sppoiltted
Vice Literary Cllsneellor of the same pro.
Note.-This last sppointment isconsidered the poorest in the gift of the Emperor
and equivalent to semi-banishment for s
while. Hsnce any m e appulnted to Kanso
province as Literary Chancellor is usually
thought to have incurred the displeasure of
either the Emperor or his most favoured

authorities named above be transierred or

@burying the sppoitttees ill obliviun for
promoted, or compelled by any untoward
twelve months, where they cannot
cirountstsnces to leave their present posts,
any miachi-f or werk *gainst the high
we hereby autl~orise their aueceasora to
q ~ i r t sa t Court. Cenaorn who arc conundertake the duties required in this
anderrd too out-spoken are the ouei gencrdecree.
rllp ap~inkd.-Tra~zslator.
Metrwri~I by Shso Chih-cln'eng, Prov i n ~ c i ~Tceilsurer
of Kueicllou, reporting
hie taking over of the stling sexla of t h e
The Q n n d Secretary Lt Hung-chnng,
Yinhtnrof theTsunu-ltYxn~&t~,waagrantedGovernorship of the s - i d provinoe on the
23rd of April, fr,mm Sunyk'un. ( n l a n c l , ~ )
t h s mornlng an extra lenvs of m e xrxonth
degraded acid rrntoved fmm office. Also
h m duty nt Court.
memorial froto Cllx~tgC h i l ~ - t u t >Viceruy
of Hukuang. reportinq tltnt be hbnded on
LU Hai.huan, aubstautive Taotsi of tlie 27th of May, the peala of t h r GoverChinkisnu, wa. r-ceived in nudienee by his norship of Hupell to T'a~b Chi-hsun up,,^^
]esty in t l ~ eGrwnd Conzneil Chamher
llle latter's retm~m to \Vc~ohrng frcim ],is
le rnornlng, and rrceived instructions
clip 10 Peking, to which city tile wid
ifmm his 4lnjesty t o ,~n,credto Germany Governor
hall been called in April by
18 E n v y E r t r n o r d i n ~ r y ~ t ~Minister
special edict of the Tl>r,,ne.
ssld The Hague. to the Cuurta of Berlin
24th June.



(1) Husny Chiin-bsien (ex-Consul.

Grnernl at Slnp~pore-Tmsalatol.) is hereby appoimited Salt I n t n d m t m
, i Hunan
proviuce and Taotai of the Cha'nesha and
Paoch'ing Military Circuit of &e same
province, lnee Li Chin-llni (Ex-VioeroyLi
Hung-chang's n ~ p l i e w Tvonslntor.) pnl.
moted ta the Provincial Judgeship of



in repulsing the first British attsok on
the Tsku forts, Tientain. Prince SanLa-lin-sin wan eventually appointed Comm8nder.i"-Chief of tlle Imperial forces
defending Peking and Tientvln from the
raids of the Nienfei Rebels. soon a i t e ~the
suppression of thr TaillillgRebellion, nttd
hie o u t p sta stretolledas fxr aa the frlmtiers
of Chihli and Shantung pruvinaer. WhOe
a t the hradofx bodyglrxrdof3,000 Manchu
and Mongol cavalry, the Prince got elltnngled arnongsr tho mxrsbex X I L I Ibuahrs , f !
the country in the ,.ieinity ofT&l~ohc~u,
Cl~iltli. when seizing their n ~ ~ o r t u n i tltia
t y band /
hovrring 0 t h ( h a 1
of Nieniei whiTh had
our~bortsf rlla 1ml.erinlf ~ r d - . ~ n r l e I, Id
and dn\hln;:, harde upI,~tI ~ T-rut
hen>and 6oxllv killr 1 rltr frtoour
Prince who had beet) fo&d tu seek safety
in flight though tnuch ~ g s i n a this will. I t
is averred that "had it not been for this
Prince San-ko-lin-sill could have escaped
with safety back within his own lines,
as did most of the auverior aftices
with him who were evidently ib8*,re careful of their skins than thia bluff and
- . i ' WiH, the defeat of the
main body of the Nienfei by the armies
of the brothers L;. Hsia (like thousauds of
other Taiping and' Nieufki chiefs) nt once
transferred his allegiance to the victorious
Imperialists and wilh the remnants of itis
handdidoood service for his new masters by
defeatingagain at,d agaillthe .-nl8ommsdan
rebels of Kansu. who held his nwne in
great terror. For his dashing services
Hsia ohtained his Yellow Jacket "for
bravery," while yet a yourlo man of 25
pears of ace. It was his body of cavalry


that work on the Yellow River emhaokmetlts at West Hanchink'ou ia itnposaible

owing to tha atste of the silt in the river
in that vicinity. and asks thxt permission.
be given for delaying the work ",,ti1 the
autumn, when ahe atste of the river will be
more fav,,utable to the object it, viaw.
The request is Itereby granted, 11ut we
u*>uldenjoin upon the arid Governor to
keep vigilant wa'ch over the 30 WO feet
of new embankments aldexdy put up in the
asid ragioo, as slay ?nlisl!~p10 them will be
visited wit11 oondigu punishmetit on t h e
ones guilty of neglect.

"-".. ""....







T h e Hua-hsi, an officer of the Civil


~ r e m i z r btitton and Governor of Anhui

province, reports that he has received a n
Imperial edict promulgatacl nt the instance
of the Board of Revenue. inrtrueting the
lllemorislist to levy cn.r* 'money fr,,; the
purcha-ers ciE thefore.ih.,re a& etions of
tlle Hsihu or Western Lnkr, in the distriot
in Attltui orc,vince. on the
ground tltat tile purcltaae' prices tixed b y
the local offieixls were ri,ii,ulously low
it) comparison with tboxe paid lly the
prchasers of foreshore accr~tionsin South
Klangru, etc. With legxrd to the foreshore land in a8lestion memorialist states
that previous t; lhis sntertng upwn office,
durinn the incumbency of the late ex.
Governor, Shen Ping cll'eng, (18R8-1893).
the Yit'sihsien forrahore lnndr were
occupird by botl, natives of the district
as well by squatters from other provinces,
who tounlit and rquabble I or posxes-ion to
cultivnti this low-lying region. But it was.
not until thelatter oalled in bands oirowdies
qody of the famimus Andijani chief Y*kub
and despersdoes to their aid that the then
Beg of Kashgar at Korls, thia Prince
Governor. Slien Pingch'eng, asserted the
h a v i n o heen
. . ooisnned
. ~ ~ hv
~ ~
~ Bek
~ ~the
Governorof Khotan ( S o u ~ h . majesty of the law; drove out the bad
characters, memorialised the Throne on the
west Kashparin), who wenr over to the
subject and irsm-d regulations for the
victorious Chinese as soon aa he had ndrninistersd the fatal d r ~ u g h of
t poismed tea l o guidance of the looal offioials in regard to
the land. I n other words, the foreshore
histhirsty Master-YxkubBeg-nfteradiswas surveyed, mapped and marked into
as~rousbattle with the ~ ~ v ~atl Generals
r y
four elnsses of laud, uiz :-Higl~, Middling,
Hsia and Kuei. General Hain n u s t now
he eo>isiderably over sevensy years of age, ' Low,nnd Verylllierioror mast-lowgroumd.
A careful invevtigatiou was made into
hut h e i s still iull of "irour nnd energy
the conditions of the region and the
and fitfor many years yet of active life.
of the people round a b u t
H i s father died a t his home in Imichou,
(where General Hsia is still stationed who would be the natural purchrfiers and
the sail1 land, and it was
owi!,g to the lrustand con6denoe Governor
t o!#ly was the said forssllore
found t h ~ not
T . ; -f.-..Shrl,tnnv
-...-..a..-.... has in him) ~ h r e evrsrs
ago, at the advamed age of 97, but ih the in very low couniry where the slightest
full possession of his faculties st the time
rlse of the Huai river would suddenly
of his death-Tmrslator.
inundah it, but that this war actually the
ro\ w. I..". o P . ; . ~ the
case nloe out of every ten yeara. Hence
- reoort of Li
ping-heng, Governor ot ~ h a n t u d g ,stating 1 purehalers of the lanb weri generally the







worst sufferem, paying taxes for submerged land and oldy able to hdrvest
their cnlps st rare intervals, which
taking into oataaideration tile lloverty of
the land-holders they could ill afford.
Lldeed, tlbey were on the poinlt of
asking h ~ rGovevnnl~ntrrmission -f tare*
when his Majesty's decrr* above-noted
arrived nt AuchSing (Ngxnkin) the pro.
vincixl oapit~l. On the other hand, the
puscha*ers of the foresl~ore.aceretion. in
South Kiaogau (Kiaeguxn) were all men of
wealth whilet, morewer, the land they
had purchased was, wi,llout exception, very
fine -Iluvisl fieldn, etc. Hence they were
h l l y able t o umny the ssaeaped value
made by the Kwngnu government on
the said lrttd, and huve not loat nnything hy their purchases. Memorialist is able tu make this assertion a~ all
thia passed under his pereul~nl aupervis'on w on 130 lhsld the post of Provinci~l
Treaaurar uf Sou~ln Kiangju. The two
cane* are therefore not prallel, and mernorinlist ask8 that the old older of things
may Is* adl~ered to in the Cage
Yiit'aihaieu foreahore xocretions in justioe
to the lrndllulders, otherwise he fears that
the people will be discontenfed, and all the
moreaaily lend a willing enr to the ngenur 03
malcontent assemblnsea (secret societies
are evidently meaunt by thin.-Tvamlat,,r).
-Rssc*ipt: Granted: Let Me Board o f Rem u l e toke *tote.

t o settle the peification question (after

the late rebelion of Mxl~ommedans),
memorialist has b k e n upon himeelf to
order the said H u Chin-kuei to remain i n
his old post until relieved by the nominee
of the Thcone, is, w d r r that the ground
lnade hy the old ineumbeclt may not
be lmt by puttiug sorrte new ir~aapeneneed
o6cisl to haudle suolt delicate I I I R ~ ~ B ~ B .
H i s Majeety's approval ia saked therein.
-ReseriPt: Noted.
28th June.


Wanq WBu-shao, Vterroy of Cllillli and
Irnperixl High Coslmrxioner r.f t h e
Peiyntly Adtniniatr-tion, etc., repork8
that he lhas bee!) ei,tklpelled hy the glowing
result of the man g a n ~ s~f
~ tthe Multo river
gold mines in the Arnur region to request
his hlajeaty's special bounty in tlla matter
of granting special recognitio~l uf the
eff rts of tha officixls and staff connseted
witb the above initleu. E ~ p e c i a l sliould
tltie be done in view of tlae fact
that throaqgh the energetic and econo.
mica1 an well as enterprisi~~gnlanagetllent
of the offlciala euncrmed, they dttrlng the
years 1891-1895. exlended the operations
of the Company by opening tlle gold
mines in tile vicinity of t,he Cll'ikxn river
and nt Kusnyit, hill. Flom 1891 to 1895,
the three mines paid in royalties to the
Heilungohiang governnle8,t on behalf of tlls
military chest of tlle paid province a total
27th June.
sum nmounti3lg to TI- 530,000 ; to t h e
military chest of the Peiysng Administr*.
T'ao Mu, Viceroy of the Shell-kan pro.
tioo an "ggregnts aniounting to TIs.
vinces, etc., reports in8 s postacri t memo100.000 ; Tls. 89,000, odd, to the &ang.
rial the arrival a t Lanchou of !!in(! T8i- su Famine Relief Fund ; and TIs.
ch'al~g, the newly.appointed Provincial
67,000, odd, towards the Chillli Famine
Judge of Kansu, from his audience a t
Fund. 1-1 addition to the above the
Peki~+g,and that he had authorised the
sum of Tls. 36.000, deferred bonus, was
acting Judge to hand over the seale to
paid over to government, making a total
the imew arrival. On the other hand, the
royalty, not inoludinp dividends to sharevacancy in the Hailling Taotairhip caused
holders, of over Tle. 820,OW. paid by t h e
by the promotian of the above named Ting said minee in four yesrs. This is a great
Tkch'an~, to the Provincial Judgeship ia
difference wmpared with the royalties paid
stzll unfilled hy the Throne$ nominee, and
batweel, the four years 1867.1891 (the
m the mernori*list had to appoint an
firat four yews of the mines' existence).
acting Ta~mtaiin the ersoo of the expectant
which amounted to a total of only Tls.
Tsot .i Hu
who has so far
35,OM). Hence, memorialist thinks that t h e
gained the co~nfidence of his superior
men t o whom tlle prosperity of t h s said
dficete hy I l i ~energy alld intelligent attenMuho mines is due deaerve special protion b his duties. As fnr H u Chin-kuei,
motions a t the h-nda of the government
~ f e c of
t Ninchsiafu, Kansu, who was
which has benefited thereby t o euch
p n m o n d t o the Tutaisbip of 8 large \mount.
MrmorkIUt quw*
theNit~ghxisCircuit, owing t o the nontherefore permiasiot, t o present a liat of
arrival of the new prefect selected
eighty names which constitute the whole
staff czf the mines in q~estion.-Resel<~t :
by the Throne and the indispensable
of the Baid Bu Chin-kuei
Let the Boavd nf C i ~ i l Appob'tmcnts raq u u e d in Ninghsis city, a t present,
w t thw>ml.






Lu, and Esii Yng-k'uei, President of t h e

B 7ard of Works, to u dertnke the duty.
The aniJ High Comtnissioners only reeom~nem,dstricter observance, tltnn heretafore. of the origin81 renulxtions hy t h e
superior oficere in charge of the Imperial
Herlla, and that if t l ~ ~ u u g lneglect
of the
l~erdsmesri t be fournd i t rile end of each
an8,ual inspeotbm that the number of
I>or*e. which have died rxceeds the limit
allowed by law thoaa in chrrga be
reverely dennuneed for a ~ u l e e of
t duty and
punislrrd therefor. The officers nt the
Imperial Mews are also o,,mtnst~dedto be
more wr-ful in the future and make pr per
snd reliable reports of the lltsrnber of
horses rent in every three yerrs frum the
herd*. theirconditi,ln. nm-r.4 ouidities, etc.

29th June.

The Gaveruor of Peking rrpnl.t? a r a i n

fall of over three inolles during lie pmevious
twenty-four lionrs. and states tllat the
shower will he beneficial t o the crops in
the Imperial P~.efecture.
30th June.

His hlhje~tyaccomlmanied by the Court

will proceed to-morrow mortning to ( h a
Yinglrain gxte of the Imperial Palace to
receive H.1.hI. the Emprsas Dawxger
who oeturrls tlt the Forbidden City from
Eho Pxrk for a couple of inunths' stay
in Peking.
Hie Majesty received in audience it, the
Grand Council Chamber, this im~orning,Hsii
Huei-f&ne. Srniur Vice-Prmldent of tba
Boxrd o f ~ i t e a ,who hall been rent on
det.ched service as Litarn1.y Chxncellor of
the Imperial Pi eiecrure of Sltuntieniu, and
who reported the eotoplatiou of his labours
s t the enanuinntiona f u r the B.B. or hsrcits'ai degree.
No papers of interest.

be ;everely deilt witit it) the future.

(3) Witl, regard t., the postscript
m~mor.ialof the~an~eBuardcllargi
g errtain
officers connected witlt the Itnperirl Mews
admn,iuirtrxtion of eunnirlg xrld crafty
dodging of questiuoe a t tl!* recent triala,
abnrr noted, wr he,rby c o m ~ n ~ n 'dh s t
Chi T&,Sewor Assistsut Secretary. Heng
Yu, Ser,be, of th* said MF.IS. xs we11 a.
the liead lrerdarnnn. Hx S ng.tZ*i, be
temprxrily caalliere I and reduced to the
rank8 in order t h ~ tthey rnay be
qurationed in th* u a u ~ lway ( i e. aubjeeted
to torture if nrcervlry. w l ~ ~ cc.,uld
)>or be
done while they held ufficial rank.-Trartrlatur).
2nd July.

l e t Joly.

(1) W&nCh'i, P'u Linng, xnd F u CllunoBare appointed 4th-class guardsmet, of tlie
Imperisl Body Guxrda. T'n Ho-pu, Tuxn
To-pu, En Cll'uan, Pe.0 HBng. Xgali T'u,
and H u n g Ngelr are given the raslk of
fires-:lass guard& of the Ioq,erial Body
Guards, wit18 the decorhtion of tile plalla
blue frrtlaer. The newly *ppoieted guards
(chosen8 from succr.;sful candidate8 xt the
recent military eaia>lzia.ntic,rrsfor thechiiisl~ilr
or 3rd degree-l'ra~ulotnr) are all to do
duty nt the Ch'ietttainy gate u i tlte Forbidden Precitletr. P*o Lin ia t o be given the )
decoratw~rt, i tibe Psi&-t'nsg-d.
(2) Tile <~tllal.
day the Bonrd of Punislaments report-d the reeulr of the trin s of
the Inlperixl laerclr~~,en
of the T n l i u ~river
who Itad been cliaiged with irregulbrities
in mxkivg up the annual and trieunial
reports of the number of llorsrs belo ,ping to the ltuprrial herds that Itad
died d ~ r i u gthese periods, almd further
asked ua t c , appoiut special High
Commi,si,.ners t o go over the whole osae
and decide upon the future iulea for
governing the Imperial Herds' administrati011
in the future. We s.cordingly
appoitlted the Assistant Grand Secretary
and President of the Board of War, Jung

(21 With referenoe to the memorial of

Ch'en Pno-chau. Governor of Hunan, eulogiaing the mi itary record of the late
C11'en Shih, late Proviucial Treasurer of
Kinnpi, arid a uative of H u , ' ~ I I .tile
,#laybe set;la,i a t as
u~en>orisIit at,,,tea tllnt, the de. eased ae, ved
with distil~ctionunder the lntr Mar.ql~~ses
TaBog H u -inn and Tso Trunq-t'ang
apaihst the Taiping retela it, K~xngsinnd
Kuannsi pruvincer, ~ n r l wxs present x t
t h e eiege xnd fall of Nhnking. Tile decasapd was also i~~struntrntnl,r t the lead
of his briu,,de of Hun*" " bvnvea," in asaivting the la a Man4nir Tso Tsune~t'nnr.
in suppressing rllr Gt.est Mnlnnnrnedn81Rr- I pavtlk>srit a- ttlr C,.ti,o~. C o , Sse.cilan
belli,mn it, time sixtiea, nlld alto.uether hall
c,mnpaiii.; of isjustice and ftnud cltereio.
a very b r l l l i ~ n tcareer durin. his eiarlier
4th .July.
days. Permiasion t o erect n>an,ori-1 temIMPEXIAL UBCKRBS.

and of Works are eo~umandrdto take tile


(1) Appointing a number of officials to


the Metcoyoiitrn and Pnwix~eidadministration~.

(2) Yesterday morning, durine the prop e e s of the Impdrlsl covtlgs to Ello P l r k ,
s womiw. Chang Lii>.ahilt, x coirltnolvar of
Cllilili pruvi#lce, persi,tbally .gl,ealcd tu ua
for justice. \Ve hereby oom~naudtlmnt the
xppellant gu to the Boar,! of Puni.hments which is hereby commxndcd to make
n stnct investigation into her caw, s.1 that
strict justice may be given to all our
(3) All civil anrl military officials, high
and low, connected with the Imperial
Caur, , n duty a t the Palaoe to-day, are
camrnandad to appear in full draas Court.
3rd July.

(I) Yen Hai is appointed prefect .of

Kiukiangfu, Kiangsi province.

cnshiered Cansbr-had ncst made an appear

snce, s,nd they requested that warrants
should be made out for the arrest of these
We hereby comnland
that Bsiioh Chi diaa Hsiieh Ju-ohou
be forthwith -hiered of his rank of
brevet sub-prefeot and expectant p r e
fwt's recorder of Szechum, and that he be
sneeted to await trial like n o~~mmoner.
The Viceroy of Chilnli, the Gc*vernor of
Peking, and the Cutrlmandaut of the Peking


~i~ m&jesty granted nudietlee in

Wbnt>un T ~ P o , 11-11
, ~ t h i ~morning
to t ~ , e
new Jnpamse Minister to paking.
5th July.

(1) The Board of Revenue is commanded to deliberate o~ the

of the
Cenaor Haii Txo-k'un praying tliat instructions may be issued conurnanding t h e


for ever of the law ~ ~ ~ ~ t i , tlla

, , , i ~Yli,
g ltis brother, so that b.,th may b e
om cia^
I,, the ~ , ~ on ~the ~ p~nrsll-d
~ according
to thelaw of the land.
glaund of tlle ,"any frauds exi.tittq ill the
6th July.
of CIS ss rs,,ks 2nd the ent,r;~ncei f I
illiterates and ineapablr me,). wbosa ottly
(1) H~iiCl~ih-bsiaog.
L t e r s r y Chancellor
, , , t o tile rnl,ks 1
of ClnF; pruvloce, i.equesb promotion
and directors of
presenr , r , s , a ,,.he,, tile cou,ltry
instruction utlder hi* ju~.isdiction, as a
guver15th+ people.
fur their energy nad earn-atness
Wrst I in att-nding to tlbrtr duties. aa sil',wl, by
(9,) E,, ills co~leaguei, jointly dellounce 1 the flilurisltillbr p'06'eSs 'fi tl'e v*rious
Witll reference l o
a eerlai,l
parso,, w ~ , hns
o been,,K hilr,- ! collrger u u d a r tllem.
llerrhy command
s e l f o ~ r s a hiachu,
ed p,iPilr,.e,3 (gm,,ted o , , ~to
y B ~ ~ ~ ~t h ~
r Wang
~ , Wei
, ~krn,
~ director
, ) of inrtructlon
unatand p r e r r n r e n t . of Hunngye~thxien, wh,, is nls"
i,, getti,,!: .,ficiai
w ~ , i e ~leaked
o l i t tirahed expectant district olagistrate, be
0fti~i.1, tllr ,ne,n,,- ! sent inp to Peking t u be in'roduccd '0an
ittdiruce hy the Board of Cinil Appointse,lt ,,it,,
i ,,.itation to
ilut ,111 ( ~t~~nt~,andTVan:!Pao-yu,a~~~stanb~lirector
s , , f these &,b,ous
attelttio,r tr, tile ; , I i~tstructionof Yu gc1li*haicn, is hereby
direr.toy of
me,nurialisn' ,,,vitrti
but rv.n ,vl,an I grilrlted t b r brevet rallk of
at P e k l n ~ .
su,,,n ,u,,ed
postscript melnocial by the s d m e
t , , r repicsr,,t,t,ver 01
ofieled deiiancd
tlie lAr a,,d refus.d tc, a,,pear b.lure tha 1 imes~orinlifit,h e d a t ~unces \vai,g S'ou-cll'i,
Cen.oriai court. ylie ,ne,noriniste, llrrl.c. I ns.iutattt director of instrnctlon of T i l d l r i folr,
tilat the
n x m o ~ ythe
, ( Ihsieu, icw being mosr drceptiv* and ~ I Y ,
\"en yii, formeriy difitrict
I by axt,ure. : ~ unfit
in every p*rticulrr
trate of ~ ~ , , a n K y ~ j , s i n~, ,t , e k i : , ~pro
, ~ I f i l l . s,lcl~ responsible post 8 3 directcar
.ince, be cnJl,ierad *,,d rlduced to th.
of ihstruetion for the Young people of
lhir district; Walls S ~ U U - C I1Is. ~llereby
comma,, ra,,ks, in order tllat he
made to s(,ow
arid sl,arqas
cashiered aod'di-tnissed froln the service.
are false x,,d give
reail,,," for ,decorat.
/ The raid Literary Uhnnoell<.r also pr*iJes
ing the fro,,t g.5tewny,f his rerldellce*Itet. I in unstillted
te'ms tila goa,l
H m ChLing-huo,
n retired
aged ex&la,,el,us of i,iKl, official hy
tl,e faal,io,l
request is grantrd and we
rank, etc, T , , ~
leallingnutable of lhia dist.rict, a d request*
said w&,,Yii
thnt ~ o r n e ack~lowl&nlel't be msde by
be i,,,,,,ed,ately cashiere,~and nrregted and
in order to a imulata
sb,nd his tr,nl at tilt? ~ , , ~OE, d the Tl~rotw
notables of otller place* ill the cause
pu,,ir~,,,r,,tJ on t ~ , e cl,argz~ formulated
above. ~ 1 ~, ~ ~
~ the~ peking
ofd enc<>urag;ng
, l r s m, i a , ~nlld
etc. We hereby aonllnxnd tile Board of
itereby cu,nm*,,ded to
tl,a s*id ,,,e,,,orielists i,> y u ~ l l l l g d o y n
Appoi',tnlen.s to deliberate on the
I sCivil
~ i dHan Cl~'ing-liuo'scare.
tile offieii,~
d e c , , a t , u n smd pnraplxernalix
T ao Mu, Viceroy of I l l e Silen-Kan
f r o n t ,f the r..idence of the accu*ed. ~ n d1
contjscR,e w ~ l n t e v e rillegal appurteu~nces. 1 ~ P U < W "and
C ~ ~Wei
Kuxng-t*,,, Governor
be I of Shensi, jointly request rewards to be
r , g ~ , t ,t h t
to wl,,eh lie had
rr*l,tad to oertaiu otticialr. eentri and
found in hir house.
. f , the district of Hsiyaw. jn
(d) ~ 1 ra,l,r
, ~,ne,norin~istsa~so
-trte tlnt
provrnre, for the prolnpt nl*'lltar I"
the sa,,jhec,,red is a
noo l l e ~ l ~ s i , , ~ nh,,
set ,jawed
ti,rle ago fro,,, l,i. ,.a,ik "1. srcret;ny of *
who nt'empted last year to ratre a n In~
~ pu,c~,ased
~ hi,,,,
d on thegrl1und<,f
surrection in llria district, just at
his h;rv,,,g p r v i o U A ~been
n h~dy-~~rvqnt
a ,,lta,n hlgll ,,kjfrci.l in
s e r v ~ c e moment when the provincial autllor't'eR
K ' , , ~ , ,iiad acoumu!atrd 1 were busy in paeifyitt~the two pro"'ncea
the said
nftrr the recent relvelliun of the Mahornconsldarabls n,u,,ey w h , c ~ l
hnn to
medans. although rile f'brce collecred
conoeal his idelitity under
by the said ar~ruroen~was strong In
B ~ ~ ,dc.
, ~we~11-reby
~ ~command
~ .
snd created parlie and devxstathat the said chsLng~
' be ~
n numbers
tioo, while the insurreotio:, lasted, the
in tlta ~~~~d of punish.
oeioialr sud gentry uf l(sl~nnghsienat
as the said Wen
a t the











the hend of whom laas Ching Eain. thc

m e n t l y promoted Taotai of the Shen.

An Intendsnxcy, of Shmei, divplayod sa
much energy, coursge and patriotiam and
3ndgatl~eradtogether such a determined
army of militin and volunteers, that they
awn eruahed the insurrectiin and c4ptur.
ed the leader Kao, within f w r nlonths
of the commeucelneut of the distorb~ncs..
Such pnomptitudw *nd patriati-m ia commendable and we hereby grant the rewards
as recommended by the tnemorialifita in
scoordance with the list herein attached.
IList i,f fionte thirty mnws givetr and the
promotions requestad for each man.]
(3) Wltll reference to the prrmier class
of successful candidates amanyst the Senior
Grade of members of our parkonal guanla,
we hereby command that the thirty-r~lne
men be pre~erltedto u- for audience, two
eachday, after to-daay, in wllich they are to
write uut bwfotw us their namea, lenstlr
of practice and ~ t , a d yof military taoics,
and their pro6cienoy in tlw vamious kinds
o f weepon#, etc. Should it happen that
w e are er~gngedin other duties, the couple
deatina.1 for audience on that day shall
be presermted the mor~lingfollowing a t 6
o'dack, aud so on.
7th July.

ever resistance is offered by their vicvims.

The last act of the gang w x s severely
wounding seven persona belo ,giog to
farm house, outsiile the city rqlls o f
Peking. W e llereby command tbxt the
6ve robbers be hsnded to the Board
Puoisltments for trial and sentence accord.
ing to law, and that ilrlrt~rdint,esteya be
undertake,, for the oilptnrd of the rest
tlie gang.
(2) Th* aame Cornnia.rdnt,t hands u s a
tiat l.f drxerving otticems and !men W I I O
distinguishrd themselve., 0x1 a previout
oceasilin, in capluring n r8urnber of bandits
and dasperadoes T f e Ihard oE \\:sr i r liar<.
by commanded to sc,utinise the said list.

9th July.

Li Chin-hsi. Salt Iotetldant of Huila,,,

r r p ~ l r t stlls tnkiug over of the seal. "f tl,e
Yrovia~ci~lJudgesl~ip of Hllnsn. ~ 1 , ~
menlorialist received at tile elld of 1 1 ~ ~
Isst, n despntclj from C l ~ s , pao.chen.
Govrrnor of Hutlno, aendinv inforlllntioll
of tlse death of Kuei c ~ ~ ~
the ~ ~
Provincial Judge ;st Clirroosha, the
cnpitnl of the proviilce, on the p r , ~ i , , ~ ~ ,
day xnd eomlr.nndiny lhi~n to act,,
far the time b r i r , aa Judge, peclding the
selection of nnotller Judge by his i\lajrsty,
etc. Meruorinlist aocording~y
all hie affairs o,!nnectrd wit11 llis ~
handed over his ~ e a l sto llis
sueceasot and took nvet. tile senla ui tile ti,,^
J u d g e ~ h i puo%vitl,
the 1st of r u n men,orial,sb
l~erehy rrports the date of his trkjng
over of the eaid serls to tile ~ l , ~ ~ , , ~ ,

(1) Chi* Ch'i-sllene ia hereby sppoitlted

Brigxdiar-Galler*l of the T m g - y u n g
Military Circuit of C,lihli ~,rovincevice
Wu Hung-l ,, decmaed.
Note:-Tlle deceased 05cer was known
t o foreigners x8 I'avil~g6how11 muell kind
hoapitnlity ntld help to the survivura of
the Bokha7.a disxster a t the Pascndores,
seper*l years " g o , xud to whom the Corn- Resel.ipt: Noted.
nailtee of the B%kh,trrr F u ~ r dresented a n
..I~ ~ - ~ .
~ -expensive rifle, a gold whteh. a ~
10th July.
= .
etc ,.in thken of the foreignoomrnunity's
,apprecintioo uf the Geueral's kiud help.
(1) Yiin Yii-tillg ia hereby
Groom of the Library in # h eSupervisorate
(2) J ~ l n g T i r b . c l ~ & , is
i ~ nppointed Briof Instruction of the ilcir-Apparent.
gadier-Gcorml of tlle Yungchou Military
(21 \Ye have rroeived t l ~ a
Circuit of Hunxn provinoe.
,f L~
Ch'untt-lin, V i c m v of Szechuan, stating
(3) C h ' i w Hsiallg and Wang Clro are
n oo,l,tem,,ed ~~i,,,iappointed Pror.turs of the approaching
tlal I iug in the Petig.hxrr district ",,I
literary eramina ions for the lieentiate
of t1.t
p r o v i ~ ~ c e ,had .ucceededD i,,
eacnpi~~::from priron tllrough tlLecareless.
8th July.
nass of the gaolwardet>n ~ his
d assistants.
We hereby cvmrnxnd ~ h n tthe said 4aol.
warden be cashiered and sent under arrest,
(1) Tile C l z m ~ t ~ a ~ ~ i of
l a u tthe Peking
together with his assis,snts, to CItenotu for
Gandnrnleris reports the capture by his
Lrid by the =id Viceroy binaself, izn order
mall of five noxortous robber^, belotlging to
8 0 find out wlletller any bribery llad been
a gxt'g of devpeadoes, who h w e been
accepted to facilibte the escape of t h e
bnorising the sieioity of the Capital by
axid condemned fr,,m prison, or o t h e ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ .
their feroaity and ruthleas murders whenAs for K'ang Shou-ting, tile district


course and the laws be not clieiited.

be st large. Tha ymmdru above named

are commanded to take sate.
(2) The same ~ o m m k d k further
reports the capture of two notorious criminals
who hrve lheen xceused of helonging t o a
laree band of bao,dlts, wh,, ibav* bxen pi^.
laging the suburbs of t h e c ~ p i t a and
l a nam.
her oi rillages in tlie vicinity of Peking.
We hereby cnmmsnd that the two pri.
souere be ha~ldedover imnlediately t o the
Board of Punishmerlts for trial.
(3) The same Commandait presents a
liat of d e ~ r r v i n gofficers and men belonging
tcj his furce who distinguished themselves
in capturing notorious criminals alld
desperate bandits, nrld prays that adequate
promotiomms be granted to those named
thereit, in order to stimulate emuletion
amongat the other mernben of the Corps,
etc. We hereby command the Board.of
War to sclutinise the said list and report
thereon to us a t an esrly date.
(4) T&-mu-ts6u.k'&-to-el
h-ehih of the
Tsetsen Khstwte, Kllslka Mongols, is
hereby appointed Imperial Commissioner
a t Urga, vice Na-sun-oho.k$.tu, dismissed.
14th July.

attempted to get off from do;ng so by

framing excuses t,, t l ~ a effect tliat "as
tlie abduction liad laken 1,l~ce a t R

11th July.

[JULY 10-15.



tant Literary Cl~xncellor.

12th July.

assemble the prtilioners "nd witnesses i n

the orse a t an e111y date, and t r y it irk n
just al d squir~bla mauner. They lnust
get the true benringe of the care and
sentence the really guilty ones according
tn law. Let there be n o mvre evasiou of



(1) Yen Mou. Tartar-General of Kirin,

denounces the gaolwarden in the yarn69t of
the Militnry G,,veruor of Hunch'uc~. Tha
accused is a petty milirsry l ~ s r e d t t x ~ responsibility.
nmble, named Wu P8&ng-ng&%and ia
(3) ~ ~ . s ~ ~ ~ - o h ~ - the
k a .~t "~ ~ h e , u
charged wit11 breaking the rrgulatiolhs in
~ h ~ ~ ~ ~i Mt ~~ , ~, ~ , ~,Iis~ , hereby
regard t o exiles banished t o Kirin, in
to r e i q , , llis post of Imperial
that h e allt,wed the c r i m i n ~ l sconfided to
commissioner st Urga.
his charee to roam about a t will instead of
13th July.
being e,,n6tled. 11,
this way, 831 exile named ,
L i Yu was allowrd o get into oommuIBIPERI&L DECXEES.
nication with a gaug of batidits, xnd acting
(1) The Commandant of tlie Pekinq
incollusionwith them, robhed theresidelice
Gendarmerie reports the caiiture by his
of t h e Manchu Colonel Ch'un Sheng of a
force nf seven ~tsembersOiames given) of a
considerable amount of money. Such s
gang of robbers, alllongst whom nre some
case is not on s psr with a n ordinary case
members inf tile Imperiai Clan, arid praying
of carelessness, atld requires prompt aotion.
We, tllc~rfOre,
~ ~ ~ that
~ then said
a Wu.
~ ~ that
d the prisoners may be Ih~nded over t o
the Bosrd of Pu!>ihhrnents, v l ~ i c lis~ to be
P&ng-ng&hbe cashiered and handed over
commanded to try t l ~ e m in o,mnjunction
t o trial by t h e Kirin authorities, and
with the Imperial Clan l'ourt, etc. The
punished according t o law.
prayer is arat~ted,and weiutther command
(2) \Ve have received the memorial of the
the said Commandant to use e w r y effort
Police Censor of the southern city, Mu
to capture those of the gang still said t o
T&ng-ng&h,accusing the judicial deputies of


16th July.

(1) Sung Lin, Civil G vrrnor of M o d .

')en, reports that h.s rnalndces a r e such
thnt he feels thxt Iha cnonot c ,ntinue the
duties of lois office properly and, therefore,
P"Y8 that he be permitted to r e s i p . H s
Prayer ie hereby granted and he is allowed
$0 return to his Banner Reservation to
reoruit hie healtl,.
(8) With reference t u n postscript memorial by the slid thigh official prairitlg the
talents and abilitieq of Cllil~P C a a g(snotiler
Manchu) a t presetit Tar,tiri of the FBne
tien Post-roa,l* Adnbinirm.tion, and re.
commanding tllat exception be msde
in the said Cllih P'Bng'a favour by grstlti,,g
him axtra?rdinsry promotion, so as t o
enable him to qualify for tlle p > s t to be
wcated by tlte said m-m .ri.llist, ttlis is
clearly overstepping the limit of his privi.
legas xnd we hereby command that the said
Sung Lin be handed over t o the Board of
Civil Appointments for tlbe determination
of an adequate penalty for such audacity.
17th July.

(1) We have received a memorial fmom

(1) T'ao M u , Viceroy , f tlla S h e n - ~ ~ ~
P',lvLnces. P,*Ys ott bah*alf of Lung lkaiEsiang Lin and Itis o o l l e a g u e ~Chzon.&
stating that Chullg Ta.,,,ing, an ea.~enaor, tien, Brigadier-Grner~I of the military
division of Shuchou, Knnau, that h e be
who was banished to ~ o r ,,,,the
for accepting bribes during his cenaorxhip, allorved l o reqign hi8 post orb grounds of
illness, etc. The request ie granted.
has subseribrd a large s u m ,,f lllonry to
(2) Tins Chiell is app inted Civil
the Post-roads Admioistrstion,
G o v ~ of
~ ~Moukdeu
" ~
vice Sung Lin
that the money be
and the donor
given a word of Imperial commendation,
(3) 8 0 Chien-wei, Brigadier-General of
etc. N o w t.he said ex-Censor was
the military division of Hochou, Kansu,
convicted of having sccept.d a disgraceful
is transferred to the c mtuand a t Shuchou,
bribe and deeervad pul,iahment for his
crime, which was a mious
we k e Lung Tsai-tien resigned on account of
illness, and Tso P'o is appointed t o
forbig the acceptance of money frorn this
Ho Chien-wei, tr*nsferre I as
person and we hereby strongly
tile Hochou
memarisliekc fllr fsiltng to make a discriminstivn, and for recommending tile aoeept18th July.
ance of donations from such a crimillal.
I M P E R ~ A L oecness.
15th July.
(1) The Cznnor Hun H u i denounoed reIMPERIAL DECREES.
oe~ltlyHuang Yii8n, Provinoial ~ r e s s u ~ ~ ~
of Fuklen, of conduct unbecoming one of
(1) T.iu En-p'u is appointed chief special
his high rank and further accused hlnl of
E a a m i n ~ rof the Kiangsu M. A. oo,,,peti.
hauglltiness and nvmc*. I n view of this
tions, and Chu Bei-gn is
w e cn~o~nandail
I'ien Pito-ehcuan, Viceroy
ant Examiner.
MirrChB, to secretly investigate the
('). Peh
Chief of
snid ohnrger nn,l rsplrt truthful),,
Specla1 Examiner for Shensi province, s n d
~ h ,,,port
Vioeroy is now
Liu Hsio-ch'ien, Assistant Examiner a t the
before us i,, wl,iel, he states
M.A. examinations in the said province.
,,,used ,,fticial has not bee,l found guilty
(3) Chao K'usne is appointed S cond
of remiailness in his duties.
oall proofs
Capbin -f the Tribute Rica military pvlice
be obtained of ktle truth of the charges
battaliuu of Anhui, a t Nganking.
made against him by the said Censor, but

he lias been fourid to be too lenient

in his treatment of his subordinrres.
80 that the unde,lii,gs in his yam&& have
been fotind l o hnva been guilty of outr,gea
a i hciuthavin~beelibroughttonceoucrt, from
theres~jolmsiblity of wlliclr i t wasirnpos*~hle
tll ahsolve the accused 1,fficial. We hereby
command that the said Hunng Y u a n be
handed over to the B o ~ r dof Civil
ments tor cletarmitsation of an ndeouate
penalty. A c for the st.ff of tile said
Prwvincinl Trensurer who have been
found guilty of various n,isdemeanours.
Ping YUHII, m e x p ~ e t t t l t cub-prefect of 1
Fukie,,, is hereby degraded t o the rnnk
of gaolwarilen in n preiect's ?,am?n, or that
of a deputy district magistrate, and T'ntlg
Yii-ahib, formerly acting marine sub-prefeet of Fllocl~ow,wito has nlrexdy been
degraded upan 8 previous d-ounciation, is
herehv ordered to be deported to his
native oity nnd is n,)t n l l o k d to linger
in Foochow xny longer. T l ~ aBoard concerned is oommanded $ 0n,.te t l ~ esame.
(2) Appaintim,g a number of Censors to
inspect the tribute ricr newly arrived s t the
Imperial granaries in Peking and North
(3) Appointing a numher of officials t . 3
the Metropol,tan and Provincial administratio&.
19th July.

to nppe,r in full court robes in llonour of

the occasion.
(2) The 27th inrta,,t (28~11day of the 6th
m..on) being thernnirersary of our birthday
we hereby commatldi~,atthe 25tln. 26th, and
tlle27th inslant bedeclnrednpublicltolidsy,
arnd the member* of our Court nre excused
from nttetldatleeon duty u n those days.
21st July



(1) Appointing a large number of officials

tr, tile Metropolitan and Prwvinoial ad4nini.itrations '
(2) Ms Wai-p'o is appointed deputy
sss~stam,tpolic- mtgistrate of the Easrern
(3) TBng WBo-yung is appointed gaolwardun of the)xasistant police magistrate's
yam6 it) the Northern cit:.
No utlksr papers of interest.
22nd J u l y
(1) Prince Taai Ying and Tsa-l8-f&,8g-&
are a17pointed Proctors a t tile anchery
competitio>lon Ihmr~ebaok and on foot of
the Manohu B n n n e ~candidates fur the
licentiate or B.A. degree.
(2) En Sluin is appointed arte of the
Proct,,rs a t the literary examinations of
t8ieasme enndidatrs.
(3) We have reoeivod the nlenlorial of
Hsii TRO-k'un,a Censor, reciting the great
(1) The Censor P'ang Hung-shu, comdtstress of the prople of Kiangsi provinoe
plains that the people of Chekiaug and
in conspquenee of t l ~ erecent floofls there,
otller provinces suffer s grent deal by
since the begin~lbngof the summer, caused
being compelled to pay their land tares i
by ir~eessantrains in the sprinq. We fully
copper cash after the old exchange tlriff
sympathisd with our poor subjects in their
for silver, in consequence of wlnich timere
troubles and hereby exh,,rt tbe provincial
is much diatres~in the provis,ces through
authorities of Kixugsi to exett themaelves
the avarice and diahanrsty of the collectors
to the utm0.t in tmnsporting food and
of revenue. He rec,mrnends that tile
money to the famished districts.
o 5 c i . l ~ concerned 1,e commanded to make
(4) E Ling-ngt.11, Tsrtnr General in
equable r ~ d u c t i o nin
~ their computstions
Kansu provinc-, denouuers T&l> TBng,
between the v r l ~ rof
~ copper c-sh and '1 senior Colonel of the Left Wing of the
silver, etc. Tile Boxrd of Revenue is
M a ~ i c l ~cprrixm
of L'angcllou, Kansu, of
commanded to teport up088 the said
hnvit,g ewallowed up all the money set amemorial.
side in tile military exchequer *t Liirngoliou
for purchasing arms and anlmunition t o
(2) Lung E n is appointed Junior Director of the Inrparinl Stud Courr ( A s s i s t ~ n t fit tile troops out with proper rifles, wto..
nfter the style of the foreign-drilled
Master of Horse.)
regiments. I t appears upon investigation
20th July.
by the memorialist, who had recently been
I M P E R l d l DECREES.
hppointed t . 6 the said paat, that the said
accusell offioer had the oontrol of the
( 1 ) The 23rd inatant being the date
military oheat for over 8 dosen genvs,
appo~ntedby Her Majerty, the Emprcss
Dowager, for remositlg her Court, we here- during whicli time he hsd pmketed the
fixid aorplus in collusiot> witla the Banner
by command all the Princes. Dukes,
Captaina Yii Chen and Yung Hsien.
nobles end h i ~ hn~inistens of our Court
This conduct merits severe punishmetlt
on duty a t the Palace on thst day

that tlle accused official was unable to tind

-an the oulprits, and we hereby eomout that the Colonel Commandant at Canmnnd that the wid Colonel be forthwith
ton, FBng Millg, had been receiving bribes
cashiered and dismissed for ever from the
froat the said Fang l i u ~ ~ g - h utoi push t h e
service ;that liis peac,lck feather decoration
latter's schemes in the viceregal yomen;
be publicly pueked forth from hie hat, snd
t h s t h e be smtenoad t n hard labour on the
and, lastly, that tile said Viceroy {had falled
to kunish olte Chani. Chung, n First Cxpmilitary post road8 to erpidte his crime.
tail2 it) the Huna~l Brigade of Canton, f o r
T h e aocused tw,, Captains are also hereby
rowdyi-m and ealiduct unbecoming an
cashiered, while the m~linrryeht~j6~nEnYuat~
who hasproved himns~lftobe,.fa
quarrelson~e officer of the Imperial army, Ire (the said
disposition and guilty af conduct unbeoom.
Gouerfmr) begs to point o u t that the three
ing a man of his rnuk is also commanded
persolla ahcmve-named had already been det o be cxshiwed 8s a warning to others
nounced to the Throne by the ae:used high
T h e Mongoliau Superintendency is hereby
officer a t a date prior t o the formulation of
the shove charges, and further, that t h e
commanded to take note.
said Viceroy had already dismissed them
23rd July.
from oftice long before our edict had arrived
No p-pers of intendst.
a t Cntlton. This, the memorialist says
in eot~e!usion is not a t a11 like being
24th July.
guilty of having been impcssed upon, and
we agree with lrim tltat the said Vice(1) Chi Pang-oh&o. Provincial Judge o
m y is still worthy of our oonfidenee. But
Chihli, is hereby prohotecl t o the Prothe three me,, named above are really unvincial Treasurership of Fukien vies Husng
worthy men, and their reputstian is moat
Yu-vBn. dismissed on the denuooistion of
unsavaury, hence, we hereby command t h a t
t h e b e n s o r Hun Hui.
they be forthwith cashiered and dismissed
(2) Yuan Shih-k'ai, substantive Tsotai
from the service. As for tile petty official
of Wenohow (ex-Resident nt Seoul, Corea,
of the 9th grade, Clrss B. T'an Hsiin (a
before the war wit11 Japan-Tmruluta) is
kinamsn of the Viceroy.-T~av~slator) who
hereby promoted to become Provincial
having been found to have received bribes
J u d g e of Chihli, vice Chi Pang-chPa procondone4 his offence by refunding t h e
moted to Fukien a- nh,,ve.
monies received by him, we cannot hold
(3) Tlte otller day the Censor ChBng
him guiltless and command that he nlso be
8ze.ehm denounced T'nn Chung-lirm, Vioecashiered with the above named three
rov of the nrovinea of K u ~ n n t u n e m d
officials. With refers~lce to TLan Pao~ i a n ~ sofi ,iavouritirm and the appointing eh'uan, sn expectant prefect of Kiangsi
of relatives a l ~ dkinsmen to positions of
and the eon of the accused Viceroy as h e
trust and gain in his Vicer yalty-who
has beet1 proved to have had nothing to do
blind his eyes as to their oonduot--ta
with the above matter nor had been euiltv
the exelurion of worthier men whose only
of interference and improper conduet,'the&
fault was that tltev were outriders and
is no necessity of dealing further with hia
bad no privaee claims on the great man.
case and h e is hereby excused.
T h e said Viceroy is nlso accused of
25th July.
avarice, senility and lack of energy and
prornptnees in draling with the duties of
his high post (he is nesrly eighty years old
Cll'en Yii~t-yiis appointed Taotai of
-Tvolulato~.) aud ie chsrged with being
Wenchow (Wan-CII'II Intendarlcy of Ch6constantly imposeduponl>ytho~eabouthim.
kiang) aiee Yuna Shih-k'ai, promoted ProW e therefore ~ppointed Hsii Cheoggi,
vincial J u d e e c,f Chihli.
Governor of Klmanglung. to make secret
Nc o t l ~ e ; ~ n ~ e r of
s interests.
investig.%.ioninto the trutlbs of the charges
26.h and 27th July.
contained in the asid Csnsor'~memorial,
and t o report impartially to us, free of
No papers of ititerest.
bias or the wish to screen a colleague.
28th Julv.
T h e report of the aai.1 Govarnmr is now
before us h whiel~ he states t h s t with
reference to the principal charges
made, namely, that the vccused offi.
Ch'en Pao-ch80, Governor of Hunan.
cis1 had heen imposed upon by the
in auaaer l o an i .!icaat~an of s eert.tin
expecYsnt prefect Fang Kung-hui, who
Cdnsor tl s t the mag atruea of thy two dm.
was anxious to buy the monopoly of the
rrictsof Ch'aoeshahsica r n I Sh~uhuahsien.
Weising Lottery in Kuangtusg province ;



do not pay much attention to the duties of

attention to judicial matters and no more
their important posts, ~ e p o sr that, as a
complaintsneedbe madeouthatacore in the
matter of fact, the two oiticinl~concerned
future. Metnorislint has found a source of
are surroul>dedby more d65culti-s of ivhieh
income from tlie ia~terestaccruing oil a large
snyolle wholrritict had y e r s n a l knunleige
deposit it) tile pawnsllops, kept as a,,
would fim~d it diiticult tl, believe. These
emergency fund, wlliell may bn diverted
officials, aa 1,8xgiutmtes of the provincial
towards assihring the two district magis.
capital, have duties a n d expenses from
tratrv of Cll'angsha, wllicll he prays his
which the rnsrzstrates of citie. elsewhere
Majraty t o give him aurll*,rityto pay tr, the
are exempt. They have to provide many
two officials c2rlcerned.-Kescnpt:
Let the
things for the yamdns oi their superior
Board of Rwei~vetake ?tote.
officers whose ~ ~ a l a ia
f e legioml in the pro29tb July.
vincial capital, and many other eipenses
NO papers of interest.
priwided by law wbich swxlloiv ui, their
income, so that lnen placed i n such posts
30th Joly.
find tlleu!selres involved in sticli fi<lnnccal
T h e whole of this day's Gaielte is ocoudifieullies and problems t o make both
pied with R meuiorinl by E k'B-t.ang-&,
erids meet ar the end ui each year that
Tartar G+ner<l aud Milib~ryG vernor of
their time becomes necesnarily "ccupied
Fangtien, M.nchurir, in t , tlia dei l l such matters, to the neglect of all ",her
nunciatiou of a cel.tnin Censor elmrging
duties. Throuqh streas of circumstances
t h e local officials of the sub-~irefecturesof
they are compelled to devolve all territorial
F h g b u a n g (near the Yrlu river) aud lisiu.
atid judicial mntters to deputies, while
yen, nt the h-ad of tlle Lixotung Peninsula,
they tllen~selvesase engrossed in finnnoial
with haviug surreptitiously ev'leeted tithes
questions fiom y e ~ i r 'heginning
irom t h e people of the twu rub-g,rrfectures
end. After careful enquiry and personal
as well ns land re8,ts of tile rstatrs oi certain
secret irivestigatiun tile rnarnorialist is
Princes and nobler at Pekihg in detiance
s o ctmnvirlced that such is nctually the
oi t h e special decree absolvi .g the people
case that hn feels bound to deietld and
of Lower hlancliuria iro113 taxes for the
t o excuse any drreliction ui attentian to
space of three rears, owing to their Itsuing
matters judicial hy the two mngistrdtes in
auffcred sn much it) tlie ixle war with
Ch'angshs city, and the only remrdisl
Japan. The charges are d e n i d in tot",
schemes possible are, first, to appoint
and it is stated that the rents were not
capable and energetic deputies to ilssist
thesa magistrates, who milst tlie~nselves new ones but ior many yerrs
previous to the war, and also that hut
be hotmest n ~ l d talented men, otherwise
three-tentlms uf the whole were detnxuded
they would soou be engulfcd nl the
in obedience t o a former Iwperirl edict, etc.
declunciationi axid complririts ui the gelitry
The Emperor simply writes tlie word
and people of the metropolis, and, next, tl,
"Read" a n the memo>isl in question. wl\ich
derise some means to supply from t h e
show8 that the matter is still under dissurplus funds n n annual subsidy to the
by the Graud Council.
ma.isrates in <ruestion.
A enrblr
. ~ ~
.-~ cussion
. .
from t i n t anaiatv ahich hurdcna
21-+ "".,.
t h e life of every mnoistehn~incumbent in
-Ch'angsha, namely, the fear that they may
With referenoe t o t h e memorial of El*
be unable toelear tlreir annual nccuuntv of
Shuu, t h e Police Cetlsor of the Western
tares with the llrovincial treasury. They
. t.h..e- ..
know that imprisonment and c o ~ ~ f i s c a t i o ~citv.
~ renorlina that the head of
oc&i depsrtl;lent named Chang Pill-t'nnir
will surely follori them if tiley are unable
t o p ~ ginto the treasury the muiley d e m v n ~ had complained to him of the fraudulellt
proceedings oi the clerks in thi: yam6n of
ded from them a n u u ~ l l yf o r taxes, etc., and
the tribute rice eommissnry, we lhereby
with the terror of this danger hatlgiug by
oommalld Hu Yii-fen, Governor of Peki,>g,
n hair over their heads, in face of the innu
to investigate the matter and re-pril~tt h e
merable ex~anditures mlrich thev must
grain repllations in order to a8,rd no
bear asmetropolitan magistrates, rlyd which
further excuses oi ign.,rance by breakers
R F ~ . ~i.
. k c \ . I) ..\:,:ItII~m e (..% r l . y I ~ n .,
of the law.
~t I . n u
GC sr .~~.l.rcd~t
c h I.~-I.L~
1st A u g u ~ t .
marc. o i JVIILIIIII rcvenuls fay but-I ,lam.<+;
~ ~ ~ . .
t h e honour of being selected for such posts.
B u t ii a method be devised t o assist these
We have received the memorial of the
uEcials financially t h e memorialist feels
Assistant Grand Chamberlain J u n g Y i
sure that they will henceiorth pay more
prayrng that lie be allowed to resign h i s



whicll is equal in rank to a Second Cnptain in the rezular army, wh le thlsr of

the highest class a l e rewrl.ded by being
: , l l p o i ~ ~ t ePdr u v i cia! Catlmiin r r - n Clltef
His M ~ j r x t y granted audience this ; ((Tiirll) and BligarIie~-Ge~lallls(Ts,irrgm,,rning tu Li Hsing-joi, tile # l a w y a?in t i e cxse of Cliilirrr ;rind 'Tartar
pointed Prc~uinoi,lJ u d r a of Fukien. in the
~ e , ? , . m l(Tsi,tliq~hi~i~)
n t ~ i l-~stimnt RliliGrand Coltl~cilChamber, dvlritlg which his
tHry (;ouc>nore, (Ttd !brig), >\.it'#
Malesly g~roious!ygrxntvd 11,111 i!erm:ssiot) , ill.d Mongolo.-Tiaarlntul..
t o return to Ilia Ilwrne, on iswe of nbse,ce
(2) ~ 7 , t l l ~ r f . r ~ l ~toe etile recrtlt pr-ring
for one inonth, before st miting for lhis tlew
of the late lalneutrd Asrirtil~rt,Giaud
Secretary and Presidelit of the B , I I . ~ -f
Civil Appoiutment*. Li Huug-tm,!. We
2nd Augu.t.
have 7eceiv.d R specii~ldecree H.I.h1.
IMPERIAL oecnees.
the Emp,ess-Dt,wag~m Tzc Ihsi, etc., who
desires us t,m express to tile Ctlu t ixnd
(1) So81Cl~in-nai,President of thr Board
high Ministers i n tile inetrupoli~.,rid tire
of Rites and Govrrn~irAdjoiht of Peking,
ie hateby promoted Prexide,t of ~IleBonrd I prori~lcrsher hlnjerry'a deel, rind s81cere
g l i c f nt tihe drnlll of tllis frithful zrrviult,
of Civil Appoint8nents (Senior Boa1.d oi
who so loyally sebved the d y t ~ s t yduring
t h e Sir Bunrds-Tmtslator) vice Li Hurrgtlirelr rciglll;. llir .tarl~,ig clmracter ; ~ n d
laso, the late Gmtld S e c r e t ~ rdaoaased.
un.wervi r lny:~ltyIlnva b..e~i~ r a n l l y n p p r a (2) Hrii Yiug k'uai. President of tlle
c i ~ t r dbut.11 by lhcr Mstje~tv;ind by ourBoard of Works, is apj~ointe~l
Presidrnt of
selies. A1 11. us11 tlle late A.*irta~ltGr,nd
t h e Busrd of Riles, vice Sun Cilia-nni
Secretary li;~d bero aofferi g il-oln :!cute
promoted ns above.
pain* f l o ~ n rheurniti*m ,L <I gimt in
(3) Ch'ie,~ Yingp'u, 1 reridetlt of the
tlia l e v Ile still jwrcist d ilr Lt.j,~t>gto
Court of Cenaora, is promot,ed P ~ e s i d e n t. f
atter~d 1,. rsolially tu I l e dutiru of Ibis Ihigh
t h e Board of Wulks, tiiei Hsu Yilig-k'uri
post, altl#,,ugh r e olten pive him pertransferred ns above.
mission to .ark fur leave uf iibse~ic- t i ,
(4) Liao Shou h h g , Ilnpirial Commissiotser of t , e T ' u n g e l ~ ~ ~, ~r ~ n a r i e sis, ' altett 8 to lhi. malarlie.. Lwt s j ~ l ~ i i lhotr..
to be President of the C .uit of
ever, his nl;~!.idy bce.ii~i- t u u s e v e r e a i d
Cansnrs, vice Ch ien Y ~ L ) ~ . ~
he was oo,ujielled to rel~rnte~llyask for
i pel.m>visiii,uto rziiqu f o r irnr crf 8 , . glectino
the duties ci l h i i vsrioor posts, but o n (5) Hsii Fu, President of the Board of
willing to loss entirely iiis r-itlual>lt:scl.rices
War, is lheruhy further
Director of the Bereau editing theCo1lectwe w v e r gl-awed the requert hut alluis,ed
him t o *try away iro~llC O L I I:be
. ~Iotij: its he
ed Institmites of the Imperial dynststy.
pleaseit, hopinp that in this wry Ile could
(6) W&,lg T'ung-110, P~esident of the
obtain a iklueh-needed rest and ireedum
, B o a r d of Iteuen~m,i~ liereby further apfrom auxiety atld thereby rroruit llisi~ealtll.
pointed 'rutor of the H.tnlin B;~cl>elors
We also deputed our own pl>ysicinns to
t h e Hanlin de+demv.
3rd Au,ottrt.
post owing to eltronic illness.
is granted.



His prayer

(1) Tlre Se~iior G~.nnd Seeretnry, Li

Hung-chnng, iq Irereby appointed Uilief
Eanminer of Essxys ill the Wuyin: Throne11.11.

Note: This is the place where audience

i s give by tlie Emperor to suceersful omdidxtes a t tlw tmiettninl eratliinntions c o w
p-ting for tile Ciiiil~hih lnilitsry d e q r e ~ ,
a n d wheie their comp,,sitions are written
and exanlined by o f i e p r ~appointed by the
Thr,,ne. Amot,~stt h e succefisful Chiwhih
one hundred and twemity of t h e best are
aeleeted lor the rnnk of 8hihwei (equivalent
t o t h e literary Haulin) wllich entitles the
lmldera to b e e m e lllember~of the peratnd
bodyguard of the Emperor. There are
four classes of these - h i h m i , the lowest of

:,iticere to see how bur ImteMinistLr was

progressing. Judge tllen <li ,our grief a u d
that r i f lwr Imperiisl Mnjrsty all of n sudden
to 11e.r of lhi~ d e a t h Her Mxjesiy llas
tlre~eforecomtunndrd me to xppoiut Prince
Tsai Yimlg, 4 h Order, to grl and offer
saoritice before the reulnins in !her i\.lsjesly3s
stend, rce<,wpanied by an escort of ten
S I I Z J L ~( tCn~e m b e ~ .oi
~ the Emp.ror's own
peraonxl b o ~ l y g u a l - d - T ~ ~ a ~ ~ s Zi n~ ~order
to ,nark her Mnjeaty's respect for t h e d r eea"ed statesm,i\n and her sympathy
for the
. .
berexred family.
(:4) W e are fut titer grieved to Lenrn of t h e
death of E-k'b-tsn-pu, Brigadier-Geuera1
of Cllirmeae B ~ n n e r m e n(Hmuhicn) a t Canton. T h e deceased officer's military record



7th August.

Ch,ung Huan a,rd Chih

Imprrinl Adnli,,ixtrator and Vice
perial Admi,,istrator
to us tl,c defiant ounduet

Imdeof a

the Eastern mausolen," it had been deoided

that the penalty was to be disrttissal from
office. I n reverential obedience, therefore, t o the Imperial con~msmidsiasoed
shortly after t h e above cotnrnunication
m*de preparations to
hand [over charge of the ~dminiattation
of the mid msuaolea lo his 8uccrssors.
P,i,,ce yii
a,,d Tsai H"9nn, *,, Imperial Duke of
whioll cerrmu,,y was
prrforrnpdon the 22,,d of May last by the
11,nding over n f the ke3.s of the eaid MRUsnlen and the Inlperial seal of office attached tilereto.-Rescvipt : Noted.


6 t h August

lOrll Augunt.



Duke to
ed from Ilia chiaft*ilrsllip over his tlibe, "r
Ballner, *nrl Iliepl>stis hereby given to tha
'"' Su Lun, as
warning to the otllnr el,ieft*ins amollg*t
tho Khi~lknlexgtle of Mr,ngola.
(2) hvl~~illtill:: llilmher of oEci*'s to
t h e Matn.opulitn~l and Provi~>cial

4th Augclst

I the three > l a t i u s .

~ V o a r l ~ - c h ' i i ~ p - n g(lk'c!tu)
rve appoln,ed prc)ctors
~ , ~ ~i ~l ~ ~ i ~ t m . >pi at s\vei-an
drllr ,,, tl,s Doard ,,f
axail, *.kr
(2) lplp
y, ( ~ P A ~ C I i)l)rl
' U ) Pdnrr Slmbh
Tire foll~~rrins
Priucea m d members of
c~lroiiic i1lnv.s r l > i e b h* I
post ,,wil,g
the I m p e ~ i a l Huo-e *re co~nmi~ndrdto
, ai,polntvd to keep iilllY of 'Iw list of
,.a,,,,nt grr
prooard to the E;tstel.n "nil \Vestern
i n the roll chit of the B*llller
,"~,,l.~ lie that ~f Ile be I c,,,didat.s u,,, p e t i . g .,t tile s a d t r e n n i a l
Imperial maus,,len t o offer tile nnnurl
lie t i i d s
a'l,,oed f,, set,r.. for +,
EL". 1l8e d e z ~ . e "f lf.
a1st61rnunl ai~ql.itie--, nnhmely, Prince Taili
h , , n ~ e l f o n c c l i i , , l c ~ n n , d ~ c e "ha
t , e n w e e s I exxminxtio,,s
Yuell mid P ' u 'PI,.
the Palace g*t,es
,,,,, r ~ i , t o r a f tha Rlniicliri ;$"'I Clliliese
Nu impera o f interest.
t6 pray us t o
(&) .lyie f o l o u i n g officers RYC;LI,9111 A o g u ~ t .
w e c;,,,,,,,
; , c ~ , , dto rob ourarlves of S U C I ~ I
COURT crrrcaiae.
a ralnn~,~
i rel v d t ~ twe ltrreby grant l l m I poi,ltrll,, to(
cOudocton tile
1I'e p"r.0"~ , , f
,,,,t ~ I C r,,,,,,,thSsI B ~ (11
Y ~ai?9elrce fronl Ills 1 .
His I,,,pFrial Mxja6ty I,*s ,,n,,ouneed his
inte,,ti ,I>t o proceed to-mormw mornianq,
dotie., ti,. being n o iwcrssi,y jliqt llow i i , ts,,liil,C cO,npet,,OrJ " I I O pvrscni tlie'nafter trallaxcti g State affairs, to the
to sl,l,,,in.
: , u Y ,,? ti, take over 111s )lost ) seh,Ps flip
p." S I,*,,, ( hn.~\neiy,
f i u ' c ' mYr.i,,cr
c , , ~ ~~ n~
, , . o, l ,a u~
, n ~,,,w,,ral,ip before tl,e
tiis ;,,,di ttce g r w t e d t l ~ i rn'oming
of tb* B U A ~ Lof
I Civil
image of lais M a ~ e ~ t y 'father,
the late
(2) 4 t ,>.> p i i k We l l l l t i ~ rtdh ~ the
list 1 ~l,,,ui,,t,na,,ts: ch'eo Hsio fh'l. Junior
The Cou,t will
sober garment*.
prrsti,ted to rrr in pilanchu )
1)Iaces wrongly
i,, ,,,:,,,y
,,lot be
Rites ; w e n C I ~ . ~~~c~e, .c t o ~
w r i t t e l l , TI,
Liu, nn Itnperixl Dukr of lhe 3rd
~ i l l ~
u , , , ~ ,ced
t iand w e hereby ' G
~1 , f ,
d e g ~ e e , beg8 trv rellort the date uf his
an, siiu Cll'uo, En P ' u *lid
~i ,,g,
,n;,l, ii tllnt ;,I!
,t~>ea:iptia,cbe made
b ~ n d i ~ uwv w of Ilia nehls of office to his
duty ;.t 111" Palk Pal*oe
&iu Chiah.
sOmeslor. Tlle memorialist w- rwcentlp
to the ~ ~ i ~ ~ d i ~ i - G - 8 who.*re
t l ~ penaltie?
m*Y be
tl,,s ,i,o,n,,,g
idfotmed hy tile Buard of WII that ill
to o.,m,ns,,d the I,nperial ,G,iards d*tslled
ti,,: drliliijuent secretarlea.
obdienae to sn Imperiwl edict t o deliber*te
to keep order in the exammation balls and
of officinl* to
over the penalty to be accorded t h e me(3) Apl,oi,,tinz a
mori*ll** rnd his colleugue Silt Chin, an
the ,iilatrop litair
proi,inoini adminis , , , ,,o , , ; tun,
~ i ~ ,,npetition
~ , ~Iwrebg
nppoiat thep=,.sent
Impprial D u k e of the 4th degree, 'Ifor
5th ~ u r o s t ,
hebing.. been wrele.8 and failing t t
wiopand Prince .June L u n g
r e ~ r r tbe existen08 of imects whioh
to cumr,,~ndthe ~ i g h Wing
witliin t h e
bi8'been' destroying t h e trees planted in
(l),Lu Cbtlng-eh'i is h e l e b ~n ~ ~ O i n t e d examinatio,, p,."ci,,cts
~ Examiner
~ a t t h~ e trlennlal








Huang Huni-sen, all oficer of 'Ire brevet

eivll prelllier buttor! nnd Governor of Yunn m . r*po'l"
a w e [if horrble cruelty ,,n
the part of n wom:>n belot~qing to the district
~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~ l , Y~,,,,~,,,
l , ~ ~ ~ , , ,
dnugl,ter ",, t l , a
oi her;~rv. Tile ! ~ ) u r d e r e .was
~ likewise o f
eac,pti ,,,,
ning nature,
antl, bnt fllr tlme a t ) rgy aud shrewdness of
acti,lg mAiristrnte
of tile fixid
sirI,Si,il,,sllun, ,,,iaht prohnbly
escaped detection and crime of surpasriug
;and revoitillg inliutnnnity and fiendishness
allorred to 11nrr ulip~~nirhed.Bllt the gudr
tzevrrarr io s e ~ i c l ~ratribuciolm
8.d ihs
eull,ritr irere ;irrr-tad and Ilnve been coadvl>>llrdtu the rl,~;,tl~
whiclr their crime
dmet.urd. As s or) as the car* was repori:d tn i n s ~ b t o r 8-t
i ~ by tllr slid ni:\yistvnt, a n d collsi<lor~ngtlle mitttern to be one
of great ul-gencr that retrlbut~onshould be
wift, itlstructiollr wrra a t once s e , , t t o
grc a trus confession from she crim8tnnls so
that they might be sent l o the c*l,itd t o
suffer the ] < a t1len;~ltyassoon ns possible.
As s proof of tllc eumir\g ,sf the chief
CrilninnJ rile persuaded her d*ujilltar to
retract tll-iv formar confas~ions bciora
the d i ~ t r i c mngiatrttta
when the case was
heard by 'P'im. Shou-min, the Pruvincial
. J u l ~ * . . 60 the cnsw was veferred to a
lower court, namely to the jildicial trib l i ~ l n l ' othe
of Y u n n ~ n f u . which
enoceeded nr last, witis two rrsseasorfi fro",
theP~oi.inoirl.Iudge's tribunal of the F i r s t
It~etanee, in getting the true account of
the nffsir which substnutially tallied with
what was ornlfessed sr I he time of their
d-te:tion by t h e magistrate of Nin?erh.
The d a t ~ i l aas given in final evidence before the mrmorialiat were as follo~us:The chief orimibsl was the woman Huang
Yusn-shih, m d her accomplice in crime was
her unrnerried dauqhter Huang Tau-ying.





their fiendis], and llorrible

eomplnints wl~ereupi1nhepunis1ledhiswife
f,,r her '';nfilii~l colduct to 1,;s loother."
the brother
~ ~ . the
~ only
h ~nun ~of the
~ , Soir~ehuw Li ChBn-sia%
c h i d ,,,iirdrreis,
an,^ the sister-in-law
lli the poor ~ i i l h, r d a rumour of the
T ~ ~ . ~ , .y.lie
, , ~ husband
111-treatment his sister wns ~ ~ ~ d e v n l n g
"ding t1w.t
ani! went tr, t h . Huntlgs
rour, girl-she was oll~y
his nlntller w,ls sick ~ " that
she walltea
teen yrars , , f agr-and
lIli fatllFr *.re
lier da18ghter liome, hrlpi,,i: ill t l l i ~ W R Y
licentiate.alld i,cted ax tenclierr ill tile
to get l ~ e r away inn" her tormentors.
.ity of ~ , , , ~ ~ ~ l ,distnllce
f ~ , , ~their
Rut the old woman re wed to n l l ~ wh r r
*L B O I I I ~ .
home, arid
~h~ old
kVlit inn in tile e o u l l t r y dnugl~tat-in-laivt lexre ll'e lloi,se, fearful
l , a ~ t l ~ a lest s'lo sl:.,i~ld periuade h*' "'v,' people
on the K l - v H t l,in~,,vay
it:,], to con>plainto the rutli~iritieson the charze
city oi nirigerl, to
of f,~rcin: n respectr1ll- girl to i'eeonl* a
~ l , eigl,tee,,
~ ~ t m o , , t l , ~i,gr)
, , n l n r , ~ L I I I I ~ , pr,,stitt~te.a evime ivllic1l the l ~ i vis vrrY
eeriain trnreller, a
tlulni: f , , u I t I s . ~
strict again-t. C ~ > ~ I , I tCo h ~ i w1011021. the
hal,l,enecl put
, , ,
, I
s t ~ v i r sthat went the ~.wlll~d
of his s , - t e r ' ~
old no,nA,, H
~ y,,iu,.sb,~,
~ ~ accrljted
, ~ tlja 1 sufferinqs in tlre Hn,llg f : ~ ~ , ' hLi. , C I I * ~ <,fer r,f
said L~~~ t,,
niang ~ s ~ e m l ~ li el l i .Jnnl:nly,
1896. * e~o*d
d a u u l i t r r H , , ~ , , ~~ ~ ~ . ~ i F~~
, , ~ tl,
1 of his frlloiv s.il8nqers t o $8, bit11 llilli to
the old w,,.nn,,
~ A C I S ,ti'" Huang'. ,,illage
delnmil sab'cfaci n tile
tivo n,Shts. 1t so
t,on f,ont HuallgT.~-cl?;,,.g:and 18isfati'yr
hal,l,ened t i , r t ,lie
L , , ~gre.,tly
H w n g Clt'iklren.
' T I > * "pql)ot "f this
admivud H ~ : , , , ~~, . ~ l , , i tho
, , d a u 4 ~ 1 e r ~ i l i i.v s sfter Li-shill l ~ n dtt,l,l tile *wemhly of
llerbeilutyf o r v~iic!, tirthe cruelt,ies iha h l ~ lfiiiff r d fhr refusing
of ,Ire 1 t,o be unclinste. that 111- 1,111 illan Hunb'g
ill tlrnt
was fa
her I cii'i-clirn pthlicly sc~ilded ;In,? !)eat, his
eountrr. > and sl,ic~,
e d.~ughterfor xvlx~tthey l i d doll?.
~ v * , w I I , ~~ f and
deatl,, : ,,,ontl, later tlir
w d also ordered his a i m to 1:~iri.lo~uto tile
tllrougli the
harin,, oecnrion .,Shin t,,
v,llag; , f
brothev-in-l:%mand llis felloi,' ~lll,lxel- a
at their
an,) tl,e,,
c o , l s u ~ t r dI
t , i n p u l l ~ n gat, thesatlie tilne pri,inirinu
llehalf of tlie old w l n i n n his wife tllat
t h e old ,ro,nn,l to p,ortitute ,lie
n o attempts w ~ u l d be 'l'arle to prtIsdauCl,,v for wl,icl, ,lie man piill
in ndi*nee
t;,eisto tl,e
titllte L i i - ~ h i h agitiil. ' T ~ I ~ Jl p p ~ r e ~ l t l ~
al,rn sill took the ,,,~mey she did ( ~ ~ t c s t i ethe
d hrot1,ar iind Ilk fsll,nu-vill*~ePs
nlld thry welit bacli to ll~elrl"lnies. h a n g
nl,t ciilcul,,tp
tile e ~ t a s t , t yof the
llousa an:l
declared that S I I ~ Ch'i-c'men then re e,tered
woulll l,rrfPr death \,rfore
induced to lie unfnithf,r]t o her husbind.
I,, s p i t e of e,,ti,;ltics and ,hrei,ts Huang had to return to tlln cit'Y to re-opem
llis sclrool nfter the New Yesr Ilolldn~a.
~ i . ~ ~ , re
, ~ , j l l e , ~ tirm t n llrr p r i l l c i p ~ a s 01
His son did not accolnlYanY him 0'1
to ,lie lrld , v o ~ ~ , ,great
dry, 80 when niglit o * l m the 0 d woman.
c~,agri,, s ~ . lliiii
e tn pive u p the six taelfi of
being filled with n great hatred abrnirlst Lin,hn )had handed l o her
shill for being the cause o f her receiving
iliS, W ~ l i he
~ e belnx
two beatings s t tile hands of the old m*",
his desire Krxtitied started
perembtoriiy ordered the son t.8 best his
L~,,: ],;,d q,nre tite ,>id w,l,r,alr wiie. Tire sun welit down on Itis knees
detrrlllillgd to
k verg~anci.
to h ~ smot1,er to PV+S f ' "w'.ey f'lr 1"s t ' for
1,;- the OILI l ~ c l d * ~ n\v*s
i determined
s ~ , the
d young tnnn goaded c 8 ' m dues$
.;,tuo,rs thnn her betters;,
water, that
his mother'.; t*un3s picked ul) ;' stick
dRugliterT . U . ~ , , , ~
with it,
they ha& washed their feet i n , with ioiv17' and struck Li-al~il!sever* times
but n,'t sufficient to hurt her. Then the
f , , r c e down
the t l m n t
old wonlalr re~~roaehed11"~ sol1 f')c not
the unfortu,,nte~ i . ~ ! , i hTO. clowll matters,
ion happened to retarn
home strikiog Li-chih h ~ r d e ~ l o u ~ land
being un the fl or received a couple
of kicks which l!u<t the poor girl 0 1 1
the 161e of injured dignity
side. When Li-s~~ilb
upbraided he=
beat his wife for being ~ ~ , f i l i ~right
husbarrd for treating her like this, t h e
inhpreonducttawardshismother! H u m g
goutlo man threw dothe stick and
. bri,lg
~ a student
~ of ~Confscius
dashed off in o frenzy outside t'be inn gates.
61ial and listelned to his motller's


H , , ~ , ,~~ i - ~ h i the
h , wife








T h e robm being now left to the three women, the old bsidame a t m e eicked up the
stick dropped by her aon and commenced
to belabour her with the
grsstrat cruelty, drawing blood from the
Ihead of her p , > r victim. The sight of
blood seem-d to have maddened the
old woman f , , r "he ordered the daughter
to take a ropa and twist it tightly round
Li-shih'e nrck to prevent her calling out
for help, wllile she herself got hold of a
pair oi seiasom and using a ellopstick to force
Li-shih's tongue out the old beldame
clipped off the edge of lher daughter-in
law's tommgue, calllrlg out s t tlae ssme time
"There, you osn now t d k like a blxokbird and tell the whole village how I
t r e r t you !" Not satisfied yet the old
fury tore off Li-shilx'r clotI8es amid clipped
off her left nipple and n piece of the Besh
on tile left thigh. Seeing that Li-ehih
was st811 alive, she pe8petrat.d other
fiendishnesses too lhorrible to put down on
paper, which effaotu~lly killed lher victim,
the daughter all the while helping the
mother by holding Li-shlh down 08, the
ground nnd preventing her from getting
up and tryin2 to escape after her oowardly
husband, wlr,~should have remained an,(
prevented his mother frolrl making n
murderess of herself. They then secreted
t h e body of the poor girl and gave out
neat day that she had runaway, while they
accused Li ChBn-siang, the brother, of
having 1:elped his sister to escape. There
wers come indeed who were even inolit~ed
t o brlieve this story, but in the meantime
the diatrict magistrats heard a n imperfect
rumour of the asair, and set about t o diecover the whole thing by himself. After
some detective work during which he made
pereonal enquiries a t the inn in ordinary
clothes, his su.piciuna were so far oi~nfirm.
ed that he sent Ilia rutlners to summon Li
ChPn-aiang, the brother of the missing girl,
and then in o5eial state wentto the inn and
ordered a search to be made on the grounds.
The sudden appearatlee of the magistrate,
whom the old woman and her dxughter a t
olloe recognised as tile disguised fortude
teller wh.8 had lived in their inn for two
days, so frightened them that they oonfessed, without torture, the whole of
their lnhulnsn crime and pointed out
the well into which the body of the poor
girl had been thrown four days before.
The remains were in a horribly mutilated
state and the whole of the Huang family
were arrested slid thrown into prison, while
instructions were asked from memorialist
aa what should be done in the matter. In
t h e meanwhile, Husng Ch'i-ehen, husband

of the muderese, being hick a t the

time of his arrest becxme wane, and
died before the criminals could be sent
under escort to the provincial ospital. As
the circumstances are so unusunl, ~naomuch
that there is no law covering the case the
memorialist has been coinpelled tt, sentence
the murderess and her family by analogy
and comparison with the lxw qoven~inpcssea alrnoat aimilnr, but ,lot ernctlv like it.
Hence he has sentenced the old beldame
to deoapitation, which, lnnder the oir.cum.
stances of being a senior of the victim, is
the severest he oat, give by law, ~ l t h u u g h
she deserved s more dreddful penal y. The
daughter has been sentenced to dent11 by
strangulation nfter t!le autumn nssizes
thisyear. As for the Ihuibimd the analogy
in Iris oaae-that of a l n * ~grievotisly
besting his whfc witliout just cnuse, but
lxw provides that he
not fa,ally-,he
should be bmnboosd 60 blows and ballished
for a year, but owing to his conducr )having
been done a t tlie eomtnnnd of Ilia motller
whonl he c o u d clot disohey, the aentznoe
hss been made m e deoree lighler and that
is 100 blows and a sl~m~rt
The old man who had been reprehensible
for not preserving better order and family
government a t liolne alro,lld alsm, be made
to suffer i .r I,IS ,lag act, bur -inoe he
has died in the meanti:na there is nu
necessity for y,.ing further intv lhis case.
The man Lung, the author oi all the subsequent troubles, should also b+ punished
a n I a warrant fLr his a r f e s t has been
aemit out by the Provincial Judge. F i n s l y ,
the poor victim Li-shih, who stood 6rm
ill her determination to be ohsste, alilto>~gh
death was staring her in her face a t the
hands of the hag whose glaring optics
wars bent over her-such
firmness to
do right deserves the highest commendation and should be made an example to
the women af China for all time. Hence
lnemorialist has arranged to have n p'ailou
or mamr~orialsroh erected over her grave
with a sketch of her sad life and horrible
ending. Memorialist, ineottclusion, thinking that summary retribution should be
made in a lhorrible and fiendish case like
the presetmt in order t o strike terror into
the hearts of similar natures, therefore
ordered the execution of the woman
Htxang Yuan-shih iul~nediatelysfter it was
determihed up,,", and her daughter was
also atrangled a t the same time. His
Majesty's approval ia requested thereon.
-Rese?ipt: Noted. Let the Board of
Pwiishrnr~ctsalso t a b note.
11th August.
No papers of interest.

12th August.



App inting a large number of officials t o

t h e Metropolitvn and Provincial Administrslions.
13th August.


[Avs. 12-14.

schoola am made now..-days, and p y i n g

that so edict msy be labued eomo~andiog
t h e Imoerial Household Deo.rtment and
the Bu;esux concerned t o aeeide upon a
more effective and speedy manner of
appcsintinp the mid teachers t o these
sohaole. T h e Department and Bureaux
concerned are commxndd to take noteand
report thereon.
15th August.

duty a t the Palaeea on the 18th instant

is commanded t o appear on that day in
full MUrt robes.
14th August

(1) The Cetasor Sung Peh-In reports t o

us x ease whioh hal.pened last year in
which two men were poisoned to death in
to he
(1) w i t h r.frrence to the
was hushOffered at the temple of ~
t on the
t Cily,
ed up owing to theinfluence and wealth of
h d of september as
the guilty parties who heavily bribed the
the court
of sacrificial worship we hereby
Police Certsor, Chnng Chung-yi anmd other
Comma,,d p~,,
to prpeide on that
day in our stead
~is subordinate
~ nf the
~ said Middle
City. Further that in spite of the repeated
further commande* to
at the
altars on the said occsaion.
the poiwmed men to ask for an insesfiga(2) The loth d * of
~ the 8th moon (4th
tion and inquert the offioia~s
of the said city
the a n n i v r r s x r ~of the
has+, ell far, succeeded in preventing her
birthdny of the First Teacher and Sacred
petition from getting beyond their courts.
SageK'uu,g(Confuciu& J 8 ~ Li.
g Arsistanlt
memodalist hearing
the matter
Grxnd S-crrtary, President of the Board
wccuars t ~ , esaid police censor
of War. etc., etc., ia hereby commanded
,of tving
~to suppress
~ such
t o offer ~aclificaa t the temple of the said /
vital importance as thst f, murder
sacred Sage in our atead, while two mem,he ~~~~d punishments
hersof the EanlinAcademy areoommanded
oolnmsnded to take up the matter and
t o sacrifice a t the minor altars on each aide
tho,ough iovsstigation, eo tl,at the
o n the wid cursi ion.
~ u i l t yones !nay suffer and the unfortunate
(3) E s i Yuan i s further commanded to
widow get just7ce. The memorial ia hereby
sacrifice on that day a t the Chungseng
glanted and the said Board is ordered tc,
temple in our stead.
in r striot and impartial manuer
and report to Us.
(4) The 5th of September (11th of 8th
(2) The asme Censor re orts that he has
rn,.o~l)being the date appointed for "or.
been iuformed that some gerrditurg cl~iefs
shipping a t the ahrine dedicated t o the
Imperial Dynasty we hereby wnnounoe of aboriginal tribes, holding judicial power,
now on their way to Peking for an
our purpose of personally sscrificing there
Imperial andienoe, have been guilty of
o n that day.
extorting from the local authorities of
( 5 ) , ~ h e 6th
septemher being
ocraaon se, for
the ~
' towns~elk ~ a u ' e . ~ prnys thsr
~ * prohibitory
edict be issued forbidding the said chiefs
the temple of the
King thereof we ,,ereby eommnnd ~i shan
we might nay
With reference t o the
to proceed
preside over the sselieres
that such chivfa coming t o Peking are
entitled by law t o a eertsiu s ~ n o u nof
t fot,d.
T ' a - ~ uis 'Iso commanded t o fodder antd transport for themselves and
worship ,,n lllst day a t the Huiohi tenlple
followera from tl,s
and the telnple of the rive* d e i , ~
of Pe- through which they may
king v n that day.
hut they are not allowed to demand i n
(7) T? snme day being the snnniversn~y exceae of the proviaions set by law. We
for sserlfici~lgs t the temple of Kunnti (god
therefore hereby a*mnnsndthat the variooa
of war) we h-reby command the Prince
district wnd department magistrstve and
of Li to sxorifiee st, the front altar and
sub-prefects oonoertmed shall send up
Ohiug F u a t the mar sltars.
reports to thrir several Viceroys nr
Governor. where it has been found that
(8) The Prince of K'eching is eom.
msnded t o worship a t the temple of t1.s the mid sborignes have been guilty of
eneouragi8,g their followers to create
Moon on the 21st Septembrr next on the
disturbances and make extortion en ra'te.
owasinn of the autumn festival, and K'un
in order that the guilt may he fixed on the
Bsiu is $1 uarshiL, a t the minor sltans on
proper persons.
the said occasion.
(3) The asme Censor further preaenta a
(9) The Ministers of the Grand Council
memorid conplaining of tlna delay in whioh
sic hereby coolmanded to inform the
o5cers of the Court thst everyone doing , appointment4 of tesohers for the Batlner


(1) Kuan Ting-ha having been appointed

m,asia,n outside the capital hia post of
to a ~
Director of the Imperisl Academy is hersby given t o H n ~ e gSze-junp pro tern.
(2) A t the Imperisl audience granted
this morning rc) the newly-appointed S h a n
tvng General Lin Esiu-ch'usn, h e was
guilty of a breach of etiquette in that after
p m t r r t i n g himself to thank us for our
paeioua bounty he did not keep in hia
kneeling position to await our reply but
atood up a t once. Such conduct is indeed
uncouth, and we hereby command that in
punishment ther0.f the wid General h e
forthwith wrshiered and dismissed.
(3) A t the audience p a n t e d this morning
t o General Lin Fu-hui, newly appointed t o
Chihli. Itis replies to our qniestians were in
breach of Court etiquette, and he is themfore handed to the Board of War for the
deterntination of an adequate penalty.
lfith August.

(1) The Court * f Censors report that the

cashiered Br~gsdier,General Lin Yi-hua
of Kunngtung has sent a substilute to the
Capital to complain that his m e is still
*, n y x t u o , and thst many months have
d without n decision baing arrived st
one WHY or the other, and the petitioner
pmys that something. may be-dons to
h l s k n tlas Ligb prori,:cial anthoritiea of
Kurngtung in the matter. We hereby
cotnmand tine Viceroy T'an Chung-lis, snd
t h e Governor, Hsii Chau-yi, of Kuangtoug,
to settle the wid Qsnenl'a -st
an a d y
date and report to US.
(2) Prince Hung and his calleagusa 8b the
head of the Military Amhives Office report
that the 8peei.L staff under thvm ooeupied
for several years in .empiling the
history of the vsric,us Mahommedm Re
hellions in Kansu atad Shenai ; the history
of the blahommodan Rebellion in Yunnan.
and the history of the MLotzs (abadginsa)
Rebellion in Kueichou, hsring lately
completed their vrdu~lusdulisa ue dererving of reward for their exertions and
~ r i b a l work, and that tho k t Chss

Secretal.ies of the Tsungli Yaman, specially

appointed t o superintend the printing of
the a i d three histories, be rewxrded for
their diligence in executing this part of t h e
work, ete.
Aa the said histories h w e
been spproved by us and the work expended
on them is dsasrving of cammenda~iona n d
reward we hereby grant the prayer of
the aaid Prince and hia colleagues and
award the promotions prayed for. [Here
follow the names of about 120 officers
belonging t o the Military Archive" Office
and the various Boards and Courts of
Peking nod the promotions for each of
(3) E.ko-t'nng-a and Chung Lin,
Military Governw and Civil Governor, respectively, of Moukden, report that t h e
work of repairitlg the Lungan mansoleurn
in the Fulitsg mausolea of our Imperial
aucestors is a b u t to be completed and pray
that a day mRy be set for the final joining
of the principslrwf beams of the said mausoleum. We hereby command the Astronomiurl Board to ohooaa a propitious day
for the mid ceremony, and the said memorislists are commanded t o reverentially
perform the fueetic~nsrequired when t h e
said propitious day and hour shall have
been ohoaen by the said Board.
(4) The same memorialists report t h e
approaclxing completion of similar r e p a i n
on the Chients'ivg msu~oleum of t h e
said Fuling msusol& of our Imperial anc ~ s t o r sand pray that u day be sat for
joining the prinoipal roof heanlaof the same.
The B a r d of Aatronumy is hereby oammandad to choose a t once a propitious
bay in this month for the performanow
of t h e said ceremony,
(5) Appointing a number of officials t o
the Metrooalitan and Provi~acialAdrni~iis17th August.

(1) We have received a nlemorisl f - o m

the Supervising Censor WBrt Yii (Manchu)
i t , which he pray8 that Chinese Bannermen
(deaeendanta of the C h t n e ~ ewho iuvlted
the Msnchue to invade Chins and overthrow the Ming dynssly.-Toowkztm) canneoted with the Ienpe~islCortdge departmvnt, who have hithert<i been given less
privileges than thole of lheeame department who are Msnohus, he placed o n a p a r
with the latter and that like their Manchu
collea uea whenever the post of a Manchu
General or Deputy Assistmt
Military Governorship h e v-nt
the Senier
ChinsssBannermsn of the Imperial CortAge
d e p r t m e n t be vlso given the chance uf


[Boa. 17-22.


getting the said coveted distinction. The

memorialist further states that Manchu
secretaries of the Imperial Cortege department have the privileges of wearing
the peacock's feather decbration, and he
prsys that a similar privilege be here.
after granted Chinese Bannermen holding
suoh rsnk, etc. Now the above plainly
ahow that the sxid memorisliat has bnen
merely puttinq forvard the views of others.
that he has been slllicited to xsk for favours by parties interested therein and that
h e therefore knows not w l ~ a the spedks of.
The privileges of which lhe complsins
Chlrlese Bannermen to bedeprived of were
settled upon centuries ago by our fore.
fathers. The said Cenxor has sl~own
himself liable to ba ihfluenced and 1l.s
heerr culpable of meniorialiaini: against
established custom. H e is therefore unfit
for his present post, and lte is renuwed
from his o 5 c e of Supe~visingCensor but
is allowed to return to h ~ sformer y a n h ,
i. e . , the Court of Vensors-as an ordinary

rebpectively, reoommeading that Shen

Chung-mu, a t present sub-prefect of
Paehou, be promoted inaspendent subprefect of the Nortltern Marches.
20th August.


No papers of iiltcrest.
21st Aueust.

(1)Ch'Bng J u i ( M ~ n o h u )is appointed

prefect of Knnchou, 18, Kansu.
(2) Yasterday as the Imperial Cortbge
was recurnlng to Pakine from Ehu Park
we were appealed to f& justice by one
Chisng Chung-clrien, a commoner of Honrn
province, and also by the commoners,
Wang T8-fu a l ~ dLi Has-ting, ~uf Hupeh
'province who claimed that they had been
oppressed by the local author>tlas of their
respective dcstricts. We hereby command
the Board of P u n i ~ l ~ r n e nl 'os tnake a strict
inreatigation into the cas-s of the said
cotzlmonera and report tlta result t . 8 us.
22nd August.

for- whom rewards are asked for b;

Shu T'si Police Censor of tlre said city and
his colleagues on the ground that the said
gentry and notables had distinguished
then~selvesin giving substantial ass~stnnce
t o the Peking Gendamerie in capturing
certain notorious bandits and desperadoes
whn had infested that p,,rtiotl vf the
capital for the pnst year.
18th Buguat.
I M P E R l d l DECREES.

(1) The Board of War has presented a

memorial asking u s toappoint Earminers to
preside nt the examinatton of Bannermen,
in archery o n horseback and on foot, competing fur the M. A. degree. We herehy
appoint K'un Kang and Tsa-la-feng-A t o
fill ti3e said posts.
(2) Ying Shou is appointed Proctor a t
the above-named competitions.
10th lugust.
I h l P E X l d l DECREES.

(1) As the Imperial Duke F u Chu-li has

t o retire into mourning for tlre denth of
his father we hereby command F(ln ChC&
act as Lieutenant-General of the Blue
Banner uf the Chinese Banner Corps ad
(2) The Board of Civil Appointments
is commanded to deliberate upon the
memorial of Sun Chia-nai, Governor Ad.
joint, and HuYii-fen, Governor, of Pekialg

hereby grnnt the said licentiates the rank

of sub-director of studies to await appoiotm e a t by the Boards.
23rd August.

(1)Oh'ienChiio-hsiang, Literary Chancellorof Shansi, sendsus xneulop-istic memorixs

prsising certain offioiale under his jurisdietlon in Shansi and asking pro~notion~
them as he has found the aaid officials
utliformly earnest and diligent in their
duties, and in ohnrncter and conduct
every way worthy of the honour of being
termed members of the literati. We
join the said memori:tlist in commending
the conduct of the said offioisls, and hereby
cornmaud that J881 Lai-p'o, formerly district director of studies of T'ungerhsien re.
cently promoted lo be prefectural direotor
of studies of P'uohou prefecture; Ying
Pu-hsia, departmentrl direotor of atudies
of Yungninghsisn ; Liu Tse-hsin, district
director of studies of Ningwuhsien, and
Chang Kuang-huan, sub-director of studies
of the hamlet of Chien-yuan-hsianE, be
rewarded ss follows:--J&n Lai-pco, Yitq
Pu-hsia and Liu Tse-hsin are hereby each
granted the brevet rank ,of Seoretnry of
the Grand Secretariat, and Chang Kuanghuan is given the brevet rsnk of s director
of studies in the Imperial Academy, in
order to stimulate a feeling o f emulation
amongst the o t h e ~directors cnf studies in
the s c d provinc~ f Shansi.
(2) The same memorialist in n posbscript
melnarlal also euloeises two 1st clnaa linen.
tiates of Shansi, t l k e l y , H u Ying-sh&ng of
T'aiyuenfu (provincial oapital) and K u Ju.
kang of Ch'ihsien. I n reward therefor we

(1)The Prince of C l ~ u n t ~isg appoinled

Chief Commiuei,mer of Oc.roi a t tha
Ch'ungwBt~gate of Peking and Kuei Hsinng
(the Emperor's lather-in-laa-T~a?~alator)
is sppoiuted Vice-Cosnrnirsioner 01 the
same for t1.s ensuillg year.
(2) W~>.erll-olt'ing-"<Oh is appointed
Special Inspector of the neiirs of the Red
Banner of the Monqol B ~ n n e rCorps for

tigation as to w'lether any bribery had bean

given and received in the cnse aud to sentenoe the guilty omles xocording t o lnw. As
f r Hsii Shu-clring, th* sub-pvetact concerned, who mrkrn the declrr.~tii~n
that he
was "bsen, o,, official lhusineiis xt rite tirpe
of the elcap*, we 1,etnby co!nma~~d
the said
Governor to m * k s secret rnquiriaswllether
there ha3 been any fraud bud atlempt a t

26th August.
No papers of i n t e r e ~ t .
27th August.

Corps, also for the ensuitsg yettr.

24th August.

( I ) We have received the memorial of

Hu P'in,o-chilm, Gorerrlor of Sllxnsi, reporting the illness of the Mx4,chn BripadeGeneral Ta P'u and praying Lhat permission muy be giv-n tile raid Brigade Gel~eral
to retire frcm the service. 'l'l~n perrniaaiotr
is hereby granted a d TB P'u is allowed t o
to his Balllaer Reservation and
recruit lais lhealtlt.
(2) We are sorry to l e ~ r i of
l the death of
Yi Wei, all Imparinl nt,ble 10th in line of
descent, andDeputy Assistant Military Governor
(Phe oldert
~- of Hsio=kine. FBnotien.
aocient capit> ofUtllepkseut $n.aly
situated it, the Chaogpeial~an mountsin
range of Manchuria. Moukden is r comparatively modern mpitsl of this dynasty
-Translater.) We hereby commnnd that
all black marks against his name s h ~ l l
be erased fro", the rreorda, and thst t h e
government grnnt in prc,portiou 8 0 his
6ffieial rxuk be given the deceased officer's
family in rrcognitioc of his services to the
26th Auguar.

( I ) Lit, Hxi je app i n r d Dcpa~tyAaslar.

m a t M~.!cxry G w e r . rr of Ha~ngbrtr.. FBngtien.
Z ~ C O Y, \Vr.i. I(uu~ti.+lNobla xud
~lnt;smxn, dreeasad.
(2) Bu PainF-chih, Governor of SI,~oai.
damrounces the gaolwerden of the sub-pqefectura of KofBngehot~,Shnnsi, for permittin. a number of e ~ i m i ~ ~contined
in tlte
Driiox>aof the said sub-preleeture to eacnye.
Theanid Governur is hereby conlmanded t:,
atbd arrest the said gaolwarden and
his 8uPordi~laleaslld "lake n atriet ioves~

C l l u ~ n gCllien. Superiutendent of the

Imperial Silk-l,,oans a t Sooel>oiu, having
thxt he has been, verv ill of lxie.
- r~~
aaks for leave to resign his port nud permission to returim to Pelting. His requesr
ia grilnted, and Ile i r to collar to Peking
stld resume llir rank ,-sFirst Clns. Secretary
in the Ilm,peri~IHonaehold Dejinrtmemlt.
28tli August.


(1) H*i F3ng ix apimointe 1 Sul'erintend a ~ of

~ the
t Imp-rial S, t S o o c l ~ o ~ ~ ~ ,
Chien, resigmmed.
(2) As tllie is the year for rppoioting
new L~t.erxryChnncellors to the provinein1
sdminiatrstiuns, we lleleby npliuint Li
H u t b y - k ' ~ r rto~ become Limerary Chntloellor
of F&ngtie,\ and Vioe-Governor of Moukden. and his farmer poat of Vioe-Govcrllor
,,f Peking is hereby given t o Li Pei-yuan.
Cha18g Ying-lin is appointed Literary
Chnt~erllor of the 1mpcl.inl Prefecture of
Sbuntienft; (Peking rind its dependet>cie);
Cltii H u I I ~ -isc ~
to Kianesu ;
Haii Chill-hsimy to Anlrui, and Yao-Pingjhn t o Sl>antung; Liu Ting-lt'ing is *upointed Literxry Clbu,mceJlor to S l ~ n n s i Chu
Fu-tu'ien to Honnn, nnd Yeh Erh-k'ai t o
Shnnsi ; HxiaCll'i-yii to Krrt~su;I'ri Hungtzk t , Fukien, and Hsii Sltu-tlritn to Cb8kirng; Li F U - ~ BLOHRIi Ix n g ~ i\\'~ng
t n H , ~ p e IandHsii
H u t ~ a n .W U
Chillz-yiis nypoimtted Literiary Chanoellar
of Szeult'u.t,. Cl~i~gig
PBh-hs, of Kuxnqtung X I I ~ Liu,~n~oE Kuangai.
Cl~anoCllie>l-hsiitkis sppoitlto I t , Yunni/n
and F u Teams-yii to liuoichou. A Hsii
Sllu-inin and Uhang Peh-hxi are a t present
occupied on special miaaions in t ha provlncea rliey nre l~erebyexcused fro m eomin: to the urunl Iknperl~lnuciienee, but are
to proceed straight to their poste.

~-- -

Literary Examiner, Ch'en HsiA-fen is herehy co,nmanded to B D ~x s Juj>lor V ~ c e IIIPEBIAL DECKEE.

1 Presldeltt of the Board of Rites pro tern.,
L~ ~ h < , , ~ ~ . Vl ~i C~ ~, T O Yof SzccB'uall, 1 ~ h l i *the acti,.g Vice.Preaiden'a)iip of the
that ,, ~ 1 12t1,
, ~ of Julie lirst a I Board of Civil Appoiutaients h e l d b y tile
Wkri Pei-yxaan, 1 latter is iterrby given p , o tent 10 Hsii Bulco,,demneii c , i m i n a ~ ,
i,, the prirolts of the sub prefect
of, in s ~ ~ ~ Iby ,twenty'
~ F u , a conl~,)onerof Chihli
rclse a g a ~ l ~ s t province, who person ,lIy appealed to us for
p,.iro,,ers, s"d<ienly
redress duriug tlle Imi8erial ProSresl Yesthe g*o)ers and in the fight illat ellsued
terday iao,nitl,o, is Itereby h d e d to the
*,,d woul,ded a large number of
~ o m dof Purii.hmer~ts wl~ich shsll make
spld~erl wlio
the latter
well as
a strict iuvestigation into his case and pee
gtven. Some
oame upo,, ,he
wimt wrongs should he r?iu*asad, if any.
of t l , e p,.i.o,,era
their way to
(4) H s o Hui-farig, Senlor Vice-President
the p ~ v n t enpartmr,rts of the acting subthe Boar,[ of R trs, is colnme.nded t o do
pref.ct chseD ~ e . , , with
, ~ ~the object of of
duty as usuri in the Upper Imperi*l
murder ",,d T P I I U ~ ~ and
ewerely wounded
him, T ~ lntters*
son Ch'en Hun.-tho,
.,, M, A . ,,f ~
~ 11's ia'lier
,(5) Li Ellnr-k'uei, newly appointed Assistant Civil Governor of Moukden rind Lldangrr
latter's resous, and in
tarxry Chancellor ,I
the proyincs pf Fbl!gtry,nq to pr,,tect \,is parent from further
tien, is oonnnanded to fialell his duties
k;iled by the gnol.brenkers.
tirst as Asaiet~ntExaminer nt the
v,,,,,,ded thouyl, he
h o a e v ~ r thessid
er.minxtiona in the capital before prosub-prefectbravelyled hismen to the attaok
hy the military, m ~ n a g a d oeeding t o his new poit.
( 6 ) Lu H h i ~ n pis gmanted the brevet
on ?he spot nine of t h o pnsoczers,
rank of n Deputy Assistant M'lltarY
the ri,ig.le8der Wen Pei- . Governor xnd is hereby appointed Assistant
yuxl, *,,d
otl,ers. ~ h ~ others
e e were
Imperial Resident r t Robdo, Mo"8011a.
,,baequently captured. These ten were
He is further given the privile~eof travelerentuHlly s,,mmRrily executed by anorder
to his post by the Imperial courier
n,n,,d the goalwarden of Yiiyatlg to be
31st August.
fo,tbwith exehiered and a r r ~ s ' e d *nd
b r o u g h t to c l l e n g t u for trisl before the
r said sltb-prefect,
said viceroy. ~ s i f othe
(1) prillee Lung Ching is appointed
having but lately arrived a t YEy*ng y ' d
chief ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ r sof l Oetroi
o n r ra t the Chungb e i l l g then, moreover, husy wi'h issuing
of Pekilig, nrrd Kuei Hsinne (the
~ ~ ~ ~ with
p l ehisd subsequent I E
, iatlrer-~n-law-Trnnslator)
~ is
...,,duct d U r i l l gtile fisi,titlg that occurred,
hereby ;,ppointrd ~ s s i s t a n tCommissioner
we ,nust ~ o r n ~ > e him
l l d for yhnt h e d l d and
l,,,,, from,the penairlea whylt such
(2) lyu.erh-ch'ing-ngeh is commanded to
affair woll~dsurely have been ~lnpoaed
~ n d~ n ~ e e cthe
t ,'ffaira of the Mongol
pl,own by his
him, ,I.he
Red Bikllner C,'rp* f o r
*., ia xis, most co,nme,ldnhle.
K , ~ e is
i appointed to a si~nilar
hereby g, ant ponm>i~sion
t o t h e said Viceroy
to the ~
~ ehlne8e
to s,legesi somet~lingto commemarats the II Banner
deceased M.A.'"lial
pie' y.
(4) Chuang Chien, Imperial Silk Loon)
30th Auxust.
~ ~ , ~ ~ nt
~ Soochow,
, i ~ ~ha.iln8
i ~ reported
~ ~ e r
illness and requested to be alluned tu
resign. hi* prayer is hemby g'anted ?nd
( *
f " I
) pernission is given bill1 t o raturn to p-k1n&
on pu,,liu b,lsiness
as ~
,1st September
~1 . 1 ~ acting
,poet i, f Senior
~Vice-~ I
p r e s i d a l t of tile Board of p*llisllmentS is i
hereby pive" to Tsenp K u a ~ t g h ~(Earl
(1) We have all 81% watoi'edwitl' pleathe post I
sum the ab8l1ty ntld humane pve'"ment
the ~
T i ~Wsi, an ~Imilarial~N , ~ b l a' M i l i~t s r ~
by t i , e anid ~ ~ 8K~~~~
, ) ~ Governor of Hsingking, (a, oirnt capital
to llold ,
i,r,Jent dynasty in Mancl~urin prior
ad i>,t?"'im.
t o J l ~ u k d e ~ ~ - ' ~ ~ a ~ ~ s l =pnd
t o r )1heref')re
(2) Ch ,ng y i l m g ~ lllaring
baen sent
c+ea~,lyregret to hear of his unexpected

death at his poet the other day. We hereby

mrnmrud thatL-allz--.~..-:~L
black inarks against
, .his

29th August.



araara ll",,,
the full e o v l




afficisl archives, and that

ment gratuity accorded to one i f his rank be
granted the f~nailyof the deceased ofice(2) Lin Hei ia ~ p p o i n t e d Militmy
Governor vf Hsinking, Manchuria, eke
Yi Wei, Imperial Clansman deceased as
(3) Hsi Chen is *~.pai"ted Brigade.
*Generalof the Right Wing of the Manchu
parriaon a t Hsian, o ~ p i t a lof Slneosi, vice
Lin Hai prnlnoted to Hsinkir~gas above.




2nd September.
(1) w i t h referenee to the ~enun,.irtio,r
made against the pollaarde,, of ~ d f ~ ,
.thou, Shansi, for permitting a number ,f
prisoners to break
we [,ereby
mand the Governor of the said prnvinoe to
reduoe the said gaolwarden to the
and arrest him n ~ l dhis assistants for exam.
inatiom to see wllether bribery bad bee,,
accepted from the friendsof toe prisoners
conerrm,rd. Tile nub-prefect , , f the said
city of Kbi0;ngchou, who har declared that
h e wsu a b s m t from town on tile day f, the
brerki4,g ~mf the gaol, is hereby ordered to
be sxa>ntitled to find out wh.ther he llas
nut attempted to aereen his fnult and neg.
ligence bv n subterfuge.
(2) Hni FB~K
is svpoillted Imperial Silk
Lollm Commiasionel of S0nchowu:ce Chuang
Chien, resignrd.
(3) The Presellt Yrar baing the time
for appointina new Literary Cirancrllora
hereby *ppoint
L i Eung-kcuei ' 0 Moukden ; Uhanq
Yillg-lin ta tll* Imperial Prefecture of
,Shuntieofu (Peking) ; Chii H u n r c h i to
gi*n@u ; Hati Chih-ltsiang to Anhtli ; Yao
to Shantung; Liu Tirigchine to
Slla"al ; Ci'u Fu-hsien to Hallan; Yeh Erhkai to Sllensi ; Heia Chi-YUt o K a u s u ; Tai
Bung-chill t o Fukiell ; Hqu Shu-mitt t o
Ohbkiant3 ; Li F a chao to Kiangau ; Wang
to H u w h ; HsB Jh-ahllu l o HuDan ; Wu Ch6'ng-ti to Szechssn ; Chang
P e h h s i to Kuanatung ; Liu Yuan-liang to
a n a n g 8 i ; Cll*ng Chien-haiin to Yunnan,
md.*u T.bng.~o to Kuei-chon. As Hsii
,alrih-f'aiang, H+ Shu-min and Chang
Pbh-hni are already in the pr,,dinoes as
SF'eoia' Examiners for the M. A. degree,
t h e y are hereby ~ ~ ~ m a l l dt oe dproceed
dimct to their naw appuintmaota and shaH
mot be required t o come to Peking for the
Imperial audience.

(4) Decree oammn~~ding

L n Cll'u~n-lin.
V i e r u y cjf Szechuan, to summarily decapitate the recaptured priranera who tried
t o break gaol in Aueust last a t YiiyanX,
and wl'o k i l l ~ da number of gaoler*, and
eoldiors and alxo the son ~f the chihsie,,,
a ehiLjl9~of HupeB, who was on a visit t o
hia tather. The name of the sol) of the said
magistrlte , f Tiiyang ia permitted to be
recorded in !he historicxl rrehives fov his
filial piety in trying to defend his father,
thereby receiving the death blow which
was meant for hi3 pnrent.
3rd September


(1) According to the C'h'zii,eh'ab (of

Spring and .kututoii dn~,nls-Ti.alialatil,,
it has bee11 srateli thaL an ecl~pseof tha
, ~Sun
. 0" 'he first day of the year bztokcns
impending calamity, hence the sovereigns of every dyllasty which has prrceled
Ilave alwnys made it n point, wllenrver
an eclipse of the a'ln is pmgno~ticrted,
t" undergo ~ e l f - a ~ a q e m e nand
thelnselves bpfore Henven i l l orilrr to
'vl.*'h from above. It) the
of our
Imperial dynasty, for
inataoce. during 'lie reims of Their
Meiesti-s K'ang Hsi and Clizien Lnng
(1662-1794) tllere were rlbaerved two
e e l i ~ * e aof the sun which f l l on a N e r
; and i80w, a c c o r d i ~ ~to
v the
Board of batronoluy, the Bnit day of the
24th year of our reign (22nd J*aunry,
1898) there will be y r t xnotl,er eolipse
of the
filied with
b'ldings a t this news and hasfen to seek
within ourselves f o r $ins ,,,l,ici, may
have thus brought tile wrxtll of lligl,
Henven upon tlte land. We furlher ciim.
mand that the cerentorlies of c,lnnr;itu,.a.
ti,,n usually lield on N~~ yearss
nay in
the Tailla T l ~ r o n ~ - l ~be
a lcurta;ledmd
ordinary obsi~snees be mrde,
being changed to the chZiel,tsingTI,^^,,^.
hall instead <,f in t ~ ~~ ~~, ~ ~~ , , ~~. lhi, ,~ lh l . ~
banquet u a u a ~ ~ y
to imperial
men on New Y
~ ~ ~ also
' br~ D ~ ~
ped, and when t h - eclipse occurs let all the
members of lfle C u r t ,Tear sober garlne,lts
and sa*emble in tile i n w r palace before the
a l t ~ rset up l o H ~ S V P , , to prry for i,,r.
be-mnoa and
to the oountry at large.
This is so far as slnall
ourselves, t,,
show our drsire to p,opitiate l,igh A ~ ~; ~ ~ ,
but ae H e r Arejeary the E~~~~~~~
is an elder and senior it is hut
the full ceretnol~iesbe
in pay,ng
H~~ ~~j~~~~
ivew years' D * ~ , ~~t all the rCndllr
concerned ts,ka nqte.

(2) With reference t o the officers who
hare bee,, appointed Literary Chancellors
in the provinces they are to bs presented
in batches of two each morni~*gin
t h e (hand council Chwmber. If it s ollld
lLsppen tlrxt we be engaged for the mornjng in worship at the teniplrs or shall
have gone l o ~ h Park
let the twu nc\?
it^^^^^ Chancellors wllo rhould h*ve
bre,, pre.entrd to us otl that mornin!:
defer their audience until the neat morning, and so ,, : there shall be no defillite
for the audiellees uf tl'e above
4th September.


5th September.


s ~ , ,C1,ia-nni will ha occupied

Yome dSys


,,,11,sduties wi l ~ i nthe exxmiux-

I,, to .,t .lso sr President of the Bcwd of'
civil ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~pro
t m
terne ,luring
~ ~ t Sun
~ l , i ~ .absence.
~ ~ i ' ~
~ sun
6 Chia-nili
: was Imperial Tutor
t,, the lahe E~~~~~~~Tung Chih alld WCnlg
~ . ~ , is , well-known
~ h ~
iva tllr Imperial
~~t~~ of the present E:nperor Kusng Hsi.

(z),A* ~ s i iF u will he busy a t t h e

eaam,nation halls hie post of President of
the ~ , , * ~ofd Wxr is temporarily given

l n ~ E R I l tDECREES.

is xl'~ointad
tlbe absence uf
6th September.

t o reverently prepare every-

yorarity t o P'u Siban.

7th Septemb-r.

have been guilty of misdemeanou~sunbe.

10th Septelnbel..

S E ~13-15,]


-r h o has been accused of pr*ying upon tlle

people, in consequence of which he had
been denounced tu the manlorialist s e v e r ~ l
times. snd the rxpeotant przlioe magistrate
Liu Yuug-y", who has been accused of
dishonestl, while head of H branch opium ,
lakin harrier, let both the accused be
forthwith cssliiered and dirmis-ed from j
office as x warning to tlle officialn of ;

duties a t Pekinu in consequence of which

he har been absent from hi" home during
all tllat time. A s tll* only liviltg member
of his family hls reque-t to remaiu in
Anhui to repair 1:ir ancestors' tombs therefore becornea, in Chinese eyes, nil the
stronger, and tbe E m p a r o r could #mot ,lo
otherwise t l ~ n to allom his prayerTba~~slntov.
13th September.

good recotd wl,ileserving u n d e r his brother

of Yutlthe late Ts'6n Y u - ~ i ~ gViorroy
K w i , w e ( , o w p a n t the memorinlist'~
prayer and thesaid TasBrr Y"-pao ir hereby restored to llir rank of a Prouiocial
lltlt September.

(1) A s Tss-18~irng-bnnd Kuei Hsiang

are now etrextnped nt the camp of instrucIMPeRrnl DECREES.
tion in the S o u t h a r ~Hunting
Park. theit.
posta i n
( : ~ ~ i ~of. ,cl
~ Bnhul
~ province,
~ derlounced
. Literary
~ w~ofe ~
Tsiien Ts'i-jang, 8 degraded ax-crnsnr,
chinese B*,,,,~,..
hereby give,, p?-o ten,.
and President cf tlre litera1.y c,,llege of
l o Hnai T'n jru and Kuei Pin.
p6,, CI,.6 is now encamped rvitll Ningchou, for lmving i8ltrriered uith the
mid tnenwrislist in liis duty while he was
his ha,tnlio,,
tile Souther,, ~ , , , , ~ i , , ~
th t city.
park the post o f c
~ ~~i the~I , U - ~ the
~ ~the srudentr
I I of upon
~ As
investigato En s ~ , ~ , , -aidLite~nryCl~ance1lor,
perial ,.o, t E g s
tiom of the aff>~ir,
i s ~ l s to
o blame, ive hereby
pvo tern.
(3) T,,r
in tile
lleld by F~,, cuntrt>aud that Ire be liandrd to the Bonrd
ill1 xrlaqtante peoalty,
Cl,,I, such as the L
~ for
~ t c,f~ accused
and i u ~ t h e tr h ~ the
ex-Censor be
~ e , , e r R l s l , i p of
s the B,,rderedyellow and
B I , , ~M I , , C I , ~ ~ R
~Tlie Boards
concerned n ~ rt t
to P~.~,,,,, Tsai yillg
n,,d A ~ a G . t a , , , N i p,liuu.
take tL"t,e
rpsllective~y,during tile former twoofficerp'
(2) We l i ~ erecrire,l th+ memorial of
abseticr nr tllr Soothern Hunting Park.
L U Cl>'urn-lin. Viceroy of Smech'uan, re(4: K,uei Hs,n is nppoir,ted neting
till:! tJ)e de~ ~of Lei
T.u~~iis7, hjevat
~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ , ,f thr
, ~ ~ ci,inrse
~ . ~ ~P ~ o, v i ,t b ~~C,,mm~niler-in-cliirf.
attd at 018s
pr er
Fir,,C h l e now e,,camppd at
tsme acting Briyndier-General of C h u n p
che Southe, ,r Hunting Pnrk.
king, a l ' d praisillg the military r-card uf
(5) A K
~ Rp,,ointed
. acting
~ porn.
~ lteceaerd offioer stating, mclreover, that,
Vnne,,nrd D ~ ~of tile
~ ~ the
~ ~ , ,
in office w t ollly were the soldiers
Ferl clrZbt,bse,,t
benefited by Ilia beneficent rttle but also
the S o u t l ~ e rHnnting
: tile eo!wrno,i peoplrround about. Tine cause
l2tll September.
1 of the srld officer's death is nllrgrd t o be
( t l h br-*kine out of bix old wosnds re(1) T611e Hua-lwi, Governor oi htiliui, ceived duritLg the late Tniping and aborigbnd rabellioc~s since 1850. I n respowe
t l ~ tWu Ting-f&n. tun in^. VicePresldrnt of the Board Civil Appointto the ahore we herehy cotntnand that
nlents, alto r a r - 1 1 , wed I N O months ago,
the said General Lei 'su-yiin be granted
b y E ~ V liopel.ill
C ~ ~ I grace, t.,, return to his , extraordinary postl~umous1tc.nours propornativeprovinceof Anhui t ~ r e r ~ r i r t l tombs
tionate t c j his rank *ud that his family be
of his wlicestor. n . , w writes to mecnorinlist
also granted assislanee wit!, speciitl funds
that he l w imt bee!, ~ b kto finis1 I i s
t i t t h i s . The B m d s
i *re to t ~ k nt>te.
dutg s t the .aid tnaibs aitllin the two
Vtceroy nlao denaunera
m ~ , n t l ~allowed
liirn to do so b y his
M a j e s t y , ~ n iiwnce
requests the m ~ m o ~ i a l i s t ee,tnin !ocalnu,horitiea in Szech.uan, ui: :
FangL ~ ~ ~ ~ - tthe
l n gd, ~ s t r i e tmapistrata of
t,, ,epart t l ~ eniatt,r to tlme T h r o ~ ~
K ~ a t ~ l l s i e nun
, tlie ground of senili,y
pray (lint the said \Tu Ti,,%-fen be
and decay, and lacking in the neeenp r m i t t ~ d to resign liis post f , r the
ssry energy atid hriyhtness requisite
time in n9d.r to enable lrim to devote
for the incumbent of suoll an office, h e
his time t o sucl, m importaxit duty :,shas
being over 80 years of wgs ; ned Siao Shihnow devolved upon llim as the sole living
k k i , director of studies a t Locllou, 0 t h the
descendant of 1119 rcceet*,rs. The prayer
same ground8
These Pwu officern are
i s granted atld W u 'l'ittp-fan is permitted
~ r d e r e d to retire into prixwte life on
to;esign his post.
appears tltat ever sirme W I I their present rsnks. As for the erpeetant district ntsgistrate Chnng Chao-chi,
Ting-fBn gut his degree of Hnnlin twenty
clrlrf of the Aburignal Bureau at Maokung,
gears ago Ile had beet, kept by him


excessive tortures while trying to obtsi,,

"eonfessio~~s." The second mert~orialist
further prays that sime high minister of t h e
Court be sp-eially appointed to go over the
whole pound, etc. A s we find upon en1 quiry that the said case is still i l ~st~speeso
A Nlr,rTinu ~ a ~ a i r n o .
1 and that s verdict is, Ha yet, as fnr off aa
T L + oMU, Viceroy of the three pr<,vinees erer, we hereby coml~nndt b t the Praof Shensi. I<a,,suand the New Dominion
sidents and Vice-Presidents u i t h e c o u r t of
(Hsiuchiang or Chinese Turkestnn-Traws.
Censors shall iuin the Presidents a n d Vim. .-"
lotor), denourlces R Manchu officer nrmed
Presidents of" tho Board of P u n i ~ h ~.
m r ..
Hslu Ch'ang, holding ille rank of Lieutin filrllliug a apecia1 t r i b u ~ ~ atol re-try the
enant-Colonel in the territori~l xrmy of
said case and earnestly enilesvour t o ~ e t
Kansu, for being of a gay and i,ival,~us
the truth of the whule rnntter We itlrist
perirment and too fond of the soci-ty of wo.
that the else he siifed to its very drege.
me,, t o the detriment of lhis miltvary dutien
(2) E. K'6 c'ano-h, Tartar General of
while commanding the middle battalion of
Fengtien and Mllitamy Governor of Mouk.
the Kanw Pr vincial Commaodsr-in-elaief's
den, wud his eollengu.~,having reported
headquartera brigade. Lately, however, the
that the repnirs to the Fulin Mausolea
accused officer hxs been still further guilty
have bee!, oornpleted now prny that
of viol~ling tl:e laws of propriety and
special day be selected far the replacing
decorum in that while on the retired list,
of the sacred hblets of our anoestors in
being in stourning for the derth i,f his
their p r p e r ~rivhea within the said
father (tlle period beits# 100 ddya for
huildi!qs, etc. We hereby o7mrnand the
Manchus-T~amlatov), '.he did buy t o be
Imperial Bonrd of Astronwuy to select
hisconruhinc, t l e widow of hisdeceased vn.
an at~spiciousday for tho performiug of t h e
Wnng Erh And notrontrot with
above functions sometime during the montlx
thi* he also bouglbt R womsn of the people,
named Fxn Shih, to be s four811 oc~neubine, of October, and thht the said E Kbt'ang-2 be ordrred, u ~ l o n learning t h e
all of which acts are in truth breaches
selected date. to revrrentially and enrrfully
o f propriety nl,d n disgrace to his
carry ollt tlle iwportnnt duty c o ~ ~ f a r r e d
uniform and rnrt~darittdom in general."
upon him ~ t l dlli. colleagues in ,Ilia matter.
Melnorinlist Im, tlie~efore,first h k e n the
responsibility uf removing the aeoosed
l b t b September.
officer from his oommand, at rhe request
of his Commsndar-inchief, and now prays
(1) Appointisme a lnrga number of official3
that t h e anirl Heiu Ch'nng be further cashto the Metrooolitan aud Provincial Adiered and dismissed from the Army in dia,....
The vacancy occasioned thereby
(2) Yii K'un, r nollle of the Imperial Clan
in tha Lieut.-Colonelcy ahove noted llns
andltend inspector of tlie En.tern M a u ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~
been given already tu the next officer
reoorts a \vonderf91 disoenaation
~ ~
.. t..h
..r ~ .
under the accused it, tile Kanau terrivorial
eods in proterting III* trees in the said
"rmy. His Majesty's ap rovnl is anked
Maurolea gmounds from the insects which
for with regard to r l t n a!ove.-Fiescvipt:
devastated the \\ieat,ern Mnuscllea this year.
The memorinlist states that, wbw h m heard
of tile destruction of the trees in the
14th September.
namrd Mausolea, he carefully examined t h e
tress in the grounds of which he had
(1) W ~ t hreference ta the caae of one
charge and found th*t some ol them had
W a q Yuan lai, n citizen of the Middle city
also bee,, attacked in the same mal,ucr
of P e k ~ n g ,whose death, utlder suspicious
by grub and insects. I n consequence of
ciroumstaoces, was reprtrtcd to the Throne
of this he (the memorialist) a t once went
by the Censor Sung Peh-lu, and in con.
nnd performed a pilgrimage to the Malan
sequence of which we ordered s special
Cliff where stands a temple dedicated to
tribunal of the Bonrd of Punishments to
the "fivegnds." Reverentially and humbly
the oase and bring the guilty ones t o
t,he rnemarinlist prxyed that protection
justice, we have uow farther received a
he given to the trees in the Eastern





as he has certainly been found t o have

Mausolea grounds as,d besought the proteetion generally of their sacred godahipa.
J u d g e of memorialist's grert nurpriae
and joy then when Ire returned nnd
made n second examination of lhis trees
and fuund that of those tliat had been
attacked the grubs and insects in tl>eluhad
all been destroyed by supevnaturill agency
rvhile tbose still untouclled seemed t o
be more flourislting tllan ever ! A3 this
appears t o he n dilect disprns.tioit of ,
t h e n,ejcy of the g o d ill quermion and an
anvwer tu the reverenr ~ n lbumble
of the rnemori;llist, be thinks tl~atImpet.i;ti
recognition should bc luade o f the wonilrous
fact A I I ~be pray* t,Imt a t d ~ l e twritten by I
tile Imperial Itand he best~rredupon the 1
gods tu he Ihung wishin the temple of the
anid ' - f i v e gods" a t Malan Cliff, as a
token i f tlieprniitude of HisMnjesty for
khe prutecti,.n g r ~ n t e d t o tile trees
aurround~nrn the axered &lauaolen of the
Iwprrial fit>iily, eti. W e itriieed feel
thankful for this l~aneticence of their
fire godsllipa arid hereby g r m r tlie tnhlet
prayed for on their belialf. Furtl>ermore, '
as the said mem,,rialist also pray? that a
special desigt~ntion he b r r t o ~ ~ o dby us ,
upon tbeir gudslripr f. r the prrpe o;iliou !
of tl8is:ict of wpreiwl protrctiou sro hereby
eon~mrind the Eurrd uf Rites to cnke tit,: I
Walter up and leport ul,oi~so a1 propriata I
appellation f ,r besto>.:al upon tiieanid gorlr.
llitli September.



been lax in keeping due control over

the junior members of Itis fsmily, he
is hereby turned orer t o the Board of
Civil Appointle~ent.3for the determittation
of ra ndequktr penalty. As f .r tire tiratforwed jidoiiil tribunal of the Board of
Punish~rmrnts delegated to try the said
case, i t app-ars that there were oerlain
grounds for complaint of the Censor Chiang
S'lili-f&n t l ~ attempt*
liad been made t o
*lur over the faults of the said accused
President. Thiu should not go unpunished
and n e therefore h a r ~ dorer the Firat-class
Secretaries 'Pang MBng a t ~ others
to the
pmper B o ~ r dfhr the d termination of
Nole :-The accused Prrsitlent. of the
Board of Punirhmenta iq nn elder brothrr
of the late Hsiieh Fu-ell'eng, fortoerly
Chinese hlinister to Grent Britain and
17th September.
No papers of interest.
18th September.

(1) Hiti Shu-mi", n o w Liternry Chancellor 111 t h e provinces, is hereby appointed

Junior Vice-Pre.ident of the Board of
Civil bpjiolntmenls. Before hia arrival a t
Peking Ilia post is to be temp rarily admin~stel-edtry Hsii Hui-fang.
(2) Yang T i is ~ppuinted Senior VicePresident of tlie Boa1.d of IVxr and he is
as acting Juaior
( 1H
. I
i, appoiotrd Bri- atill to act ad icte~i??~
Yiee.E'r+sident i l f the Hoard of \X70rks
gadiel-General of :!I,; Cll;zngcl~oub1ilitnl.y
with contrlll o r e r tlia mints.
Circuit of Fi~kieti.
(2) Witli refererice io the ~ 1 1 ; i r ~t ~
~ l' ii~ d e (3) Slwu Cll'ang is appointed (Mauchu)
by the C e ~ ~ s
c h ~ i ~ > g;ind
- y i Clii.cny i Junhor Vice-president of the Board of War
and lhe i* still to a r t ss acting .Tunior ViceShili~fdrrngnin,t Es~uclrYhll-sl~B~~g,
PrePresident of tlie Bnilrd of Punishments
sideut of tlie Eonr~l of Punislrrnonts.
ulitil further wders.
of having given scc:at aid to his nephews
14) Clr'ing Rlieu is appoirxted Supervising
it) their nttelilpts a: xetting muneg by
illegal and d<lubtful methods, ant1 nit11 Censrlr m d Keeiter of the Sasla of tha
~ o a r d ~ ~unishrdents.
reference t 3 wl~iclt cllxrges have b e e n
proved against the said nephew Hsiiel, J u 19th September.
chou, ot%cinl name Hsueh Chi, we hereIBIPERIAL DECREES.
by com~liand th;i
Ire be fhrthwith
(1) Chi Lan ia a p p ~ i n t e dInspector of
cashiered and kept in prison pending the
the Bordered Yellow Mnncl~u Banner
eon~pletianof ti,: ca-r. The other yuilty
Corps rhis yerr.
o f f i c ~ r sare also t ; )be cashiered as soon
(2) Chung Lien in npjiointed Inspector
as sentence can be given ici tbeir cases.
of the Yelloir Mongol Banner Corps this
As for (lie itoportniit witness S u Yueliyear.
po, who has so f a r escaped arrest, we
20th September.
hereby command the Viceroy of Cliihli
m d all the metropolitzn local oficials to
We have received the in~emorial of Yii
search for the mail in order to bring
the whole case t o a close. Now with
K'ua, an Imperial noble and Inspector
of the Eastern Imperial Mausolea, reportreference t o the aceu~edPresident of the
ljoard uf Puuishnien:~, Hsiieh Yin-shBllg,
iug that certain portions thereof require

23rd September.
r e d m before Me w d of tha year: and
b h b s high a o w t Mleiata~be
aeah bo investig4te and make the propen
Hsii Ch'eng- ao is ap ointed Assistant
wtiautea for work in t h e mid nopairs, etc.
Director of the !qarisl &rn Court.
We heaebv a o ~ o i n Plne
Nieo. Vice-Pre.
No pspem of interast.
ardent of the B O of~works, t o go t o the (
said H . a u s o k s o d report thereonto us.
24th S s p t e m b ~ r .
($?I The same hinh a 5 c i d dsnouncas
the b a r i c e a n d exto&ionate demsnds made
by certain Manchu officevs while mcortit\g
the coffin of Wan Kuei-fwi (Imperial
Viceroy of Chihli s o d
Concubine of T'hng Chih-Trawlator)
Imperial Hiell Commissioner of the Peiysng
from Peking t o the Eastern Mauaolea laat
Auqust. We hereby oommand that the Defences ; Liu K'un.yi, Viceroy of the
olfioials namwd in, Yii K'un's memorial be Liang Kiang provinces snd Imperial High
Commisoioner of the Nsnyang Defences ;
turned orer t o the B o a ~ d of Punishmenha
aud Chao Shu-cln'iao, Governor of Hiangsu
m d an enquiry held into their conduot
and LZ oifLciaVice-President of the Boxqd of
h i n g August Lrst.
War, jointlj memorialise ooncerning the ex.
2lst September.
Denspaof the Nankina Arsenal, theamounts
bf which have be& presinted by the
No papem of interest., Sung Shou. Provincial
22nd September.
Tre~aurera t Nanking, for the year ending
1895. and whioh havine been carefulls
(1) We have received the memorial of examined by the meminiialc-ts they no;
pasa as correct and request the Boards of
the Censor P'an C h ' i n ~ - l s orenortine the
death of Kuo S h l l ~ themobher
bf theplate Revenue, Works, and of War also to npCommodore TBng Shth-qhaaq, (Captan)
prove. There was a surplus of Tla 193 5 0
from the orevaous "ear's aocounts. and the
.-..of.-Hhs Chtneae
. ~
~ oru~sar
. ~
Chihyusn, which was sunk by a torpedo
sums subsequentiy received &om the
while trvine to ram r Javanese cruiser in
departments disbursioz the expenses of
the asid Arsenal amounted tn
total of
the battie oT the Yslu, ~ e p t . 1894.-Trans.
letor.). Aa the & a w e d lady had done her
Tls. 231.512.40, that is to say, reoeived
from the Kiangttan I.M. Cuu~oms. ( S h ~ n p
du-y to the Stste by teaching the principles
, , and devotion to her son whose haik Kianenan Pnv and Defence Depa;tment, and the Kinglinp (Nanking) Payheroic death in refusing to survive the loss
master-general's Department of the Huxi
of his ship is a proof thereof, we desire to
A m y , a t Ysngohow. The erpe~lsesfor the
show fnrther our commendation of uoh
year under review included for materials,
c p n d ~ o au
t the part of our subjem, and
ete.. Tls. 121,960.90 ; for pay and food of
hqreby cammsnd that an autograph tablet
artisans and labourers employed in the
he presented to the family of the deceased
Arsenal, Tls.
93.895.30; Tls.
Commodore in oommemomtion of the
12,194.10 for aalariss of Arsenal officials.
tvsehings of 8 loyal lady t o s heroic aon
olerkr and b~dygusrd of
(9) We hare received the report of the
and Manaqer; for freight and trmsport
Board of Civil A pointments a i t h reof materials by boat, etearner, and oarriers,
lqrsuce t . 9 the
to he deoided in reTla. 7,822.20 ; attd le1,airs fur puudry
g.rd M Siqh Pei-haien. First-class Cpmpiler
portions of the Arsenal. Tls. 1.481.90.
of the Haelin Academg and er-Aesistnnt
total Tla. 237,364.40. With xegard t o
Special Emminer of K w a u proviaboa who
the tots1 expeodirures uoted aboss the sum
was denounqd the other day by. a Cesasr.
of Tla. 106,08940 should be entered into
Tbe aaid report state* that the said Sieh
the aocounts of, alnd passed by, the Board
t ei-haiets should be pennlieed by the loon
of Revenue ; the sum of Tls. 7,822.20 by
of two ateps of l x q k and treosferred t o
the Board of War, aod Tls. 125.443.90
4 lower post. Tbia penalty ia not to be
by the Baard of Works, or the tots1
slloaed to be cammutad by t h e settingsum of T s . 231,354.40, leaving a surpbus
off of p o d mark+. B u t ka the said
for the year of Tls. 851.60 to be eam~e-3
degraded officer hsia yet ano&her perbaltp
forward tl, next year's account. T h e 1i.t of
of degrsdation of snotlter atwp of rank
small arms and field puns, and amlponiti,m
in aonoection a i t h a minor accusation
hs is allowqd in the latter case t o com- manufactured a t the satd Araeusl is s'so
made out and presented to the said Boarda
mute the said penalty by a general setin ooojunctioi with this memorial. Hiq
'pff of his good msrka agniost the bad.


Majesty's approval is asked with reference


thus vaoated is hereby given to Li Pinghang, now Governor uf Shantutlg, but

prior to hia arrival a t ChOngtu, the Viaeroyship of ,Szechuan ia to be administered
25th September.
ad interim by Kung Shou, Tartar General
af the said province of Szechuan.
(3) Chang J u - m i , Provittoisl Treasurer
(1) The following Board Minisbers, dr.,
HsB Yung-yi, PLUShan, Hsii Hui~fhng, of Shensi, ia hereby promoted to be Goas;",p'" ~ i yang
y i , and ~ i ~ , , ventor of Shantung vice Li Pihg-hhng, proShou.h8ng, and the Censors, Tai Ngo, ~i~~ ) moted to the Viceroyalty of Szeohuan.
Chih-shih, P a n Kuei, Ch'en Ch'i-ehaug, '
30th September.
Chung Hua, Cb8ng Sze-chan, Sung Lin,
H u Fu-chen, and Mu Tc8ng-ngeh are
(1) With reference t o the penalties to be
appointed t o serve as a Commtttee and
administered to tihe persons implieatrd in
Sub-Committee to examine candidates for
Lhe charges of attempted bribery and fraud
office from the provinces who oome up to
exposed by the Censors Chani: Chung-yi
the capital for an audience.
and Sung the other day, we have
(2) H u Yii.f&n, Govenror of Peking, and
this day received the report oi the Board of
Li Tien-lin and Chcen Chao-w8n are ap.
Civil Appointments thereon which is given
pointed Inspectors of the Imperial Clan
as follows :-For
his inabiliby t o keep
sohools for t h e enauing year.
a propep restrsiut upott the ytunger mem(3) Prince Yi Kung and E, La.pu are
bers af his inmily, Hsiieh Yiin-sh&ng,
appmnted to try the new guns made by
President of the Board of P u ~ ~ i s h m e ~ l t s ,
the Pekitlg arsenal for the inland ,,aval
must suffer the degradation of three
eteps of rank and be transferred to a lower
(4) S8 Ling-a is appointed Searcher a t
post; Tang MOng, First C1a.s S e c r e t x r ~
the Left Middle entranoe of the Imperial
i n the Borrd of Puniahtnents, who has
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . .
26th September.
origitrai posc. As for the other'offioiala
(1) With reference t o the memorial of the
who have been found eulpahla in one wsy
Court of Sacrificial Worship within the
or another in trying the said ohnrges and
Palace stating that the 1st day of the
in questioning the witnesses, etc., the
9th moon (26th inst.) is a day set apart
per~sltieareor,mmendedby tl>eahova-named
f<,rspecial saorifioea to the Imperial manes,
Board, which are herehy oontirmed, .re that
we hereby oommand P r ~ n o e Siao, 4th
Yino J u i and Yung Ch'Bng-jan, First
Order. t t ~sacrifice in our stead before the
Class Secretaries in the Board of PunishImperial tablets witltin the Palace
ments,'nre to be fined a whole yesr'e salary ;
(2) The Duke M i n is commanded tossSung Kuei, former (Manchu) Presideut of
orifice on the same day a t the temple of
the Baard of Punishments, lately trsusSolid Hrrmony in our stead.
ferred t o be acting Pceaident of th* Board
(3) With referenoe to the memorial of
of Works ; A K18-tan, Senior (Manchu)
the Bosrd of War asking that a SuperinVice-president of the Board of Punishtendent be appointed over the Govern.
ments; Li Tuan-f8o, former Senior (Chiment atables of the aaid Bosrd we hereby
nese) Vice-president of the same Bowrd,
appoint Yuog E u i t o the above post.
lately transferred to the Director-General27th and 28th September.
ship of the Imperial Granaries ; WBu Lin,
No papers of interest.
Junitn (Manchu) Vice-President iuf the
Board of Punisllments, and a s " Shu-mi",
29th September.
former Junior (Chinese) Vice-Presideblt of
the same Board, now transferred to be
(1) As Ming Hui is now encamped with
Junior Viee-President of the Board of
his regiment a t the Southern HuntingWorks-all the above-named high clfficers
nre to be penalieed by being finrd dx
Perk his post of Lieutsnsnt-General of the
months' aalary. Pinally. HsiiehChen. First
Bordered White Mongol Banner is temCixss Comlliler of the Grsild Secret~riat,is
porarily given t o Kuan Beisng.
tcr be filled nihe montlts' arlary. None r,f
(2) L u Ch'uan-lio, Vicetoy of Szechuan,
(lie xbilve-named penslties sltall be allowed
ie command d to give up his p o d and
to be commuted by the setting-off of good
come up t o Peking where he is t o await
The Viceroyship
further employmeut.
t o t h e same.-Rescvipt:
eoncmed take note.

Let the Boavds

&m. 30700T. 5.1


(6) We have received t h e memorial of

(2) LiHsi.lien,Provinoial Judge of Kueichon, is ~ r o m o t e dto h e Provincial Trea- Wang Wan-shaa, Viceroy of Chibli, reporting that owing to the pescefulneas of t h e
surer of Slmnsieim Chase Ju-mei promoted
river gods thsYungtingRiver and theGrsnd
to the Governorship of Shantung, and Yii
RBng, (Manchu) Teotai of the Kuei-Esi Canal have, during the p a ~ autumn,
aingolsrlg free from overflow and other
Intendancy of Kueichou province, ia hereby
mishapa, eto. We feel grateful to t h e
promoted to the Judgeship v a c ~ t e dby the
gods for their aid and hereby command
said L i Hsi-lien.
(3) ~ ( ~ ~ i ~ i , , ( ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ )that
i ~ten~ great
~ ~ ~Tibetan
i ~ t incense
~ d ~ ~stick8
~ t be
a ;
bestowed upon the Dragon gods of t h e
of the Kuei-Hai Intendancy of Kueichou
Vicavioe y i i B &promoted
~ ~ to the judgeship
roy shall send the said incense sticks
of the said province.
to the Taotai of the Yungting Intendsncg
1st Ootober.
wht, si8all offer them a t the Dragon temple
on our behalf in token of our gratitude.
(I) LiaoShou-hOng isappointedPresident
of the Basrd of Punishments v i c e Hsiieh
Yiin-sheng degrsded for misdemesnaurs,
and Esii Shu-min is appointed President
of the Court of Censora&oice Liao Shou-hBng
promoted as above.
(2) R G Bui-fBne is hereby transferred
to be Junior Vice-Praaident of the Board
of Rites, snd TLang Ching.ohCung is apainted Junior Vice-President of the same
(a) With reference to the memorial of
the Comptrollers-General of the Imperial
Household Department recommending the
repairing of the various R e s t Houses outside the city of Peking, which must be
used by us iu ouc tours outside the capital.
we Itereby command Ch'i Esiu and Shih
Shu to make a careful examination of the
sarious plaoes and report t o us the amount
required to put them in a proper condition.
2nd October.
~-(1) Hsii Sbu-min is commanded to give
up a t onoe his post of Literary Chancellor
of ChBkisngprovince and come up to Peking
to take over his new post of Preaidant of
the Court of Censors. L u Pao-chung, SubChancellor of the Grand Secretariat, is
hereby commanded t o go t o Hangohow to
take over the said Hsii Shu-mink post.
(2) As Hsii Shu-min will take a little
time in eamina up t o Peking to take over
his new appointment of President of the
Court of Censors, we hereby command Hsii
Ping-k'usi t o act as President of the said
Court pro tern.
(3) Liao Shou-h8ng is commanded to
continue to act as acting President of the
Board of War until further orders.
(4) Haii Hui-fOng is commanded t o act
sa Actiug Senior Vice-president of the
Bosrd of Rites in addition t o his other

3rd Ootober.
No papers of interest.
4bh October.

(1) Chi En (Manchu) is hereby appointed

prefect of Shaohsing prefecture, ChBkiang
(2) Appoiuting a large number of officials
t o the Metropolitan slid Praviaoial administrations.
(3) On t h e 1st instant the official Assembly Room, situated within the third
courtyard of the Palace :precincts, got o n
tire resulting in the destruction of over s
dozen large and small ronms used aa officea.
As the high Court i,ffioiala on duty st the
time and the C~mmandantof the Peking
Gendarmerie managed to extinguish t h e
conlkagration beitxe it could deatroy any
of the Palace buildings, we hereby approve
their work by commending their activi.
ty, and further ordcr the said Commandant to send us a list of the names of t h e
moet active amongst the offioers and men
of his force who exerted themaelves during
tlw fire in order that we may reward them.
As for the officers and men on guard a t t h e
time of the conflagration the aaid Commandant shall make sn investkation a n d
send 'the culprits to the Household Depart.
ment to be dealt with.
6th October.
(1) With reference to the celebration of
the birthday anniversary of E.I.M. t h e
Empress.Dowsger on the 10th day of t h e
10th mouth (4th November). we have received her Majesty's commands that t h e
said celebrations are t o be made st E h o
Park. On that d ~ ywe shall peraonslly
present t o her Majesty our address of
congratulation on the felicitous eranb.
Two days before that day (2nd November)

(2) We received the other day n meinot.ial
from the Censor T ~ i a n gSliill-iBn denouneing the incapscity and avsrice of Shih
Nien-tsu, Govzrnor of Kuaogsi. alld furth.,r
that he had been guilty of eonspirivig
wihh H o Chno-shan, the former acting
Priioineial Judge of Kunngsi, in preying
"Don the inhabitants oi the enid provirice.
W e tl~ereiorecommanded Cli'Btr Pao-clibn,
Governor of Hunan, to m r k secret investigations to see what founda8ions there
were in the said charge0 and to report
truthfully thereon t o us. The report of
the said Ch'Bn Pao.ch8n is now before us
in which he states that ha has discovered
that sonla of the charges bad not been
proved while ill others there were reasons
which led to the accused officials being
suspected by outsiders of a partial oomplicity and improper conduct. But the
main reason for all this was due to
Shih Nien-tsu'~ con6dinq in unwortliy
and dishonest men, who using his
name and authority committed depredxtians upon the people of huangsi, in
conaequeuee of which many unfnvourable
oomments hxd reached Pekiug against the
chsrscter of the said Governor. Isr view
of thia we hereby command that Shih
Nien-tsu be handerl over to the Bonrd
of Civil Appo\tittne\tts for ail ndrquste
penalty. With refevencato Ho Chao-shan,
Taotai oi the Tai ping-en-shun Intendsney
of Kuangsi, and former acting Provlneial
Judge of said province, he I d in truth
been c u l p ~ b l eof givtng an unjust sentence
in a case of the arrest i,f oevt*i~>innocent
people belonlinr to Chaopinghsisn, in
consequence of which there was an insurrection amongst the people
district. R e wan also guilty of a hasty
judgment in the case of prohibiting the
-aport of rice frotr, the depirtmeot of
Yunganchou. Then as for Shlnag W i l l yung, theformer acting Salt I n t e l l a n t of
Kueiliniu, who as a n assistnnt judge in
this important case was guilty of gratifying his private ani~nositiesin several inetanoas, the conduct oi the two abovenamed officers is loo serious t ' , be con.
dosed and they are hereby cashiered and
dismissed from office. A s for Chao Laiyang, thenacting prefect of Pinglofu, wllo,
upon findi~igthat the men charged before
him in the above ease had revtlkrd entirely
their previous evidence, iailed to ule his
best erlrrgies in trying to get to the bottom of thei: wrongs but, instead, arnt up
s reporb to the aoting ,Judge reqeesting permission to punish them for not
giving the same evidence as had been
given in the lower Courts, thia officer was

truly guilty of incspability and he is
tlierefare handed to the Board for
adjudication af an adequate penalty.
for the patty officials in the said
Gover~ior'ayamen who also tried the caae
and failed t o see anything unusual in the
c,~nKietingevidenoe, etc., they are hereby
eastliered and dismissed from their poab.
16th October.

(1) Li Ching-ch'un. the commoner who

appealed t.5 us in the streets this morning,
is hereby handed to the Board of Punishments, which is oommrnded to investigate
carefully the cause oi his appeal to us.
(2) We have received the memorial of
E-k'B-t'ang-B, Tartar-General of Fangtien
and Military Governor of Moukden, mking that the newly appointed CisilGovernor
of Moukden ba ordered to hasten to take
up his post, owing to the sccumulation of
work and the inability of the memorialist to
attend to i t all. We hereby command
TCingChieh, the Civil Goveroor-designate
oiMoukden, to eomeat onoe to Peking for
his audience, after which he ie t o proceed
without, d e h y t o his new post to assist the
said Tartar General.
(3) Li Ping-hbug. Governor of Shantung,
sends us a l i s ~of deserving omoisls whose
wnlchfulness and activity ellabled them t o
patch up the breaches in the Yellow River
a t West Hanohiak'ou last month, in coosequsnce of which the river cotlld
not do much damage. atld ale0 a list of
officers who worked dilige!ltly and intelligently a t the breach last year a t
Chaoohia Gardens. We hereby grant the
rewards and promotions asked for in tho
case of certain of the officers named ill the
two lists. (Here follow the names uf some
seventy officlsla-Tramlator.)
And the
Boards of War and Civil Appointments are
hereby commanded to take note thereon.
16th Ootober.

(1) Appointing a number of officials to

the Metropolitan and Provinical administrations.
(2) We appoint this day Ts'ing J u i to
be Chiei Examiner of the licentiate oompetitions in translation work of Chinese
iuto blancliu, and vice uersa', to be held
nent day a t the Metropolitan Examination
Hails, and Wbn Bai is hereby. appointed
(3) Yiog Shou and Wang 'Eing-lssiang
are app,liuted Proctors of the Iituer Halls,
and Shu T'ai and Chane Chao-lan are
appointed kssistaet ~ x a m k e r s .

Ocr. 16-19.]


(4) Wan Lirh, Chuug Lien. Chbng S h ~ h than,, and Fan: ILi-jPn are i p p l # t t t l d
Searchers of Stulcwtr in the mid Ex?mil a tion Eatla to prevent seoret eornmu8,ic~tiona between competitors, "cribbing."

17th October.

(1) Prince Mu, (4th Order). Shan Chi,

Chung Hsiu, Ch'ang Kuei and Yii Lin,
o5cers of the Imperial Bodyguard, xre
commanded t o act ss Inspectors at time
Eraminstiotks n e r t day, of the Mnllohu
Translators in the Paoho Throne-tiall.
(2) P'6tng Shou ia appointed Searoller of
Stutlenta a t the Middle-Left gate of the

His Vsjesty will return to Peking from

Eho Park to-morrow morning after transacting atate a i r s , and the Court will be
held in the Capital unttl further notier.
18th Oetober.

(1) Kuo LB-ulin, Lieutenant General of

the Left Division of the Ionperial Bodyguards, and TBh K'uei, Lieutenant-General
of the Right Division, are hereby oommanded Lo take a battalion each t~ form
the outer guard arouud the Examination
Halls this day.
(2) Sheng Ngeh-lu. H&ng Nien. Yung
Kuei, A1 Hsin-h. Lien Ch'urn, and E n Hui,
Mxnohu Censors, are herzby appointed
Receivers of Tratislntion Essays n t the
(3) Li Hung-K'uei having presetlt d n
memor~al 11.. t" ,rm.u y arkin; to he c r c is.
erl f .m the p ~ . tor YICP-Ch.ncell~rc f i1.e
Er*m.n*r~on Hallr wrnz ., ~llt~ebs, 19
herein given ten days' leave of absence
from Court duties, and Rsu Chang-yao ia
now appointed in his stead.
19th. October.

the late war, uiz: -Yeh Chih-ohsa. exProvincial Commander-in-chief of Chihli.

Kung Chno-yii, ea-Superinre~ldent and
Civil Commandant of the naval strongholl
of Port Arthur, and several other military
officer, of the riltlk of gen~rxl, hare
succeeded ever since the winter of 1894
in eludmng the eaeeutioner'r knife, by
g ttihg tile Imprrial pencil t o itmark the
words "Reserve until n e r t time" against
their nnrrles in the above list. Naturally
evety time tile "O,indemnedn Iiu. is being
prepared by the Boird of Punislnnenta
these men have to " m ~ k *ir all r , g h t n not
rmly with 1 he high officials of the said
Board but also wi h some of the members
of the Grxnd Secretarirt which presettts
the list tl, the Emperor, and member* of
the Grand Counoil in whose Chatnkr the
eaamin:,tian of the list takes place. Doubtless, when Chitla finds lierself compelled
t o fight for her rights aorne time ill the
near future, these met! will inanage to
leave their priarans by volunt,rering to lead
forlorn Lopes ngrinst the enemy ; bu. this,
rgnin, will men,, a heavy disbursement t o
shall mattag to ~ i r r r e , , the
the ~ r ~ rwho
offers of tile condemned
the Emperor
wllen the-trl
arrit os.-Ti ararlator.

(1) We have iveeived the m e m o i ~ lof

Li Itung-t'uei, Civil Vice-Gouel.n r-deeignstr of Moukdsml nnd Literary C1,xi~eetlor of FBnztien plovtnce, declarilig t ~ a t
althi,uglr lhi~l.:,ve of abxcnoe is about to
expire his mnlndies still eontlnus unlhealrd ant1 srking t l ~ n tsome one mny be
allowed l o :net ~ri,
{em. as Vioe-Governor
of S'liunt,irnio (Pekitty), the mamolialist's
present post, etc. We hereby give the
said Li Hung-k'u<,i an extended lesoe
of twenty days, ilf~erwhich ha is cum.
manded to make no further drl.,y but
start a t once for his nrw post a t Moukden. A s for the aoting Vioe-Governorship
oi Prkinq we hereby command Kltei Hsien
(M.tncbu) t o take over tlle post, tern.
The Grand Secretariat presented this
morning ti! hie Majesty, on hel)ali of the
(2) Hunng Huai-srn, Governor of Yuonnn, sends a mernorial .le~ou~tcina
Bosrd of Puniahmenta, the list of criminals
of Ibis subordinate i,ffieialsin the said pro.
now lying in the priar~nsif the said Bnnrd
vince. We hereby command that Liu K u who should auffer the last penalty at the
pang, d e p ~ r t m e n t magistrate of N ~ n w r i ,
annual exrc~>tians
nent wee$.
Note :-The Emperor's Prerogative may be cashiered ior svarice and other conduck
ineompxtibte with lhia rank. nn,l that Li
delav. bv n ntroke of the Irnoerial " Vermilion Fskil." the erecution'of any one lhe Haing-jui, dsirict magirtmte of Licl,~nng,
may wish in tlta above noted L'co~xiem- be ordered t,, vesigo his poet and await
ned" list, until the next annual eneo,ition~, further nppoimtmrnt, owing to incxp~bility
and i~~erp.,riemmce
ill I l i a present poqt-as
which ia usually on the 25th day of the 9th
recommended in the said Governor's ,tnemonth ,,f esoh war. I n this wrv the
worthies who 4eh from the ~ a ~ a n &ine morial.

to the various gruel stations mentioned in

their m-moriai t o the amnunt of 1,5W
picula ss the limit.
(2) ('h'en Ch9 is nppointed Taotai of
the YenTung Intendnnoy of Yutman.
29th October.

3 l a t Oetoher.


(1) The 4th of November being the an.

niversary of lI.I.&f. thr E , ~D , , ~ , ~
birth4 y we hereby command that, the ,
interval conlrneneing from the i s t OE m a t
month to tljs 9th idem, should be observed ,
as a ,,+,tiollal
holiday in eo,lsequence of
w),ich no courtwill be held during the
(2) T
Shu.min, provincin] ,rudge
of Yuottrn, is plomoted to be Treasurer of
the aatlle
vree Yii Hsiani. promoc.
ed 1.1 8 . . Governor of tile s ~ i dprovillce "f

(3) Hsing Lu, Taotsi , f the yen:rung
Intendnury u i Y u ~ ~ nis~ promoted
t o be .
Provi>to#alJudge of the ssid pri~uinceuice
T'at g Shu-mi" promoted to be Treasurer I
of tile same.
30th October.


(I) n'e have received the usual repost

from J @ b T a o ~ j u n gDirectoi-General
f tile
Yrllr'w River io Honan provlace, reporting t1l;st since the nppraxcll of cold weather
t h e ernhnlikmenta and dykes of the said
beenso well att,.nded to d u r i , , g
tile ."tllmn that there has been no trouble
alone tile w ~ l o ~eo,lrsc
by the
memoria~ictthisyenr, ete. hi^ ia c r r t n i n ~ y
br,,ev,,lmce o f ,he
gad. ;,,,d we feel duly ,hnnkf,,l for their )
$lie p a o p e , \ve
eo,nnlntl,~ tlisit ten irree-~ized ~ i b
inee,,.c.aticka be
by the I
Hous lloldDrpnrtmen t o t l l e s a i d ~ i r e cor.
,>f the Y.IIOW R,...
W I , is . I ~ I
ed t o
tilem a t the
tlnr qods in the D r ~ g o nKinx's Temple in
the vicinity. As for the officers to wllose
e n e r ~ yx w d care /has been due the peacei u l s t i ~ t eof ( h e g 8 a xrirertlliayenr,
we hereby commn7,d the Bonld of Civil Ippointments ti? d e l i b e r ~ t einnd irpnrt u p o , the
rewards that olrpl~tt o be griinted toNgeh- (
18-chino-ngeh. Pr,,!iacinl Treasurer of i
Honan ; M u Ch'i-haien, Tnbtri of the K'ai
Kuei-Ch'en-Hsii Intendancy of t,he said
province ; and Tsen Ch'un-jnug, Taotti of
the Hopei Ivtet~dancYof Honan. With
reference to W8n Hum, Prefect of K'aif k g f u , he is hereby promoted to he a ,
Taotai in rank with the brevet 2nd rank 1
button, as soon as he *hall have complrted
his term of officeas prefect of the said city.

ta Moukden and Shanhaikusn to be on the

.look out for the fugitive. The man was
subsequently captured and confessed that
he lhad bribed t h e said gaolwaden
a n d his subordinates t o enable him to
return to his home ion China proper, eto.,
T h i s i s indeed e grave and serious charge
sgaiust the said gaolwarden, and we hereby
command the said Tartxr-General t o ur-hie?
the said gaolwarder, amid put him under
arrest to await trial with the oapturect
fugitive. The guilty ones must be punished
with ( h e utmost severity of the law.
(2) With referenoe to the vacancy in the
prefectship of Paotingfu, 8 s the postiso,8n
of great importance we hereby cotrimand
Wang WBnahno, t h e Viceroy of Chihli, lo
select the prefect best suited for the said
p m t out of all the ufficials holding substantive prifectlrral posts i n the said province, and we further command that the
post vacated lhy the wid Viceroy's choice
be given t o P'an Ch'iog-chao.
2nd November.


(1) With reference to the military

oo,npetitions amongst the
tached members of the Imperie.1 Clan the
other day, we hereby eommsnd that Yii
P'ormmd 15otherslnatnrs given-Trmurlatal
who succeeded i6 hitti@ < h e target wit6
times be
~ ~~arrows
~~ on
~ horseback
~ ~ five
given the rank of Imperial Guardsmen of
the 3rd class A l a , that Chin Haiu and
8 "thers [nantes g i ~ e n ]who n~icceededin
hitting the target with their arrowa on foot
foul' times, and lance o n horseback, be given
the rank of Ilnperial Guardsmen of tile 4!h
C~BSB. AS for the rest who suooeeded in
ilittillg the ttrget in foot archery four time3
they are hereby ordemed to be rewarded,
each man, one ~ i e c eof "great" satin
and ten taeli in m o e y ; while those who
only hit the larger three times are to be
rewardud with 5 tsrls each "tan.
(2) Yii Tell is cotnmatlded to preside
over the ''lblng division , , f the archery
competition f o r the miliary Chz(iBi~degree
and Tang Yi is apllo8-trd to tally the
number of hits ; Iiauei Pin is app<illted to
preside. orer the Hsizc divi~iv>ma , , d W8tr
Cl~. t h is
.appointej tallyist ; Chin Hsin
n .l l llreridr orer the Lieh division and
H,, Yd
is nppoi,,ted tnllyist;
Kuei is t.2 preside ov..r the Chnny division
while Kuoi FIslecl will tally the hits.
(3) Thefoilowiw Pr,,clors are appoitlted
to the ml)1h.?,y cnmpetitons f the Chr,jB,a
degree, 7 ; i :-Yiv
Shou to the Cheng
division; ChBn,a Sze-chnn to the Hsirs
divkion ; Cl~ungLieu to the Lieh division ;
aud Hsi Lin to the C h n q divinion of the
t ~ ~ groundl.
~ to-morrslw
the 9th prortmo tlie Court will weal. full
~ " r f L b e s in hnnouv uf t i birth*Ya"mrersnry of tile Empress Dowao. r.

1st November.

(1) YPn Mou, TxrtarGenemI of Ilcilungchiang, reports that in May last S l l e n ~

Liaug, n military l>eredit.,ry noble of the
8thgrade. ~uho1,oldsthepostof qaolwarden
in the y m i of
~ the Manohu BrigadeGeoersl uf blatsul~a,requested permission
for a convict on the postroads, named Liu
Li-tie,,, l o return for a slsort time to his
family, wlio were alleged t o have followad
the said corlvict to the Atnur ; but it goon
berame known that this was ialse and
that the co~.vict had io truth escaped
back into Chius. Orders were, therefore,
sent to the various military posts ea voz&


(2) Hsii Kung, Wu Shih-chien, a n d

Chane Eeng-chia, Compilers of the Second
Class in the Hanlirr Aca,lemy, are hereby
granted the extra privilege of doing d u t y
in the Southern Ilnperial Lib---4th November.



(1) Tssi Ng8 and Chung Bsiin are ap-

pointed Inspeotors of the Senior and Junior

Gioro acha.,ls, respectively.
(2) Buai T'a-pu and Shill Shuh are
hereby respeotively commanded to sacrifice
s t the temples of the Tutelnry gods of t h e
Tartar atid Cltinese citles of Peking.
(3) Chung Kusng is commanded to
sacritioe a t the temple of tile Fire god of
tlme Canital.
(4) 61r~i~siu.Presidetntof
Suprrintandency, ir commanded to sacriGce
a t the temple of the Horse god.
(5) We have received the wemori*l of
Fu L8-<nit>(Manchu) Deputy Assistant
Military Governor of Kuldja. reporting
serious illuess and praying to be :~llowed
to resign his post and returu to Peking,
etc. We hereby grant the eaid Fu L8min's prayer aud per:nissiomx is given him
to return t o Ilia Bauner Reservation t o
recruit his health.

(1) Mieu Yi, Vice-President of the Mongolian Superintendency, and Ming Hsiu,
L i e u t e ~ ~ a n t G e n e r aof
l the Red Manchu
Banner Corps, are given by extra act of
g y c e the priviles of riding on lhorsehaek
5th November.
wdhln the Forbidden Prrcinots.
(2) With referenos to the memarisl of
L u Ch2ux!t-Ii81, Y~cemoy of Szechuan,
(1) We have received the rr~e~norial
Li Pin%-hbng. Governor of Shaotung, rereeeivrd to-day. statihg the amounts subscribed by the vari,,us high offieislo of
porti,lq that, thrnupl\ the provideuce of
Heaven, the Yellhw River, since the first
the Ellipire ill sld of the Szeoliuan Famine
sufferers, we find that the said Vioeroy
frosts, has remained quiet and the country
round "bout acoordingly left undisturbed,
has bee,) guilty of oareleasness in that he
has writteo the wrong characters for Wu
etc., This year lrsr been especially calrmitous for Shantung tbrongh the r ~ p e a t e d
Titlg-fmg, cur Mtnirter Plrrxipotentiary to
bre4ches "lade in tlse Yellow River by
the United States, eto.. in Iris memorial.
floods and freshets or by ccareless>iess o n
We hrneby eommnnd rl~ntthe said Viceroy
be handed to the Board for ( h e deterthe par1 of the watchers, causing untold
misertea to our unfortu81ate people of
minatiou of an adequate petxalty.
; Shantung. I t is therefore with a grateful
3rd November.
heart to High Hesven that we now learn
that the river has a t this time of the year
(I) We have received R memorial from , remained peaceful and that Heaven has
E-k'8-t'ang-&, 'I'nrlar General of FBngtieu
protccled aud nourished our people a t
thi. junoture. We also eotnmend t h e
and Military Governor cd Moukden, denousicing s Mxnchu Lieutenant in charge
ssid Governor's wrlchfulness and vigilance
in keeping clesr the said river a t the head
of the likin station i , , the Northern diatricts, n ~ m e dR " RTsine,
who had been
of his subordinates, and we hereby comfoulmd guilty o t defrauding the government
mand that ten stioka of large Tibetan
incense ba forthwith sent t o the said
af a partiorr of the revenues cr,llected by
his subordinates. This conduct ia certailtly
Governor to be offered on our behalf
most reprehellsible and a disgrace to the
a t the temple of the Dragon King
in order to show our gratitude to Heaven
service and we hereby command that the
sccuaed officer be forthwith cashiered and
and the Gods for their protection of our
forced bo refund the monies fraudulet~tly people of Shantung. Apropos of the officers
"kept back b y him.
under t h e mid Governor who have shown

extra enerpy aud vioilance in their duties
i n this matter, namely, Hsi Liang, Tsotsi
of I he Yen-gi-lr'xo-chi Intendsncy of
Shantung anid Chief Inrpeetor of tl>e
Upper Reaches of tlie Yrllow River, and
Lin Chi.,-chin, eapretant Ta0t.i and Chief
Inspector of the Middle Reaches, we hereb y command that there tivu officers be
hauded to theBoald of Civil Appoihtments
for the determin*tiov of special rewards in
recvgliition of their good conduct.
(2) We hare r e c r i v d an ther mem rial
from t l e rbove-trnmed high offie r specialy
rrcc,mmendinr ti, ,out. n tice S h r l , gCh'ihang, prrfrct,ofV'ut~lli.fti;Tillg L i d - c l ~ i i n ,
prefect of Yich~iofs; Lib F G ~ ~ - j i n xsu11,
prefect-elrct of Clritlin~thoe ; Hu Chiench i i . d e t r i r t m-,gictmte of Y.angkulisierl ;
Li Ch'oan, u;aqistrate of Simanhsien ; Li
Wri-ehhng, mn~ictr;tte of Pl,pinpl>sien;
Chin L,u, magistrate of T'nngyillsian ;
and C8.u Chuog-clh'i, magistrate of ' I s 8
hsie~!. Tlie sbovr~~inmedothinls are
stated by t1,e said Governor to be
energetic. diligent a w l earaftll in thrir
dutire itrld kind ;and sympathisibg to t h r
people un ler them, astd i a every way
fitt d f o r the responsib'e poste they hold.
W-are extremely pleased to hexr thls and
herelly command that osr decree oom.
mer~dimg the said officiiclr for their conduct be sent spreislly to exch of tbem, in
which they srr further exhorted to keep
on in their presetit course and not be dismuragel, so that both the beginning as
well i a tlie ending of their ofici.1 crre-rs
shall be the same. I n chis manner will
they deserve the confidence which we have
nlsced in them.
6th November.

(1) Chuo Mio, Cotumsndant of the

Tartar garrison a t Chahar, ia hereby promoted t o be Deputy Assistant Military
Goternor of Kuldja aicc F u L&min, resigned on acc,,utrt of ill lhenlth, and E n
Hsiang, an officer of the Imperial Body
Guard, is hereby given the brevet ratlk of
a Deputy Military Assistrnt Governor, and
i s commanded t o go to Chnhar and take
over the post vacated by C i ~ u nMan, as
above !luted.
(2) With reference to the Princes and
noblea who formed the special Guard of
Honour t,, H.I.M. the Dowager-Empress
o n her Majesty's return from P e k i l ~ gto
E h o Park on the 1st instant, on the oecasi,ln
of H e r Majesty's birthday anniversary
festivities, Her Majesty hereby commands
that the following rewards be given to t h e
said Escort :-An Inlaid jade seeptre ( j v - i )


and two pieces of gold brocaded satin to

I K'uang. Prince of Ch'ivg. 1st Order;
Prinoes Tsar Ch'i, T w i Lien, Tsni Ping,
Tsai Jun, and P'o Wei are each given two
pieces of ~nulti-colouredsatin ; to the Imperial nobles Tsai Lan, Tsai Chen, and P'o
Haiian, a similar present of two pieces of
multi-eoloured satin each, wllile to Shih
Sllull, Comptroler-Generalof ( h e Imperial
Housrl~oidDepsrtmeut n similar present is
also gramted. As for the offio-rs of the
Imperial Gunrds rvhoprrfor~nrdthe special
duty of ilcenxe swingers, n fnv,,urahle note
shall be maiked a ~ r i u s their
i ~ r m in
e ~the
r e r o ~ d rof the Bcwd of War, is.Iile to each
of the soldiers of the Imperisl Guards wile
bore her Majesty's sedau cllnir on that
occasion shall he given a reward of two t ~ e l a
prr he d. Tit" other Court officer? performirlg urnor furletions as required
during the procession shsll be rewnrded with ~ i l v e rpieoes equal to one aael to
racl, perqon. The nbove rewards ahnll be
disbursed by the Board of Revenue.

7 1h November.
I M P R R l d l DECREES.

(1) We lihve received the report of

Wsng Wan-shto, Vicer,,y of Chihli, nnnounacing- timt ail is quiet a t Tulr~mioglisien, where the Yellow Rsver 0owa
througl~ Cllihli province. Shortly after
last sulumo, the emhankmrnts st Tuclgminghsien were threatened by a sudden
overflowing of the Yellow Riser, hut fortunately, under the directions of th* said
Viceroy, his subordinxtea were ennblad to
arrest wides~rendinundation throueh their
promptness- and diliyenoe.
A& now
ilrll.,id18t f e t i r r r fro-ra-hn,.. uoftlr. t . r o q h
r h r be eliecnt Providcnc- of H q h Heavrut
t h r waters hnra rt,maiucd u u er and
eace reigns over the Tungming region.
feel d t ~ l y thankful and grateful t o
Heaven and the gods for their protection
and in token thereof command that ten
large sticks of Tibetan incense be
forthwith sent to the said Viceroy
v h u ahnil direct the Taotsi of the TaShun-Kusng Intenda~loyof Chihli to take
the aaid incetise to the Dragon temples
a t t h e villages of Lilienchusng, Kaoohun,
and Wa~lohuang,atld there present the said
offerings on our behalf to their godships.
Ae for the promotions and rewards recommended by the said Vioeroy to the
deserving officials concerned in the conservatior, of the said Yellov River, l e t the
Boarda of Civil Appointments and of War
report on the list of names as presented by.
t h e said memorialist.


~be to keep the peace within the Examins.

of Moukden and Literary Ohaneellor of
tion precincts.
F k g t i e n province, sends us s memorial
(5). Chaog K'uei nnd Shen Yii-lieh are
reporting aerious illnes. and that
...-appotnted receivers of easays of tile m~li.
the leave of absence ~ r a n t e d him ~.
tary candidates competix~gfor # h e chujan
about t o expire, hie illn;ss has not been
allayed one jot, hence, in order that
the duties of the above office may
10th November.
notsutkr, through the Continued absence of
the regular incumbent, the memc>rialist
PTBYBthat he may be permitted t o resign
(1) The specid supervising Censor, Hsiu
his post aud that nowe one else be apLin, reports that W w g Chnn-lun, nppoillt.
pointed a t an early dale, etc. The prayer
ed as one of the Deputy Examiners in the
~shereby granted and Li Hung-kuei is
outer hall of the Exstninntion precincts in
permitted to retire and reouperate his
the military ch~?jlrrcompsritinns,yesterday,
wasabaetlt tile wh,,la time from lhis duties
to wltich he hat1 been sppaintarl by special
8th November.
edict. We hereby cocn~maadthe high officers
of tlse Boxrd of Works, where the accused
holds the post of 3rd-clnssrecrera~y,
(1) J a o Ping-ch'i. Governor of Chinese official
to investigate the msttsr a l ~ dto report to
Turkestan, writing in a postcript memorial,
u. why the said Wany Cha~l-lun absented
prays that a speoial tablet written by
himself from the examinntions without
ourselves be presented to the memorial
putting forward a priclr plea i ~ fsome *orb
temple of the late Marquis Tso Tsuugin order that someomle else might have been
tang a t Urumtai (Tilauafu, capital of the
appointed to taka his place in time.
New Dominion-T7anslotw), in order that
the people of the proviuce may be impreseed
(2) By apecial oommand of R. I. M. t h e
Ernpresa Dowager the officials who read
with the Imperial beneficence tb the oounto her Majeaty the oongratt~latory me.
try'a heroes, etc. J a o Ying-ch'i has beell
morials on the occasion of H. I. M.'B
guilty of s serious breach of etiquette and
birthdny anniversay the rlther day, together
dierespect t u ua in the manner in whioh he
with those who oaciated as bell-tappers on
has presented his request. Is not a
that occasion, are to be rewarded with one
special prayer like the one made by the
step in advance of their preaent respective
said Governor worthy of a special meranka.
morial l Groaa disrespect like this must
not be allowed t o pxss by unnoticed, and
(3) H.I.M. the Empress Dowager bas
we hereby oommand that a special decree
been pleased to express her Majasty'a
be made out strongly rating the culpable
gracious pleasure a t the oare and diligenoe
G o ~ ~ r n for
o r his breach of ebiquette and
which the Chief of Cer*motnies a t her
informing him of our grave digpleasure a t
Majesty's birthday anniversary, namely
his cisnduot. We furtheroommaud tllatno
H.I.H. PrinceKung, has shown throughout
notice be taken of the said Governor's
the festivities, and therefore her Majesty
commands (hilt in rsoognition of his highuess's service8 ,the following gifta ahall
9th November.
be presented him, & :-a
sqtnare and
a reetangu1.r tablet written by H.I.M.'s
own hand ;
tablet coutaining the
characters Gh'nng-shou (Long Life) also
(1) Hsii Hui-f6.g i8 appointad Chief
Examiner of the csndidstes competing for
written by her Majesty's ow11 baud;
the military ChujCn degree to be held
a jade sceptre, a f u r robe made of the
shortly in the capital, and Li Tien-lin is
throat of the sxble marten, and four pieces
appointed h e i s t a n t Examiner.
of gold brocaded satin containing the word
"Longevity," worked into them. Ta Prince
(2). Chung Pin and Li T'iso-ying are
Chinp, the Ansiattnt Chief of Ceremonies,
appo~nted Proctors of the said compeher Majesty has heeu pleased t o graciously
g n n t a tabletoontqining the aords "Long
(3) Ma Ju-ch'i, Hu Chin.olmu, Lin Yi
Life " written by her Majesty's own hand,
and Waog Chsn-lun are appoinltsd Deputy
a jade Veptre, a sable-throat f u r robe
Ezsminere in the outer hall#
(Tai-su-tw-p'ao). and two pieces of gold
(4) Kuan Heiang is appointed Cnmbrocaded satin containing the word '' prosm a n d a n b f the Guards whose duty it will
perity" Vu) worked into tbem.

(2) L i Hung-kuei, Civil Governor-elect



Nov. 13--20.1

3rd-class guardaman. I n addltion t o the

Nobles of tile Imperial House wl>o distinabi~veher Majesty fuitller cotnrnands that
guiyhe,l tl~rt,lselves by their energy and
Clr'uan Fu, lrt-class Imperial guardsman,
diligence in their duties while attending
upon her Majesty during tlie recent b ~ r t h - and Yiilg Mou and Fu Shnn, 2nd-elass Imperial Guardsmen. ahall be rrcomrnended
day a n r ~ i r e , s : ~ rcelebrations
of her Majesty a t E t l , ~Park :-Her Imperial Majesty
to the Board of War fur the determinstion
conrmant8a tll;rt the Chief and Ascnrtant
of ~pecialrewards.
Directus o i Feslivities, namely. Prince
12th November.
Kunq arid Prince Ching, be recommrtrded
to the I l n ~ , c i i aClnn
Court fur the detarnlitirtii,o f extraorditsnry renards \Vitll
to yo pu.shan, an
(1) v i t l l
referent.. to the other Princ-s *lid Nobles
~ , ~ ~ ~ ~~ student
~ ~i hy
~ dpurchase
of the Imperial Hot~se who acted as coland a l,ative of F o c h o w , wiri~appealed to
lragues mil assist*nts of tile tivst two
us, ,juri,,g r:ur proirress to ~h~ park this
Majesty directs tllat Tsni
wrongs, we
,,,~,,,i,,~,to redracr hia
FBng, Prince of Cb'un, 1st Order(tlle Emhereby eommal,d that he be sent to t h e
~ e r o r ' syounger brother-Tvanslator),
B~ ,,d of p,,,,ishnients which is commandCh'i,Pritieent Tiramm,2nd Ordar,Pril,eeTsai
ed to mrke & str,ct investigatioll illto his
Lien, 3rd Order. Prince Tsni Ylng, 3rd
Order, Prince Tsai Yen, 3rd Order, and
(2) Kuei H*ien (Malichu) in hereby apWei, 3r I older,
81,sll be given
C1rll Gorernor of
an irlc,case
theirsnnuxl sllowances of
Literary Chnneellc,r of Fangtien provi~loe
Yi Mu
oice L
i Hung-k'usi resigned owing t o
4th Order, Pr,nce P'" L"", 4tl, Order;
Dukes Tsai T88 and T w i Hsii, and
the Imperial Nobles Tsai Lxn. Tw~i
13th %ember.
T ~ ~ Tsai
O , Ymp, P ' u Hsuan, Tsai P'u, Tsai
P O , nnd Tsnl Cli,! sllall he given enell H
(1) AS C h ' h Hfiio-fb~~
v a ~ u a t ,wood,
~ e jrdr, and
from Peking and still engaged in his duties
gold, and a full.drrss goid.t,rocRded court cnf Literary Exatuine. in the provinces, w s
i n recoqllition
efforts to
hereby command B-ii Yung-yi to actPT0
an,use her lf*jesty by dsncingvnd
tern. as Junior Vice-Preeident of theBoard
ing in ,\ ,,,,red ell,broidered gar.
Revelsue with control over tha mints,
fen+ given to her M . , ~ ~in
s ~ Yof
until the forrner offioial's return to the
honour of H.I.M.'r birthdny.
~ " 1 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ .
(2) We have hren commanded by H.I.M.
(2) I t has been the custom fur Viceroys
the Elllpress-Du*agerto g,atrt the followingrewards to the various officers (Nanchu) , wnd Governors of provinces to send u s
annual secret feports, a t the e n d of each
of our H , , ~ ~ e h c i Guards
who contributed
towards her Majesty's xmusement during
year, eoncernlng the abilities, general
eolmduot, and honesty of theirsubordinatea,
her Majesty's recent birthilay snnivermry:
-To Tsa-le-fang-h and Fbn Ch'8 sl~;,llhe cornmenoing froon those holding the subatsntirie nnd eapeotant ranks of T a o h i and
each a gold-brocaded full-dress
prefect downx to the petty officials of the
; to the Ilnparial gusrdsnlen of
the Tat elass, Tsai Yueh. N8 Chzing-tni, Inst or 9th elase. With these r e p o r s as
dntn we xre elmbled to know the value of
*,,d Cho Liugh, d 1 ~ 1 1he grrnted the
each official in the provinoes to whom has
privilege of beit,g reoomwe,,dad to the
been entrusted the direction of the affairs
Board of War for the determin.tion of
ellrhordillsry reward* : t l l tlie 1st-clnas nf uur subject., the cornmion people. TK$
Ilnperial guardsme~lI La-pu and Wen P.8 following, himever, appears to us itlek.
plioabla 00,x former oemsion we receivshall be grxttted'thedec,,rationoithebrevet
second crnk buttox,. Ar for the 2nd-class ed one of these secret annual reporfsifrom
Imperial guardsmen P'u Tang, Cl~'usnFu, T'au Chummg-lin, the Viceroy of the Two
Kuang provinces, who evlogised a eeatGI~
YullgPlng, Chih Haiang, Chil, Ho, and Pu

be observed as the day for the annual

sacrifice to the Gr,d of Medicine, We hereby
province, declaring that he wae ' ' a man t o
appoint K'un Hsin to superintend t h e
be t l ~ ~ ~ ~trusted,
~ ~ g lboth
~ l as
y an honest
worship un tltat day, and that Chuang
and talented offioisl, who attended t o his
SI,,,-ho asid Li T8~eh'ang should worship
duties earnestly and diligently, and
whom the people under him g ~ e r t l y s t the minor a l t a ~ son each aide of the said
loved and trusted." Now, however. Sliih
(2) Appointing a number of official8 t
Nien-tau, ea-Governor of K ~ a n g s i ,sendii
t l Merropolitsn
~ ~
andprovincial administrsus an bltugett~ar different report of
this Chou Tien-lin, stating that "the
reputation for ability of the said pre17th Novertiber.
feot of SzC8rifu is mediocre, and from
his getletal c~mduethe is nnt to be trusted
(1) Our heart bvcames filled with pity
t o llold an importallt post," etc. 'Phis ifi
and concern for ti,e
of o u r troops
rather str*nge and calla for an investigabotlr chinese
~ ~ , ,in ~ l , ~ ~
lion. We, tllerefure, c.lrnma,ld Huang
p,,lis wl,en the
winter wil,da blow
Huai-sen. the preaentGoverliorof Kuangsi,
in order to allevints
and Hsii Chen-y), Governor of Kunngtuilg,
s,,mewl,st tl,eir conditio,, during this
to investigate coejointly the case and reweatl,er we hereby command tllar both
port to us as to how the said prefect r e ~ l l ~ Omcersand men s ~ , n reoeive
in addition
stands in the estimation of the people of
to tlleir
pay a,,d ratio,ls
the prefecture of Sz'Bofu. Let there be
of hslf-a.month~s
and rntiona as a
no private likes or dislikes t o stand in the
our ,leaire f,,r the welfare ,f our
way of a perfectly just report.
14th November.
1 (2) A s for the usual ndilitional winter
grants grac~ouslybestowed by special edlct
on the widow and orphan members of the
(1) Lu C ~ ' R ~ ~ ~ - ie
S I Iappointed
disIrnper~irlclan and collateral branohes of rlke
of T'aixnhsien. Shantung
trict nlagistrata
I m p r r ~ a lHouse, w e hereby command that
s botlus of half-a-month's rations be further
(2) Chsng Pah-hsi is appuioted a subgranted to tile sbove-named people as a
Chancellor of twe Grand Sccratnri~t,with
mark of cxtrn grace isom the Tllrolle.
tile brevet rank of n junior Vice-president
of the Boald of Rita..
18th November.
(3) ChOnv Se-hwen is appointed aSuper- /
visinq Censor and Keep& of the Srals of
(1) With reierence t o the distribution
the Bosrd of Rite$.
of rewntds and bonuses to the members of
(4) Shu T'.i(x*nohu) is a~>pointed
the imperial clsll and c o ~ ~ a t e r abrsno~,.+~
of the Yunnan provincial Circuit.
of the In~perialHouse, we herebp command
that the'committre appointed to super16th Novemlvar.
intend the said i u n c t i i i shall coneis of
Prince Tani Ch'i, 3rd-class. Yii Tb, F u
(1) Appointing a numbq. oi official8 to
('hen and Ch'une Kuano. membere or t h e
t h e Metropolitaai and Provirrcixl admlnistraBoard of ~ o r n ~ ~ ~ l e r s - & n of
e r the
a l Imtiona.
perial Housel~,,ldDepsrtment.
(2) Yung Shbng is appointed Police(2) Wit11 referenoe to the caBe of those
Censor of the Western I ity.
tro*>psbelonging to our Capital wllo have
(3) M&ng Shou and Sung Lin sre herereceived advances of DRV from their resby granted the privilege of doing duty in
pective Commrndrrs, wh; ought by rights
the H ~ n l i nAcademy.
to deduct the raid advances when paying
(4) Lu Shu-hsuu is appointed gaolwarden
thrir wages for the 12th moon of this year
of the metropolit~npolice magistracy of
and !he 1 s t moon of the ,jext year,. we
the city.
herebv eornmbnd as an extra act of erace
(5) Shih K'uei (Manohe) is hereby
that ihe sdvauees in question shall nGt be
granted permission to retain his post of
dcdueted until tlte 2 d moon <sf next year,
Supervielng Cenaor.
tho8 ruabltng those troop8 to enj y illear
full m v s n d rarlona durinc the festtvsl of
J 16th November.
the i n i f o f the 12th mooen and beginning of
the lbWmbon df next gear.
(I) With reference to the memorial bf
19th and 20th N o v m b s r .
the Caurl of S*erificial Wornhip annouaclng thrt tlne 3rd of December next ahould
No papers of interest.


Hsisng, they are to he rewarded with pro,notion to the rank of 1st-clxks guardsmen.
Tsai Kuang, Chung Hsing, Chit, Liang, Kuei.

11th November.



Dac. 2-8.1

[Dec. 3.

ability nnd di.cretion have been proved,

ftwtllrr r e f e ~ e n c eto the Instead,
to take over the government of the said
hcmever, o i the 'Tibetans beilig aratnful
trroitory of Chhntui, and il must also be
for tlie 1mperi;~l desire to resti,ri pe.,ca
knowr, to the T~betan-that a? have been
am,,ngsr our sul,jeets, the trihesnien
f u r t l ~ e led
, to urant their prayer throtlgh
had the effrontery to rise u p in arms aud
the vows of the said Dalai Lama and the
tvy t o r w s t the authority of the said
Chnntui cliiefs that from heuceiarth no
Governor Orneral. who was tllereiure comprlled to denpat, h troops who xoot, ~ v e r ~ r a 8 1 more attempts at disturbano s or raids
into Chinese territory will be made but
t h e t ~ r b u l e l ~ t d i s t c i c t s n n d t o opk sses.iilnol
all tlie uill:iqeu thereof.
Subrrque~itly that perfect lclyalty and due oltservanoe of
tlie lnws will be observe1 by the Tibetans
the said Go>,einor-Gemet.nlnler~~orial~sed
on the bulders of Szachul~t and ~ t h e r
the abrclrptil.nof tile ?hlnprovinces of Chills Ploper. We B C C ~ P
tui cilsticts i to Szechu;tt>proairlce, riid to
diviilt t l ~ e , ,into
drpnrtmeilt5n , r i d i s t ~ i c t s ) tll- ~ l ~ o undert;tking
of the said Poi~till
and his *ubordinstea. and exhort all to pay
( e h o l ~atld h~ien), like rliosr in Chim P r , diligent ntterrt,wn to their duties and a o
per, inteaii of nlluwirig tiiesa Tlhet*>inl o
deserve this eatrn sot of huunty on the
eonti8,ue tt.ibutxrie8 as lhrretr,iore and l o
~,al.tof the Imperial Throm>e.
be R O V ~ L by. ~ tltrir
~ ~
oivu cliiefs, Latun
(2) We have received thesnnual reportof
priests. :,nd eldrm. This retribution the
axid chief5 and L:~ln;tshad brl,llglltduwn
the govrrnor of Ku~ichoo. Wang Yd-tsar!,
!,is various sub rdin:ites who
uprln t l ~ ~ m s e l r and
e s they had only t l ~ e ~ ~ , coticerlli~>y
have nhoivn exces~ivebadliesc of ch:<rrcter
eelves t t , blame. Eveotuiilly. howrvet., it
h a clrrnet,, o u r knowledfie tllst tile clliefs
a ~ i d l.;gm*s toncerned. wlil~se anc:rst13t~
aown to t e ,,resent gener;itioi, llad reeeivcd r n i # c l >bnun,y ;>tldg r i i c ~ ? frotn the
dyllraty, reiLily lkllew how tu b- gratellll
therci I. atld w e r e it, trulll tr~,,sr l<,yal
to tile T h r n,., larinc n o dr4t.e ti,

Furtlier, tli;it timy had been led to realst

the -nld G8,
owing to ?lie
tlie pen* ty for
latter Ilsring paid n u con.i,ierntil,n to the
irrlinir. aliil pl.ejudces of ~ r l b c . r m r nl,ler,,
tirpoty mngistrxt~ (8th grad") ; against L i
inp tLem ru srverriy colicerning l i e cui,ditil)tls IIC c , I I I I ~ ~ubnlis.iil~t,
~ ~ ~ ~
tliilt tile , Sl~ri~lg-cliou,departnl-nt mrgirtr;lte of
arid Wu En-kuvi, department
Til,etn~isI8;~dbeet^ cuo~pl-llell to aa-escil,le Cl~eu~thcliau,
rnagistr~taof Hriaaigcl~uu.of kricauri~qioe
in n r l l : s to protect tl~en,srlver ivo~rl the
injustice of the said G u v e r t i o r - G e ~ i e r ~ l ' rthrlr yarndm runners to exrort ;sl\d exercise
age, t* ; ~ n dtheir t r o ~ ~ p A. s these cliilrqcs cruelty u p o ~ ,rile inliab tnnts of tlie said
two ? s p s r t t n e s t ~ ; altd wainst, Wa,\g
are s e ~ i u u r we hemby eommalld tlie ?nld
Sliu-uen, d r p l , y msgistrateoiPLunmmllsien,
to vacate Ills l , f r t nnd
aud Liu Shu-ch'~en, an expectant g ~ o l allow Iiun: Shuu, the TnrlarGeneral of
wnrdclm of drpnrtmmts, for not being able
Cl180gtu, to net p?ii tern. ;asViceloy of Szeohurn,. Tlie Iattt; IS be eby comtrlanded
to pl.eaerve descipline am.ugst i.heir subordir~nteswhatr sent irito the countrydirtricts
to de;d justly wiOi the case of the Tihetans.
govarnment busihess : againat the eaW e have further received :< rrpl,rt from tlie
,,ectnl,t Col,~nelsHsia K'ueiLyuan and Ma
said T*rtar~Generalto the effect that the
Wei-pang for assisting the above-oarned
Tibetan clmiefs stidLalllas. ~ . w i ~to~ their
last two civil officials with their troops t o
hruinu bee,, traduced to the Tl~roueby tllr
o1u:der the people of the country visited
paid Lu Cheuan-liti, whicll was followed bg
hy 'bcm. We hereby command that the
t t ~ esnncti,m to sbfiorb (lie territory uf
officialasbove-named beforthwith cashiered
Chsntui iuto Ssech'uan p , o u i l c e , n , w cry
and diam~ssedthe setsice as r warning to
out for jostmcr s,,il the return 4, their
cilulltryt . tl~rmselvea8 s of old, b ~ ~ ning othera. As for the erpeotant district
magistrxtee Wu Ho-w8p and Cll'an Shanfact rnort loyal to the Tllrmle. As tltia ie
fan, who have been guilty of being invouched for by the Delai Lama (Buddhi-t
different alld reoklees as to their good
Pontlff nt Lnssa) we Iherebygralltthe Chat,.
reputation, we hereby cashier them
tui chieili and Lamns their prayer, and
and command that they be expelled
revoke the order to absorb their territory
front Kueichrsu pmvince in puuiehmant
into Szechuan. But we must command the
therel~f. The said Governor also ohsrges
said Pontiff to select other T i b e t ~ ~ whose


Liu Chun, disrict rnngietriste of Yiich'inghsien with inordinate avarice, but as the
mrmorialist has uot specified the accasiotm
o n whioh such avarice lhns been shown, we
hereby command him to se,,d us detxilad
sccounts of the same in order tlixt steps
also may be talien in the said case.

5th December.

En Ch'un is appoi"ted
Military Governor of Ch&ngtu, capital of
Szech'uxn province.
(2) Cli'&n Ch'inu is appointed prefect of
SzBofu, province < s f Kuangsi.

3rd December.

6th Deee her.



Juni. Sheng (hlanchu) is hereby commanded to go an i inspect the annual

a m - o n t s , etc., u i the affaics of ihe Mancllu
Red Banner Corps.

(1) Ch'8n Fei-yung is appointed Brigadier-General of the Militar.7 Circuit of

H.iienho~, province of ~hihl;.
(2) Clli Shun is njipoin.ed Titotai of t h e
Kau-Lien.Clriaig Intendalley of Kuanglung.
No papers of interesr.

4th Deoew ber.


(1) Tile CcBmmnndmt of the Peking

Gendarmerie, Jung Lu, reports the arrest
by Ilia men of certain members of the Imperial Clrn and their servants who were
found guilty of having broken into a petty
officel'a ~jamEn inride the Imperial capital,
forcibly tskrll away froan custody an inmate oi tha p o l within the said yu.
rnin, stnnslled tila said e;rol. and fit8xlly
violar~tly s s s ~ ~ l t ethe
d offioial in charge.
Wa hemby ceumma',d that the snid In)prrisl clansmen 'Psai Slwo and Tsxi Lit,.
and t l i c ~ r followers Lin Ban-hei and
Hsia Tsiag-t@h,11e iurthwith handed uver
by the said Catrrmalmdant to tile Board
of Pu..isllrxtents, wllclr is oomlnanded to try
the said 1sw.k.reakems ill conjunction with
the t r i h u l l ~ iof tile Icnperi~lClan Court.
As f u r tlls ritirer.9 not yet in custody, the
said Comlnaidant ia oommniided to make
strict search for them so that none may
srcrpe tha pumtislrment due to them outrageous oondu;t.
(2) A s for a postscript memorial by the
axme high officer wh.. states tliak Duke
P'u Tao h ~ "sent
the flvmer a dispatch
clsimlng that his uncles Tsai Shan alld
Tsai Liu had b-en maltreated by the said
n~ennorialirt'rofficers auld unju-tly spirited
away to prison," etc., we herely command
that the Duke in question be also summoned before the joint tribunal above
instituted for the oecarian to see how far
implicated the 8aidDuke il in the said ease.

(3) Cb'ung Huan, Tartar-General of

Uliaautal (Western Tartars). has again sent
us s mamorinl p r ~ i n g";'to allow him to
resign hip poat owtng t o oontinusd illness.
We hereby grant the memorialist his prayer
and he is permitted to return to his Banner
Reasrvation to recruit hie health.

7tli Deoember.

(1) The B o ~ r dof Works hariug memonaliaed i 11;ttthe Eastern mausoler of t%e
Ilnperinl family reqt~irea th,zrough courae
of repri,s, we hereby conlmarld that P ' u
Shan, Vice-Presidet,t of tile Board of Civil
Appointmem~t~,and Shou Ch'ang. VicePresident of tllr Bo;ud of War, be sent t o
the said mnuso1a;r to superintend t h e
of the satd repairs.
(2) Ch'slig Sui and his colleagues report
that during the rnon hs of Septetnber
acid Octoller last wl>ile the cor>unercial
;igent,s of tile Imperial Grarlaries were
engngrd is, trnnrpor~iiig rice bought for
the purpose of m:~kingup the reserve lent
to the rtce ~ l i o p sof tlre cnpitrl, they were
suddenly pounced upon by two wen,
>lamed Sun Erin and 1Liu Erh, who, repres e l l t i l gthemselves as the servants of P a o
An, Granary Censor, extorted certain
monies from the snid agents on the ground
that they were transporting rice which Inad
not paid the usualoctl-oi. The accused men
are i m w lying in the prison of the city
gendnrmerie, and a request ia made that
they be handed over to the Board of
P u n i s h t n e ~ ~fur
t s trial. As the above-named
Censor Pao An is i~uplioatedin the matter
by the t w o extortmnen, he is also eomrnnnded to hold himself it, readiness to
appear b, fore tlie Board of Punishments
whsnever called upon t o do 80. The said
a f f ~ imust
be aiited to the bottom aa already
similar comi>laintahave been made since t h e
above arreats.
8th December.

(1) Chung Lin is appointed (Mnnohu)

Censor of the Shantung provincial circuit.

an ax.
(2) Li Ch'i.chCBng, is
pectant Taotai of Hollnn, and Chcang Mu
ie appointed a Taotai of Kuangtung,
(3) A p p o i n t i ~ ~x glarge number of officials
t o the Metropolitari and Prvvir~cial Administrations.
(4) Li Fa-ohao is appointed
Supervisor of Instruction to the Heir
(5) E n Shun reports that the altar erected
from ancient times on Mount H a n in the
Mongol territory of Xulun, is about to fall
into ruins through want of
A s the
aaid altxr has been used f r , m time immemorial for praying for rain and for fiue
weather and has unifornlly been found t o
answer these prayers, i t should not be
allowed t o fall into ruiu and we therefore
authorise the mernorialiat to procure the
money necessary for restewing the said
9th December.

The Censor C h a n ~Chao-Ian denoullces

the praotice now current smorlgst tha
department and dietrict magistrates of the
various provinces of the Empire of
speculatifig on their own responribility
in the stores of reserve grain witioll are
dspoeited in the emergency grallaries of
every walled city of the country, resulting
frequently io the bankruptoy of the
magistrates i p , question, who thereby hecome utlable Co make good their accounts
t o the provmeial tressury whet, auddettly
superseded or transferred t o other pnats.
This is r most serious defect in the present
day adminiatration of local goverl~orents
and steps should be taken to prevent
the rrourrence of such delinquslicies.
The officisla ,ought to bear in mind that escln
walled city is bound to retain in tile local
granaries sa amount of grrinproportianate
t o the size of the i~opulation,to be used in
times of drought, fasline, war, or pestilerlee
ss an emergetlcy reserve fur the proteotion
of the inhabitsuts from want and starvation, the <r5cisls,however, being allowed
t o sell st their discretion a certain pc~rtion
of the old grain when replaced by the
addition of new grain received eaoh year.
Instead, of doing this in accoldanca with
the regulations govsruing suoh sales,
the aaid Censor charges the loon1 magistrates above-named with leaving the old
grain t o rot in the emergelley granaries
whlle the newly reoeived grain is maltpulsted in the marketa, naturally a t enhanced
prices, to the benefit of the exploiters. The
old grain in the asid granaries in time, of
course, become sutterly uselem, and the re-

[Deo. 8-12.

aultmay heessily imsginedwhsnevertheoccaaion callsfor thedistribution of emergency

grain t o thoae requiring aucl~ aid. W e
would earneatly exhort the various Viceroys
and Govr~.norsuf our province8 t o coos-.
menc* a t onoa to insestigata into aucft
serious charges, and i n or,ler to beuinanew
it in our wid, that the various magistrxtes
concerned be commanded to sell out the
entire stook of reserve grain in the emergency granaries and t o place a certain
pllrtiot> vf the moniea so obtained a t
intereat. Furlher tltateaeln magistrate shall
he compelled t o send up annually t o his
superior officials all e r r c t .tttemetmt of sccounts in this respect and thesain turn are
to be reported to the Throne a t the end of
each year by the said Viceroys and Gosernors, in order that the ltnperinl Government may knnw the exact amount of
emergency graiu and reserve funds placed
a t isstereat i n the various cities of the
Empire. Let there he n o mure alten,pta
nt defrauding the revenues of tlta country
by the above-noted conduct.
10th December.
No papers
11th December.

(1) Li Pino-l~Bng, recently promoted t o

the p w t of Viceroy of Szeol~l~au
vice Lu
Cll'uan-lin, is herehy ordered to resigtl his
sppointment, x,.d Yi Lu, Tnrtnr-Genernl
of Foochow and Imperial C mrnissioner of
the Fooohoa A~sallaland Naval D<~okysrd.
is hereby appointed to Szechusn it) L i
Pillg-heng's stead.
(2) Wang Cltih-ohun, Provincial Treasurer of Hupeh, is lhereby transferred t o a
similar post in Szeohunn l;icc WnngYii-tsao
promoted to be Governor of Kua~chou.
(3) Yuan FBmlg-lin, Provinoial Treasurer
of Cllihli, is trqnaferred lo Hupeh in a
similar capacity vice Wsng Chih-chon
transferred as above. and the post vacated
by the said Yuan FBng-tin is hereby given
to Yii Ch'sng (Manchu).
12th December.

Tang Hua-hsi. Governor of Anhui, reports that the Brigadier-General uf the

Chuanpei (North Szechoan) Milatsty circuit
of Szechusn, Ho Cl~bng-ngno, who is a t
preaent s t hia home iu Anltui on leave
of ahsetlce to repair the graves of his
ancestors, hns recenlly requeded the msmorialist to convey t h e former's prayer to
the Throne askiug that he be permitted

he n,emorixliar's player anr? fort!,or enln.

mnnd th*t he>icef<~rtlt
t1.e or:xini~lrerulntion be rigidly adllared ti, nod tll:~'noRitkC
shi in tlme Hnngchow Irngrrial Silk 1,iorns
shall m
i 8 future be p r r m t t e d to rat:iin llis
post over % trvelvernoi~tl~.

to lesign Ilia BrigndierGe!~eralsl~ip

to his iliahility to eomlllete the said repairs
required w i ' i l i t l the period of h s pribilege
leave. Tlie said Goverrror also guarantees
t l ~ etrlrth of the said General's ai..artion
and we therefore hereby gramit Ilia prayer.

13th Deoetnbel..

TBne Hua-h*i. Go,,erl>or of rnllui. reorts that 0~7ingto the ttlnlly o ~ t i l s t ~ o p b e ~ (1) We l ~ r v rreceived a mrlalorial from
T'ao Mu. Vlcei.oy of the Sh,.ll-K;~,,
[efdlinu n ~ s t ~portions
of hii province
pincer, iiellou#lei>ignmn.. of )hir SIS ol.di,,.
caused by rail,. hail, floods, drouphra, and
ntes u u tlln grclttnil of rapaci i ~ rainrice
storrl,s. tile prrlple nffieted will not be able
and shamelea* ct,i~Iucttllrrrhy ill-?racing
to pay tileir t i ~ r e sfor r co,,ple of )earn to
tlle nervioe in the eyes <of the l~ei,pla. We
come, and fultller > h a t 32 departments
hereby comr~innnd tllrt W : ~ n q Y I , , , ~ ~ , , , ~ ,
and distrio n are thus in diat,resu. We
~ ~ t b - ~ r ~ -off r eK;,nsu
hereby nutl~orirethe naid Governor to ill. sp~~ially-prc~oi<,t,ed
v e t i p l t e tlle sorrr*l deer-rs ,,f i;istl.e*a i l l and decorsat d wit11 t l ~ r eoci's f r L ~ I I ~ F ,
for rnili1:uy newice, be easl~errd for .ai 1
the distticts e,,u,ne,nted i,m his list an I
miscuolidtlot asmd tllat liir pei~cocli'afe:ltI~sr
grant relief to tl,e iz~l>:O~itants
deooralioll be putilicly plucked ,,A. frci81>I i s
in accordanice witll their aituntiou, :,11d Ihat, and finally that I ) + he e ~ p ~ l f '~ ~
report to us the result of hi. work in th;it
K8n.1 slid deported undel. rrcort ti, his
native city tllr l,8orl autlio8itirn of wl,ieh
14th Deoember.
ahall place liirn u n d ~ t .s o v v.......
Hsl. i n expectant g,I-w;lrdotl of 111,. 9th
clns. is also ot.dercd to 11,: c;ist,iered f o r
Kuei H h g is appoioted Tilrtar-General similar o~ircnnducr as ;thi,vr. a n d lhe is
of Ulin.utai (\Teatern Chibes: Tllt,ary)
fl~rtlrerord-red b ire expelled tl>,+p,,,.
sic6 Ch'oiig H u m , retired on aocoulr "f
vinre aud deported tn hi.; native t o t v i ~ . .4s
ill healtl,.
f ' , r Ka,, Lou-chnnp, a n rxprctanr gnoI.
No papers of intereat.
warden of the Prt,vi#!cialJud:e'~ ~ , ~ r n i , ~ ,
who has been rccused of e x t i ~ r i l l gand
15th Deeemher.
obt*ininp illegal taxel ~iliile I
d in
ch:trpe of aslnxll likin ;tatioi,. we Ibet.el,y
colnmlnd tilnt lie be fortlrwirh c~.liiered
(1) W e linie received n rnernor.i,l frorll
the i S crifieial \Vl:l,r-liill;
~ and
n forced
~ pay~ baclr~ t*! tlre
~ T rie a u r~y
the rn n e y ernbczzled by hitn.
a ~ 4 c . cy
i ~ in tlir Ma~iciiuJ u l l i r Di~.retor.
ship uf t h ~sxiil Court and .pr;lyiig t ~ i i t
(2; Another meworin1 by t,lli same
an actitlg Director he a p p o ~ n t r ~
1x1i order
high , f i c i ~ l det~c>ul>ceuone Li Mien.
t l h t the wurk of llle said Court be
hang, a Col'mel in coml~r;inrl of a le.
delayed. etc. We, therefore, hereby corn.
gimrnt of c:~v.~lry,
for liei.pioq superan.
nin~id tliat CB'uimc Hriin be npjiointed
nssted nnil feeble men i n the nlnks,
3,ctiilg Rlanchu Junior Dii-eetor of thenfore.
keepin: slack discplil~ealmd no regular
said (:ourt, ,!i
Sacrificial Worship.
drills, and, Gnnlly. putting a liunlbrr of
(2) Sliu Clihn. Comawissio~ier of the I,,,. dutnnlie- un tlrk roll in order to pnctet
perm1 Si k li~ornsof Hnngchoiv, sends u.
the men's p , y . We hereby order the srid
a ~uernori:~iprnyinq tllirt two hlallollu Li >lien lhrng ti, be eaal>irred;imlit dirmis.
scribes, or BilLishi, oaltled Hqi Hni and
sed theservice not.shall lhe be l,ei.mitted to
Ye,, Nian, be per~nilted to retain their
volunteer in any megirnenc llereafterfor the
present posvs in the men~orialist'ayam&,a p'rpoee of trying to regain Ilia forlner r a t ~ k
for anotwer two y a m , owing to thpir being
by good oondlict. Finxlly, we Iheveby enmprl of ability atid inteqrity, eto. N o ~ vthe
J O I n on the said Viceroy that, hereafter if
regulation as to the nfuresa a sorlheships he nhould find o it other offioors gtailtg of
limitstlie t c r u ~ t aone year, upon theexpiry
aimilai misconduct, be shall not fail to
of which the sitid aorihesare bound toreaign
mete out condign punishment to such men
in favour of the junior mernbers of the
and deriounee thrm most ~ e v r r e l yto us.
staff. Since the said Hsi H u i and Yen
'There must be no leniency in the future.
Nien hare already h e l d a e i r posts for two
(3) Liu F R . I I B ~ X ~ , ~is hereby np,,ointed
Years a t Hanochow and 1ha.e exceeded ,he
~f ~the
~ , dI
~ troops~
prescribed limit of service we cannot nllow
stationed i l l ~ o r t h



praying tihat lecopnition be made of the

in&gy; seal, ilud honesty of tlie imiticers who
w e t e specially entrusted with tlte siiper(1) T
Assintn~t Military Gointendoclcr of said tmosportaiion. The
vernor of Thitsilinr (Heilum~gclii~r~g
prurequest is granted and tlw B r*rds con~ i ~ ~ is
c ?Iie,ehu
pro:ni>ted ti, be Tartar
cerned ;$re hereby cornmailded t o repl~rt
G c a ~ ~of~ Vuochoiu.
lice YuLn tansfem red
on tile list of ilalnas presented tu us by tlte
t,, tho \ T ~ ~ r r i > y s lof
~ i pS Z ~ C I I Ut~i i~e I Li
rxid mrmorirlists.
(2) Wliile 0 8 1 the subject of t h s traur(2) 0 1 1 ti,," for,,,er iiccasions. Clllllig
portation of the s ~ i dTr11,ute Ilice, we wish
H , , r . , ,t11cth Talltar Grliaml of Uliasut*~. to rnpreis o u r eomrnend*ti<,u also of the
denoimce~lt,llc %long01Duke ; ~ n dC ~ t , t a i n - c i r e and ablity with wliich the aboveGellei,~l ,,f tile Lisllnntu Lr.lqi~aof 0x1tla~ned two memoiialiss h;ive performed
1,: L l l , e'l
:~-yo~ae~t~-i;in.ctli~,,.t,r,,rl,i~their d n t y t l ~year,
i ~ \>herebysucl, enormous
ts8", SOY r x t , n t i c. > g.i ~ o. n e y S r m n !ria sub- o u a r l t ~ t ~
beiins, iulie,t, nild suehordinate cli~wtr,also t o r l l n u ~ t l gleft j l l n post
6ke c e r e a l hn>.r br-u receivrd :ind sto ed
withou f i r s t i , l ~ r : ~ i ~le;ire
~ i n gf r o m tile wid
aria11i n o u ~ ~ ~ r i ~ i ? ~ l r i r sasinole
i ~ ~ ~ t lreport
rne~t,oli;ili-t. i n con-equence of the sbilr-e of 10s- in welglst, quhrrtiy, or cqt~ality. A s a
r e p r e - e , t ; i ~ l i l n wa
s con~lilnndrd tliht tlle
~ . e t r . ~ rf do r tllis i v r lereby conlnraod tllrt
t I r
e f I
tile raid Cllang Sui : ~ u dL I T a i ~ l l - f &
as~ ,
post of I: k , t ; r ~ t l ~ G e l . oofr nthe
l a;iiii hlol,gi,l well as tlse lat el. <,fEcri'r ilntnsd,nte praLeacue : x i ,I iviirl>ingto , > ~ / , P T . \Ye *re i o i v
deceasor, Lirz~Slioi~~l~Ex>g,
now pro~uorrd
ir, receipt of :L atge~~wri*I
frwm the iX,>wzc,l to tile Presidency of tllr Boaid of Puliish.
S u p , . r i t l t r n < l ~ ~lo
~ c ythe effect tisat tile
~nants, be lrandrd , v e r to the Board of
accusrd Duke had lodged a con?pl:mint in
Civil Appointraant~for tile dcterininiltiun
the said tinmb~declilring tliat he had b .en
..hia-a...o.rl. '
unjusty"aczu.ed I , tllesaid
Sirung Hu ,n
20th December.
and tlint eonsequetitly tlla penalty meted
out by I m , rrial edict was unmerited, etc.
to all our subn ,. ;...i..~.-,,,.... .+ ,,,,,.,
. s we di.sir,. ti, el;mr iuatice
- ..-.c,,,,,.t
- . . ...t i..l.l.t.W..e- .h.L.v-a
jects ar a r e willimg to,,rder are-iliresligaverbally elnuiua d c d o u r G slid C ,until to
tion ilito tiie raid Duke's col~ductand tire
te uur decree comrn:tndinp the
chalgrs nin,le agans, him, and therefore
P r l n o a ,Dukes, Nobles, ,\>idIhighMinistars,
hereby eolr~r~irnd the uewly-app.,inted
xs W F I I x s nll riich as sl~ali be 0 1 1 duty in
Tnrtsr General of Ulinsut'ai, Kuei H8ng,
the Palacea on the day a f t e r to-mo~row,t o
tile b.t~ccessurof tlie said C l t u ~ ~Htian,
,.,su-..~-.-.....f 8 ~ I . d r e aotlrt rnher durinc" tile whole
reopen the matter. A s so088 as lie shall
of that ,lay.
have arrive I a t Ilia post and tnketr w r r his
(2) We hnve received R menlorial from
seals of office, the sabii new Tartar Gelteral
Prince P L nLun. F l r i t Vice-Cornmi3sioner
is to make a truthful report tn us tilereon.
of Octroi in Paliing to the effeot that the
Octroi collected by his staff has come
18th Daeetnber.
up to the amount* demmded by law,
.-. that the nurolus litnit has l ~ l i tbeen
reaohrd this year, sud praying to be excused
(1) \Ye llerehy spl~oixltS h s Yao to be
from being forced to nlskc goor1 the second
Assistatlt Military Governor ~f Tsitsihar
amount. Wa hereby oomtnsnd the Board
vice T s 8 q Chi, promoted to breolne Tartar
,f R e v .
~ x ito
. investinate
the case and
.. . ~ ~
- ~n
tlutlifully there to us.
(2) Hu Hsiallg-lin is he~.ehyappointed
(3) P,inoe Tsni Ying, Junior Vioeof Tungclioufu, province of Shamsi.
No other papers of interest.
Com~niasloner of Octroi a t Peking, xlao
p ~ r s e n t sa memorial stating that the Octroi
19t1, December.
oollected by his staff during the ? , s t
twelve munths has fulfillad tile reaulrem e n b demanded by law, but thai the
surplus taxes have not come u p t o the
liltlit made by preceding Junior VioeCommissioners of Ootroi, and the memo~ l ; e ~ l m p e r ~Grannriee
of Norih Tungchou
rialist prays t t ~he excused fvom being
and Pekiug, to the effect that the Tribute
a;,. f-nm
for tha sear 1897 ui8 r.quired to make good the said amouut.
..-... tlw South
Thn mattar is also lhxnded over to the
the Graud Calla1 and by ste&ers b y sex
Board of Revenue for investigation and
hsa arrived safely a t Tungchou snd bean
deport t o us.
d u b stored in the Imperial Granaries, and

17th December.











Kuangsi province and, if this hsatill found

insufficieut, shall notify the Governor of
Hupeh requesting him to con6scate s n y
22nd December.
property stsndillg in the aaid Yi Shao-tO'a
name in his native oity.
(2) The 21st of January next lleihg the
(1.) We h a r e receirel tile memorial of
lust day of the present year (29th d:ty oi
the Court of Saclificisl W,irship repilrting
worship allould
*Isat on t,br 20th of Jaiiuarv" rrrat 12Rtll dnv
, the 12th month) sac~ific~al
be offered befolk the altar of the prrsidinq
of the 12tll moon) xpecial s,erificial ruirhip
deity of tliia yeltr. We hereby Eomrnan2
must be pail to thr 'Tablet. of our irriperial
Pritlca Llmg Ching to superintend the anid
Ancestors in recognition "f the ploteetlon
~ ~ ~ " tot us
e ddurirlg the yenrabuctt~oclose. ceremonies whlla Ch'iun F u stld Y ~ n Yichill are comrnn~>dadto worahi~lbefore the
W e l~errbgcornreand it to be insde known
minor altars o n either aide, o n the anid
tllxt wa 1,url~clsslo go out.re1ves to the
said Altarsand worsliiu tlierein verson, aud
further command thadtlle a*erifices befi~re
24th Deceniber.
the inin,sr altat* on either side of t l ~ rhnIBXPEKIIL DECKEES.
cesral Hall he performed by Hsi Kuang
Sheng H\~iin-lluai.Vice-Director of the
and Huiine Yuoe-an.
of S;~critic~nl
WnrJ,ip (and Directur(21
. , On tile satia day the usunl sacrificial Cour,
Gelleral of Rn~lways),in lierrl,y 1,ronioted
worsllip muit be made before the I n n e r
to (lie rank of Vtce-I'residetlt of the C u r t
Shrines of the Aticestrill Hall and we hereof Revisilm.
by cornn~at~ml
Prince P'u Cliiog t o conduct
Cuurt of Revision ia nn
the worrllio xt tlre Rear Hall while Prince
Adju,,ct of the C,~uir of Censols, with
Tsai Rsutl is t c l conduct the worship in the
which and the Bunrd of Punishtnents, it
: A A I n tu*,,
&,&.""." "...
forms the lligilertJudiciary illd C o u t of
23rd December.
Appesl in the E l l p i l e . 'Plle ,usual udme
given to tlie colnbi~tedCourt is Sam-fa-s:e.
11) Slsill Nien-tsu. Gmernor of Kuanesi.
r e p d r t ~tlrat one Yi ~ h a o - t &lbtely
26th December.
upou beitlg removed from his post of




21st December

No papers of interest.




district m;tgislrste in memorialist's prooinae was found LO he indebted to the treasury for land taaea, sto , t o the nmount of
Tla. 8.3M). odd, atld that auocessive denland.
were accbrdinply rn , d e upon hilmn to mxke
good clle amdunt. Since his death ~ i m i l s r
demands were made upon the aaid mapist r s t d s family resident in Kueilin, tlre
provincial onptial, but all to no etteot. The
asid ms~norialiat therefore suggests that
force be resorted to t o compel the delisquent o5cer'a falmi~lyt o makSgood the exid
amount and tl3.t :he macl~imneryof the la*,
hitherto witlnhald, be alloned t o lake ita
course. as the provincial treasury eav ill
n 'large deficit, eto. This
sort of thing must not be allowed to
contiuue any longer, as i t is misplsced
Ist.iency and #nay encourage others
ill drfying the law. W e therefore, hereby
command t h e said Governor to arrest the
responsible members of the a i d dsossasd
mngiatrate'a family, as well sa tho eonfidential servants aud yomln runuers who
served during the said msgistnrte'a term
of ofioe, and a f t e r due inseatigation
force them t o make good the maid deficit.
O n the orher*snd, the said Governor
shrll oonfiacste ally property tlmt may belong to the decaaeed msgistrate'a family in


We have received a memorinl from the

Comm~;rrlantof tila Peking Gendarmerie
speeially vrayinr for the prumieed rawatds
l&ld o i t - b j u s on a -former occx~iun
for the encouragement of the o5cers and
men belonging to t l ~ esaid Gendarmerie
who have distlnguisbed themselves by them
zeal and cournge m the performance of
their duty during the year, especially
those who deserve pratnution far their
share in breaking up bsndllti almd cspturing the prietcipal rowdies infesting both
the oity and the subinrbs of Peking. We
liereby command the Board of Wsr t o go
through the list of names sent up by tile
said Commandatlt (Jung Lu) an1 report t o
us the prtmmotion each manshould receive.
No papers of iotereet.
26th December.
- ---


Chang Chilt-tung. Viceroy of t h e

Hukuang provinces. rrqueats that s oertain
Captain nnmed Li Ywsheng, belonging to
the territorial reginmatrt of Ohingobou, Hunan, be arrested for robbing the military
chest confided to his care during the course
of his duties. I t appears that son10 yeara
ago ?her, the preaent Viceruy of the Two

[Dec. 63-30,


K u n n g p r o v i n c r s , T ~Clliir,g-li81,
was*ctir~g had bee,) reprellensibl- in borrowing rnoliey
Hukuang nnd G o v r r ~ ~ o ~ .Huo f , front tvadesme81, etc., and tierefore t h e
peh, h e gave irlstrtlctio88s t h a t t h e said ' accused nfticer was euilt,y oi not rnr,ciping
C a p t ~ i n be o r d e r d to come to Wucltn~>g, n proper rilpervisiun over the nctiorrs of his
t h e ~ el o u n d e g o n p,elhniin.z,y rrnminano". T h e ~ceu*ed. Ihowever, in found
tion arld tlie result was so s,tisfaetory xn
guilty of allowini. bis soldiers to bribe t h e
t o ju.tify n sperial dispatch empoweriiig
oonfidenti.,i srrvnnla of tlte memoiinlist's
Mie srid oHicer t,ow, u p to Peking flmr aii ! predecescot., Chien Kunnx, in oider t o buy
1,wperia.l Audience, wit11 rrcc>!orned,irit>tb exemption from e o n t i l l u : ~ l t ~ i i l i t a r y s e r v i ~ ~ ,
for promotion. Aa a or,. I ~ o i i e r e r ,n. tile I s o a r n o t t o i n t e r f e r e wit11 lheil civiipurfiuitr.
said Csptail~ received t h e iibour.,,r:etc. T h e person- olr~ltiooed 1 8 , tlie s;,id
tiolts lie t o o l advantage of tllc sudden
report as glnilty ni ti,. :iliort r n i r d e ~ , > ~ ~ ~ .
tran.fer o i tlie snid Tan Cllu!,e~lin t o
c u r s nre liet.eliy ha~irlado r e r to tile B o , r d
snatlier province, nnil r b ~ c o i d e d . Izlr:exd,
of War for tllo d c t t r r n i i ~ r t i ~ ,ofr ~ ; l ~ c q i i a l e
therefore, o i presrntibg lhimself f o r e r - I p o ~ ~ : ~ l t i ,iiliil\t
:,t tllr s n l , i r limp ive IllUst
nmir1a.iu81 befiilr t,he proper * ~ ~ l h ~ r ~; t~i te \18si-t UPIIII strlct S C H ~ U I S lil-illil il)ade fr,r tiie
TVurl,ang, the s:ii,l Cnp';tln took I I C I S . P S \ ~ ~ > ~ >serv*nts f 1118 smfd (:l~iel~K u a n x wllo
of wI%t Eullds t l l e e were in ti,- regioun8rlzl
oe1.e glillly r ~ f r e c e ~ r l lthe
! g afore.;nlll bribes
ellest rntiusteri to Iiln and 11:~s
not h e e n
in orllrr HIRItllry rnsiy lbe .everely ponirhed
s e i l , sillce. This nfftir I I W io:?ling to t h e
as n w:<rnlnx ti) otll.rr Tile qnid Chien
of the ~i>oi~ori;ilict,
11,: ~ e q t i ~ \ t , - i KU:III:: W I > O was puilcy , , f #tot f i l l , ~ l i g
thnt n n e,Iiet crsliieritli: illr ahid (';iptain
tile outrics~oua c,>odur;t a f I is s - r v a n r a iq
of his lank be fartlinitll issued, nud r,rd,.m
also t o lw l i a ~ > ~ l eover
< l ti) tllr said B<,.xt.d
be tian-mitted to t h e liigli l~rorinciiil fllr tllr ,l,trt. i , ; ~ r i < i ,f~ l,enalties com.
arlll~oritiesuf b o t l ~H u i l n n and H I I P , . / It~ I mensurate ~ v t l I) i s r n ~ r d s m e . ~ i , o u r .
institute a ricid r ~ n i c biclr t h e drfnnltillg
2Rtls Decembe~..
ofticrr; t h a t he he severely pu~ii.;lled fur Ihis
theit =lid finally he forced to refhnd tlir
N ~ , . t ~m
, e' f interest.
lnullies thus f r r ~ i d u l i w t tnkrir
of hy liicn. Tire rnelliuriiil ,,i tlie s t i d
2!Jt11 Decemilew
Clmnng Cllilr-tung il Imrrrby granted, ; ~ t i d
be, it, conju~~cticin
with the Goueroot. o i
Tile P ~ i n c eo i Clri> Ci,mmand.mnt
Hunnn. is t o institute a strict sesl.cIi f h r
of t h e 1rnprl.irl B j d y Guard, p r e < e l l t ,
the accused o!fieer in order that he may
b e p u ~ ~ i s l i caa
d n solemn warning t o o t l l a ~ s . a melnirrial pr*yinx t l h t Cllnng Sllun,
a11 o f f i c , r of i , u r G u i l d s , dmnv , l o t y
2t t h e C1lientsiu.r-gate o f tlie Palaee,
2itli December.
be permitted t o reiecr Itis appointstlent
owitlg t o bodily infirmities, elc. T h e
prayer ir granted and Cliang Shun i s
(1) Lao Chi-chili is :mppllilited prefect o i
hrrehy permitted tiiretire iuio p i i u ~ t elife.
Szenanfu, pl.orinee of I<ueicllou.
Note :-Chnng Sliull w a r Tartar Genernl
(2) l's2og Yi is nppoiiiled sub-prefect of
of K l r i n in 1893-4, raid was dirmlnsed from
Sungtmingchuo, prurltice o i Ylliiiziil~.
olfice partly awillg to the nlurderous
(3) '1'lre Cen-or Hurnp Cl~url-lung is
nttnclr of blalicilu s o l d i r r upon tllr person
commanded t o prepare liimseii for ;appoint.
of Doctor Grei: nt thnt time, and pnrtly
ment as Taotai or prefect in tile provinces.
to t h e iuulhrrous co.klp1rints of Iiiri,,
(4) Allpointing a nulnber of officials t o
traders who mernori;i'ised tile ':ourt of
tile Metropolitan anll Provincial a d n ~ i n i s - Cetlsors drnoulicinq l!lt:u>i. Sliun's :,rarice
and enturtiot~.-Tvnnslntor..
(5) Su Lu-tai, Mazichu Brigade-General
30th December.
of Shnnturln. rends us a reuort (in tll*
result of hid'inrestigitiot~intb t h e conduct
(1) We have rewired a l~>eniorinlfrom
o i Churlg Lin. the C i ~ p t s i nin charge of the
Haii S',u-lain. Liternry Chancellor of
Mincllu outpost st Satslluhsien, w l i . , W ~ S l'h8kisng proviv>ce, prayiug tllnt R tlecree
recently denounced t.1 the Throne by r
be issued cnllirlg )upom>the vsrious Viocroys
Censor. T h e memorinlist finds that tlie
ntld Governors of proviticee t o pay more
accused oiticer is not guilty of the charge of
sttentlo" ttl serlculture nnd comnlarrding
receiving bribes from ruch of lhsiir~ldiersns thew, t o enllort tho Aoe,,nla
r t h e m in
wiilied t o eain sorrletl~ing extra b y
oultivate tho raiainlgof silkworms with pro.
adtpting s ctvil occupation, b u t h e finds
per attention t o ( h e nlulberry tree so
t h a t En Ping, s son of t h e accused officer,
vital t o t h e welfare of tlrese useful worms.


t j i



tllr ptacrlcr 111 c,lliug upon tlle wenltlly

A l a x n a t e r uf ixct S.riat%lturea.m. A : #
~ a e l ~ i b a lof
o rillawa to ~ ~ r o v i d ameals.
culture stand on n par in i m p o , t n ~ t c t III
l...,gilly* altd l w ~ ~ rfor
y thl+ exprgmses
relntion t o t , e we1f.11- of WIT s u l l j ~ c ,t illnf
d , cleck" and i.uutieis wh,,se
somueh that we Inr\.e always t r , e d by
dilly is t i > g
avmi-atr~tuxlly iuto t h e
precept awl by exxmple t o encouraoe our
u . r . us vlllaxr. t o collect land and other
people i , , cultivatlug #Isis iml,ortarlt i8,dusi n r r * id T r i h t a Rice. As f o r t h e head
Hcmlc- e v e , atacl~ provincrs ;as
rutti,et. r s d lhi.; underlirlgs wino were really
H l l p r h a l ~ d Cl~illli l,nve a ru bego,) t o
a t t h e ho toln ot all t 8 , e r e clrarges ~ 8 1 . 1
taka up the indll%tryslid we LIB glad
owibg to wlm,ne clxmorous lemntrds upon
t o ~ a yt h a t w- llxve race ved milst e l l t i e ihrd villnge~sior iuud, l o d ~ i n g ,and
c,l,il.nri.g rrpcmrtn floln tI!e Ihigh xutliovie r ~ i e n i e s , according to local t r a d ~ t i h s ,
ti s uf \lmsr p r o v i cex aud e'sewllere eonthe csxtter I d cc,lnr as a rutnour to t h e
a ~ ~ t h u s i a r of
r n the people i l l this
CP sors, we hereby crrlnlnand t h a t t h e
~ , ~ n t t e rB
. u t i l l order to show t h a t we
delinq mmru be aulnmn~led t o Hattgcl>ow
inn exruest in prulnotiug thi. isla
fov ~ , I I X I XU t l ~ fh
~ ty l t t ~ ybe putr~rltedas a
i n d u ~ t y ,x e osca b1113r8
portant h r a cln
call ullun ..I1 our Vicamyr and G t , v e r u i ~ ~ s w:wuin< r,, ot,laer r u ~ ~ n - r . . Finally, as for
the "ill rsrs -l~u,l-lin and o l r a r s wlso
l o exhort tlte people under t l ~ e l n tll ile
d l i g e n t , careful, ~ n d z e n l o u ait) c u l t i v n r i t i ~ t r i e l t o ereilt +Ir i d xgxiuqt the scctlred
n,~giqtrate, since t h y lhsve xbscoltded.
a r r i a u l t u r ~ a s naoureeof e c ~ n t i t l u ~w,.xltl~
knowitbq tinat t e y w re i81 the wro81:.
t o , I o - e takiny llle industry u,, n ~ , , learly.
atriot .enreit mmjst be <mi~defor t h e m a u d
i n~.
u it t',roueh in s ihorouel~faslbiutn.
tltc guilty on&* urtisiled.
(2) T h e other day we recrive,l rueIII(IIIXIR from
Ceuaors Cl~br,Chi-chsur:
31ot Dzcrmher.
"nd l l u r Hai, rlrn.~t>rwing
the i,ffioirls
, f K>xeianl~*ien,ChBkinng, c~nthe chxrga
(1) H u P t u g c h i l ~ ,Guvarmor of Sbnm,ai,
of over-taxinu tlre inl~xl,it.xntaof t h a t dixa nds un x t~ienr eulogising t h e enargy,
t r i . t h,,tll xa to 'l'rib~rtr Rice d u a xa well
.+XI, and int. gt,ity of crrtxin suh-prwfecrs
"x n Ill a
a , d other taxes. Subsequetttly
a ~ t d dsllnrtrnelat nlld dtxtriet mngiatrrt.a
x e were ir~fornteI by tile Cauvt ui Ceunwr
utntlar lli3tl uil p r ~ y i n zt h a t the I ~ n l ~ e r i a l
tl,at t h e Hnnlin Corsptlrr, Cliu 'Trcl-ma,,,
o o r n ~ ~ t e t l ~ l ~be
t lr ~ ~ n c a l g ~ tit!e dorder t o
18-d a ec) petilinnad 8 lie anid o u r t tuport
a i r t t 8 l ~ u i ~tllrslt
w ~ r t l ~, ~vj t i ~ . % l et ~h ne d~ e tile a l w e xubjser ~ ~ plnyi!lg
t d
tllnt n .trim
1,y an>c,,un~ge
Lllair hrorhe~~-c~fficisls
t , emuinve* i e x t i o , bw in.til.uted into t,Iw alleyed
late t l ~ efmnler, atc.. W e grant with ,, eagtiavanc. 8 , rto. 1 3 8 f.ol,srqur ue o f t h r w e
su1.e iliis prtttiot~o i t h e aaid Governor and
aeol.etly comlm~nodt.d L i ~ oSbou-fen<. tlta
Iha d ? y cc,mtnxtld I I I X Ut o <nfurmrlme various
Gur-rmor c 9 f t l ~ a* i d provi ce of Chbkix!,~,
oScixlr nt iltioned in Itis lirt [ t ~ ~ r n . -Kiven:
1 0 make pt.ivnta .a we I xa o eel offioii~l
uf otlr !,lraxure a t receiving nuolr a good
e quirir. iuto bllr n l x t t e r a d then torrpt,rt
nccc,unt of their eouduct tI~~l.iug
t l ~ ayear
truthfully ? c , us. We n,e iovsr in receipt, of
lnuw xi,out to oloqs, and fui.ller tlmt we
t h e said Guvevtlot.'~ r r p o r in -111cl~ha
deolxrrx thxt, after cxrrful ~ l v e a t i ~ s l i c t n , e ~ r n e s t ' yexliorr tlnexa fxvaul-ed nfficixlu t o
remix 8 1 cornatant t o their die, s,R* to tit
Ine found that eitlbar tlke specifid cllxrrrs
tlten,.alve. far ls~ellsriltld nlc,rd reaponaibla
ltrd no foundation a t -11, {lr, gta t i q x
pusta in tile f u t u h .
runsour ill aireulatioo f s < # c il~xppeninga
(2) The a*n,e Governor s r n l s ~ n o t l l e r
Ibe c,,uld get no i , , e t,, utlllatanti*lly
rnatuounl tllia ti~lxe d e ~ l i ) i > m ~ ctlae
i n ~ con,move t h e chxrrss. If ruch be tile trtre
state l,i nKait.s t11et.e iq no ne-d of goill<
comfurther iuto the n:tttrr. Tlte a d ( i , , ~ e r n o r m s q i - t r , t r e under i,im.
~ n - , > ~t dl ~ ttlte o f t i e i ~ l romplained
~1.u r ~ p u r t a t l ~ n t *a l h r ixccua d magiar ~ ] fortllw~tllonah errd a n d
trnta (of Kucixullsicm~, C l ~ u Cltien-cl~~t~il. [name- K ~ > , e be
dmmixael tile s ~ r v i c eas a wrruing to
11x.l beru fuullrl iun~uit*blrtn tile
t and
otltrri. A f mr Tx'ui T'ung-fa. t h e disutteo~lyeni I to the l,eoplei,f llbe district, the
t ict mi%gmsrrate .,f Y i ~ r n g ~ l ~ i l ~ ~wim
i w wal,
(the mid Govrnl) I) lln,l already trnu f rl l ~ o , > g hg,ti ty uf irotlb lng seriouil in Ilia
ra.1 that officin' l~soktt, Iln~>qcltnw. We
conduct 1 1 ~ ri,voved llin>.elf iuotl~xbleof
t ' e l d o r e eornrnx~~d
t l e aaid Govertior and
~ , r , ~ p ey tcarrying
on tlle dutia* t f 111sp~mt,
tll- Provincial Trcxsl~rr to keep the said
u ~ ~ g i r t r a ut ed e r ' ~ ~ ~ r u e i l l n nin
c a older t o
we Iler-by cnantni~m~dti~at.lta be nnlered t o
vesig, aud b r trrurferred back toTitiyuanfu,
xee by Itis ilau I conduct the exure c l f all
t v p*ib mo1.a
tltese ellxruea k g a i s t llitn. We fs!.tI#er- the p,ovlt#cial c . t p i ~ ~ 1time
n~csreromlrtnnd the ru oassur of t h e % b o w - r x p e r i e ~ ~ ci ~c u dawait aombbe otllrr a~)poilbtmeut.
named accused oltiaisl to er .dieate for Ever



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