Brief Concept

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To brand the Northern Powerhouse and create
awareness of its many and varied
attributes to the rest of the world.

Capital North - Brief 7


The government has recently revealed a strategy to

develop the North of England as a second economic
capital in Britain to redress the economic balance
across the country and to compete on the world stage.
They are calling this strategy Northern Powerhouse.
The government believes that, by improving the
transport infrastructure through HS3, connecting Leeds
to Manchester, and tapping into the huge potential
of the North of England, the North will become the
globally significant economic force it has always
promised to be.

Adam Garbutt, Grace Buckley, Melisa Gator, Caitlin Walsh, Charlie Rotherham

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design

Research and Influence

Key brands that influenced the brief where The London
2012 Olympics for their well-designed application of
graphics to items that furthered their brand, such as on
a taxi and plane. Places, which would have the most
interaction as well as places, which add little details.
The mix between the both was a great balance and
what we aimed to achieve with Capital North. The
Melbourne city branding and the Porto city branding
where other key rebrands that influenced our brief.

Capital North - Brief 7


Adam Garbutt, Grace Buckley, Melisa Gator, Caitlin Walsh, Charlie Rotherham

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design Research


Identity and Colour


The logo was a collaborative effort between Grace and

I, we wanted to communicate motion through the link
between the two characters to represent the train line.
The chevron was an addition to further reinforce this
connection, as well as the connection between the
cities that the HS3 line will bring.

I designed the colour schemes for each city; I tried

to represent them through the most neutralized way
possible. Having no politics involved so to unite them
without drawing attention to unnecessary noise such
as the football teams the cities are famous for. The
gradients where added in a futuristic aspect while still
remaining timeless so not to appear dated ten years
down the line. Keeping it simple.

Picking the placement for the branding institute was

decided on a hierarchy from the train to the city, some
didnt work like the above billboard simply because
the gradients as an advertising agent dont work well
on their own. However with photography it brings in a
political element about what people are from where,
which we were trying to avoid altogether.

Capital North - Brief 7


Adam Garbutt, Grace Buckley, Melisa Gator, Caitlin Walsh, Charlie Rotherham

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design Development

Posters and Enviroment Outcome

The environments we choose to display the brand
where all picked to further the concept of motion and
the future. As well as that, each piece was picked to be
an interaction with transport, coming out of the train
station, and out into the city the branding follows you.

Capital North - Brief 7


Adam Garbutt, Grace Buckley, Melisa Gator, Caitlin Walsh, Charlie Rotherham

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design Final Images

Train Design
The train was the focus to this brief, it was one of the
first outcomes we worked on. This was were I came in to
my element on this brief, creating mock-ups due to the
rest of the team not being so savvy in Photoshop. So
most of the mock-ups for this done by me, apart from
the uniform featured here.
The concept behind the trains design was so that each
city had a train with its own colours represented at the
train station when theyre all in their platforms.

Capital North - Brief 7


Adam Garbutt, Grace Buckley, Melisa Gator, Caitlin Walsh, Charlie Rotherham

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design Final Images

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