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------IND- 2010 0564 LT- EN- ------ 20100909 --- --- PROJET


...... August 2010
No ...................

Pursuant to Article 7(3) of the Law on Fire Prevention of the Republic of Lithuania
(Official Gazette, 2002, No 123-5518, 2010, No 1-30), and Paragraph 5 of 9 April 2008 Decision
No 341, On the Assignation to State Institutions of Competencies of Determining Key Requirements
and Technical Parameters of Buildings with Regard to Construction or Construction Product
Specification Levels and Classes, of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (Official Gazette,
2008, No 46-1730), I hereby:
1. Approve the Key Requirements of Fire Prevention (enclosed) and
2. Determine the Order to be effective from 1 January 2011.

General of the Internal Service

Remigijus Baniulis


1. Key Requirements of Fire Prevention (hereinafter - the Regulations) set forth the
principal rules of fire safety. The Regulations have been drawn up pursuant to the Law on
Construction [11.1] and technical regulation on building STR 2.01.01(2):1999 [11.2].
2. The Regulations have been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Directive
98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure
for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations.
3. Any commodity imported from a Member State of the European Communities, a member
country of the European Free Trade Association or a signatory to the European Economic Area
Agreement can be supplied to the Lithuanian market without restriction provided it is legally
produced in a member state of the European Union or a member country of EFTA or legally
imported to such state from a third country, and is permitted for marketing in the recipient country.
Restrictions on the free movement of commodities can be justified when an equal level of
protection for various legitimate interests is not ensured.
4. The Regulations are mandatory for all the participants of the construction process, public
administration entities, as well as other legal entities and natural persons whose activities are
subject to the Law on Construction of the Republic of Lithuania.
5. The Regulations lay down the key requirements of fire safety of buildings. Other
requirements of building fire safety and engineering buildings are provided in legal instruments
defining the essential building requirements (a single, a few or all) and technical parameters of
buildings on the basis of the level and classes of specification of structures or construction products.
6. The precautions of fire safety used for the preparation of the design of a new structure,
reconstruction of an existing structure or major repairs, as well as the use of structures shall be
compliant with the essential requirement of structure fire safety throughout the lifetime of the
building [11.2].
7. The compliance of the design concepts with the essential requirement of structural fire
safety may be analysed by employing the calculations of fire engineering or fire risk when drawing
up the design of a new building, reconstruction of an existing building or major repairs.
8. The Regulations define the specifications of construction products (materials, products,
systems, sets) in accordance with the principle of their end-use in the structure, characteristic of the
maintenance (or close to maintenance) conditions.
9. The structure design concepts incompliant with the requirements of the Regulations
herein may be commissioned following the statutory procedure by allowing technical measures for
the compensation of shortfalls. In such cases, the compliance of the design concepts with the
essential requirement of building fire safety shall be assessed on the basis of calculations of fire
engineering or fire risk. Standard values to be used for these calculations are provided in Annex 6
10. The requirements of these Regulations shall apply to:
10.1. the design and building of new civil structures,
10.2. reconstructed and repaired sections of structures, and
10.3. the change of the designated use of structures or their sections.
11. The Regulations herein contain references to the following instruments:
11.1. Law on Construction of the Republic of Lithuania (Official Gazette, 1996, No 32-788;
2001, No 101-3597)
11.2. Technical regulation on building STR 2.01.01(2):1999 Essential Building
Requirements. Fire Safety. (Official Gazette, 2000, No 17-424)

11.3. Technical regulation on building STR 2.02.02:2004 Public Structures (Official
Gazette, 2004, No 54-1851)
11.4. Technical regulation on building STR 2.01.02:2004 Residential Buildings (Official
Gazette, 2004, No 23-721)
11.5. Technical regulation on building STR 2.09.02:2005 Heating, Ventilation and Air
Conditioning (Official Gazette, 2005, No 75-2729)
11.6. Technical regulation on building STR 2.08.01:2004 Gas System in Buildings (Official
Gazette, 2004, No 21-653)
11.7. Technical regulation on building STR 1.01.09:2003 Structure Classification in Terms
of their Designation (Official Gazette, 2003, No 582611)
11.8. Technical regulation on building STR 2.06.01:1999 Transport Systems of Cities,
Towns and Settlements (Official Gazette, 1999, No 27-773)
11.9. Technical regulation on building STR 2.03.01:2001 Structures and Territories.
Requirements for the Needs of the Handicapped People (Official Gazette, 2001, No 53-1898)
11.10. 22 February 2007 Order No 1-66 of the Director of Fire and Rescue Department
under the Ministry of the Interior, On the Approval of the Documentation of Safety Regulations for
Buildings (Official Gazette, 2007, No 25-953; 2009, No 63-2538)
11.11. Fire Safety Regulations for Residential Buildings approved by ..... ..................... .......
Order No ............. of the Director of the Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the
11.12. Fire Safety Regulations for Public Buildings approved by ..... ..................... .......
Order No ............. of the Director of the Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the
11.13. General Fire Safety Regulations approved by 18 February 2005 Order No of the
Director of Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior (Official Gazette, 2005,
No 26-852)
11.14. Regulations of Technical Commission of Fire and Rescue Department under the
Ministry of the Interior approved by 18 August 2008 Order No 1-271, On the Formation of the
Technical Commission of the Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior, of the
Director of Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior, (Official Gazette, 2008,
No 96-3752)
12. In the event that an amendment is made to any of the aforementioned legal instruments,
the current edition of the legal instrument shall apply.
13. Terms and their definitions used in the Regulations correspond with the terms and
definitions used in the Law on Construction [11.1] and the standards STR 2.01.01(2):1999 [11.2],
LST EN ISO 13943 and LST EN 13501.
14. Classes of flammability and fire resistance of construction products shall be determined
by testing in accordance with standards of the LST EN 13501 series, calculations, and standards
referred to in Paragraph 14 and Annex 9 of the Regulations.
15. The impact of fire on interconnected element combinations, designed for bearing the
expected load and ensuring the stability of a building (hereinafter the Structures), shall be
estimated in accordance with standards of the LST EN 1991-1-2 series. The design of fire safety of
structures and the estimation of fire reaction shall be conducted following the regulations of the
below standard series:
15.1. LST EN 1992-1-2 for reinforced concrete structures

15.2. LST EN 1993-1-2 for steel structures
15.3. LST EN 1994-1-2 for complex steel and concrete structures
15.4. LST EN 1995-1-2 for wooden structures
15.5. LST EN 1996-1-2 for stone structures
16. Fireman lifts to be used by fire-fighters and for transporting fire-extinguishing and
rescue equipment shall be designed following the Regulations herein and regulations of standards of
the LST EN 81 series.
17. Electrical cables shall be classified in terms of combustibility in accordance with Annex
7 hereto into the following classes: Aca, B1ca, B2ca, Cca, Dca, Eca, Fca.
18. Construction products (except for floor covering, pipe insulation and electrical cables)
shall be classified in accordance with the LST EN 13501 standard of in the classes below: in terms
of fire type: A1, A2, B, C, D, E, F; in terms of smoke production: s1, s2, s3; in terms of production
of flaming particles and/or particles: d0, d1, d2.
19. The list of construction products that need not undergo extra testing for rating their
flammability is provided in Annex 9 of the Regulations.
20. Floor coverings shall be classified in accordance with the standard of the LST EN
13501 series into the below classes: in terms of fire type: A1 FL, A2FL; BFL, CFL, DFL, EFL, FFL, in terms
of smoke production: s1 and s2.
21. Pipe insulation shall be classified in accordance with the LST EN 13501 standard in the
classes below: In terms of fire type: A1 L, A2L; BL, CL, DL, EL, FL, whereas in terms of smoke
production: s1, s2, s3 and in terms of the production of flaming particles and/or particles: d0, d1, d2.
22. Roofs and their coverings shall be classified in terms of combustibility at the time of
external fire in accordance with the LST EN 13501 standard in: BROOF (t1) and FROOF (t1).
23. Pursuant to the LST EN 13501 standard , the fire resistance of building structure
elements defines the capacity of building structure elements to bear, for a certain period of time,
load (R), tightness (E), insulation properties (I, I1, I2), radiation, when the insulation properties of
the construction product depend on the heat transmitted via radiation (W), resistance to mechanical
impact when specific mechanical impact (M) is analysed, for doors (flaps, etc.) with self-closing
mechanisms (C), limitation of the spread of smoke for structural elements designed for limiting the
spread of smoke (Sa and Sm).
24. Pursuant to the LST EN 13773 standard, in terms of combustibility, textile and textile
products (curtains, tapestry, blinds), it shall be divided into the following classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
25. Pursuant to Annex 8 hereto, hard/powdery materials and products not classified as either
hazardous materials or construction products shall be classified in terms of combustibility into the
following classes: non-combustible, limited combustibility and combustible.
26. Hazardous materials shall be classified pursuant to the Law on Chemical Substances
and Preparations of the Republic of Lithuania (Official Gazette, 2000, No 36-987; 2008, No 763000) and 19 December 2000 Order No 532/742, On the Procedure of Classification and Labelling
of Hazardous Chemical Substances and Preparations, issued by the Ministers of Health and
Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, (Official Gazette, 2001, No 16-509).
27. Seats in cinemas, theatres, auditoria, halls, as well as rooms occupied by over 50 people
at any given time shall comply with the requirements of the LST EN 1021-1 and LST EN 10212standards.
28. Smoke barriers shall be classified in accordance with the standard of LST EN 12101
series into the classes below: D, DH.
29. The elevation of the floor of the topmost storey (including the attic) of any building
(hereinafter - the elevation of the floor of the topmost storey) is measured from the lowest elevation
of the driveway surface of fire apparatus, or - in case the equipment of the driveway for fire

apparatus is not obligatory - from the lowest elevation of placing portable fire ladders (hereinafter the ground surface elevation).
30. Structures shall be divided into groups defined in Annex 3 hereto. Annex 10 of the
Regulations lists the requirements for the application of classes of structure functional groups and
structure fire hazards, types of fire barriers and fire lock rooms, degrees of structure fire resistance
and flammability classes of construction products, defined in the effective legal instruments but not
applied in the Regulations.
31. The Regulations classify high-rising structures into:
31.1. tall structures (hereinafter - the TS) with the elevation of the floor of the topmost
storey exceeding 26.5 metres, and
31.2. very tall structures (hereinafter - the VTS) with the elevation of the floor of the
topmost storey exceeding 54 metres.
32. In terms of explosion and fire risk, structures and premises used for transport, garage,
production, industry, warehousing, auxiliary service, and other designations (P.2.6, P.2.7, P.2.8,
P2.17, P.2.18, P.2.19) shall be classified; with regard to the quantities of materials kept inside them,
properties of explosive and hazardous materials and specifics of technological processes shall be
classified into categories Asg, Bsg, Cg, Dg, Eg (Annex 1), while external facilities into categories Asgi,
Bsgi, Cgi, Dgi, Egi (Annex 2).
33. Fire load shall be determined following the LST EN 1991-1-2 standards by assessing
and calculating the potential amount of heat emitted once all materials (including elements of
building structures and their finish) in the area of a building, room or a group of rooms, separated
from other sections of the building by the walls and floors of a defined fire-resistance rating (Table
2), preventing the spread of fire for a certain period of time (hereinafter - the fire section), have
34. If the estimated fire load of a fire section exceeds the fire load determined for the
building, then the load shall be assessed for each fire section individually. This condition shall be
taken into account in the design of elements of building structures outside the fire section.
35. For an estimation of a fire spread scenario (progress), the planning and structural
concepts of the structure (or its section), and flammability properties of construction products
(structure elements) affecting fire load shall be assessed.
36. Fire load must be calculated for structures with fire-resistance rating I as well as in other
cases specified in legal instruments [11.10, 11.11, 11.12]. In the case that fire load is not calculated,
a building is deemed to be of fire load category 1.
37. Fire load categories with regard to fire load density are provided in Table 1.
Fire Load Categories
Table 1
Fire Load Category

Fire Load Density (MJ/sq. m)

over 1 200
from 600 to 1 200
up to 600

38. Locally concentrated fire loads in a fire section must be considered during the design
stage. The fire load category of a fire section shall be determined in accordance with the highest fire
load category within the fire section. This paragraph shall not apply to premises with a total area of
up to 200 square metres.

39. The following general requirements apply to fire prevention:
39.1. buildings shall be designed, built, equipped, and used so as to reduce the risk of fire to
a minimum; external fire risk shall be considered during the design, construction, and use of
39.2. engineering systems of a building shall be designed and installed so as to be safely
used and to prevent fire;
39.3. fireplaces, ovens, their chimneys, and heating devices shall be positioned, built, and
installed so as to prevent the risk of fire or explosion during their use.
40. Other requirements of fire prevention are provided in the General Regulations of Fire
Safety [11.13].
41. With regard to the characteristic fire load categories and fire-resistance of structure
elements used in construction, buildings and fire sections are classified into buildings and fire
sections with fire-resistance ratings I, II, and III (Table 2).
Fire-resistance Ratings of Buildings and Fire Sections

REI 120(1)

R 90(1)

EI 15

REI 90(1)

R 60(2)

EI 15



REI 60(1)

R 45(2)

EI 15



REI 30(1)


EI 30
EI 15
EI 15
EI 15

Stair flights and landings

EI 30

Interior walls

R 120(1)


REI 180(1)

Floors of storeys, attic and


Non load-bearing walls

Exterior wall

Load-bearing structures

Fire section separation walls

and floors

Fire Load Category

structureFire-resistance rating of a

Table 2
Minimum fire-resistance of structure elements of a building or fire section
(with fire separation/protection function)

REI 90(1)

RE 30(4)

REI 120

R 60(5)

REI 60(1)

RE 20(4)

REI 90

R 60(5)

REI 45(1)

RE 20(4)

REI 60

R 45(5)

REI 15(2)

RE 20(4)

REI 30

R 15(5)


construction products of minimum fire-resistance rating A2-s3, d2 shall be used for

building structures;
construction products of minimum fire-resistance rating B-s3, d2 shall be used for
building structures;
exterior walls are not subject to fire-resistance requirements when:
1) the elevation of the floor of the topmost storey does not exceed 6 m;
2) the exterior walls and floors complying with the requirements of Table 2 are built
following the requirements in Figure 1 (the height of inter-floor wall A and/or B may be determined
in accordance with the standard of the LST EN 1991-1-2 series applying a maximum permitted
flame temperature of 160oC at the higher window of the floor);
3) stationary fire-extinguishing system is installed in the entire building;


roofs of one-storey buildings that can accommodate fewer than 100 people at a time are
not subject to fire-resistance requirements, except in cases provided for in legal instruments.
Construction products of minimum fire-resistance rating B-s3, d2 shall be used for building roofbearing structures (joists, laths);
does not apply to stair flights and landings separated from other premises of the building
by interior firewalls and opening fills of defined fire-resistance meeting the requirements of Table 3;
RN requirements not applicable.

A 1.0 m

A + B 1.5 m

B 1.5 m

Figure 1. Requirements for limitation of vertical fire spread: A minimal dimensions of interfloor walls meeting the requirements of Table 2; B - minimal dimensions of intermediate floors
meeting the requirements of Table 2
42. Fire-resistance requirements for VTS structures shall be defined in accordance with fire
load category 1, while for TS fire load category 1 or 2 with regard to calculated fire load of the
building (fire section).
43. The height of buildings of fire-resistance rating I is not limited if the fire-resistance of
bearing structures of the building ensures their mechanical resistance and stability during a fire
without any intervention of state fire and rescue service teams after all materials and construction
products have burnt.
44. Roofs are classified under BROOF (t1) flammability rating in cases defined in Annex 4
45. Bearing structures of buildings ensuring overall mechanical resistance and stability at
the time of fire include: elements (such as load-bearing walls, frameworks, pillars, beams, girders,
trusses, arches, shear walls, floors, etc.), structures (structures consists of more than one element),
and buildings (overall building structure).
46. Pursuant to Eurocodes, the fire-resistance of load-bearing structures of a building may
be analysed in three levels of complexity: element, structure, and building. Results of calculations
on a more complex level shall apply to lower complexity level structures, i.e. if fire-resistance
calculations of building structure works or the overall building structure show that an element or a
structure does not affect mechanical resistance and stability of the entire building or its structure,
then fire-resistance requirements shall not apply to these elements or structures.
47. Bearing capacity R of load-bearing structures of the building roof and floors (joists,
trusses, girders, etc.) may be deemed analogous to fire-resistance of the roof or the floor, if the
calculations of the structure or the overall building confirm the compliance of the structure or
building with the defined fire-resistance (Table 2).
48. Fire-resistance of opening (doors, gates, windows and trapdoors) fills shall not be
subject to standards except for opening fills in fire barriers (Table 3) and in cases provided for in
legal instruments (for example, buildings connected at angles).

49. In the case of installation of structural building systems with unknown fire-resistance
and/or flammability rating, these properties shall be determined by fire testing or calculations of
structure (building) fragments in accordance with the standards of the LST EN 1991-1-2 series.
50. When selecting the dimensions of fire sections of a building or their group, and between
buildings, the fire-resistance rating of the building, building designation, number of users, density
of fire load, as well as efficiency of fire safety and rescue means, the location and technical
capacities of state fire safety and rescue service shall be taken into account.


51. Spread of fire in buildings is limited by measures reducing burning area, fire intensity
and duration. These include:
51.1. use of fire barriers preventing the production of hazardous fire factors and spread in
the room, between rooms, groups of rooms, floors and fire sections of different fire hazards
(designation) and buildings
51.2. limitation of construction products with flammability ratings Bs1, d0 or lower in the
construction of structure works
51.3. reduction of explosion and fire risk in technological equipment in buildings,
structures, and rooms
51.4. provision of fire extinguishers, including stationary and portable ones
51.5. effective use of stationary fire extinguishing systems in the case of timely alert by fire
detection and alarm systems [11.10] and fire warning and evacuation control systems; and
51.6. use of systems for smoke elimination from premises.
52. Buildings shall be divided into fire sections in order to limit the spread of fire and
hazardous fire factors, ensure safe evacuation of people from the building on fire, facilitate rescue
and fire-extinguishing actions of fire-fighters, and reduce fire damage. The maximum area of fire
section Fg is determined in accordance with Annex 3 hereto. The area of a fire section is the
maximum area of a structure floor separated by walls and floors of defined resistance. If the
building contains meeting inter-floor areas (atriums, openings, stairs of type 2, etc.), the areas of
meeting floors shall be summed up when determining the maximum area of a fire section in the
53. In the case the building contains rooms of different designations or hazardous rooms in
terms of explosion and fire, the lowest values of parameters (relative area of fire section (F s) and
estimated elevation Habs) provided in Annex 3 hereto shall be used for determining the area of a fire
section. This paragraph shall not apply to premises with a total area of up to 200 square metres.
54. Premises in which combustible gas is used shall be equipped in accordance with the
standards of the STR 2.08.01:2000 series [11.6].
55. Fire barriers are fire-resistance and flammability rated structures subdividing premises
in terms of their designation, fire load density, and fire-resistance rating of the building. They are
designed to limit the spread of fire and combustion products from the premises or fire section into
other premises.
56. Fire barriers include walls, partitions, floors, and roofs.
57. Fire-resistance rating of fire barriers shall be established in accordance with fireresistance of its structural elements:

57.1. barrier section
57.2. structures ensuring fire barrier stability
57.3. structures supporting the fire barrier; and
57.4. fixing points.
58. Fire-resistance of capacity R of structures ensuring fire barrier stability and structures
supporting the fire barrier and their fixing points may not be lower than the required fire-resistance
of the barrier section of the fire barrier.
59. Recesses in the fire barriers (built-in panels for electricity, fire taps, heating collectors,
etc.) may not reduce the fire-resistance of the fire barrier.
60. Fire-resistance of opening fills shall be selected in accordance with Table 3 with regard
to fire-resistance and other criteria of a fire barrier (for example, if a fire barrier is rated EI 60, then
the door shall be rated EW 60C5, etc.).
Fire-resistance of Opening Fills in Fire Barriers
Table 3
Fireresistance of
fire barrier

Doors, gates,
trapdoors (1)


EW 20C5(3)
EW 20C5(3)
EW 30C5 (3)
EW 30C5 (3)
EW 60C5 (3)
E I2 60C5 (3)
EI2 90C5
EI2 90C5
EI2 120C5

(2) (4)

Sealants of
openings and
EI 15
EI 20
EI 30
EI 45
EI 60
EI 90
EI 120
EI 180
EI 240

Ducts and
shafts of
EI 15
EI 20
EI 30
EI 45
EI 60
EI 90
EI 120
EI 180
EI 240

Flaps and
assemblies of
EI2 15
EI2 20
EI2 30
EI2 30
EI2 45
EI2 60
EI2 90
EI2 90
EI2 120

EW 20
EW 20
EW 30
EW 30
EW 60
EI2 60
EI2 90
EI2 90
EI2 120


C0 rating may apply to doors providing room for the evacuation of maximum 5
C1 rating may apply to doors providing room for the evacuation of maximum 15
doors or door assemblies are glazed;
only E rating can apply to the fire-resistance of lift doors in buildings where a
stationary fire-extinguishing system is in place.
61. A fire lock room is a room with a minimum of two doors or gates installed. The
dimensions of the fire lock room must provide for unrestricted evacuation with opened doors or
gates. Fire lock rooms can be of two types: those generating overpressure and those that do not
generate overpressure at the time of fire. With regard to fire-resistance of the fire lock room, its
partitions and floors shall be fire retardant (Table 4).
Types of fire barriers with regard to fire lock rooms equipped in fire barrier openings
Table 4
Minimum type of elements of
Fire-resistance of
structure works of fire lock room:
fire lock room
EI 45
EI 45
REI 45
EI 15
EI 15
REI 15

62. Partitions subdividing buildings into fire sections and meeting requirements specified in
Table 2 shall be installed in accordance with the requirements provided in Figure 1. The provisions
of this paragraph shall not apply if the stationary fire-extinguishing system is installed in the
63. Walls subdividing buildings into fire sections and meeting requirements specified in
Table 2 shall be installed in accordance with the requirements provided in Figure 2. The provisions
of this paragraph shall not apply if a stationary fire-extinguishing system is installed in the building.

B 0.3 m

A 1.0 m

Figure 2. Requirements for limitation of horizontal fire spread: A minimal dimensions of
fire barrier meeting the requirements of Table 2 and/or roof meeting the requirements of
flammability rating BROOF (t1) and fire-resistance rated REI 60, or REI 30 in buildings of fireresistance rating III; B - minimal distance of protrusion above the roof or wall by the fire barrier
meeting the requirements of Table 2


64. Walls subdividing joined buildings of different height and width into fire sections and
meeting requirements specified in Table 2 shall be installed in accordance with the requirements
provided in Figure 3. Fire-resistance of windows, doors, and gates in a fire barrier shall be selected
in accordance with the requirements of Table 3.
Fire section No 1

B 6 m, where < 90o

(A or B or C) 4 m,
where 90o 135o
(A or B or C) 2 m,
where > 135o

Fire section No 2

Fire section No 1


Fire section No 2

B 8 m, where 90o
(Ast or B or C) 7 m,
where > 90o


Figure 3. Requirements for limitation of horizontal and vertical spread of fire applicable to
joined buildings: a) layout of buildings in the plan, b) section of joined buildings. Ast - minimal
dimension of roof meeting the requirements of fire-resistance rating REI 60 and flammability rating
BROOF (t1) B minimal distance between walls meeting the requirements or between a wall and a
roof; A, C minimal dimensions of a wall separating fire sections and meeting requirements
specified in Table 2
65. Openings of fire barriers shall be closed during a fire. Doors, gates, trapdoors, and bolts
that are operated opened shall have self-closing and/or automatic closing mechanisms in accordance
with the requirements of Table 3.

66. The total area of openings in fire barriers, except for the partitions of lift shafts,
specified in Table 3, shall not exceed 25 per cent of the fire barrier area. If fire-resistance of opening
fills is the same or higher than that of the fire barrier, the area of openings in the fire barriers is not
67. Fire lock rooms with fire-resistance rating EI 45 shall be equipped in fire barriers
dividing premises rated Asg or Bsg with regard to explosion and fire risk from premises, corridors,
stairways, and lift landings of another rating. Additional air pressure shall be generated in the said
fire lock rooms during fire.
68. A water curtain shall be equipped in fire barrier openings that may not be closed by fire
doors (gates) and used for moving between adjacent premises rated Cg, Dg or Eg with regard to
explosion and fire risk. A water curtain is equipped using drenchers installed on both sides of the
opening. The total intensity of water supply shall be a minimum of 1 l/s for a linear metre.
Operation time of the curtain may not be shorter than the defined period of fire-resistance of the
opening fills.
69. The fire-resistance rating of enclosure structures (except those equipped on the roof) of
lift shafts (except for open lifts) and lift machinery sections, as well as ducts, shafts, and recesses
used for communications shall be a minimum of EI 45 in regard to fire safety partitions and a
minimum of REI 45 for fire safety floors.
70. The fire-resistance rating of doors of lifts equipped in enclosure structures of lift shafts
shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Table 3. Where there is no possibility to
equip fire safety lift doors, an exit from the lift to a fire lock room rated EI 45 shall be equipped.
71. Extra overpressure of 20-50 Pa shall be generated in lift shafts or fire lock rooms next to
the lift entrance in buildings with smoke-proof stairways [11.5].
72. Refuse chutes and hatches shall be made of construction products with a minimum
flammability rating of A2s3, d0.
73. In case of premises rated Cg with regard to explosion and fire risk located in basement
and semi-basement floors and equipped with a direct access to the lift, fire lock rooms of fireresistance rating EI 45 shall be equipped before the lifts and generate extra pressure at the time of
74. Emergency exits to the ground floor from the lobby, cloakrooms, smoking rooms or
sanitary fitting located in the basement or semi-basement may be equipped without a fire lock room.
75. Atriums, openings, and stairs of type 2 equipped in buildings shall be separated from
adjoining corridors and other premises by fire barriers or fireproof partitions of fire-resistance rating
EI 45 and floors of fire-resistance defined in Table 2. These premises may be left unseparated when:
75.1. the stationary fire-extinguishing system is installed in fire section [11.10]
75.2. the elevation of the floor of the topmost storey of the fire section does not exceed 6
metres and the area of any floor in the fire section does not exceed 300 sq. metres.
76. If any ducts, shafts, and pipelines for transportation of combustible gas, dust, mixes of
dust and air, liquids, and other materials pass via fire barriers or connect fire sections, they shall be
equipped with automatic equipment stopping the spread of combustion products via ducts, shafts,
and pipelines, while bolts shall not reduce fire-resistance requirements applicable to these
77. Structure points passed by cables, air pipes and pipelines may not reduce fire-resistance
requirements applicable to the very structure. Openings in fire barriers designed for installing
engineering communications shall be sealed with fireproof penetration sealant systems in
accordance with the requirements of Table 3. Every engineering communication (cables, air pipes,
pipelines) shall be sealed using sealing systems specially designed for these engineering

78. Construction products used for building structures and/or finish may not increase the
fire hazard of the building.
79. Construction products used for building interior walls, ceilings, and floors shall meet
the requirements specified in Table 5.
80. Construction products with a lower flammability rating than Bs1, d0 may not be used
for the external finish of exterior walls of buildings of fire-resistance rating I.
81. For P2P3 group buildings of fire-resistance rating I with the elevation of the floor of
the topmost storey not exceeding 17 m (except for kindergartens, nurseries and sleeping blocks of
hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes) and P1 group buildings of fire-resistance rating I with the
elevation of the floor of the topmost storey not exceeding 26.5 m (except for residential buildings
designed for different social groups, such as childrens homes, asylums, care homes, etc.),
constructions products with flammability rating Cs2, d1 may be used for exterior wall finish
fragments, if these constitute up to 30 per cent of the total area of each individual exterior wall
(faade), and constructions products with flammability rating Ds2, d2, if these constitute up to 15
per cent of the total area of each individual exterior wall (faade).
82. For P2P3 group buildings of fire-resistance rating I with the elevation of the floor of
the topmost storey not exceeding 17 m (except for kindergartens, nurseries and sleeping blocks of
hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes) and P1 group buildings of fire-resistance rating I with the
elevation of the floor of the topmost storey not exceeding 26.5 m (except for residential buildings
designed for different social groups, such as children's homes, asylums, care homes, etc.),
construction products with flammability rating Ds2, d2 may be used for exterior wall (faade)
insulation by putting a minimum 6 mm (and 10 mm at reveals) layer of coating with a flammability
rating of at least A1 on them.
83. The use of construction products with a flammability rating lower than Ds2, d1 for the
finish and external insulation of exterior walls of buildings of fire-resistance rating II, including
double (ventilated) faades, shall be prohibited.
Flammability ratings of construction products used
for building interior walls, ceilings, and floors

premises, etc.) assessed beyond the
emergency exit from the premises
when up to 15 people use them for
premises, etc.) assessed beyond the
emergency exit from the premises
when 15 to 50 people use them for

walls and
walls and
walls and

Table 5
Fire-resistance Rating of Buildings and
Fire Sections
Flammability ratings of
construction products
Cs1, d0






Bs1, d0(2)

Cs1, d0





A2s1, d0(3)

Bs1, d0(2)

Cs1, d0

premises, etc.) assessed beyond the
emergency exit from the premises
when 50 or more people use them
for evacuation
Premises that can accommodate up walls and
to 15 people
Premises that can accommodate 15 walls and
to 50 people
Premises that can accommodate 50 walls and
to 600 people
Premises that can accommodate walls and
600 or more people
Kindergartens, nurseries, hospitals,
walls and
rehabilitation centres, health care
facilities of special institutions,
buildings of spas, nursing homes of floors
medical care institutions
Residential premises
Technical recesses, shafts, as well walls
as spaces above suspended ceiling ceilings
or below double floor, etc.

Fire-resistance Rating of Buildings and

Fire Sections
Flammability ratings of
construction products



Cs1, d0

Ds2, d2(1)





Bs1, d0(2)

Cs1, d0





A2s1, d0(3)

Bs1, d0(2)

Cs1, d0




A2s1, d0

Bs1, d0

Bs1, d0




A2s1, d0

A2s1, d0(3)

Bs1, d0(2)




Bs1, d0(2)






Bs1, d0

Ds2, d2


A2FL s1



warehousing walls
A2s1, d0
Bs1, d0
Bs1, d0
premises of categories Asg or Bsg
warehousing walls
Bs2, d2
Ds2, d2
Ds2, d2(1)
premises of categories Cg, Dg, Eg

Basements and utilities rooms

walls and
Bs1, d0
Bs1, d0
Bs1, d0(1)
floors of
Ds2, d2
Ds2, d2
Ds2, d2(1)
wall surfaces of up to 15 per cent of flat area of each individual surface may be coated
with construction products that are not subject to any flammability requirements.


wall surfaces of up to 30 per cent of flat area of each individual surface may be coated
with construction products that are subject to flammability rating Ds2, d2.
wall surfaces of up to 30 per cent of flat area of each individual surface may be coated
with construction products that are subject to flammability rating Bs1, d0.
RN requirements not applicable.
84. Flammability ratings of construction products used for equipping double (ventilated)
faades of buildings of fire-resistance rating I shall be determined according to the elevation of the
floor of the topmost storey:
84.1. construction products of minimum flammability rating A2-s2, d0 shall be used for tall
and very tall structures
84.2. construction products of minimum flammability rating B-s2, d0 shall be used for tall
and very tall structures.
85. Spread of fire may be limited by coating construction products of a lower flammability
rating used for building structures (exterior and interior) with construction products of a lower fire
86. Structures shall be built so as to prevent the spread of fire and its products within the
building structures.
87. Framework of double floors in premises accommodating more than 15 people at a time
shall be made of construction products of minimum flammability rating A2s3, d2.
88. The fire-resistance rating of double floors on emergency escape routes made in
buildings shall not be lower than: RE30 when 50 or more people use them for evacuation; R15
when 15 or more people use them for evacuation; fire-resistance rating is not defined when fewer
than 15 people use them for evacuation.
89. In case the fire hazard of construction products is reduced by using either extra coating
increasing fire-resistance or flammability rating, or flame retardant solutions, technical
requirements of the coatings and flame retardant solutions shall specify the periodicity of their
replacement or renewal with regard to maintenance conditions. These coatings and solutions may
not be used in places that provide no access for their regular replacement or renewal.
90. Fire barriers subdividing premises with a suspended ceiling shall divide the room
between the premises with a suspended ceiling and floor. No pipelines or ducts for transporting
materials dangerous in regard to explosion or fire may be placed in the room above the suspended
91. No suspended ceiling, double floor or recesses in the floor may be made in premises
rated Asg and Bsg with regard to the explosion or fire risk.
92. Spread of fire into adjacent buildings is limited by securing safe distances among the
exterior walls of the buildings (hereinafter - the fire prevention distance) determined in accordance
with Table 6.
Minimal fire prevention distances among buildings
Table 6
Distance (m) to adjacent buildings with the specified fire-resistance
rating of the building rating

93. If the buildings contain structures protruding more than 1 metre and made of
construction products of flammability rating Ds3, d2 or lower, the fire prevention distance shall be
determined among the protruding portions of these structures. Other conditions applicable to the
determination of fire prevention distances among buildings:
93.1. fire prevention distances among buildings located in the same or different plots of
land may be ignored when their occupancy area (considering the vacant plot of land among them)
does not exceed the area of the fire section defined for the buildings of the same designation. A
vacant plot of land among buildings shall be estimated by taking into account the furthest points
divided by the standard distance from one building to the other (hereinafter - the vacant plot of
93.2. fire prevention distances among buildings of groups P.1.1, P.1.2, and P.2.21, and
buildings of other designation shall not be regulated in one plot of land
93.3. fire prevention distances among buildings of groups P.1.1, P.1.2, and P.2.21 located in
different plots of land may be ignored when their occupancy area (considering the vacant plot of
land among them) does not exceed the area of the fire section defined for the buildings of group
P.1.1. The provisions herein shall also be applicable to the buildings of other designations located in
different plots of land than buildings of groups P.1.1, P.1.2, and P.2.21
93.4. the fire prevention distance may be reduced by 20 per cent in the case of buildings
that have no windows in their facing exterior walls, or have a stationary fire-extinguishing system in
the adjoining buildings, or the fire load of the adjoining buildings does not exceed 250 MJ/sq. m, or
the length of fire hoses does not exceed 100 m from the nearest source of water (fire hydrant, water
reservoir, etc.) to the furthest fire source inside the building.
94. If the fire prevention distance among the buildings is shorter than the mandatory
distance, the spread of fire shall be limited by fire barriers that separate adjacent buildings and are
characterised by the structural features ensuring, in case of fire on one side of the fire barrier, the
prevention of the spread of fire beyond the fire barrier into the adjacent building (hereinafter - the
fire barrier (screen)).
95. The requirements applicable to fire barriers (screens) among individual buildings are
provided in Table 7. The dimensions of fire barriers (screens) may not be smaller than the exterior
dimensions of the bigger building, or the dimensions of the installed fire barriers (screens) shall be
determined in consideration of the possibilities of thermal effect of the fire (Figure 3). Construction
products of minimum flammability rating A2s2, d0 shall be used for fire barriers (screens).
Fire-resistance rating of fire barrier (screen)
Table 7
Fire-resistance rating of the building
Fire Load Category

Fire barrier (screen)
fire-resistance rating
(not lower than)(1)








fire-resistance rating of fire barrier (screen) shall be defined according to the building
with a higher fire-resistance rating in order to protect buildings of different fire-resistance ratings.
96. The safety of people while moving towards emergency exits and among them
(hereinafter - the emergency escape route) shall be secured by planning, ergonomic, structural,
engineering, and organisational measures.

97. Additional requirements apply to people evacuation in buildings adjusted for the needs
of handicapped people [11.8].
98. Emergency escape routes in a building shall ensure safe evacuation of people from the
premises. The designation of premises adjoining the emergency escape route, the number of the
evacuated people, the fire-resistance rating of the building and the number of emergency exits from
both the floor and the building shall be considered when establishing the protection of emergency
escape routes that secures safe evacuation of people.
99. The emergency escape route is the way leading from the premises:
99.1. on the ground floor: directly outside or leading outside via a corridor, lobby or
99.2. on any other floor (except the ground floor): directly to a stairway or leading to a
stairway via corridor, lobby or maintained roof. The emergency escape route from the stairway shall
lead directly outside or lead outside via a lobby divided from the corridor by partitions and doors
99.3. to the adjacent fire section or room risk-free in terms of explosion or fire, on the same
floor, equipped with the above-mentioned emergency escape routes.
100. The emergency exit is the way leading away from the premises:
100.1. to the open exterior balcony or loggia with either a minimum 1.2 metre wide blind
interwall (rated at least EI 45) from the edge of balcony (loggia) to the opening of the window, or a
minimum 1.6 metre wide interwall between windows on the wall of the balcony (loggia)
100.2. to the open passage of a minimum 0.6 metre width leading to either the adjoined
residential block of three or more flats and forming part of a block of flats, or the adjoined separate
fire section via outside zone
100.3. to the balcony or loggia with a ladder connecting balconies or loggias on different
100.4. to the room, balcony or loggia equipped with landing attachments meeting the
requirements of the standards of the LST EN 341 series and providing the opportunity to all people
to save themselves.
101. When emergency escape routes are made via two stairways leading into one lobby, one
of the landings shall have a direct exit outside in addition to the exit to the lobby.
102. At least two emergency escape routes shall be made from each building floor.
Emergency escape routes from the first and second floors shall be made via two stairways located in
separate shafts. Emergency escape routes shall be quite apart from each other. Minimal range
between the furthest exits from the premises (l) shall be calculated by using the below formula:
l 1.5 P where P is the perimeter of the premises.
103. In case of two emergency escape routes equipped, each of them shall secure safe
evacuation of all people present in the premises, the floor or the building. In case of more than two
emergency escape routes, safe evacuation of all people present in the premises, the floor or the
building shall be secured via all emergency escape routes presuming that each of these exits may be
blocked during fire.
104. One emergency escape route may be made:
104.1. from premises of group P.1.4 accommodating up to 10 people at a time; and
104.2. from premises located in basement or semi-basement floors accommodating up to 15
people at a time. In case the premises located in basement or semi-basement floors accommodate
from 6 to 15 people at a time, an extra emergency exit leading outside shall be equipped via vertical
ladder through either a trapdoor of 0.60.8 m or a window of 0.751.5 m fit for climbing out
104.3. from premises that may accommodate up to 50 people at a time and where the
furthest point from the exit is not more than 25 metres away;
104.4. from premises, accommodating up to 5 people, rated Asg and Bsg in terms of
explosion and fire risk, and from premises, accommodating up to 25 people or of an area not
exceeding 1 000 sq. metres, rated Cg in terms of explosion and fire risk
104.5. from open landings or entresols designed for the supervision of equipment if their
floor area is up to 100 square metres in case of premises rated A sg and Bsg in terms of explosion and

fire risk, or up to 400 square metres in case of premises classified under other ratings in terms of
explosion and fire risk
104.6. from buildings of groups P.1.1, P.1.2, P.2.2, P.2.3, P.2.5, P.2.10, P.2.11, P.2.12, P.2.13,
P.2.16 where the elevation of the floor of the topmost storey does not exceed 6 metres, while the
number of people on the floor is up to 20
104.7. from buildings of group P.1.3 where the total area of flats on the same floor or
section floor in case of blocks of buildings does not exceed 500 sq. metres [11.4]. In the above case,
each flat with the floor elevated above the surface of fire apparatus driveway by 15 m or more shall
have an emergency exit in addition to an emergency escape route;
104.8. from flats of two storeys (levels) located in buildings of group P.1.3 when the
elevation of the floor of the topmost storey (level) exceeds 15 m where emergency escape routes
shall be made from each storey (level) of the flat.
105. Emergency escape routes that do not meet the requirements of emergency escape
routes shall be considered emergency ways in order to increase safety of people during a fire. In the
design stage, emergency exits shall not be considered emergency escape routes.
106. The number of emergency escape routes from a building shall not be lower than the
number of emergency escape routes from any floor.
107. Emergency escape routes from basement and semi-basement floors shall lead straight
outside. Stairs leading to the premises of the ground floor from the basement and semi-basement
floors containing premises rated Cg in terms of explosion and fire risk shall be separated by interior
walls and partitions with a fire-resistance rating specified in Table 2, while a fire lock room rated EI
45 shall be equipped before the stairs and shall generate overpressure in case of fire.
108. Floors of emergency escape routes shall be even, while the thresholds can only be
made in door openings. The height of the threshold made in the door opening may not exceed 15
cm. Permitted difference of floor elevation shall be a minimum of 45 cm with at least 3 steps
equipped. The slope of the emergency escape route floors may not exceed a ratio of 1:6.
109. Door locks of emergency escape routes shall be selected in accordance with the
requirements of LST EN 179 and LST EN 1125 standards. Evacuation locks of emergency escape
route doors, used by 15 or more people during an evacuation, shall be selected in accordance with
the requirements of the LST EN 179 standard, while the locks for doors, used by 100 or more
people during an evacuation, shall be selected in accordance with the requirements of the LST EN
1125 standard. In all cases, the exterior evacuation doors of emergency escape routes from buildings
shall be equipped with locks or locking mechanisms opened from inside.
110. Door locks of emergency escape routes shall be installed not higher than 1 000 mm
from the floor, while handles not higher than 1 100 mm from the floor.
111. Exits via revolving, wing, sliding, and overhead doors and gates shall not be deemed
emergency exits at the time of fire. Wing and sliding doors may be used in emergency exits if the
automated door opening independent from electrical power source is ensured in case of fire, except
for fire barrier doors and gates. For doors discussed in this paragraph, locks may be selected
irrespective of the requirements of LST EN 179 and LST EN 1125 standards.
112. The width of the opening side (hereinafter - the door panels) of the two-leaved doors of
emergency exits shall be a minimum of 1 200 mm. The width of the main door panel of two-leaved
doors shall be a minimum of 900 mm.
113. Closets may not be equipped in the corridors of emergency escape routes, except for
closets containing engineering systems and fire hoses.
114. Door panels of emergency exit doors shall open in-line with evacuation direction,
while its width may not be narrower than: 0.8 m when the door is used by at most 15 people for
evacuation; 0.9 m when the door is used by 15 to 50 people for evacuation; and 1.2 m when the
door is used by 50 people or more for evacuation. Doors opened inward may be designed in case
they are used by at most 15 people for evacuation, for storage rooms with total area of a maximum
200 sq. m, for exits on the roof, when the doors are not designed for people evacuation, as well as

doors to bathrooms, toilets, loggias, and balconies if these are not used for passage to a smoke-proof
115. Passage height and door panels of emergency escape routes shall be a minimum of 2
metres. Passage height and door panels of basement, semi-basement, and technical floors, as well as
other premises that are not used by people all the time or not used by more than 5 people, can be
reduced to 1.9 m, while the height of the attic door and door panel of the door leading to the roof
can be made up to 1.5 metres.
116. The breadth of emergency escape routes shall be a minimum of 1 metre. If the doors
open to the communal use corridor, the breadth of the emergency escape route through the corridor
is deemed to be reduced by half the width of the door panel in case the door is on one side of the
corridor, or by full width of the door panel if the doors are on both sides of the corridor.
117. Exterior door panels of stairways and lobbies used for evacuation may not be narrower
than the breadth of stairs. Opened door panels of stairways used for evacuation shall not narrow the
standard breadth of stairs and their landings. Lifts installed for handicapped people may not narrow
the breadth of emergency escape routes.
118. Neither mirrors nor imitation doors may be installed in the emergency escape routes.
119. The doors of evacuation stairways, lobbies, lift halls and fire lock rooms in buildings
with the elevation of the floor of the topmost storey exceeding 9 metres shall be smoke-proof and
rated at least SaC5.
120. No premises of any other designation, industrial gas or steam pipelines, pipelines of
combustible liquids, electrical cables and wires (except for electrical installations for lighting
stairways and corridors and electricity meters), exits from lifts and cargo lifts, refuse chutes or
equipment protruding of the wall surface lower than 2.2 metres from stairway landings and the steps
can be equipped in stairways used for evacuation. Refuse chutes, electrical installations for lighting
flats and electricity meters, and up to 3 passenger lifts can be equipped in evacuation stairways of
buildings with the elevation of the floor of the topmost storey up to 26.5 metres.
121. Equipment of lifts in smoke-proof stairways is prohibited.
122. Stairs and stairways used for people evacuation are classified into:
122.1. stair types:
122.1.1. type 1: interior stairs equipped in stairways
122.1.2. type 2: interior, open
122.1.3. type 3: exterior, open
122.2. types of standard stairways:
122.2.1. L1: with glazed or open openings in the walls of each floor
122.2.2. L2: naturally lighted via glazed or open openings in the floors
122.3. types of smoke-proof stairways:
122.3.1. N1: with the entrance to the stairway from the floor via an outdoor zone with open
passages; passage via air zone shall be smoke-proof
122.3.2. N2: with overpressure in stairway during fire
122.3.3. N3: with exit to stairway from the floor via a fire lock room with extra air pressure.
123. The breadth of stairway landings used for evacuation may not be narrower than the
breadth of the stairs, while the vacant area in front of the entrance to the lift may not be smaller than
1 500 mm1 500 mm. Gaps of at least 50 mm shall separate flights of stairs for providing space for
fire hoses, or a dry pipe with manually adjusted bolts and connecting couplings for attaching 52 mm
fire hoses as well as easily removable blind flanges on the couplings in case of fire shall be
equipped in the stairway.
124. Lifts and other mechanised facilities for transporting people need not be considered
when designing emergency escape routes. If evacuation of people via escalators is planned, the
escalators shall be designed in accordance with requirements applicable to stairs.
125. Stairs of type 2 may be equipped, with regard to the requirements set forth in
paragraph 75, from the ground to the first floor on emergency escape routes in buildings with fireresistance rating I and II.

126. Stairs of type 3 shall be made of construction products of a minimum flammability
rating A2s3, d2 and installed at the windowless building walls of fire-resistance rating EI 30 and
breadth wider by at least 1 metre than the dimensions of the exterior stairs. Stairs of type 3 may be
equipped irrespective of the fire-resistance rating of the exterior wall if they are built at least 4
metres apart from the exterior wall of the building.
127. Stairs of type 3 shall have landings on the level of emergency exits with safety
handrails at a minimum 1.2 m height. Stair slope may not exceed 1:1; while the breadth shall be at
least 0.85 m. Doors leading to these stairs shall open from the inside of the premises.
128. Openings (except doors) may not be equipped in interior walls of stairways of type L1.
Windows of at least 1.2 sq. m for eliminating smoke shall be designed on the top storeys of the
stairways but not less than every 5 floors.
129. Smoke-proof stairways shall have a direct exit outside on their ground floor. Smokeproof stairways of type N1 may be connected to the ground floor only through the outside or via the
zone directly connected to the outside.
130. Elimination of smoke from the corridors of each floor shall be foreseen for buildings
(VTS and TS) with smoke-proof stairways. Every 60 metres building corridors shall be subdivided
by fire barriers rated EI 15 with smoke-proof doors rated minimum SaC5.
131. Exits to smoke-proof stairways may not be designed via lift halls (except in cases
when lift shafts are equipped with doors rated EI 30). Balconies, corridors or galleries leading to
smoke-proof stairways of type N1 may not be designed on the inner corners of exterior walls of the
132. Balconies, corridors or galleries leading to smoke-proof stairways of type N1 shall be
of at least 1.2 m breadth and equipped with a safety rail of a minimum 1.2 m height. The range
between doors separating outside from the premises shall be at least 2.5 m as measured between the
centres of door openings.
133. In case of fire in buildings with smoke-proof stairways, lift cabins shall automatically
go down to the ground floor and stay there with opened doors (except for firemen lifts).
134. In buildings with the elevation of the floor of the topmost storey not exceeding 26.5 m,
passenger lifts equipped in stairways may be screened by railings and doors of any fire-resistance
rating but made of construction products with a minimum flammability rating of A2s3, d2.
135. Buildings and public use engineering structures, except for buildings of groups P.1.1,
P.1.2, and P.1.3, that may accommodate more than 100 people at a time, must have an equipped fire
warning and evacuation control system. The warning type is selected with regard to building
designation, volumetric planning, and structural properties. Requirements applicable to fire warning
and evacuation control systems are provided in Annex 5 hereto.
136. Precautions designed for saving people but not meeting requirements shall not be
considered in organising and designing evacuation from all premises and buildings.
137. Fire extinguishing and rescue works shall be secured by structural, volumetric
planning, technical engineering, and organisational measures. These include:
137.1. equipment of entrance and access roads to the site connected to functional entrance
and access roads or equipment of special roads for fire extinguishing and rescue vehicles
137.2. equipment of exterior fire stairs and a lift with a regime for firemen transportation,
and acquisition of special vehicle hoists for lifting the personnel of state fire safety and rescue
services and the equipment of fire extinguishing and rescue either to the required height or on the
roof of the building
137.3. equipment of either a fire water-supply network connected to the household watersupply network, or a special water-supply network, as well as dry pipes and fire (water) reservoirs
in case of need

137.4. smoke-proof protection installation in the paths of fire-fighter routes inside the
137.5. personal and collective protection measures for people (if needed)
137.6. organisation of state fire safety and rescue service owning fire-extinguishing and
rescue enginery and enough fire-fighters with regard to conditions and characteristics of fireextinguishing in buildings within the service zone of the division.
138. Roads adequate for the access of fire-extinguishing and rescue vehicles shall be built
to each structure, fire-extinguishing source, and fire hydrant. Design requirements applicable to
roads designed for the access of fire-extinguishing and rescue vehicles:
138.1. motorised transport streets and roads, traffic zones, and sites of different types
meeting the requirements set forth in legal instruments shall be used for the access to structures,
fire-extinguishing sources, and fire hydrants [11.8]
138.2. access roads to the buildings with the elevation of the floor of the topmost storey of a
maximum 15 m shall be built not further than 25 metres from the buildings;
138.3. access roads to the buildings with the elevation of the floor of the topmost storey
exceeding 15 m shall be built from two longitudinal sides of the building so that the fire-fighters
would have access to all building windows and emergency exits via the vehicle ladder
138.4. access roads to the buildings may be built only from one longitudinal side of the
building if via the turntable ladder fire-fighters would have access through the windows of each
floor on this side to all premises and emergency exits on each floor
138.5. access roads into closed and semi-closed yards shall be designed in case the
elevation of the floor of the topmost storey of the buildings in these yards exceeds 15 metres.
Access roads into the closed yard shall be built at least every 800 m of the exterior perimeter length
of the building
138.6. the road breadth shall be a minimum 3.5 m, while height - minimum 4.5 m
138.7. the dead end shall end with a site of at least 1212 m next to the buildings with the
elevation of the floor of the topmost storey a maximum 15 m; the dead end shall end with a site of
at least 1616 m next to the buildings with the elevation of the floor of the topmost storey
exceeding 15 m
138.8. considering the height of the building and technical capacities of the vehicle, either a
minimum 6 m width carriageway or a site of at least 1616 m shall be made at a 7-16 m distance
from the building for placing vehicle ladder close to the buildings with the elevation of the floor of
the topmost storey exceeding 15 m
138.9. no trees may be planted and no other obstacles may be placed between buildings and
access roads for fire-extinguishing and rescue vehicles
138.10. sites and access roads for fire-extinguishing and rescue vehicles shall be kept free
of all obstructions; for this purpose special road signs and railings (up to 20 cm height) shall be put
in place
138.11. operated roofs of the building wings, equipped in accordance with the load of fire
and rescue vehicles, may be used for the access of fire-extinguishing and rescue vehicles to the
139. Newly-built buildings with the elevation of the floor of the topmost storey exceeding
15 m shall be built within the district served by the state fire and rescue service that owns vehicle
ladders. The provisions of this paragraph are not applicable to buildings that are equipped with
emergency exits in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 100.2-100.4 securing safe
evacuation of all people present in the premises or a flat.
140. Buildings with the height from ground surface altitude to the roof cornice or exterior
wall top (parapet) exceeding 10 m shall be designed with adequate interior and exterior exits to the
roof for the fire-fighters.
141. The interior way to the roof shall be equipped directly from the stairway, while in
buildings with used and insulated attics, exits to the roof shall be equipped in the attic via stationary

ladders through the trapdoors, doors or windows of a minimum 0.60.8 m. Exterior ways to the
roof shall be equipped under stairs of type 3 or a stationary outdoor ladder.
142. The number of interior ways to the roof shall be at least one per 2 000 sq metres (or
smaller area) of the building roof area. Exterior ways to the roof shall be equipped if there is no
possibility to equip enough interior ways to the roof. The number of exterior ways to the roof shall
be at least one per 150 sq metres (or shorter range) of the length of the building perimeter.
143. In case the breadth of the building does not exceed 150 m, while there is an outdoor
fire water-supply with hydrants on the other side than the main faade, the requirement to equip an
exterior way to the roof of the main faade of the building via a stationary outdoor ladder is not
144. In one-storey buildings with the area of the roof not exceeding 100 sq. m, the exit to
the roof is not obligatory.
145. A stationary vertical ladder shall be used for getting onto the building roofs of the
height from ground surface altitude to the roof cornice or exterior wall top (parapet) exceeding 10 m
but not greater than 20 m and where the difference between roof heights is from 1 to 20 m; while
stationary stairs with slope (not exceeding 6:1) shall be used for getting onto the building roofs
higher than 20 m and where the difference between roof heights exceeds 20 m. The said ladder and
stairs shall be equipped of construction products of a minimum flammability rating of A2s3, d2
and fitted not closer than 1 m from the windows.
146. If the roof heights differ by more than 1 m, a stationary ladder shall be equipped for
the passage from one roof to the other. This ladder shall not be obligatory if roof heights differ by
more than 10 m, while each section of roof area larger than 100 sq. metres has a separate exit to the
147. A vertical ladder or stairs with the slope (not exceeding 6:1) of minimum 0.7 m
breadth shall be used for fire-extinguishing and rescue works.
148. Interior ways to the roof or the attic from the stairways shall be via stairs with landings
before the exits through minimum 0.751.5 m doors. In buildings with the elevation of the floor of
the topmost storey being a maximum 15 m, interior ways to the roof or the attic from the stairways
may be equipped via a stationary ladder through trapdoors of minimum 0.60.8 m. This ladder shall
be made of construction products of a minimum flammability rating of A2s3, d2.
149. The height of passage shall be at least 1.8 m in technical floors, technical cellars, and
technical attics, and at least 1.6 m in attics located along the building. The breadth of passage shall
be at least 1.2 m. In sections shorter than 2 metres, the height of the passage may be reduced to 1.2
metres, and the breadth to 0.9 metre.
150. In buildings with penthouses, the enclosure structures of the attic shall have equipped
trapdoors of at least 0.60.8 m.
151. The tall structures shall have at least one fireman lift equipped in each fire section in
accordance with the provisions of the LST EN 81-72 standards.
152. Fireman lifts shall be installed in shafts with enclosure structures rated REI 120 with
doors rated EI 60. In case fire sections are designed on top of each other, the fireman lift may be
shared, however, the enclosure structures of its shafts shall have the same or higher fire-resistance
rating than the fire floors between those fire sections.
153. The exit from the fireman lift shall be directly to the fire lock room rated EI 45 without
air supply during a fire. The exit from the fire lock room of the fireman lift shall be made directly
outside or to the open balcony, corridor or gallery leading to the smoke-proof stairway of type N1.
154. In very tall structures, the cabin of the fireman lift shall be at least a 1 100 mm breadth
and at least 2 100 mm in depth, while the nominal load shall be 1 000 kg.
155. An autonomous energy source securing the operation of the lift for a minimum of 1
hour shall be designed for the firemen lift.
156. Measures (such as floor slope, ramps, beads, etc.) preventing the water used for fireextinguishing from leaking into firemen lift shaft shall be designed in the building.

157. Buildings with the height from ground surface altitude to the roof cornice or exterior
wall top (parapet) exceeding 10 m and the roof with a maximum 12 per cent slope, as well as
buildings with the height to the roof cornice exceeding 7 m and the roof with over 12 per cent slope
shall have equipped a railing or parapet of a minimum 0.6 m height. Irrespective of the building
height, a 1.2 m fence rail shall be installed on used flat roofs, balconies, loggias, outdoor galleries,
open outdoor stairs, flights of stairs, and landings.

Annex 1 to
Key Requirements of Fire Prevention
1. In terms of explosion and fire risk, buildings and premises are classified into categories
Asg, Bsg, Cg, Dg, and Eg. These categories do not apply to the manufacture and storage of explosives.
2. The explosion and fire risk categories of buildings and premises are specified in the
technological chapter of the building design taking into account fire risk ratings and quantities of
materials present in the premises or used in the technological processes as well as specifications of
technological processes.
3. The explosion and fire risk categories of premises with regard to the materials held or
used in the premises as well as their characteristics are provided in Table 1.
Explosion and Fire Risk Category of Premises
Table 1
Category of




Description of materials present in the premises or

used in technological processes
Extremely combustible gas, combustible, very combustible, and extremely
combustible liquids with a flash point of a maximum 28C when they are used in
such quantities that would generate instantaneous blast overpressure exceeding 5
kPa in the premises in case of ignition of explosive mixture of steam or gas and
Materials that explode and burn when in interaction with water, oxygen or each
other, when they are used in such quantities that would generate instantaneous
blast overpressure exceeding 5 kPa in the premises in case of explosion.
Combustible dust or fibre, combustible and very combustible liquids with a flash
point of 28C and higher, combustible liquids heated to their flash point and
further, combustible liquids that in case of emergency may form explosive
aerosols when they are used in such quantities that would generate instantaneous
blast overpressure exceeding 5 kPa in the premises in case of ignition of explosive
mixture of dust or steam and air.
Combustible and very combustible liquids, combustible and low combustion solid
materials (including dust and fibre); materials that burn only in interaction with
water, oxygen or each other, if the premises are not rated Asg or Bsg and if they are
used in such quantities that the fire load in the premises is 42 MJ/sq. m or higher.
Hot, heated, and molten non-combustible materials; materials the processing of
which generates thermal radiation, emission of sparks or flame; combustible gas,
liquids, and solids that are used as fuel or that are disposed of by burning.
Non-combustible materials or premises with fire load not exceeding 5 MJ/sq. m.

4. One general explosion and fire risk category shall be determined for all premises of a
fire section (Table 2).
5. The category of a technological process and the premises where it takes place shall be
determined in accordance with the requirements, standards, and other methodical documents of the
6. The categories of buildings (fire sections) characterised by the risk of explosion or fire
shall be determined in accordance with the criteria provided in Table 2.

Explosion and Fire Risk Category of Buildings

Table 2
Category of
Criteria for determining the explosion and fire risk category
building or
of buildings or fire sections
fire section
If the total area of the premises rated Asg constitutes over 5 per cent of the total
area of the entire building or exceeds 200 square metres.
A building can be assigned a lower category than Asg if the total area of the
premises rated Asg does not exceed 25 per cent of the building area (but does not
exceed 1 000 square metres either) and these premises have a stationary fireextinguishing system in place [11.10].
When the building is not rated Asg and the total area of the premises rated Asg and
Bsg constitutes over 5 per cent of the total area of the entire building or exceeds
200 square metres.
A building can be assigned a lower category than B sg if the total area of the
premises rated Asg and Bsg does not exceed 25 per cent of the building area (but
does not exceed 1 000 square metres either) and these premises have a stationary
fire-extinguishing system in place [11.10].
When the building is not rated either Asg or Bsg and the total area of the premises
rated Asg, Bsg and Cg constitutes over 5 per cent of the total area of the entire
building - or in case there are no premises rated Asg or Bsg in the building - 10 per
cent of the total area of the entire building.
A building can be assigned a lower category than C g if the total area of premises
rated Asg, Bsg and Cg does not exceed 25 per cent of the building area (but does not
exceed 3 500 square metres either) and these premises have a stationary fireextinguishing system in place [11.10].
When the building is not rated Asg, Bsg and Cg and the total area of the premises
rated Asg, Bsg, Cg and Dg constitutes over 5 per cent of the total area of the building
A building can be assigned a lower category than Dg if the total area of the
premises rated Asg, Bsg, Cg and Dg does not exceed 25 per cent of the building area
(but does not exceed 5 000 square metres either) and these premises have a
stationary fire-extinguishing system in place [11.10].
When the building is not rated Asg, Bsg, Cg or Dg and it contains non-combustible
materials or premises with a fire load not exceeding 5 MJ/sq. m.

Annex 2 to
Key Requirements of Fire Prevention
1. In terms of explosion and fire risk, exterior equipment is classified into categories A sgi,
Bsgi, Cgi, Dgi, Egi determined in the technological chapter of the building design.
2. The category of the exterior equipment shall be determined in accordance with the
criteria provided in the Table below.
Explosion and Fire Risk Categories of External Equipment





Description and quantity of materials contained in the equipment and used in

technological processes
If the equipment contains (stores, recycles or transports) extremely combustible
gas, combustible, very combustible, and extremely combustible liquids with a
flash point of a maximum 28C, materials that explode and burn in interaction
with water, oxygen or each other, when they are used in such quantities that the
area of the zone, the limit of which is the lower limit of concentrated flame
penetration of steam or gas and air mixture, on the horizontal plane exceeds 30
metres, and/or the estimated instantaneous blast overpressure of steam or gas and
air mixture exceeds 5 kPa at a distance of 30 metres away from the exterior
If the equipment contains (stores, recycles or transports) combustible gas or fibre,
combustible and very combustible liquids with a flash point exceeding 28C,
combustible liquids heated to their flash point and higher, when they are used in
such quantities that the area of the zone, the limit of which is the lower limit of
concentrated flame penetration of steam or gas and air mixture, on the horizontal
plane exceeds 30 metres, and/or the estimated instantaneous blast overpressure of
steam or gas and air mixture exceeds 5 kPa at a distance of 30 metres away from
the exterior equipment.
If the equipment is not rated either Asgi and Bsgi and the equipment contains (stores,
recycles or transports) combustible liquids, combustible and low combustion solid
materials (including dust and fibre), materials that burn only in interaction with
water, oxygen or each other, when they are used in such quantities that in case of
their ignition, the flash of thermal radiation of the fire source exceeds 4 kW/sq. m
at a distance of 30 metres away from the equipment.
If the equipment contains (stores, recycles or transports) hot, heated or molten
non-combustible materials, the processing of which generates thermal radiation,
emission of sparks or flame; as well as combustible gas, liquids, and solids that
are used as fuel or that are disposed of by burning.
If the equipment contains (stores, recycles or transports) hot, heated or molten
non-combustible materials and/or materials in normal condition and materials that
are not rated Asgi, Bsgi, Cgi and Dgi in accordance with the above criteria and
materials in cold condition.

Annex 3 to
Key Requirements of Fire Prevention
In each individual case, the maximum area of a fire section shall be established by applying
the following formula:
Fg = FsGcos(90KH),
Fs refers to the conditional area of the fire section specified in Table 1 of this Annex and
depending on the building designation, sq. m.
KH refers to the coefficient of the estimated height, KH =H/Habs
H refers to height from the lowest elevation of the surface of the fire apparatus driveway, or
in case the equipment of the driveway for fire apparatus is not obligatory from the lowest
surface elevation of placing portable fire ladders, to the top floor of the building (including the
attic), m, that may not exceed estimated height (Habs), m
Habs refers to the estimated elevation specified in Table 1 depending on the building
designation, m
G refers to fire safety rating coefficient of the building that generally is deemed to be equal
to 1.
Coefficient G is determined by the following method:
G = G1++G8, if G1 coefficient is evaluated
G = 1+(G2++G8), if G1 coefficient is not evaluated
where: G1G8 refer to partial fire safety rating coefficients of the building depending on the
fire safety systems put in place in the building and the capacities of the state fire and rescue service;
their values in figures are provided in Table 2 of this Annex.
G3, G4 refer to partial fire safety rating coefficients, the values of which can be applied only
after obtaining the approval of the state fire and rescue service.
Values of Conditional Area of a Fire Section Fs and Estimated Altitude Habs
in the Buildings of Various Designations

Table 1
Fire-resistance of the building
Designation [11.7]
Conditional Area of a Fire Estimated Altitude
Section Fs (sq. m)
Habs (m)
Group P.1
Residential (one flat buildings)
2 200
1 400
1 000
Residential (buildings of two
2 200
1 400
1 000
Residential (buildings of three
and more flats blocks of
5 000
2 000
1 000
Residential (for various social
3 000
1 500
shelters, nursing homes, etc.)
Family homes
5 000
2 000
1 000
Convents and monasteries








Designation [11.7]

Buildings of hotels and shortstay facilities (hotels, motels

and guest houses)
Administrative buildings for
(banks, post offices, state and
administrative buildings of
institutions and organisations)
Commercial buildings for
whole- and retail sale (stores,
gas stations, drugstores, trade
pavilions, etc.)
Buildings for provision of
salons, laundries, repair shops,
funeral homes, etc.)
Catering buildings for serving
food to people (canteens,
restaurants, cafs, bars, etc.)
transport purposes, i.e. related
to transportation, shipping,
haulage (buildings of air ports,
sea and river fleet, railway and
bus stations, traffic posts,
control-rooms, switch posts,
port terminals, signalling,
lighthouses, customs, etc.)
Garage buildings for keeping
vehicles (car garages, plane
hangars, garages for carriages,
buses and trolley-buses)
Manufacturing buildings of
enterprises, forges, slaughterhouses, etc.)
Category Asg
Category Bsg
Category Cg
Category Dg
Category Eg

Fire-resistance of the building

Conditional Area of a Fire Estimated Altitude
Section Fs (sq. m)
Habs (m)
Group P.2
5 000

2 000

1 000



6 000

2 000

1 000



12 000

4 000

2 000



6 000

2 000

1 000



6 000

2 000

1 000



6 000

2 000

1 000



14 000

6 000

4 000



10 000
12 000
14 000
20 000
25 000

8 000
9 000
10 000
15 000
15 000

6 000
6 000
6 000










Designation [11.7]
Warehousing buildings, the
direct designation of which is
storage and guard
Category Asg
Category Bsg
Category Cg
Category Dg
Category Eg
Cultural buildings for culture
purposes (cinemas, culture
archives, museums, exhibition
centres, planetaria, radio and
television buildings, etc.)
Educational buildings for the
purposes of education and
science (institutes and research
weather-stations, laboratories
(except for manufacturing
education, vocational and high
nurseries, etc.)
Medical facilities for therapy
purposes, i.e. buildings in
which medical aid and care to
sick people is provided
(hospitals, clinics, polyclinics,
centres, health care facilities of
special institutions, buildings
of spas, nursing homes of
medical care institutions etc.),
veterinary buildings
Recreational buildings (camp
sites, rest homes, summer
houses, hunt houses and other
recreational buildings)
Sports facilities (sports halls,
tennis courts, swimming pools,
maneges, and other buildings)

Fire-resistance of the building

Conditional Area of a Fire Estimated Altitude
Section Fs (sq. m)
Habs (m)

5 000
6 000
15 000
15 000
20 000

3 000
10 000
12 000
15 000

4 000
8 000
10 000




6 000

2 000

1 000



6 000

2 000

1 000



6 000

2 000

1 000



6 000

2 000

1 000



2 0000

2 000

1 000




Designation [11.7]
religious purposes (churches,
Orthodox churches, chapels,
synagogues, meeting-houses,
cathedrals and other buildings
used for religious purposes)
Special buildings for special
purposes (barracks, prisons,
remand prisons, police, firefighter
border check points, technical
watchtowers etc.)



Auxiliary buildings of farms,

auxiliary buildings (stables,
barns, warehouse, garage,
outdoor kitchen etc.)
Other (farm) buildings for
keeping cattle and poultry
(pigsties, cowsheds, stables,
calf houses, poultry houses
Other (farm) buildings for
(granaries, hangars, garages
etc.) (2)
Category Asg
Category Bsg
Category Cg
Category Dg
Category Eg
Other (greenhouse) buildings
hothouses, winter gardens etc.)
within gardener communities
(garden houses etc.)




Fire-resistance of the building

Conditional Area of a Fire Estimated Altitude
Section Fs (sq. m)
Habs (m)

5 000

2 000

1 000



5 000

2 000

1 000



5 000

4 000

1 000



5 000

4 000

1 000



5 000
6 000
8 000
10 000
15 000

2 500
3 000
6 000
8 000
12 000

4 000
6 000
8 000




Not regulated
2 200

1 400

1 000



1 400

1 000



2 000

1 000



Group P.3

Other other buildings that

may not be classified under
any other defined designation
of buildings
Engineering structures(3)


2 200
Group P.4
6 000

for the calculations of the fire section area in buildings, the height of which measured
from ground surface altitude to the roof cornice or exterior wall top (parapet) exceeds 56 m, the

applicable height (H) is 54 m from the surface of the driveway of fire apparatus to the elevation of
the floor of the topmost storey of the building, while the estimated altitude (Habs) is 56 metres.
except for barns used for storing hay, straw, flax straw, bedding etc., the area of
conditional fire section of which may not exceed 1 000 sq. metres.
applicable in the design of public use engineering structures [11.2] where the fire
section area is determined according to the building area or roof area.
P design of buildings of the indicated fire-resistance rating is prohibited.
1. The area of basement and semi-basement floors shall be determined according to the fire
section area of the aboveground portion of the building. In case the building has no aboveground
portion, the fire section area of the basement shall be determined considering that this is a building
with 0.01 m elevation of the floor of the topmost storey. Buildings may be built by equipping
underground floors to minus 9 metres of the ground altitude of the lowest underground floor from
the highest altitude of fire apparatus driveway, except in cases specified in legal instruments.
2. In case all building premises are equipped with a stationary fire-extinguishing system
coupled with an addressable fire detection and alarm system [11.9], the fire section area of buildings
with fire-resistance rating I and the elevation of the floor of the topmost storey not exceeding 6 m is
not limited.
Values of Partial Coefficients of Fire Safety Rating
Table 2
Precautions Affecting Standard Area
of Fire Section
All building premises are equipped with a stationary
fire-extinguishing system in accordance with [11.10].
Total permanent and temporary fire load of the
building premises does not exceed 200 MJ/sq. m.
The nearest team of state fire and rescue service is
within 2 km radius, or, irrespective of the distance,
the arrival to the site takes no longer than 10 minutes.
State fire and rescue service is adequately equipped
and ready for the liquidation of potential extreme
situations on the site (the service has all required
equipment for fire-extinguishing and rescue works,
for example, turntable ladder, water pumpers, foam
tank, etc.)
The length of fire hoses from the nearest water
source (fire hydrant, water reservoir, etc.) to the
furthest fire source in the building does not exceed
100 metres.
Addressable fire detection and alarm system is put in
place in all building premises.
Mechanical smoke elimination system is installed in
the building.
The site is equipped with an automatic fire warning
sent to state fire and rescue service.

Coefficients of
Fire Safety

Values of Partial
Coefficients of Fire
Safety Rating


















Annex 4 to
Key Requirements of Fire Prevention
1. Irrespective of their height and fire section area, the roofs of any designation of buildings
of fire-resistance rating I shall meet the requirements of Class BROOF (t1).
2. Exterior flammability requirements are not applicable to the roofs of buildings of fireresistance rating III.
3. The roofs of buildings of fire-resistance rating II shall be rated at least Class B ROOF (t1) if
the area of the building roof, irrespective of its height and fire section area, exceeds the value
indicated in the Table.
4. The requirements of this Annex are not applicable to the buildings of fire-resistance rating
II, if they are built at least 15 m apart from other buildings.
Building Roof Area in a Fire Section, in Excess of which
the Equipment of the Roof of Class BROOF (t1) shall be Obligatory
Building Roof Area (sq.
P.2.1, P.2.2, P.2.3, P.2.4, P.2.5, P.2.6, P.2.7, P.2.10, P.2.11, P.2.12,
1 400
P.2.13, P.2.14, P.2.15, P.2.16
P.2.8, P.2.9, P.2.19 (Categories Asg and Bsg)
P.2.8, P.2.9, P.2.19 (Categories Csg)
2 000
P.2.8, P.2.9, P.2.19 (Categories Dg and Eg)
6 000
P.2.17, P.2.18, P.2.20, P.2.21
3 000
P.3, P.4
2 000


Annex 5 to
Key Requirements of Fire Prevention
1. LST EN 60849 and LST EN 54 standards and the provisions of these Regulations shall be
taken into account in the design and equipment of fire warning and evacuation control systems
(hereinafter - FWECS). The type, technical equipment and organisational measures of FWECS
installed in buildings shall be determined in consideration of their designation, planning, volumetric and structural solutions, the conditions provided for people that are permanently or
temporarily present in the buildings (capacity to move on their own, awareness of emergency
escape routes, etc.), fire risk characteristics, possible ways for the spread of hazardous fire factors,
and safe evacuation conditions.
2. FWECS shall be classified in terms of the below characteristics:
2.1. performed functions (fire warning, fire warning, and evacuation control);
2.2. warning methods (sound, speech, lights, combined);
2.3. technical installation level (automatic, automated, non-automated);
2.4. options of warning texts and evacuation organisation schemes;
2.5. mutual interaction with other active fire suppression systems.
3. In terms of warning method, FWECS are classified into:
3.1. sound:
3.1.1. manually activated (buzzers, sirens, whistles, and other mechanical and electrical
sound devices);
3.1.2. automatic (buzzers, sirens, whistles; and other mechanical and electrical sound
devices coupled with a fire warning and evacuation control system or stationary fire-extinguishing
system) [];
3.2. speech:
3.2.1. manually activated (information via microphones and stationary amplifiers);
3.2.2. semi-automatic, manually activated (information via microphones and stationary
3.2.3. automatic (information via microphones and stationary amplifiers coupled with a fire
warning and evacuation control system or stationary fire-extinguishing system);
3.3. light:
3.3.1. manually activated (displays, arrows, signs, and other devices that initiate alarm upon
3.3.2. semi-automatic (displays, arrows, signs, and other devices) initiated by the activation
of semi-automatic speech information system;
3.3.3. automatic (displays, arrows, signs, and other devices) coupled with a fire warning and
evacuation control system or stationary fire-extinguishing system);
4. General requirements for FWECS equipment:
4.1. the system shall secure the simultaneous transmission of the fire warning throughout the
building, and, if required (optional function), in turn to individual portions of the building (floor,
section, etc.);
4.2. for buildings of different designation and height, FWECS equipment shall be
determined by evaluating the conditions provided for people present in the building (capacity to
move on their own, awareness of emergency escape routes etc.), fire risk characteristics, possible
ways for the spread of hazardous fire factors and safe evacuation conditions;
4.3. the quantity, layout, and capacity of alarm devices shall secure the necessary level of
audibility and/or visibility in all points of the building where people are present permanently or

4.4. the alarm devices (loudspeakers, etc.) shall be adjusted to certain sound volume and
activated without any plugs or connectors.
5. Warning signals of the FWECS shall differ (by tone, sound volume, colour, etc.) from
signals of other purposes.
6. Automatic and semi-automatic speech warning systems (no tapes, magnetic or optical
discs may be used for recording evacuation warnings) shall have the functionality to broadcast
speech and instructions live.
7. Types and makes of equipment and devices shall be determined for each individual
warning system.
8. Electricity supply shall meet the LST EN 54-4 standard. The power supply can be shared
by FWECS and fire prevention systems.
9. FWECS shall be installed so as to prevent self-activation.
10. FWECS shall be controlled from the fire station.
11. The room of the FWECS control station shall be connected to its technical maintenance
operator, site administration and state fire and rescue service.
12. In buildings with active fire suppression systems in place, FWECS control stations shall
be connected to control stations of these systems. In industrial buildings rated Asg and Bsg with
regard to the explosion or fire risk, a human fire warning system shall be coupled with
technological or fire automatics. The fire station shall be equipped with:
12.1. control station;
12.2. video equipment for presentation of information;
12.3. printer for recording events in secured sites;
12.4. telephone, sound, and television equipment.
13. The control station shall be equipped with:
13.1. FWECS warning and evacuation control equipment;
13.2. registration and event presentation station;
13.3. time display;
13.4. command memory;
13.5. microphones, loudspeakers, and telephone devices.
14. Telephone and sound connection equipment shall be used for maintaining contact with
engineering services personnel on duty, site administration, the state fire and rescue service, police,
and premises always occupied by people.
15. Fire station premises shall be equipped in basement and semi-basement floors of the
building with a separate exit outside.
16. Fire station partitions shall be rated at least EI 45 and the doors at least EI2 30C0.
17. To directly connect the premises of fire station with any other premises is prohibited.
18. The premises of the fire station shall be equipped with double floors or ducts for placing
communications or providing conditioned air made of construction products of flammability rating
A2s2, d0. The underground height shall be at least 200 mm.
19. The premises of the fire station shall be designed with wall and ceiling isolation of
construction products of flammability rating A2s2, d0 or Bs1, d0 that do not emit dust.
20. Air parameters in the premises of the fire station shall be following:
20.1. temperature from 18 to 250C
20.2. relative humidity of at most 65 %
20.3. speed of air flow of at most 0.5 m per s
20.4. dustiness of at most 0.75 g per cubic m.
21. Lighting of the premises of fire station shall be at least 400 lx.
22. In buildings where personnel are always on duty in a fire station, the activation of
FWECS is adjusted with a delay so that the officers on duty receive the warning first. If the officers
on duty do not cancel the warning signal within the delay time, which may be a maximum of 3
minutes, the fire warning is relayed to the centralised surveillance console and the fire signal is

23. The determination requirements for FWECS installed in buildings are provided in the
table below.
Parameters of Fire Warning and Evacuation Control Systems
FWECS Type Determination Requirements
Type 1
FWECS is used to warn people present in certain premises and/or, if
applicable, adjacent premises about the fire.
FWECS is used for warning people who are very familiar with the building
(premises in certain portion of the building) and emergency escape routes
used for evacuation of a low number of people (people flow is 1 person per
square metre or lower).
Sound warning of people (buzzers, toned signal). Optional additional light
Automation level Automatic. Warning equipment is activated automatically once fire detectors
are activated.
Type 2
FWECS is used in buildings on condition that one exit of a floor will be used
for the evacuation of a maximum of 50 people.
FWECS is used in buildings with halls providing space for up to 300 people.


Simultaneous warning is emitted in those premises of the building that

contain people.
Sound warning of people in the building (buzzers, toned signal).
Light signals (exit signs and arrows) are lit up once sound warning measures
are activated.
Light pointers are installed in building corridors in case emergency escape
routes or illuminated EXIT signs are not visible from any point of the
corridor (corridor is either with the bends or very long).
Automation level Non-automated.
Sound warning devices are activated by personnel on duty upon receiving
information on the activation of fire detectors. The option to activate
FWECS by pressing the manual fire warning button or automatically upon
the activation of fire detectors is allowed.
Type 3
FWECS is used in buildings accommodating people groups with different
awareness of emergency escape routes (personnel and visitors) and different
capacity to evacuate on their own (medical personnel and patients, preschool age children and educators, other groups).
FWECS is used in multi-storey buildings where one emergency exit to the
stairway is designed for more than 50 people.
FWECS is used in buildings of huge volume, from which the emergency
escape of people is either inexpedient (fire in one warning zone does not
endanger people in other zones) or impossible (when a flow of 6 persons per
square metre or higher forms in emergency escape routes).
FWECS is used in very tall structures where a flow of 6 persons per square
metre or higher forms in emergency escape routes.
FWECS is used in buildings with halls providing space for 300 to 1 500
FWECS is used in tall multi-storey buildings of manufacturing, industrial or

FWECS Type Determination Requirements
warehousing designation housing permanent workplaces.
Sound warning of people in the building. Manually activated buzzers, sirens,
whistles, and other mechanical and electrical sound devices.
Manually activated light signals (displays, arrows, signs, and other devices).
The warning system in treatment, pre-school institutions, and bedroom
blocks of dormitories is installed only in the premises of the personnel on
duty, halls, and corridors.
The warning system enables the relay of signals individually, not
simultaneously, to different warning zones in the building. A warning zone
may consist of one floor (group of floors), other portions of the building
divided by design or structural solutions. Warning methods as well as texts
may differ in different zones. In case minimal warning time in individual
zones must be secured, the automatic activation of warning measures shall
be foreseen upon the activation of fire detectors.
In case minimal warning time in individual zones must be secured,
automatic light and sound signals (displays, arrows, signs, sirens, and other
devices) are installed and connected to the automatic fire detection and
alarm system as well as a stationary fire-extinguishing system.
A separate control station for the FWECS of Type 3 is not obligatory, if the
building has two separate zones (for personnel and visitors) and the number
of evacuated people does not exceed 300. Automatic warning may be used in
warning zones meeting the requirements of FWECS of Type 1. In very tall
structures where, in case of emergency, the flow of 6 persons per square
metre or higher forms in emergency escape routes, the warning of people
shall be organised in stages. People present in the floor where the fire has
started, next floor (above) and two top floors of the building have to be
warned first. Next, people in other premises located above the floor on fire,
and, lastly, people in the premises located below the floor on fire are warned.
Warning delay interval shall be 30 to 40 seconds, but not shorter than half
the time of evacuation from the floor on fire (so that people could vacate the
corridor of the floor on fire before a congestion of people forms on the
The building premises housing the personnel in charge of evacuation shall
be divided into an independent warning zone. The personnel (all or part of it)
shall be warned in the first instance.
Automation level Non-automated.
Warning devices shall be activated by the fire station personnel on duty upon
receiving a fire warning (via fire detection and alarm system, telephone and
other ways) following signal check-up and confirmation of necessity to
evacuate people. In case minimal warning time in individual zones must be
secured, the automatic activation of warning devices shall be foreseen upon
the activation of fire detectors or stationary fire-extinguishing system.
Type 4
FWECS is used in multi-storey buildings that may accommodate 1 000 or
more people at a time.
FWECS is used in buildings with halls providing space for over 1 500
FWECS is used in multi-functional buildings that may accommodate up to
2 000 people at a time.
FWECS is used in multi-storey buildings equipped with long (90 metres and

FWECS Type Determination Requirements
longer) horizontal emergency escape routes.
FWECS is used when the design of multi-storey building is complex, which
encumbers peoples orientation at the time of emergency escape.
Speech and/or sound warning of people present in the building. Semiautomatic light signals (displays, arrows, signs and other devices) initiated
by the activation of semi-automatic speech information system. Illuminated
arrows showing movement direction shall switch on individually in each
zone and ensure the option of controlling people movement in at least two
directions in each section of horizontal emergency escape routes.
The activation scheme of illuminated arrows shall provide for the control of
evacuation in case fire blocks one of the escape stairways of the building.
Automation level Automated.
FWECS performs automated speech and/or sound warning of people in the
building and active control of their movement by illuminated arrows.
Type 5
FWECS shall be used in very tall structures as well as lower multifunctional buildings that may accommodate 2 000 or more people at a time.
Functional FWECS structure and the set of technical means ensure the
possibility to implement a great number of variants for the organisation of
evacuation from each warning zone. Variant identification is performed
automatically given the location of the fire source.
Light measures of evacuation control are switched on in accordance with the
selected evacuation organisation variant.
The implementation of each evacuation variant provides for coordinated
control of all building systems affecting human safety (lifts and escalators,
anti-smoke ventilation, ventilation and conditioning, doors with remote
control, industrial TV equipment) from one fire station console.
Automation level Automated.
FWECS performs automated speech and/or sound warning of people in the
building and active control of their movement by illuminated arrows.


Annex 6 to
Key Requirements of Fire Prevention
The compliance of the building design concept with the essential requirement of building
fire safety, in alternative to the requirements of the Regulations, shall be assessed on the basis of
calculations of fire engineering or the estimation of fire risk. The said calculations shall follow
LST ISO/TR 13387 standards and the requirements of the Regulations herein.
Fire risk analysis and the application of fire engineering calculations shall consider all
events with the annual occurrence possibility of 10-7 (hereinafter - the selection criterion). Social
risk acceptability criteria are provided in the Figure below.

moni auk skaiius

Number of casualties
Kumutacinis gaisr danis per metus
Cumulative fire frequency per year
Figure. Dependency of social risk criteria on fire frequency
The following information shall be provided in fire risk analysis and the application of fire
engineering calculations:
1. Analysis of fire statistics in buildings of equivalent designation, and the main knowledge
and experience in fire prevention, investigation, fire-extinguishing, and people rescue fields.
2. Applied research techniques and description of the data base.
3. Comprehensive description of possible fire progress, fire possibility, and conditions upon
the occurrence of which it may start, including the aggregate of events that may have an impact on
the occurrence of such fire with regard to internal and external causes of potential failures.
4. Assessment of analysed fire consequences (social risk limits in the building and the
territory shall be indicated in the fire risk analysis).
5. Detailed description of planned technical and organisational measures for the prevention
of fire or its consequences, assessment of their compliance with legal instruments, and comparison
of fire results.
6. Description of safe maintenance of the building in daily and fire circumstances.

Fire risk analysis and the application of fire engineering calculations shall consider all
criteria set out in this Annex.
Limitation of Thermal Effect
Thermal effect with a density of 2.5 kW per sq. metre causes intense skin pain and burns
within seconds; however, people may tolerate a lower thermal flow for more than 5 minutes. For
very short effect, for example, when people have to leave the premises on fire through the door,
thermal flow with a density of 10 kW per sq. metre is tolerable. Thermal flow of higher density than
10 kW per sq. metre is non-tolerable. The period of time that people can tolerate thermal flow with
a density from 2.5 to 10 kW per sq. metre may be determined by applying the below equation:

q1,333 ,

where tm is time to the harmful effect causing skin pain, s

q is thermal flow density, kW per square metre.
The impact of convection thermal flow is assessed by ambient temperature. Ambient
temperature 60C is tolerable for a long time (over 30 minutes). Ambient temperature over 180C is
non-tolerable. The period of time that people can tolerate ambient temperature from 60C to 180C
may be determined by applying the below equation:

tm 179 exp

36,6 ,
where tm is tolerable time of effect, min.
T is ambient temperature, C.
The heat transmitted by contact is dangerous only in case the skin has a direct contact with a
hot surface, for example, door handle. One second contact with the metal heated to 60C may cause
Limit Values of Thermal Flow and Temperature
Table 2
Thermal effect type


Thermal flow
(kW per sq. m)

Temperature (C)

Tolerance time






Visibility and Optic Smoke Density

The effect of smoke occurring during fire to people orientation in the premises when
seeking emergency exits is assessed by the rates of visibility and optic smoke density. Transparency
limits of smoke occurring during fire are provided in Table 3.
Limit Values of Visibility and Optic Smoke Density
Small room
Other premises and spaces

Visibility (m)

Table 3
Optic smoke density (m-1)

The minimum smoke-proof height from the floor level is 2.5 m, while in low premises with
a maximum 3 metre height; the minimum smoke-proof height from the floor level is at least 2 m.
Limitation of Risk from Toxic and Irritant Substances
For the assessment of effect of toxic mixtures, the dose of accumulated effect during fire is
considered per each substance as a component. Then harmful doses of each toxic substance are
summed up and the maximal permitted effect for the mixture is reached when the component
reaches one. The time within which the said limit is reached is the maximal time of toxic substance
effect on people.
Hazardous Effect Doses and Concentrations of Toxic and Irritant Substances
Table 4
5 minute effect
30 minute effect
effect dose
effect dose
(concentrationtime) concentration (concentrationtime) concentration
(% min.)
(% min.)
Toxic substances
Low O2
Irritant substances
Irritant substances that, in the long run or in certain concentration, cause eye, nose, throat,
and lung pain encumbering evacuation are also included into the Table. When the effect of the
irritant substances lasts longer and their concentrations are quite high, the accumulated effect dose
may cause grave injury or death. The Table provides limit values in excess of which the evacuation
may possibly be more complicated.
It is deemed that limit conditions will not be reached for up to 30 minutes when optic
density of smoke is lower than 0.1 m -1 for the assessment of all harmful (toxic and irritant)
substances for the purposes of design.

Annex 7 to
Key Requirements of Fire Prevention
Flammability Rating of Electric Cables
Table 1







Test method(s)

Classification criteria

LST EN ISO 1716 standard

PCS 2.0 MJ/kg (1)

FS 1.75 m and THR1 200s
10 MJ and Peak
HRR 20 kW and
FIGRA 120 Ws-1

FIPEC20 scen. 2 (5)

LST EN 6033212

H 425 mm

FIPEC20 scen. 1 (5)


FS 1.5 m and THR1 200s

15 MJ and Peak
HRR 30 kW and
FIGRA 150 Ws-1

LST EN 6033212

H 425 mm

FIPEC20 scen. 1 (5)


FS 2.0 m and THR1 200s

30 MJ and Peak
HRR 60 kW and
FIGRA 300 Ws-1

LST EN 6033212

H 425 mm

FIPEC20 scen. 1 (5)


THR1 200s 70 MJ and

Peak HRR
400 kW and FIGRA
1 300 Ws-1

LST EN 6033212
LST EN 6033212

H 425 mm
H 425 mm

Extra classification
Smoke Production (2) (6),
Flaming Droplets or
Particles (3) and Acidity (4) (8)

Smoke Production (2) (7),

Flaming Droplets or
Particles (3) and Acidity (4)

Smoke Production (2) (7),

Flaming Droplets or
Particles (3) and Acidity (4)

Smoke Production (2) (7),

Flaming Droplets or
Particles (3) and Acidity (4)

No performance detected
For the product as a whole, excluding metallic materials, and for any external component (i.e.
sheath) of the product.
s1= TSP1 200 50 sq. m and SPR 0.25 sq. m/s
s1a= s1 and capacity coefficient pursuant to the LST EN 610342 standard 80 %
s1b= s1 and capacity coefficient pursuant to the LST EN 610342 standard 60 % < 80 %
s2= TSP1 200 400 sq. m and Peak SPR 1.5 sq. m/s
s3= neither s1 nor s2
FIPEC20 scenarios 1 and 2: d0 = no flaming droplets or particles within the period of 1 200 s d1
= no flaming drops or particles persisting longer than 10 s within the period of 1 200 s d2 =
neither d0 nor d1.
LST EN 5026723 standard: a1 = conductivity < 2.5 S/mm and pH > 4.3; a2 = conductivity
< 10 S/mm and pH > 4.3;
a3 = neither a1 nor a2. Not declared: no performance determined.


Air flow speed to the chamber shall be set to 8 000 800 l/min.
FIPEC20 scenario 1 = LST L 1993 standard with mounting and fixing as specified below.
FIPEC20 scenario 2 = LST L 1993 standard with mounting and fixing as specified below.
for cables rated B1ca smoke class is determined by applying the test of FIPEC20 scenario 2.
for cables rated B2ca, Cca, Dca smoke class is determined by applying the test of FIPEC20
scenario 1.
Measuring the hazardous properties of gases developed in the event of fire, which compromise
the ability of the persons exposed to them to take effective action to accomplish escape, and not
describing the toxicity of these gases.
Mounting and Fixing Conditions
1. Mounting of the test sample general for classes B1ca, B2ca, Cca and Dca.
Cables shall be mounted on the front of a standard ladder following the standards of the LST
EN 50266-1 series. The length of cables shall be 3.5 m. Lower parts of the cables shall be 20 cm
lower than the lower edge of the burner. Cables shall be deployed in the middle (width) of the
Each test piece or bundle shall be attached individually to each rung of the ladder by means
of a metal wire (steel or copper). Power cables of up to 50 mm (inclusive) diameter shall be
fastened with a wire of 0.51.0 mm (inclusive) diameter. For cables of over 50 mm (inclusive)
diameter, a wire of 1.01.5 mm (inclusive) diameter shall be used.
When mounting the samples, the first part shall be fastened at about the middle of the
ladder, while other sample parts shall be fastened on any side so that all the set of the samples shall
be at about the middle of the ladder.
The following description explains how to determine the intervals between the cables and to
bundle them.
A horizontal line shall be drawn every 25 cm so that the spread of flame can be measured as
a time function. The first line (i.e. zero line) shall be at the same height as the burner.
The cables shall be mounted as follows depending on the classification that is applied for:
1.1. The mounting procedure selected for classes B2 ca, Cca, and Dca shall depend on the
diameter of the electric cable according to Table 2
Dependency of the Mounting on the Electric Cable Diameter
Table 2
Cable diameter
20 mm and more
5-20 mm
5 mm or less

20 mm spacing between cables
One cable diameter spacing between cables
Cables are bundled into 10 mm diameter bundles. Bundles may
not be twisted. Spacing between bundles shall be 10 mm.

Threshold values are determined by rounding up the diameter to the accuracy of a

millimetre, except for cables with the diameter smaller than 5 mm; their diameter shall not be
rounded up.
The provided formula shall be used to determine the number of cables used in the test:
1.1.1. In case of cables with a diameter greater than or equal to 20 mm, the number of
cables, N, is given by:

300 20
d c 20

N int


dc is the cable diameter (in mm and rounded to the nearest mm), int function = the integer
part of the result (i.e. the value rounded down);
1.1.2. For cables with a diameter greater than 5 mm but less than 20 mm, the number of
cables, N, is given by:
300 d c
N int
2d c
dc is the cable diameter (in mm and rounded to the nearest mm), int function = the integer
part of the result (i.e. the value rounded down);
1.1.3. For cables or wires with a diameter less than or equal to 5 mm, the number of 10 mm
bundles, Nbu, of cables is given by:
300 10
15 .

N bu int


Thus 15 bundles with 10 mm distance between the bundles shall be mounted.

The number of cables in each bundle (n) is:


n int


dc is the diameter of the cable (in mm and not rounded).
The number of cable lengths (CL) for wires or cables with a diameter less than 5 mm will
hence be:
CL = n 15.


1.1.4. Total length of cable per test:

The total length L (m) per test is:
L = n 15 3.5 dc 5 mm or L = N 3.5 dc > 5 mm.


1.2. Class B1ca.

At the back of the cable tray, a non-combustible calcium silicate board shall be mounted
with a density 870 50 kg/m3 and a thickness of 11 2 mm. This board can be mounted in two
In all other aspects, the mounting of the cables is identical to class B2ca, Cca and Dca.
Definitions of test parameters (as mentioned in footnote (5) of Table 1 herein)
Definitions of Test Parameters in FIPEC20 Scenarios 1 and 2
Table 3
Test start
End of test

Ignition of burner
20 minutes after ignition of burner (End of period for calculation of



HRRsm30, kW
SPRsm60, sq. m/s

Heat Release Rate averaged by a 30-s sliding average

Smoke Production Rate averaged by a 60-s sliding average
Maximum of HRRsm30 between test start and end of test, excluded
Peak HRR, kW
contribution from ignition source
Peak SPR, sq. m/s Maximum of SPRsm60 between test start and end of test
Total Heat Release (HRRsm30) from test start until end of test, excluded
THR1 200, MJ
contribution from ignition source
TSP1 200, sq. m
Total Smoke Production (HRRsm60) from test start until end of test
FIre Growth RAte index defined as the highest value of the quotient
between HRRsm30 excluding the contribution of ignition source and time.
Threshold values HRRsm30 = 3 kW and THR = 0.4 MJ
SMOke Growth RAte index is defined as highest value of the quotient
between SPRsm60 and time, multiplied by 10 000. Threshold value SPRsm60
cm/sq. s
0.1 m2/s and TSP = 6 m2
Gross calorific potential
Flame Spread (damaged length)
Flame Spread
Fire Performance of Electric Cables
All calculated parameters are evaluated during 20 minutes from test start (ignition of


Annex 8 to
Key Requirements of Fire Prevention
This classification applies to powdery/solid non-metal materials or products, not classified
as hazardous materials or construction products and containing more than 1 % of organic materials.
This classification shall be used for determining reaction-to-fire performance (loss in mass and
temperature increase) in the performance of research and control works and is not suitable for the
classification of construction products under the LST EN 13501-1 standard.
The material refers to a single basic substance or uniformly dispersed mixture of substances.
The product refers to a material, tangible item resulting from a production process. Solid material
refers to a chemical substance or mixture not classified as gas or liquid. Non-construction
materials/products refer to materials or products that are neither classified as construction products
nor subject to fire hazard classification.
Flammability classification of materials and products is provided in Table 1.
Reaction-To-Fire Performance Classes of Materials and Products
Table 1

Test method

Non-combustible (1)


Limited combustibility

LST L 1958


LST L 1958

Classification criteria (2)

T 30C and
m 50 % and
tf = 0 (i.e. no persistent flaming)
tmax < 60C
m < 60 %
tmax 60C
m 60 %


materials or products containing less than 1 % of organic materials are classified as noncombustible in terms of reaction-to-fire performance.
explanations of criteria:
T refers to temperature increase, C
m refers to loss in mass, %
tmax refers to maximal increase of temperature, C
tf refers to the duration of persistent flaming, s.


Annex 9 to
Key Requirements of Fire Prevention
Construction products that need not undergo further testing shall be classified under certain
construction product fire performance classes as laid down in the following Decisions of the
European Commission (hereinafter the Decision):
1. 1996/603/EC: Commission Decision of 4 October 1996 establishing the list of products
belonging to Classes A 'No contribution to fire' provided for in Decision 94/611/EC implementing
Article 20 of Council Directive 89/106/EEC on construction products (OJ 2004 special edition,
Chapter 13, Volume 018, p. 30).
2. 2000/553/EC: Commission Decision of 6 September 2000 implementing Council
Directive 89/106/EEC as regards the external fire performance of roof coverings (OJ 2004 special
edition, Chapter 13, Volume 25, p. 461).
3. 2000/605/EC: Commission Decision of 26 September 2000 amending Decision
96/603/EC establishing the list of products belonging to Classes A 'No contribution to fire' provided
for in Decision 94/611/EC implementing Article 20 of Council Directive 89/106/EEC on
construction products (OJ 2004 special edition, Chapter 13, Volume 25, p. 465).
4. 2003/43/EC: Commission Decision 2003/43/EC of 17 January 2003 establishing the
classes of reaction-to-fire performance for certain construction products (OJ 2004 special edition,
Chapter 13, Volume 31, p. 68).
5. 2003/424/EC: Commission Decision of 6 June 2003 amending Decision 96/603/EC
establishing the list of products belonging to Classes A "No contribution to fire" provided for in
Decision 94/611/EC implementing Article 20 of Council Directive 89/106/EEC on construction
products (OJ 2004 special edition, Chapter 13, Volume 31, p. 199).
6. 2003/593/EC: Commission Decision of 7 August 2003 amending Decision 2003/43/EC
establishing the classes of reaction-to-fire performance of certain construction products (OJ 2004
special edition, Chapter 13, Volume 31, p. 399).
7. 2005/403/EC: Commission Decision of 25 May 2005 establishing the classes of external
fire performance of roofs and roof coverings for certain construction products as provided for by
Council Directive 89/106/EEC (OJ 2005 L 135, p. 37).
8. 2005/610/EC: Commission Decision of 9 August 2005 establishing the classes of
reaction-to-fire performance for certain construction products (OJ 2005 L 208, p. 21).
9. 2006/213/EC: Commission Decision of 6 March 2006 establishing the classes of reactionto-fire performance for certain construction products as regards wood flooring and solid wood
panelling and cladding (OJ 2006 L 79, p. 27).
10. 2006/600/EC: Commission Decision of 4 September 2006 establishing the classes of
external fire performance for certain construction products as regards double skin metal faced
sandwich panels for roofs (OJ 2006 L 244, p. 24).
11. 2006/673/EC: Commission Decision of 5 October 2006 amending Decision 2003/43/EC
establishing the classes of reaction-to-fire performance for certain construction products as regards
gypsum plasterboards (OJ 2006 L 276, p. 77).
12. 2007/348/EC: Commission Decision of 15 May 2007 amending Decision 2003/43/EC
establishing the classes of reaction-to-fire performance for certain construction products as regards
wood-based panels (OJ 2007 L 131, p. 21).

13. 2010/81/EC: Commission Decision of 9 February 2010 establishing the classes of
reaction-to-fire performance for certain construction products as regards adhesives for ceramic tiles
(OJ 2010 L38, p. 9).
14. 2010/82/EC: Commission Decision of 9 February 2010 establishing the classes of
reaction-to-fire performance for certain construction products as regards decorative wall coverings
in roll and panel form (OJ 2010 L 38, p. 11).
15. 2010/83/EC: Commission Decision of 9 February 2010 establishing the classes of
reaction-to-fire performance for certain construction products as regards air drying jointing
compounds (OJ 2010 L 38, p. 13).
16. 2010/85/EC: Commission Decision of 9 February 2010 establishing the classes of
reaction-to-fire performance for certain construction products as regards cementitious screeds,
calcium sulphate screeds and synthetic resin floor screeds (OJ 2010 L 38, p. 17).
Respective Lithuanian standards (LST EN) adopted by the national standardisation
institution of the Republic of Lithuania replace references to European standards (EN) indicated in
the above Decisions.


Annex 10 to
Key Requirements of Fire Prevention
1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Regulations, the functional groups of buildings in
effective legal instruments are assigned respective designations pursuant to Table 1.
Explanatory Table of the Application of Functional Groups of Buildings
Table 1
group of



Building Designation []
Functional Group P.1
Residential buildings (childrens homes, shelters, nursing homes), educational
buildings (kindergartens, nurseries), bedroom blocks of medical buildings (hospitals,
clinics, nursing homes of medical care institutions)
Residential buildings (dormitories, family homes, convents, and monasteries), health
care facilities of special institutions, special designation buildings (buildings of
military units, prisons, correctional institutions, remand prisons, shelters), hotel
buildings, wellness buildings (sanatoria, rehabilitation centres), bedroom blocks of
rest buildings
Blocks of flats
Residential buildings of one and two flats (including connected buildings)
Functional Group P.2
Cultural buildings (buildings housing public leisure events, libraries, religious, and
other buildings)
Museums, archives, exhibition, dance halls, and other buildings of similar
Engineering structures of functional group P.2.1.
Engineering structures of functional group P.2.2.
Functional Group P.3
Commercial buildings
Catering buildings
Transport buildings
Treatment facilities except for bedroom blocks
Service provision buildings
Sports buildings except for the stands
Functional Group P.4
Educational buildings (general education, vocational schools)
Educational buildings (institutes, research institutions, high schools, laboratories
(except for industrial laboratories), institutions for upgrade of adult qualification,
staff training, and specialisation, etc.)
Administrative buildings
Special designation buildings (buildings of police, fire prevention, and rescue
Functional Group P.5
Industrial and manufacturing buildings

group of

Building Designation []


Warehousing buildings, garage buildings

Auxiliary household buildings, otherwise designated buildings (farms, greenhouses,

2. Pursuant to the provisions of the Regulations, fire hazard classes of buildings indicated in
the effective legal instruments shall be applied pursuant to Table 2.
Explanatory Table of the Application of Fire Hazard Classes
Table 2
Fire hazard class of

Application requirements
Structure flammability requirements conform to the requirements of
building fire load category 1 of fire-resistance rating I provided in Table
2 of the Regulations
Structure flammability requirements conform to the requirements of
building fire load category 3 of fire-resistance rating I provided in Table
2 of the Regulations
Structure flammability requirements conform to the requirements of
building fire-resistance rating II provided in Table 2 of the Regulations
Structure flammability requirements conform to the requirements of
building fire-resistance rating III provided in Table 2 of the Regulations


3. Pursuant to the provisions of the Regulations, types of fire barriers indicated in the
effective legal instruments shall be applied pursuant to Table 3.
Explanatory Table of the Application of Fire Barrier Types
Name of fire barrier

Type of fire barrier


Table 3
Fire-resistance rating of fire barrier
REI 180
REI 45
EI 45
EI 15
REI 180
REI 60
REI 45
REI 15

4. Pursuant to the provisions of the Regulations, types of fire lock rooms indicated in the
effective legal instruments shall be applied pursuant to Table 4.
Explanatory Table of the Application of Fire Lock Rooms
Table 4
Type of Fire
Lock Room

Application requirements
Requirements for fire lock room with fire-resistance rating EI 45 are provided
in Table 2 of the Regulations
Requirements for fire lock room with fire-resistance rating EI 15 are provided
in Table 2 of the Regulations

5. Pursuant to the provisions of the Regulations, fire-resistance ratings of buildings indicated
in the effective legal instruments shall be applied according to fire-resistance ratings of buildings,
specified in Chapter VIII of the Regulations, pursuant to Table 5.
Explanatory Table of the Application of Fire-Resistance Ratings of Buildings
Table 5
Classification of the Regulations
Invalid Classification
6. Pursuant to the provisions of the Regulations, flammability ratings of construction
products indicated in the effective legal instruments shall be applied according to flammability
ratings of construction products, specified in Chapter IV of the Regulations, pursuant to Table 6.
Explanatory Table of the Application of
Flammability Ratings of Construction Products
Table 6
Classification of the Regulations
(disregarding extra classification)
A1, A2, A1FL, A2FL, A1L, A2L

Invalid Classification
limited combustibility
combustible with limited flaming
combustible with average flaming
combustible with easy flaming


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