Brand Activation Report 1.1

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Brand Audit- Tang

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

BRAND INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................2
Brand Positioning....................................................................................................................................2
Brand Portfolio........................................................................................................................................2
Summary of Brand Audit.............................................................................................................................3
Recommendations from the Brand Audit.................................................................................................5
Mission of the Brand Activation..............................................................................................................6
Objectives of the Brand Activation..........................................................................................................6
MARKETING OBJECTIVES:............................................................................................................6
ADVERTISING OBJECTIVES:.........................................................................................................7
Target Audience for the Activations.........................................................................................................8
Scope of Activation.................................................................................................................................8
Activation Tactics....................................................................................................................................9
ATL Initiatives.........................................................................................................................................9
Target for ATL Activities.......................................................................................................................12
Calendar for ATL Activities...................................................................................................................13
BTL Initiatives.......................................................................................................................................14
Trade Promotions...............................................................................................................................14
BTL Activities.......................................................................................................................................15
Target for the BTL Activities.............................................................................................................17
Calendar for BTL Activities...................................................................................................................18
Media Rates...........................................................................................................................................18
Cost for TVCs....................................................................................................................................21
Cost for OH.......................................................................................................................................22
Cost for Print.....................................................................................................................................23
Cost for Radio....................................................................................................................................24
Campus Activation................................................................................................................................24
Appendix 1: Sample Print Ad................................................................................................................26
Appendix 2: Story Board for TVC.........................................................................................................28
Appendix 3: Pictorial Review of the Activation....................................................................................29

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Tang is the global leader in powdered soft drink portfolio and provides a
nutritious, real fruit-flavored drink at an affordable price. On a global level
Tang has gained great popularity in Latin America and emerging markets in
Central and Eastern Europe and Asia.

Brand Positioning
Globally, Tang has positioned itself as a nutritious and convenient drink that
provides the entire family great tasting refreshment.

Brand Portfolio
The following schematic gives a complete overview of the existing portfolio at Tang:

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Summary of Brand Audit

Following gives a brief overview of the findings that we made during the
brand audit phase of the project:
The Hypothesis testing in our brand audit proved that Tang is better than
competition on the following factors Fun, Nutrition, Energy, Taste, and
Refreshing. As can be seen from the graph below that majority of the people
have rated Tang high on the mentioned dimensions

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Also it was proved that Tang is the only drink in the market that has truly
captured the taste of orange. Hence, the association of customers with the
Orange flavor is very strong. The consumer perception map developed via
focus group at the time of audit as shown below highlights that people
associate tang with orange at a very high level. Thus, the Brand hasn't been
successful in creating and maintaining the same level of strong association
for its other flavors in the minds of the consumers.

Further, although Tang is perceived to be better

than competition, we have seen that its market
share has decreased from 54% to 48% in the last
year with the introduction of Fruitily. Within a
year Frutily captured 9% of the market. Market
shares of the other players have been displayed
in the pie chart shown on the right.

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Our second hypothesis revealed that the line extension of Tang into a Rose
variant hasn't been successful either in terms of trial or adoption by the
target market. from our sample survey we determined that 50% of the target
market either isn't aware of the Rose variant or doesnt like its taste.
Other findings of the survey included that Tang is used by house wives for
numerous occasions, especially for serving to guests, since they have trust in
its quality. However the usage at occasions like picnics and parties has been
very limited as can be seen from the graph shown below:

Though the everyday consumption and Ramadan consumption is high but we

need to promote consumption during parties and picnics.

Recommendations from the Brand Audit

After analyzing the results of our brand audit we have devised the following
recommendations for Tang:
Use greater advertisement for its variants other than Orange Tang
Orange already has a very high salience.

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

It should stick to its core essence that is fruit-flavored beverages. Hence,

it should discontinue variants such as Tang Rose.
Promote usage of Tang for different occasions.
Promote the different variants of tang so that people associate other
variants with it too
Have aggressive marketing to capture the declining market share

Mission of the Brand Activation

After careful analysis we have some selected the following recommendations
for implementation in Tangs activation:
Defend the market share against competition:
Promote the usage at picnics and parties
Revisit the basics - blind testing to determine why consumers like
Tang - name or taste
Promote the energy factor
Create greater salience for Tang variants other than Orange

Objectives of the Brand Activation

Based on the above observations following objectives can be derived for the
brand activation strategies suggested in the following pages:

As has been mentioned in the previous paragraphs, that due to increasing

competition in the powdered beverage category, it is very important for Tang
to defend its existing market share which can come from both; by generating
the trial from the non users and increasing loyalty of the current users. This
can be translated into the following objectives:
1. Increase usage from existing user base

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

The existing users of tang includes the entire family, however the users
are not much loyal to the brand. As was seen during the brand audit,
consumers did not look out much for the brand if it was not available
and easily switched to some other brand that was available. Thus we
need to increase the usage of the existing customers to get a loyal
2. Increase usage from lighter users
Another major observation made during the brand audit was the fact
that hardly 12% of the people preferred consuming it on occasions like
parties or picnics. Thus trial needs to be generated among these light
users of the brand who consider it mainly to be a product to be
consumed on occasions like ramadan.
3. Increase trial among non users
An important way to increase the share of the pie is to increase the pie
itself. Thus Tang needs to focus on strategies to bring the non users of
the brand or the powdered beverage category into the consumer
segment. This can e done by generating trial among them at various
touch points like schools, summer camps, shopping malls etc.

The above marketing objectives can thus be translated into the following
advertising objectives:
1. Increase awareness about variants among target market
According to the survey results, Tang has a very strong association with
Orange. There is very little awareness about the other variants of Tang
such as Tang Pineapple, Tang Mango, Tang Rose and Tang Lemon &
Pepper. Therefore, there is a need to increase awareness of these
variants among the market.
2. Generate response
Another advertising objective is bring Tang into the consideration set of
potential Target Audience and generate trials from this segment. The
focus would be to generate response from the potential customers who
are currently using other powdered beverages as well as move the

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

light users to medium users and medium users to heavy users through
identifying newer ways and occasions on which Tang could be used.
3. Change perception to increase WoM about variants other than
Advertising would play a critical role in changing the perceptions of
consumers about the other variants of Tang. The objective is to make
the brand stand for something more than orange.

Target Audience for the Activations

The target audience for the above mentioned objectives can be defined as:
Non users of the brand
the non users includes both the ones who are consumers of powdered
beverage category but who consumer brands other than tang and the
ones who do not come under this category at all. So we need to generate
trial among them and convert them into hot prospects

Light Users

these are the people who do not consume the brand of a regular basis and
it is usually consumed in picnics and parties. Thus we need to increase
promotion to become a part of their evoked set

Heavy Users

another part of the target who will be focused on via the activations
includes those who currently are heavy users of the brand so we need to
further enhance our reach to them and convert them into the loyalists of
the brand. So this would include both the kids who use their pester power
to influence their mothers or units who make the purchasing decision at
the household unit level.

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Scope of Activation
The geographic scope of the activation varies across the region for both ATL and
BTL activities:

Above the Line Activities

ATL activities would be throughout the country through televisions, radio and
newspapers ads in all leading mediums in its respective categories.
Below the Line Activities
However, BTL activities would be spread out in the three metropolitan cities
of Pakistan Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad along with other smaller cities of
Multan and Hyderabad.

Activation Tactics
The recommended marketing activities can be categorized into three broad
categories. They are ATL (Above the line), BTL (Below the line) and
Trade (In-store) marketing. They can be further categorized into five ways.
They are as follows:
1. Main Stream Advertising TVCs
2. Print
3. Point of Sales drives
4. Out-of-Home
5. Events (competitions, summer camps and parties, canopy activity etc)
Each of these categories are discussed below:

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

ATL Initiatives
Brand equity for Tang can be maintained by constant recall on mainstream
television. Tang can air its TVC in the 2 nd & 3rd quarter of the year to ensure
brand loyalty and maintain remembrance. The recent tagline for Tang is
Banao, Pio aur ker Dikhao - Bachay asani say banayain aur kuch ker
dikhayain has been very helpful in reinforcing the idea that Tang is easy to
make and convenient for the consumers. The same tagline can be used for
the TVC, and through this slogan, can focus on the simple concept of Tang
being an easy to make drink even for kids. This is to do away with the stigma
of only elders knowing the perfect mix of powder for a glass of juice.
However variants other than Orange also need to be highlighted in the TVCs.
Hence, the Banao Piyo Kar Dikhao ad should be made for other variants
also. Further, the ad campaign for the brand should now focus on Health
Secrets and Real Fruit Factor. A sample storyboard for a Tang Health
Secrets TVC is attached in Appendix. The concept of the TVC is to promote
Tang as a healthy drink, which is used to get the taste of Real Fruits in your
powdered beverage drinks.
TVC for Ramadan:
Tang needs to come up with special TVC for Ramadan. Ramadan is actually a
month of blessing for beverage makers in Pakistan as sales for their products
tend to skyrocket. Beverages are particularly important in this month
because most people break the fast with a sweet fruit drink to raise energy
Obviously, manufacturers take advantage of the possibility of increased sales
in the month and plan marketing activities accordingly. Companies come up
with special offers and catchy advertisements to maintain hold over the


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

market in the month of Ramadan. Thus, we plan to advertise more in this

month than any other month.
Tang enjoys a special place on dinner tables during Ramadan and this month
provides a great opportunity for the company to increase brand recall and
sales. We plan to create ads that focus on family bonding and at the same
time serve as a link to the festive spirit of the holy month, which includes
celebration, togetherness and meals to help build stronger connections with
the consumers. The TVC will be aired on different channels like HUM TV, ARY
Digital and Geo on prime time slots.
Through this Ramadan campaign, we will be targeting young mothers,
signaling the nuclear familys growing importance. The society is moving
towards nuclear families. The young mother who used to have iftar with her
parents or her parents in law is now the decision maker in her house,
deciding which brands to choose. It is important for us to take this trend into
consideration and remain relevant to our younger audience. The TV
commercial will portray young, modern housewives / females in an aspiring
Tang will have different print ads to promote not only the variants aaialbale
but also the BTL initiatives being carried out. Special ads will be printed in
Young world, Sunday images, Jang promoting the eid carnival, tangs
association with summer camps. These will highlight the procedure to
participate in these. A sample of these ads has been attached in the
appendix 1
The importance of the effective out of home marketing is that it reaches the
consumer on a mass level and can have a profound impact on the minds of

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

consumers while they are indulged in their daily life routines. As was
mentioned in our recommendations, Tang should consider a wide variety of
possible marketing communications including billboards in order to enhance
brand recall so that consumers form stronger brand links to the product
category. Therefore, Tang can make use of very attractive 3D Billboard ads.
The billboard ad has the power of triggering the feeling of temptation of
having a refreshing drink especially in summers. The billboard ads are full of
creativity and out of box idea of marketing and are definitely very impactful
in attracting the current user base and influencing trials.
The placement of these billboards has to be carefully planned and should be
made in different locations by keeping in view the idea of reaching maximum
of the target audience in the geographic area under consideration. These
billboard ads are a very successful idea of marketing the product and have
the power of creating a very strong brand image due to multiple factors
which includes the overwhelming feeling that comes by looking at overly
sized 3D product image. Secondly, billboards have the power of having a
very strong brand recall of the product.
Apart from the 3D billboards, Tang can use simple billboards as well for the
marketing of Tang variants. These simple billboards will contain images of
the variants along with the tag line Banao, Pio aur ker Dikhao or Har
pal me rang etc.
In July we plan to hold a 5 hours sponsored program on City FM 89 on two
Sundays in the Buzz Break segment. The coverage area of this package
includes the entire network. The radio will promote the variants of tang and a
brief promotion for the BTL activities to increase participation rate for them.


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Target for ATL Activities

In order to determine the reach and frequency for the ATL activities,
following table from the book : Advertising and Media Planning by Lerry Kelly
and Donald Jugenheimer has been referred to:
Brand Maturity


Average (0)
Low (-1)
In market for 2- Brand
5 years

Brand Awareness




market for 10+


low Average





Brand is on par Brand has over






New campaign

In second year

market share
Has run for 2+

Type of Response


term Mix



of Long




The target from these ATL initiatives is to reach atleast 70% of the target
audience and have a frequency of 4+ for television activations. The
frequency of 4+ has been derived based on the matrix shown above:


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Since the target market is already aware of the brand we believe that based
on brand awareness we need average frequency especially in terms of new
flavors. The competition in the category is aggressive especially after the
entry of Frutily in the market. The ad campaigns will be promoting new
variants hence we need a high frequency level and since these are short
lived activities we need to ensure high frequency again. Thus combining the
frequencies and adding them to the base level 1, we get a frequency of 4+

Calendar for ATL Activities

Following table gives an overview of the way ATL activities will go online from May
to October:

Regular campaigns will be run throughout, however morning shows will be used to
promote tang during June and July, during august Iftar clocks giving time watch shall
be run and promotions will be done for eid carnivals and cooking shows focusing on
meals for Kids.


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

BTL Initiatives
Brand Activation

Brand Activation creates a trust between the customers and the brand. This
trust plays an important role in building brand loyalty. Considering the
current situation where a recent player Fruitily has captured 9% market share
within one year, Tang needs to build the connect with its consumers by
interacting with them on a one-to-one level through various activties rather
than using the mass media approach.
Some of the proposed brand activation campaigns are as follows:
Trade Promotions

Activity: In store Activations

To be conducted in: 1 week in each-June, September and October
Tang will start its in store activation program in supermarkets like EBCO,
Aghas & Naheed in Karachi, 7th Avenue, Harrods & Metro in Islamabad, and
Hyperstar, Al Fatah, Hypermart & Esajees in Lahore. They should be gondola
dressing standees, and sampling of Tang Mango, Tang Pineapple and Lemon
and Pepper flavours to increase awareness and generate trial amongst the

BTL Activities
Following paragraphs discuss in detail the activations that Tang should
conduct to ensure consumer engagaement on level that will generate trial,
cerate WoM and increase the loyalty of the heavy user segment.
Activity: School Parties
To be conducted On: Last day of schools before summer vacations
(29/30 May)
It has generally been observed that on the last day before the start of
summer vacations, schools like Foundation Public School, Beacon house
School System, City School, Mama Parsi Girls Schools, BVS Parsi High School,
St. Josephs Convent, St. Patricks High School etc arrange parties for the

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

students. This is a great touch point for Tang to reach the potential
influencers of the purchase decision that is children.
The activation that Tang can conduct at this point is that their especially
painted vans will go to schools, where they will serve different Tang flavors to
the students. Furthermore,for primary school students certain cartoon
characters will be present at the vans who will not only serve the kids with
the drinks but also entertain them with their magic shows.
This activity will not only generate a word of mouth among students but also
generate trial among teachers who are the potential targets of the brand.
Tang will also be served to mothers who come to pick up their children from
schools, thus generating trial among the purchasers of the tang. Here all the
flavors of tang will be served.
Activity: Activation at Summer Camps
To be conducted in: June and July
During the months of June and July, summer camps are held by various
hotels and clubs to polish the talents related to painting, music, sports etc of
children. Here lies a potential influencer of the purchase decision i.e.
children. This activity will be mainly conducted in the three metros of
Pakistan namely, Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad.
The mechanics for this activity will be that administration authorities for
summer camps at places like Royal Rodale, Sheraton, Marriott, PC, Berlitz
will be contacted and the tang activation teams will go to these camps and
serve drinks to children and entertain them through the magic shows done
by activation team members, also tang will host a painting competition for
children over their about their ideas related to the Beat the Heat concept
during the summer and cricket matches for kids.
Also, a promotion campaign will be run whereby kids who would want Tang
teams to visit their summer camps will be asked to send five empty sachets

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

of Tang along with details of their camps. Then the camp administration will
be consulted and accordingly

if the number of children present at these

camps are more than 100, the activation team will make the visit to the site
to conduct different activities.
Activity: Tang Lounge
To be Conducted in: August (During last 15 days of Ramadan)
Under this activation plan Tang will create an atmosphere called The Tang
Lounge. These lounges will be setup in major malls in the city like Park
Towers, Dolmen Mall in Karachi, Seventh Avenue and Safari mall in
Islamabad- Bahria Town, Mall of Lahore, Liberty Lahore. This activity will be
held during Ramadan and the lounges will serve Tang with iftar, and during
peak shopping hours.
The theme for the lounge will be such that all variants of tang will be
promoted. There will be different corners decorated according to theme like
Orange, Pineapple, Mango, etc. Tang Mango corner will have the umbrellas,
chairs, and tables painted yellow. Similarly the sales people be adorned in a
yellow shirt. Similarly, the theme for Tang Orange corner will have everything
in orange color.
Activity: Invite Based Eid Carnival
To be Conducted On: Third Day of Eid
Invite based Eid Carnival will be conducted on the second and third day of
Eid at Zamzama Park Karachi, F-9 Park Islamabad & Gadaffi Stadium Lahore.
Promotion will be run during Ramadan in Print Media whereby kids will be
asked to send 3 empty sachets of Tang- all of different flavors to selected
retailers in return for a ticket valid for entry of 2 people. The selected
retailers would be the same where the in-store brand activation will be
carried out:
1 Karachi - EBCO, Aghas & Naheed

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

2 Islamabad - 7th Avenue, Harrods & Metro, and

3 Lahore - Hyperstar, Al Fatah, Hypermart & Esajees
Furthermore, Tang stalls will be setup outside the event location from where
the ones who want to attend the carnival but dont have the invite, can
purchase tang and show receipts to the activation team to get entry into the
carnival area.
Toon Cricket Carnival
The carnival will focus on Toon Cricket, whereby match will be held between
the toon team represented by different cartoon characters and a team of
kids. Kids will be encouraged to come up with a team of their friends else
they will be adjusted in other teams so that they can participate.
Banao, Piyo, Ker Dikhao Challenge
Also competition will be held by the name of Banao, Piyo, Ker Dikhao
Challenge for mothers whereby they will be asked to prepare and drink Tang
with the help of their kids. The kids will make the glass of Tang and the
mother will have to drink it in 1 minute. Whichever mother-child team makes
the highest number of glasses will get a gift hamper from Tang.
Target for the BTL Activities

The target that has been set up for these below the line activations is
reaching atleat 100+ touch points to generate trial, where 1 touch point
represents 1 household unit. However for the eid carnival the target will be
atleast 700+ touch points.

Calendar for BTL Activities

Following time line highlights which BTL activities will be conducted during which


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Media Rates
Since Tang caters to SEC A and B, our selection of a medium of advertising
will be only those which cater to that segment only. Under the ATL banner we
will advertise on television, radio and newspapers only on those which cater
to SEC A and B.
1. Electronic Media - Television
This would include advertising on a 60 second slot on Geo TV, Express News,
HBO, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network. We plan to advertise on all prime
time slots on different channels owing to the fact that every channel has a
different prime time. In general prime times starts from 7 pm and vary till
about 10pm to 11pm. The following are the Prime Time rates for different


Brand Activation for Tang

Geo Prime

Brand Management

News Prime




7pm 12 am Rs 15,

2pm 8 pm Rs

7pm 8pm Rs

7 pm Rs 100, 000

7pm 9pm Rs

8pm 9pm Rs

8pm Rs 40,000

10pm 12 pm Rs
18, 000

9pm 10pm Rs

9pm Rs 60,000

10pm 11pm Rs

10pm Rs 100,000

11pm 12pm Rs

11 pm Rs 25, 000

8pm 10pm Rs

If we advertise on all channels in the same time slots, television media can
cost a minimum of Rs 247,000 for the 7pm timeslot to a Rs 298,000 for the
10pm timeslot. Prime time for news channels varies with respect to the
programmes and hosts who have shows at that time.
Apart from news channels which target the decision- making consumers,
Tang should also target the kids through Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network.
However, the dynamics of this television segment is different as they charge
rates as per the cartoon programme aired in that time. For example, Cartoon
Network has 2 Prime time slots:

2pm to 8 pm (when it aires Pogo) - charges Rs 30,000

8pm to 10 pm - charges Rs 25,000

Similarly Nickelodeon has a prime time from 7pm to 12 pm and charges a

constant rate of Rs 15,000. These rates are all based on a 60 second slot. For
30 second slot rates, the prices are divided by 2, to reach the rate for the 30
second slot.
2. Electronic Media - Radio

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

The rates used for radio advertising are based on a 5 - 10 second slot. the 30
second ads are cut down into 10 second ads for radio transmission. The most
expensive radio station is FM 89. Every station has three prime times:

Morning Drive Times (Driving to office times) - which is from 8 am to 10


Afternoon Drive Times (Lunch Break) - 1pm to 3 pm

Evening Drive Time (driving back home) - 5pm to 7pm

On average, rates for this are Rs 15,000 per 30 second advertising. for a 10
second advertisement, the rate will be divided by 3.
3. Print Media
Because Tang is a consumable product, colour has a natural appeal while
advertising. Therefore, the ads published should be coloured. Since the
product caters to SEC A and B, they usually read The News and Dawn
Newspaper. The issue with an exact rack rate for these newspapers is that
the rates are individually negotiated with the companies. Some companies
have sponsorships with media channels hence they advertise free of cost.
Therefore approximate figures were provided by Mr. Arsalan Rabbani at
Synergy Advertising for both The News and Dawn Newspapers. The rates
were based on page and full page (Front Page, Front Inside and Back Page)

Full Front



















25% of 25%





Brand Activation for Tang



Brand Management


80, 000



25% of 25%





Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Based on the rates stated above obtained from Synergy advertising following
budget has been prepared to show the costs that will be incurred for the
proposed activations:
Cost for TVCs


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Cost for OH


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Cost for Print


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Cost for Radio


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Campus Activation
A small activation was done for Tang at the IBA city campus cafeteria.
Following gives a brief overview of the activities carried out:
Fruit Cocktail Delight
A brand activation activity was held in the IBA cafeteria to promote 4
different flavours of Tang: Lemon and Pepper, Pineapple, Orange and Mango.

Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Tang was presented as fruit cocktails to the students who made their
preferred flavor of drink.
Blind Tests
A Blind Testing activity was held at the IBA City Campus cafeteria to identify
the associations of Tang with the people. The tests were for:

Fruitily Mango vs Tang Mango

Fruitily Orange vs Tang Orange

The results of this exercise were very clear. They first identified which glass
contains Tang. All three participants clearly preferred Tang as their choice of
powdered beverage. Even though, Tang was diluted participants were still
able to correctly guess Tang as it has a high brand equity among the masses
A pictorial review of the activation has been attached in appendix 4

Appendix 1: Sample Print Ad


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

Appendix 2: Story Board for TVC

Tang TVC Story board:
The ad would start with showing a beautiful health-conscious female saying:
Beautiful glowing skin is a mark of a healthy life.. A fruit filled diet has been a part of my lifestyle..
Then the next scene shows her squeezing the juice directly out of fresh fruit:

Getting fresh fruit juices never easy But now I carry can get refreshed on the go!


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management

We show a Tang Sachet.

Now I have my health secret! Whats yours?

(in the next dialogue comes: to share your health secret please log on to

Appendix 3: Pictorial Review of the Activation


Brand Activation for Tang

Brand Management


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