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Management Case Study

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Reference material 7

Corporate Social Responsibility
Fly-jet regards passenger safety as absolutely paramount. The airline is totally committed to
providing a safe and secure service that protects customers, staff, aircraft and the
companys reputation.
Fly-jet has systems in place to monitor and promote safety. These ensure that:

staff at all levels are aware of their responsibilities with respect to safety
the companys culture stresses the need for safety at all times
staff are provided with the training and equipment that they require
risks are identified and managed
contingency plans are in place to deal with the effects of accidents

Fly-jet has a Safety Committee that is chaired by a member of the board. That committee
meets regularly in order to review the operations of all processes and procedures that relate
to safety.
There is a Safety Department that monitors and coordinates all safety activity across the
company. Every member of staff is encouraged to contact the Safety Department to report
any matters that arise. The Safety Department has an operations centre that is staffed 24
hours a day. The Safety Department is authorised to take any action that is necessary to
address any safety-related matter.
Fly-jet is subjects to stringent safety requirements imposed by national and international
Fly-jet accepts that human activity, including air travel, contributes to the consumption of
scarce natural resources and the emission of CO2 and other pollutants. As a major airline we
are willing to accept that we have a direct responsibility to minimise our impact on the
environment. We take that responsibility seriously.
Fly-jet has invested heavily in a modern fleet of aircraft that are designed to be fuel-efficient
and to minimise pollution. These aircraft are also designed to be as quiet as possible in
order to minimise the disruption to residents who live close to the airports from which we
The airline industry is essentially a service industry. Customers will only feel valued and
comfortable if the companys staff are committed to providing them with excellent service.
Fly-jets places considerable emphasis on recruitment and training. The company has a
training facility for cabin staff and our training programme is recognised as one of the best in
the industry.
We offer a competitive rewards package and we monitor staff morale closely. We are careful
to retain staff and conduct detailed exit interviews with those who resign. We act quickly to
deal with threats such as improved conditions offered by our competition.
Fly-jet works closely with unions and other employee representatives to ensure that any
concerns are explored and addressed as quickly and effectively as possible.
Fly-jet has come through a difficult period, during which it was necessary to make cuts in
staffing levels. We did our utmost to minimise compulsory redundancies. That process of
rightsizing has now concluded and we hope that there will be a period of stability, followed
by an increase in staffing levels in line with the anticipated economic recovery.
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants 2014 no reproduction without prior consent
( airplane image: Microsoft Corporation)

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