Duncan Banntyne Case Study

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Name: Megat Muhammad Hussin bin Mohd Hamka

Class: M14D
Business Management
Based on Bannatyne Case Study, outline any possible problems that Duncan
Bannatynes business start-up may have faced.
The first problem that may possibly rise when he was starting business was
financial problem. Duncan Bannatyne came from a poor family and does not
have any financial backup when he was adolescent. That was why he came with
an idea to go for a newspaper round in order to own a much-wanted bike.
Next, the products that Duncan Banntyne produced may have a low
demand in the market. His ice cream business may or may not become
successful as he was conducting the business. Luckily, his business managed to
gain large profits due to his smart strategy in choosing the business place.
Other than that, the market failure may also haunt his business back then.
Market failure is defined as a situation where, in any given market, the quantity
of a product demanded by consumers does not equate to the quantity supplied
by suppliers. This is a direct result of a lack of certain economically ideal factors,
which prevents equilibrium. Luckily, the market was strong enough to give
people the purchasing power thus gave good business for him to start with and
making him as one of the health and leisure tycoons.

With reference to one or two organizations that you have studied, discuss the
influence of ethics and innovation on the role of entrepreneurship and
Entrepreneurship is defined as the process of starting a business or other
organization. The entrepreneur chooses/develops a business model, acquires the
human and other required resources and is fully responsible for its success or
failure. Entrepreneurship operates within an entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Meanwhile, intrapreneurship on the other hand is defined as the act of behaving
like an entrepreneur while working within a large organization. Intrapreneurs
bring their ideas to the firm to generate new products, processes, or services and
thereby act as a force for change within the organization. Intrapreneurship adds
to the innovation potential of an organization.
Dreamworks is an American film production company which produces and
develops films, video games and television programming. It was also a
former film distributor for its own and other films made by separate production
companies. It has produced or distributed more than ten films with box-office
grosses totalling more than $100 million each. Currently, DreamWorks' films are
marketed and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures under
its Touchstone Pictures banner. The reason I choose Dreamworks as the subject
of my study is because at DreamWorks, they are taking a step further by actually
teaching their employees how to formulate their pitch and then allowing them to
practice in front of executives, something hundreds have already taken
advantage of. Classes and workshops include figure drawing, cinematography,
storytelling, sculpture and more activities are conducted in order to give hands in
experience for them to shove up their intrapreneurial skills and innovation ideas.
Ethics, in business, may be defined as taking decisions for the right moral
reasons, taking into account the wider needs of all stakeholders. Google, a titan
in the internet-related service, is one of the famous companies that encourage
intrapreneurship culture. They are also holding a code of conduct which are
famously known as Dont Be Evil, which was suggested by an employee in year
2000. The words: "Don't be evil" form part of the sixth point in these Core Values,
and in full states: "Do the right thing: don't be evil. Honesty and Integrity in all
we do. Our business practices are beyond reproach. We make money by doing
good things." This code of ethics shows us that Google is very strict in
conducting their business.

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