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Online Partnership Agreement

Ambrosia Community Ltd., and AnderUK hereinafter referred to as Partners

agree as follows:
1. Type of Business
Both parties agree to associate themselves as partners for purposes
of conducting business as a host and contributor for the gaming community
under name of Ambrosia Community.
2. Term of Partnership
The partnership shall commence from 25.5.2015 and shall last
permanently or it's termination by either of the parties involved, as provided
in this document.
3. Initial Capital & Expenses
As the contract stands neither party involved is obliged to financially
support each other in any shape or form. This however may be subject to
change after verbal agreement of any of the parties.
4. Time Devoted to Partnership
Each partner shall devote his time to efficiently communicate between
the opposite and agrees to plan his/theirs time schedule accordingly to what
is needed, to best of his/theirs ability.
5. Management and Authority
Each partner is given rights to conduct their business based on their
needs and plans. Parties involved can not force or even threaten in any
shape or form to change the way they are conducting their business. While it
is expected from both parties to co-operate, the way they are managing
things is entirely up to them. To be specific, Ambrosia Community Ltd. Shall
not interfere into twitch stream of AnderUK. While they are free to make
suggestions or even help out with the stream if the Partner wishes, they do
not posses any authority to change the stream format if the Partner
disagrees. Likewise, AnderUK has no direct say in way Ambrosia Community
is run and performing their side of partnership deal.

Partnership Activities
Ambrosia Community Ltd. Is expecting full co-operation of both
Parties involved. This includes regular streaming schedule, willingness to
communicate and participate in planned actions and events. In case of
forming a twitch stream-team Ambrosia Community Ltd. expects to have a
direct say in how things are run and it's full management. Both partners are
expected to advertise for prosperity of both parties to best of their abilities.
Events of supporting each other are to be hosted based on a worded
agreement of both Partners.


Withdrawal and Termination

In case of withdrawal from the Online Partnership Agreement the
Partner is bound to let the other Partner know least 1 month in advance, If
the partner violates any of the here-stated conditions Partner is allowed to
withdraw from the contract immediately without informing the other in
advance, just through a message on the day. In case of Termination
Ambrosia Community Ltd. possesses the rights to keep and maintain control
of the Twitch stream team or potential YouTube channel (or any other
form of media formed together. Any property possessed by either party prior
to the Partnership deal is rightfully theirs and neither Partner has rights to
claim these.

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