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Spring 2015
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Course Information
Course Title: EE 212 Electromagnetic Waves
Lab: Yes
Credit hrs: (3-3-4)
Prerequisites For this Course: EE 211 Electricity & Magnetism
This Course is Prerequisite For: EE 311 Antennas & Wave Propagation
Instructor: Shahid H. Abbassi
Office: 1st Floor, Academic Block B.
e- mail:
Text Book: David K. Cheng, Field & Wave Electromagnetics (Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, Inc., New York, 2001. )

1. Reference Book: David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics (Prentice-Hall

International Limited, London, 1989)
2. Reference Book William H. Hayt,

Jr. , John A. Buck, Engineering

Electromagnetics (Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi,

3. Reference Book

Bhag Sing Guru . Electromagnetic Field Theory, Fundamentals.

4. Reference Book David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jearl Walker, Fundamentals

of Physics Extended (John-Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 2001)

Course Outline
First portion of this course contains Faradays law of electromagnetic induction, Maxwells
equations, Wave equations and their solutions, Time harmonic fields (Phases) and
electromagnetic boundary conditions. The second portion covers plane wave in lossless, lossy
low-loss dielectrics, good conductors. Normal and oblique incidence of wave at the boundary
of different media. In the third portion, transmission lines are discussed.

Lecture Plan:


Introduction to time varying fields, Current density & Ohms law,

Faradays Law of electromagnetic induction and basic ideas

Transformers, A moving conductor in a static magnetic field, Faraday disk

generator, A moving coil in a time varying magnetic field

Maxwells equations in differential and integral form, Potential Functions

Electromagnetic boundary conditions


Wave equations and their solution for potentials Source free wave
equations, Time-Harmonic Fields, Use of Phasors,
Time-harmonic electromagnetics, Source free field in simple media,
Electromagnetic Spectrum, Problem discussions

Plane electromagnetic waves, Plane wave in lossless media, Doppler

effect, transverse electromagnetic waves

Polarization of Plane Waves, Plane wave in lossy media, low loss

dielectrics, Good Conductors, Ionized Gases

Group Velocity, Flow of Electromagnetic Power & Poynting Vector

Normal Incidence at a plane Conducting Boundary, Oblique Incidence at

a Plane Conducting Boundary


Normal Incidence at a plane Dielectric Boundary, Oblique Incidence at a

Plane Multiple Dielectric Boundary


Oblique Incidence at a Plane Dielectric Boundary


Transverse Electromagnetic Wave along a parallel-Plate Transmission



General transmission-Line Equations


Wave Characteristics on Finite Transmission Lines


Transients on Transmission Lines, Reflection Diagrams, Pulse Excitation, Line

and reactive load


Smith Chart, Transmission-Line Impedance Matching

Grading and General Course Policies:

Final Exam:

45 %
20 %

Objective of course: (one paragraph 3-4 lines)

Objective of this course is to give understanding of charge, magnets and their effects. The
extended version of this course is EE 2.103 (Electromagnetic waves) & TE3.113 (Antennas
& Wave Propagation). This course provides better back ground for the above mentioned
courses which leads towards the field of electromagnetics, especially antenna design and
other day to day problems in this growing world of communication.

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