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1.1 Background
Learning English in nowadays has become more essential in the globalization. English
language is one of the most spoken languages in the world, which some countries use
English language as an official language in the majority as communications, education,
business, industry and other fields. Numerous countries around the globe have made the
English language as their second language. This is because of globalization made the world
more intimate, many information and sources can be found in English language as the most
using language via the internet sources. Thus English language has increased the numbers of
extensively used and disseminated that have been the reasons why young students have been
motivated to learn English language.
In order for English language learning which eventually has provided the several
curriculums in many institutes, colleges and universities, which serve to students who desire
to study English language. However, The National University of Laos, Faculty of Letters,
Department of English has provided the English language in term of Bachelor of Art
programme, which especially teaching, studying and researching in English language and the
curriculum in the Department of English, Faculty of Letters, National University of Laos is
more accepted by general. Hence the English language learning in the Department of English
has motivated the plenty students much more to learn English in this particular university as
well as the Department of English, Faculty of Letters, and National University of Laos
instead of the other institutes or colleges.
As the English learning motivation is one of the most important learning factors,
motivation is the key to learning (Dornyet, Z. 2001, Teaching and Researching Motivation.

London: Longman.) It refers to the inner sources, desire, emotion, reason, need, impulse or
purpose that moves an individual towards a particular action. The Motivation in English
language learning of the students could be a significant comprehension that involves the
students to gain the knowledge and understanding and become more advantage with ultimate
language proficiency in their future life and occupations.
Accordingly this research will focus on the major factors motivation to learn English
language and the future expectations for life and careers. Above all, the importantly of this
research investigate the four specific elements which build the motivation in English learning
throughout the main factors motivating year one students to learn English language in
Department of English, Faculty of Letters, and National University of Laos, which there are
Social Trend, Parents Encouragement, Teacher and Institutes Fame and Self-Desire to learn

I.2 Objective
The study objective of this research aims to investigate the main factors that motivate the
Year one students to learn English Language in the Department of English, Faculty of
Letters, and National University of Laos and their expectations to the benefits for the future
careers and life.

Research Questions:
1) What is the general trend of students motivation to study English in Faculty of Letters?

2) Why do students prefer to study English in DoE, FOL, and NUOL?

3) What is the level of students expectation to their future careers?

1.3 Definition of key terms:

Key factors of Motivation Year one Students to Learn English Language in the
Department of English, Faculty of Letters, National University of Laos.
1) Social Trends
2) Parents Encouragement
3) Teacher and Institutes Fame and
4) Self-Desire to learn English.

1.4 Significance
By the end of the study research will construct the significant understanding for teachers,
students and generals who involve with the English language learning in nowadays. The
readers will realize the reason why students have been motivated to study English language
in the Department of English, Faculty of letters, and National University of Laos beside the
other institutes or collages, which increasingly important to the people particularly in young
students who desire to learn English language and either their future decision in English
language learning will gain the benefit from our research in term of the desire and motivation
instead of the other majors.

1.5 Scope of the study

The study will be conducted with the samples selected from first year undergraduate
students in Department of English, Faculty of Letters, National University of Laos, main campus
(Dongdok Campus), academic year 2014-2015 to explore the dominant motivation in their
English language learning particularly in factors motivating in English language learning.

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