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I, JUDEE ANN CASTILLO, Filipino, of legal age, single, and a resident of

Block 8 Lot 20, Santiago Villas, Catalunan Grande, Davao City,
Philippines, after being sworn to in accordance with law, depose and

That I know the person of NANCY MONROID, who is a resident of 23

Opal St., Phase 4 Ecoland Subdivision, Davao City, Philippines;

That sometime in the morning of July 1, 2009, the said NANCY

MONROID, at 23 Opal St., Phase 4 Ecoland Subdivision, Davao City,
Philippines issued in my favor a Philippine National Bank Check No.
2346789 in the amount of P210,000 as supposed payment for the loan
accommodation of P200,000, which I have extended to her;

That the said check is drawn against the account of the said NANCY
MONROID at Philippine National Bank with Account No. 3985129559;

That at the time the said NANCY MONROID issued the delivered the
said check to me, she made the assurance and representation that the
said check is a good check and would be covered by sufficient funds
when presented for payment;

However, when the above-mentioned check was deposited, the same

was dishonored and returned by the bank on the ground that the same
was drawn against a "CLOSED ACCOUNT." A true and faithful machine
reproduction of the said check is hereto attached as Annex "A";
As such, I immediately notified said NANCY MONROID of the dishonor
and return of the said check and demanded from her that she make
good the said check within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof. A
true and faithful machine reproduction of my demand letter to her is
hereto attached as Annex "B";

When said NANCY MONROID failed to heed my demands, I endorsed

the said check to my legal counsel who immediately sent a formal
demand letter through registered mail with return card on September
23, 2009, which was received by the said NANCY MONROID on
September 22, 2009. As of date however, NANCY MONROID has
unjustifiably ignored all these demands to pay the said account and/or
to redeem the said returned check. A true and faithful machine
reproduction of my demand letter to her is hereto attached as Annex

I am therefore executing this Complaint-Affidavit in support of the

charges for Violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22 against the said
NANCY MONROID, who may be served with subpoena and other
processes of this Honorable Office at her last known address at 23 Opal
St., Phase 4 Ecoland Subdivision, Davao City, Philippines;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 9th of

October, 2009 at Davao City, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 9th of October, 2009 at

Davao City, Philippines. I hereby certify that I have examined the
Affiant and that I am fully satisfied that she has voluntarily executed
and understood the contents of her Complaint-Affidavit.

ROLL NO. 89101

IBP NO. 533790/01-02-07
PTR NO. 849760/01-10-09/Davao City

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