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: 4 May-June 2007 Issue : 3

RNI no. APENG / 2004 / 18523

In This Issue

Brahmarshi Patriji

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contents design S Venu Gopal
photography P Jeevan
image compilation J Rakesh
office maintenance A Mallikarjun

Mumbai ... SHREYANS DAGA Mumbai ... H.C. JAIN

Mumbai ... D.B. GOYAL
Chennai ... G.R. MADHUSUDAN
Coimbatore ... S.K. RAJAN

12 - 2 - 834 / 1
opp. Gowtham Model School
Sriram Nagar Colony ... MEHDIPATNAM
HYDERABAD - 500 028 Andhra Pradesh
phone : 040 - 66683511
printed, published and owned ... by JVV Ranga Rao,
6-7-16, Netaji Bazaar, Kothagudem-507101 A.P., India
printed by Surya Graphics, Bapu Nagar, Market Lane,
Chikkadpally, Hyderabad, editor : B Naga Lakshmi

We are Pyramid Masters


Life of Vallalar

Killing Animals ... Eating Flesh


Teachings of Vallalar




Boundless Benevolent Jothi


Indias first CMSE


Suicide is No Escape


Energy - Power of Mega Pyramid


End of the Age


The Calling


Vibrational Medicine


You Must Believe in Health


New Biology


Desire Replaces Need


I am Energy, Matter, Consciousness


Oasis School


Dhyana Maha Yagnam


There are Invisible Helpers


Work of Great Teachers


Art of Meditation


Torkom Saraydarian University


Books by Torkom Saraydarian


Energy of Patriji


www . pss . org

www . pss . org




May - June 2007

Arutperunjothi Ramalinga Adigalar

Arutperunjothi ... a great spiritual scientist and

saint from South India.
Arutperunjothi ... a great champion of
Arutperunjothi was the embodiment of infinite
love and compassion.
Arutperunjothi attained deathlessness of the
body by divine knowledge and wisdom.
Arutperunjothi was a soul who was signifying
the Boundless Benevolent Jothi.
Pyramid Masters offer their pranams to the
great soul ... who showed THE PATH to
enlightenment ... to one and all !


plot no. 40, Road no. 4,
Chandrapuri Colony,
L.B. Nagar, Hyderabad.

Healing Cosmic Consciousness


When we are with the breath-energy, the mind becomes rather empty !
Then, there is a tremendous in-flow of cosmic energy into the physical
body ! And, by and by, a healing cosmic consciousness is experienced !
And, all illnesses and diseases ... sooner or later ... vanish !


close your eyes
take all the time you need, to get comfortable
shift muscles ... stretch and relax
spine and neck are relaxed ... not held stiffly !
there is no stiffness here
just comfort ... the beginning of calm ... there is no hurry now
there is nothing else to do ... or think about ... just pure relaxation !

Breath-Energy Is Our Only Saviour

be calm


be still

let your breath be a rhythm of calm ...

follow your breath ... use your mind to follow your breath
... in ... out ... in ... out



be with the easy, soft, simple, tender, normal, natural breath

let your breath-energy heal you totally


Take any comfortable sitting posture

Hands should be clasped and eyes closed
Any time, and any place, is perfectly okay
for meditation
Routine thoughts of the mind should be cut right
away, as and when they arise

Mantras should never be chanted

Through mantras energy is wasted
Attention only on being consciously with the
breath - energy
Forcible holding of ones breath ... i.e.
kumbhaka ... should never be attempted

All Diseases


Illnesses Vanish When We Are With Our Breath-Energy !

Anapanasati should be undertaken regularly, and for atleast thirty to forty minutes every day.

May - June 2007

We are Pyramid Masters ...

Vegetarianism is our Religion

We are Pyramid Masters ...

Meditation is our Profession

We are Pyramid Masters ...

Pyramids are our Temples

We are Pyramid Masters ...

Breath is our Guru

We are Pyramid Masters ...

Soul-Science is our Flag

We are Pyramid Masters ...

Enlightenment is our Intent

We are Pyramid Masters ...

Teaching Meditation is our Joy

We are Pyramid Masters ...

Truth is our Core-Bliss

We are Pyramid Masters ...

Self-Reliance is our Message

We are Pyramid Masters ...

Friendliness is our Nature

We are Pyramid Masters ...

Simplicity is our Character

We are Pyramid Masters ...

Humility is our Culture

We are Pyramid Masters ...

All Being-Kind is our Entire Cosmic Family

Be with the Breath



Brahmarshi Patriji

Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement , India


May - June 2007


... is paying great attention to the
third eye experiences as and when the third eye
activity begins as a result of anapanasati practice.

e are all gods in theory. However, we should

become gods in practice. We should
practice god-hood in our thoughts, words and


As we increase our practice of spiritual science

and meditation we become more and more expert
in our god-hood. As we become more and more
expert in our god-hood, our Life-Zest increases.

As we keep to the practice of anapanasati

meditation, we enter into the phase of VIPASSANA
and we begin to understand that we are essentially
a THIRD EYE ! We understand that we are a SOUL !
This is called ENLIGHTENMENT !

The basic goal of spirituality is to increase our

Life-Zest !

As we increase our enlightenment, we become

more and more the master of the mind, then we
become candidates for right intellect, in the dayto-day physical world.

MEDITATION ... the first stage

Meditation means getting control of the mind,

becoming the master of the mind.

The first stage of meditation leads to the second

stage that is enlightenment. However, for the
enlightenment to become steadfast two more
essential activities are required :

In meditation, there are three phases :




... means being with the normal,

Only a well tamed mind can take up Swadhyaya

i.e., reading right books and Satjana Sangatya i.e.,
interacting with right people.

natural, simple, soft, easy and tender breath.

... is watching, a little, the
movements of energy fields ... when they are
experienced in the body ... as a result of practicing


... the second stage

Without reading right books, and without

interacting with right people, enlightenment does
not mature !

May - June 2007

Enlightenment, further means two more things :

Wise living demands that we take into

consideration the immediate past and the
immediate future for fathoming the most
appropriate present action or present reaction.


We are not here on the earth, for lamenting ...

whatever be the situation or whatever be the
achievement or non-achievement. We are here,
forever, to rejoice and celebrate !

Wise living also demands that we take into

consideration the ETERNITY OF PAST and the ETERNITY
OF FUTURE also for fathoming the most appropriate
present action or perfect reaction.

Rejoicing is the natural result when we

understand that every so called failure is nothing
but a stepping stone for subsequent success !


The end result of meditation is enlightenment.

The end result of enlightenment is awareness. And
the end result of awareness is LIFE-ZEST !

Every regret is a fresh blunder ! We may

commit mistakes ... mistakes are natural ... but
we should not indulge in prolonged regrets.

Now, every given moment is enjoyed ! Now,

every given situation is savoured ! Now, life
becomes absolutely dynamic ! Now, life becomes
absolutely miraculous !

Secondly, every moment should be utilized

creatively and productively !

... the final stage

... the third stage

Only enlightened people are perfectly aware in

any given moment and in any given situation !

Now, every thought acquires power ! No sooner

a thought is created ... it manifests without any
distortions !

Awareness means to come back to the here

and now ... from the there and then !

Now, every word becomes a dynamite ! Now,

every action becomes a piece of art and grace !

In the acquisition of awareness, intense

companionship with the MASTERS becomes crucial.
A MASTER is a paragon of awareness !

Now, life has become a continuous celebration !

LIFE-ZEST has two essential aspects :

Awareness has two essential aspects :


means more compassion ... that

is more and more giving ! Continuous giving
becomes a natural habit !

means dedicating oneself totally to

the work on hand, at any given moment.

current situation.

also means more and more

accepting everything ! Continuous acceptance
becomes a natural habit !

means flowing happily with the

natural emotions in the great here and now .

There is a graceful giving and a graceful taking

... all the time, in all the situations.

also means living in the concept of

eternity. There is PAST. There is PRESENT. And there
is FUTURE. However, these are not distinct and
separate blocks but one continuous existence !

A dynamic and vibrant life is one wherein the

amount of gives and takes is very high !


AWARENESS means being totally alive in the given




Brahmarshi Patriji

May - June 2007


Arutperunjothi Ramalinga Adigalar
Arutperunjothi Ramalinga Adigalar, popularly known as VALLALAR,
the Great Munificient, may be regarded as the foremost of the saints and
sages of the nineteenth century India.
VALLALAR ... was the one who affirmed openly and clearly in an
unmistakable language, the deathlessness of his body which he attained
by the power of what he called Arutperunjothi , the Vast Grace-Light of
the Divine which he identified as the Truth-Light of Knowledge, Satya Jnana
VALLALAR ... a saint whose very soul-stuff was made of infinite love
and compassion, a sage of Truth-Consciousness who possessed the
divine knowledge and science of deathlessness of body and attained its
deathless transformation along with the self-creative power of creating all
substances of whatever kind including bodily substances.
VALLALAR ... was a critic, writer, publisher and commentator and
also had knowledge in occultism, alchemy, astrology, and medicine ...
particularly in the nutritional and medical values of herbs and leaves. He
was a musician too !
Following are a few excerpts from the website www.vallalar.org

year 1823

is said that this infant laughed aloud when the

priest offered the traditional Deepa Aradhana to
the Lord ! This apparently routine visit to the temple
thus offered him his first spiritual experience as
Sometime at a later date Ramalingam, was
to record this experience in the following words:
No sooner was the light perceived than
happiness prevailed on me . It is significant that
as he matured spiritually, he consistently and
decisively advocated the worship of God in the form
of Arutperunjothi or Effulgent Light of Grace .

VALLALAR was born in the year 1823 in

Marudur near Chidambaram, Tamilnadu State,
South India, in a Hindu Saivite family as the fifth
child and last son of his Father Ramayya Pillai
and Mother Chinnammayyar.

The saint was conscious of his birth not

merely at the time of birth but even during all the
processes that culminated in fertilization, as he
wrote to say in one of his writings called
Peru Vinnappam that the emanations of his
soul took active part in the formations of the
sperm-cell of his formal father and, of the eggcell of his formal mother with the divine inner light
of protection for keeping up the divine qualities of
his soul and a good physique.


Ramayya Pillai however, did not live to see

his sons glory. He passed away the very next
month. His sudden death forced a helpless
Chinnammai to shift to the residence of her eldest
son Sabapathi and his wife Parvathi at Chennai.
This was in the year 1824.


When the child was five months old, his

parents took him to the Chidambaram Temple. It

May - June 2007

substitute is preferred !

When Ramalingam was five years old,

Sabapathi, in a true patriarchal manner, decided
to formally educate his youngest sibling. The
young child however demonstrated a deep
disinclination towards formal education preferring
trips to the local Kandasamy Temple instead. This
invited the wrath of his brother who was
convinced that the child was on a self-destructive

It so happened that once Ramalingam had

to substitute for his brother at an upanyasam
session. His brilliant exposition and uninterrupted
flow of words while enunciating a verse from the
Periyapuranam elated and amazed the onlookers. Audiences everywhere preferred this
substitute to the original and his brother also
graciously acknowledged the mental and spiritual
superiority of his brother !


As a punitive measure, he forbade his wife

Ramalingam himself expresses his gratitude
from giving Ramalingam his daily meal.
to the Divine when he
says : Effulgent flame of
sister-in-law, however,
Oh Maid-Friend !
grace that lit in me
surreptitiously fed him
intelligence to know
There is a state of bodys
food and gently prevailed
untaught .
upon him to pursue his
atmosphere of Suddha Sanmarga, the
studies seriously at
quantum leaps in his
fellowship of the Path of Truth and purity
spiritual journey, he
and the good. It is indescribable. I have
progressed from being a
attained it by the unreserved Grace of
the Divine. I have got too the Power to
relented on the condition
resurrect the dead.
that he be given a
forced marriage
separate room of his own.
Totally averse to
Now, in the solitary
With your lower knowledge what will
money, he was later on to
confines of this room, he
you do to face and tackle here, the grim
shun food and even sleep.
set up a mirror and in front
and pain-giving problem of death ?
Surprisingly, he remained
of it a small, lighted lamp.
Without any more anxiety and fear in
fit in form.
solving the problem of death, come and
A hurdle on his
With these as aids
path came in the
play the ball with me. Realize the Vast
he relentlessly meditated
form of a forced marriage
Grace-Light. Play the ball ... Oh Maidand this was the
to his sisters daughter. It
Friend !
beginning of the spiritual
journey of the young boy.
bridegroom spent the
nuptial night reading the
Tiruvachakam. Nothing more is known about his
The first reward came in the form of a vision wife.
of Lord Muruga. In the saints own words:
jeeva karunyam
The beauty endowed divine faces six, the
In the last decade of his life, he started first in
illustrious shoulders twelve . But the miraculous
1865 an association of spiritual fellowship called
portion in this whole episode lay in the high levels Samarasa Suddha Sanmarga Satya Sangam ,
of erudition which, Ramalingam attained without the association for the path of purity, truth, the right
any formal tutoring whatsoever. The outside world and harmony, opened in 1867 a Dharmashala at
was also soon to be a witness to it.
Vadalur ... forty miles off Pondichery ... for feeding

May - June 2007

instrument of the divine

of the poor and the hungry he read the first chapter

of his prose work Jeeva Karunyam to his

He had the divine call in him as a

representative of the earth and felt himself an
Instrument of The Divine, for the universal
manifestation of the death conquering Vast GraceLight on the earth.


He wove round this practical way or sadhana

of compassion to fellow-beings and creatures, the
fulfilment of the highest aspiration of man in
He saw the vision of a divine evolution of the
realizing the bliss of the Integral Divine on the earth earthly life in the wake of its Manifestation.
with a body free from disease, ageing, decay and
He realized the supreme and Universal
death. He deprecated killing of animals for food
integrally and his body also became
and for religious sacrifices. He could not bear the
transformed and filled with the Light so much so
least harm or injury to
it did not cast its shadow
animals !
on the
ground !
satya jnana sabha
From now on, the supreme and
divine body
Lastly, he founded at
universal Lord of Play in compassion
Vadalur, in the significant
begins His New Age when the Vast
attained a transformed
year 1872, on January
and divinized golden
25th, symbolic shrine of
me ...
physical body, deathless
worship called Satya
and ever indestructible,
Jnana Sabha , the
Sanctum of TruthVallalar
sleepless, and full of
Knowledge in honour and
respect of the universal coming of the God of Vast Light, Amrita and blissful energies and with a
potential power to resurrect the dead into the
Grace-Light who was about to manifest.
bodily life.
flag of brother-hood
dematerialisation ... year 1874
On October 22 , Ramalingar hoisted the
He preached death-lessness of body to the
Flag of Brother-hood atop his one room residence
and said that it was by an error they are
called Siddhi Vilakkam at Mettukuppam.
consenting to death.
It was at this juncture that he delivered, what
After about a year or two of attaining the
was to be his last and most famous discourse.
body, he sacrificed it by
He exhorted people to devote their time to spiritual
enquiry, which would lead them to probe into the dematerialisation on 30th January, 1874.
nature of the powers that lie beyond us and move
He locked himself up in a room and instructed
us... .
his followers in words which have been recorded
that they were not to open it under any
circumstance ... and that even if they did, they
would find nothing.

He then removed the lighted lamp from his

room and placed it outside and advised his
followers to meditate.
Thanip Perung Karunai,

which means

Vast Grace-Light,
Vast Grace-Light
Supreme Compassion
Vast Grace-Light

material excerpted from the website : www.vallalar.org ... grateful acknowledgement ... edit-team


May - June 2007

Arutperunjothi Ramalinga Adigalar

human body is not easy to get

against the will of god

Only in this human body, both Soul

Enlightenment and God Manifestation are possible.
The human body is the
only one in which one can
transformation into a Body of
The other type of life
forms ... coming from diverse
dimensions ... do not have
this gift, in the same way.
The human life is the
only one where one can
achieve absolute knowledge.

Killing animals and flesh eating is against

the will of God, because killing stops
consciousness, both at the
Divine and Soul level.

Violated food gives you

the experience of dark forces.
just an illusion, maya
The socalled satisfaction
coming from flesh eating is just
an illusion, Maya. Even cats and
dogs can become vegetarian.


Even the plants have life, but when we eat

them they are not completely destructed because
their seeds and fruits have only the sense of
touch. Seeds are vehicles of life and not life
So in vegetarian diet there is no life-taking ;
this will not obstruct the access to Knowledge.
When the seeds are sprouting they give life;
it is important not to disturb them, we should feed
them with water.
Starvation diminishes individual and divine
knowledge ... which are complementary ... , male
and female faculties shrink, quality of the mind
changes, decision making is affected, prana is
shackled, all body elements are scorched, eye
vision diminishes So we can understand that
suffering from hunger is the highest of all and must
be eradicated.
Giving proper food will help all faculties to
flourish and restores great bliss.

This is the reason why God has ordered to

save this body from starvation and violence ; this
is related to our body and all other life forms.
food must be suitable and in harmony
The food you are taking must be suitable
and in harmony with your Entire Being, so that it
can give strength to the body and mind. Meaning,
you must be a master of yourself and know what
is right for you and what is not.

The food carries the memories from the

person preparing and giving it ... if we take this
food unconsciously, we are absorbing the
memories and the vibrations of this person.

It is important to do our best for relieving

the suffering at first from hunger, then preventing
from murder and killing ... Lets try our best to
abolish this type of suffering, it is a must.

material excerpted from Jeeva Kaarunya Ozhukkam ... The Discipline of Living Compassion
... Revealed by Vallalar ... source : www.vallalar.org ... grateful acknowledgement ... edit-team



May - June 2007

ArutperunJothi Ramalinga Adigalar

Jeeva Karunai is like doing an action and

getting benefit out of it.

we change a body, our past karma or memories

will still remain ...



Through the practice of Jeeva Karunya, soul

love and knowledge will manifest spontaneously.

When we trespass the divine laws, we live

difficult experiences ; but those are lessons from
which we learn ... in his great compassion, god is
showing us the right actions that allows us to grow,
to transform our BEING, so we can understand and
respect the divine laws.


In future, when grace and compassion will

rule upon earth even poisonous snakes, tigers
will loose their violent nature.



The goal of human life is to get selfrealization with body-transformation leading to

divine-oneness ... and to get eternal blissful life
without any impediment of time, space, condition,
in any manner or in any measure.

Life is short, it is necessary to make a quick

effort right now.

The soul can be compared to the resident

of a house, the body and the mind to the
components of a house, only the resident can
enjoy the house ... but not the house !

To attain this, it is necessary to gain the

supreme perfect grace-power Arul Shakti, which
causes all the cosmic bodies with all material
things as well as living beings to manifest divine
creation and protection.


The body is like a rented house, the daily

rent is the food we give to the body, only by gods
grace we can make this body rent free or going
without food.


Grace-power is operated by the self-existing

entity, reality or truth, which reveals enlightenment
and bliss at the divine and the soul levels.


If we leave the body, we need to find an

other one ... go to another house.


It is only with the perfect divine

enlightenment along with the perfect bliss
experience that the goal is to be attained.


We know now that it is in our hands and it

is our responsibility to create our future
incarnation and have the knowledge of our
previous birth.


The divine and the soul manifestation are

harmonious and identical, because they are
homogenous ... meaning they come from the same
source of supreme consciousness.


When we change a house, our enemies

will still remain present ; in the same way, when


material excerpted from Jeeva Kaarunya Ozhukkam ... The Discipline of Living Compassion
... Revealed by Vallalar ... source : www.vallalar.org ... grateful acknowledgement ... edit-team



May - June 2007

ArutperunJothi Ramalinga Adigalar

suffering ... mind and body are the instrumental

cause of the soul suffering.

Feeding with knowledge is an instrument

for expressing and manifesting compassion.

Why there is so much suffering in the world ?

Do this kind of service ... when you still have

the strength to do it, it will always help you to do

Because compassion has not been revealed

or manifested.


Compassion is the key to

open the gate of heaven.

Love and knowledge will

empower you to manifest the
absolute compassion.


Many sadhanas lead only to

the gates of heaven, you must gain
the key of compassion at proper
time. If you gain the key, all
sadhanas are transcended.


When you obtain love and

knowledge first, you can have the
the real expression of
compassion will manifest with all
benefits and prosperities.


Compassion itself contains

all the diverse paths towards god



You must practice this with full awareness,

experiencing the divine perfection.


Compassion itself is the real worship and

prayer, all the other types of worship give only
knowledge which brings you towards


To be able to understand the meaning of

compassion, it is necessary to recognize the
suffering and the joy in oneself and in others ...
this brings the mellowing and melting of the soul,
inducing to develop causal fire.


First, you need to express compassion

within the family and in you, then you can carry it


This is difficult to understand because the

soul is clouded by impurities.


Compassion with knowledge is the ultimate

aim which brings you prosperity, health, total
abundance. Ultimately all dangers including
destiny of death can be over-come.


You must clean the thick glass of the mind

and make it thin. You must brighten the



The grace-power implies gods mercy or the

supreme compassion, which is enlightenment with
bliss or greater intelligence with soul delight.

Why do we care about suffering ?

Its because the conscious soul undergoes

material excerpted from Jeeva Kaarunya Ozhukkam ... The Discipline of Living Compassion
... Revealed by Vallalar ... source : www.vallalar.org ... grateful acknowledgement ... edit-team



May - June 2007

ArutperunJothi Ramalinga Adigalar

Arutperunjothi Arutperunjothi
Arutperunjothi Arutperunjothi
Boundless Benevolent Jothi
Boundless Benevolent Jothi
Suththa meignana sukodaya veli enum
Aththuvidhach chabai Arutperunjothi
The Boundless Benevolent Jothi
graces the pure, true and blissful
Void of Gnosis known as the NON-DUAL HALL
... from which the benevolent felicity arises
Karana kariyam kattidum veli enum
Arana sitrchabai Arutperunjothi

Vimala bodhaantha ma meipporul veli enum

Amala sitrchabaiyil Arutperunjothi

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi

graces the inner temple of scriptures,
known as the VOID, espousing
cause and effect

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi

graces the Hall of Wisdom ... which is
filled with the utmost purity and known
as the TAINTLESS VOID beyond intelligence
Cedhanap perunilai thikazh tharum oru parai
Adhanaththu ongiya Arutperunjothi

Karaivin ma mayaik karum perum thiraiyal

Araisathu maraikkum Arutperunjothi

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi

sits majestically on the throne of
SHAKTI ... energy ... that confers the
plane of supreme wisdom

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi

has hidden its sovereignty with the
grand black curtain of the great
indispersable MAYA



May - June 2007

Siththi enbathu nilai serntha anubhavm

Aththiral enra en Arutperunjothi

Veliyin anaiththaiyum viriththu athil piravum

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi

has declared that the experience
gained after having entered the
final stage is called SIDDHI

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi,

Aliyura amaiththa Arutperunjothi

out of great compassion, has evolved

all and arranged others (to be evolved)
in the element of space

Kathir nalam en iru kangalil koduththe

Ahisayam iyatrtru enum Arutperunjothi

Otrtrumai vetrtrumai urimaikal anaiththum

Atrtrena vakuththa Arutperunjothi

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi

has bestowed the benign radiance
in my eyes and invited (me)
to perform miracles

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi

Puvinilai suththam am porpathi alavi

Avai ura vakuththa Arutperunjothi

Uruvu athil aruvum aruvu athil uruvum

has set forth the ultimate in the

rights to concur and differ

Arulura amaiththa Arutperunjothi

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi,

by stabilizing the pure golden
abode on earthly state (matter),
has made possible (the above
mentioned principles) well fused

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi,

out of great compassion, has
established formlessness in form
and form in formlessness

Mannaidaip pakkavam vakuththu athilo

payan pala
Annura amaiththa Arutperunjothi

Vannamum vadivum mayangiya vakai pala

Annura amaiththa Arutperunjothi
The Boundless Benevolent Jothi

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi

has maintained a gradual evolution
in earthly matter and also the gains
accrued thereof

has densely established beauty and

form (and created many an organism)
Penn iyal manamum ann iyal arivum

Veli idai mudi nilai vilangura vakuththe

Ali pera vilakkum Arutperunjothi

Annura vakuththa Arutperunjothi

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi

The Boundless Benevolent Jothi,

out of great compassion, has
established and expounded the ultimate
level (of emancipation) in the element of space

has instituted intution-mind in femininity

and wisdom in masculinity in a
compact manner

material excerpted from the book Arutperunjothi Agaval by Vallalar

edited by Swamy Sravanananda ... published by the Ramalinga Mission ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



May - June 2007


Medical Science weds Spiritual Science

Indias first Continued Medico Spiritual Education (CMSE) workshop was organized
by New Age Doctors Association (NADA),Hyderabad.The CMSE was organized involving eminent
Medico - Spiritual specialists from all over the country. The three-day workshop was held at
Harihara Kalabhavan, Secunderabad. Following are a few excerpts from the proceedings of
the CMSE organized under the stewardship of Dr. G.R. Yugandhar, during the period 24th to
26th May, 2007.

CMSE ... is a
unique programme
CMSE ... is a most
unique programme.

Indias first CMSE

was organized by the
newly formed New
Association , under
the stewardship of
Dr.G.R. Yugandhar
and the chairmanship
of Dr. K. Newton with
the inspiration and
guidance obtained,
time to time, from Brahmarshi Patriji, founder,
Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement, India.

For the first time,

a CMSE was organized
in India. In fact, in the
whole world.
It was simply a
wedding of MEDICAL
SCIENCE ... medical science being the bride and
spiritual science being the groom !
The two sciences have truly converged at
one place now and here !

aham brahmasmi


The words medicine and meditation have

originated from the same root word ...
medicinea ... a Latin word meaning that which
heals .

In his welcome address, Brahmarshi Patriji

said : Everything is a matter of specialization
... as it should be so ! ... Otherwise, no science
can prosper and no science can progress !
However, Everything should also be integrated !



Hitherto, these two sciences were parallely

working, serving the mankind in separate ways.
However, now, the time has come for the great
unification of the two streams,of these two great
Thanks to Indias first CMSE, the two ...
officially on one platform ... to find out ways and
means of working together, under one common

There are two basic sciences, ATOMIC

and ATMIC SCIENCE. They appear to be
running parallel to each other, but, they run in
harmony with one another ! Between these two,
ATMA is the more fundamental verity and hence
the ATMIC SCIENCE is the more basic science.
Actually, there are four fundamental verities :



May - June 2007

 Energy Thought

Matter is the crystalization of energy.

Energy is the production of thought. Thought
is the function of Consciousness.

In these three days, we will be hearing all

the experts from the Medical Science, from the
Energy Science, from the Intent Science and
from the Consciousness Science. We will be
hearing many things from many masters. It is a
great honour and privilege to be here participating
in worlds very first CMSE. All credit goes to
Dr. Yugandhar, who had made it possible.

study of consciousness
Consciousness is the object of
specialization of Spiritual Science ... whereas
matter is the object of specialization of Physical

Day One ... 24th May

All Spiritual Masters understand that there

is only one consciousness, which is known as
Aham Brahmasmi. And, this is the basis of
Spiritual Science.

sun yoga

UmaShankarji the Sun

Yogi who hails from West
Bengal has shared his life
experiences about his childhood, schooling, and his initiation
through his own mother.

power of mind
Following Bramharshi Patriji, Shri D.R .
Kaarthikeyan, congratulating the organizers of
the worlds first CMSE dwelt heavily on the urgent
need for such a workshop. He gave a brief
introduction about Shri UmaShankarji, the Sun
Yogi :

His spiritual journey has started from

Aurobindo Ashram, where he used to practice
sea meditation which lead him to the discovery
of sun meditation all by himself.
After six months of continuous sun
meditation, UmaShankarji has conquered
hunger, thirst and sleep.
Soon after this miraculous achivement
UmaShankarji began his journey through different
states of India sharing his experiences and benefits
of Sun Yoga Meditation to people he met along
the way.
UmaShankarji soon after his lecture gave
a live demonstration of Sun Yoga meditation at
noon to all
the participants of CMSE.
mind power and esp

UmaShankarji ... Sun Yogi ... is always

energetic, calm, simple and a humble person.
He always remains in a simple Gandhian
type of dress.
Once we took him to the Kailash Manasa
Sarovar Himalayan trip, to above twenty
thousand feet above sea level.
It was amazing, when every one who went
on the Himalayan trip was wearing heavy
wollens and heavy shoes, in that biting chill
weather, UmaShankarji remained happy, calm
and composed with his simple Gandhian dress,
and walked bare foot on the glaciers during the
entire tour period ! UmaShankarji was the only
person who was not affected by the high altitude
sickness ! It was shocking even to Tibetan
natives, who also were wearing heavy woollen
... warm clothing, all the time. It was an amazing
performance by UmaShankarji, which was
nothing but the power of mind over the body.

Mr. Deepak Rao is a wellknown star performer of

Telepathy, Mind Power, Mindreading, Telekinesis, Extra
Sensory Perception.
As per Deepak Rao, ESP
means being extremely sharp, extremely alert,




May - June 2007

extremely observant and at the same time being

intelligent and wise .

backache, slipdisc etc., CHELATION THERAPY to

improve circulation, ECP to prevent Bypass
surgery, BIO-YOGA to lower heart rate and
respiratory rate, and Hormone Balancing using
herbs and right supplements and vegetarinism
through right diet.

Deepak Rao gave live demonstrations on

the stage proving his amazing mind power by
bending a steel godrej key without using any
physical power ! He was also able to shatter an
electrical bulb which was held at a distance of
ten feet, only by way of concentrating his mind
on it !

Dr. Sandeep stated that the question now

is not how long we live ... but how well we live ?
While living we live young and healthy.
Dr. Sandeep gave a thirty minute live
demonstration on Bio-Yoga to the entire
aura imaging

Further, Deepak Rao gave stage show on

the other aspects of mind power by reading the
mind of a volunteer and revealed her complete
name, date of birth, zodiac sign, and even her
mobile number.
health and spiritual Science

Dr. Nand Kishore Sharma

is the first qualified Naturopath in
India. He is the Founder, Director
of Reiki Healing Foundation

Dr. Vinod Kochupillai was

a senior Medical doctor,
professor and head of Cancer
center (IRCH) at AIIMS, New

Dr. N.K. Sharma has

performed different Aura measuring techniques
on individuals while they were fully conscious,
while in Meditation, when they wore Aura
enhancing crystals, when they were holding
natural products like mangoes.

She made a detailed

presentation on influence of several spiritual
practices such as meditation Yoga and other
activities and their positive impact on health.
Also, she elaborated relevant research findings
on the influence of spiritual practices, how they
increase the natural killer cells, improves antioxidants, enhances immune system and also
gene expression.

It was also demonstrated that holding or

being under the influence of unnatural - synthetic
products like coke bottle, electronic equipment
like mobile, diminishes ones Aura significantly.
Dr. Sharma has strongly recommended
eating natural raw food like salads, fruits and
being PURE VEGETARIAN to enhance the AURIC FIELD.

Day Two ... 25th May

bio yoga

Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is an

onco surgeon from Delhi.

Dr. Sharma has also made it very clear that

regular practice of meditation will improve ones
Aura tremendously.

He does a great service in

giving cost-effective, non-drug
alternative therapies such as
OZONE THERAPY for healing as an
anticeptic for several physical ailments like

Dr. Mannem Murthy, a retired scientist from

Baba Atomic Research Centre, has astonished
everybody by demonstrating different uses of his
newly invented modern electronic equipment
namely Universal Aura Scanner .



May - June 2007

dance yoga

Both Dr. Newton and Dr. Lakshmi have

jointly conducted a PAST LIFE REGRESSION session
for about forty five minutes to all the participants
who attended the workshop.

Dr. Neelam Verma is a

prominent physician and a
senior cardioligist from Delhi.

Dr. Newton has also made a brief

presentation on a specialized subject UNDER
transformational medicine

Dance Yoga is an attempt

to be in synchrony with the
Cosmic Ecstasy (Yoga) through
flowing dance movements. The process brings
a delightful harmony to the body mind and heart.
It has three stages :

Dr. G.R. Yugandhar is a

general surgeon, psychospiritual therapist, and founder
secretary NADA.

The stream-lined Body movements

 Dance Aerobic  Mudra Dhyan


Therapeutic practice of DANCE YOGA elevates

our natural healing quantum. In addition to the
above three stages, it also includes music and
colour healing with harmonized pranayam, yogic
excercises and guided meditation.

based on fundamental principle

that a total and permanent cure is possible only
with the help of Transformation... change in

approach of the
TRANSFORMATIONAL MEDICINE, which is the brain child
of Dr. Yugandhar, revealed several secrets on
how our birth traumas, growth traumas, selfdenying karmic patterns and several of our
negative attitudes become our own traps or
blockages in our etheric body which
subsequently manifest as diseases.

Dr. Neelam Verma gave a live performance

of the DANCE YOGA on the stage involving number
of volunteers and integrating with music and
guided meditation in Kathak style.

Day Three ... 26th May

past life therapy



Dr. K. Newton is a
metaphysical teacher and a
spiritual scientist who along with
his wife Dr. Lakshmi established
the Life Research Academy.
with the main aim of creating
awareness among the people regarding past

The three day workshop on CMSE was

concluded with great applause of the audience
as well as very high appreciation of the highlights
by D.R. Kaarthikeyan and Brahmarshi Patriji ...
the programme ended with heartful thanks by
G.R. Yugandhar, the Secretary and the Convener
of the CMSE.

CMSE, Post Box No. 21, Gandhi Nagar, Hyderabad - 500 080



May - June 2007

Neale Donald Walsch

NEALE DONALD WALSCH is the author of fifteen books ... founder of the non-profit
Conversations with God Foundation ... and creator of Humanitys Team , a worldwide
grass roots movement endeavouring to assist in causing a new form of spirituality to emerge
upon the earth.
A few excerpts from the book ... Home with God .

Two conditions must exist in order to classify a

death as a suicide .

what they set out to do. That is important for

anyone who is contemplating suicide to

must be aware of what you are doing ...

that is, you must be making a conscious choice
to die.

no such thing as punishment

There is no such thing as punishment in what
you call the after-life . It is those who are left
behind who are punished !

You must be making the choice to die for

the purpose of escaping, rather than completing,
your life.

However, they experience an incredible shock,

from which some never fully recover. All of them
feel an enormous loss. Many spend the rest of
their lives blaming themselves. They wonder what
wrong they did ... they agonize over what they could
have said that might have changed things.

Death is a powerful moment of creation ... and

it is designed for going to something, not for
escaping from something.
they are okay !
Comfort may come from knowing that the
person who has committed suicide is all right.
They are okay. They are loved and they are never
forsaken by God. They simply have not achieved

The sad thing is that those who end their own

life imagine that they are going to change things,
and they are not.



May - June 2007

Ending your life in order to escape something

does not create a situation in which you escape
anything. If you are thinking of ending your life in
order to avoid something, you should know, that
you are contemplating something that you cannot

What you die with, you will continue to live

with !
DEATH is wonderful, but it is no more wonderful
than LIFE. In fact, death is life , simply continuing
in a different way.
another physical life

a void does not exist !

You will encounter yourself on the other side of

death, and all the stuff you carried with you will
still be there. Then you will do the most ironic thing
... you will give yourself another physical life in
which to deal with what you did not deal with in
your most recent one.

A wish to avoid that which is painful is normal. It

is all part of the human dance. However, in this
particular moment of that dance a person is trying
to push herself or himself away from something
that the soul has come to the body to experience,
not to escape.

The purpose of physical life is to provide you

with a context within which you may experience
what you choose, in the spiritual realm, to

Because that person has found the experience

to be painful and difficult, he or she seeks to step
into a void, where there is nothing to face and
nothing to fear.

And so, by leaving physical life, you will escape

nothing, but will just place yourself right back into
physical life, and into the situation you were
seeking to escape ... except now you will be back
at the beginning again !

People cannot step into a void, because there

is no void to step into. A void does not exist.
There is no void anywhere in the universe ! Not
anywhere at all ! There is no place where nothing
is ! Everywhere you go, the space is filled with
something !

You will not see this as a punishment or a

requirement or a burden ... because you will
do this all of your own free will, understanding it to
be part of the process of self-creation, for which
you exist.

you will face your creations !

You will face your creations wherever you go,
and you cannot escape them, nor do you wish to,
because you have created your creations in order
to re-create yourself. It will not benefit you,
therefore, to attempt to side-step them, or to dance
around them. Dancing your way to the void cannot
be done.

similar life all over again !

Suicide is the use of death to escape, but it
creates the same life all over again, with the same
challenges and experiences.

You may use death as a tool with which to escape, or with

which to create. The first is impossible, the second is
incredible !
Neale Donald Walsch
material excerpted from the book Home with God by Neale Donald Walsch
published by Hodder Mobius ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



May - June 2007

Dhara Bhatt

Dr. Jiten Bhatt ... has changed his own life from being just an
engineer to an internationally famous bio-energy scientist and divine
Dr. Jiten Bhatt and his daughter Dr. Dhara Bhatt have visited the
mega pyramid at pyramid valley, Bangalore on 30th May, 2007 along
with a few friends. Following is a write up by Dhara Bhatt.
edit team

I, Dhara Bhatt, daughter of Prof. Dr. Jiten

Bhatt has been assisting my father since more
than 12 years.

hands of holy people it can create miracles !

is nothing but the energy of the house.
The pyramid works wonders in correcting the
health of a house !

There was a gentleman, Mr. Ram who had

come to Prof. Bhatt and asked him to explain how
the power of pyramid
helps in healing,
prosperity and many
other positive aspects.
He had seen a lot of
things on television and
believed that pyramid
power is for dead
people and their



When Patriji and

Prof. Dr. Jiten Bhatt
met for the first time in
a holistic scince
conference in Mumbai
a few years back, they
had an instant rapport.
It was the divine
powers of pyramid
that brought them so
close that they felt that
they have known each
other since many
lifetimes !

Prof. Bhatt just

gave a smile and asked
him whether a knife is
harmful or harmless ?
Ram was surprised and
so was I. He then told
us that in the hands of a
thief or murderer, it is life
threatening but in the
hands of a surgeon it is
life giving. So it is with
the pyramid, if it is in the

has changed the lives of

thousands of people.
When you come in
contact with the divine
power of pyramid then


May - June 2007

Patriji tells papa that according to him there

are only two people in the field of pyramid in the
world who have been sincerely working on the
power of pyramids ... himself and Dr. Bhatt.

Dr. Jiten Bhatt

Pyra + Mid

We were at the PYRAMID VALLEY , near

Bangalore, recently on the 31st of May. We had
been there with a couple of friends from
Bangalore. Our friends had no idea about
pyramids ... or meditation ... or anything related.
They had just come along with us to see that
someone is building such a huge structure. We
had already been to the Pyramids of Egypt and
also to the Pyramid constructed at the OSHO ASHRAM
in Pune ... and so we were interested in seeing
the effects in the Bangalore pyramid.

Fire is known as Agni in Sanskrit. It

has many other meanings too in
Sanskrit. The deeper meaning of fire
in relation to life force, body or a cell
is initiation or firing, triggering or
motivating activity at the genetic code
or the center of our floppy disk.
The Egyptian masters had already
understood the deeper meaning of
fire and had devised the Pyramid
according to that purpose. According
to them, Pyramid is divided in to two
parts - Pyra and Mid

When we reached there, on the 30th May,

2007, early in the morning, we were really
impressed by its size and the unique construction
technique ! We also had a very nice experience
of meditation in the pyramid especially at the
platform built at the 1/3rd height. Our friends, who
had come with us, also sat on the platform and
closed their eyes. Suddenly, after about ten
minutes they almost ran downstairs ! Afterwards,
they told us that when they had closed their eyes
they started feeling there were no thoughts, their
chairs were shaking and their upper bodies were
involuntarily moving in a circular motion as if in a
trance. This made them feel scared and so they
hurried down !

Pyra means fire, the Initiator at the

center core or nuclei. Mid means in
the middle. Center is very important,
the Master Key to unlock the secrets
Though only very little is known about
Pyramids today, they are a
scientifically designed instruments
with holistic approach.
The complete detailed knowledge of
stars, galaxy, sun, planets, earths
dimensions, amount of land and water
on earth, rotating speed of magnetic
field, gravity, wind, time, space and
energy, life force and the aspect of
body, mind and spirit is seen in the
making of the Pyramid. Its perfect
creation owes itself to this deeper

We told them that this was the

energy- power of pyramid that was taking them
into meditation and into the state of thoughtfreeness where the body is one with the nature.
They definitely wanted to visit the pyramid again
and experience it again and again as this was
one experience that they never had in their life
and although they were scared initially, yet, they
felt very peaceful later !

material excerpted from the book Pyramid Vastu

by Dr. Jiten Bhatt published by Future Force ...
grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team

Dhara Bhatt


May - June 2007

zodiac ages
There are great cycles in the cosmos which
rule great events.

The MAYAN GREAT YEAR is 25,626.83 years,

which is then divided into five periods of 5125.36
years or 1,872,000 days.

One such is the cycle of the Great Zodiac

Ages which spans almost 26,000 years.

These five Worlds or Suns

do not necessarily correspond
with the astrological ages,
but the end of this Fourth
World does.

This is the time it takes

our planet's equatorial
plane ... due to its axial
wobble ... to regress one
full cycle along the solar
plane .

The Mayan Fourth

World or Sun began in the
year 3113 BC ... and ends in
the year 2012 AD.


Each zodiac age can

last anywhere from 2000 to
2300 years.

ten times shorter,

ten times more intense

The AGE of PISCES, in which we live, is one of

the shortest ages, beginning in the year 26 AD and
ending in 2012 AD ... or a total of just over 1986
years. In the year 1945, we entered the last degree
mayan calender

The MAYANS use 5, 10, and 20 ... (fingers and

as their base numbers, and a whole octave
series of dates around these key numbers can be
built, as follows...

The ages and their durations are based on

the Earth's electromagnetic composition. The
dates at which each begins or ends is based on

Pisces, Libra, Virgo

Scorpio, Leo, Taurus
Sagittarius, Cancer,

1986.37 years
2129.04 years
2291.28 years

Mayan 4th World



3113 BC

to 2012 AD



1500 AD

to 2012 AD

The Americas



1961 AD

to 2012 AD

Photon Belt



2007 AD

to 2012 AD

Pole Shift

Each successive period is TEN TIMES shorter,

yet TEN TIMES more intense !

May - June 2007

The last 512 years were TEN TIMES more

intense than the whole Fourth World period.

Every 10,684 years, our solar system enters

this belt of photonic energy for a period of over
2100 years, usually during the Ages of Leo or
Aquarius. When it was last in Leo, Atlantis reigned
supreme in a Golden Age.

The last 51-year END TIME period is HUNDRED

TIMES more intense than the whole 4th World period
and TEN TIMES more intense than the whole MODERN

of the New World or Americas.



PHOTON ENERGY is divine energy or what the

Bible calls the HOLY SPIRIT, and which comes from
the CENTER OF CREATION and is stepped down to the
galactic, solar, planetary, and individual levels.

The last 5-year period will be THOUSAND TIMES

more intense than the whole Fourth World period,
HUNDRED TIMES more intense than the Modern or
Colonialist period, and TEN TIMES more intense than


Every 5125-year period intensifies in this

manner until it is ended by a world-wide flood, fire,
or other global catastrophe, from which humanity
has to start all over again !

We will in effect be reconnected to our divine

source. This will raise the vibratory level to the
point where people will either resist and die, or let
go and be transformed into a light being.

december 21st, 2012 AD

The Earth itself will be transformed and shine

like a star as its inner central sun is finally fully
turned on. This is the new heaven and earth.

While the cross-over from one age to the next

can take hundreds of years, the critical mid-point
between the AGE OF PISCES and the AGE OF AQUARIUS
is December 21st, 2012 AD, when the Earth's
equatorial plane aligns exactly with the galactic
The Ages are a purely planetary phenomenon
based on the planet's wobble. Our planet is hollow
containing an inner central sun. Each planet has
its own ages.
age of aquarius


Our solar system began its entry into the belt

in the early 1960's and won't be fully immersed
for another hundred years or so.
Earth's orbit will be fully immersed by late
2012 AD.
The effect of this will be like turning the light
switch to the on position. This new energy will
power everything from our bodies to gadgets and
transportation systems. The old sources of energy
will no longer work or be needed.

Each Age has a theme, and the theme of the

is Christianity. Both Pisces and
Sagittarius are spiritual signs interested in the
larger meaning of life. The theme (s) of the coming
AGE OF AQUARIUS will be truth and brotherhood.

a paradise again
During the ensuing millennium, everyone will
work towards making this planet a paradise again,
and after the thousand years are over, there will
be a great GRADUATION EVENT of souls who have
acheived light being status as well as a GREAT
RESURRECTION of all souls throughout history ... who
will be given hundred years to relive their lives and
come to the truth !

The best Age for this planet is Libra, since

this is its ruling sign. The last such age was from
14,773 to 12,787 BC. Next best are Gemini (6380 to
4089 BC) and Aquarius (2012 to 4142 AD).
The AGE OF PISCES is NOT a good Age for this
planet, as Pisces represents the eigth house of
death for Libra.
photon energy

All those left behind will still have another

thousand years of grace before Earth and the solar
system exit the photon belt and enter once again
into another long night of 10,684 years, wherein
only the interior of the planet will remain a paradise.

What is special about the AGE OF AQUARIUS is

that not only is it a good Age, but it is also during
this age that our solar system is going to be inside
the photon belt.

material excerpted from web-site : www.librarising.com ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



May - June 2007


Rasha ... is a healer, channel, and author, who has served as a

conduit of divine guidance since 1987. She has dedicated herself
to addressing the profound spiritual awakening that is a hallmark
of these times.
February, 1998, Rasha received the teachings from a collective
group consciousness called Amitabh
A few excerpts from the book The Calling

voice of silent knowingness

Having once tasted of DIVINE TRUTH, it will

remain alive in your consciousness. And although
you may certainly choose to turn your back upon
your knowingness, and proceed with your earthly
activities in pursuit of material rewards and
mundane pleasures, you will not forget. You will
never forget.

You are about to embark upon a journey from

which there is no return. For once you have heard
and recognized the inner calling ... the voice of
silent knowingness that comes from the depths
of ones own being ... and once you have chosen
to honor that recognition of DIVINE TRUTH and direct
your life to follow it, your life will never be the same.


Many who have heard the calling choose to

ignore its invitation out of fear. Others know that,




May - June 2007

in truth, it cannot be ignored. And though many

proceed with great trepidation, they step bravely
out upon the spiritual path, knowing that they have
done so ... out of love. It is a choice that relatively
few are given in these times.

experiential nature wherein a thought is

re-awakened that had been waiting patiently,
dormantly, for its appointed moment.
a radical turn-about
Weeks, months, and even years transpire as
the concept is assimilated and the full scope of
the ramifications of that concept begin to truly
formulate within ones consciousness.


For, most are not sufficiently developed as

spiritual beings to undertake the challenges that
such a step would require. For these ones, who
constitute the masses now incarnate upon the
earth plane, the calling , which is ever present,
is inaudible. Yet, it re-echoes clearly in the hearts
of others, who have responded to its cry instantly,
in joyous, undeniable recognition of the elusive
something that was missing all their lives.

Ultimately, it is not possible to continue living as

one had been, and relegate such a
transformational realization to the passive role of
a philosophy . For the full realization of the
calling calls for a radical turn-about in ones total
approach to life and living. And requires that the
awakening individual integrate spiritual awareness
into action.

connection with life-times


It takes more time for some than for others. But,

without exception, the callings , once heard, is
unforgettable. For, within it is a remembrance of
things past. Not on a conscious level, but from an
indefinable place of recognition that comes from
within. And it forms a connection with who one
truly is. A connection with countless life-times
where the calling was heard. A connection with
a deeper knowledge of why, perhaps, one chose
to come into this particular life-time, in this
particular time-frame. A connection with a vast,
new line of inner questions that, at last, appear to
lead in a direction where real answers may be

It is no longer possible to turn a blind eye to the

limited, myopic parameters within which most of
the present-day civilization operates. One
becomes aware ... often painfully aware ... that
the focus has shifted. And that the world and ones
role in it is viewed very differently than it is by most
with whom one still has day-to-day interaction.
like-minded individuals
One begins to seek out like-minded individuals,
and to avoid confrontation with the closedmindedness with which ones new found
awareness is met on more traditional fronts.


One learns discretion in determining with whom

one shares new, intimate revelations. And with
whom one, advisedly, does not. And, in the
recognition of the emerging family of like-minded
individuals simultaneously undergoing this lifealtering transformation ... is the comforting
realization that you are not alone.

The question arises frequently as to why,

suddenly, life seems to have taken a radical turn
in a direction that is, quite often, unexpected.
Individuals leading what could be considered to
be quite normal lives suddenly encounter a
teacher, a book, or a life-altering event of an

material excerpted from the book The Calling by Rasha ... published by Earthstar press
... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



May - June 2007

Dr. Richard Gerber

Vibrational Medicine ... has gained widespread acceptance by

individuals, schools, and health-care institutions ... nation-wide ... as the
text-book of choice for the study of alternative medicine.
Trained in a variety of alternative therapies as well as conventional western
medicine, Dr. Richard Gerber provides an encyclopedic treatment of energetic
healing, covering subtle-energy fields.
A few excerpts from the book Treasury of Light edited by Mary Olsen

Vibrational or energy medicine has finally

Many of the energies that make up the etheric

and higher dimensional worlds of human subtle
anatomy vibrate at speeds faster than ordinary

found modern day scientific validation in our

Einsteinian understanding of matter as energy,
especially as it is applied to the examination of
biological systems from the perspective of
interactive energy


dynamic energy systems


Human beings are dynamic energy systems

which reflect evolutionary patterns of soul growth.

energy fields

Einsteinian viewpoint sees human beings from

the higher dimensional perspective of fields.

Human consciousness is constantly learning,

growing, and evolving. As spiritual awareness of
this dynamic process of change becomes more
prevalent, there will be a ripple effect that will shift
the energetic dynamics of the human race as a

Matter itself ... from the infinitesimal sub-atomic

particle to the level of the physical and higher
vibrational bodies ... is now seen as dynamic
energy contained within the constraints of
fluctuating energy fields.


life-styles and mind-styles

Most people go to physicians to be treated for

their ills without thinking about the need for
themselves to somehow change their life-styles
or mind-styles.

As we begin to think about human beings as

multi-dimensional spiritual beings of light, we can
start to comprehend the powerful effects of
vibrational healing modalities which deliver
specified quanta of subtle energy to promote
healing through reintegration and realignment of
our mind / body / spirit complexes.

The physician-patient interaction is only healing

to the extent that there is mutual co-operation and
increased awareness on the part of both parties.

illnesses are a reflection of ...

Our illnesses may often be a symbolic reflection

of our own internal states of emotional unrest,
spiritual blockage, and dis-ease.

Vibrational healing methods work by

re-balancing disturbances of structure and energy
flow within the context of our multi-level interactive
energetic fields.

Although there may be external factors operating

which have negative effects, these effects are only



May - June 2007

able to create disease where there is an

underlying susceptibility.

The system of reincarnation allows souls to learn

by trial and experience through many lifetimes in
physical bodies. Both positive and negative life
experiences are stored in the causal body, and
through karma, may affect the outcome of future

Our subtle energetic components, i.e., the

chakras and the meridian system, translate our
emotional and spiritual difficulties into physiological
weaknesses which may eventually result in a
localized system breakdown in the physical body,
i.e., disease.


karma effects

The mis-deeds and tormenting behavior of one

life-time may be translated into an appropriate
handicap in future life-times, thus teaching the
lesson of seeing both sides of the issue.



When disease occurs, it is a sign that we are

constricting the natural flow of creative
consciousness and subtle life-energies through
our multi-dimensional body / mind / spirit
complexes. It is a symbolic warning message that
something has gone wrong in the system. The
area of constriction needs to be re-balanced if
lasting health is to be achieved.

Similarly, the incarnating personality may

achieve wealth, position, and social advancement
partly as a consequence of the grace of their
positive deeds in previous lives.

learning experiences

The philosophy of reincarnation allows one to

see the various physical and socio-economic
handicaps as learning experiences chosen by the
soul for the growth and spiritual maturation of the
physical personality.

When the individual has a blockage in working

through one of these key life issues, it may result
in a blocked flow of energy in the corresponding
major chakra, thus constricting the flow of lifeenergy to the associated bodily organ system (s).
Such blockages may eventually express
themselves as illnesses if the problem becomes
chronic and is an important learning experience
for the incarnating personality.

How each person chooses to act in a particular

setting, as to whether or not they will use that
circumstance as an opportunity for soul growth,
will vary according to the free-will of the individual.

vibrational medicine

Vibrational modalities help to strengthen the

energetic connections between the personality and
the soul itself, by re-balancing the body / mind /
spirit complex as a whole.



Reincarnation is a system by which souls, the

particularizations of gods own energy, can evolve,
learn, and spiritually mature, thus adding to the
total knowledge and experience banks of both god
and the individuated consciousness that are the

Not all vibrational healing tools work at the higher

energetic levels, but it is the intent and goal of the
vibrational healer / physician to seek and assist
this alignment within his or her patients.

Vibrational medicine seeks to reunite the personality with the

higher-self in a more meaningful, connected way.
Dr. Richard Gerber

material excerpted from the book Treasury of Light by Mary Olsen Kelly
published by Simon & Schuster INC. New York ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



May - June 2007

Jane Roberts

Seth is an energy personality essence no longer existing in physical form. Seth began
channelling through Jane Roberts since the year 1963.
He has delivered a continuing manuscript totalling over six thousand pages, called as
Seth Material , dealing with topics like nature of physical matter, time and reality, probable
universes, Reincarnational Dramas etc.
A few excerpts from the book The Nature of Personal Reality

to be healthy, you must believe in health

importance of suggestion

A good physician is a changer of beliefs. He

will replace an idea of ill-ness with one of health.
Whatever methods or drugs he uses will not
be effective...unless this change of belief takes

The oId medicine-men often dealt far more

directly with the patient himself, and understood
the nature of beliefs and the prime importance of
Many of their techniques were adopted for
their psychological, shock value, in which the
patient was quite effectively brain washed out of
the disease he believed that he had.


Unfortunately, when man became a labeller,

he also made maps, so to speak, of great
complexity, categorizing various diseases with
greater effectiveness than ever before. He studied
dead tissue to discover the nature of the disease
that killed it.
Physicians began to think of men as carriers
of disease and diseases-which, in certain terms,
they did themselves create through some new
medical procedures.


The present medical profession is sadly

hampered because of its own beliefs.
Often, it operates as a frame-work in which
poor health and disease are not only accepted as
normal, but the concepts behind them

May - June 2007

Here you have again, as in psychoanalysis,

a hide-and-seek arrangement in which both
doctor and patient take part.

You are usually told that your emotions or

beliefs or system of values have nothing to do with
the unfortunate circumstances that beset you.


you choose the kind of ilIness

Both believe they need the other, of course.

Behind this is the psychic pattern of beliefs in
which the patient often assigns to the doctor the
powers of knowledge and wisdom that his beliefs
have taught him he does not have.
Knowing otherwise, the patient still wants to
consider the doctor omnipotent.

The patient, therefore, often feels relatively

powerless and at the mercy of any stray virus that
might come along.

merely changing symptoms

Upon the patient a doctor often assigns and
projects his own feelings of helplessness against
which he combats.
The interactions continue with the patient
trying to please the doctor, and at best merely
changing from one group of symptoms to another.
Far too often, the doctor shares the patients
unshakeable belief in poor health and disease.

These are quite practical statements. Your

body has an overall body consciousness filled with
energy and vitality. It automatically rights any
imbalances, but your conscious beliefs also affect
this body consciousness.
Your muscles believe what you tell them
about themselves. So does every other portion of
your physical body.


While you believe that only doctors can cure

you, you had better go to them, because in the
frame-work of your beliefs they are the only people
who can help you.
But the frame-work itself is limiting ; and
again, while you may be cured of one difficulty,
you will only replace it with another as long as
your beliefs cause you to have physical problems.

The facts are that you choose even the kind

of ilIness that you have according to the nature of
your beliefs. You are immune from ill-health as
long as you believe that you are.

your beliefs cause physical problems

Not only this, but the medical profession often

provides blueprints for diseases, and the patient
too often tries them on for size. This is not to say
that the medical profession often is not of great
aid and benefit, but within the value system in
which it operates, much of its positive infuence is
Because they are held in such high esteem,
the suggestions given by doctors are paid
particular attention. The patients emotional
condition is such that he or she readily accepts
statements made under such circumstances less
critically than usual.

healing energy
is always within yourself
Now the same applies to what is frequently
called spiritual healing.
If through the concentrated use of psychic
energy your body is cured by such a healer, you
will also simply trade those symptoms for others
unless you change your initial beliefs.

labelling of diseases is harmful

The naming and labelling of diseases is a
harmful practice that to a large extent denies the
innate mobility and everchanging quality of the
psyche as expressed in flesh.
You are told that you have something . Out
of the blue it has attacked you, and your most
intimate organs, perhaps !

Now sometimes a healer or a doctor, with

his effectiveness in healing a condition, will show
you by inference that the healing energy was
always within yourself, and this realization may
be enough to allow you to change your beliefs
about health entirely.

material excerpted from the book the nature of personal reality by Jane Roberts
... published by prentice - hall , inc ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



May - June 2007

Bruce Lipton

we are not victims of our genes, but masters of our fates

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. ... is an internationally recognized authority in bridging Science
and Spirit. A Cell Biologist by training, he taught Cell Biology at the University of
Wisconsins School of Medicine, and later performed pioneering studies at Stanford
Universitys School of Medicine.
Bruce Lipton has been a guest speaker on dozens of TV and radio shows, as well
as keynote presenter for national conferences. His breakthrough studies on the cell
membrane presaged the new Science of Epigenetics, and have made him a leading
voice of the new biology.
A few excerpts from his book The Biology of Belief .

I believe that cells teach us not only about

the mechanisms of life, but also teach us how to
live rich, full lives.

As a nation reflects the traits of its citizens,

our human-ness must reflect the basic nature
of our cellular communities.

In Ivory Tower Science, that kind of

thinking would no doubt win me the wakey
Dr. Dolittle Award for anthropomorphism
or more precisely cytopomorphism
thinking like a cell, but for me it is biology.

not victims of
our genes
Using these cell
communities as role
models, I came to the
conclusion that we are not victims of
our genes, but masters of our fates,
able to create lives overflowing with
peace, happiness and love.

single-celled citizens
You may consider yourself an
individual, but as a cell biologist, I
can tell you that you are in truth a
approximately fifty trillion singlecelled citizens.


There are over six billion of YOU.

And to be more fully honest, I dont
really know all of the members of the
plant and animal kingdom either, though
I believe they also comprise GOD.


All of the cells that

make up your body are
amoeba-like individual
organisms that have
evolved a cooperative
strategy for their mutual

we are made in the image of god

It is written in GENESIS that we are made
in the image of GOD. Yes, this is now quoting
Jesus, Buddha and Rumi.
I have come full circle from a reductionist,
scientific take-on-life to a spiritual one. We are
made in the image of GOD and we need to put
SPIRIT back into the equation when we want to
improve our physical and our mental health.


Reduced to basic terms, human beings are

simply the consequence of collective amoebic
consciousness .


May - June 2007

fundamentally flawed

tragic results
I talk about the mind-bending discoveries of
quantum physics. Those discoveries have
profound implications for understanding and
treating disease.

We are not power-less biochemical

machines, popping a pill every time we are
mentally or physically out of tune is not the answer.
Drugs and surgery are powerful tools, when
they are not overused, but the notion of simple
drug fixes is fundamentally flawed.

However, the conventional medical

establishment has not yet incorporated quantum
physics into its research or medical school training
... all with tragic results.

Every time a drug is introduced into the body

to correct function A, it inevitably throws off
function B, C or D.

thoughts have a profound effect

Positive thoughts have a profound effect
on behavior and genes, but
are in harmony with
s u b c o n s c i o u s
programming. And negative
thoughts have an equally
powerful effect.

It is not gene-directed
neurotransmitters that
control our bodies, our
minds and thus our lives.
Oh ye of little belief !
role of nature

When we recognize
how these positive and
negative beliefs control our
biology, we can use this
knowledge to create lives
filled with health and

The New Biology ,

casts life as a cooperative
journey among powerful
individuals who can
program themselves to
create joy-filled lives.

integrating spirit and


understand the New
Biology, we will no longer
fractiously debate the role of nurture.

As parents, we need
to understand the role we play in programming
our childrens beliefs, and the impact those beliefs
have on our childrens lives.


New Biology ... a new field of biology that is

unravelling the mysteries of how the environment
(nature) influences the behavior of cells without
changing the genetic code.

Whether you are a parent or not, for as a

former child, the insight into our programming
and its impact upon our lives is quite revealing.
New Biology led me to realize the importance
of integrating the realms of Spirit and Science,
which was a radical shift from my background as
an agnostic scientist.

It is a field that is uncovering new

complexities in the nature of disease, including
cancer and schizophrenia.

material excerpted from the book The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
... published by Mountain of Love / Elite Books ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



May - June 2007

Neale Donald Walsch

NEALE DONALD WALSCH ...is the author of fifteen books ... founder of the nonprofit Conversations with God Foundation ... and creator of Humanitys Team , a
world-wide grass-roots movement endeavouring to assist in causing a new form of
spirituality to emerge upon the earth.
A few excerpts from the book ... What God Wants

If the words GOD and LIFE are inter

changeable, if this is not simply an interesting
thought but the truth, then the greatest mystery
of all time... who or what is GOD ? ... would finally
be solved.

You would prefer to have a lover with dark

brown hair, but blond hair is all right, too. You
would prefer to have no pain or reduced function
in your body, but its okay to have some.


Ken Keys Jr. proposed in his book Handbook

to Higher Consciousness that :
If you feel your happiness is at stake
in any given situation, you have probably
created an addiction to a particular
condition or circumstance. The key to inner
peace, is to elevate ones addictions from
addictions to preferences.
This is the first step on the road to mastery.
Each moment is a step along that road.

Given this reality, all that you could possibly

give GOD, GOD already has received from you,
because GOD is you, doing the giving and the
Therefore, GOD wants nothing from you,
needs nothing from you, demands nothing from
the individuated aspect of Itself that you think of
as you.
Likewise, all that GOD could possibly give
you, GOD has already given you. It exists in you,
as you.Therefore, you want for nothing. You need
ask GOD for nothing. For, it is as it has been
written ... Even before you ask, I will have
answered .


Each movement in life is a process. It is in

the moment-to-moment of your life that you decide
who you are and who you used to be. And you do
not have to be who you used to be. That is the
great liberation. That is the great miracle. That is
the great victory.
What does GOD want ? Nothing. Who is
GOD s opponent ? No one. While GOD has no
needs, GOD does have desires. Desire is the
beginning of all creation. It is first thought. It is a
grand feeling within the soul.
I desire first to know and experience MYSELF,
in all MY GLORY.
Second, I desire that you shall know and
experience WHO YOU REALLY ARE, through the
power I have given you ... to create and experience
yourself in whatever way you choose. Third, I
desire for the whole life process to be an
experience of constant joy, continuous creation,
never-ending expansion, and total fulfillment in
each moment of now.


If this is true, the only prayer to ever say is a

prayer of gratitude. And that is, in fact, the only
prayer that any master has ever uttered.
Once you know this, youll never feel a need
for these things again. All youll feel is a desire to
call them forth. Desire replaces need in the
experience of the master.

Desires and needs are not the same thing

To have
a desire for something is not at all the same as
having a need for it.

(although many of us have made them so in our lives).

a desire is a preference
a need is a requirement
You would prefer to have chocolate, ice
cream, but its okay to have vanilla. Its also okay
to have none at all !

material excerpted from the book What God Wants by Neale Donald Walsch
published by Hodder Mobius ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



May - June 2007

Avani Rao

all I gave to my friends and relatives. The name

of my animal-gods are Suzy and Sunny.
I was born and
Whenever I sit in meditation, they will quietly
sit beside me without disturbing me. Love, faith
and trust are always reflected in their eyes. My
marriage landed me
most lovable pet-friends ! I enjoy their company
in Hyderabad.
so much !
I am Avani Rao.


turning-point in life

profession. My father ... late Shri A.V. Rao ...
was a legal practitioner. He worked for the
downtrodden, especially the building
construction workers from Telangana and
Andhra regions.

The greatest turning-point in my life ... the

first time I came into contact with a living divine
master Brahmashri Patriji, on Feb 8th 2001 !
that was also my first acquaintance with the
science of meditation.
The one hour of meditation revealed to me,
at one go, the real essence of life ! The most
My mother was a housewife and she took important thing is that ... when Patri Sir said
care of all seven of us. In my childhood, I used Eating non-vegetarian food is a great sin ,
to be more attached to her. Right from my his words gave me the biggest jolt of my life !
childhood, I was very religious and performed
I felt so stupid and ignorant about myself ...
lot of rituals, this continued vigorously after that I ate what I was not supposed to, we are
marriage too. But after doing all this, still there human beings and not animals.
was an unexplained vaccum.
I also felt annoyed towards my parents as
they too were so ignorant they fed me the most
inhuman food. At that moment, I promised
Love was experienced mostly through myself that it is end of my non-veg food .
pets. In the year 1983, at Thanjavur, one friend Immediately, Instantly, I gave up non-veg; and
gave us a one month old female pommerian till date I can feel that every cell in my body is
dog. She became a part of my life till date, she rejuvenating and blooming with joy !
is very playful, full of pranks but of very
a new me
understanding nature, she could reciprocate
to my feelings and emotions. She gave birth
From here, the journey in the world of
to many pups but I retained only one male rest meditation began with all sorts of wonderful


May - June 2007


It was one of the most wonderful memories !

Also came along the way, lots of learning It was a soul-felt long time dream come alive ...
through different life situations and life to live with mother nature to experience its
circumstances ... from where I was able to see beauty, waterfalls, its soothing energy, its
fragrance and aroma, feel the clouds touching
a a new me .
us ! And, most of all, to sit like a hermit in the

deep dense forest and meditate for many hours
I started practicising meditation with great continuously !
fervour. I was able to handle painful
experiences without the feel of pain. The painful
Anapanasati meditation has brought about
phases came and went, but they all left me a a vigorous awakening in me and has
great teaching behind, all of which was contributed much to a new life of harmony
possible only through meditation.
... amidst worldly turmoils and a life of bliss
through mental non-attachment, mental
I read lots of spiritual books written by great renunciation of desires, egoism and
masters such as Lobsang Rampa, mineness.
Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Rama,
Linda Goodman, Ramtha, John L Payne,
Lousie L Hay, Osho,
Brian Weiss, Neale
Donald Walsch,
Richard Bach etc.
Last but not the
least ... Spiritual
India magazines
which contain the
best of everything,
selected by Patri
Sir and all our
editorial team. Some of their teachings I
implemented in my life and experienced great
joy. Our Dhyan Maharashtra magazine also
contains good amount of subject.

working for dhyan maharashtra

After Dhyanandhra Pradesh 2004 , Patri
Sir asked me to
leave Hyderabad
and proceed to
Mumbai as my
work in A.P. is over.
It was January
2005. I was in
Mumbai city. I was
in the midst of
tremendous hustle
and bustle ; people
have no time for
themselves, just
moving to and fro for earning their livelihood.
My observation here was that people really
needed the dose of cosmic energy. Their hectic
lives lead them into hospitals and dependence
on medicines.

adventure in nature


In my childhood, I used to watch on T.V.

people going for trekking. I always wished to
be a part of that adventure, as I love nature and
its beauty and peace. But to my surprise in
February 2001, for the first time I trekked the
Araku Valley, near Visakhapatnam, along with
Patri Sir and a very large group of our fellow
pyramid masters.

On 26th July 2005, Mumbai was affected

by torrential rains, never known in the history of
Mumbai. During that time I was residing at
Vikroli about 35 kms away from the city. Morning
as usual, I went for work but by afternoon the down
pour had become torrential , which brought the
road and rail transport to a total standstill. I got
stuck up in the city.

May - June 2007

started by Mr. & Mrs. Shreyans Daga. The

office is located at Colaba, South Mumbai. I
took the day-to-day charge of the office.

It was evening hours and there was no

means of transport. All pedestrians started
walking towards their destination. I too followed,
there was total darkness on the road , as there
was total power failure.
I walked almost five and half hours through
the knee-deep flooded road, totally exhausted
and could not walk any more. I just remembered
Patri Sir, suddenly a bus came and halted.
Luckily the bus was heading towards Vikroli. I
got into the bus, but as long as I walked in the
rain totally drenched I did not feel cold but the
moment I sat in the bus , shivering started and
my body was getting chill. Immediately I closed
my eyes and started observing my breath ...
within minutes my body became totally warm !
For every circumstance in life, Anapansati
is the answer, it is the Brahmastram .


During May, 2007 I attended the Buddha

Poornima celebrations at Bangalore Pyramid
Valley, and also three-day Dhyana Yagnam at
Kodaikanal. Meditation sessions in pyramid
were absolutely fantastic !
Kodaikanal Dhyana Yagnam was superb
and Patri Sir enlightened us with a number of
new concepts !
life is really so wonderful

Life is so full of love, joy and harmony ! I

am the most fortunate being to meet my
excellent teacher !
I am not just a little bit of matter ! I have
establishing pyramid societies
realized, I am all indestructible energy and
With the help of M. Ganesh, one of the eternal consciousness !
Life is really so wonderful ! My happiness
pyramid masters from Mumbai and along with
his family members and friends, we started cannot be expressed in words ! My gratitude
to all masters in Andhra Pradesh who helped
Bhiwandi Pyramid Spiritual Society.
me in my spiritual journey ! Before I conclude, I
A number of meditational programmes
would like to pen a few lines on my teacher :
were conducted under the guidance of Patri
Sir. Bhiwandi is about 50 kms away from the
You delight in the role of Krishna !
city, but here more than two lakhs of our Telugu
You declared as your foes
community reside, migrated from Telangana,
selfishness and ignorance !
all basically weavers. The programmes were
Every second, you sought after your
a total success, response was amazing and
students with a liberating agenda for
people are now regularly doing Anapanasati
all round well-being ! Vigorously and
deftly, you sought to remove all the
host of impediments from people
Thane Pyramid Spiritual Society was
caught in and dragged down by ...
started with the help of pyramid master Iyer
their own self-created follies !
Venkatraman and his family members. Here
Your continuous efforts to keep the
too, we had two meditation sessions under the
goal of buddha-hood alive in all your
guidance of Patri Sir.
students hearts have yielded
abundantly !
Recently, in January 2007, a regular
Mumbai Pyramid Spiritual Society office was
May all become masters !
C/o Mumbai Pyramid Spiritual Society, 6/18, 2nd floor, Grants building,
Arthur Bunder road, Colaba, Mumbai-400 005.



May - June 2007


 : Off : 23562712


Recog. by Govt. of A.P.
Affiliated to
Central Board of SecondaryEducation
New Delhi No. 01302

Hyderabad - 500 008.
Date : 13-07-2007

The Members
Spiritual India ... Pyramid Meditation Centre
Dear Sir,

We are really grateful to you for starting the meditation classes in our school. For a
long time, we wanted to start meditation for our students, as we knew that benefits of meditation
are manifold. It not only improves physical health, self confidence but also Increases memory
power and enhances concentration not only this, it brings about discipline in students.
A few devoted spiritualistic members of your institution initiated this course in our
morning Assembly. We wish to continue meditation every day. We are indeed fortunate that
meditation program commenced just before the final exams there by benefiting all the students.
We wish you all the best and we hope more and more schools include meditation in
their assembly, thus benefiting larger group of students.





May - June 2007

Bi - m o n t h l y n e w a g e s p i r i t u a l j o u r n a l

Pyramid Meditation Centre-opp - Gowtham Model School
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This issue of SPIRITUAL INDIA is sponsored by ... Pyramid Spiritual Societies

Hyderabad ... Andhra Pradesh ... We thank for this magnificient financial support ...

Spiritual India team



May - June 2007

all are welcome

under the guidance


Brahmarshi Patriji

25th to 31st December, 2007

Govt. Arts College Grounds
Opp. Ramana Maharshi Ashram

akhanda dhyanam
every morning ... 6 am to 8 am
under the guidance of Brahmarshi Patriji

meditation experiences
by Pyramid Masters from all over India
every day morning 10.00 hours. to afternoon 14.00 hours.

spiritual bhajans
every day evening 17.00 hours. to 18.00 hours.

main discourses
every evening 19.00 hours. to night 21.00 hours.
by spiritual masters from various spiritual organizations


May - June 2007

Torkom Saraydarian

My service is to clear glamors, illusions, and maya in space ... as much as I

can ... and in this service, there are no personalities involved

my service

invisible helpers

People sometimes call me or write letters

to me, telling me how fortunate they are to receive
guidance from me in their dream experiences.
The fact is that ... I have no interest in
contacting any person in subjective levels, except
to mind my own service and training.

I have received more than a hundred letters

informing me that ... in subjective planes, I took
certain people to certain higher ASHRAMS, or put
them in contact with COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, or
invited them to my seminars and lectures, giving
them the exact address and time ! To be very
honest, I have no ability or power
to do such things. I want to keep
my head cool and not be flattered
with such compliments.

My service is not with

individuals, with those who love me
or hate me. My service is to clear
glamours, illusions, and maya in
space ... as much as I can ... and
in this service, there are no
personalities involved.


I would only say that there are

invisible helpers who do such
things to help us, and they are the
ones who should take the credit.
The greatest help one can do ... for
his teacher ... is not to build glamors in him.


It is possible that dark entities

use the fabricated image of me to
inspire the fabricators with certain ideas and
directions. When such ideas and directions are
accepted, then the dark ones begin to do their
negative and destructive work.

i am not a medium
I am not a medium, but a man, who is able
to penetrate into the higher states of
consciousness and intuition and bring down to the
world a wealth of ideas, vision, and wisdom.


Sometimes an opportunity is given to me

to teach certain groups on certain planes. I do
the same job with the groups ... I work to destroy
glamors, illusions, and maya. I have absolutely
no permission to deal with individuals and give
them advice for their personal or spiritual affairs.

I am very well familiar with the Ageless

Wisdom ... the Vedas, Upanishads, BhagavadGita, the Puranas, the writings of Helena
Blavatsky, Helena Roerich, Alice Bailey, and
Gurdjieff. But I am not limited or drowned in them.
I am myself.


It is also possible that the SOLAR ANGELS of

my friends use my image to impart certain
instructions to them ; but in such cases, again, I
am absolutely not involved, nor take any credit or
any blame.

I have received thousands of letters telling

me how grateful people are for my words as they
make the whole TEACHING clear and simple.


May - June 2007

The beams of light going out of my brain

are radar rays which detect ideas, visions,
formulated or unformulated knowledge, and reflect
them back on the mirror of my mental body.

I am an accomplished composer and play

seven musical instruments. My music has a
unique quality of depth.
my teaching

Sometimes, such precipitations are so fast

and abundant that I try not to lose them by just
putting down key words, so as to trace the
precipitations later, and continue with the theme
of my writing.

I am very confident that MY TEACHING will

spread all over the world, and numberless groups
will be formed to propagate it in many languages.
MY TEACHING unites all that is highest in all
teachings, and eventually a path of unity will be

The rays that

hit my mental body
come from a
source that is
above me, maybe
twenty-one feet. It
is a bright nucleus
of light.
These rays
hit various parts
and centers in my
mental body and
activate them in a
synchronous way.
This is the moment that I like the most ... when I
feel like one integrated whole.

TEACHING in many
ways, to further
penetrate into the
consciousness of
the masses.

My duty is
related to the masses of people. I understand their
psychology, the cause of their suffering, the ways
by which they can change their suffering into joy.
I can lead them to the future.

electro-magnetic clouds of thoughts

I have contact with electromagnetic clouds
of thoughts, emanated from the minds of certain
Masters. Sometimes, these clouds are so
gorgeous and so profound that I feel I need another
five thousand years to approach and use them !
Sometimes, one small drop of such clouds
becomes the foundation of a book or a poem.

MY TEACHING is yet under the mist of the

morning. The day will come soon when the veil
will disappear and with all its beauty, my teaching
will shine.
The glory of MY TEACHING will go to my
teachers. It is they who conceived me in the
womb of their consciousness.


my writings

The electrical field around my head is always

there, sometimes agitated, sometimes serene.
Without that field all my creativity becomes

Before I write, I feel an electrical field around

my head and spine. This is not a mechanical
process, but by my own will I create such a field
around me. I uplift my consciousness and I keep
silence for a few seconds. Then I feel beams of
light going out of my head. Then I feel new rays
from the space penetrating into my mental body.

Sometimes, I feel that someone is overshadowing me. This happens especially when I
speak to large audiences.
Sometimes, I contact my core and I release

May - June 2007

I may say that I had and have priceless coworkers who inspired me and encouraged me
with their selfless labour and love.

a volcanic fire from It. These energy releases go

with me for months.
i stand on my own feet

In future lives, we will do greater things for

the world. This is the joy that is increasing in our

In this incarnation, I see that I must learn to

stand on my own feet to bring greater contributions
to humanity in future lives. Up to this time, I have
never been dictated to by any master, or spirit, or
entity. I like to keep them away so as not to
interfere with my business. I, myself, want to stand
on my own feet and reach mastery. I have to
depend on my inner essential divinity.

My greatest joy is reading the AGNI YOGA

books. The reason is that every sentence in Agni
Yoga is a path to Infinity, and I often lose myself
on those paths.
help and sacrifice


In all my life since childhood, I was ready to

help and sacrifice, never thinking about my income
and my financial future.

Sometimes, before a question is ended, an

answer is totally ready in my mind. This surprises
and shocks certain people; and I feel great joy in
these moments.

I had very narrow days, but I had always a

place to sleep, food to eat, clothes to wear, and
had my house or my car.

When this electromagnetic field becomes

unbearable, I usually rush to the piano and play
my own music. Thus I release the tension.

I hope that, in the future, many instructions

will be compiled from my books and presented to
universities, which very soon will open their gates
to my teaching. My whole dream is to provide
those ideas that will help people to build a happy
life in their home, nation, and in the world.

Some of my writings are the recordings of

my experiences gathered upon certain levels of
consciousness. The world for me is not a world
of forms but a world of meaning and currents of
my teacher

world is changing
I do so much ... you can do as a group one
hundred times more if you have that dedication.

My Teacher, who travels in various planes

on earth, does not give direct teaching to me, but
he watches with his fiery eyes and gives me

All the teaching that is given to you is as a

loan. You are going to use it, multiply it, and have
a great harvest.
The world is changing. People are disillusioned by false teachings. Very soon people
will demand those who can teach and be
examples of big thinking.

I feel his hand over me when I am in danger.

My heaviest problem sometimes instantaneously
evaporates and I enter into the radius of my
increasing joy

Have faith in invisible forces. Know that the

greater you think, the closer you are to GOD.

I adore those who are courageous, selfless,

sacrificial, and look to the future.

material excerpted from the website : www.tsgfoundation.org outreach

e-magazine November-December 2002. ... grateful acknowledgement ... edit-team



May - June 2007

Torkom Saraydarian

Every human being will one day become a

a great person. No matter how
many obstacles or hindrances we have, that urge
to be perfect, beautiful, healthy, and prosperous
is within us. It takes many ages before that urge
awakens, but once it is awakened, nothing can
stop our progress.

demonstrate intense labour. They have a rythmic

spirit and manifest tireless labour. Every minute,
every day, they do something to help others, to
help themselves, to help GOD.



GREAT ONES do not count the hours, days,

months, years ... or even lives. Time does not exist
for them. Only eternity and the goal exist.
GREAT ONES are executives of the major
departments of nature.


A great fundamental statement is that the

human being is destined to be great, to be the
master of his life. To do so, he must conquer
hindrances and obstacles inherited from the past,
hindrances that exist in his environment, and
hindrances in the subconscious.


There is a secret in nature : Man is a generator

of energy which functions only if he strives toward
greatness. If a person does not strive toward
greatness, this generator does not function. Try
striving and see how your energy increases. Make
others great or try to make great.


When we describe GREAT ONES, we create an

inspiration which awakens the seed within us to
become a GREAT ONE ... not out of essence and


The AGELESS WISDOM states that a person

never advances unless he makes others advance;
he will never become really prosperous and enjoy
life unless he makes others prosperous and able
to enjoy their lives.


Greatness comes through obedience to the

law that states, whatever you sow, you reap .
Nature does not provide those things for which a
person is not worthy. We must take the KINGDOM
OF HEAVEN by violence , which means heavy labor
that refuses all of the unsound, insane things
existing within us. Such are MASTERS.


Real greatness is indifferent to whether

people recognize you or not, whether you are
abandoned or not, whether you receive a position
or not. A GREAT ONE has position because he is
himself. He does not depend on outside


When you think of greatness, you grow. I read

a story about the first man to climb Mount Everest.
When he was asked why he wanted to climb it,
he replied, Because it is there ! Find the summit
within yourself and say, I am going to climb that
mountain because the summit is challenging me .


There is a path of greatness ; there is a path

of degeneration. We need to choose which one
to follow. The possibility of greatness is always
with us.

The enemies of greatness create subtle

obstacles. They look at artificial pearls and say,
How beautiful ! . So that we will buy them and
not search for real pearls.


Every one of us is going to become a

Fear creates antagonism. Fear creates

hypocrisy. Fear creates imitation. GREAT ONES labor
to erase fear and help humanity bloom. They

and helps others to be perfect ... no matter what

failures, hindrances, and obstacles we meet on
the path.

material excerpted from the book the Ageless Wisdom by Torkom Saraydarian
... published by T.S.G Publishing Foundaion ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



ONE, as long as each one of us strives to be perfect


May - June 2007

Torkom Saraydarian


is a daily labor which must be consciousness to the highest levels of mind which
done with willingness, joy, and ease. It is a think in terms of causes.
process of unfolding your soul-flower and
radiating your spiritual fragrance.
Real thinking, even unconsciously, always
these four viewpoints and creates a
Meditation and contemplation not only help
us to assimilate THE TEACHING but also help us to
actualize the great principles of the AGELESS
Those who do right meditation improve their
WISDOM. Many centuries ago a MASTER OF MEDITATION lives, recognize these results, and strive toward
gave precious instruction on the art of meditation. greater realization.
He was called PATANJALI.
Meditation is the best natural method to
AGELESS WISDOM cannot be assimilated except
tension of spirit and lead us to ecstasy of
through the art of meditation and contemplation.

Through meditation, we develop a faculty of

recommended that serious seeing things as they are and of refusing the things
meditators do their meditation through four that are imposed upon us.
viewpoints ... thinking on the object of meditation
Meditation makes us to have our own
by considering its ...
thought, our own viewpoint.



The mind has seven levels. The lowest levels

are called FORM LEVELS. Here you activate and
arrange these levels through thinking on form.

True meditation produces ecstasy, rapture of

heart. It is important to have raptures of heart in
which you feel free, glorious, uplifted, and
expanded in consciousness, in which you feel one
with beauty.
But such raptures are not healthy for your
mechanisms if they do not reflect into a dedicated
labour to prepare others to take such moments in
their life and make their life a tool of transformation
for still others.
The Ageless Wisdom can be understood
through meditation and sacrificial service.

Then, when you think on the quality, you go

to a little higher level of mind which is occupied
with qualitative thinking.
Then you go to the purpose, and by
meditation on the purpose you raise the focus of
your mind to still higher levels of mind.
When you meditate on the subject from the
view point of cause, you raise your focus of

material excerpted from the book the Ageless Wisdom by Torkom Saraydarian
... published by T.S.G Publishing Foundaion ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



May - June 2007


Torkom Saraydarian
dedicated his entire life to the
service of his fellow men. His
writings and lectures and
music show his total devotion
to the higher principles, values,
and laws that are present in all
philosophies. These works
represent a synthesis of the
best and most beautiful in the
sacred culture of the world. His
works enrich the foundation thinking on which man
can construct his future.

Torkom Saraydarian (19171997) was born in Asia Minor.

Since childhood, he was
trained in the Teachings of the
Ageless Wisdom.
visited monasteries, ancient
temples, and mystery schools
in order to find the answers to
his questions about the mystery
of man and the Universe.

Torkom Saraydarian lived with Sufis,

dervishes, Christian mystics, and masters of
temple music and dance. His musical training
included the violin, piano, oud, cello, and guitar. It
took long years of discipline and sacrifice to absorb
the Ageless Wisdom from its true sources.
Meditation became a part of his daily life, and
service a natural expression of his soul.


Torkom Saraydarian wrote a large number

of books, many of which have been published. All
of his books will continue to be published and
distributed. A few have been translated into
Armenian, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,
Greek, Dutch, and Danish.

Torkom Saraydarian University

Torkom Saraydarian dreamed of a training
center, often calling it the UNIVERSITY, where men
and women can be trained in the theory and
application of higher principles and values of the
Ageless Wisdom. He called such higher
education Aquarian Education... and
continuously encouraged his students to form
such an institution in the future.

The number of true searchers is increasing.

We must prepare ourselves to meet their need
and at the same time safeguard ourselves from
the dangers of falling into vanities, glamors of
using the searchers for our own interests.

material excerpted from the website : www.tsgfoundation.org outreach

e-magazine November-December 2002. ... grateful acknowledgement ... edit-team



May - June 2007

Ageless Wisdom

One Hundred Names of God

Breakthrough to Higher Psychism

Other Worlds

Buddha Sutra

Psyche and Psychism, Vol. 1

Challenge for Discipleship

Psyche and Psychism, Vol. 2

Cosmic Shocks
The Creative Fire

Psychology of Cooperation and Group


Dynamics of the Soul

Purpose of Life

Dynamics of Success

Science of Becoming Oneself

Education as Transformation, Vol. 1

Science of Meditation

Education as Transformation, Vol. 2

Sense of Responsibility in Society

Eyes of Hierarchy

Sex, Family and the Woman in Society

Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy Spring of Prosperity

Subconscious Mind and the Chalice
From My Heart, Poetry, Vol. 1

Symphony of the Zodiac

Hidden Glory of the Inner Man

Talks on Agni, Vols. 1 to 3

I Was

Thought and the Glory of Thinking

Leadership Vols. 1 to 5


Legend of Shamballa

Triangles of Fire

Mystery of Self Image

Unusual Court

Mysteries of Willpower

Woman Torch of the Future

Olympus World ReportYear 3000 Year 2000 and After

source : www.tsgfoundation.org



May - June 2007

Reena Bhatt

Pyramid Meditation ... for the mind - body - soul, recently on 18th June, 2007 ! A
one day workshop by Patriji was organized in Vadodara.
Dr. Reena Bhatt, with active 140 participants, shares some of the fantastic
experience during the workshop.
edit team

practice, it will, I am sure, certainly help all my

patients recover faster .

I think I experienced the secret ! say Preeti

Zaveri (a workshop participant) after the Patrijis
meditation. Not only Preeti, but all the 140
participating blessed Vadodrians felt the same !

I am Dr. Reena. I am from the medical

background and I have been practicing yoga for
the last ten years. Even I thought What new could
be there for me in the workshop ?

Dr. Hemant further adds I take this privilege

to thank you for enabling me and my wife Gita to
attend this one day seminar on Pyramid Meditation
organized by Mindbody Zone. We are proud to
have great ATMAS like Dr Jiten Bhatt, Jyotiben &
Dr. Reena, amongst us, who have introduced
Brahmarshi Patriji from Hyderabad to teach

However, the magic began as Brahmarshi

Patriji started playing his magnificent flute ! He
enlightened every one with his immense
knowledge in most simple, easy to understand
language with many practical examples. During
the first session itself, I concentrated more on
learning than on actual meditation practice.

Patriji is so full of energy and such a very

good learned speaker ! He is a multifaceted
personality, who has taken the Barodians into the
journey of Pyramid Meditation giving good
examples / analogy from Ramayan, Mahabharat,
etc. He is also very witty and mentally
tremendously strong.

Dr. Hemant Brahmbhatt truly says after the

workshop - I think this anapanasati, if put in to

During the full day workshop, Shri Patriji

started with very important part ... the six




May - June 2007

energy is entering in my head and then

spreading everywhere in the universe through
my Nabhi Chakra ! I saw purple colour lights
splashing in between my eyes ! I was
completely numb ! I could not feel my
physical body ! Absolute vacuum existed in
my mind and I was full of energy ! Even after
the full day workshop, because of the hundred
minutes meditation practice, I was so fresh !
But it was very different with Preeti, she
said I have never been spiritual in the sense
that you understand the word. During the
workshop in the first two sessions I could not
actually experience anything great.

principles of spiritual science, the three laws of

science of meditation, importance of meditation
in our life, followed by 40 minutes experience of
divine meditation.

However, in the third session of pyramid

meditation, I actually experienced the secret of
meditation ! During the third session, I was very
alert. I started really observing my own breathing.
As I started feeling my breath, I started feeling
relaxed and light. My thoughts stopped. I started to
feel the environment around me.

Presence of Prof. Dr. Jiten Bhatt, a guideline

for Mindbody Zone and founder of pyramid
science, made the program all the more
interesting and knowledgeable, as he shared
some important things about pyramid energy,
pyramid powers, science of cosmic energy and
a little about meditation.

She adds, I was trying to be with my breath.

Patriji started playing the flute, and to my surprise,
I started performing some dance steps of
Bharatnatyam with flute ! It gradually turned in to
jugalbandi ! Suddenly my mind shot up in to the
sky through black dark clouds, I was literally
looking up with lots of stress on my neck and back.
I actually tried to look down but I couldnt. I also
tried to open my eyes and straighten up my
posture but I couldnt move. Patriji started chanting
some shlokas from Bhagvad Gita which made me
feel relaxed. I could also have control on me and
my breath again. Gradually, I started to reason out
what I felt.


In the second meditation session, my

experience was very different as I just
concentrated on doing meditation and
experiencing the divine cosmic energy.
In this session, I experienced virtual / astral
pyramid around me as Swami Patriji guided, I
found myself in the kings chamber of pyramid as
I had been to the Egypt once and have already
experienced same energy before also, so this was
more familiar experience for me.
I found myself sitting in the pyramid,
doing meditation and powerful light is coming
on me. I experienced freezing coldness and
darkness of pyramid.

In the final session of meditation, we

started pyramid meditation, by wearing
paper Pyramids designed by Dr. Jiten Bhatt
on the basis of five elements (air, space, water,
fire, earth) theory.
During this whole period, I experienced
some thing very unique and unexplainable
thing. I found that I am whole pyramid and


May - June 2007

If Patrijis energy was experienced by a first

time meditator like Ms. Preeti, now we can see
what it means to a regular meditator ... Bela Mehta.
He reveals, after the workshop, the
following to me :

The third meditation session, however, was

the best ! I danced to the tunes of the flute with
background of my favorite song from the album
- Maa of Jagjit Singh - Karma Sakal Tav
Vilas, which left me as fresh as the
morning dew.

Being a regular meditator

under a pyramid at my home, I was
overwhelmed on receipt of the
invitation for the workshop. I
achieved something on this Sunday
which is unexplainable.

To conclude, this workshop

has given me a total experience
and a confidence that I will be able
to fly to the ultimate goal of
meditation and this very precious
human birth .

I do meditate regularly, but

results were far from satisfaction.
The gap in the process was filled up
by the Guru-Gyan Brahmarshi Patriji.
The importance of locking the legs and
hands, keeping eyes closed for forty minutes
... was like the master key to meditation to unlock
the miracles .


Patrijis meditation was just

superb ! To end with, I will share an
unusual experience of the participant
Mr. Ritesh. He says, Among the three meditation
sessions, in the second session, I felt a sweet
smell of Red Roses and I saw that Patriji himself
distributing red rose to everybody !


Ms. Mehta adds, During my first meditation,

I did not feel anything for thirty eight minutes, but
I started feeling as light as a feather during the
last two minutes. I did not feel like opening my
eyes, and felt that I have missed something during
that meditation.

Isnt it amazing ?! But its true ! Red as Rose

Patriji is in our heart, with the energy of pyramid
Vadodara and I will be waiting for a next
workshop in October, 2007, to learn more from
the Master of Masters, Brahmarshi Patriji !

My second meditation gave a very different

experience. My head was extremely heavy.
Nothing remarkable.


Dr. Reena Bhatt


May - June 2007

June 1-2-3 ... 2007

Lalitha Kala Toranam, HYDERABAD

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