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Environmental Engineering 2015

Component III. Land Surface Processes (Dr. Chris White)

Assignment Task 4 Hydraulic Modelling using HEC-RAS

Due 4:00pm Monday 1st June 2015

Please submit your reports and HEC-RAS project files electronically using the dropbox provided on MyLO under KNE470. You may
work in small groups to undertake the HEC-RAS modelling component of this task (maximum of 3 people per group), however an
individual, independently written report is required from each student. Late submissions and group reports will incur a penalty.
The submission date and time will be strictly adhered to. Refer to the accompanying rubric on MyLO for guidance.


1. To be able to build and run a simple 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model
2. To become familiar with the range of parameters available for use in a HEC-RAS model
3. To gain a better understanding of 1D hydraulic model accuracy, stability and sensitivity


Your task is to build and run a simple 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model of a channel, consisting of at least 10 cross
sections and at least one structure (e.g. a bridge, culvert, etc.), and run at least three flows (boundary conditions)
through your model. Document both the modelling process and your key findings in a short technical report, paying
particular attention to model accuracy and stability issues as well as the models sensitivity to the parameters you
use, and record any steps taken to address them.

You are free to choose the extent and design of your HEC-RAS model as long as it satisfies the minimum
requirements stated above, however higher marks are available to students who set themselves a more complex
task (i.e. unsteady flow rather than just steady flow; more complex model; variety of boundary conditions); see the
accompanying rubric. You may refer to the example projects installed in HEC-RAS, however you are required to
create a new channel from scratch.

To achieve the HEC-RAS modelling task, you may work in small groups (maximum of 3 people), however an
individual, independently written report is required from each student (see below for more details).


Use the latest version of HEC-RAS (version 4.1, approx. 50 MB). HEC-RAS has been installed for your use on the PCs in
the computer lab. You may also download HEC-RAS from the US Army Corps of Engineers (free) and install on your
own PC (Windows only): Note: when installing
HEC-RAS, make sure you install the example projects when prompted to help you.

Refer to the lecture notes provided on MyLO:
Part 2 of River Flow and Flood Inundation Modelling
Part 2 of River Flow and Flood Inundation Modelling Supplementary Material (using HEC-RAS)

Refer to the tutorial video (youtube) on slide 64 of the lecture notes for guidance. Also refer to slide 65 of the lecture
notes for a list supplementary material provided on MyLO that may be useful to you in completing this task.


Please submit the following electronically using the dropbox on MyLO before the submission date and time provided

1. An individual, independently written short technical report (around 2000 words), detailing the scope of your
task, the HEC-RAS modelling process undertaken, the range of parameters used for building the channel
(including the reasons why), the boundary conditions used, the model runs done (e.g. steady, unsteady,
both), and comment on your models accuracy, stability and sensitivity including any steps you made to
address any issues. Include figures and table as appropriate, such as example cross-sections and profile
plots. Please submit your report as either an MS Word or PDF document.
2. A ZIP file containing your complete individual (or group) HEC-RAS project files. A HEC-RAS project will
comprise of files with extensions such as .prj, .g**, .f**, etc. and can be found in your HEC-RAS folder (e.g.
C:\Users\***\Documents\HEC\). Please do NOT submit animation files such as .avi profile animations as
these can be very large.

Please submit your reports and zipped HEC-RAS project files electronically using the dropbox provided on MyLO
under KNE470. Please include a cover sheet at the front of your report (provided on MyLO under Assessment 4).

A marking rubric is provided on MyLO (also under Assessment 4) to support you when undertaking the HEC-RAS
modelling and writing your reports.

Note: this assignment is worth 15% of your total mark available for this unit.

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