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Performance appraisal goals examples

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I. Contents of getting performance appraisal goals examples

Employee performance appraisals include details about how an employee conducted his job
during the review period and how he can improve performance in the future. These evaluations
are often linked to pay-raise decisions and may affect eligibility for promotions. To properly
appraise employee performance, managers need to establish clear goals for their employees and
hold them accountable for achieving those goals. Depending on the type of employee, these
goals can take different forms.
Non-Exempt Employees
Many non-exempt employees work in the category of transactional tasks. They perform repeated
iterations of a specific task, such as answering technical support calls or processing loan
applications. They have limited ability to make decisions about the tools and processes they use.
For these employees, goals should be tied directly to the metrics established to track business
performance in their operational area.
For example, technical support agents would be responsible for managing their call times,
ensuring that customer issues are resolved and adhering to company policies. These behaviors
can be measured for an individual and compared to goals and peer performance. Thus, one goal
for a technical-support agent might be to "achieve customer problem resolution on the initial
contact at least 80 percent of the time." You might also establish a goal such as "maintain average
call time on a monthly basis of 7.5 minutes or less." And, finally, to ensure employees are not

going outside company policies to satisfy customers or keep calls short, use a goal like "maintain
quality monitoring scores at or above 90 percent monthly."
Exempt Individual Contributors
Exempt employees who operate as independent contributors rather than managers have different
work requirements and different objectives than non-exempt employees and management staff.
These individuals may manage projects, analyze business data or create technical documents.
Their work is less readily measured using conventional operations metrics, and their success
relies more on effective teamwork, organization skill and project management ability.
For a project manager, create a goal like "meet agreed-upon project milestones at least 85 percent
of the time." Another goal for such an individual could be "achieve ratings of Satisfactory or
higher from project stakeholders at least 90 percent of the time." To incorporate the financial
aspect of a project manager's role, which is usually a key outcome for a business, include a goal
such as "meet departmental net benefit goals at least 95 percent of the time for implemented
projects." While project managers do not always have control over the financial aspects of the
processes they work on, they should be held responsible for making the decision to cancel a
project that is not in the company's best interest.
Managers with direct reports are accountable not only for the work they do but also for the
performance of their teams. They also have responsibility for specific management tasks, such as
supervising employees, handling conflicts and coordinating resource allocation. Managers
typically have the authority to change processes and influence or change policies to
accommodate changing business needs and customer requirements. Therefore, their goals need to
reflect expectations regarding overall business performance in their area as well as the
development of their staff. In setting goals for a manager, consider that you are essentially setting
goals for the business area the individual runs.
For example, give the manager of a technical support group a goal such as "achieve customer
satisfaction scores department-wide of 90 percent or above." To accommodate the employee
development component, use an objective like "create and maintain succession plans for at least
80 percent of critical employee positions" or "achieve promotion rate in the top quartile of all

III. Performance appraisal methods

1. Essay Method
In this method the rater writes down the employee
description in detail within a number of broad categories
like, overall impression of performance, promoteability
of employee, existing capabilities and qualifications of
performing jobs, strengths and weaknesses and training
needs of the employee. Advantage It is extremely
useful in filing information gaps about the employees
that often occur in a better-structured checklist.
Disadvantages It its highly dependent upon the writing
skills of rater and most of them are not good writers.
They may get confused success depends on the memory
power of raters.

2. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales

statements of effective and ineffective behaviors
determine the points. They are said to be
behaviorally anchored. The rater is supposed to
say, which behavior describes the employee
performance. Advantages helps overcome rating
errors. Disadvantages Suffers from distortions
inherent in most rating techniques.

3. Rating Scale
Rating scales consists of several numerical scales
representing job related performance criterions such as
dependability, initiative, output, attendance, attitude etc.
Each scales ranges from excellent to poor. The total
numerical scores are computed and final conclusions are
derived. Advantages Adaptability, easy to use, low cost,
every type of job can be evaluated, large number of
employees covered, no formal training required.
Disadvantages Raters biases

4. Checklist method
Under this method, checklist of statements of traits of
employee in the form of Yes or No based questions is
prepared. Here the rater only does the reporting or
checking and HR department does the actual evaluation.
Advantages economy, ease of administration, limited
training required, standardization. Disadvantages Raters
biases, use of improper weighs by HR, does not allow
rater to give relative ratings

5.Ranking Method
The ranking system requires the rater to rank his
subordinates on overall performance. This consists in
simply putting a man in a rank order. Under this method,
the ranking of an employee in a work group is done
against that of another employee. The relative position of
each employee is tested in terms of his numerical rank. It
may also be done by ranking a person on his job
performance against another member of the competitive
Advantages of Ranking Method
Employees are ranked according to their
performance levels.
It is easier to rank the best and the worst
Limitations of Ranking Method
The whole man is compared with another
whole man in this method. In practice, it is very difficult
to compare individuals possessing various individual

This method speaks only of the position where an
employee stands in his group. It does not test anything
about how much better or how much worse an employee
is when compared to another employee.
When a large number of employees are working,
ranking of individuals become a difficult issue.
There is no systematic procedure for ranking
individuals in the organization. The ranking system does
not eliminate the possibility of snap judgements.

6. Critical Incidents Method

The approach is focused on certain critical behaviors of
employee that makes all the difference in the
performance. Supervisors as and when they occur record
such incidents. Advantages Evaluations are based on
actual job behaviors, ratings are supported by
descriptions, feedback is easy, reduces recency biases,
chances of subordinate improvement are high.
Disadvantages Negative incidents can be prioritized,
forgetting incidents, overly close supervision; feedback
may be too much and may appear to be punishment.

III. Other topics related to Performance appraisal goals

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