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BUS NESS unlimited

Volume 11 , Number 3 Autumn 2006

Family Project is now

International Business Venture by Bill Armstrong

In 1992, Ladimer Kowalchuk invented an accessible bathtub to help his aging father. That one-off tub has
evolved into a line of products that is attracting buyers from around the world.

Necessity truly was the mother of moved to a vacant building just out- Kowalchuk is anticipating substantial
invention for Kowalchuk, who grew side of town. The original location growth for his business. The boomer
up in Ituna, a town of about 700, near became the office housing six staff market beckons.
Fort Qu'Appelle. members. Another 12 employees han-
dle production and shipping, and two “The contractors who build for the
“My dad was a big man, and a butch- or three people will be hired to pro- condo and empty-nester market want
er. After years of carrying heavy duce the So-Lo Safety Bath, a full size a full size acrylic tub, which the So-
pieces of meat, his knees were shot. bathtub/shower combination with a Lo offers,” says Kowalchuk. “Where
At family gatherings he would say, door. The acrylic bath will be manu- we might sell one unit in an enriched
'Find me a tub with a door', but we factured in another facility located in
couldn't find anything suitable.” Ituna. continued on page 2

Photo: Safety Bath Inc.

We grew by 250 per cent
last year, and we'll grow
another 200 per cent this

Kowalchuk, who is a carpenter, creat-

ed a wooden form for what became
the Standard Safety Bath, a walk-in
bathtub made of fibreglass.
“Now I'm in the soup,” Kowalchuk
laughs. “I've spent about $5,000 for a
mold for one tub for my dad, so we
built a few more, created Safety Bath
Inc., and went to some trade shows.
Growing the business was a slow
process until three years ago, when we
invested more into marketing the

Since then, Safety Bath has experi-

enced a breathtaking growth spurt.
In August, Australia received its first shipment of 20 Safety Baths. An importer in Novosibirsk,
Product demand outgrew the original
Russia is seeking certification for the Safety Bath so that it too can start selling the compact sitting
facility in Ituna, so manufacturing tub with a door.

Saskatchewan’s quarterly newsletter on people and business engaged in economic growth

From Family Project to
International Business Venture

Investing in Lentils By Darrell Noakes

continued from page 1
housing or assisted living develop-
ment, we can sell a So-Lo for every
unit in a new condo building.”
A new lentil splitting plant in Zealandia, 90 kilometres southwest of
Saskatoon, will nearly double production and employment at The Saskatchewan Trade and Export
Can-India Pulses International. Partnership, Export Development
Canada and the Canada Export
The $5 million facility will add 100 Can-India Pulses International Centre have helped Safety Bath
metric tonnes of production daily — Limited was established in 2005, reach new customers.
about five shipping containers’ worth when Samyak International Ltd. of
— to Can-India’s two existing plants. Indore, India, bought into Pro Can The dealer network - 75 dealers
An additional nine employees will be Seeds Ltd., which had operated in across Canada, and a growing num-
needed to operate the new splitting Zealandia for more than a decade. ber in the States – will always be the
plant. The partner company has three exist- backbone of the business, according
ing plants in India and is a renowned to sales manager Don Hardy.
Construction of the new plant, leader in lentil splitting.
including installation of specialized, “North America is our primary focus
highly guarded technology from India, Although the new plant will process right now, although we want to be
will wrap up in September says Can- mainly red lentils, green lentils, chick an export player,” said Hardy. The
India Director Donald Hanley. The peas and peas will also be processed in company has already established
new positions will be filled by master the facility. international contacts. Safety Bath
splitters from India who know the Australasia, an authorized sales rep-
machinery and can train the other “The new facility will allow us to resentative in Sydney, Australia
employees. split more of our product as well as received its first shipment of 20 tubs
add some value,” says Hanley. in August, 2006. A company in
continued on page 7 Novosibirsk, Russia, is seeking certi-
fication to import the tubs.
Photo: Susan Hodges

“We will likely add two or three peo-

ple as So-Lo production increases,”
said Hardy. “The labour base is good,
and overhead is relatively low. Ituna
is in a central location, so we can
ship all over. We're pretty excited
about our future here.”

Photo: Safety Bath Inc.

Can-India employee Kim Horovenko checks lentils to be cleaned and sorted. Lentil crops in
Saskatchewan have expanded from 3,000 acres in 1970 to 1.9 million acres in 2004. The Safety Bath employee John Naumetz works
province is responsible for 97 per cent of Canada’s lentils production. on the drain system.

2 Saskatchewan Business Unlimited Autumn 2006


Software Designers Passionate

About Saskatoon by Darrell Noakes

When business partners Amit Gupta and Trent McConaghy needed a home for Solido Design Automation
Inc., they chose Innovation Place in Saskatoon for its strong investment community, hi-tech expertise, and
quality of life.

The business partners have been The funding will allow Solido Design

Photo: Bluebird Photography

through the start-up process before to expand its engineering team and
with another company, Analog bring to market pioneering transistor-
Design Automation that they sold to level design enhancement solutions
a California investor in 2004. that will address emerging challenges
for analog/mixed-signal, custom digi-
“After we sold Analog Design tal and memory designers.
Automation, we were looking at new
markets and new challenges in semi- “A lot of investors here are looking
conductor chip design and on that to diversify their investment and are
basis we started Solido in 2005", says really supportive of high technology
Gupta. companies,” Gupta says. “Plus, the
talent pool here is really strong. The
The city’s high tech sector has electrical engineering and computer
reached what Gupta calls a critical science programs at the University of
mass. The combination of companies Saskatchewan have been able to
locating in the city, the influence of attract a lot of people.”
Innovation Place and the establish-
ment of the Canadian Light Source High technology employees, especial-
synchrotron has created an environ- ly electrical engineers, computer sci-
ment where employees have a sense entists and engineering physicists, can
of mobility in their careers. progress throughout their careers
within Saskatoon, a situation many With backgrounds in engineering and

would not have found as recently as computer science, Kris Breen (l) and Shawn
six years ago, he says. Rusaw (r) returned to Saskatchewan from
Gupta and McConaghy see Edmonton and Vancouver to pursue their hi-
“You have mobility within Saskatoon, tech careers with Solido Design Automation.
Saskatoon as an ideal
which traditionally wasn't the case.
environment for growing Now, there are so many companies in of the opportunities, and one relocat-
Saskatoon recruiting and employing ed from Ontario.
their business.
that sector of talent.”
Gupta says that in addition to looking
Opportunity to grow is highly appeal- for satisfying and fulfilling work, peo-
ing to good employees, says Gupta. ple want a city where they can raise
In addition, Gupta and McConaghy their families. Saskatoon provides a
can see how Saskatchewan’s invest- “As a result, we've been able to cost of living and quality of life peo-
ment community has grown a great attract employees from other ple find attractive.
deal over the past decade. provinces.”

In June, the company announced that Three employees were enticed to

it had secured $2.5 million in first move back to Saskatoon after taking
round funding from BDC Venture employment outside the province.
Capital, Investment Saskatchewan Another three had been looking out-
and private investors. side the province, but stayed because

Autumn 2006 Saskatchewan Business Unlimited 3

Provincial Update
MENTORSHIP PROJECT Team Canada (JTC) economic
mission in August.
In his remarks to nuclear industry
leaders, Cline said the Act addresses a
UP AND RUNNING critical need and is a response to
Business Mentorship Institute of The JTC mission was designed to stakeholders – industry, environmen-
Saskatchewan (BMI) is running a show Canadian youth the impact that tal organizations and residents of the
pilot project in the Battlefords region global trade has on economic devel- North – asking for a clear, prescribed
to connect local businesses and opment. The delegation also met with process to guide how Crown land is
increase business competitiveness. youth leaders to discuss human rights, managed after a mine or mill site has
The project encourages successful education, good governance, private been decommissioned and transferred
businesses to act as mentors, provid- sector development and trade. back to the province.
ing advice and guidance to fledgling
businesses with similar needs.
Anyone who has been in business for LEGISLATION FLIES AGAIN
one year and is considering expand- Resurfacing on the runways, aprons
ing, exporting, or diversifying product
PROMOTED IN ENGLAND and taxiways of the Meadow Lake
Saskatchewan is the first jurisdiction Airport is now complete and the air-
lines, or who is seeking advice on
in the world to define a framework for port has been reopened to air traffic.
accounting and marketing, may quali-
the long-term monitoring and main-
fy as a protégé. Workshops and partic-
tenance of decommissioned mining As part of the $2.5 million resurfacing
ipant recruitment are underway, and
sites. Industry and Resources Minister project, the air tanker apron and asso-
the pilot project will serve as a tem-
Eric Cline promoted the precedent- ciated taxiways were strengthened to
plate for business mentorship projects
setting legislation at the World accomodate Saskatchewan’s new
across Saskatchewan.
Nuclear Association Annual land-based air tanker, which is used
Symposium in London, England, for fighting forest fires.
GLOBAL TRADE LESSON September 6th-8th.
IN CHINA Saskatchewan’s Reclaimed Industrial
The result of the work is that one-
University of Saskatchewan students third more fire retardant can be deliv-
Sites Act protects human and envi- ered to fires in one-third less time.
Yujin Gu, Angela Jansen, and Chris
ronmental health and safety. It also
Wickenhauser, and Grade 12 student
improves the investment climate by
Chris Stoicheff joined 28 other
providing clarity for the private TEAM SASKATCHEWAN
Canadians for a two-week Junior
Team Saskatchewan’s mission to
Photo: Industry and Resources

Australia and New Zealand, in

August, drummed up interest in
Saskatchewan’s investment opportu-

The trade mission was built around

the Agricultural Biotechnology
International Conference (ABIC) in
Melbourne. Since its inception in
Saskatoon in 1996, the event has
grown to become one of the world's
premier conferences on agricultural
(l to r) David Fagan, Geronimo Farm Equipment Pty Ltd. located in Cowra, NSW Australia, met
with Dale Botting, Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership and Industry and Resources Minister Members of the mission also met
Eric Cline during the Team Saskatchewan mission to Australia and New Zealand. Geronimo Farm with investors, agriculture machinery
Equipment is a supplier of farm machinery manufactured by Rite Way Manufacturing Company
companies, and representatives from
located in Imperial, Saskatchewan.
the business community.

4 Saskatchewan Business Unlimited Autumn 2006


Heavy Weight Technology is

Light on Traffic Flow by Darrell Noakes

In a global village where transportation systems equal economic opportunities, highway traffic manage-
ment technology is big business. A recent $3.3 million contract awarded by Transport Canada re-affirms
International Road Dynamics Inc. (IRD) as a leader in traffic data collection systems.

In July, Saskatoon-based IRD says Bergan. “The primary way of dentials are checked, and if all is okay
announced that it would supply doing that is by truck.” the truck is allowed to carry on with-
“weigh-in-motion” and traffic data out delay. This allows inspectors to
collection systems at 80 sites through- “Why would you invest money in focus on the violating trucks and
out Canada. The contract is part of roads that are going to fall apart in a saves the truckers and the economy
Transport Canada’s initiative to inves- couple of years? Highways are built to time and money. Typically, over 98
tigate the full costs of transportation. last for 10 or 15 years.” per cent of the trucks are not stopped.
On a typical day, 1,200 trucks might
“Understanding traffic flow — the go past a truck weigh station. It’s not “You keep the trucks out on the high-
types of vehicles, mix of vehicles, and feasible to stop to weigh and inspect way,” says Bergan. “It saves everybody
speed — is standard information that every truck. IRD’s weigh-in-motion time and money.” Not to mention the
highway planners and designers environmental aspect of reducing
need,” says Terry Bergan, CEO of
Photo: Bluebird Photography
emissions produced from starting and
IRD. “Typically, cars cause conges- stopping.
tion. Trucks cause highway damage,
especially overweight trucks.” Fleet management systems and other
vehicle-based technologies are also
While trucks for transporting goods important to IRD’s global markets.
are vital to the economy, illegal over-
weight ones are not. In fact, they are Under a joint venture, IRD is the
an expense item in terms of highway North American supplier of onboard
maintenance. vehicle systems for the German elec-
tronics and electrical engineering
company Siemens AG. Precision

Drilling, IRD’s largest deployment
IRD's claim to fame, says worldwide, uses the company’s fleet
management systems to improve driv-
Bergan, is the ability to
er safety.
weigh vehicles at highway
“In its simplest form, the system is a
speeds, in motion.
black box underneath the dash, hid-
den from view, and it monitors the
performance of the driver” says
It is an international reputation. In
2005, the company won the contract Terry Bergon, CEO of International Road Bergan says, “IRD is a proud
to collect data on all vehicles Dynamics Inc. knows that the backbone of Canadian company. Over 90 per cent
throughout the United States as part any economy is the ability to move the goods. of our business is exported from
of the country’s long-term pavement Canada.” IRD has offices throughout
performance program. (WIM) weighs the truck on the high- the United States, and in Chile,
way, the automatic vehicle ID on the Brazil, and India.
“The backbone of any economy is the truck identifies the truck so that its
ability to ship goods and materials,” safety and operation records, and cre-

Autumn 2006 Saskatchewan Business Unlimited 5

Industry News
Alliance Pipeline’s Kerrobert com-

Photo: Whitemud Resources Inc.

pressor station had been selected as
a partner for the Crown
Corporations Environmentally
Preferred Power (EPP) Program.
The $17 million project will pro-
vide an extra five megawatts of
continuous electricity into the
SaskPower grid.
ESTEVAN REGION retrofit of the Chaplin processing
plant in 24 years. It will result in
• Three Weyburn-based inventors are
going to Toronto to take part in a
zero emission of typical by-products YORKTON REGION
from burning coal. • Ken Sopkow has sold his group of
new reality show, The Dragon’s
publications, Canora Courier,
Den. If they are successful at
Kamsack Times, Preeceville
pitching five multimillionaires for NORTH BATTLEFORD REGION Progress and Norquay North Star,
the startup capital they need, Ron • The Battlefords is sending a trade to Fore Front Enterprises Ltd. of
Knox, Johnny Knox and Dave mission to Fort McMurray to look Estevan, effective August 1. Brent
Honig will receive up to $1 million at workers commuting by air Kersey is the new publisher and
to help develop and market the between the Battlefords and Fort editor and Jennifer Kersey is the
Knoxcooter, a scooter propelled by McMurray. Five people representing office manager.
lightly bouncing on it. The Dragon’s Battlefords REDA, Town of
Den airs on CBC Wednesday Battleford, City of North
nights starting October 4. Battleford, Battlefords Tribal
Council, Battlefords Tourism and Correction:
Battlefords Chamber of Commerce In the summer issue, an article on the
MOOSE JAW REGION will attend. Western Canada Farm Progress Show
(WCFPS) International Business Centre
• Chaplin’s sulphate plant is getting a featured a photo of Dr. Grant Royan
$25 million upgrade to begin imme- speaking with international visitors at
diately with completion scheduled SWIFT CURRENT REGION the Canadian Western Agribition
(CWA). While WCFPS and CWA both
for September 2007. The upgrade • A project near Kerrobert to convert
operate at IPSCO Place in Regina, the
includes replacing its current natu- waste heat into electricity should organizations have no direct connec-
ral gas-fired burners with “clean be fully operational by December. tion and target different audiences.
coal” technology. This is the first SaskPower announced last year the

New Mine and Processing Plant Produces Additive for

High Strength Concrete
New Kaolin Mine Produces Additive for High Strength Concrete
Whitemud Resources Inc. will begin construction of the Gollier Creek
Kaolin Mine in October.

The mine, located in the Rural Municipality of Old Post No. 43, will
encompass three open pits with an initial kaolin production of 150,000
tonnes per year. The facility will cost an estimated $50 million and will
be completed by October 2007.

The mined kaolin will be turned into metakaolin using an on-site kiln.
Metakaolin is used as an additive by the concrete industry to produce
high strength concrete.

The company estimates the facility will employ 26 people directly and
another 25 to 30 people indirectly. Up to 100 people will be
employed during the construction phase.
Image: Whitemud Resources Inc.

6 Saskatchewan Business Unlimited Autumn 2006

Investing in Lentils
continued from page 2

“Instead of shipping the raw product

Economic Indicators
out of here, we're going to finish it.
We're going to put it in the final bags
that you find at the grocery stores.” EMPLOYMENT FORECASTS
• In August 2006 501,500 people • For 2007 private sector forecasters
The plant’s location, “centre ice” for were working in Saskatchewan. are expecting positive growth of
Saskatchewan’s pulse industry, pro- According to Statistics Canada 2.9%, on average, for
vides efficient highway and rail access Labour Force Report, job numbers Saskatchewan. Real GDP growth
to markets, says Hanley. for August 2006 increased by 9,200 rates range from 2.5% by Global
(+1.9%) when compared with the Insight and Bank of Montreal to a
Much of Can-India’s production of 492,300 people working in August high of 3.1% by BMO Nesbitt
red lentils goes to Turkey, Pakistan 2005 (seasonally unadjusted). Burns.
and India while whole green lentils
go to South America. A growing • The job numbers are the highest on CAPITAL INVESTMENT
North American market also takes record for the month of August. • In 2005 capital investment in
the company’s production. The previous record was set in Saskatchewan increased by 4.6%,
August 2005 (492,300). to $7.8 billion, compared to 2004.
More than 4.5 million acres of pulses, This year, capital investment in
80 per cent of the Canadian total, are MANUFACTURING Saskatchewan is projected to
grown in Saskatchewan. • In June 2006 manufacturing ship- increase by 6.7%, to a record level
Saskatchewan is the world's leading ments in Saskatchewan increased of $8.3 billion. This would be the
exporter of lentils by 9.9%, to $907.6 million, com- fourth-highest growth rate among
pared to June 2005. In the first six the provinces, and above the
months of 2006, manufacturing national average.
shipments in Saskatchewan
increased by 12.8%, to $5.8 billion, BUILDING PERMITS
compared to the same period in • In July 2006 the value of building
2005. permits issued in Saskatchewan
totalled $137.2 million, an increase
EXPORTS of 91.8% from $71.5 million in July
• In June 2006 Saskatchewan's inter- 2005. In the first seven months of
national exports of goods increased 2006, the value of building permits
Skilled Trades Forecast
by 7.6%, to $1.2 billion, compared issued totalled $652.5 million, an
A made-in-Saskatchewan boom in
engineering and industrial projects to June 2005. In the first six increase of 29.3% million, com-
will spark a high demand for many months of 2006, total international pared to the same period in 2005.
skilled trades over the next few years exports of goods increased by
according to a new provincial fore-
cast of labour requirements in the 13.4%, to $7.4 billion, compared to RETAIL
construction industry from 2006 to the same period in 2005. • In June 2006 retail sales in
Saskatchewan increased by 6.3%,
The report by the Construction Sector
Council (CSC) and its partners says
HOUSING STARTS to $1.1 billion, compared to June
employers can expect recruiting chal- • In July 2006 urban housing starts in 2005. In the first six months of
lenges until 2009 for carpenters, Saskatchewan increased by 21%, to 2006, retail sales totalled $5.5
heavy equipment operators, 302 units, compared to July 2005. billion, an increase of 6.5%, com-
plumbers, roofers and shinglers,
steamfitters, pipefitters, sprinkler sys- In the first seven months of 2006, pared to the same period in 2005.
tem installers, and welders. urban housing starts in the
The forecast says that from 2006 to province increased by 13%, from
2014, the province will have to 1,380 units in 2005 to 1,564 units
replace more than 3,600 retiring in 2006.
workers, these are in addition to
those who will be needed for new
The report is available on the CSC
website at

Autumn 2006 Saskatchewan Business Unlimited 7

Garrett Pich, Regina

Photo: Artec Photographic Design Ltd.

Garrett Pich has a flair for the extraordinary. PichPosh Inc.’s cupcakes for the bath look so real export
officials asked him to submit the paperwork for gourmet food items.
Aiming to pay off his student loan as quickly as possible, this self- Pich plans to further develop his company's line of health and beauty
described struggling writer with a degree in Film Studies made a discov- products, which are “by far the best sellers.” His next retail presence will
ery; there is a loyal, enthusiastic market for his handmade, fragrant bath likely be in the Toronto market. He's also looking for a larger factory
bombs and beauty products. PichPosh Inc., he says, “pretty much space; demand has outgrown his current downtown Regina location.
exceeded my early expectations.”
PichPosh Inc. employs three people year-round, with more pitching in
The retail outlet in Regina's Northgate Mall is doing well, and growing during the Christmas season. While the big chains strive for low-cost, off-
numbers of repeat customers order from the PichPosh website, especially shore production, Pich proudly bucks the trend. “We're one of very few
from the US. “Americans are very comfortable ordering over the Internet. companies serving customers who want unique, handmade bath and
They come back for more every few weeks.” beauty products,” he says. -Bill Armstrong
SASKATCHEWAN Return Undeliverable Canadian Produced by: For more information contact: For subscription information, call:

BUS NESS Addresses to:

Saskatchewan Industry and Resources
Saskatchewan Business Magazine
2213B Hanselman Court
Jennifer Redston, Editor
Saskatchewan Industry and Resources
(306) 787-1691

unlimited Public Affairs

300 2103 11th Avenue
Saskatoon, SK S7L 6A8
Tel: (306) 244-5668
Tel: (306) 787-8360
Fax: (306) 787-8447
Distributed as an insert of
Saskatchewan Business and
Published quarterly. Publication Mail Regina, SK S4P 3Z8 Fax: (306) 244-5679 E-mail: mailed to over 6,000
Agreement Number 40065736 Saskatchewan businesses.
Printed in Canada


Hon. Eric Cline, Q.C.


8 Saskatchewan Business Unlimited Autumn 2006

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