Goic Almissned Qatar Today

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GOIC’s achievements
GOIC plans SPX satellite units, since its foundation are:

wider databases to attract FDI

m Promotion of 330 investment oppor-
tunities in a various sectors, through
23 investment seminars held in differ-
ent locations in the GCC countries.
By Vani Saraswathi

They entail a capital investment of
he Gulf Organisation for Industrial profile studied by GOIC and QIDB came about $ 6.6 billion and create about
Consulting (GOIC) has stepped up forward to carry it out to implement it. 16000 new jobs.
efforts to bring more FDI into the “We have several contacts with inter-
Gulf States. It is moving towards setting national technology holders through m More than 150 techno-economic
up SPX (Subcontracting and Partnership which we evaluate the technology, assess feasibility studies have been under-
Exchange) unit in Doha with focal points the market and see who is interested in taken, mainly in Chemicals and Pet-
in all the GCC states. Through linking taking it forward. When QIDB picked rochemicals, Metals, Engineering,
databases that facilitate more coopera- the project they sought our help to evalu- Building Materials and Food Sectors.
tion and partnership between local and ate it further. We conduct seminars and
international companies the flow of FDI investment meets to explore more op- m Implementing of more than 150
will increase into the region. portunities. Approximately 50 percent of consultancy studies in the fields of:
At present, the GCC’s share of total what we study and put forward is imple- planning and follow up, investment
world global FDI is rather low, and it mented. It takes a while to establish an opportunities, evaluation, operation
is crucial that the investment climate industrial unit about 2-2.5 years.” appraisal and industrial legislation.
made more attractive, said Dr Lulwa Al While GOIC’s primary role is to gen-
Misned, Assistant Secretary General for erate investment ideas, it is often being m Development of data bases for
Industrial Research and Investment Pro- called on to carry further studies, imple- socio-economic, industrial and for-
motion, GOIC. we also want to provide opportunities ment projects and conduct third party as- eign trade data and statistics. Direct
In an interview to Qatar Today, Dr Al for local companies. We are linking large sessments. on line access to these databases is
Misned said in terms of FDI, UAE came and small companies by encouraging “It depends on the investor. The inves- provided to all the GCC Ministries of
first, and Qatar and Bahrain follow. How- large industries to sub-contract to small- tor may not even contact the same the Industry.
ever, GCC in general has a very low share er ones. We would also like to integrate technology holder with whom we have
of FDI in terms of the total world flow. industries strengthening linkages and studied the profile. Based on these pro- m Establishing the first GCC SPX that
“Some people would say that countries disseminate the concept of value chain. files the investor knows there is a market provides technical information for
with such abundant resources don’t need There are some products that large in- for its products and he may contact other matchmaking between main contrac-
FDI. It is a narrow thought that does not dustries use, that can be manufactured technology holders and implement the tors and subcontractors.
look at the other benefits, like new ven- locally by SMIs, without depending on project with.”
tures, transfer of technology, managerial imports.” GOIC’s advantage over private con- level. On the micro level, what we do is
expertise, and interaction with the mar- Elaborating on GOIC’s role, she said, sultants is that “we have information to exert efforts on promoting investments
keting network. These are very vital for “We provide an integrated set of high privilege. Our access to data is much bet- in manufacturing, enable diversion from
an economy – to be exposed to the best quality, client-focused research, informa- ter. We do not operate as a private con- traditional real estate, and import/ex-
business practices.” tion, and consulting services on indus- sultant, but we do some consultancies port businesses. Manufacturing is new to
She added, “The economy is opening trial and economic development issues oriented towards the private sector like people in the GCC and are not used to
up, financial centres are being set up, and of critical importance to governments restructuring of firms, industrial assess- or comfortable with. It is high risk and
that will bring in more than just banks and industrial customers in GCC mem- ments, energy efficiency of industrial es- long-term investment but with good
– it will open up the financial sector to- ber states. Our mandate is to promote tablishments, environmental assessment. promising returns. We need to build and
tally. It will improve project finance. The industrial cooperation and coordination But it’s not a large proportion of our disseminate the culture for that. We try
success of these projects will depend on among the six members of the GCC States work, as we have a lot of requests from to promote manufacturing investments
how much FDI they bring in. The Sci- (UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qa- the Governments and Ministries.” by studying technologies, the market,
ence and Technology Park provides an tar and Kuwait), and to foster industrial The main goal of GCC countries is prepare feasibility studies and then try to
opportunity for strategic alliances and development both at public and private diversification – away from wholly de- promote that among private investors.
partnerships. The success of STP and the sector levels,” said Dr Al Misned. pending on hydrocarbon resources and “The Energy sector influences all other
Financial Centre will depend on how “We collect and publish data and in- towards manufacturing. “GOIC was set sectors. With high oil prices, you will see
much R&D it brings to the country and formation on industrial projects and up in an era when there was a boom in construction boom, financial boom... We
how much expertise (in management, policies. We suggest viable industrial oil prices, and then a bust occurred. The want economies that are more diversi-
best business practices) comes in.” projects that can be implemented by the states conceived that they needed a tech- fied and less vulnerable to oil price fluc-
“GOIC SPX focuses on desalination GCC States on a joint-venture basis. For nical agency to create awareness and tuations. People think high oil prices are
and petrochemicals, as these are the example a project that was taken up by give advice to policy makers in this re- good omen. There are positive and nega-
most important buyers in the region and the Qatar Industrial Development Bank gard. What we have been doing recently tive shocks. We want more resilient and
would be the main source of business (QIDB) – the Qatar-German Medical De- is also policy advice on economic agree- vibrant economies.”
to region small and medium industries. vices Company.” ments, anti-dumping regulations in the On the increasing number of free
While we are looking at bringing in FDI, Qatar German Medical Devices was a GCC for example...that is at the macro zones coming up in the region versus a
42 Qatar Today December 2005 December 2005 Qatar Today 43
common GCC free zone, Dr Al Misned
said, “A single free zone is not something
that can happen overnight. Existing free
zones are important to these countries.
In addition, you see most of the GCC
countries in any case have minimal taxa-
tion and tariffs are low, so why would
they want free zones anyway? Because
there are some administrative restric-
tions that are, time consuming, so these
free zones make processes quicker. They
want to create a good environment for
companies to come in. It is a good idea as
it accelerates the pace of liberalising the
whole economy. Even in one country you
can have different free zones, and form
Will the lack of ready cheap labour be a
deterrent to FDI? “In terms of scarcity of
labour, we have a long historical relation-
ship with the sub-continent and Asian
countries. The Gulf countries have been
built on expatriate labour that is avail-
able here as it is in, say India. That is not
an issue. And there are other incentives
such as energy, free zones, less taxation,
good infrastructure...”
Diversification has also caught the fan-
cy of traditional family businesses. “Over
the last 20 years, GCC has built a genera-
tion of industrialists. Not in the volume,
we wished. However, there is a founda-
tion and the culture has enhanced in the
last few years, and people are looking
at diversification. Family businesses are
launching IPOs, looking at more capital,
and different investment options.”
On reports of some family businesses
had stretched themselves too far and
were now in the red, she said, that there
is a trend now where the first generation
of businessmen – who established the
companies – are being phased out and a
new generation was taking over with dif-
ferent ideas and vision. “Sometimes it is
better to fly outside the family business
and look at expansion. This trend will
continue, and it is positive.”
On the Gulf currencies being pegged to
the US dollar, she said “to reduce shocks
of exchange rate fluctuation currencies
need to be pegged to a basket of curren-
cies. On the GCC union, Dr Misned said,
“The political leadership has initiated
the custom union, and there should be a
common monetary unity in 2010. It will
help the region on the road to economic
unity. There are some benefits and some
constraints. But we need to look at the
net gain. Short term losses are necessary
for long term benefits.”

44 Qatar Today December 2005

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