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(but a ban without transgression, isnt it?

), Were indeed images

of paradise: the originating green, the gold, the sphericity of
the site and that light Yes, as you have lived, in your distant
childhood, a moment of paradise lets say, of Eden, the
originating paradise.
- Yes, exactly.
But, by this something else, I understand of course, like you
also do, that Ganz Andere through which Otto3 defines
sacred. And I also see that this image of childhood is part of
those among myths, held and fascinated him, later, by Mircea
Eliade. Who will read books, listen to this recollection if without
knowing it to you would certainly think you. . . Who knows if
these great experiences, the Dragon and the room of dark and
light, heavenly, you have not driven deep life?
- Who knows? ... unconsciously, they know that reading in
adolescence, the findings, I have awakened interest in religions
and myths. But I can not know to what extent these childhood
experiences led me life.
-In. Garden of Delights, Hieronymus Bosch4 to be living beings
see fruit ...
-There seemed to me that I was truly a giant fruit. But I could
not compare the light, golden green, but only that we have it if
we had a grapes. So the idea was not the fruit, the idea of living
in a fruit, but that to me was in one. Paradisiacal space. It was
the experience of a certain light.
"How I discovered the Philosopher's Stone"
So you went for the fist time to the school on Mantuleasa
street ... What memories have you then?
M.E. particular, the discovery of reading. When I was about
ten years, I started reading novels, detective novels, short
stories, finally, everything is read in ten years, even some
more. Alexandre Dumas, for example, translated into
Didn`t you started to write then?

I really started writing in grade school first form then you

know that passion for science.
Natural sciences, but not math. I compare with Goethe .. .
Goethe who dislike math. Like him, me passionate about the
natural sciences. We started with zoology, but I'm interested
especially entomology. I wrote and published articles on insects
in a magazine, Popular Science Journal.
A young author of twelve!
-Yeah, I published the first article in thirteen years. A scientific
story as we presented it in a competition open to all high school
students in Romania by Popular Science Journal. My little text
was titled "How I discovered the philosopher's stone. I got first
- Talk about this story, I think, in Diary, when you say, "I lost, I
think no one will ever find, and how I'd love to one may reread.
.. "I've never found it?
Yes, in Bucharest, a reader of the Journal went to the Academy,
found and was kind enough to send it to me.
Rudolj Otto (18601937), German philosopher and historian
of religions. He explains the relationship between God and man
based on a fundamental concern.

Hieronymus Aeken, zis Jerome Bosch (14501516), Dutch

painter, fantasy or symbolic subjects treated.

2 ordeal of labyrinth
-I remembered the theme and end, but certainly not the
approach or manner. I was surprised when I saw it was quite
good storytelling. Not at all pedantic, no 'scientific'. It is indeed
a story. .. It was a schoolboy of fourteen years - me - who has a
lab and trying experience, because it is obsessed, like everyone
else, the desire to find something to change matters. He has a
dream and the dream, a revelation: someone how to prepare
the stone. wakes up, there in the crucible, found a piece of
natural gold. Believe in the reality of transmutation. Only later
realizes it's pyrite, a sulfate.

The dream then go to the philosopher's stone.

the dream came a being who appeared at the same time an
animal and a human being an exchange, which gave me the
recipe. And I followed the advice.
For a child to write such a story, be that interested him, not
only insects but also chemistry and alchemy?
I am interested in zoology, specialty "bugs", but, in general,
and physics, and especially chemistry, mineral chemistry in
particular, before I be interested in organic chemistry, it's
Dreams, alchemy, visionary developer: figures and themes
are Eliade's already in writing first. Does this mean that already
in childhood, we know who we are indistinct and where are we
I do not know. . . For me this story is important because at the
age of twelve, thirteen, I saw work seriously, scientifically, with
matter, while I was attracted to the literary imagination
You alluded to this when talking about daytime side of the
Diurnal regime of the spirit and the spirit to night
Science of the day, the poetry of the night
Yes. Literary imagination and imagination is mythical and
metaphysical structures reveal large. Night, daytime: both ...
Coincidence oppositorum. Great everything. Yin i Yang5. . .
There you on the one hand, the scientist, on the other hand,
the writer. But both are encountered in the realm of myth . ..
Yin i Yang in ancient Chinese thought, are the two
complementary principles that make up the world. Yin, feminine
principle, yang, the male principle.

Exactly. Interest in mythology and myths structure is also a

desire to decipher the message the night life, night creativity.

C.H.R. So even before I left the school, you become - a
M.E. in a way, yes, because I published, not only about a
hundred small items in Popular Science Journal, but also some
stories, impressions of travel in the Carpathians, the account of
a journey on the Danube and Black Sea, and finally, pieces of a
novel, a teen novel shortsighted ... Completely autobiographical
novel: as my character, when suffering a crisis of melancholy Moldovan heritage .. . - The fight against this crisis through all
kinds of spiritual techniques tual. Payot6 I read his book,
Education will, and implementing it. Already in school I began
what I later called "fighting sleep. I wanted to gain time. really
interested me, not just science, but also a lot of other things:
gradually I discovered Orientalism, alchemy, history of
religions. I read the story and Max Frazer7 Miiller8 and learned
as Italian (as it read on Bye-pin), I discovered Orientalists and
historians of religions, Italy: Pettazzoni, Buonaiuti, Tucci and
others ... And wrote their books and articles about their
concerns. Admittedly, however, I was very lucky: I lived in an
attic lived in Bucharest, in my mother's house, and that attic
was completely isolated. So, at the age of fifteen, I got friends
there, I could tarry evening or night, bind coffee, talking. Attic
noise was so isolated and not bother anybody. When I came
into possession of that attic, I was sixteen. At first I took it with
my brother, but after he went to military school, I was sole
master of the attic, two small rooms, lovely.

Payot French psychiatrist.

Frazer Sir James George Frazer (18541941), History of

Religions and Scottish folklorist, author of the work The Golden
Bough. He finds its source in folk religions.

Max MiXller History of Religions.

I could read at will all night. . . Only know when he's fifteen
years and find modern poetry, and lots of other things, prefer to
have your own room, you can set or turn to and not just a thing
you have it parents borrowed. Was therefore a truly mine. We
lived in it, there I had a bed, a certain color. We engravings that

I cut and hung on walls. Most importantly, there had my books.

More than a work room was a place to live
it seems that the gods, or ursitoarele were favorable first
steps that I've done in life . . .
I guess because I had really, all possible chances until I left
When you entered the university, the atmosphere was
intellectual, cultural atmosphere in Romania those years, ie
from 1920 till 1925?
Among the first generation that took the culture of what was
then called "Greater Romania" Romania after the war of 19141918. A first generation without any pre-established program,
without a specific budget to achieve. My father's generation
and that my grandfather had an ideal: to bring together, all the
Romanian provinces. This ideal has been fulfilled. And I was
lucky to be part of the first generation of Romanian scholars
that was free, who had no program. I was free to discover not
only traditional sources such as our culture and classical French
literature, but absolutely everything. to me, I discovered Italian
literature, history of religions and then East. One of my friends
discovered American literature, one another, Scandinavian
culture. Mile-repa9 it reveals the translation of Jacques Bacot10.
As you see, everything was possible. Finally, get ready for a real
Openness to the universal presence of India in mind, with
which it Milarepa read Brancusi
Yes, and also then in Romania during 1922-1928, he
discovered Proust, Valry and, of course, surrealism.
But how to reconcile the desire for universal desire may
Romanian sources?
I felt pure Romanian creation would hardly fulfill the
atmosphere and forms a western culture that kept our parents:
Anatole France, for instance, or even Barres.

Milarepa sau Jetsun Kahbum, Old Tibetan poet. I

awarded "Life of Milarepa Jetsun of" also "Thodol Bardo" (Book
of the Dead, Tibetan).


Jacques Bacot French Orientalist.

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