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Accepted by the Board of Examiners on ...2015 and Declared to

have Fulfilled the Requirements of English Lecture
Nursing Departement
Institute of Health Science Surya Global Yogyakarta


Oktina Utami, M.Pd.

Alhamdulillah gratitude writer prayed to Allah, upon completion of the
manufacture of this field trip report conducted in Malioboro. Great gratitude writer
also say to the various parties who have helped in terms of both morally and
materially to the process of preparation of this report.
This simple statement is the result of the field trip was done on April 15,

2|Field Trip Report

2015. In general discussion about the history of Malioboro and contains interviews
with English speakers.
Furthermore, the authors recognize that there is still a mistake, for that
suggestions and constructive criticism is expected, thanks ...

Yogyakarta, May 2, 2015


Field Trip Report
English language is the international language, so everybody must trying to use
english language. If someone want to speak english fluently, she or he must often to
use english language. For that, there are many way to improve the english speaking
skill, such as adding more vocabulary, using english as daily language, or doing an
interview with english native speaker.
The purpose of this field trip is to do an interview with english speaker and record it
with video.
The type of this abstract is an informative abstract. The writer look for tourist at the
famous place and do an interview for a several minutes.
The result of this field trip is the writer do an interview at Malioboro with two
tourists. They were very kind, friendly and nice person. So, the writer feel confortable
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to make a conversation with them. The first tourist from Tramedi (Europe), her name
is Sandra and the second tourist from Belgien (Europe), her name is Suzy.
Key word: Field Trip, Malioboro, Conversation

Life is a chance. Take advantage of the opportunity well, then life will be better.
Because it is difficult to get second chance

Table of Content

APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................................. ii
PREFACE ............................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ iv
MOTTO .................................................................................................................. iv
TABLE OF CONTENT ...........................................................................................v
CHAPTER 1 PROFILE AND HISTORY ............................................................... 1
CHAPTER 2 ACTIVITY ........................................................................................ 2
CHAPTER 3 INTERVIEW ..................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................................ 10
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5|Field Trip Report

Malioboro is famous place in Yogyakarta. Located in the heart of Yogyakarta.
There are many people visit to this place, such as local people or tourist. Actually,
Malioboro is the citys main street and usually use to celebrate like sasak days, etc.
Long time ago, the street at Malioboro for two way. But, from 1980s until now had
become one way. In Malioboro also many hotels, restaurants and shops nearby. You
will find the traditional market too, namely is Bringharjo (anoname).
On April 15, 2015 the writer went to Molioboro. The writer want to do an
interview with english native speaker. So, the writer tryed to made a video
conversation with English native speaker. But, thats is not easy because no many
tourist want to take video with the writer. The field trip occure for one day and
succeed to make a video conversation with two english native speaker.

Before made a video conversation with english native speaker, the writer

1|Field Trip Report

made an opening video firstly. The opening video made in home before the writer
went to Malioboro.
That day was cloudy day. At 4.00 the writer went from writers home to
Malioboro and approximately arrived at 4.50. Before went to Malioboro, the writer
went to Prawirotaman fistly. But, no one tourist let the writer to record the
conversation. They just want to make conversation without recorded. So, the writer
change the location of field trip and went to Malioboro.
When the writer arrived, the writer must wait the tourists for several minute.
Then when the writer found the couple tourists, the writer say hallo to the tourists.
The writer ask for have the tourists time then explained the writers purpose and
reason why the writer need the touristss help. The writer so glad when the tourists
want to help the writer. So, the writer made a video conversation with one of the
After made a video conversation with the first touris, the rain drop. The writer
take shelter ia the post office. In post office, the writer met with the whole tourist
family. They are smile to the writer, and the writer interested to made a conversation
again. Same as the first tourists, the writer say hallo to the tourist family. The writer
ask for have the tourists time then explained the writers purpose and reason why the
writer need the touristss help. They want to help the writer and so, the writer made a
video conversation again with one of the tourist family.
So, the writer have two video conversation with english native speaker. And
the writer thing that it was enough for that day. Then the writer back to home.
2|Field Trip Report

1. Dialogue
a. First Tourist
Writer : Hello, good afternoon. May I have your time for a while please?
Tourist : Good afternoon... what I can do for you?
Writer : I have an assignment to do an interview with english native speaker

3|Field Trip Report

and I must take it with video. So, can you help me please?
Tourist : Ohh yes, I can
Writer : What is your name?..
Tourist : My name is Sandra..
Writer : My name is Ina, where are you come from?
Tourist : From Tramedi..
Writer : What??..
Tourist : From Tramedi.. from Europe..
Writer : ohhh.. Europe.. How long you visit in Indonesia?
Tourist : For five weeks
Writer : What do you like about Indonesia? This place maybe?
Tourist : That is first day, but I like the food, thats nice
Writer : What food?
Tourist : Mmm Very hot..
Writer : So you like spicy food?
Tourist : Yes spicy
Writer : Sory, Im forget.. how old are you?
Tourist : Im 40 years..
Writer : So, he is your husband? (indicate her friend)
Tourist : No, my boyfriend..
Writer : Oh, sorry I dont know..
Tourist : Oh, dont wory
4|Field Trip Report

Writer : Ok, thanks for your time..

Tourist : Yes

b. Second Tourist
Writer : Hello, good afternoon
Tourist : Good afternoon...
Writer : May I have your time for a while please? I have an assignment to do
an interview with english native speaker and I must take it with video. So, can
you help me please?
Tourist : Ohh yes, I can
Writer : Ok, lets begin..
Touris : How are you?
Writer : Im fine, what is your name?
Tourist : My is Suzy..
Writer : My name is Ina..
Tourist : Ina so nice
Writer : Where are you come from?
Touris : Im from Belgien (belgia)..
Writer : Where is Belgien?
Tourist : Belgien is in Europe
Writer : Where do you live?

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Tourist : I live in Naustic hotel..

Writer : What do you like from this place?
Tourist : I dont know, because its boring..
Writer : Because rain?
Tourist : Yes rainy
Writer : have you come here before?
Tourist : no.. first time..
Writer : Before that, where do you go?
Tourits : Emmm. Im going to see the tample. Do you know that?
Writer : Prambanan? Borobudur maybe?
Tourist : Whats the name of that temple? (ask her daughter)
Writer : that is beautifu place. I have to go two weeks ago..
Tourist : Two weeks ogo?
Writer : Yes, thats most beautiful place..
Touris : So you recommended?
Writer : Yes.. and you must go to Borobudur. But thats so far..
Tourist : Oh.. So far
Writer : I thing just that, thanks for you time
Tourist : Youre welcome
2. Paragraph
a. First tourist
Miss Sandra, 40 years old from Tramedi (Eropa). She said that she was in
6|Field Trip Report

indonesia for five weeks. She went to Indonesia with her boy friend and she
like spicy food.
: Im so shy, because I never do that before, so I cant say
anything what I want to say.
: She was friendly and nice person, she also beautiful.
b. Second tourist
Miss Suzy, from Belgien (Eropa). She said that she dont know about Jogja,
because rainy day made her cant go anywhere and she feel boring. Before go
to Malioboro, she went to Prambanan Temple.

: I dont have many vocabulary, so I cant say what I want to



: She was friendly, kind and make someone feel comfort

7|Field Trip Report


This field trip was doing on April 15, 2015 at Malioboro. The writer made
conversation with two english native speakers. The tourists were so kind, friendly and
nice person, so the writer feel comfortable to speak with them. When the writer did
conversation, the writer have problem such as feel a shy and dont have many

To make conversation with english native speaker is not easy. But, if you
believe your self and keep trying, you can do that. So, trust your self and always
trying something that you feel difficult. If you adjust oneself to try, you can do
anything what you want. And remember, dont give up!

I thing this program will help someone to improve the speaking skill. So, it
must be good and very fun. I like to do this assignment, and I will try it again
someday to improve my grammar to be better.

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from Access on April 30, 2015 at

11.25 PM

1. Conversation
a. First Tourist
Writer : Hello, good afternoon. May I have your time for a while please?

|Field Trip Report

Tourist : Good afternoon... what I can do for you?

Writer : I have an assignment to do an interview with english native speaker
and I must take it with video. So, can you help me please?
Tourist : Ohh yes, I can
Writer : What is your name?..
Tourist : My name is Sandra..
Writer : My name is Ina, where are you come from?
Tourist : From Tramedi..
Writer : What??..
Tourist : From Tramedi.. from Europe..
Writer : ohhh.. Europe.. How long you visit in Indonesia?
Tourist : For five weeks
Writer : What do you like about Indonesia? This place maybe?
Tourist : That is first day, but I like the food, thats nice
Writer : What food?
Tourist : Mmm Very hot..
Writer : So you like spicy food?
Tourist : Yes spicy
Writer : Sory, Im forget.. how old are you?
Tourist : Im 40 years..
Writer : So, he is your husband? (indicate her friend)
Tourist : No, my boyfriend..
|Field Trip Report

Writer : Oh, sorry I dont know..

Tourist : Oh, dont wory
Writer : Ok, thanks for your time..
Tourist : Yes

b. Second Tourist
Writer : Hello, good afternoon
Tourist : Good afternoon...
Writer : May I have your time for a while please? I have an assignment to do
an interview with english native speaker and I must take it with video. So, can
you help me please?
Tourist : Ohh yes, I can
Writer : Ok, lets begin..
Touris : How are you?
Writer : Im fine, what is your name?
Tourist : My is Suzy..
Writer : My name is Ina..
Tourist : Ina so nice
Writer : Where are you come from?
Touris : Im from Belgien (belgia)..

|Field Trip Report

Writer : Where is Belgien?

Tourist : Belgien is in Europe
Writer : Where do you live?
Tourist : I live in Naustic hotel..
Writer : What do you like from this place?
Tourist : I dont know, because its boring..
Writer : Because rain?
Tourist : Yes rainy
Writer : have you come here before?
Tourist : no.. first time..
Writer : Before that, where do you go?
Tourits : Emmm. Im going to see the tample. Do you know that?
Writer : Prambanan? Borobudur maybe?
Tourist : Whats the name of that temple? (ask her daughter)
Writer : that is beautifu place. I have to go two weeks ago..
Tourist : Two weeks ogo?
Writer : Yes, thats most beautiful place..
Touris : So you recommended?
Writer : Yes.. and you must go to Borobudur. But thats so far..
Tourist : Oh.. So far
Writer : I thing just that, thanks for you time
|Field Trip Report

Tourist : Youre welcome

2. Photo

|Field Trip Report

|Field Trip Report

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