S. Senthinathan, Secretary

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Rt. Hon.

David Cameron MP
Prime minster of UK
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
Re:- Final Solution Request from Eelam Tamils to Their Ethnic Problem
after World Leaders Request for United Sri Lanka
After every democratic parliamentary political attempt by the Tamils to find a
peaceful solution for the Tamils ethnic problem, reasonable solutions was turn
down by the Sinhalese political leaders since Independence in 1948.
In 1970 General Election Mrs.Srimavo Bandaranaike scraped the 1948 Ceylons
dominion polity and created a new Republic of Sri Lanka. Tamil voters in the
Northern and Eastern Provinces instantaneously rejected it; only a simple 14%
voted for it. Since that time S.J.V Selvanayagam was fighting against the change
within the parliament because 1972 Republican constitution of Ceylon had no
legal continuity with the earlier Constitutions under British rule. On the other
hand, it deceived the Tamil people political rights which they enjoyed earlier.
In 1972 Hon. S.J.V Selvanayagam QC resigned his MP position rejecting the
Republican Constitution imposed on Tamils and challenged to hold election to
prove his objection against the new change. Sinhalese leaders dragged the election
until 1975; S.J.V contested proposing for separate state for Tamils. 90% of the
Tamils voted and S.J.V won the election with full majority. He couldnt continue
with the political fight, because he falls sick and passed away in April 1977.
In 1977 election Tamils voted supporting the Vaddukoddai Resolution which says that
restoration and reconstitution of the Free, Sovereign, Secular, Socialist State of TAMIL
EELAM, based on the right of self-determination inherent to every nation, has become
inevitable in order to safeguard the very existence of the Tamil Nation in this Country to protect
the Tamils basic rights and freedom.
In 1983 Hon. Phrabakaran continued the Eelam struggle through armed fight on
the basis of the mandate given by the Tamil Nationals in the 1975 and 1977
election to Hon. S. J. V. Selvanayagams proposals. The Sri Lankan governments
foreign ministers went all over the world and carried out false propaganda that
Tamils are carrying out terrorist attacks on the government and the Sinhala
World leaders believed the false propaganda and helped the Sinhala leaders to
supress the Tamils genuine fight for freedom. Unfortunately same time the
American twin tower attack by the Muslim terrorists led by Osama Bin laden
completely destroyed the twin tower killed several thousand innocent civilians.

As a result American president declared al-Qaeda as a terrorist organisation and

named several organisations that were sincerely involved in fighting and struggle
for freedom to their own people were also listed and named as terrorists and ban
them. Tragically, Tamil freedom fighters name also included by the US and other
countries including India.
Even with these entire injunctions Tamil freedom fighters progressed to attain
their target of capturing nearly 80% of their own home land and created a defacto government with every ministerial department. But the western political
leaders such as UK, US along with India couldnt accept this great achievement
by the Tamil freedom fighters.
The only reason is that the Tamil freedom fighters didnt bow down to any
country or to any leading political magnets in the world particularly
America, Britain and few other western countries but the Tamil freedom
fighters only relied on their own Tamil diaspora who are displaced due to the
ethnic war and achieved the so called de-facto government.
America, Britain, EU countries join hands with India and crushed our struggle in
May 2009. The only reason why they crushed is that Tamils have not bow down
and requested any of them help or accepted their political strategy. Eelam Tamils
believed that it doesnt solve our problem.
After May 2009 Tamil people were forced to live in an open prison surrounded
by several army camps, security check points and monitored by plain cloth army
intelligent people and governments paramilitary forces loitering around the
Tamil areas in North and East.

World leaders are requesting for a peaceful solution to the Tamils under
united Sri Lanka. Tamil Diaspora is prepared to accept a federal solution
uniting North and East within united Sri Lanka. If the Sinhalese are not
prepared to accept this federal solution world leaders who helped Sri
Lanka to crush the Tamils aspiration in May 2009 should go for a
referendum for separation to have freedom to the Tamils.
Tamils Kindly Request the British Prime Minister, European Union, UN
and US not to Allow Tamil Nationals to a Slow Process of Massacre and to
end as Slaves under Sinhala Buddhist regime.
S. Senthinathan, Secretary, Tamils Rights Action for Peace & Development,
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