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The Magazine of the Society of Mary

£2.00 Christmasstide 2006


The Superior-General writes

he two occasions marking the Thanksgiving at the
T time of my Silver Jubilee of Ordination to the Sacred
Priesthood, each provides its own particular memory.
Each was much supported by colleagues, friends, fellow
Bishops and Priests. The Mass at S. Silas, Kentish Town
had the grandeur and solemnity that, perhaps, only
Father Graeme Rowlands’ commitment and insight can
achieve; the Thanksgiving in Hymns at S. Hilda’s Church,
Whitby, was a warm and joyful occasion from which have come many
expressions of enjoyment.
I have been overwhelmed by the gifts, cards, Masses of Intention and
messages received. May I use the pages of this Christmasstide edition of
AVE to express my heartfelt thanks to Father Rowlands, the people of
S. Silas, Kentish Town, members of the Society of Mary and to each one
of you for your prayers and support.
In thinking and researching for things to include in the Thanksgiving
Service at Whitby, I found a copy of a remarkable book, In Praise of Our
Lady, published by the Medici Society in 1924. As well as some beautiful
illustrations, the book contains poems written between the early 16th and
late 19th centuries. I went on to include the poem ‘Of the Assumption’
written by Sir John Beaumont 1583 – 1627 and a number of those present
remarked on its beauty. The book also reminded me of the poem ‘Our
Lady’s Expectation’ by Father Faber and I share the final verse of this
wonderful poem with you as appropriate for Christmasstide:
Thou hast waited, Child of David,
And thy waiting now is o’er;
Thou hast seen Him, blessed Mother,
And wilt see Him evermore:
Oh, His human face and features,
They were passing sweet to see:
Thou beholdest them this moment;
Mother, show them now to me.
May this be for you and those dear to you a happy and holy Christmass.

Robert Whitby, Superior-General


A letter from the Chaplain-General

My dear friends,

t has been an eventful year so far! It was good to see so

I many of you at the various events for the 75th
anniversary of our Society during September and I must
first thank all those who helped with the celebrations and
made them possible. As I said at Walsingham, none of our original
founders would have dreamed that we could have the Archbishop of
Canterbury with us to preside at Vespers, preach and give Benediction,
nor that we could welcome the Bishop of Norwich as a fellow pilgrim and
preacher on our Pilgrimage to Walsingham. Our thanks go to both of them
for the support and encouragement they give as we continue to develop
our work. It was good to be back at S. Alban’s Holborn, thanks to
Fr Levett, where for many years we celebrated the May Devotion and to
enjoy the excellent facilities and hospitality of the Church and Centre. My
personal thanks go to all the servers, singers and musicians, to those who
helped to prepare the liturgy and particularly to Fr Humphreys and
Fr Barnes for their practical support with the arrangements. The Homilies
from both occasions and a collection of photographs of the events will be
published in a separate booklet available from me. This also includes our
Superior-General’s Silver Jubilee celebrations at S. Silas when, again, it
was a very happy occasion. Details appear elsewhere in this issue.
On the subject of publications, I must record our gratitude to Richard
McEwan and Fr Alan Parkinson for their work on the new book ‘People,
Places and Things’. It provides an interesting photographic record at the
time of our 75th anniversary and includes photographs of events I had
long forgotten. I am sure you will want to give copies to your friends as a
present! They can be ordered from me – £9.50 including postage and
The Lourdes pilgrimage this year was a particularly happy one. The
weather was splendid, the hotel good and the hospitality offered at the
Shrine overwhelming. We were able to restore a number of elements to the
programme which we had missed in recent years, particularly a time of
Exposition, Meditation and Benediction on the Tuesday morning, which
gave a chance to reflect on our pilgrimage and on what we can offer to God
rather than simply on what we hope to receive. We look forward to our
next pilgrimage in 2008, as we celebrate with the Shrine the 150th
anniversary of the Apparitions.

The Executive Committee recently had a very useful discussion of how
the administrative systems of the Society work so that we can check they
are doing so in the most effective way. With reference to grants, the
following should be noted:
• Applications for help with groups going on the Walsingham Youth
Pilgrimage should reach me by the end of April: the results will be
communicated at the beginning of June.
• Applications for individuals going on pilgrimage to Lourdes,
Walsingham and elsewhere should reach me by the end of January, on the
form available from me.
• Grants for refurbishment of statues or shrines of Our Lady will be
considered at any time, on the form available from me.
• Other requests or emergency applications may be sent to me at any time.
Finally, our thanks go to Nathan Paine Davey for all his work as
Secretary over the last three years. He notified the Executive in July that
he would not be seeking re-election and that he would like to begin
handing over the work to a successor this Autumn. I am happy to say that
Celia Bush from Ipswich (who has proved her efficiency with the
organisation of the Nettuno pilgrimages) has agreed to take over and been
appointed by the Executive to fill the casual vacancy. She will be standing
for election for a four year term as Honorary Secretary next May. We are
grateful to them both.

With my love and blessing,

Fr Graeme Rowlands, Chaplain-General

Copy for consideration for the Annunciationtide issue of AVE must

be sent to the Editor and received by 31st January at the latest. It
would be helpful if copy were sent electronically – although hard
copy of any pictures may be needed. The Editor reserves the right to
amend or delete copy as may be expedient and as space permits. It is
regretted that hard copy cannot be returned.


From the Honorary Secretary

he General Council met in February and October. Additionally, the

T Executive Committee met in July.
As members will be aware two vacancies arose on the General Council this
year and those places have been filled by Fr Iain Young, Parish Priest of
Holy Trinity, Hoxton and Fr Ivan Aquilina, Assistant Priest All Saints’,
Margaret Street.

The period of office of the following members of General Council ends in
The Reverend Stephen Jones
The Reverend Roger Parker
The Reverend Christopher Pearson
Mr John Watts
Mrs Celia Bush
Nominations duly proposed, seconded and signed by the candidate must
be received by 31st January 2007. They should be sent to The Reverend
Luke Miller, S. Mary’s Vicarage, Landsdowne Road, London N17 9XE and
NOT to me.
Mr Albert Mead, a longstanding member of Council and Secretary of the
Newcastle Ward, has decided not stand for election to the Council in 2007.
Albert is well known to members of the Society and has over twenty years,
been tireless in his support of the General Council and the Society. The
Society owes him a debt of gratitude for all his hard work and for his
enthusiasm. We wish him well in the future and are glad to hear that he
will continue as Secretary of the Newcastle Ward.
As I speak of resignations members should also be aware that I tendered
my resignation as Secretary to the General Council in October. It has been
a great privilege to serve the Society as a member of General Council for
over fourteen years. In that time the Society has grown and flourished and
devotion to Our Lady increased. Long may it continue. I am grateful to
Mrs Celia Bush for agreeing to take over the role of Secretary.

Nathan Paine Davey


Introducing the Acting Secretary of the Society

ay I introduce myself as the new Acting Secretary-General of the

M Society. I retired from full-time teaching in 2005, though prior to
becoming a teacher (of English, French and sometimes R.E.) I worked in
Health Service Management. I am still an A Level Examiner for English
Literature. I live in Ipswich, Suffolk, and am the Pilgrimage Organiser for
the annual Ecumenical Pilgrimage of Our Lady of Grace, to Nettuno, Italy,
on behalf of S. Mary at the Elms Church and the Meryemana Group. We
are not sufficiently numerous in the area to form a Ward of The Society of
Mary, but there are plans to further the work of The Society and other
Catholic Societies locally, in the coming year. I am glad to be able to serve
the Society of Mary in the capacity of Secretary, and ask for your prayers
that I may carry out this task to the best of my ability, and under the
invocation of Our Lady.

From the Membership Secretary

embers are reminded that annual subscriptions are due on 1st

M January 2007. Annual subscriptions are £7.50, with an increase to
£10 from 2008. Life subscriptions are £80, with an increase to £100 from
2008. Members attached to a Ward should pay their subscriptions through
that Ward. Headquarters registered members pay directly to the
Membership Secretary, and I would be pleased to receive these as soon as
possible and preferably by 30 April 2007. Members in arrears will not
receive AVE

Mr Stephen Barber,
7 Oaks Farm Drive,
Darton, Barnsley,
South Yorks S75 5BZ
Tel: 01226 384935
Fax: 01226 231802


The Image of Our Lady of Guisborough

he market town of
T Guisborough nestles on the
northern edge of the North
Yorkshire Moors, between the
industrial expanse of
Middlesbrough to the west and
the ecclesiastically important
town of Whitby to the east.
It wasn’t very far from
Guisborough where I spent my
childhood and regular visits to
the town were necessary for
everything from food shopping
to banking; furthermore, it was
at the town’s Sixth Form College
where I studied for my A levels. ■ The priory ruins.
The town’s Further Education
College (formerly the Grammar School) is named after Guisborough’s last
prior, Prior Pursglove, who on leaving the priory founded the school and
went on to become Bishop of Hull. The college is still situated to the north
of the ruined priory, whose great east end is the only significant remnant.
Despite walking past this great gothic ruin each working day for two
years, it wasn’t until a number of years later that I first heard tale of a
shrine there to “Our Lady of Guisborough” and it was to be another period
of time before I discovered this flowering of devotion to the Virgin
mentioned on paper. Evidence of the shrine was eventually found in the
first volume of Famous Shrines of Our Lady, where Gillertt (quoting from
Edmund Waterton: Pietas Mariana Britannica) duly lists Guisborough as
being among the shrines, “specially singled out for destruction at the
Reformation.” 1
I then discovered that a replica of the image now stands in
Guisborough’s Roman Catholic Church of S. Paulinus. I made a visit to the
Gillett, H. M. Famous Shrines of Our Lady, (Samuel Walker Ltd.
London: 1949) Page 44.
Mention is also made of a shrine at Guisborough by Zsolt Aradi, From Our
Lady’s Dowry which can be found at

altar where the image of Our Lady of Guisborough now stands. The
Roman Catholic “Guild of Our Lady of Guisborough” is based there and
has produced some information on the history of the Shrine.
There appears to be no evidence of a miraculous vision of Our Lady at
Guisborough; however, when the Priory was founded there by Robert de
Brus in 1119 the charter clearly states that the monastery was founded to
the honour of God and the Holy Virgin Mary. Furthermore, the Charter for
a market and fair, granted by King Henry III in 1263, directs there to be a
weekly market on a Monday and a three day fair on the vigil, day and
morrow of the Assumption of Blessed Mary. Primary evidence from wills
and from the priory’s vast wealth at the dissolution, demonstrates that
devotion to Our Lady of Guisborough was strong and that her Church in
Guisborough received generous gifts from many benefactors.
The restored image in S. Paulinus’ Roman Catholic Church, is based on
the image found on the priory’s seal and was erected in 1949 in
thanksgiving for the protection of the town from enemy bombing during
the Second World War.
After seeing this image it occurred to me that it wouldn’t be impossible
for me to find a copy of the seal and attempt to recreate the image –
possibly in the form of an eastern icon.
The first step was to obtain a photocopy of the
priory’s seal, which I was able to obtain thanks to
the help of staff at the Yorkshire Museum in
The seal clearly shows Our Lady seated upon a
throne with Our Lord supported on her left knee.
Together they hold a circle or an orb. The image
is enclosed above within a church building
(presumably the priory church) and on one side ■ The ancient seal.
a figure is seen kneeling in adoration. On the
reverse side of the seal it is clear that there are figures kneeling and facing
inward on both sides of the central image.
Armed with nothing more than a pencil (and given my limited artistic
talent) I traced around the seal and then enlarged the image as best I
could, only allowing additions when necessary. Then with a set of felt-tip
pens and a prayer I added some colour to this grey image before sending
it to Mrs Valerie Button, a friend who has an artistic eye and who spends
her spare time painting pictures and writing icons. Mrs Button produced
an exciting template:


■ The icon before painting.

After a further telephone conversation, Mrs Button got to work, the

wood was cut and work began on the icon, which we determined should
have an unashamedly English and medieval air about it. The next time I
saw the icon it was outlined and ready for painting and gilding, yet even
this couldn’t prepare me for the delight of the finished icon.
I acknowledge that a good deal of artistic licence has been taken to make
the grey figure of Our Lady (on the damaged priory seal) into this bold
icon. Nevertheless, I don’t think we can ever be absolutely certain as to
what the medieval image of Our Lady of Guisborough looked like and this
attempt may be as close as any reconstruction we might come across.
May Our Lady of Guisborough pray for us.

Father Adam Gaunt, Assistant Curate,

The Church of the Ascension, Penrith Road, Middlesbrough


■ The completed icon of Our Lady of Guisborough.

The May Devotion, 2007

The May Devotion and the Annual General Meeting of the Society
will take place at the Church of S. Silas, Kentish Town on
Saturday 12 May, 2007.

Full details will follow in the Annunciationtide issue of AVE.


Centenarian in Boston, Lincolnshire

ongratulations to Mrs Irene (Rene) Barwick, long standing member of

C the Ward of Our Lady of the Marsh, Skirbeck, Boston, who celebrated
her 100th Birthday on September 20th.
Rene who is still very active, travelled on the Lincolnshire coach for the
full day at Christ our Future (2000), attended Ward events until last year
and still gets to Mass at the church of S. Nicholas, Skirbeck, which she has
attended since her childhood.

■ Rene celebrating her 100th birthday after the Parish Mass.


Alive Again!
The Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage, 2006

he theme of this year’s Youth Pilgrimage was ‘Alive Again’; a reference

T to the death and resurrection of Jesus on the cross. So how better to
organise the programme around the events of Holy Week? The first
morning we began as usual with the Holy Mile walk, this year re-enacting
Palm Sunday complete with ‘Jesus’ on a donkey! That night we had what
was probably one of the highlights: after an evening Mass, we were led into
the village for a candle-lit procession with over 800 young people walking
in complete silence. Another highlight was the late-night liturgy which
focused on the Crucifixion. During the service members of the team
performed a moving interpretation of the events of Good Friday.
As well as the religious side, we took part in a 5-a-side football
tournament, both a mixed 11-14 side and the ONLY all girls team in the

■ Smart K’s (the name of the Youth Group, an anagram of S. Marks),

S. Mark’s Church, Shiremoor, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

whole tournament! There
were also the usual
barbecues, discos and the
addition of a talent
All in all it was an
enjoyable pilgrimage (aside
from the few rain showers
and a bizarre amount of
wind!) and everyone gained
something out of the time,
even if it was just a chance
to get away and have fun
with hundreds of other
young people with similar
beliefs, all there to praise
Clare Hall.

The Society of Mary

The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the
Apparitions of Our Lady to Bernadette in 1858


22 – 26 September, 2008
The Pilgrimage dates encompass the observance of
Our Lady of Walsingham on 24 September
Approximate cost: £450.00.
Bookings through Fr Graeme Rowlands


Holy Trinity, Dalton, Rotherham

r Matthew Ineson recently took a group of children from Holy Trinity
F Dalton, to Lourdes. A group of the youngsters is shown below.
The children had a wonderful time and now keep asking ‘When are we
going again on a plane to see Our Lady’?

The Society gave small grants to assist the above Youth and Lourdes
Children’s Pilgrimages.


75th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Society

Sunday 10 September
he anniversary of foundation service was held at S. Alban’s Holborn.
T The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend and Right
Honourable, Dr Rowan Williams presided at Vespers, Preached and gave

■ The Solemn reception of the Archbishop of Canterbury at S. Alban’s,

Holborn. He is flanked by bishops Robert Ladds (L) and Peter Wheatley (R).


Saturday 16 September
day pilgrimage to Walsingham was held. The day was a ‘Family-Day’
A in every sense with a children’s group who had their own workshops
and joined in the afternoon devotions..

■ Pilgrims attending Mass at the outside Altar of The Luminous Mysteries.

Saturday 23 September
he Superior-General celebrated the 25th Anniversary of his Ordination
T to the Priesthood with a Pontifical Concelebrated Mass and
Benediction at S. Silas, Kentish Town.

■ Bishop Robert gives Benediction.


North West Ward

Saturday 24 February, 2007

at the Church of
The Holy Family, Failsworth, Manchester

12.00 noon: 1st Address – Fr Ian Brooks

12.30 pm: Solemn Mass
1.30 pm: Lunch
2.30 pm: 2nd Address – Fr Christopher Cook
2.45 pm: Stations of the Cross – Fr Croft
3.30 pm: Solemn Benediction

All Welcome – Easily accessible from the M60

The contact for other details, directions/map, or for priests who

wish to concelebrate is:

Fr Peter McEvitt,
Holy Family Rectory
190 Lord Lane
Manchester M35 0QS
Tel: 0161 681 3644


Annual outing of the Bournemouth Ward

t has been the recent custom in the Bournemouth Ward’s annual

I calendar to include an outing with a Church interest. It can be
questioned whether this year’s trip fell totally into the ‘Church interest’
category as it included a visit to both Lancing College Chapel and Brighton
Royal Pavilion; so the title for the day was: ‘SAINTS AND SINNERS’.
On arrival at Lancing College we were met by the College Chaplain,
Fr Roger Marsh, who celebrated a Solemn Mass of SS. Simon and Jude in
the Crypt Chapel.
Following the Mass, Fr Marsh gave a talk explaining the history and
present place of Lancing College. Nathaniel Woodard was a curate in
Shoreham, West Sussex in 1848 and argued the plea for more, but less
exclusive, public schools with teaching and practice of the Catholic Faith
as expressed in the Book of Common Prayer. Although Nathaniel Woodard
was far from wealthy he appealed to many for his most worthy cause.
Moving to its present location in 1858 the building of the Chapel was
commenced and subsequently dedicated to SS. Mary and Nicolas after the


■ The Crypt Chapel ready for Mass. The statue of Our Lady of Walsingham
may be seen in the background behind the altar.


■ The Altar Party returning to the Sacristy at the conclusion of the Mass.

beautiful Norman churches of Shoreham. The College Chapel is located

some 150 feet above sea level, and visible from the main roads to
thousands of motorists passing daily. A daily Mass is held in the Chapel,
with each school house being responsible for ensuring there is a
congregation on a rotating weekly basis. A
weekly Eucharist is also held for the whole
school on Wednesdays, as most of the
boarders go home at weekends. The college
also has Benediction on Friday evening, thus
emphasising its current Catholic emphasis.
There are currently forty schools in the
United Kingdom which are part of the
Woodard Corporation; twenty-three being
owned directly and split into five
geographical regions. The diversity of the
Corporation is enhanced by overseas schools,
currently from Africa, Australia and North

America. In all the Schools there is priority to
continue the Christian focus developed by
Nathaniel Woodard in the nineteenth
At noon we gathered round the statue of
Our Lady in the Cloister for the recitation of
the Angelus by Fr Marsh the School
Chaplain. The journey then continued to
Brighton for lunch and a conducted visit to
Brighton Royal Pavilion.

■ Was it the Prince Regent himself talking to the

Bournemouth group in Brighton?


Pilgrimage to the
Shrine of Our Lady of Ipswich
This will take place on Saturday 26 May, with a Mass at 12 noon at
which the Superior-General, Bishop Robert Ladds will be the
principal concelebrant and preacher.
The Mass will be followed by a picnic lunch, procession to the site of
the original Shrine and Benediction.

All welcome. Further information may be obtained from

Mrs Celia Bush, 01473 423750

The Shrine of Our Lady of Grace, Ipswich

S. Mary at the Elms, Ipswich

Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie

Led by the Rt Revd Robert Ladds, Bishop of Whitby

4 – 8 May, 2007
Cost: £355-400 (£275 for single priests)

Details and Booking Forms from Mrs Celia Bush,

169 Humber Doucy Lane, Ipswich IP4 3PA
Tel: 01473 423750


■ The newly founded Benfleet Ward consists of eighteen members and was well
represented at this year’s Lourdes Pilgrimage.
The photograph shows ten members on the steps of the Cathedral of S. Bertrand de
Comminges with the Superior-General and the Chaplain-General.

News from South Australia

In 2005 Fr Neville Connell, SSC., was appointed as the

Priest-in-charge of the Parish and Shrine of Yankalilla –
which is some 80 kms (48 miles) south of Adelaide.
Fr Neville has revived the presence of The Society of Mary
in South Australia and it is good to report that a number of
new members have been admitted.


The Society of Mary

Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy
Led by the Superior-General: The Rt Revd Robert Ladds

23 - 28 July, 2007
Cost: £530.00.

The Pilgrimage will include:

Loreto – with a guided tour of the Basilica and the Holy House
Assisi – with guided tours of the Basilicas of San Francesco and
Santa Maria degli Angeli
Plus visits to Perugia and the Shrine of the Eucharistic Miracle
at Lanciano

This is a 3-centre Pilgrimage staying in Loreto, Assisi and Pescara

Booking Form with further details from Fr Graeme Rowlands

From the Sales Officer

Mr Richard North
Society Medals, Manuals and Lapel Badges
These may be obtained from me at the following address:
11 Larkfield Road, FARNHAM, Surrey GU9 7DB
(Telephone: 01252 722095)
Prices are: medals £7.00 each; manuals 50p each and lapel badges
£2.50 each. Payment should be made at the time of placing an order
and cheques should be made payable to “Society of Mary”.
When ordering manuals, lapel badges or a quantity of less than five
medals, members are requested to add a minimum of 50p to the value
of the order to cover postage and packing. For orders of five or more
medals, please include a minimum of £4.00 to cover the cost of
Special Delivery (which provides insurance cover for the value of the


A letter of Testimony from the Revd Glyn Grant

Priest-Member of the Society
wenty years ago with two prolapsed discs I leaned against the doctor’s
T garden wall in a lane in Eastbourne. A man that I had not seen before
came up and enquired if I was ok? He then asked me if I had ever visited
Lourdes. I had never considered that. Without a further word the stranger
stuffed my pocket with £20 notes and told me to go. I put the gift in a
separate Post Office Account and forgot it.
Almost exactly ten years ago I woke up one Saturday morning and could
not move my left arm nor leg. The effects of the stroke concentrated my
mind on a pilgrimage to Lourdes. My wife telephoned the Roman Catholic
Bishop of Plymouth and was told the Priests would look after me if I could
get to Exeter airport. I knew that I could only do this if I made a partial
A month later I was in Lourdes and attended the Mass of Anointing at
the Esplanade Altar. Before the farewell Mass on 31st May 1996 I was
walking without assistance. I have been to Lourdes twice since to thank
Our Blessèd Lady, Mary, for God’s healing miracle as I honestly see it.

Glyn Grant,
31st July, 2006
(SoM Member since 1968)

Council Meetings of the Society

Tuesday 6 February
Wednesday 4 July (Executive Officers Meeting at 4.30pm)
Monday 1 October

Council meetings commence at 4.15 pm and are preceded by

Executive Council Meetings at 2 pm.

The images on the front and back cover,

page 15 (bottom pic), 18 and 29 have kindly been
supplied by, and remain copyright of, John Salmon.


Society of Mary Publications

ouvenir of the 75th Anniversary of Foundation. This soon-to-be-
S available booklet will follow the general format of AVE and will
include both a selection of photographs and homilies from the special
events in September. It will be distributed as soon as copies are available.
Price: £2.50, inclusive of postage

eople, Places, and Things. A light-hearted pictorial history of The

P Society to commemorate the 75th Anniversary.
Price: £9.50, inclusive of postage

he Mariological Lectures of Fr. John Milburn. These lectures were

T presented to the Mariological Congresses in 1975, 1979 and 1983 for
which he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology by the
Mariological Academy in Rome in 1985
Price: £2.50, inclusive of postage

Any of these publications may be ordered from the

Chaplain-General, Fr Graeme Rowlands.
Please use the Order Form enclosed with this AVE.




James Donald Carson, priest

Peter Royston Ball, priest
Jessie Spendiff
Roger Howland
Neil Thaker
Sheila Burgess
Harold Atkinson
Muriel Adams
Mabel Humm
Laura Ann Smith
Elizabeth Wilkins
Barbara Chapman
Ellen Kendall
Colin Haigh, priest
Alice Damaris Matheson
Martin Sankey OM, priest
Berys Shipley
Elizabeth Robson
Jean Mowatt
Julie Strachan
Mary Bush
Lilian Boschi

Jesu Mercy Mary Pray

The above list is of members who have died since the last list
published in AVE, Christmasstide 2005.
Ward Secretaries are requested to ensure that they send the names
of departed members of their Wards to the Membership Secretary.


Officers of the Society

The Society of Mary
(Established 1931)
Superior-General The Society of Mary springs from two similar
The Rt Revd Robert Ladds, societies founded in 1880 and 1901 respectively,
Bishop of Whitby,
which united in 1931. It has members all over the
60 West Green, Stokesley,
Middlesbrough TS9 5BD world and is not confined to Anglicans. Where
Tel: 01642 714475/6 there are sufficient members in one place or area,
Fax: 01642 714472 they combine to form a Ward, with a priest as
Superior and an elected Secretary. They can
Chaplain-General organise regular services, meetings and many
and Director of Pilgrimage other activities. Five or more members may form
The Revd G. C. Rowlands, a Cell, and organise joint prayer and fellowship.
S. Silas Presbytery,
11 St. Silas Place, Isolated members are joined to the Headquarters
London NW5 3QP Ward.
Tel: 020 7485 3727 The Society publishes its magazine AVE three
e-mail: times each year with details of pilgrimages,
Secretary retreats, festival services etc. It is free to all
Mrs Celia Bush, members and is the effective link between the
169 Humber Doucy Lane, various Regions.
Ipswich, The Society is not affiliated to any single Shrine or
Suffolk IP4 3PA Marian institution, and is the only organisation
Tel: 01473 423750 endeavouring to promote equally all the different
e-mail: aspects of devotion to Mary.
Membership Secretary The Society of Mary
Mr Stephen Barber,
7 Oaks Farm Drive, The Society is dedicated to the glory of God and in
Darton, Barnsley, honour of the Holy Incarnation under the
South Yorks S75 5BZ invocation of Our Lady, Help of Christians.
Tel: 01226 384935 1. Members shall keep a Rule of Life, which will
Fax: 01226 231802 include such special devotions as the Angelus,
e-mail: the Rosary, the Litany and Anthems of Our Lady.
Treasurer 2. They will pray for Departed Members of the
The Revd R. Gomersall, Society and offer Mass for them.
Dale View House, 3. They will take part in the Mass on the principal
14 Wignall Avenue, Feasts of Our Lady.
Wickersley, Rotherham, 4. They will engage in apostolic and pastoral
South Yorks S66 2AX work, according to opportunity, under the
Tel: 01709 546441 guidance of the local Ward Officers and the
Fax: 01709 701900 General Council.
Objects and Membership of the Society
Editor of Ave The Society was founded as an Anglican Society
Mr Henry Frier, with these Objects:
2 Dundas Road,
Canford Heath, 1. To love and honour Mary.
Poole, 2. To spread devotion to her in reparation for
Dorset BH17 8PT past neglect and misunderstanding, and in the
Tel: 01202 683907 cause of Christian Unity.
e-mail: 3. To take Mary as a model in purity, personal
relationships and family life.

The Superior-General, the Chaplain-General, Officers and
General Council of the Society wish you a Happy and Blessèd
Christmass and pray that the New Year, 2007,
may be marked with all spiritual gifts and material prosperity.

Designed and Printed by Postprint, East Harling, Norfolk

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