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To boost up performance of any business branding and advertising play crucial role
where brand is tool which change buying behaviour of consumers and advertising act as
driving force for conveying message of that brand in customers mind. Actually the
purpose of study is to determine that consumer buying behaviour influenced by branding
and advertising in public at Islamabad. In order to collect data Questionnaire was
designed. A sample of 200 people was taken in which 185 responses were collected
within one week. It is concluded from result that advertising and brand image positively
affect the buying behavior of consumer. According to study the youngsters are especially
more conscious about brands and results show that they buying behaviour are effected by
advertisement of branded products. Peoples of Islamabad perceived brand image
positively. Article limitations of research are mentioned at last, for further
research implications and suggestions are also included.

With the passage of time the importance of branding and advertising is increasing in
Pakistan. Brand image is promise to his customer. For purchase decisions and product
selection advertisement play vital role. People use branded products to show their status
symbol. In present time to boost up any business branding and advertising plays crucial
role. Teenagers are mostly effected by brand image and advertising of that brand. As
branding is tool which positively effects the peoples buying behaviour and advertising act
as driving force running these brands. Most of the peoples are conscious about branded
fashion clothing. In Pakistan this trend is on its peak now a days. Business war is going
on where every company is trying satisfied their customers and to generate more and
more revenues.
Advertising is so effective in order to meet psyche of customers and consumers. To
convey your message to audience advertisement is an effective way. This system always
distributed products and services develop by Human society. In this modern world
societys development is very complex due to availability of wide range of products
available in the market. In order to understand the culture of this society, it is required to
study the entire lifetime experiences since economic goods consumed because human
involve in each activity of this economic system. Human behavior appears to be subsets
of consumer behavior for the same factors, individuals are effected in their daily life, and
purchase activities are also influenced due to different strategies by the firms. Social
class, cast, family, creed and social control system of different societies means culture
also effect consumer behaviour. Like in Islamabad the influences created by advertising is
so much where most of the peoples are educated and belongs to almost financially
healthiest families due to which maximum of them prefer branded products. The brands
they used are well-known in all over the Pakistan and most of peoples according to
research it is fined that the products which so much expensive they perceive them as
good brands. The way different brands make their products famous is through advertising

by using their famous brand ambassadors and different actors, models. Actually these
members which are used for advertising are seen by peoples specially womens on daily
bases in different television programs and dramas which effects ladies more for using
branded products. Brand always and everywhere exist whether it is Islamabad or any far
flung village, but in villages most of peoples are not financially well groomed they prefer
cheaper brands. Like two brands of soaps exist Pakistan in which one is cheaper and
other one is expensive so peoples belonging to different areas use brands according to
their will and affordability the can do. In order to attract new customers and existing
customers the marketers make their brands known by implement different strategies. To
compete with competitors marketers use different ways to make their brand efficient for
their customers means more than customers are expecting from that brand. Marketing
mix is another challenge for todays scenario for allocation and distribution of their brand
and create awareness through advertisement. As branded products need is increasing day
by day, due to number of brands these days heir is tough competition in between them so
most of the time customer switch from one brand to another brand, the main reason of
switching from one brand to another are inconvenience, pricing factor of different brands,
competition among brands, ethical problems, the response to the service failure,
switching of customer involuntarily, the core failure of service. After getting some
knowledge about brand according to the needs of customer, the customer think to
purchase that product. After thinking customer comes to know about worries he have to
face while purchasing that product these include failure frequency mean not able to
access, secondly down time mean the availability of product not at time, last thing create
worries for customer to purchase that product is out-of pocket cost issue which is
understandable from name an issue of cost. The product can be marketed through two
strategies, push strategies and pull strategies where push strategies involve sale force of
manufacturer whereas pull strategies include promotion, advertising, and other forms of
communication to persuade the customer behaviour.

Significance of the study:

The study will help specially for marketing any product. Actually this study enables that
how much its important for any company to make their product to be considered as
brand. Any brand originates when it fulfills the needs, wants and demands of any
consumer. Brand is the image, idea of specific product which is used by customer, by
identifying the logo, name and slogan. Whereas advertising invaded the knowledge about
any specific brand, services by producers to its customers. After analyzing this research
marketer will enable to understand that how much its important for any product to be
known as good brand for todays customers of Pakistan. They come to understand that
how advertisement create brand awareness in general public. Marketers also come to
understand that where they have to position their brand and what kind of communication
channels involve to advertise that product. The supplier also comes to understand that
educated peoples preferred mostly branded products according to research of two wellknown universities of Islamabad. Franchises for branded products must be opened for
providing quality services to her customers. This is basically locational decision of

business which involve regional shopping centers, strips of shopping, larger store within
location, shopping centers for communities, and districts of central business.

Literature review:
Brand preference is symbol of name, term sign, or combination of them. Using branded
products is the symbol of status these days. The brand means to apply marketing methods
for a particular product or brand or series and managed summarized by Nepalia [1].
Brand loyalty enhanced in customers mind if the brand is managed efficiently. Sales of
product increase due to promise of quality have been made for present time and future.
The image of brand effect positively to customers whereas environment issues effect
negatively the buying behaviour of customer. To measure purchase attention the quality
of product is basic factor. This process makes continuous changes in product by
increasing business portfolio day by day to make improvement and enhance performance
of branded product to satisfy customer need. With time quality of product increase due to
the competition in environment. Various brands are there now a days in market having
different attributes and qualities. If the situation of any faults arises in brands they are
improved by advertising and presenting new qualities of brands to audience which are
The flaws and problems in brand can be improved by specifying and identifying the area
of problems. Secondly make teams and allocate responsibilities to them to improve the
quality of brand.
In order to attract the attitudes and behaviour of people positively toward product and
attract them advertising is strong tool said by Niazi [2]. Environmental factors, emotional
factors and purchasing attention of consumer have strong relationship. For testing other
brands peoples change their brands because attention of purchasing changed due to
change in income of peoples mentioned by Rasool et al. [3]. As branding and advertising
is a tool to change the buying behaviour of customer. Male and females are equally
influenced by advertising for brand choices. To collect data Questionnaire
survey was used by using non probability convenient sampling
Sample of 200 students is taken from two Universities of Islamabad. Two variables brand
image and advertisement are used. Buying behaviour is directly proportional to branding
and advertising. If the brand change buying behaviour also change similarly if advertising
of product is conveyed well buying behaviour also increases. Hypothesis method is also
used. The basic purpose is to find that peoples are effected by brand image and
advertisement or not. According to Kotler for selling any brand marketer must keep one
thing in a mind about customer satisfaction which is peoples disappointment or feeling
of pleasure resulting from product perceived performance in relation to his or her
expectations [4]. The firms needs to create customer relationship management by which
customer individual information to maximize customer loyalty. The customer buying
behaviour can be impressed by organization-wide approach of total quality management.
The firms needs create customer base for improving values by increasing the longevity of
brand, by terminating low profit customers and focus on high profit customers and by
enhancing the growth potential of brand. The social classes comprises of different level
of financially classified peoples perceived brands differently mean higher classes are

conscious about brands whereas lower level classes are less conscious about brands.
There are three kinds of buying situations of brands which are straight rebuy, modified
rebuy and new task rebuy. Straight rebuys include routine reorders of branded products
like photocopier paper. The modified rebuy brands are those which are purchase on the
basis of modification of require aspects like desktop computers. New task buyers of
brands are those which include purchasing of product for first time like buying newly
branded watch. In order to allocate their product to customers the brand needs to be
position first which is the act of designing company offerings to occupy distinctive place
in the mind of targeted customers, by advertising the message of brand to their customers
and consumer delivered in way that they become crazy and get interested to purchase that
brand. There must be value proposition of brand like online service, free home deliver,
buy one get one free etc., the firm needs to follow the differential strategies to compete
with competitor. These differential strategies include focusing on product, personnel,
channel, and image. Actually this will make the company to analyze that what kind of
product they are offering and through which channel to their customer whether they are
suppliers, advertisers and what effect that brand will have in personnels and what image
about that brand customer will get. There is another issue that while bringing changes
into new product the company dont create special changes between new product and
already existing product so it difficult for consumer to understand changes made in new
product so company needs to advertise in a manner so that customer get the changes
made in new product. The branded product differentiate from others branded product on
the basis of product form, features, performance, durability, reliability, reparability, style,
design, ordering ease, deliver of product, installation, customer consulting and
maintenance. Branded product should be presented and offered in a way so that consumer
made changes of color, any special feature of that product according to their choices. The
image of brand is that how people perceived that brand and brand needs to identify or
position itself so that the image of brand positively perceived by customer. According to
one of the well-known strategy of marketing branded products required modification
through improvement in quality, improvement in features and style improvement. The
sales volume of products must be increased so that in future company can make
amendments in product by adding features into them without hesitation of losses
previously. The sales volume of company can be increased by converting nonuser to user
of that brand, by entering into new market segments, by attracting competitors
customers, have consumers who use product on each and more occasions, have
consumers use the product in new ways. The company can enhance its brand by online
buying and selling of their brand which is much more convenient to use now a days. The
role of brands are to identifying maker, simplifying product handling, organize
accounting and offering of legal protection. The roles of brands also include the
signifying the quality of brand, create barriers to entry, it serve as competitive advantage
and secure price premium. The advantages of strong brands are that they improve he
perception of product performance, greater loyalty, less vulnerability to competitive
marketing actions, larger margin to other brands, consumer response is inelastic, Trade
Corporation is greater, increase in effectiveness of marketing communications, and

licensing opportunities which are possible e.g., ESPN and Apple are strong brands. Brand
is also promise by the marketers vision that what brand must be and so for consumers.
Driving forces of brands are brand elements, marketing activities with strong
involvement of advertisement, and meaning transference. Brand elements involve brand
name, URLs, elements, slogans, logo, symbols, and characters. Store atmosphere of
branded products must have walls, lighting, signage, product placement, floors, music,
surface space and electronic advertisement in the sore create attraction for customers.
Marketing communication of company is the direct or indirect way to persuade, inform
and remind customer about brand they sell. There are different modes of communication
advertising, sales promotion, events and experiences, public relation and publicity, direct
marketing, interactive marketing, word of mouth marketing and personal selling but
advertising is more effective. Advertising involve print and broadcast ads, brochures and
booklets, videotapes, packaging inserts, logos, posters, billboards. Actually the need of
brand advertisement objective is brand awareness, purchase intention, and category need,
brand attitude. For communicating message through advertisement brand needs to create
message strategy, the creativity in strategy and focus on message source and global
adaptation. The decision making of any company play an influential role for marketing
their brand. These logistic market decisions are that how the order will be handled by the
supplier, the location of stock to make products available for customers, how much stock
is held and how goods are shipped. The customer required product at time otherwise he
moved for another brands product. The company can distributes its products for
customers by fast and reliable transportation of products. The companys word of mouth
marketing also helps it product to be successful in market. The word of mouth involve
process is held by chat rooms, blogs and person-to-person. Pricing the branded product
effects customer buying behaviour and ultimately the performance of company. The
pricing mistakes which are made by company commonly are that the prices are settled
according to industrial margin of that brand, revise the price according to market changes,
failure to allocate prices according to product segment, channel of distribution and
purchase occasion. There must be price cues like some discount and sales on that product.
The company must increase prices steadily if the market situation changes. The consumer
loyalty regarding any brand is effected by customer perceived value. Loyalty is basically
is commitment re-patronize or rebuy the relevant brand and marketing efforts for causing
the switching behaviour of customers from other brand to their brand.

The method used in this study is research design method which involve self-design
questionnaire. The questionnaire comprises two parts, first involve the information about
the individual who is filling that questionnaire and other part include the importance of
branded products for the peoples of Islamabad and how advertising of that products
influence their buying behaviour. A sample of 200 Questionnaire was used in which 185
responses were collected within the period of 1 week from 2 Universities, Bahria
University and Quid -e -Azam University Islamabad. Four scale Questionnaire was
designed for evaluation of peoples answers. The questionnaire was designed by
researcher which is closed-ended. Multiple regression and correlation coefficient were
used for analysis of data.

Model for analyzing variables:

Source: Designed by researchers.

Following equation is used for interpretation:

CBB= a + bX1+ cX2 +e

CCB= Consumer Buying Behaviour
X1= Brand Image
X2= Advertising of Brand

The a is constant and b, c are co-efficient of correlation to estimate whereas e is

any error if occurs.

Coefficients of Variables:
Table 1


Co-efficient of variables
(b, c)




Co-relation of all variables:

Table 2
Co-relation of independent variables





Table 3




Interpretation of Results:
Buying behaviour is dependent variable whereas brand image and advertising of branded
products are independent variables. Whereas a is constant, the value of this constant
remain same mean the buying behaviour is always effected by branding and advertising
by that amount of constant in Islamabad. First the results of Bahria University are
interpreted according to the values find through interpretation equation by co-relation and
regression method that if the branding increase by 0.055 buying behaviour increase by

1.00 and similarly 0.350< 0.005, and if advertising increase by 0.154 than consumer
buying behaviour increase by 1.00 similarly 0.119>0.005. Secondly results find through
table 2 that if branding decrease by -0.051 than consumer buying behaviour decrease by
-0.891 and 0.637>0.483 and if advertising increase by 0.201 consumer buying behaviour
decrease by -0.891 whereas 0.582>0.483.

Ho: Brand image and advertising both of them have significant relationship with
consumer buying behaviour.
H1: Brand Image has no significant relationship with consumer buying behavior.
H2: Advertising has no significant relationship with consumer buying behavior.
Researcher find the hypothesis randomly through population selected of 200 peoples.
After the calculations of correlation and regression values it comes to conclusion that null
hypothesis (Ho) is accepted whereas H1 and H2 are rejected.

This study investigate the impact of branding and advertising on consumer buying
behaviour of peoples Islamabad. The result revealed that there is strong relationship
between these two marketing variables branding and advertising with consumer buying
behaviour. On the basis of calculation we come to conclusion that advertising and
branding which are independent variables strongly effects the consumer buying
behaviour. The result is supported by Kotler, (2005) [5] according to which these
marketing tools branding and advertising strongly effects the buying behaviour of
consumer. Therefore peoples of Islamabad mostly prefer branded products including
clothes, watches, shoes, glasses etc., actually peoples wants quality product and
according to research mostly they were influenced by advertisement. Both of the
universities who are covering different kind of peoples, show result that their buying
behaviour is effected by different brands and their awareness through advertisement. To
find that buying behaviour is influenced by branding and advertisement was conducted in
systematic way and continuous way.

This study is concentrated on the fact that university students from
two universities of Islamabad is limitation. The coverage of all
consumers produced efficient results is limitation to research. The lack
of related study about the marketing strategies in different areas of
Pakistan also crate limitations. When questionnaire was distributed
among students out 200 sample 185 respondents replied is also
limitation to study.


Branding should play vital role in fashioning the marketing strategy

which is effective for consumer buying behaviour. Companies should
focus on packaging and designing strategy of brand. Firm should focus
on the information which was delivering through advertisement of that
brand including the qualities and attribute of brand as compare with
competitors. The firm should play complementary roles to others by
integrating marketing strategies. Firms also needs to focus on the
quantity and quality of brand they are providing to customer in
reasonable price. Firm should advertise their brand in way which
compel customer to purchase and understand the message firm wants
to convey to his customers. The fir should position it brand in proper
way so that the firm can easily get targeted customers. The firm should
offer their branded products on some advantage edge as compare to
the competitors. The firm should be proficient in distribution policy
promotion of their brand firms should target different sort of groups of
society like youngsters. The firm should advertise their product to
target their customers institutionally mean covering maximum
customers instead of small groups of community.

1. Nepalia.2011. Brand management and its impact on consumer buying behaviour.
International Referred Research Journal, 1(17): 113-114
2. Effective advertising and its influence on consumer buying behavior.
Niazi, G.S.K., J. Siddiqui, B.A. Shah and A.I. Hunjra, 2012. Information
Management and business reviews, 4(3): 114-119
3. Rasool 2012. Impact of advertisement on consumer behavior of fmcg in
Lahore city. Muhammad Sajid Rasool, Yasir Rafique, Muhammad Akram
Naseem, Sana Javaid, Muhammad Najeeb and Muhammad Hannan. A
Jordanian Perspective. International Academic Research International,
2(3): 571-574.
4. Marketing Management, 12/E, Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller,
Prentice Hall
5. Kotler P (2005). Marketing: an introduction, New Jersey: Pearson
Education Inc.


(All of the information given will be used for research purposes and will remain highly







Less than 25
25-35 years
35-45 years
45 and up

Highest level of education completed?


Masters or equal
MPhil / PhD

How many hours you spend using electronic and print media?
o Maximum 1 hour

o 2-3 hours
o 4-8 hours
o 10 hours and more

What is your monthly Income (average)?


Below 10,000/- Rupees

10,000-30,000/- Rupees
30,000-50,000/- Rupees
50,000-100,000/- Rupees
100,000 Rupees or more then that

How strongly you believe on the information being provided in the advertisement?

Strongly believe
Hardly believe
Dont believe some times
Dont believe at all

Do you think advertisement is important?

o Yes
o No
How often you visit markets for shopping?

Twice in one week

Once a week
Once in a month
More than one month

Recently did you purchase a product from market after watching any advertisement?
o Yes
o No
If yes, then what was the motive behind the purchase?

The advertisement was very interesting

Advertisement helped to understand the benefits of the product
Was curious about the product
It was a familiar brand

What was your satisfaction rate after the purchase of that particular product?

Very satisfied
Very unsatisfied

What makes you notice a brand?



Do you follow a particular brand pattern while shopping?


Yes, always
Never Noticed
Not at all




(Thanks for Your Cooperation)

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