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Left side:
His opinion, published by The Jakarta Post, 14 June 2009

Right side:
Richard A. Bitzinger, “Defense Transformation and the Asia Pacific: Implications for
Regional Militaries”, in Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Volume 3 - Number 7,
October 2004.


Perwita’s 14 June 2009 Jakarta Post Opinion Bitzinger’s October 2004 Journal

In recent years, defense forces throughout the In recent years, militaries and governments
Asia-Pacific region have begun to pay throughout the Asia-Pacific region have begun
increasing attention to implementation of to pay increasing attention to the promise and
defense transformation. China, for instance, is requirements of defense transformation and the
generally recognized to be at the forefront - in emerging IT-based revolution in military
terms of strategy, organization and technology affairs (RMA).
- of conceptualizing and implementing defense
transformation. Its efforts, of course, Increasingly, their conception of defense
apparently have influenced the current security transformation, along with their intentions,
environment in the region. efforts, and capabilities to transform their
militaries, could have a profound effect upon
Considering this, how Indonesia should regional stability and security. These activities
respond to this development, particularly in the could particularly affect future U.S. security
midst of the military provocation from interests and military operations in the Asia-
Malaysia on Ambalat, is important. Pacific. By endowing new capabilities upon
potential competitors and adversaries, defense
It is also important for Indonesia to pay more transformation would inject new uncertainties
serious attention to this issue, particularly in and complications into the regional security
the light of the recent accidents involving its calculus. The United States is generally
military equipment (notably aircraft). The idea recognized to be at the forefront-- in terms of
of implementing defense transformation strategy, organization, and technology--of
should also become one of the top priorities for conceptualizing and implementing defense
all the presidential candidates in the upcoming transformation.
Consequently, U.S. models and paradigms
have typically been a critical point of departure
for most countries around the world when it
comes to the theory and practice of the IT-
based RMA and defense transformation. This
influence is particularly apparent when one
examines the current defense in the Asia-
Pacific regarding the potential and
requirements for transforming regional
Perwita’s 14 June 2009 Jakarta Post Opinion Bitzinger’s October 2004 Journal

Many defense analysts see this as synonymous Defense transformation is an ambiguous but
with what is termed the Revolution in Military nevertheless bounded term. Many proponents
Affairs (RMA). This can be defined as the of defense transformation see it as
application of new technologies into a synonymous with the so-called RMA and often
significant number of military systems view it as a process of implementing the RMA.
combined with innovative operational concepts An RMA is often described as a discontinuous
and organizational adaptation in a way that or disruptive change in the concept and mode
fundamentally alters the character and conduct of warfare. Andrew Krepinevich, a leading
of a military operation. analyst and advocate of the RMA, argues that
the RMA occurs when: the application of new
Most analysts and proponents of defense technologies into a significant number of
transformation are in general agreement that military systems combines with innovative
the current RMA and therefore the current operational concepts and organizational
process of transformation has been primarily adaptation in a way that fundamentally alters
driven and enabled by dramatic advances in IT the character and conduct of a conflict. It does
over the past two or three decades. so by producing a dramatic increase…in the
combat potential and military effectiveness of
Obviously, defense transformation entails armed forces.
much more than mere force modernization.
Transformation, however, is not simply a Most analysts and proponents of defense
techno-fix. It fundamentally changes the way transformation are in general agreement that
the military does business - doctrinally, the current RMA (and therefore the current
organizationally and institutionally. Finally, it process of transformation) has been primarily
demands fundamental changes in the ways the driven and enabled by dramatic advances in IT
military procures critical equipment and over the past two or three decades.
reform of the technological and industrial base ………
that contribute to the development and Obviously, defense transformation entails
production of transformational systems. much more than mere force modernization.
Hardware and technology are obviously crucial
All this, in turn, requires vision and leadership and primary components that serve as building
at the top to develop basic concepts of defense blocks in the modern, IT-led RMA centered on
transformation; establish the necessary NCW and reconnaissance- strike complexes.
institutional and political momentum for Transformation, however, is not simply a
implementing transformation; and to allocate techno-fix. It fundamentally changes the way
the financial resources and human capital the military does business--doctrinally,
required for implementation. organizationally, and institutionally. It also
requires advanced systems integration skills to
knit-together disparate military systems into
complex operational networks. Finally, it
demands elemental changes in ways the
military procures critical equipment and the
reform of technological and industrial bases
that contribute to the development and
production of transformational systems. All
this, in turn, requires vision and leadership at
the top to develop basic concepts of defense
transformation; establish the necessary
institutional and political momentum for
implementing transformation; and allocate the
financial resources and human capital required
for implementation.
Perwita’s 14 June 2009 Jakarta Post Opinion Bitzinger’s October 2004 Journal

Many countries in the Asia-Pacific region have Accordingly, many militaries and governments
demonstrated in their military an increasing in the Asia-Pacific region have shown
capability for implementing transformation. increasing attention to studying, assessing, and
The recently published Australian Defence even experimenting with these software
White Paper has also shown this trend. requirements for implementing transformation.

According to one report, the four key Australia has been looking at the issue of
components of the Australian RMA are defense transformation since the mid-1990s. In
weapons lethality, force projection, 1999, the Australian Department of Defense
information processing and intelligence established an Office of the Revolution in
collection. As a practical result, Australia Military Affairs in order to review
stresses developing and enhancing the technological developments and explore
mobility, firepower, and sustainability of the strategies for implementing an Australian
Australian Defence Forces (ADF) by RMA, particularly
expanding inter-operability and increasing in partnership with the United States.
logistical support. According to one report, the four key
components of the Australian RMA are
China has also been particularly influenced by weapons lethality, force projection,
the emerging IT-based RMA. Beijing is information processing, and intelligence
currently engaged in a determined effort to collection. As a practical result, Australia
modernize its armed forces, the People's stresses developing and enhancing the
Liberation Army (PLA), in order to fight and mobility, firepower, and sustainability of the
win limited wars under high-tech conditions. Australian Defense Forces (ADF) by
expanding interservice jointness, increasing
This doctrine revolves around short-duration, logistical support, strengthening amphibious
high-intensity conflicts characterized by and expeditionary capabilities, and making
mobility, speed, and long-range attack; improve- ments in precision-strike and
employs joint operations fought intelligence-gathering, surveillance, and
simultaneously throughout the entire air, land, reconnaissance (ISR).
sea, space and electromagnetic battle space;
and relies heavily upon extremely lethal high- …..
technology weapons. PLA operational doctrine
also emphasizes pre-emption, surprise, and China has also been particularly influenced by
shock value since the earliest stages of conflict the emerging IT-based RMA. Beijing is
may be crucial to the outcome of a war. currently engaged in a determined effort to
modernize its armed forces, the People's
Liberation Army (PLA), in order to fight and
win limited wars under high-tech conditions.
This doctrine revolves around short-duration,
high-intensity conflicts characterized by
mobility, speed, and long-range attack;
employs joint operations fought
simultaneously throughout the entire air, land,
sea, space, and electromagnetic battle space;
and relies heavily upon extremely lethal high-
technology weapons. PLA operational doctrine
also emphasizes preemption, surprise, and
shock value since the earliest stages of conflict
may be crucial to the outcome of a war.
Perwita’s 14 June 2009 Jakarta Post Opinion Bitzinger’s October 2004 Journal

India has also begun to pay closer attention to India, following the events and outcome of the
the implementation of the emerging IT-based 1991 Gulf War, began to pay closer attention
RMA. In particular, this response entails to the promise and challenges of the emerging
exploiting the emerging information revolution IT-based RMA. Many Indians have become
in warfare if India still wants to be taken increasingly concerned about growing U.S.
seriously as a regional and global power, and if technological prowess and its near-global
it still wants to have a fighting chance in a dominance as a conventional military power.
future war. In this regard, India's rapidly Consequently, some have called for India to
growing IT sector is seen as playing a critical acquire corresponding, perhaps asymmetric
role in this effort. capabilities to deal with this new military-
technological reality. In particular, this
Japan's interest in defense transformation has response entails exploiting the emerging
much of its roots in the 1998 North Korean information revolution in warfare if India still
Taepodong missile test, which alerted Tokyo wants to be taken seriously as a regional and
of the need to reform and reorient its Self- global power, and if it still wants to have a
Defense Forces (SDF) to new threats, fighting chance in future conflicts. In this
particularly ballistic missiles and the regard, India's rapidly growing IT sector is
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction seen as playing a critical role in this effort.
(WMD). Other concerns affecting Japan's
interest in transformation include the Japan's interest in defense transformation has
possibility of cyber attacks on its national much of its roots in the 1998 North Korean
information infrastructure, the likely expansion Taepo Dong missile test, which alerted Tokyo
of SDF involvement in international military of the need to reform and reorient its Self-
operations (such as in Iraq), and increased Defense Forces (SDF) to new threats,
military cooperation with the United States in particularly ballistic missiles and the
regional security undertakings. proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
(WMD). Other concerns affecting Japan's
interest in transformation include the
possibility of cyber attacks on its national
information infrastructure, the likely expansion
of SDF involvement in international military
operations (such as in Iraq), and increased
military cooperation with the United States in
regional security undertakings.
Perwita’s 14 June 2009 Jakarta Post Opinion Bitzinger’s October 2004 Journal

Taiwan's RMA is largely predicated on Taiwan's RMA is largely predicated on

Chinese threat scenarios and, therefore, is very Chinese threat scenarios and, therefore, is very
much influenced by Chinese thinking about the much influenced by Chinese thinking about the
RMA. Not surprisingly, Taipei is very RMA. Not surprisingly, Taipei is very
concerned about defending against a missile concerned about defending against a missile
strike and securing its command and control strike and securing its command and control
network from PLA attacks while also engaging network from PLA attacks while also engaging
in offensive information warfare against in offensive information warfare against
China. Elements of such a doctrine include China. Elements of such a doctrine include
early warning systems, and an integrated and early warning systems, reconnaissance
secure command and control system, along capabilities, and an integrated and secure
with antimissile interceptors and possibly command and control system, along with
retaliatory ballistic missile systems. antimissile interceptors and possibly retaliatory
ballistic missile systems.
Defense transformation has many implications …..
for security in the Asia-Pacific region. At the Defense transformation has many implications
very least, the introduction of new for Asia-Pacific militaries. At the very least,
technologies and new armaments promises to the introduction of new technologies and new
significantly affect strategy and operations on armaments promises to significantly affect
tomorrow's battlefield and hence alter the strategy and operations on tomorrow's
determinants of critical capabilities in modern battlefield and hence alter the determinants of
warfare. critical capabilities in modern warfare.
Defense transformation means much more than …….
the mere modernization of a country's armed
forces. It is, in fact, the very promise of a Defense transformation means much more than
paradigm shift in the character and conduct of the mere modernization of a country's armed
warfare. For this reason, defense forces; it is, in fact, the very promise of a
transformation entails more than simply paradigm shift in the character and conduct of
overlaying new technologies and new warfare. For this reason, defense
hardware over existing force structures; rather, transformation entails more than simply
it also demands fundamental changes in the overlaying new technologies and new
ways that the future military will organize and hardware over existing force structures; rather,
fight wars. it also demands fundamental changes in the
ways that future military will organize and
Subsequently, defense transformation has the fight wars. For these reasons, defense
potential to greatly impact upon regional transformation will remain a controversial
defense and security in the Asia-Pacific. But concept, challenging long-held concepts and
the question still remains for Indonesia: How cherished shibboleths when it comes to
can we follow and adopt this new trend for the military organization, strategy, and tactics.
sake of our national security interests? Subsequently, defense transformation has the
potential to greatly impact regional defense
and security in the Asia-Pacific.
“Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and
expecting different results.”

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