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Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 2
What is the Internet?....................................................................................................... 2
Internet Revolution............................................................................................................. 3
Internets effect on all businesses:...............................................................................3
Impact of Internet on Business Processes................................................................3
Internet affected Industries............................................................................................... 5
Banking Industry.............................................................................................................. 5
Publishing/Books Industry.............................................................................................. 7
Financial Investments......................................................................................................... 9
Benefits of Financial Investment over Internet:.........................................................9
Travel Industry:.............................................................................................................. 10
Benefits of Transformation of Travel Industry.......................................................10
Television Industry:........................................................................................................ 11
Benefits of transformation of Television Industry.................................................11
Cyber security:............................................................................................................... 12
Unified Communications Industry:..............................................................................12
Data Warehousing (With respect to big data):..........................................................13



It is a network which connects million computers worldwide. Many countries around the globe
are connected through news, opinions and data all because of the internet. There are
approximately 2,267,233,742 users of internet around the world and they represent 33 % of the
world population.
By design the internet is decentralize controlled. Every computer on the internet is independent
which is termed as host. The operators of computers can choose which service of the internet
they would use and they would also decide the use of local service for internet community
operating globally. Internet can be accessed by a variety of means. There are commercial Internet
Service Providers (ISP) who provide this access, moreover there are online services who also
provide the access.
In the early says when internet came into existence using it was a little costly. But now internet
has reduced almost all sorts of costs. Using internet is very economical nowadays.


One reason for the growth in the Internet population is the rapid decline in Internet connection
and overall communication costs. The cost per kilobit of Internet access has fallen exponentially
since 1995. Digital subscriber line (DSL) and cable modems now deliver a kilobit of
communication for a retail price of around 2 cents


The internet has become a conventional and revolutionary phenomena over the past two decades
and it began transforming the modern life in so many different ways. From the information
search to communication, consumption, buying and selling patterns as well as finding the perfect
soul mate is what that is being done online now. The internet has toppled the way how entire
business industries used to operate and has increased the profit margins of many businesses by
removing the interdependence on suppliers, middle men and has helped new business leaders to
emerge with ideas that have the potential to bring a revolutionary change in the industries.
Hence, it can be rightly said that the internet has proved to be the digital powerhouse of the 21 st
Still, taking a holistic approach and a wider perspective, theres a lot more transformation on its
way in the coming years. It has introduced and uncovered across-the-border changes in retail,
books, financial services and many more industries and a lot more transformation is on its way.

Internet is a disruptive technology and it effects all aspects of businesses and it also effects all
types of businesses.

Business processes are the collection of activities that are necessary to produce products and
services. Internet has an impact on the business processes of the organizations. Business
processes are important part of the organizations. Internet effects business processes and it
influences other aspects of the organizations; like people, culture, politics and structure. Internet
helps in automating the business processes.
Internet has helped in transforming the business processes by making everything available
online. To obtain raw materials for production, businesses use just in time inventory control that
sends the information to suppliers as soon as a required material is unavailable. It saves time and
increases the productivity of the production process. Internet enabled devices are accepted
readily by the companies to help them get instant visibility of distribution centers, supply chains,
seaports, lands and security of their facilities. These devices provide instant feedback and can be
used by the companies to be more efficient.
Companies can get clear visibility about their operational events with the help of these internet
enabled devices. Condition of a companys assets, transaction and people can be measured,
identified and located by these devices. This makes it easier for the businesses to make informed
decisions about their operations. For example, companies like FedEx and TCS use tracking tags
which contain RTLS and RFID to help these companies locate and track the goods they are

delivery across the countries. This tracking helps them ensure the security of their goods and
optimize their delivery process.


Internet also has an impact on how the internal management of the company works. From
attendance of the employees to hiring everything is being done on the internet. Every company
have developed their own HRM systems. Through this they make sure the vacancies in the
organization is being filled with the right person at the right time.
With the emergence of the internet and a competitive environment in the market place, every
company is taking their management control over the internet. When an employee enters an
organization he marks his attendance on an internet enabled device which saves it to the
computer of a HR person. When the same employee completes his share of work for the day, he
enters it into the internet enabled system so that along with his supervisor the whole company
knows he has done it. In this way internet has helped companies in controlling who is
accountable and when. People of the same organization sitting oceans apart can gather at a
meeting through live video communications and conference calls. Making it easier for the
management to control these employees. When everything can be displayed on the screen in the
forms of charts and tables, it helps the management make better decision making. It can help the
management see easily which employees are lagging behind and need motivation.
It can also help management avoid misallocation of resources and over or under production of
goods and services. Internet and information systems have come together and combined all the
functions of an organization. So if one thing is happening at the sales department, the rest of the
departments will automatically get the information regarding that activity. Which is visible in the
following diagram

By integrating all the functions, management will be able to make better decisions and may even
be able to use them as their competitive advantage.
The tracking systems mentioned above can also help the management make better customer
relationships by providing the tracking data to the customers. Companies like Amazon are doing
this, when a customer makes an order over their website, he can track that order on the same


As we have seen the broader picture of how the internet is affecting major functions of the
business, now we will assess some particular industries that have been revolutionized by the
growing incorporation of internet into the way they operate.


The Banking industry has gone under profound changes since the phenomena of E-Banking is
introduced. In order to adopt the changing dynamics of the industry and the effects of the fast
paced internet over this industry had made it undergo significant changes. Internet has

revolutionized the way how banking operations are conducted and how business relationships are
managed. It is becoming increasingly a need to have service rather than a nice to have
service due its increased usage and application in the industry.
E-Banking refers to the electronic bank that provides financial services to the client by means of
the internet providing them with ease and convenience. In internet banking system the bank has a
centralized database that is web-enabled. All the services that the bank has permitted on the
internet are displayed in menu. Once the branch offices of bank are interconnected through
terrestrial or satellite links, there would be no physical identity for any branch. It would be a
borderless entity permitting anytime, anywhere and anyhow banking.

Internet induced transformation & current state of the industry

At present, the personal e-bank system provides the following services:

Account information inquiry

The client can inquire the details about their own account such as the balance, transaction
amount, and the detailed records of the customer transaction data and records.

Fund Transfers
The banks client can transfer funds to another persons account or credit card in the same
city without encountering much of a hassle. Also, funds can be transferred between the
persons own saving account to his own credit card account or capital account. Moreover,
present balance can be inquired at real time.

Foreign Exchange Transaction

The client can trade the foreign exchange, cancel orders and inquire about the
information of the transaction of foreign exchange according to the exchange rate given
by bank on net.

On-net Business to Consumer Disbursement

The phenomena that helps the consumer to do real-time money transfers and get the
feedback information has made the B2C transactions more reliable and convenient. Once
a client is done shopping at a designated website of a business and pays via the online
banking methods he gets the feedback then and there making the shopping experience
more reliable and convenient.

Customer Service
The login and personal information about the customer can be edited by them online,
Moreover, complaints can be registered and addressed online and fast-paced mechanism
is used to adhere to the customer complaints.


According to (D, June-July 2012), E-banking transactions are much cheaper than branch or even
phone transactions. This could turn yesterdays competitive advantage - a large branch network into a comparative disadvantage, allowing e-banks to undercut bricks-and-mortar banks. This is
commonly known as the beached dinosaur theory.
The setup required for an E-bank is easy than a traditional bank setup. Due the low entry
barriers, a lot of new entrants have arrived and competition is fierce. The Old-world systems,
cultures and outdated structures arent the ways this competitive environment will encounter but
they will turn out to be more compliant and responsive. Now the bargaining power of the
customers, as explained by Michael Porter is increased and hence therell be less inclination
towards loyalty. The most significant share of profits will be attracted by portal providers and
banks are likely to become the glorified marriage brokers bringing the two parties together i.e.
simply the buyer and the seller or the payee and the payer. The ATMS have revolutionized the
phenomena and offered a delivery channel that restricted the usage of traditional banking
services. The future of banking is more of a click and mortar phenomena where the customer
wants the banking services just a click away. The future is therefore Martini Banking (any
time, any place, anywhere, anyhow).
Currently E-banking is only fighting with the trust issues of the customer and the reliable
advertising because establishing a trusted brand that only exists online is something of concern
for the customers and involves serious trust issues. Security and privacy settings to be done
effectively are the need of the hour for the online banking phenomena but as the industry is
growing and incorporating the internet evolution heavily into the industry dynamics, this
problem will be addressed completely in the coming few years.


About a decade ago, publishers were dealing with the simple retail trade with their own
dedicated retail outlets i.e. bookshops that were dedicated to sell the core, main thing i.e. books.
Meanwhile, buyers had only two options available to buy a book, either buying it from a
bookstore or ordering it through a catalogue, book club. Now following an outburst in the use of
the internet, the buyers and sellers have been affected by this growth. The Internet has changed
the way your customers shop, and that means you must change the way you market your store.
The effect of the Internet

Nowadays, customers can visit the online bookshops, websites, read its write-up, browse through
the website and the collection and pay for it online. The book is delivered to your doorstep or in
some cases may be downloaded to your suggested device. International market growth is being
observed by this phenomena and the industry has gone to new heightened levels of globalization.
The ease of buying and ordering the books online from any part of the world has made this
phenomena more appealing, convenient and recommended by the customers while on the other
hand it is becoming more challenging and competitive for the business to operate in such a fast
paced industry and coping with the changing dynamics that the internet has brought within the
industry. These online bookstores are increasingly becoming a challenge for the traditional book
stores or more appropriately replacing them in the market. For example, its clear to see at
moment that Internet bookshops are able to offer unlimited shelf space and consequently a much
larger number of titles (average about 1.5 million) than even the largest physical bookshop
(average 150000).

Increasing price competition

When we look at the EBay or Amazon, the popular Internet shop in the world, we can find the
books selling at much inexpensive price than any other bookshop. Hence, it is evident that the
increasing adaptation of the internet in this industry has increased to a greater degree of price
competition where the buyers are benefited as they have much cheaper prices to buy books from
variety of options available. The consumer is motivated to buy the book at a much lower rate
from the online purchase rather than the physical store and hence is motivated to shop from
online. In the wired world, the internet book shops have brighter future as they provide the ease
to search for books more easily and at much lower costs.
However, price competition also pushes sellers to have to think about how to avoid competing
purely on price. For example, the new book can be reformatted and distributed almost costless
via the Internet, while payment and distribution technologies are reducing the transaction costs
for their commercial exchange. This creates new opportunities for repackaging content through
strategies such as bundling, site licensing, subscriptions, rentals, differential pricing and per-use

Reducing costs

The online book market has reduce costs that includes the fixed and variable ones for both the
buyers and sellers. For buyers, this includes the opportunity costs for searching a book as well as
the time, energy, fuel costs, telephone expenditures, driving, subscription costs and library fees
that were spent in order to search for books. Similarly, for sellers this includes the inventory
costs of handling, ordering time, market research, advertising, sales personnel and sales calls.
Internet can also lower the cost to buyers of acquiring information about the reputations of
market participants.

By reducing costs on both sides of the market, it appears likely that buyers will be able to
consider more product offerings and will identify and purchase products that better match their
needs, with a resulting increase in economic efficiency. But the reduction in costs combined with
new capabilities of information technology can set off more complex market dynamics too.

Improving management

The internet book market has not only affected the traditional book selling phenomena but the
company personnel as well. Internet is a powerful tool for implementing effective management
and that is what that is making the businesses more organized and operate more effectively in
this era of cut throat competition. For example, in Britain book retail market, Internet retailing is
booming, profits at Waterstons, the biggest British bookseller, are up 11% during five years.
How can they achieve that huge success? Faced with the threat from the Internet market,
management has been improved inside company. Waterstons as the traditional bookseller has
also been changed. On one side, their mission is to be the leading bookseller on the high street
and also online providing customers the widest choice, great value and expert advice from a team
passionate about bookselling. On other side, supply chains have been streamlined and some of
the more unworthy staff has been replaced. Customers are lured in with special deals on
bestsellers, which are used as hooks to sell tomes from publishers back catalogues.

Internet has played a very active role in transforming the pattern of financial investments. With
the evolution of Internet the investors and companies can have access to a tremendous amount of
information in a very small span of time. Prior to Internet the retail investors used to search the
libraries for the financial information and the information related to stocks, bonds and mutual
funds etc. also, the investors used to contact the companies to get financial information, in that
scenario they had to wait for the financial reports to get printed. The downside was that the
companies used to give false information about their assets.
When the industry transformed after the evolution of Internet it became easier for investors to get
information about the stock prices of different companies in a very short time period and the
investment decisions can be taken by evaluating the alternatives in a better way. Financial
documents can be downloaded in just few seconds and other related information regarding
International investment trends can also be taken very easily.


The common benefits the companies and private investors are seeking by using Internet are
discussed as under
1. Cost of Intermediary:
By using Internet based transactions companies and investors do not have to buy the high
cost services of intermediaries. Online brokers and Intermediaries are available at a very
reduced price as compared to the offline intermediaries. The online brokers guide the
potential customer about the stock prices, availability of the stocks in very reasonable
2. Transparency:
Prior to the transformation of this Industry people did not trust the intermediaries and
Stock brokers for the accuracy of the information. It was a common belief that if a
layman goes to purchase the stock he will not get the accurate information. Internet has
killed this problem by maintaining the transparency of the information. By using Internet
the customer can get information from multiple sources and can analyze that information
in a better way.
3. Benefit to the Companies:
So far we have discussed the benefits that users/Investors or companies sort from the
Internet, this is just one side of the coin. The financial investment companies also got
benefitted from the use of Internet. The greatest benefit is that the customer base got
increased. Earlier people were reluctant to gather information from companies or stock
exchange to invest but now when they know that they can make investment with just few
clicks they number of users got increased for companies. Also, the exchange of
Information became easy for companies. They can maintain the trade records more easily
and in a cost effective manner with the use of this technological platform.

The Internet has transformed the way we used to plan our holidays. Before the evolution of
Internet people use to go to the travel agents and check out that what kind of travel plans are
available. When this Industry transformed it became easier for customers to make travel plans.
Now instead of taking the fatigue of finding a travel agent people just find a vacation planner
online and gather all the related information with just few clicks.

Initially when this industry got online presence people had fears regarding the kind of travel
plans they are selecting. For online booking in hotels people had concerns that may be the
description of the rooms available on the website is not how it actually will be. This problem got
addressed when Companies started providing videos of the rooms you are selecting on their
websites. Customers get to know what exactly they will get when they will reach their
destination. Reviews from the people who have already experienced the stay in that particular
hotel give a more accurate idea whether the customer has taken an accurate decision or not.
The benefits of Transformation of Travel Industry are discussed as under:


According to a survey 38% of the travel plans are now made online in the United States and this
figure is increasing day by day. By using Internet for providing travel facility to the customers
the companies are attracting a greater number of customers. Thus, the industry is growing at an
increasing rate. People find it more convenient and time saving to plan the trips online.

Dispersion of Crowds:

Another benefit that the companies are seeking due to the transformation of the Industry is that
the crowd that used to go the offices to get the tickets etc. is dispersed. Now people get the
tickets by sitting in their homes. People can even print their boarding pass at home which has
helped a lot in decreasing the hustle the airport security has to face.

Time Saving:

It is time saving for people to get all the required information with just a click. The customers
can have access to multiple alternatives by searching for different tour operators online.


Prior to the transformation of this Industry, people had to schedule their tasks in accordance with
the transmission of the television channels. Television enjoyed the status of only source of
Entertainment for quite a long time. After the dot com bubble got burst and in 2007 when
Netflix started streaming movies and TV shows directly to personal computers, the business of
the television got suffered to a greater extant. When people realized that the television
broadcasting can be got easily over the Internet, they started shifting towards it.
Users started evaluating the time they spend on television broadcasting a strong feeling of
dissatisfaction got witnessed in the users. In a one hour show the users have to see
advertisements and promotional messages for other shows. By watching the same program
online the users can save their time and can get even more entertainment.
The benefits that users are likely to sort due to the transformation of Television Industry are
discussed as under:

Time Saving:

A considerable amount of time can be saved due to the transformation of this industry. Viewers
can watch the same program in a less time and without any distractions through the Internet


Internet has helped the television to customize the kind of advertisement users are willing to see.
On the TV users had no choice to avoid a promotional messages being on-aired whereas on
Internet customer can skip the ad if he/she is not willing to see it.

Updated Information:

Due to the transformation of this Industry even if the user has missed something on TV he /she
can catch it later on the website.

Viewership of Programs has increased:

For the Television channels the greatest benefit of this transformation is that their viewership has
increased. People now got the option that they can watch the program of their choice in their own
leisure time, thus greater number of people will be viewing the show.


The advancement in computers and computer networks offered individuals, organizations, and
governments the ability to acquire and exploit information at unprecedented speed. This lead to
the birth of the term "Hacker. Hackers are individual who perform cyber-attacks posing threats
to businesses and national security.
In late 90s the number of internet users were increasing every day and so were the number of
hackers, cyber-attacks and malware. This lead to the birth of cyber security industry which
provides solutions to safeguard individuals, organization's and governments digital interests.
Big names in this industry are Solution providers such as Cisco, CSC, IBM, Booz Allen
Hamilton, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Symantec, Sophos, McAfee, Trend Micro and
many others
The cyber security market is estimated to grow from $95.60 billion in 2014 to $155.74 billion by
2019, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.3% from 2014 to 2019. In the current
scenario, aerospace, defense, and intelligence vertical continues to be the largest contributor to
cyber security solutions. In terms of regions, NA is expected to be the biggest market in terms of
revenue contribution, while the APAC and MEA regions are expected to experience increased
market traction in due course.


Unified Communication is the process to bring together all the ways a user communicates, and to
make communications among users more efficient. It is the move, seamless to the user, to bring
together all the ways a user communicates ie: VoIP, email, voice-mail, fax, instant messaging,
and video conferencing and to make communications among users more efficient.
The development in internet gave birth to another industry known as Unified communications
industry. For many years, companies, large and small, have relied on Private Branch Exchange
systems for their voice telephony needs. Companies in this industry provide business phone
features, such as shorter numbers for internal dialing, call transfers, and ridging conference calls.
The rise of Internet technologies like Voice over Internet Protocol has driven businesses to
switch to Unified Communications from their old systems for voice telephony.
Unified communications is the next evolution in enterprise communications and collaboration
technologies, bringing all varied connections under a single architecture. This process makes
communication seamless, no matter where you are or what device you use. These
communications can be delivered over an IP (Internet protocol) network through the following

Voice: Calls, voice mails, multi-party conference calls

Video: Video conferences, on-demand video learning

Data: Text messaging, e-mail, document sharing

The unified part of this industry refers to the fact that the its hardware and software take all these
communication applications and put them under the purview of a common control system
instead of using different hardware and software solutions for each individual application.
Cisco, Dell, Alcatle, AT&T, Ericson-LG, Microsoft and many such companies are examples of
companies in this industry.


A data warehouse is a system that retrieves and consolidates data periodically from the source
systems into a dimensional or normalized data store. In the 1990's as large companies began to
need more timely data about their business, they found that traditional information systems
technology was simply too slow to provide relevant data efficiently and quickly. Completing
reporting requests could take days or weeks using antiquated reporting tools that were designed
more or less to 'execute' the business rather than 'run' the business.
From this idea, the data warehouse was born as a place where relevant data could be held for
completing strategic reports for management. In 20th century there was an increase in numbers
and types of databases. Many large businesses found themselves with data scattered across
multiple platforms and variations of technology, making it almost impossible for any one
individual to use data from multiple sources. A key idea within data warehousing is to take data
from many technologies and place them in a common location that uses a common querying tool.
In this way operational databases could be held on whatever system was most efficient for the
Apple uses the data warehouse to get a better understanding of its customers across product
groups. Now every piece of identifiable information and those iTunes interaction generate a lot
of data goes into the system so the company knows whos who and what theyre up to. While
EBay and Walmart are also one of the biggest users of Data warehousing. One of the most
prominent company in this industry is Teradata.

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