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Dys•lex´•ic Read´•er
VOL. 50 Davis Dyslexia Association International ISSUE 4 • 2008

Davis Attracts a Big Crowd

in Guadalajara, Mexico!
By Alice Davis

N AUGUST 25, 2008,
Ron Davis gave a lecture at
TecMilenio University in
Guadalajara, Mexico. In the
audience were over 600 attendees,
eager to hear Ron’s story, and learn
about dyslexia and Davis Dyslexia
Correction. This amazing event was
hosted by Maria Silvia Flores Salinas,
Director of Davis Latinoamerica, the
new representative for Davis training
services throughout Latin America
and Spain.
(Cont’d on p. 6)

A capacity crowd came to hear

Ron Davis speak in Guadalajara,
Mexico last August. (Cont’d on p. 6)

News & Feature Articles
News from The Whole
Davis Attracts a Big Crowd in
Guadalajara, México . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
News from the Whole Dyslexia Society . . . .1
Dyslexic Society
More Than They Ever Expected . . . . . . . . . .3 By Sue Hall, Davis Facilitator,
In Simon’s Own Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 West Vancouver, BC, Canada
Dyslexics: The Untapped Scholars . . . . . . . .12
The More Things Change... . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
The Whole Dyslexic Society was
Musings on “Assuming the Best” . . . . . . . .14 founded by Sue Hall in 2002. Her son,
The Gift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 George, really started the whole process
Steadfast Uchi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 11 years ago when he was 10. At the
Charla de Ronald Davis Muy Concurrida end of his program, he told his mother
en Guadalajara, México . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 “Dyslexia is like a wound. In the past
Dyslexia Exhibit Wins New Zealand they’ve given me band-aids for it, and
Landscape Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Davis-leerstrategieën Nederland . . . . . . . .22
now I can heal it myself.” George is
now in his third year at Capilano
Regular Features Ron Davis at the SHIFT 2007 fundraiser
University studying chemistry, physics,
In the Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 and math. And he serves on the board for the Whole Dyslexic Society in
Why Punctuation Really Matters . . . . . . . . .6 Vancouver BC.
of The Whole Dyslexic Society.
Famous Dyslexics Remember . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Lazy Readers’ Book Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
The Society is delighted to name comes from a comment by a
Q&A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 announce that Ron Davis will once mother: “All we have to do is SHIFT
Humor Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 again be our guest of honour at our our perception of dyslexia…” This year
New Davis Licensees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 second annual fundraiser, SHIFT 2008. our theme is “We’re good at what we do
Davis Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28 The fundraiser will take place on because of our gift, not in spite of it.”
November 7, in Vancouver BC. The (Cont’d on p. 7)

In the Mail:
He asked about what I was reading
and I told him. He wouldn’t let me
“Now you understand ...” stop reading to him!
I am writing this letter to thank you When I got to the section about
from the depths of my being, for how reading was like torture his eyes
writing The Gift of Dyslexia. lit up. He said, “That’s it, that’s exactly
It has been a long journey, getting it, Mom, now you understand what it’s
to fourth grade with my nine-year-old like.” I was stunned. I had no idea
son. After having eliminated all other what he had been going through all
possibilities (eyes: good, hearing: these years!
good, IQ: good, ADD: doesn’t have it), He is being officially tested at
I asked his school to test him for school today and we should get the
Some words of encouragement.
dyslexia. Knowing very little about it results back soon. I’m pretty certain I From one mom to another

Sometimes my nine-year-old daughter

myself, I didn’t know where to turn to know what they will be. Finding your
had a hard time in school. Looking
find answers. I went to the bookstore book was such a blessing. It gave me a
back, I can see now that she was
yesterday and found The Gift! clear picture of what dyslexia is and
disoriented. I was thinking about
I didn’t stop reading until I what goes with it. Now I truly feel
getting the home program–a Kit
finished. When I got to the page about there is hope for my son.
with DVDs. My husband ruled that
the brown horse I called my son in to Many, many thanks to you for
out; it was summer, and with five
read it. He read through it and I asked changing our lives!
kids, it would have been near chaos
him what it meant. He said the rock
to manage it at home. We bit the
—R. Graeff
had legs and jumped over the fence!
bullet and had her do the program
with a Davis Facilitator.
Copyright 2005. Randy Glasbergen.

Wow. I love it and recommend

it for sure. My daughter made the
straight A honor roll just last week!
Now, it isn't easy. We’re almost done
with the trigger word list, and it has
been hard work. But she is determined
and wants to read well.
I’m telling you this to encourage
you to consider a Davis Program. The
results are so worth it. I would do it
again in a heart-beat. I know that if
my daughter hadn’t done a Davis
Program, this would be a really
frustrating year.
—A satisfied Mom

The Dyslexic Reader is published quarterly by Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI), 1601 Bayshore Hwy.,
Suite 260, Burlingame, CA 94010 USA. Tel. +1 (650) 692-7141.
OUR GOALS are to increase worldwide awareness about the positive aspects of dyslexia and related learning styles;
and to present methods for improving literacy, education and academic success. We believe that all people’s abilities
and talents should be recognized and valued, and that learning problems can be corrected. EDITORIAL BOARD:
Laura Zink de Diaz, Alice Davis & Abigail Marshall. DESIGN: Gideon Kramer. SUBSCRIPTIONS: one year $25 in US,
add $5 in Canada; add $10 elsewhere. BACK ISSUES: send $8.00 to DDAI. SUBMISSIONS & LETTERS:
We welcome letters, comments and articles. Mail to DDAI at the above address. VIA FAX: +1 (650) 692-7075

The opinions and views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those of DDAI. Davis®, Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis
Orientation Counseling®, Davis Math Mastery®, Davis Autism Approach®, Seed of Genius®, and Davis Learning Strategies® are trademarks of Ronald D. Davis.
Copyright © 2006 by DDAI, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
• Prior to his Davis program, a South Dakota State University
More Than boy had difficulty going out to eat Campanile Bell Tower. When he
in noisy places. He could barely eat, returned home, he joined the large
local gymnastic club.
They Ever became very anxious, and afterwards
he’d vomit. Because of this, his
Program, an 8-year-old boy went on
• After 15 hours of his Davis

a day trip with his family. As they

family never went out for meals.

Expected Since his family is from a small town,

they remained in the city during his crossed a bridge he began to feel
really dizzy. His mom reminded
him to check his orientation. Once
Davis Program week. During that
Compiled and organized by Kim Ainis,
he did that, everything was OK!
period, for the first time in his life,
Davis Facilitator in Chicago, IL, USA he ate at a very noisy restaurant,
One of the most exciting and gobbled up all his food, had fun,
A 48-year-old man took his family
moving aspects of being a Davis and didn’t throw up!

on holiday to Disney World in the

Facilitator is seeing the powerful •

United states a few months after his

changes the program causes in

program. He discovered that he was

people’s lives, extending far
able to go on fast, exciting rides
beyond reading, writing, and
with his children—something he
math. Here is a selection of mini-
had never before been able to do.
stories of client successes and
firsts in all areas of life. They‘ve
been gathered from Facilitators Overcoming Perceptual
all around the world, and are
• Before the program, a very
just a small sample of the kinds
of changes clients experience. successful 54-year-old businessman
Feel free to send your own story was unable to retain information from
to The Dyslexic Reader! any conversations. What he heard
and what his memory registered
Overcoming sensory were very different. On day two of
overload his Davis Program, he went to a
restaurant. For the first time in his
life, he was able to recall, from
• An 11-year-old girl tended to see memory, the specials that the waiter
the shine on polished linoleum floors had told him about.
in her school as holes filled with water.
So she always hesitated before Balance & coordination
entering the gym or other rooms when
the floors were freshly polished
• A 9-year-old boy used orientation fearing she would sink into the
to eliminate his fear of the sound of floor. Through orientation, she was
flushing toilets. His brother realized able to see these floors as they really
that the noise bothered him, so he are, and this problem disappeared.
used to torture him with it. After the • An eight-year-old boy could not
boy used orientation to de-trigger stand to be in buildings with tall
the sensitivity, it was no big deal ceilings. His perceptions told him
any more, so his brother got bored that the ceiling was about to fall in
and stopped picking on him! Program, a boy surprised everyone
• On the last day of his Davis
on him. He would drop to his hands
• A 50-year-old man rarely went and knees, crawling to avoid being by getting on his scooter. He had
grocery shopping because he was so crushed. Despite being a talented never been able to keep his balance
overwhelmed with the sounds, gymnast, he could not take classes on it before, but this time he glided
sights, and smells in a grocery store. in a large gymnasium near his across the room with his mind’s eye
When he did shop, he often forgot hometown. Orientation resolved this on his orientation point. When his
things and it took hours. After the issue. By the end of his week-long father saw this, he said he wanted to
program, he shopped much more program, he and his Facilitator give his son’s mind’s eye a big kiss!
often, remembered what to buy, and toured a performing arts center, and
it didn’t take nearly as long. He and an indoor athletic complex, and Program, a 15-year-old girl said that
• After two days of her Davis

his wife were both happy about this climbed the interior open-style stairs she never missed a step any more
change! of the city’s tallest landmark, the going up or down the stairs.


Real world print Sports

The mother of a 14-year-old
boy suddenly realized she
was not sitting next to him
and couldn’t help him with
the menu. But it wasn’t a
problem, because he had
already made his choice
by reading it himself.
• During his Davis Program, a
Programs, an 11-year-old and an
• As a result of their Davis Mum cried…”
nine-year-old boy was able to catch
18-year-old both began to read the a ball for the first time. That was his
road signs on highways. They had Davis Facilitator to say that his favorite outcome of the program
• A father called his daughter’s
never seen them before. The daughter now came and kissed him because he was never picked for
18-year-old now understood how good night.Changes in teams at school and felt embarrassed
people got from one place to and isolated.
another on the highway!
• An athletic girl of 11 refused to
Feeling good
play any games at school that
last, choosing what someone else
• Instead of always ordering
involved balls. Disorientation made
ordered because it sounded good, her think they were going to hit and
or always ordering the same thing hurt her. After orientation and doing
every time at every restaurant, the Koosh ball exercises, she got
children and adult Davis clients over her fear of balls and was happy
begin to read menus. In one instance, to play basketball, volleyball, etc.
the mother of a 14-year-old boy • After orientation an autistic client
suddenly realized she was not sitting chose to walk five miles home. He a 13-year-old client went to basketball
• On the third day of his program
next to him and couldn’t help him said it was because for the first time practice. The next day, she told her
with the menu. But it wasn’t a in his life it “felt good.” Facilitator she was playing better. At
problem, because he had already
support training, her dad commented,
made his choice by reading it
“The coach came over to me and
himself. Mum cried…
Changes in education
asked me what happened to my
• A 42-year-old client never went daughter. She is playing more
on holiday by himself because he aggressively and making more shots
was terrified that he would get to than ever before.”
the airport, be unable to read the
• A 25-year-old man went to rugby
signs, and might miss his plane. It
practice. While the coach explained
was a very proud moment for him
the new moves, he found he was
(and his Facilitator) when he told
able to learn and remember them by
her that he was flying to Germany
• Before the program, a high getting oriented. When he went onto
for a long weekend all by himself!
school graduate was afraid she the field, he let his mind’s eye go.
would fail in college. She decided He played his best game, scoring a
try, without ever being off side or in
that if she tried college she would
only study arts (which she liked and the wrong place.
was good at) and would avoid math
and science (which she failed a 14-year-old who loved to juggle
• After learning to get oriented,

repeatedly). After completing Davis with balls felt confident enough to

Programs in reading and math, she juggle with flaming torches. (Not in
enrolled in college and majored in the Facilitator’s office!)
biology. Her grades in this major • A nine-year-old boy gained
are all As and Bs. enough confidence to swim across
the pool at his swimming lessons.
• An actor in his 30’s said that he Program ended, a client did well Before, he had been too afraid to
• Three days after her Davis

could now begin dating. enough on her art history final try. “The point helped me.”
• One boy started looking at his exam to raise her failing score from
parents–in the face. He told the 43 to 67. The next semester she distance from the shore to a raft he
• A 15-year-old swam a good

facilitator that he could now see made the leap from art to psychology hadn’t dared to aim for earlier.
when his mom was cross. and scored 76 on her first test. “With the point I just felt confident.”

Driving, motorcycling, biking, • A 54-year-old man enjoyed rid- • A seven-year-old needed over 1.0
using public transportation ing his motorcycle but often had correction in both eyes prior to his
problems with balance. It caused Davis Program. After the program
great embarrassment when he fell one eye no longer needed any cor-
over at traffic lights or while trying rection and the other only needed .4.
to park in the garage. After his This change was discovered just two
Davis Program, he was happy to months after his program.
report that he no longer experienced • On the way home from her Davis
this problem. His wife was pretty Program, an adult client called her
happy about it too! Facilitator to thank her. She had
pulled over to the side of the road
Video games
and was sobbing into the phone. She
• An woman got over her fear of told her Facilitator that she loves
driving on high, winding roads by opera and had begun to listen to one
lowering her dial and being oriented. of her favorite CD’s. For the first
She realized she was sending her time in her life she could actually
mind’s eye over the hills and scaring hear all the nuances in the music.
herself. She is now a Davis Facilitator. Until she did a program, she never
• A college student was able to knew that she wasn’t hearing all the
drive alone for the first time without
• Several teenagers have reported sounds. 
higher scores on video games when These client stories were gathered from the
being afraid, by using her dial and
oriented. following Davis Facilitators: Kim Ainis
(Chicago, IL, USA), Kim Carson (Brookings,
• A man in his 50’s was such an Time SD, USA), Cathy Cook (Columbia, MO,
erratic driver, his wife never dared to USA), Christine East (Kingsbridge, Devon,
‘nod off’ when he was driving. Now UK), Jacqui Flisher (Hungerford, Berkshire,
that he can get oriented, his driving UK), Edie Fritz (Phoenix, AZ, USA), Sher
has radically improved and she often Goerzen (Maple Ridge BC, Canada), Lesa
sleeps while he drives. Hall (Pooler, GA, USA), D’vorah Hoffman
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Glenys Knopp
• As a result of a series of inconse- (Darfield, Canterbury, NZ), Carol Nelson
quential but scary driving accidents (Boulogne-Billancourt, France), Alison Syme
on snowy/icy hills, a Facilitator’s • A 13-year-old client walked into (Darfield, RD, NZ), Beate Tiletzek
daughter gradually developed a fear the lobby on the third day of her (Waldkraiburg, Germany), and Laura Zink
of all driving. During her Davis Davis Program. She looked at a clock de Diaz (Bogotá, Colombia)
Program, she used her alignment to and said, “Oh, it’s 12:35.” Then, in
understand that the mental images the next breath she said, “Hey, that On achievement. . .
she was creating while driving had clock has Roman numerals! I never
nothing to do with reality. Now she read Roman numerals!”
drives everywhere, fearlessly.
• A college student frequently got Sensory enhancement
lost when driving, biking, or using
public transportation and needed to
give herself an extra hour or so in
case she got lost! After her program,
she became able to find her way to
her destination without allowing any
extra time.
• On the afternoon of the third
day of his Davis Program a 25-year-
“ Achievement seems to
be connected with action.
Successful men and women
old man rode his motorbike and
ended up on a gravel road. He was • A 26-year-old client discovered a keep moving. They make
worried when he got to that stretch whole new world after Fine Tuning.
While his neighbor was trimming his
mistakes, but they
of road because he had forgotten
hedge, the client was overwhelmed don’t quit.”
about the gravel. But he reported that
it was easy, that he’d never felt so to discover that the world was filled —Conrad Hilton
balanced. As a teenager, he had with smells. He had never noticed (1887 - 1979), American hotelier,
watched his friends go over jumps, them before! He enjoyed this new founder of Hilton Hotel chain
but always fell when he tried. dimension a lot!


International Davis in Mexico (cont’d from p. 1)

Davis Dyslexia El Público, one of Mexico’s most
Correction ®
widely read national daily
Providers newspapers, featured a full-page
article about Ron Davis.”
The Davis Dyslexia
Correction program is
now available from more The lecture was preceded by a Mastery
than 450 Facilitators of Motivation & Responsibility Workshop
around the world. presented by Cathy Calderon, with Ron Davis
For updates, call:
(888) 805-7216 [Toll free] assisting. Davis Facilitators and Trainees from
or (650) 692-7141 or visit Canada, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Argentina, Panama and many parts of Mexico attended
the event.
 Argentina During the workshop Cathy Calderon
Silvana Ines Rossi
Cathy Calderón and Ron present the Mastery
Buenos Aires
of Motivation and Responsibility Workshop rose to the status of Davis Workshop
+54 (114) 865 3898
Presenter. She is now fully qualified and
The size of the audience was certainly licensed to present all three of the Davis
Brenda Baird
due in part to the successful promotion of the Facilitator Training Program Workshops.
Brisbane event in several local newspapers. However,
+61 (07) 3299 3994
Congratulations, Cathy!
many others also had the opportunity to listen
Sally Beulke
Participants’ time in Guadalajara was
to a two-hour morning radio interview of Ron not all work and no play. Also on offer was an
+61 (03) 572 51752 Davis and Ms. Flores by Adriana Corona Gil, optional excursion to the José Cuervo distillery
Anne Cupitt on her program, “Simplemente Adriana.” This
Scarness, Queensland
in the town of Tequila about 45 minutes by car
+61 (074) 128-2470
program is popular throughout Mexico, and from Guadalajara. Many took advantage of
Mary Davie
has listeners in Brazil and Ecuador, as well the opportunity to tour the Cuervo facilities
Caringbah NSW and “taste” their famous product! 
+61 (02) 9524 3837
as in Southern California and Texas in the
Jan Gorman
United States. Adriana’s focus is on uplifting
Eastwood / Sydney stories that promote the public good.
+61 (02) 9804 1184 In addition, El Público, one of Mexico’s
Bets Gregory
Gordon NSW
most widely read national daily newspapers,
+61 (4) 1401 3490 featured a full page article about Ron Davis
Gail Hallinan and Davis services, commonly known in
DLS Workshop
Latin America as “el Método Davis.” This
Naremburn /Sydney full-page story appeared on the back cover
+61 (02) 9405 2800 of El Público, a spot the publishers reserve
Barbara Hoi
Mosman / Sydney
exclusively for biographies of inspirational
+61 (02) 9968 1093 personalities. These biographies, read
Eileen McCarthy throughout Mexico, are selected solely based
Manly / Sydney
+61 (02) 9977 2061
on the merits of the subject; the newspaper
Marianne Mullally
accepts no advertising from those featured
Crows Nest, Sydney on this page. Ron gets playful with Jose’s Cuervo!
+61 (02) 9436 3766
Jayne Pivac
Mordialloc / Melbourne
+61 (342) 030 54 05
Why punctuation really matters...
John Reilly
Berala / Sydney Dear John: Dear John:
+61 (02) 9649 4299
I want a man who knows what love is I want a man who knows what love is.
Heidi Rose
Pennington /Adelaide all about. You are generous, kind, All about you are generous, kind,
thoughtful. People who are not like you thoughtful people, who are not like you.
+61 (08) 8240 1834
Joanne Zietsch
Curtin ACT admit to being useless and inferior. You Admit to being useless and inferior. You
have ruined me for other men. I yearn have ruined me. For other men, I yearn.
+61 (0) 2 6282 1225

for you. I have no feelings whatsoever For you, I have no feelings whatsoever.
Annette Dietrich
Wien when we’re apart. I can be forever When we’re apart, I can be forever
+43 (01) 888 90 25
happy— please let me be yours. happy. Please let me be.
Gabriele Doetsch
Gloria Yours, Gloria
+43 (5) 214 64 57

Whole Dyslexia Society (cont’d from p. 1)  Austria (cont’d)
Jacinta Fennessy
Dyslexia is like a wound. In the Wien +43 (01) 774 98 22
past they’ve given me band-aids for Ina Barbara Hallermann
SHIFT 2008 it, and now I can heal it myself.” Riezlern +43 5517 20012
Marika Kaufmann
Lochau +43 (05574) 446 98
to, and I also have never been more impressed  Belgium
than I was the day I listened to Ron Davis at Thera Brugghe
+32 (051) 24 63 40
The Gift of Dyslexia seminar. What an
exceptional man! I think that Ron Davis is not Ann Devloo-Delva
just an exceptionally brilliant man who has Veurne +32 (058) 31 63 52
Hilde Duchesne
overcome almost insurmountable obstacles
through an extraordinary strength of spirit +32 (0)3 653 1371
and character, but he is a very intuitive man Inge Lanneau
+32 (050) 33 29 92
who is tapping into something powerful. I feel
Peggy Poppe
truly blessed to have been given some insights
+32 (474) 50 23 32
from his wisdom and to have been linked to
Viki Vandevenne
some really amazing people because of the
program he created. Thanks so much for Bonheiden
SHIFT 2008 will have as many engaging giving us back hope about our lives.” +32 (0473) 30 41 51
presentations and activities as it did in 2007!  Brazil
Ana Lima
Last year, at our inaugural fundraiser, Rio De Janeiro
Ron spoke at the University of British When the children get together, +55 (021) 2295-1505
Columbia, to an audience of over 380. He there is a very special and patently  Bulgaria
observable energy. There seems to Daniela Boneva
Ruse +35 (988) 531 95 06
was in fine form and received a standing
ovation. Following his talk, a large group of be an immediate
sense of safety, a  Canada
Wayne Aadelstone-Hassel
attendees enjoyed a cocktail reception and
realization that
Halfmoon Bay, BC
both silent and live auctions. The money
there really are other
raised went towards the four goals of The +1 (604) 741-0605
children out there
Whole Dyslexic Society, to: with an Orientation Jean-Pierre Arbour
Ottawa, Ontario
• substantially improve outreach; Point, or Hands on +1 (613) 792-4068
• provide scholarships for Davis Dyslexia Shoulders.” +1 (866) 792-4067 (Toll-Free)
Raylene Barnhill
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Correction Programs;
• encourage Davis Learning Strategies in The Fellowship of the Gift, an organization +1 (506) 458-0494
Darlene Brown
schools; and
Smithers/Prince Rupert
that brings together children and teens socially
• create a Centre for all of the above.
+1 (250) 847-3463
three times a year and for summer camp, also
Paddy Carson
Thanks to introductions from Donna received support from The Whole Dyslexic
Doerksen, a retired board director, we Society this year. The youngsters have been Edmonton/Alberta
advanced towards our goal of improving snowshoeing, kayaking, and have twice gone +1 (780) 489-6225
Dyslexia Resources Canada
Shelley Cotton
outreach. Through Donna we were able to on the UBC Ropes Course. They’ve also
Sharon Roberts
speak to the Vancouver School Board High visited a bio-dynamic farm, enjoyed two
Incidence Special Needs group, and the Waterloo, Ontario
+1 (519) 746-8422
Claymation workshops and curling. And this
+1 (800) 981-6433 (Toll-Free)
Learning Assistance Teachers Association past summer they went llama trekking! When
Sandy Farrell
about our distinct way of thinking and the children get together, there is a very spe-
Hudson, Quebec
learning. cial and patently observable energy. There
The Society was also able to award four seems to be an immediate sense of safety, a +1 (450) 458-4777
scholarships this year. One of our scholarship Renée Figlarz
Montreal, Quebec
realization that there really are other children
+1 (514) 815-7827
beneficiaries wrote the following: out there with an Orientation Point, or Hands
Sher Goerzen
“Nicole was excited by the news of her on Shoulders. In this environment, children
scholarship, but I don’t know if she fully grasps who normally have social challenges at Maple Ridge/Vancouver
just how much this is going to help her life. It school quickly begin to play with everyone +1 (604) 290-5063
else. When the young adults meet for dinner, Gerry Grant
has been a bit of a mystery to me also. I read
Workshop Presenter
and hear about how much it has done for other we all know someone will be late, and
someone will get lost–and that’s OK. We Waterloo/Toronto
+1 (519) 498-2424
children, but it still seems like a dream that it
also have a Moms Untied group that enjoys
Corinne Graumans
will also help Nicole as much as it has helped
Medicine Hat, Alberta
swapping stories and suggestions, horror
stories, and chocolate desserts! 
many children like her. But I believe very much
in the sincerity of the mothers I have spoken +1 (403) 528-9848

 Canada (cont’d)
Sue Hall
In Simon’s Own Words ...
West Vancouver
+1 (604) 921-1084
By Glenys Knopp, Davis Facilitator in Darfield, New Zealand
D’vorah Hoffman
Toronto Simon was my first client after I received my spend his own money on books, something he
+1 (416) 398-6779 Facilitator licence. At that time, in May 2007, wouldn’t have done previously.
Sue Jutson

Vancouver, B.C.
Simon was 13, and reluctant to let people Below is a speech he wrote for a school
+1 (604) 732-1516 know about his dyslexia. English assessment. He
Mary Ann Kettlewell Despite preferring to chose to do his speech on
London, Ontario spend time outdoors, Simon It is an annoying disability. It dyslexia and researched
+1 (519) 652-0252 makes spelling, writing and
Carol Livermore
completed his trigger it independently. To
reading difficult. In reading
Ottawa, Ontario words within a year of his stand in front of his
+1 (800) 394-1535 [Toll Free]
it can make you stumble on
programme, a goal he had
Julie Locke
classmates and talk about
words or skip them.”
Truro, Nova Scotia
set himself. When I met it was a significant step
+1 (902) 895-9015 his father a few months after the programme, for him. Simon is a high achieving and very
Helen McGilivray
he ‘complained’ that they couldn’t stop him motivated student. I feel privileged to have had
+1 (905) 464-4798
reading now. Simon was even choosing to a part in his journey. 
Susan Nikolic-Vicentic
+1 (905) 953-0033
Maureen O’Sullivan
My Speech on Dyslexia
Newmarket, Ontario
+1 (905) 853-3363
By Simon Taege
Tina Panaritis
Montreal, Quebec
Not many people know a lot about dyslexia, But when you get to year 7 and 8 you might
+ 1 (514) 690-9164 like it is one of the most common learning have a huge difficulty in reading and spelling.
Sharon Permack disabilities. It makes up 60-80% of them. It Like making a lot of mistakes in reading or
Thornhill, Ontario
+1 (905) 882-9292
is an annoying disability. It makes spelling, having trouble with learning from a book.
Rocky Point Academy
writing and reading difficult. In You may also have difficulties with
Stacey Borger-Smith
reading it can make you stumble story writing because the sequence
Lawrence Smith, Jr.
on words or skip them. In spelling gets mixed up.
+1 (403) 685-0067
and writing you can’t write neatly In high school it still keeps
+1 (866) 685-0067 (Toll-Free) and you have trouble remembering going. Some people with dyslexia
Kendra Rodych words that you learnt to spell.
may still be very slow at reading and
+1 (306) 227-7484
To make it easier you can do understanding. It might be difficult
Catherine Smith
a course with clay, making models, for you to take notes in class. You
Oakville/Toronto step by step, for words like “the,” might also have a lot of trouble
+1 (905) 844-4144
1-888-569-1113 toll-free
“this,” and “a.” There are many learning a foreign language. But not
Simon Taege - every one with dyslexia is the same.
Edwina Stone
others, about 219 small words to
Kitchener Ontario
now he won’t
learn. After you have learnt them, stop reading! Some can read very well while
+1 (519) 584-0873 any other word that you can’t spell others can’t. It is the same also
Bernice Taylor
Riverview, NB
you make in clay, and a model to go with with everything like spelling and writing.
+1 (506) 871-5674
it. You learn techniques to stop getting You may also have a special talent in

Tracy Trudell
mucked up and to focus on things. But music, art, drama, or sport. You may also be
Wallacetown, Ontario for each age there are
+1 (519) 762-2001
good with an engine,
Over all, having dyslexia
different problems. like John Britten. He was
Kim J. Willson-Rymer
Mississauga, Ontario isn’t actually that bad.
Like when you are a great designer and
+1 (905) 825-3153 in preschool you might People do learn to cope with builder of motorbikes;
Cheryl Wood not be able to talk as it and can go on and have the company is called
Huntsville, Ontario great successful lives.”
+1 (705) 783-2763
well as other children or Britco. He even built a
remember rhymes or two-story house out of
Yvonne Wong Ho Hing
how to spell your name because you get an old stable. It even has a two-meter deep
Hong Kong
your letters mixed up. swimming pool.
+852-7323-7702 In primary school you might have Over all, having dyslexia isn’t actually
Livia Wong difficulty with words that look and sound the that bad. People do learn to cope with it and
Hong Kong
same. Some things like full stops and capital can go on and have great successful lives.

letters get put were they aren’t supposed to Einstein is proof of this. He was the world’s
Laura Zink de Díaz
be, or you just don’t use them at all! You smartest man and he had dyslexia. So there
Bogotá might leave out –ing or –ed on the end of is a way through it. 
+57 (1) 704-4399 words or add them when not needed.

 Costa Rica
Famous Dyslexics Remember Maria Elena Guth Blanco
San Jose
+506 296-4078
Sally Gardner’s original Ansel Adams was born in Marcela Rodriguez
name was Sarah, but as a San Francisco, California in Alajuela
+506 442-8090
child she couldn’t spell it. 1902. A hyperactive child, he
Sally was easier, relating the was expelled from several
Alexis Mouzouris
loops in the letters to snakes private schools because he Limassol
and dance moves. Her teachers was restless and inattentive. +357 25 382 090
labeled her “unteachable;” an In 1915, his father decided to  Ecuador
educational psychologist told her parents home school him. Today, he would probably Ana Magdalena Espin
she was “word blind.” To Sally, that at have been diagnosed as dyslexic. From an Ambato
least made sense. Then something “clicked” early age, Adams was attracted to nature, +593 (2) 854 281
when she was 14, and she suddenly began collecting insects, exploring beaches, and Nora Cristina Garza Díaz
devouring books. Now in her 50s, Sally watching the sky through the family Ambato
+593 (3) 282 5998
Gardner is a very successful British writer telescope. In his youth he focused on music
Carmensol Herdoíza
and illustrator. “Why it’s taken me so long and planned to become a concert pianist. But Ambato
to write is because of confidence. When +593 (3) 284 9344
you have the level of learning difficulties Cristina Mariela Lara
that I experienced, your Ambato
confidence is not good. At + 593 (2) 854 281
certain points in my life after his father gave him a Kodak Brownie Inés Gimena Paredes Ríos
writing was the last thing I box camera, his focus changed. In 1916, he Ambato
+593 (2) 854 281
thought I could do.” In 2005, visited Yosemite National Park for the first
in spite of severe dyslexia, time and fell in love with its beauty. He
Elisabeth Helenelund
she published her first full-length novel, I, decided that the purpose of his art, whether Borga +358 400 79 54 97
Coriander, which won the Nestlé Children’s photography or music, was to reveal that
Book Prize Gold Award. In total, Sally has beauty to others. Adams’ work expressed Christine Bleus
written and illustrated nearly 30 books. She both beauty and emotion. Not only were his Saint Jean de Gonville/
has twin daughters, and a son, all with photographs enormously popular, he helped +33 450 56 40 48
some degree of dyslexia. “The difference raise photography to an art form. Ansel Corinne Couelle
is that they have a mother who is dyslexic Adams died in 1984. John Szarkowski states Lyon
in the introduction to Adams’ book, Ansel +33 (628) 38 84 41
… But I didn’t see it as a problem, I saw it
Adams: Classic Images, published a year after Jennifer Delrieu
as a gift and the problem lies with the Voisins le Bretonneux/Paris
way it’s perceived by the outside world.” his death, “The love that Americans poured +33 (01) 30 44 19 91
You can visit her website at: out for the work and person of Ansel Adams Françoise Magarian There …is an extraordinary phenomenon, perhaps Legny/Lyon
+33 (0474) 72 43 13
you’ll find books for Under Fives, Under even unparalleled in our country’s response
Carol Nelson
Eights, and Under 108s. to a visual artist.” Boulogne-Billancourt/Paris
+33 (0) 1 49 09 12 33
Odile Puget
Pierre Curie was born in are placed in an electric field they are Segny/Geneve
+33 (0) 450 418 267
1859 in Paris, France. His compressed. Then began an amazing
Guilaine Batoz Saint-Martin
father, realizing that there scientific career in crystallography, La Bastidonne/Marseille
was something different magnetism, piezoelectricity and +33 (0490) 08 98 56
about his son, educated radioactivity. He shared the 1903 Nobel  Germany/Deutschland
him at home with private Prize in physics with his wife, Marie Curie Theresia Adler
tutors. Although dyslexic, and Henri Becquerel. Because his early Bannewitz
+49 (0351) 40 34 224
by the time he was 14, education had been “unorthodox” Curie
Ellen Ebert
young Pierre showed a remarkable passion was never fully accepted by the scientific Ammern
and talent for mathematics. He began community in France. Nonetheless he was +49 (03601) 813-660
university studies at 16 and received the awarded the Davy Medal of the Royal Cornelia Garbe
Berlin +49 (030) 61 65 91 25
equivalent of a Master’s degree by age Society of London in 1903 (jointly with
18. Although he put off working on a Marie) and in 1905 he was Astrid Grosse-Mönch
doctorate until later, by age 21, he and his elected to the Academy of +49 (04161) 702 90 70
brother had discovered the piezoelectric Sciences. His life and Das Legasthenie Institut
effect—that when pressure is applied to contributions were cut Ioannis Tzivanakis
Specialist Trainer
certain crystals, they generate electrical short when he was killed Workshop Presenter
voltage, and that when these same crystals in a traffic accident in 1906. DDA-DACH Director
Berlin +49 (030) 66 30 63 17


Good stuff from ...

Christine Heinrich
Schwäb Gmünd
+49 (0717) 118 29 74
By Laura Zink de Diaz & Danny Brassell
Sonja Heinrich
Recommendations from The Lazy
DDA-DACH Director Readers’ Book Club have been piling
+49 (040) 25 17 86 23
up in my inbox, so it’s time for me to
Kirsten Hohage
share Danny Brassell’s “picks”–his list
Nürnberg of great books for reluctant readers or
+49 (0911) 54 85 234 those who just plain don’t have time
Ingrid Huth
Berlin +49 (0179) 896 8007
for reading–and his comments on each.
Mechtild Hylla
Danny knows we’re not lazy, just busy
Kassel +49 (0561) 602 78 20 or in need of information and encouragement.
Rita Jarrar At his website,,
+49 (089) 821 20 30
you can find Danny’s picks, updated monthly,
Inge Koch-Gassmann
as well as archives of past selections by
Buggingen month, reading level, and page count. If you
+49 (07631) 23 29 purchase books at through links
Angelika Kohn
at the Lazy Readers’ website, Bookends
+49 (07148) 66 08 ( will receive a donation.
Marianne Kranzer Bookends is a nonprofit organization devoted
+49 (07725) 72 26
to increasing children’s access to books, as
Anneliese Kunz-Danhauser
well as community service awareness. Kandide and the Secret of the Mists
Rosenheim Danny’s recommendations are always by Diana S. Zimmerman
+49 (08031) 632 29 organized into categories: AD, for adults; Publisher: Noesis Publishing 2008
Sabine La Due
YA, for young adults; and CH, for children’s Young Adult, 250 pages
+49 711 47 91 000 books. He always lists a page count and some ISBN-10: 0979432820
Jutta Meissner
ISBN-13: 978-0979432828
brief comments, as below. He usually posts
+49 (711) 882 2106
about 10 recommendations per month, three or
Gundula Patzlaff
four per category. At the website, you can sign
Stuttgart up to receive his monthly recommendations
+49 (0711) 23 64 86 0 by email, just as I do!
Margit Pleger
Wetter/Dortmund Kandide and the Secret of the Mists
+49 (02335) 84 87 60 “Okay, I confess that the book is actually 288
Angela Przemus
pages, but it has big print and includes several
+49 (3928) 845 159 appendices—and illustrator Maxine Gadd’s
Colette Reimann gorgeous full-color art pages of various
+49 (0871) 770 994
characters. Fantasy is all the rage right now,
Ursula Rittler
and I highly recommend this book for anyone
Stuttgart who enjoys The Chronicles of Narnia series.
+49 (0711) 47 18 50 What I like best about this book is its message
Phoebe Schafschetzy
of overcoming adversity and maintaining
+49 (040) 392 589 hope. Precisely the kind of book I like to see
Margarethe Schlauch- adolescents reading.”
+49 (0689) 844 10 40
Passion and Poison
Gabriela Scholter
“This is the perfect book to read aloud to a
Supervisor-Specialist class of sixth graders after a break with the
+49 (0711) 578 28 33
lights turned off. Place a flashlight under your
Carmen Stappenbacher
chin and relate any of the seven creepy tales,
Gundelsheim all featuring strong female protagonists.” Passion and Poison
+49 (0951) 917 19 10
by Janice M. Del Negro
Beate Tiletzek If I Ran for President Publisher: Marshall Cavendish
Waldkraiburg Children’s Books (2007)
+49 (08638) 88 17 89
“Written for children, with terrific illustrations
Young Adult, 64 pages
Andrea Toloczyki
by Lynne Avril, I think a lot of adults should
Havixbeck / Münster
ISBN-10: 076145361X
check out this book to better understand our
+49 (02507) 57 04 84
ISBN-13: 978-0761453611
election process.”

Ulrike von Kutzleben-Hausen
+49 (07420) 33 46
Dr. Angelika Weidemann
Ulm +49 (0731) 931 46 46
Gabriele Wirtz
+49 (0711) 55 17 18
Evagelia Apostolopoulou-
Patras +30 (261) 062 21 22
Zoe Deliakidou
+30 2310 434510
or +30 6934 662438
Irma Vierstra-Vourvachakis
Rethymnon / Crete
+30 283105 8201
The Thrift Store Bears or 69766 40292
If I Ran for President by Olive Evans
Publisher: Teddy Traveler (2007) Áslaug Ásgeirsdóttir
by Catherine Stier
Children, 41 pages
+354 861-2537
Publisher: Albert Whitman & Co. (2007)
ISBN-10: 0974895407
Sigrún Jónina Baldursdóttir
Children, 24 Pages
ISBN-10: 0807535435 ISBN-13: 978-0974895406
ISBN-13: 978-0807535431 +354 586 8180
The Thrift Store Bears Gudrún Benediktsdóttir
+354 545 0103 or
“Anyone who knows me knows how much I
love to use poems and music to teach students +354 822 0910
of all ages. This is the perfect book, as it Gudbjörg Emilsdóttir
DLS Mentor
includes wonderful poems set to music by Jim
Furmston and accompanied by Pat Woolley’s +354 554 3452
adorable illustrations. There are certain books Hólmfridur Gudmundsdóttir
that I read every day with my kids: Dr. Seuss, Gardabae +354 895-0252
Sigurborg Svala
our children’s Bible, a book of nursery
rhymes–and now this. My kids love it!” Mosfellsbaer
+354 867 1928
Ingibjörg Ingolfsdóttir
+354 899-2747
Sigrún Jensdóttir
+354 897 4437
Valgerdur Jónsdóttir
DLS Presenter-Mentor
+354 863 2005
Sturla Kristjansson
DLS Presenter-Mentor
Legend of the White Wolf Hafnarfjordur
by Max Elliot Anderson +354 862 0872
Jon Einar Haraldsson
Publisher: Baker Trittin Concepts (2005) Bats at the Library
Akureyri +354 867 1875
Young Adult - 128 pages by Brian Lies
Ásta Olafsdóttir
ISBN-10: 0975288032 Publisher: Houghton-Mifflin (2008)
ISBN-13: 978-0975288030 Children, 32 Pages Vopnafjordur
+354 473-1164
Thorbjörg Sigurdardóttir
ISBN-10: 061899923X
Legend of the White Wolf ISBN-13: 978-0618999231
“Nothing makes me happier than finding +354 698 7213
books that reluctant boy readers will enjoy. Bats at the Library Kolbeinn Sigurjonsson
+354 566 6664
If you know a boy who hates reading, grab a “This is part of a wonderful series of Bats
Hugrún Svavarsdóttir
book by Max Elliot Anderson. He, like me, books by Lies, and his illustrations and
hated reading growing up. We may share the rhymes are always a crowd pleaser with Mosfellsbær
same brain, as he thinks in terms of action. kindergarteners. In this episode it takes a +354 698-6465
Margret Thorarinsdottir
Selfoss +354 486 1188
Reading this book was like watching a movie: librarian’s read alouds to settle the bats down,
fast and fun. Perfect summer reading.” and the illustrations, as always, are fantastic.”

 India Dyslexics: The Untapped Scholars

Carol Ann Rodrigues
+91 (22) 2667 3649 or
By Richard Whitehead, DDA Director,
+91 (22) 2665 0174
The Learning People, Canterbury, Kent, UK

 Ireland In March 2008, the UK news was and writing tasks with ease and
Anne Marie Beggs
Old Portmarnock/Dublin awash with comment on a study enjoyment. And we give them
+353 (86) 239-1545 the educational equivalent
Paula Horan
published by Hull University suggesting
of an artificial limb–coping
that 55% of those failing standard
+353 44 934 1613
Sister Antoinette Keelan
assessment tests in school are dyslexic. Coloured overlays,
Dublin The sad thing is that this is an entirely
+353 (01) 884 4996
text-to-speech software,
Aideen Tierney
avoidable tragedy. Dyslexic thinkers spell-checkers, repetitive
Dublin are among the brightest in our schools; drill-based exercises, memory
 Israel what’s more, with the right approach, devices–we excel in devising ever
Goldie Gilad
Kfar Saba/Tel Aviv
the dyslexic thinking style contains all more support systems which we bolt
+972 (09) 765 1185 the ingredients of academic success. onto the dyslexic person, without ever
Judith Schwarcz
asking ourselves the question: How does this
DDA-Israel Director
Imagine that someone who is only familiar person think? And crucially: Is this person’s
Ra’anana/Tel Aviv
with PCs suddenly comes across an Apple natural thinking style an untapped learning
+972 (09) 772 9888 Mac computer for the first time. The interface resource? In the same way that Apple Mac
 Italy would look different, and most of the computers are designed to run Apple Mac
Stefania Bruno
Nuoro, Sardinia
programmes that person had on disk wouldn’t programmes, can we design a dyslexic
+39 (388) 933 2486 load–because they were designed for a PC. learning programme that honours and utilises

Elisa De Felice So the person takes the computer back to the dyslexic intelligence?
+39 (06) 507 3570
shop and complains that it As a dyslexia
Piera Angiola Maglioli is broken. That, essentially, is practitioner and consultant,
...One of the astonishing
Occhieppo Inferiore/Biella
+39 (015) 259 3080
what we are doing with our I get to work and speak
things we discovered [in
Alessandro Taiocchi
regularly with dyslexic
dyslexic learners. our study]was that 75%
Settimo Milanese Last summer, we of the population claims adults, dyslexic children
+39 (333) 443 7368 conducted some in-depth to understand little or and their parents. Here’s
Silvia Walter
Bagno a Ripoli Florence
research into public nothing about how what I know: dyslexic
+39 (055) 621 0541 attitudes to dyslexia. I’m dyslexic people think.” thinkers are imaginative,
Rafaella Zingerle afraid to say the results intuitive and/or curious
Corvara In Badia
+39 (0471) 836 959
were not encouraging. One of the astonishing people whose main learning tool is their
things we discovered was that 75% of the imagination, intuition and curiosity.
Josephine Naikuni population claims to understand little or Dyslexic thinkers are sometimes
+254 (20) 604 347
nothing about how dyslexic people think. referred to as “visual-spatial” learners–when
Manisha Shah
With dyslexic thinkers making up an all the detail of a learning task is laid out in
Nairobi estimated 10% of the population, most people a clear way, it’s as if it can be “seen” in the
+ 254 (0) 722 492 217 have either a friend, loved-one, relative, mind–as a whole, and in all its details. And
Kimberly Swallow
colleague or client with dyslexia. So why are once a person has “got the picture” in this
+ 254 (20) 712 0472 we so in the dark about how dyslexics think? way, the “picture” itself can be manipulated
 Lebanon Maybe it’s because we’ve never thought to discover new possibilities–and that is
Samar Riad Saab to ask them. And that is one of the problems another dyslexic strength: multi-dimensional
Beirut +961 3 700 206 with the current definition of dyslexia as a and lateral thinking ability.
Hilary Craig
disability in law. No wonder that dyslexic thinkers are
Kuala Lumpur Disabilities are not interesting. The found in abundance in professions such as
+60 (36) 201 55 95 word disability suggests a fixed, unchanging graphic design, architecture and engineering.
 Mexico problem—something broken in a person that And that, according to a recent study, if you
Silvia B. Arana García
Mexico, D.F.
will never change or improve. If you are a are dyslexic you are twice as likely to own
+52 (55) 5540-7205 doctor and your patient has lost a leg, you two or more successful businesses than if
Cathy Calderón de la Barca aren’t going to spend too long looking at why you are not.
México D.F.
Davis Workshop Presenter
and how it was lost; you’re going to arrange But here’s what’s interesting. If you
+52 (55) 5540-7205 for a wheelchair or artificial limb. look at the main attributes of the academically
Hilda Fabiola Herrera Cantu So it is that we pre-assume that our excellent—for example, those who come out of
Culiacan, Sinaloa
+52 81 6677 15 01 19
dyslexic students will never succeed university with a first-class degree rather than
academically, or be able to access reading a 2:1 (and, for my sins, I am one of that crowd

 Mexico (cont’d)
myself)—you find the same key attributes: thinking style— because they didn’t know
María Silvia Flores Salinas
strong imaginative and intuitive ability, that it was a thinking style.
heightened curiosity, ability to “see” a problem Interestingly, some recent studies suggest DDA Director
Supervisor –Specialist
Garza García Monterrey NL
in all its detail and then manipulate it. that when teaching methods are developed
In my own dyslexia practice, I have come with the dyslexic thinking style in mind they +52 (81) 8378 61 75
across something that I call the “Simpsons stimulate non-dyslexic learners in new ways Laura Lammoglia
Tampico, Tamaulipas
+52 (833) 213 4126
Factor” with a frequency too
Alejandra Garcia Medina
common to be explained
away as coincidence. Time ...Dyslexic thinkers are Huixquilucan
and time again, I and my imaginative, intuitive, +52 (55) 1085 5608l
and/or curious people Maria Lourdes Gutiérrez
Mexico D.F.
colleagues find ourselves
working with a “Bart”—a whose main learning tool +52 (555) 593 18 22
bright dyslexic child with is their imagination, Lucero Palafox de Martin
intuition, and curiosity. Veracruz
+52 (229) 935 1302
reading and writing
Ana Elena Payro Ogarrio
difficulties–only to discover
that the same child has a sibling—a “Lisa”— too. Rather than Corregidora, Queretaro
who excels academically. If the same family— having “special +52 442 228 1264
Lydia Gloria Vargas
the same gene pool –produces dyslexic thinkers needs,” maybe our Garza García Monterrey NL
+52 (81) 8242 0666
alongside academically strong children time dyslexic thinkers are in
and time again, then maybe the two thinking fact the litmus test of educational planning, Lourdes Zepeda Solorzano
styles have more similarities than differences? showing us the way to new teaching styles Cancún
which will engage and excite all of our +52 (998) 577 30 90
learners–together.   Netherlands
Are our scholars just the dyslexics who got
Liesbeth Berg-Schagen
lucky with their learning experiences and so
kept their dyslexic strengths without ever Vleuten
+31 (030) 604-9601
© Richard Whitehead. Reprinted with permission by
the author. Originally published at the website of The
Manja Bloemendal
developing a dyslexic difficulty?
Den Haag
That’s not to say that every dyslexic Learning People
+31 (70) 345 5252
thinker is a natural academic scholar, or You’ll discover other articles of interest about
Ineke Blom
dyslexia, Davis Dyslexia Correction, and related
would wish to take their versatile talents in
issues in the UK at this website.
+31 (020) 436-1484
such a direction. But the elephant in the room
Lot Blom
is that as educators we have labeled a rich
thinking style as a disability. And in doing so, Utrecht +31 (030) 271 0005
we have disabled not only our dyslexic learners, Lieneke Charpentier
+31 (030) 60 41 539
but the teaching profession itself, which for Richard Whitehead, director
generations has been blocked from truly Hester Cnossen
of The Learning People, and
+31 (495) 641 920
engaging with the dyslexic DDA Director in the UK.

Mine de Ranitz
+31 (0343) 521 348
The More Things Change… Christien De Smit
Sluis +31 (0117) 461 963
Dr. Stephen Krashen at spelling ability. The same 20 words that had Marijke Eelkman Rooda-Bos, provides us with a been given as a spelling test to 9th grade Gouda +31 (0182) 517-316
Jolien Fokkens
little historical perspective about our children’s pupils in 1846 in Springfield, Massachusetts,
literacy. A hundred years ago, we could have were given again in 1906 to 246 pupils of +31 (0593) 540 141
read the same complaints: that standards had corresponding age in the same school. The Ina Gaus
+31 (023) 538-3927
declined, that children in the 1850s spelled pupils in 1846 had made an average grade

Jola Geldermans
a lot better than pupils in the early 1900s, and of 40.6%, while the pupils in 1906 made an
that the fault lay in the schools. However, even average of 51.2%. A similar test, conducted
then, one researcher painted a different in Cleveland in the years 1858 and 1909 +31 (0251) 210 607
picture: showed one error less per child in the 1909 Jan Gubbels
+31 (043) 36 39 999
“… it will be of interest to note how the test. Apparently the ‘superior’ spelling
Judith Holzapfel
spelling ability of pupils today compares ability in the good old days is an illusion.”
+31 (0570) 619 553
with that of our forefathers, particularly —Daniel Starch, p. 348 of his work,

Mia Jenniskens
in view of the claim often made that the Educational Psychology (New York:
schools of today do not train the pupils as MacMillan, 1923)
thoroughly in the fundamental subjects. +31 (040) 245 9458
Thanks to Stephen Krashen at Trudy Joling
One of the comparisons made in the
+31 (035) 531 00 66
Springfield test (Riley, 1908) was that of for this eye-opener!

Netherlands (cont’d)
Marie Koopman
Musings on
+31 (030) 228 4014
Carry Kuling
+31 (0235) 287 782
Edith Kweekel-Göldi
Soest +31 (035) 601 0611
Imelda Lamaker
the Best”
By Laura Zink de Diaz, Davis Facilitator,
+31 (035) 621 7309 Bogotá Colombia
Irma Lammers
Boxtel +31 (411) 68 56 83 Today I read an article for teachers
Yvie Leenaars-de Rooÿ
Bavel +31 (0161) 433 449
recommending that they always assume
Sjan Melsen
the best about their students—their abilities,
Arnhem intentions, their desire to learn. It began ASSUM
+31 (026) 442 69 98 well enough, stating that this assumption ST
Cinda Musters
is essential for long-term learning and for THE BE
+31 (20) 330-78 08 positive connections to develop in classrooms.
Bert Neele And I thought, “how refreshing that in the
+31 (61) 259 8802
current oppressive environment in schools, pick up the habit by osmosis. Or in
Marianne Oosterbaan
where so many of our clients suffer painfully, self-defense. But somehow, perhaps just as
Zeist +31 (030) 691 7309 someone, finally, injects a little humanity a result of growing up, I did adopt the belief
Fleur van de Polder-Paton into the discussion!” Unfortunately, as I read that assuming the best about people is the
+31 (010) 471 58 67
further the article devolved into a series of way to go. It’s been my experience that it’s
Petra Pouw-Legêne
recommendations about discipline and control, often a self-fulfilling prophecy. When others
DLS Nederlands Director what we euphemistically call “classroom can tell that you think they’re doing the best
DLS Mentor-Presenter

Beek +31 (046) 437 4907
management.” It set me to remembering… they can under any and all circumstances,
Karin Rietberg
they most often really do try to do just that.
Holten +31 (548) 364 286
… And then I looked back on my 15
Lydia Rogowski Wijnberg
My mother replied, ‘You know, years as a public school teacher, where I put
Helmond +31 (0492) 513 169 you will be an unhappy person this same philosophy to work. In all those
Hanneke Schoemaker if you make a habit of expecting
years only once did a kid behave so badly
+31 (0317) 412 437
the worst from people. Try not that I sent him to the office. It was so
Ilse Schreuder
to judge. You’ll be happier if unprecedented, the secretary stared at him,
Aalzum/Dokkum you remember that everyone’s
+31 (051) 922-0315
wide-eyed. The vice-principal dropped his
trying to do their best, even
Silvia Jolanda Sikkema
jaw and then leaned over to whisper, “What
when they fail to.’” the heck did you DO? Ms. Díaz never kicks
+31 (0512) 538 815 ANYONE out of class!”
Suzan Sintemaartensdijk
…Walking down a street with my mother How could I have taught for 15 years in
+31 (25) 131-26 62 when I was perhaps 13 years old. Something a public high school—supposedly the worst
Marja Steijger that happened at school that day had upset me. in the district—with no significant discipline
+31 (020) 496 52 53
I have no idea what it was anymore—probably problems? Of course, it would be nice to
Robin Temple
some boy had been mean to me, as usual. I think that my brilliance kept my students’
Specialist Trainer must have made a judgmental statement about interest and sense of success high. But I
Workshop Presenter
Maria Hoop
how this kid “always” behaved, and what kind believe it was really just my single classroom
+31 (0475) 302 203 of person that meant he was. rule: “All of us—students and teacher—are
Romina Toroz My mother replied, “You know, you will doing the best we can. Therefore all of us—
+31 (61) 280-1821
be an unhappy person if you make a habit of students and teacher—deserve respect and
Karima P.A. Turkatte
expecting the worst from people. Try not to support from one another at all times.”
Amsterdam judge. You’ll be happier if you remember that Simple and direct, covering a multitude of
+31 (020) 696 4379 everyone’s trying to do their best, even when potential transgressions. And I put my belief
Marieke Uiterwijk
they fail to.” in them right out on the table, from the start.
+31 (071) 576 2533 I immediately felt ashamed. At that It worked like a charm.
Mieke van Delden moment I had trouble believing I could follow I fear something so simple would not be
Leek +31 (059) 4514985 that advice. Among the kids I knew, “ranking” considered “pedagogically sound” in today’s
Carly van den Akker
on others, was as natural as breathing. I didn’t educational environment, rampant with testing
+31 (06) 15 20 81 73 like it, but it was so much a part of everyday and massive amounts of homework that
life at school, it was really difficult not to patently declare we don’t expect or trust

 Netherlands (cont’d)
children to learn except under threat of still had a long way to go, yet he was already
Agnes van den
“consequences.” And as for discipline…. No a different person. There was no question in my
charts plotting misbehavior curves? No red mind or his mom’s that he had indeed learned Homberg-Jacobs
America Limburg
+31 (077) 464 23 22
and green cards? No clipboard and red pen, to use all his tools, and if he did the follow
Annette van der Baan
no notes or phone calls home? Of course not, up exercises he would continue to improve.

because none of those things reflect a belief We make it clear from the moment of Amsterdam
in our students’ ability, assessment that we +31 (020) 420-5501
Annemarie van Hof
Utrecht +31 (030) 65 86 700
desire, or intention to believe our clients are
We make it clear from the
Jacqueline van Rijswijck
learn. Or to be wonderful gifted. Our body
people. Nobody sees moment of assessment that we language, what we Venray +31 (0478) 58 73 98
through adult hypocrisy believe our clients are gifted. choose to say and not Tienke Veenstra-Sierhsma
Our body language, what we Meppel
+31 (0522) 254 453
better than kids, and that say, our focus on their
choose to say and not say, our
Lia Vermeulen
kind of “management” strengths, rather than
communicates focus on their strengths, rather their difficulties, all Huizen +31 (062) 3671530
than their difficulties, all these these and more Christien Vos
Tolbert +31 (0594) 511 607
transparently that they
are not in class to grow and more communicate that communicate that
belief to our clients.” Lucie Wauben-Cruts
DLS Mentor
or be trusted, but to be belief to our clients.
controlled. Do you find There are no cheap Elsloo
it at all surprising that they rebel, passively by prizes, no threats, no manipulation. No matter +31 (046) 437 0329
Gerda Witte-Kuijs
resisting learning, or aggressively, by disrupting how little or much they achieve, our actions
“the right of others to learn”? I don’t. affirm our belief that they are amazing people +31 (072) 571 3163
… Finally, I returned to the present and and that every minute we are with them, we  New Zealand
contemplated my life as a Davis Facilitator. know they are doing the best they can. And Kirsteen Britten
+64 (3) 348 1665
Among the many things I enjoy about this that is always enough. Strengthened by that
Vivienne Carson
work is that belief in the intention and ability acceptance, they then proceed to exceed their
of our clients is basic to how we operate. Last own expectations. Auckland
month a severely disoriented young boy spent Our calm and omnipresent faith in our +64 (09) 520-3270
a week with me. Very short attention span, clients, builds their own belief, intensifies Catherine Churton
DDA-Pacific Director
hyperactive, he rarely appeared to have heard their motivation and intention. In essence, our
anything I said. There was a piece of me that belief empowers them; and the effect of that Auckland
+64 (021) 448 862
Jennifer Churton
wondered, when I’d ask him to be aligned or empowerment can endure long after they leave
adjust his dial, whether he actually did it, or us. How is it possible that the “experts” on
just said he had because it was the easiest way discipline and motivation in education haven’t +64 (09) 360 494
Ann Cook
to move on. But I kept that thought strictly to figured out that for “assuming the best” to
+64 (0) 9 422 0042
myself and trusted that he was doing whatever truly make a difference in a child’s life, it has
Martine Falconer
he could, within his deep disorientation, just to go hand in hand with empowerment, rather
as all my clients do. By the time he finished than control? Christchurch
 +64 (03) 383-1988
Konstanca Friedrich-Palzer
his program and flew home with his mom, he
+64 (03) 527 8060
A poem by Michael MacLean
Tina Guy
The Gift for me and something I continue to enjoy.”
Michael is now a junior. His grandmother,
+64 (03) 547 4958
Wendy Haddon
A.J. Pratt of Excelsior, Minnesota was who put us in touch with him, says that
Michael MacLean’s Davis Facilitator. He Michael has accomplished much since his +64 (03) 489-8572
wrote this poem when he was a freshman in Davis Program. His poem sums it all up. Rochelle Harden Booth
+64 (027) 306-6743
high school in May of 2007, submitting it In second grade, my teacher,
Sandra Hartnett
and the following explanation as part of an MacCulley by name
assignment for his English class: called my mom to say, Mapua, Nelson
“At age eight, I faced the biggest Mike can’t read and that’s a shame +64 (03) 540 3277
Alma Holden
challenge of them all. I was diagnosed with Enter, a helper, A.J. Pratt
dyslexia. After completing a Davis Dyslexia who said, “I can help fix that.” +64 (027) 485-6798
Correction Program, I was able to meet this She taught me about a man Glenys Knopp
named Davis Darfield
+64 (03) 317-9072
challenge head on. It’s ironic that something
and a program that he gave us
Raewyn Matheson
that started as a disability (dyslexia), turned
DLS Mentor
out to be an asset. I learned to control my Now learning is much better,
dyslexia. At first I couldn’t read, but now I’m it’s plain to see that Inglewood
an avid reader. Reading became a pleasure dyslexia is a gift to me +64 (027) 411-8350

 New Zealand (cont’d)

Tania McGrath
Steadfast Uchi
+64 (03) 322 41 73

By Laura Zink de Díaz, Davis Facilitator in Bogotá, Colombia
Colleen Morton
Gore +64 (03) 208 6308 A year ago, I had the good luck to work with
Jocelyn Print a lovely girl, Lucía Gutiérrez. Her program
Kaikoura She has not only shown significant
+64 (03) 319 6711
went very well. Every day she was enthusiastic
academic improvement, but she’s
Alison Syme
about what she was learning, and when she
also learned to enjoy reading.”
Darfield +64 (03) 318-8480 finished her program and went on her way, I
Lorna Timms felt again the perpetual Facilitator letdown:
Davis Autism Trainer
seeing a great kid leave after such a short
+64 (03) 363 9358 time together. But at the same time I was sure
Margot Young
that Lucía would do well. For many months I
+64 (0) 9 638 3627
heard nothing from her, but I took that as an
indication that things were probably going as
Imelda Casuga
well as I’d expected.
Baguio City A few months ago, having moved my
+63 (744) 42 29 01
offices to a place with enough parking for
Agnieszka £ubkowska
more than one client at a time, I began once
Warsaw again to offer a service I’d been unable to
+48 (22) 658-2237 manage at my first place of business. I call it
 Portugal Pizza y Plastilina, a once-a-month clay clinic
Catarina do Passo
that starts with pizza and socializing and ends
+35 (121) 781-6090 with us all sitting down at the clay tables to
Cristina Rocha Vieira make models of trigger words. The first
Lucía in August 2007, during her Davis Program.
+35 (123) 943 7732
month a number of people expressed regret
Sofia Vassalo Santos
that they couldn’t make it, but Lucía, or Uchi, cool! I felt this deserved a mention in The
Lisboa as her parents call her, attended. The second
+35 (191) 911-2565
Dyslexic Reader, so I asked her parents’
Cristina Maria Vieira
month, Uchi turned up again. And the third and Lucía’s permission. They were delighted,

month. “What a loyal girl!” I thought. and sent the following letters. First, from
+35 (191) 921 4808 the parents:
 Republic of Singapore
Phaik Sue Chin
Dear Laura,
The most important change has been
Singapore +65 6773 4070
in the way Lucía has gradually come After Lucía, who is now 11 years old,
Constance Chua
Singapore +65 6873 3873 to take responsibility for herself, completed her Davis Program a year ago, we
becoming more independent in
 South Africa
have observed all kinds of wonderful changes
every aspect of her daily life.”
Sharon Gerken
in her. And she wrote a statement about the
Durban Davis method, which demonstrates an aspect
+27 (82) 82 85 180 Lucía is a smart young girl and a great of these changes. Before she began to use the
Silvia María Sabatés
conversationalist. We’ve had several pre-trigger Davis tools, she simply would have refused to
Rodrigo word chats about her bilingual school write anything that wasn’t required at school,
Madrid +34 (091) 636 31 44 (Spanish/English), her friends, and school and what she wrote would have been of poor
 Switzerland/CH activities she likes. We’ve even talked about quality in terms of the content, spelling, and
Tinka Altwegg-
the political climate here in Colombia. And the quality of her writing.
St. Gallen we’ve discussed a particular “intervention” It has been fundamental for her to learn
+41 (071) 222 07 79 her school is requiring of her: private phonics to manage her talent; she has not only shown
Monika Amrein
Zurich +41 (01) 341 8264
classes in English. Lucía loves her school, but significant academic improvement, but she’s
Regula Bacchetta-
unfortunately, the staff there doesn’t really also learned to enjoy reading. During summer
Bischofberger vacation this year, for the first time, on her
Horw /Luzern
“get” her dyslexic learning style. When I asked
+41 (041) 340 2136
Lucía if the phonics lessons were helping, she own, she read a book in English for readers
Priska Baumgartner admitted that, actually, they weren’t, but it’s at her grade level. And… she enjoyed it! It
Wettingen was such a positive experience for her that
+41 (056) 426 28 88
something she has to do. She doesn’t “have” to
Renate Blum-Muller
come to pizza-and-clay night, but she comes she asked us to take her to a bookstore so
Full-Reuenthal every month anyway, like clockwork. At this she could get another one–this time one in
+41 (56) 246-18 66 stage, if she didn’t, I’d miss her! Spanish. The book she chose was a translation
Michelle Bonardi
Castel S. Pietro, Ticino
A while ago her mother mentioned that of The Kid in the Striped Pajamas, by John
+41 (091) 630 23 41 during summer vacation Lucía had read a whole Boyne. It’s 217 pages long, for 13 year-olds,
book, 176 pages, on her own—in English! So and she’s reading it with gusto.

 Switzerland/CH (cont’d)
in any intellectual pursuit or sport. We Davis
Vicki Brignoli
Facilitators have no magic pills to offer, but
we do give our clients tools with which over Lumino
time they can create very dramatic and +41 (091) 829 05 36
Carole Dubosson
positive changes. Especially in clients as
steadfast as Lucía! +41 (027) 452 62 02
The following are Lucía’s comments Brigitta Dünki
+ 41 (079) 318-8300
on the book she read in English, and on the
Susi Fassler
Davis Method:
St. Gallen
I attend Nogales School (Colegio los +41 (071) 244 5754
Ursula Fischbacher
Nogales). It’s a really good school and
I really like it there. We learn a lot of +41 (032) 355 23 26
things there, but we also have a good Mieke Friederichs
+41 (061) 712 42 06
time. During my summer vacation I
Heidi Gander-Belz
read a book called Shredderman–Attack
DLS Presenter-Mentor
Uchi, putting the finishing touches on a model
of the Tagger. I really liked this book
she made at our July 2008 pizza and clay night.
+41 (44) 948 14 10
because it’s interesting, descriptive, and
Elisabeth Gerber
Besides these important changes, in it’s so suspenseful that you really can’t
her academic work as well as in reading and put it down–you simply want to keep
+41 (044) 767 10 54

recreational writing, for us as parents the most on reading.
Katharina Grenacher
Bern +41 (031) 382 00 29
important change has been in the way Lucía
Elisabeth Gut
has gradually come to take responsibility for
… I realized that the Davis
herself, becoming more independent in every Method really does work. And Grut +41 (044) 932 3242
aspect of her daily life. besides, it’s fun to make things Ursula Hirzel Egler
Stäfa +41 (01) 926 2895
Although Lucía still has some problems out of clay. I really like the
Davis Method.” Christa Jaeger
with organization, we can now say that she is
a happy child, sure of herself, cooperative +41 (061) 641 4667
and responsible, a child who doesn’t give up Consuelo Lang
But as I was reading, if I didn’t
+41 (091) 829 05 36
easily. So we are sure that as she continues to understand something, or some word
Claudia Lendi
work with the tools, she will get better in the confused me, I thought, “I could work
areas she needs to improve, and achieve with Laura on these words that are St. Gallen
whatever goals she establishes for herself. triggering me.” And in fact, I realized +41 (071) 288 41 85
Beatrice Leutert
Stein am Rhein
With all our love and gratitude, that the Davis Method really does work.
—Juan Manuel Gutiérrez & Catalina Soto And besides, it’s fun to make things out +41 (052) 232 03 83
of clay. I really like the Davis Method. Erika Meier-Schmid
This summer Lucía completed a
supplement to her Davis Program, working —Lucía Gutiérrez +41 (01) 700 10 38
on key concepts essential for organization. Verena Luisa Moser
Riken +41 (076) 346 93 34
Maya Muraro
I’m confident that what she learned will
clear up those last nagging “problems with Stäfa +41 (079) 704 03 07
organization.” Christine Noiset
+41 (021) 634 35 10 or
In an email, Lucía’s parents also
mentioned that when they wrote their letter, (079) 332 2775
they had an opportunity to think about who Véronique Pfeiffer
Lucía had been before she did her Davis Zürich +41 (01) 342 22 61
Elisabeth Raberger
Program, and who she is today, a year later.
And they realized that until they stopped and +41 (052) 343 62 34
thought about it, they hadn’t realized how Therese Rice-Schumacher
Uster/ Zurich
+41 (052) 267 5154
much she has changed. Because the changes
Hilary Rhodes
have been gradual, so much so that they were
barely perceptible from day to day. I think Chesieres-Villars
this is a very valid observation, and an +41 (024) 495 38 20
Regine Roth-Gloor
important one for people considering a Davis
+41 (061) 851 2685
Program for their children. Internalizing the Uchi read this book in English during her

Doris Rubli-Huber
summer vacation, and knew she could work
Davis tools so that they become the child’s
St. Gallen
with Laura, her Davis Facilitator, when she
+41 (071) 245 56 90
natural response to confusion takes time, just came across words that confused her.
as it takes time and practice to become expert

 Switzerland/CH (cont’d) write, so I guess we have a struggle ahead of us.

Benita Ruckli We are also currently living in Germany. Our
Sigigen +41 (041) 495 04 09
or (079) 719 31 18
son attends an English speaking international
Lotti Salivisberg
school, with limited LD resources.
Basel In the very early days of my research,
+41 (061) 263 33 44
Sonja Sartor
I learned of the Davis Program, and that it is
available in Germany. I have not yet read The
+41 (052) 242 4015 Gift of Dyslexia, but it is on its way. Is it OK
Marianne Schutz
to do a Davis Program including the follow-up
+41 (62) 752 8281
By Abigail Marshall at home, while at the same time the school
Andreas Villain uses other methods of support and training
Zürich +41 (076) 371 84 32 Super Glue Not Recommended during the school year? I certainly don’t want
Catherine Warner
Q: I am working on my own with my children to overwhelm or confuse my son further!
+41 (022) 321 70 42 and have purchased the Davis Symbol A: Yes, it is OK to do one thing at home
Margit Zahnd Mastery kit, but have not been successful in while the school does something different,
+41 (079) 256 86 65 or
helping my youngest daughter, age eight. as long as your son understands that they
(032) 396 19 20 She has a hard time staying on point. She are different, and as long as you are able to
 United Arab Emirates told me that she tried to super make sure that there is enough time at home
Linda Rademan glue her mind’s eye in place but
to continue following through with the
+9714 348 1687
it keeps moving. I am at a loss Davis methods. Since, as you say, the
 United Kingdom
to know to how to help her. school has “limited LD resources,”
Nicky Bennett-Baggs A: I’d suggest rereading the it’s unlikely that they will be providing
Gt. Gaddesden, Herts
+44 (01442) 252 517
first section of chapter 28 much in any case.
Sue Bullen
in The Gift of Dyslexia Think of it this way: your son lives in
Ayrshire, Scotland about “holding.” As the Germany but attends an English-speaking
+44 (01292) 591 797 book explains, moving school, so every day he hears two different
Sarah Dixon
East Horsley, Surrey
the mind’s eye is an ingrained languages. He may speak one better than the
+44 (01483) 283 088 habit and a natural response to other, but he probably doesn’t confuse them
Susan Duguid confusion for a dyslexic child. or try to mix them together. In the same way,
London Davis will be a different approach. If you can
+44 (020) 8878 9652
Your daughter should not try
Dyslexia Correction Centre
to hold her mind’s eye in get the teachers at the school to be supportive
Georgina Dunlop place–that isn’t possible and of Davis, that would be great–but if not, your
Jane E.M. Heywood
DLS Mentor & Presenter
will only cause problems, such as son, like many other children in his position,
Ascot, Berkshire increased tension or a headache. will probably be able to sort things out for
+44 (01344) 622 115 You should use the Release himself.
Christine East
Kingsbridge, Devon
Procedure as described in the book if your More Than One Way
+44 (0) 8000 272657
daughter seems to be struggling in this way.
Hilary Farmer
Let your daughter know that it is natural Q: I am just beginning to learn about the
Oxford, Oxon for her mind’s eye to drift off point. Over Davis program. I think it would greatly help
+44 (01865) 326 464 time, with practice, she will develop greater my son, who I feel is dyslexic. What are the
Nichola Farnum MA
awareness of when she disorients, and will differences in using the DVD’s, attending a
+44 (0) 8000 272657 be able to bring her mind’s eye back to her workshop, or going to a Facilitator? I’m
Jacqueline Ann Flisher weighing the costs and trying to decide if
Hungerford Berks
orientation point whenever she feels it is
+44 (0) 8000 272657 necessary to reorient. This, combined with the this is something I can do myself.
Maureen Florido habit of always doing Release and checking A: The DVD’s together with the Davis
Harleston, Norfolk
+44 (0) 8000 272657
her point before she begins to read or do books give you a good overview of the basic
Carol Forster
other school work, will help her develop the techniques and the theory behind them. If
ability to sustain orientation when needed. you have plenty of time and a cooperative
+44 (1452) 331 573 child, you might find that these are sufficient
Achsa Griffiths
More Adaptable Than You Think
Sandwich, Kent
for your needs. It certainly is a good place to
+44 (01304) 611 650
Q: My nine-year-old son is just finishing third start. My guess is that the success rate for
Axel Gudmundsson
grade and has recently gone through extensive families who work at home is probably lower
London testing. The results indicate a diagnosis of
+44 (020) 8341-7703
than for those who choose to work with
dyslexia. Specifically, he does not possess
Tessa Halliwell
licensed Facilitators, since many will simply
Barrow upon Soar, Leics
phonics skills, and his visual/design memory give up if they encounter problems.
+44 (01509) 412 695 is very weak. As I understand it, these are Attending a Fundamentals of Davis
the two skills needed to learn to read and Dyslexia Correction Workshop will give you

 United Kingdom (cont’d)

tools than the ones outlined in the books,
Karen Hautz
and has the knowledge to be able to make
adjustments and modifications as needed to London
ensure that your child gets the full benefit +44 (0207) 228-2947
Annemette Hoegh-Banks
Berkhamsted, Herts
of the program. You can be assured that
everything has been done the “right” way, +44 1442 872185
and that no steps are missed. Catherine Hooper
+44 (01209) 717 754
There is no doubt in my mind that the
Phyllida Howlett
best benefit is achieved working with a
Facilitator –but we provide these alternatives Haverfordwest,
+44 (01437) 766 806
precisely because not everyone can afford to
Angela James
work with a Facilitator, and some people
simply prefer a do-it-yourself approach. I Reading, Berkshire
worked successfully with my own son, using +44 (0118) 947 6545
Liz Jolly
Fareham, Hants
only the information in the book The Gift of
+44 (01329) 235 420
hands-on practice with the Davis procedures
Dyslexia, so I know it can be done. But when
Lisa Klooss
and a better overview of how to structure
your son’s program. It would be a good we started, my only idea was to give it a try
+44 (0208) 960 9406
choice if you are strongly committed to and see what happened. We were amazed by
the results. There is no harm in starting that Sara Kramer
Cobham, Surrey
working with your child but feel that you
+44 (1932) 863 440
need more support in understanding the way, with a playful attitude. If it proves too
Marilyn Lane
Davis methods. difficult, you can take a break and contact a
If you work with a Davis Facilitator Facilitator. The one thing you should avoid is Redhill +44 (0173) 776-9049
pushing against resistance or frustration at Isabel Martin
Crowborough East Sussex
you pass the initial responsibility for the
+44 (0) 8000 272657
success of the program to a highly trained home, which could undermine your child’s
Stuart Parsons
willingness to continue the program with

individual who has a substantial amount of
someone else. Lowton/Warrington,
practice and experience with Davis methods.
The Facilitator also has more techniques and +44 (07754) 534 740
Fionna Pilgrim
Keighley, West Yorkshire
+44 (0) 8000 272657
Maxine Piper
Carterton, Oxon
+44 (01993) 840 291
Elenica Nina Pitoska
Zookeeper’s Dilemma
A zookeeper wanted to +44 (0) 8000 272657
Rebecca Ross
Lamberhurst, Kent
get some extra animals
for his zoo, so he decided +44 (0) 8000 272657
to compose a letter. The Pauline Royle
Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancs
+44 (0) 8000 272657
only problem was that he
Ian Richardson
didn’t know the plural of
“mongoose,” one of the Blaisdon Longhope, Glos
Math Symbols +44 (0) 8000 272657
animals he wanted to acquire.
Rosemary Savinson
London +44 (0208) 316-1973
A math teacher was reviewing
He started the letter: “To whom
Janice Scholes
math symbols with her second-
Liversedge, West Yorkshire
it may concern, I need two
+44 (0) 8000 272657
grade pupils. She drew a
Nigel Sharp
greater-than ( > ) and a less-than
No, that wouldn’t work. So he sign ( < ) on the chalkboard Isle of Wight
tried again: “To whom it may before asking, “Does anyone +44 (0) 8000 272657
Judith Shaw
concern, I need two mongooses.” remember what these mean?”
No, that’s not right either! St. Leonards on
A few moments passed, and then Sea/Hastings, East Sussex
Finally, he got an idea: “To whom a boy confidently raised his hand. +44 (01424) 447 077
Elizabeth Shepherd
Crowborough, East Sussex
it may concern, I need a mongoose, “One means fast-forward,” he
and while you’re at it, send me exclaimed, “and the other means +44 (0189) 266-1052
another one.” Lynne Smith
Brighton, East Sussex
+44 (01273) 723 920

 United Kingdom (cont’d)

Drs. Renée van der Vloodt
Reigate, Surrey
+44 (01737) 240 116
Frank Walker
Greasby Wirral/Liverpool
+44 (0151) 678 14 99
Evelyn White
Walton-on-Thames, Surrey Charla de Ronald Davis Muy
+44 (01932) 230 624
The Learning People
Margarita Whitehead Concurrida en Guadalajara, México
DDA Director
Richard Whitehead
DDA Director
DLS Presenter-Mentor
Fundamentals Presenter
Canterbury, Kent
+44 (01227) 738 972
Rachel Williamson
Hassocks, West Sussex
+44 (0) 8000 272657
 United States
Lisa Spratt
+1 (256) 426-4066
Dr. Edith Fritz
+1 (602) 274-7738
Nancy Kress
+1 (480) 544-5031
John Mertz
+1 (520) 797-0201
Arkansas Más de 600 acudieron a la charla de Ron Davis
Rebecca Landes
El 25 de agosto, 2008, Ronald Davis dio
Mulberry/Fort Smith
en Guadalajara en agosto 2008
una charla en la Universidad TecMilenio de
+1 (479) 997-1996 Guadalajara, México. Más de 600 acudieron que los editores reservan para biografías de
Reading Research Council
a la charla a escuchar la historia personal de personas que inspiran admiración. Estas
Dyslexia Correction Center Ron y a enterarse de la dislexia y del biografías, leídas por todo México, son
Dr. Fatima Ali, Founder
Ray Davis
Programa Davis de Corrección de Dislexia. escogidas únicamente en base de los méritos
Davis Autism Trainer Este evento impresionante fue patrocinado del personaje, y el periódico no acepta
Ronald D. Davis, Founder
Burlingame/San Francisco
por María Silvia Flores Salinas, Directora de publicidad de los que son perfilados allí.
+1 (800) 729-8990 (Toll Free)
Davis Latinoamérica, el nuevo representante Antes de la charla, Cathy Calderon,
+1 (650) 692-8990 de los servicios de capacitación Davis en con el apoyo del Ronald Davis, presentó la
Janet Confer
Rancho Santa Margarita
América Latina y España. capacitación Davis, Dominio de la Motivación
+1 (949) 589-6394
Seguramente la concurrencia tan y Responsabilidad. Asistieron a este taller
Anette Fuller
fenomenal se debió en parte a la promoción Facilitadores y aprendices del Método Davis
Walnut Creek exitosa del evento en varios periódicos de
+1 (925) 639-7846
de Canada, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Argentina,
la región. Sin embargo, muchos más
Perola Goncalves
Panamá y de muchas partes de México.
aprovecharon la oportunidad de oír por radio
+1 (510) 421-9272 una entrevista de Ron Davis con la Sra.
Richard A. Harmel Flores en el programa de Adriana Corona Gil,
Marina Del Rey/Los Angeles
+1 (310) 823-8900
“Simplemente Adriana”. Este programa es
David Hirst
muy popular en México y es conocido en
Riverside Brazil y Ecuador, tanto como en California
+1 (951) 653-9251 or
+1 (909) 241-6079
y Texas en Estados Unidos.
Suzanne Kisly-Coburn
El periódico nacional, El Público, uno
Manhattan Beach de los más leídos en México, publicó un
+1 (310) 947-2662
Nicole Melton
artículo sobre Ronald Davis y el Método
Diamond Bar
Davis. Este artículo ocupó una página entera,
+1 (909) 861-5251
Los participantes también aprovecharon
en la contraportada del El Público, página oportunidades de conocerse y descansar.


 United States/
California (cont’d)
“El Público, uno de los periódicos
Cheryl Rodrigues
más leídos en México, publicó un Sunnyvale / San Jose
artículo sobre Ronald Davis.” +1 (408) 983-0968
David Carlos Rosen
San Rafael
+1 (415) 479-1700
Con la presentación de esta capacitación
Dee Weldon White
Cathy Calderon ascendió a la posición de
Presentadora de Capacitaciones Davis. Lexie White Strain
Menlo Park
+1 (650) 388-6808
Ahora está totalmente capacitada y certificada
para presentar los tres talleres del Programa
Annie Garcia
de Capacitación de Facilitadores Davis.
¡Felicitaciones, Cathy! Wheat Ridge / Denver
+1 (303) 423-3397
Crystal Punch
Los participantes en este evento en
DLS Mentor
Guadalajara también tuvieron oportunidades
+1 (303) 850-0581
de descansar. Se les ofreció un paseo optativo
Kristi Thompson
a la fábrica de José Cuervo en el pueblo
de Tequila. Tequila queda a unos 45 minutes DLS Presenter-Mentor
de Guadalajara en carro, y muchos Walsh +1 (719) 324-9256
Random (Randee)
aprovecharon la oportunidad de hacer un tour
de la destilería de José Cuervo – ¡y de probar
su producto famoso!  Lutz/Tampa/St. Petersburg
+1 (813) 956-0502
Artículo sobre Ron Davis y el Tina Kirby
+1 (850) 218-5956
Método Davis en la contraportada

Rita Von Bon

del periódico nacional, El Público
+1 (850) 934-1389
Dyslexia Exhibit Wins New Georgia
Lesa Hall
Zealand Landscape Award +1 (912) 330-8577
Martha Payne
+1 (404) 886-2720
The ground-breaking Dyslexia Discovery Managing Director, says the award is an
Scott Timm
Exhibit was recognised with a silver medal at outstanding achievement and a tribute to the
one of New Zealand’s most prestigious land- creative abilities of the people involved. Woodstock/Atlanta
scape honours, the bi-annual New Zealand “This is an extraordinarily beautiful garden in +1 (866) 255-9028 (Toll-Free)
Vickie Kozuki-Ah You
Institute of Landscape Architects Resene an urban landscape that offers an incredible
Pride of Place awards. insight into the dyslexic mind and the Ewa Beach/Honolulu
The permanent exhibit was conceived creative energy within.” +1 (808) 664-9608
Guy Pope-Mayell, Chair of Idaho
Carma Sutherland
by some of New Zealand’s
top creative minds, including Trustees of the Dyslexia Foundation,
Richard Taylor and the Weta is delighted with the award, which +1 (208) 356-3944
Kim Ainis
team, and sculptor Paul Dibble comes only a year after the
who was commissioned by Government formally recognised
the Dyslexia Foundation to dyslexia and begun the process of +1 (312) 360-0805
Susan Smarjesse
reflect John Britten’s dreams addressing the needs of dyslexic
+1 (217) 789-7323
of speed and flight. Other students in New Zealand schools.
exhibit contributors included “The Dyslexia Discovery
prominent UK artist Mackenzie Exhibit plays two vital roles. Firstly Jodi R. Baugh
+1 (765) 526-2121
Thorpe and Ron Davis, pioneer of the Davis it’s a fantastic space, a serene spot in the
Myrna Burkholder
Dyslexia Correction method. Christchurch Central Business District for
The exhibit, designed as an interactive locals and visitors to enjoy. And secondly it Goshen/South Bend
sculpture garden, transformed the front car confronts dyslexia head on; the sculptures help +1 (574) 533-7455
Carol K. Williams
park of a notable Worcester Boulevard villa visitors to understand that dyslexia is so much
into a place of expression for the dyslexic more than a range of learning difficulties. +1 (651) 324-9156
mind. The design and construction process “Dyslexia is a creative gift, not a Iowa
Mary Kay Frasier
Des Moines
was managed by Christchurch-based disability, and the calibre of people involved
landscape design firm, Morgan & Pollard with the exhibit demonstrates the correlation +1 (515) 270-0280
Associates. between creative minds and success,” added
Roger Pollard, Morgan & Pollard Mr. Pope-Mayell. 
Karen LoGiudice
+1 (978) 337-7753
Carolyn Tyler
+1 (508) 994-4577
Nicki Cates
Saint Clair Shores/Detroit
As Director of Davis-leer-
+1 (586) 801-0772 In January 2008, Petra
strategieën Nederland, Petra has
Sandra McPhall exciting plans for offering Davis
Grandville/Grand Rapids
Pouw-Legêne was granted
+1 (616) 534-1385
Learning Strategies to Dutch and
a license for the exclusive
Dean Schalow
Flemish schools and teachers.
right to direct and manage
Manistee Her goals are to ensure that as
+1 (800) 794-3060 (Toll-Free)
Davis Learning Strategies
many teachers as possible are
Michele Wellman
activities in The Netherlands
Mt. Pleasant/Lansing
aware of the primarily visual
+1 (989) 772-3084
and the Dutch-speaking region
spatial (non-verbal) thinking
of Belgium. Congratulations,
style of young children, and
Cyndi Deneson
prepare them to support that
Petra has been an active
Edina/Minneapolis style by incorporating Davis
+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll-Free)
Davis Facilitator since 1996.
+1 (952) 820-4673
Learning Strategies in their
Her background is in education
Alice J. Pratt
Petra Pouw-Legêne, Director curriculum. She is convinced
with a degree from the
of Davis-leerstrategieën that DLS will help prevent
+1 (904) 389-9251
University of Utrecht. In the Nederland. early reading problems.
Missouri early 70’s she taught Dutch
Cathy Cook
One of the steps in fulfilling these goals
language and literature at the high school
was to provide a DLS Workshop for Davis

+1 (573) 819-6010 level. After the birth of her three sons she
or 886-8917
Facilitators in her territory to familiarize
Gretchen FitzGerald
them with the purposes and methods of DLS.
Kansas City
+1 (816) 806-8611
The first such workshop was held in July
Petra has exciting plans for offering
Montana Davis Learning Strategies to Dutch
2008. Recently, she presented two DLS
Kimberly Bezanson and Flemish schools and teachers.” Workshops for Primary Teachers, one in
+1 (406) 541-3076
September in the south of Holland and another
or 677-4014 enjoyed being a full-time mom for 14 years. in October in the north. She is also currently
Elsie Johnson supervising two DLS Mentors-in-training. 
During that period she served as a volunteer,
+1 (406) 257-8556 setting up an improved language program for Petra Pouw-Legêne of
Nebraska her sons’ primary school and specializing in DLS Nederland with
Shawn Carlson Klazien Louwes (left)
Lincoln +1 (402) 420-1025
children’s literature.
Petra was one of the first Davis and Robin Temple
Elaine Thoendel (center) of Davis
Facilitators in Holland to train in Davis
+1 (402) 482-5709
Dyslexia Association.
Learning Strategies with Sharon Pfeiffer. Petra is proudly holding
Nevada Subsequently she became a Davis Learning
Barbara Clark
the freshly printed
Gardnerville/Carson City
Strategies Mentor and Workshop Presenter brochure for the DLS
+1 (775) 265-1188 under the guidance of Siegerdina Mandema workshops.
New Hampshire and Sharon Pfeiffer.
Glenna Giveans
+ 1 (603) 863-7877 Groanworthy homonyms
Michele Siegmann
Bakers trade their
+1 (603) 878-6006
A man’s home is his castle, bread recipes on
New Jersey
in a manor of speaking. a knead-to-know
Lynn Chigounis
+1 (973) 746-5037
Charlotte Foster
+1 (908) 766-5399
New York
A chicken crossing
Lisa Anderson the road is poultry A calendar’s days
Seneca Falls
+1 (315)568-3166
in motion. are numbered.
or (800) 234-6922

 United States/
New York (cont’d)
Young Learner Kit Wendy Ritchie
+1 (585) 233-4364
North Carolina
for Home-Use Gerri W. Cox
DLS Presenter-Mentor
+1 (910) 754-9559
Ruth Mills
Based on the Davis Dyslexia
Correction methods, this Kit +1 (704) 541-1733
Jean Moser
enables parents of children, ages
5-7, to home-teach and help young +1 (336) 830-2390
learners to: Ohio
Lorraine Charbonneau
• focus attention Mason/Cincinnati/Dayton
• control energy levels +1 (513) 850-1895
Lisa Thatcher
Mount Vernon/Columbus
• improve eye-hand coordination
• learn the alphabet +1 (740) 397-7060
• learn basic punctuation Oklahoma
Ashley Grice
Tulsa +1 (918) 779-7351
• develop and strengthen pre-reading

Rhonda Lacy
and basic reading skills
• prevent the potential of a learning Clinton
problem +1 (580) 323-7323
Linda Wright
• improve sight word recognition and
comprehension The Kit includes: +1 (580) 641-1056
• establish life-long “how-to-learn” skills. Oregon
Rhonda Erstrom
• Instruction Manual
• Sturdy nylon briefcase Vale
+1 (541) 881-7817
The Davis Methods
• Reusable modeling clay (2 lbs.)
Kathy Pozzi
for Young Learners
• Clay cutter Ontario
Davis Focusing Strategies provide • Webster’s Children’s Dictionary +1 (541) 881 6497
Melissa Slominski
Tigard / Portland
children with the self-directed ability to (hardcover)
be physically and mentally focused on the • Punctuation Marks & Styles Booklet +1 (503) 957-2998
learning task at hand. Pennsylvania
Maude Le Roux
• Two Koosh Balls
• Letter Recognition Cards Glen Mills
+1 (484) 840-1529
Davis Symbol Mastery enables children to
Marcia Maust
master the alphabet letters, punctuation • Laminated Alphabet Strip
• Stop Signs for Reading Chart Berlin/Pittsburgh
+1 (814) 267-5765
marks and basic sight words with a simple,
Rhode Island
easy and fun alternative to pencil-paper
activities and drill. Linda M. Daniels
Davis Reading Exercises improve +1 (401) 301-7604
South Carolina
Angela Keifer
accuracy with word recognition and
comprehension. Greenville
+1 (864) 420-1627
South Dakota
Kim Carson
The Kit is priced at $119.95
(Shipping and Handling will be added) DLS Presenter-Mentor
Brookings/Sioux Falls
To purchase a kit, use our secure on-line +1 (605) 692-1785
Lillian “Lee” Miles
Sioux Falls
ordering at: +1 (605) 274-2294
Jackie Black
or call our toll-free number:
1-888-999-3324 Dover
The Young Learner Kit 1-866-218-1614 (Toll-Free)
Note: For older children (ages 8 and up), we
recommend the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit. Kellie Antrim-Brown
Ft. Worth
+1 (817) 989-0783

 United States/
Texas (cont’d) Newly Licensed Davis Facilitators
Janalee Beals
Bedford/Dallas/Ft. Worth Congratulations to all the newest members of our growing
+1 (817) 354-2896 international community of Davis Program Providers!
Success Learning Center
Rhonda Clemons
DLS Presenter-Mentor
Angela Przemus “I am a to develop a clearer and deeper understanding of
Colleen Millslagle
teacher at a Montessori school dyslexia. I immediately decided to become a
DLS Presenter-Mentor and for several years have been Facilitator in order to make a difference in my
+1 (866) 531-2446 (Toll Free)
a dyslexia trainer. With the country by helping dyslexics achieve results using
+1 (903) 531-2446
Davis Method I now finally their gift.” Officina Delgi Apprendimenti, Via
Shari Chu
have the opportunity to get to Della Resistenza N. 4, Nuoro, Italy, Sardinia,
Helotes /San Antonio the root of dyslexia. I look 08100, +39 (3889) 332 486,
+1 (210) 414-0116 forward to this work.” LeseZeichen, Zentrum für
Jodie Harber
Carmen Stappenbacher
Cedar Park/Austin
Legasthenie, Pfannenstrabe 18, Schönebeck, “I am very glad to join my
+1 (512) 918-9247
Germany, 39218, +49 (3928) 845 159, colleagues as a new Davis
Lori Johnson Facilitator. I live in Bamberg
Boerne/San Antonio
+1 (210) 843-8161
Sandra Hartnett “I began and intend to go into business
Leslie McLean
an exciting journey when a for myself in this lovely city.
Amarillo friend told me about her Davis Quite near my area there is a
+1 (806) 331-4099 or Davis colleague and another one is located just a
+1 (877) 331-4099 (Toll Free)
Programme. I realized I had not
little farther away. In spite of the distance between
Dorothy Owen
understood that dyslexia is self-
created at the core, and thus can our workplaces, I’m looking forward to good
Irving be self-corrected. During my coordination and successful cooperation with all.
+1 (817) 919-6200 own Davis Dyslexia Correction Programme, there Hauptstr. 7, 96163, Gundelsheim, Germany,
Paula Roberts
Tyler +1 (903) 570-3427
was a moment when I could fully breathe in my +49 (0951) 917 19 10,

Casey Linwick-Rouzer
knowledge of myself and how I’d used my mind.
Sugar Land/Houston
The bricks that blocked my vision started to crack Susi Fassler Praxis Fur Legasthenie
+1 (832) 724-0492 and fall away. A feeling of total certainty I’d not
Laura Warren
Korrektur, Greithstrasse 6, St. Gallen, CH-9000,
felt before ignited the spark of an idea: to train as Switzerland, +41 (071) 244 5754,
+1 (806) 790-7292
a Davis Facilitator. I liked the idea of giving oth-
ers a chance to experience this feeling. After my
Donna Kouri
program I discovered that our three children share Hilde Duchesne “I live in Belgium and I am
Montpelier/Richmond the confusions and talents of dyslexia. My Davis 48 years old. I have always been interested in
+1 (804) 883-8867 creative things like ceramics or bookbinding. At
Angela Odom
journey has had its ups and downs. I am very
home I have a ceramics workshop. I have also
DLS Presenter-Mentor
grateful to my Davis colleagues, for their integrity
Midlothian/Richmond and support, showing me how I can explore and been enormously fascinated by the human psyche.
+1 (804) 833-8858 find the opportunities on my path. I am honored Therefore discovering Davis was a gift for me.
Jamie Worley Through this work I can combine all my favorite
to join them as a licensed Davis Facilitator and to
+1 (757) 867-1164
share in the journey of my future clients. I also things while helping children and adults in an
enjoyable way. It is fantastic to see the results that
look forward to many more “aha” moments of
Aleta Clark my own. A heart-felt thank you to Ron Davis, for can be achieved through facilitation of the Davis
Dyslexia Correction Program.” Het Leeg 34,
+1 (253) 854-9377
this wonderful programme. What a way to happily
Brasschaat, Belgium, +32 (03) 653 13 71,
Carol Hern
explore and discover the world of words, laugh
DLS Presenter-Mentor
more and gain oft hoped for results.” Word
Spokane Comfort, 160 Aranui Road, Mapua, Nelson, Lourdes Zepeda Solorzano “Cancún is
Rebecca Luera New Zealand, +64 (03) 540 3277, very different from other cities because since it’s
Fall City/Seattle
+1 (800) 818-9056 (Toll-Free) a tourist destination, there are people here from
+1 (425) 222-4163 Stefania Bruno “I have a all over the world. The population is now one
Nancy Sitton degree in education, and seven million and most of the families are young.
Marysville Therefore, the Davis Method and my professional
+1 (360) 651-1241
years ago I began to work with
work as a Davis Facilitator will be very
Renie Royce Smith
dyslexics. I discovered a fantastic
Spokane & Everett universe full of very bright, important.” Cenzontle #11, Zona Hotelera,
+1-800-371-6028 (Toll-Free)
Cancún, Mexico, +52 (998) 577 30 90,
+1 (509) 443-1737
talented and creative people.
Ruth Ann Youngberg
Three years ago a colleague and I opened an
educational center in Nuoro. Nuoro is a small Linda Wright “My eldest
+1 (360) 752-5723 city in Sardinia, a beautiful island in the middle of daughter, Kaitlin, and I discovered
West Virginia the Mediterranean Sea. We help a lot of students DDAI on the internet. We hoped
Gale Long
Autism Facilitator/Coach
learn, strengthening their skills and improving to raise the self esteem of my ten
their performance in school. Most of our clients year old daughter, Delaney, and
+1 (888) 517-7830 (Toll Free) are dyslexic so I’m always in search of new ways help her sort out the problems she
+1 (304) 965-7400 to improve my work. This search led me to Davis. was having in school. Searching
When I read The Gift of Dyslexia, it allowed me the web, we found Davis Dyslexia Association
Glyndene Burns passed away July 29. Glyndene New Hope Learning
Centers, Inc.
Nora Kornbleuh. In early May, our dear friend
Darlene Bishop
was a Davis Facilitator in Lubbock, Texas from 2005 slipped away to embrace the stars. Nora was a Davis
Margaret Hayes
to 2008. She is survived by her husband, Brian, two Facilitator in Iceland from 2005 to 2007. She lives on
daughters, Michelle Burns of College Station, Texas in the hearts of her DDAI colleagues and her many Milwaukee
+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll Free)
+1 (262) 255-3900
and Jennifer Black and husband Trevor of Naples, dear friends in Iceland.

Anne Mataczynski
Florida. Glyndene’s family and friends remember her

warm smile, gentle touch, and her strength and
+1 (715) 551-7144
passion for life.

Marcela Piffaretti
was the only site that clearly described Delaney’s countless gifts. While he had a program that
symptoms and problems. It was as if they had matched their learning style, the kids’ school +598 (02) 600-6326
personally interviewed her! We found a Davis didn’t recognize their gifts, never grading them

Facilitator near us and Delaney did her Program on their strengths. My son’s program results were
in January 2007. Her results were remarkable, powerful! I read The Gift of Dyslexia twice, and
This Directory is current as of
immediate, and have been long lasting. I was so then attended a Fundamentals Workshop. I have
impressed, that three weeks later I flew to San watched dyslexic children blossom, coming to October 25, 2008. It is subject
to change. Between newsletter
issues, new Facilitators are
Francisco for the Davis Fundamentals Workshop. understand and appreciate their gifts. I owned
added, and occasionally, some
And here I am! Thank you Ron Davis!” Dyslexia a tutoring company for 20 years but have now
Solutions of Oklahoma, Marlow, OK 73055. formed a new company, Dynamic Learning become inactive. However,
the Davis Providers list at is
+1 (580) 641-1056. Services. It provides tutoring and educational
always up to date.
Suzanne Kisly-Coburn “Two therapy to children who are predominantly
amazing, creative children who 3-D picture thinkers. I look forward to helping
struggled with school, inspired me dyslexics discover their learning power through
to find alternative educational Davis Dyslexia Correction Programs.” Dynamic
options. I heard about the Davis Learning Services, 1505 N. Meadow Ave.,
Dyslexia Correction Program. Ron Manhattan Beach, CA USA, 90266,
+1 (310) 947-2662, 
Davis confirmed what I already
knew: that they were 3-D picture thinkers, with

New Presenter and DLS Mentor

Cathy Calderón recently Lucie Wauben Cruts has
achieved the status of Davis become a licensed DLS Mentor.
Workshop Presenter. She is now She plans to sponsor the school
fully qualified and licensed to she has been mentoring to
present all three of the Davis become the first DLS Model
Facilitator Training Program School outside of the USA!
Workshops. Very special congratulations to Eigenbeeld, Elserveldstraat 26,
Cathy! Palmas Counseling Center, Lomas 6181KA Elsloo, Limburg, Holland,
Virreyes, Jardines del Pedrgal, México D.F., +31 (046) 437 0329,
Mexico, +52 (55) 55-40-72-06,

Davis Training Programs

The Davis Facilitator Training Davis Learning Strategies Mentors
Program requires approximately and Workshop Presenters are
400 hours of course work. experienced teachers and trainers with
The Davis Specialist Training 2-3 years of specialized training and
Program requires extensive experience experience mentoring classroom
providing Davis programs and an teachers of children 5- 9 years of age.
additional 260 hours of training. For information about training and a
Specialists and Facilitators are subject full directory of Davis providers, go to:
to annual re-licensing based upon case
review and adherence to the DDAI or call +1 (650) 692-7141 or
Standards of Practice. +1-888-805-7216 toll-free in the USA

Basic Workshop for

Primary Teachers
Teachers, would you like to… “In the forefront of what I liked
• Improve the reading skills of all the children in your most was how easily the Davis
class regardless of their learning style? strategies fit into many areas
• Manage your classroom more effectively? of Kindergarten curriculum. It
• Prevent the onset of learning disabilities? relieved me of a paper-pencil
• Use research-based methods that are flexible and easily approach and gave me a hands-on,
fit into and enhance any existing curriculum? kinesthetic approach. It helped
This two-day workshop provides Primary Teachers (K-3) develop the little finger muscles
with unique and innovative strategies for improving to move on to coordinate
reading instruction and classroom management, and equips paper-pencil activities. Creating
young learners with proven life long skills in “how to learn.” the alphabet over time also
Instruction includes: accomplished the development
• Theory and Reasoning for each Strategy. of ownership, responsibility, and
• Video demonstrations of each Strategy and classroom a sense a pride in all the children.
implementation suggestions. I believe all Kindergarten children
• Supervised experiential practice on each Strategy. would benefit from Davis
• Q&A and discussion about each Strategy. Learning Strategies.”
–LB, Kindergarten Teacher, Mission San Jose
Materials include:
Elementary School, Fremont, California
• Detailed Manual with suggested year-long guides, black-line
masters, and numerous tips for each implementing each
Strategy in various curriculum activities.
• Videotape or DVD demonstrating each classroom Strategy.
• Teacher Kit: alphabet strip, letter recognition cards, clay,
cutter, dictionary and two Koosh® balls. (Classroom
materials sold separately)


Date Location Telephone

Workshop hours: 9am-4pm with one hour lunch break. United States

Cost: $595 per person (US only) Jan. 8-9 2009 Shallotte, NC 1-910-754-9559
Academic Units or CEUs (US and Canada only)
Aug. 4-5 2009 Brookings, SD 1-605-692-1785
Two Quarter Units are available through California State
University. Cost is $54 per unit, plus $35 administrative fee. Aug. 6-7 2009 Denver, CO 1-719-324-9256
A written assignment, which can be completed before and
during the workshop, is required. Aug 7-8 2009 Lubbock, TX 1-806-790-7292

Would you like to bring a DLS Oct. 1-2 2009 Tyler, TX 1-866-531-2446
workshop to your school/area?
Call 1-888-805-7216, and ask for Paula McCarthy. For more details, visit

Come Learn and

Dyslexia Correction
Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction®
Workshop based on the best-selling book
The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis
Background and Development of the Davis Dyslexia Orientation Review Procedure
Correction® Procedures (a method for checking orientation skills)
• Research and discovery. The “gifts” of dyslexia. Anatomy • Demonstration & Practice Session
and developmental stages of a learning disability. Davis Symbol Mastery® (the key to correcting dyslexia)
Overview of the steps for dyslexia correction. • What is Symbol Mastery? Why clay?
Davis Perceptual Ability Assessment Mastering Basic Language Symbols
(a screening for dyslexic learning styles) • Demonstrations and Group Exercises
• Demonstration and Practice Session Reading Improvement Exercises
Symptoms Profile Interview (used to assess symptoms, • Spell-Reading. Sweep-Sweep-Spell. Picture-at-
strengths and weaknesses; set goals; establish motivation) Punctuation
• Demonstration and Practice Session
Davis Orientation Counseling Procedures (methods to Fine-Tuning Procedure (checking and adjusting
control, monitor and turn off perceptual distortions) orientation using balance)
• What is Orientation? Demonstration & Practice Session Symbol Mastery Exercises for Words
Release Procedure (method to alleviate stress, headaches) • Demonstrations
Alignment (an alternative to Orientation Counseling) • Group Exercises
• What is Alignment? How is it used? Group Demonstration • Practice Sessions
Dial-Setting Procedure (a method for controlling energy Implementing the Davis Procedures
To register for US workshops call 1-888-805-7216 (toll-free)
30 Apr - 3 May, 2009: Freiburg 24 - 27 Jan, 2009: Burlingame, CA
Presenter: Ioannis Tzivanakis Presenter: Gerry Grant
Language: German with English translation Language: English
Tel: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22
Tel: Toll-free (888) 392-1134
29 Oct - 1 Nov, 2009: Hamburg
Presenter: Ioannis Tzivanakis 25 - 28 March, 2009: Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
Language: German with English translation Presenter: Gerry Grant
Email: Language: English
Tel: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Email:
Tel: Toll-free (888) 392-1134
27 - 30 June, 2009: Burlingame, CA
13 - 16 Nov, 2008: Mexico City Presenter: Gerry Grant
Presenter: Cathy Calderón Language: English
Language: Spanish Email:
Email: Tel: Toll-free (888) 392-1134
Tel: +52 (81) 8335-9435
12 - 15 Sept, 2009: Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
UNITED KINGDOM 2009 Presenter: Gerry Grant
7 - 10 Feb, 2009: Addington Nr. Maidstone, Kent Language: English
Presenter: Richard Whitehead Email:
Language: English Tel: Toll-free (888) 392-1134
Tel: +44 (0) 1227 732 288

For updated workshop schedules visit:

The ~
Dys•lex´•ic Read´•er PRESORTED
1601 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite 260 U.S. POSTAGE
Burlingame, CA 94010 PAID

U.S.A. Workshop Information:

Call Dorothy Owen
Davis Training Consultant:
Toll Free: 1-888-392-1134

Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction Workshop

Based on the best-selling book
The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis 2008-2009 International Schedule
This 4-day workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, 13-16 Nov. 2008 Mexico, DF Mexico
principles and application of all the procedures described in 24 – 27 Jan. 2009 Burlingame, CA USA
The Gift of Dyslexia. Training is done with a combination of 7 – 10 Feb. 2009 Addington Nr. Maidstone, Kent UK
lectures, demonstrations, group practice, and question and 25 – 28 Mar. 2009 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX USA
answer sessions. Attendance is limited to ensure the highest 30 Apr. – 3 May 2009 Freiburg Germany
quality of training.
27 – 30 June 2009 Burlingame, CA USA
Who should attend: 12 – 15 Sept. 2009 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX USA
Everyone involved in helping dyslexic individuals over the 29 Oct. – 1 Nov. 2009 Hamburg Germany
age of eight.
U.S. Course Schedule
Participants will learn:
• 8:30 - 9:00 Registration (first day)
• How the Davis procedures were developed.
• 9:00 - 5:00 Daily (lunch break 12:00-1:30)
• How to assess for the “gift of dyslexia.”
U.S. Fees and Discounts
• How to help dyslexics eliminate mistakes and focus attention.
• $1175 per person
• The Davis Symbol Mastery tools for mastering reading. • $1125 for DDAI members or groups of two or more
• How to incorporate and use proven methods for improving • $1075 if paid in full 60 days in advance
reading, spelling, and motor coordination into a teaching, • Advance registration and $200 deposit required
home school, tutoring, or therapeutic setting. • Includes manual, one-year DDAI membership,
verification of attendance, and Symbol Mastery Kit
See page 27 for more workshop details. • Academic units and CEUs available

For a detailed brochure on enrollment, prices, group rates, discounts, location, and further information, contact the DDA in your country.
DDA-Pacific DDA-DACH DDA- Latin America DDA-UK
PO BOX 46023 Deutschland-Austria- Calzada del Valle #400 Local 8 Davis Learning Foundation
Herne Bay Switzerland Colonia del Valle PO Box 972
Auckland, New Zealand Wandsbecker Chausee 132 Garza García, Monterrey Canterbury
Phone: +64 (09) 815-8626 D-22089 Hamburg Nuevo León Kent CT1 9DN
Fax: +64 (09) 815-8627 GERMANY MÉXICO, CP 66220 Tel: +44 (0)1227 732 288
E-mail: Tel: 49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Tel: 52 (81) 8335-9435 Fax: +44 (0)1227 731 756
Fax: 49 (040) 25 17 86 24 Email: E-mail:
20 Ha’shahafim St. E-mail: DDA-Nederland DDAI-Int’l, Canada & USA
Ra’anana 43724 ISRAEL SWITZERLAND Kerkweg 38a 1601 Bayshore Highway, Ste 260
Tel: 972 (0523) 693 384 Tel: 41 (061) 273 81 85 6105 CG Maria Hoop, NEDERLAND Burlingame, CA 94010
or (0)9 774 7979 E-MAIL: Tel: 31 (0475) 302 203 Tel: 1-888-805-7216
Fax: 972 (09) 772-9889 Fax: 31 (0475) 301 381 Fax: 1 (650) 692-7075
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:

Enrollment limited ❖ Classes fill Early ❖ Call 1-888-805-7216 or 650-692-7141

For updated workshop schedules visit
For a full description of the Davis Facilitator Certification Program, ask forContinued on page 22
our booklet.

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