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Vol 6: Jun 2009

Cover story
They have done it!
Read more on page 4...

Vikas KK

Jaideep Sai Krishna

1 Letter from the MD

2 Message from the EM CEO’s Desk
7 Gift a Smile
9 Your voice
inside 10 News round up
this 12 We make it simple
issue 13 Your corner
Vol 6: Jun 2009

Letter from the MD

Dear Colleagues,
I am glad that we could meet over the mini-town halls that were organised to introduce Mark and to
share our priorities for the rest of 2009. Both Mark and I appreciate the way you came forward to share
your views both during the interactions and in the survey that followed. Your candid feedback helps us
strengthen our commitment and refine our focus.
It is worth repeating that we have clarity on where we want to be and what we need to do to get there.
Your efforts are already beginning to show results.
One of the tenets underpining our priorities is employee engagement and we have great early results.
GRCB India’s success at the Chairman’s Award led by Team Mirchiwadi and strengthened by India’s
nationwide ‘Make a Difference, Paint a Difference’ initiative and two individual nominations by
Inderpreet Kooner and Gururaj Rao, is a reflection of our socially engaged colleague base.
In addition to this, there were a host of community initiatives organized by colleagues in the last two
months, which received a heart warming response from staff across the country. The Environment Day
initiatives, volunteering opportunities with Pratham, UNICEF and the launch of the Bal Asha playground
were all occasions that brought out the best in us.
I was particularly delighted to see that individual business units like the Prestige Banking team came
forward to combine the community cause with business and have strengthened our claim as a bank
with a social conscience in their ‘Plant a Tree’ customer acquisition campaign.
The Wave provides an excellent tool to showcase our work and achievements to colleagues around
the country and across the Emerging Markets region as a whole. So please do keep your contributions

Best regards

Ram Gopal

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

Vinit Chandra, Chief Executive,

GRCB Emerging Markets

There is only one Barclays, wherever we operate and

to whichever part of the business we belong.

It has been three months since I assumed charge of the Emerging Markets franchise. I am deeply honoured to
inherit such a strong business, with so many talented people. I am sure that we would not have the business we
have today had it not been for your relentless efforts.
So I would like to take this opportunity to say 'thank you' for all that we have achieved so far.
On the challanges we face:
I would like to outline the challenges we face in the current market and to make clear what we need to do as a
team so that Barclays wins in India and across the Emerging Markets as a whole.
Since the Emerging Markets franchise was set up in early 2007, the pace of growth has been truly incredible.
We expect this region to remain a source of valuable opportunities for Barclays with higher levels of growth,
and faster recovery times than our mature counterparts.
Our long-term strategy remains valid and intact. Together we will continue to earn, invest and grow.
However, if we are to remain successful, we must constantly look at ways to adapt to changing market
On our priorities for the year ahead:
Our priorities for 2009 are common-sense responses to the downturn. Let me highlight five things that we need
to continue doing:
First, we must make full use of our global technology platforms in order to improve efficiency. This is an
important part of what we are doing in India;
Second, we must continue to invest in internal training and development to ensure that we have a world-
class workforce. One of the reasons Barclays is in India is because of the presence of a highly educated
workforce. And in Barclays India, I know that HR is working with the business to help you develop your career
with us;
Third, we need to improve our risk management systems;
Fourth, we must improve the productivity of our distribution network;
And fifth, we have to enhance our management information and analytical capabilities, in order to drive
down costs and improve profitability. We have done a lot here but there is potential for further
improvement. If you have any ideas, please tell me about them.
On India – The market:
For many years, as you would be aware, our attention in the Emerging Markets was focussed on tapping into
the robust opportunities that Africa had to offer. We now plan to leverage and grow our businesses in India,

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

Vinit Chandra, Chief Executive,

GRCB Emerging Markets

Pakistan and Indonesia and, over time, expand to other markets in the region to build a strong Asian presence
as well.
As one of the world's fastest growing economies, India has long been the proverbial 'Jewel in the Crown'. The
fact that India is projected to grow between 4-5% even in these difficult times reinforces India's position, and
the faith of the corporate world in India, as one of the most exciting markets to be in. The Indian regulators
have time and again shown that they are progressive, but prudent in their approach to risk.
The stimulus packages launched by the government and the Reserve Bank of India to limit the impact of the
global financial crisis and increase liquidity, soften interest rates and jumpstart consumer demand have been
lauded by financial institutions globally. And while they will no doubt take some time to show positive results,
the first signs of a change in sentiment can be seen on the horizon.
On our strategy:
We are, of course, not immune to these pressures that the banking system in India as a whole is having to
weather. Our focus going ahead will be true to our strategy determined at the end of last year. This is a year
where we will need to consolidate on the firm foundation that we have set for ourselves in terms of our
franchise, our reputation, our distribution channels and our people.
The downturn surfaces many opportunities for enlightened organisations. These emerge out of a nimble-
footed management that is abreast of the many opportunities and challenges that the changing market
realities present. I am confident that the India management team is well equipped to capitalize on many of
these opportunities that have and will present themselves going ahead.
Although we may have to hold off on some of our more ambitious expansion plans for now, the prospects for our
region still look very good. And, I am very pleased to be leading GRCB Emerging Markets at such an exciting
Looking ahead, I am counting on you to help build on the solid foundations that have been established. And to
work towards realising our vision: to be the best retail and commercial bank – every customer, every market,
every product, every time.
On how we should all work together?
The starting point for us all is to acknowledge that there is only one Barclays, wherever we operate and to
whichever part of the business we belong.
I respect diversity, uniqueness and the importance of ‘local’, but I cannot stress how important it is for our
customers to recognise the same Barclays character whether they're dealing with us in Kenya, India or London.
And the customer must always remain at the centre of everything we do.
To summarise, we have achieved much, but we have much still to do. To this end, I've no doubt that you have
high expectations of me. That's good. That's as it should be. You should therefore know that I see it as my job to
support you, wherever possible, in the right way.
You should also know that I have high expectations of you… I also see it as my job to challenge you. As a team
you show real promise, what I expect to see now is that you live up to that promise, deliver for our customers
and deliver for Barclays.
I look forward to working with you to build a strong team that is focused on achieving the five priorities I
outlined earlier. Do this and together we will take the next steps to build a winning business.

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

India Shines
Congratulations to TEAM MIRCHIWADI for not only winning the
Team Achievement of the year for the Asia Pacific region but also
bagging the Overall Chairman’s Award this year.

at the Emerging Markets level. Four of the six made

it to the global finalists’ list. One won the Asia
Pacific Award and the Overall Chairman’s Award for
! Barclays GRCB India tied with Barclaycard US for the
highest number of finalist nominations amongst all
Barclays entities globally, at the Chairman’s Award
this year
! The Awards reached India on the 7th and our offices
– after a fair bit of drama around a demand draft –
on the 8th. The Awards boxes were left unopened
for a full day and a half in Ram Gopal’s room–
though we often walked past the boxes trying to
Team Mirchiwadi receives award from Mani Subramanian, CEO,Barclays Capital
and Ram Gopal, Interim MD,Barclays GRCB,India fathom what surprises they could hold inside!

By the time you read this, TEAM MIRCHIWADI would have ! The Overall Chairman’s Award reached us in three
been complimented and congratulated many times over, pieces, thanks to the courier company! Special
not only by our colleagues in India but from countries arrangements have been made to deleiver a
across the Emerging Markets and Group. And why not. replacement.
Connecting an entire village to the world is something that When we clicked on the link on the 9th morning, we
everyone would have loved to see happen, but these were awe-struck. The headlines said, “Colleagues in
colleagues have acted and actually made it happen! Barclays India are celebrating after 'Team Mirchiwadi'
While we collectively bask in the glory of their was named the overall winner of the Chairman's
achievement, let us share with you some of the lesser- Awards 2009”.
known highlights leading up to this milestone. We were not! But then, we soon made amends!!
! Swine flu took its toll on the Chairman’s Awards this year. Congratulations to all the finalists once again and to
Finalists were asked to cancel their trips to Madrid, Spain all our colleagues across the country. Our finalists and
well after many of them had all of their travel winners have really made us proud.
arrangements in place.
Next year, let's look at achieving ‘perfect vision’ – 6
! Barclays GRCB India had sent nine nominations to the finalist nominations out of a maximum possible of 6
Chairman’s Awards this year. Six of the nine got selected nomination slots!

Just You would be thrilled to know that two members of Team Mirchiwadi have been invited for lunch with
In! Marcus Agius, Chairman, Barclays Bank in London.
Three cheers for Team Mirchiwadi!

Poll Would you commit yourself to a community initiative programme this year?
Send in your answers to

We asked - Do you like the landscape version or the portrait version of The Wave?
66% of the respondents said that they would like to read The Wave in the portrait version while
66% 34%
34% were happy with either version.

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

India Shines

CHAIRMAN'S AWARDS 2009 FINALISTS' SNAPSHOT donations from the business, Michael's efforts have led
TEAM CATEGORY to more than 4,000,000 JPY (£27,000) being presented
to various charities and organisations.
Team Achievement of the Year (Asia Pacific)
Team Mirchiwadi, GRCB Emerging Markets, India
Rural Mirchiwadi suffered from a lack of education Individual Achievement of the Year (Asia Pacific)
facilities, scarce drinking water and poor transport Inderpreet Kooner,GRCB Emerging Markets, India
links. But five Barclays India volunteers have helped
transform the village.
Abhishek Sharma and his colleagues improved the
community’s infrastructure dramatically, cleaning and
repairing the village well, building a new road and
renovating Mirchiwadi’s only school, with help from
more than 150 villagers.

Team Achievement of the Year (Asia Pacific)

Project Step by Step, Barclays Capital, Hong Kong
In May 2008 Sichuan, China, was devastated by an
A long-term volunteer with visually impaired people,
earthquake which left millions of people homeless.
Inderpreet Kooner recognised that due to a lack of
Within weeks, more than 250 volunteers from Barclays
suitable educational materials, partially sighted
Capital, Barclays Wealth and Barclays Global Investors
students were often unable to achieve their full
in Hong Kong, India, China, Singapore and Tokyo had
academic potential.
pledged to help.
In 2008, Indepreet worked with Samarthanam,a non-
Led by Barclays Capital in Hong Kong, the volunteers
government organisation to address the issue, helping
organised activities across the region to raise funds,
develop a series of audio-based learning aids.
helping to pay for clinics and school equipment.

Individual Achievement of the Year (Asia Pacific)

Team Achievement of the Year (Asia Pacific)
Gururaj Rao,GRCB Emerging Markets, India
Make a Difference, Paint a Difference team, GRCB
Emerging Markets, India
In Barclays India’s first nationwide community initiative,
‘Make a Difference, Paint a Difference’ saw 417
employees across the country create paintings under
the theme of making the world a better place.
The works of art were used in greetings cards and
calendars, which were sold with proceeds going to the
Concern India Foundation, a non-government
organisation supporting education, training and welfare
for visually impaired people, orphaned children and
children in India’s slums and rural communities.
More than 11 million children in India are homeless and
thousands more live in orphanages across the country,
INDIVIDUAL CATEGORY yet less than 3,500 children a year are adopted. It's a
Individual Achievement of the Year (Asia Pacific) statistic Gururaj Rao is committed to improving.
Michael Clemons, Barclays Capital, Japan He has long supported the Bal Asha Trust, an
Since joining Barclays Capital Japan, Michael has rallied organisation which cares for disadvantaged children,
colleagues to support charities across the country. and his dedication has inspired colleagues to raise
funds for the cause and share their time with the
Through a range of fundraising activities from sponsored
children too.
walks to volunteering, and by co-ordinating matched

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

India Shines
Team Mirchiwadi says it all
Have you communicated the same with the people of Mirchiwadi
and the NGO that you have won this? What is their reaction?
Yes, we have touched base both with the people of Mirchiwadi as
well as our partner NGO. All concerned are happy as they see it as
their victory too.
We look at this as only the beginning for the people of Mirchiwadi,
with the hope – and ambition - of taking this project to greater

What do you want to do beyond this at Mirchiwadi or other

What we have helped provide to the residents of Mirchiwadi are
basic amenities. We believe that we still have a long way to go, in
terms of addressing the villagers’ needs.
We have in mind various other projects, such as starting
community centres and providing opportunities for self
employment (vocational courses such as sewing, computer courses,
book binding etc). Enhancing infrastructure would also be a focus
area, whether with regards to providing water, paving roads, rain
How do you feel now? Do you think that you will reach this far water harvesting or a spot of kitchen gardening. This way, each
and win the Chairman’s Award? villager would also be, to an extent, self-sufficient and
At the outset, Team Mirchiwadi would like to express its sincere contributing to the community.
and heartfelt gratitude towards Barclays for believing in us to be For the residents themselves, we would like to focus on upscaling
deserving of this honour. the education facilities currently available to the children, as we
This is one of the most memorable moments – a personal firmly believe that not only is education a fundamental right that
milestone for each of us, and a humbling experience on realising every child has, but also goes a long way in developing a sense of
that this is also a first for Barclays India. self-worth in the community at large. It is not an expense, but an
investment towards the country’s future.
While doing the initial spadework, our only aim was to prioritise
those activities that would go on to transform the lives of people
at Mirchiwadi – while staying within the stipulated budget! Our How do you think that you can now help colleagues towards
focus has been mainly on providing connectivity to the village. contributing to community service and people who are in need
We were sure that we would give a pathway to this lost little at large?
We can actually see a lot of buzz and excitement in colleagues to
We also wanted to do our bit for the children of the village; it do their bit towards the community.
was a great joy to see happiness in the eyes of the children
We are sure that as and when fresh initiatives are launched a lot
walking down the road donning their crisp new school uniforms.
more of our colleagues will come forward to do a lot of good work.
Some students confided that this was the first time in their lives
We really hope that the overall winners award should make its
that they wore new clothes.
home in India, we can win year after year. This has been an
To us, that spoke volumes – seeing the hope shining in their enriching experience for all of us. The last couple of months have
eyes... It was experiences such as these, and the time we spent been tough on the work front, but this award has come like a
with the children, that made us realise that all the effort we had breeze of fresh air.
put in was worth it!
The feeling that we have been getting is that this is an award for
It was our good fortune that we accomplished all the tasks that Team Barclays India and not only Team Mirchiwadi.
we undertook.
Of course, winning the Chairman’s Award for 2009 has only made
What is your message to other colleagues at Barclays ?
the experience more rewarding!
We have all worked in different organisations but Barclays is
different. The support that we have received through the entire
Does it make the project bigger for you as you have now won chain of Corporate Sustainability initiatives has been amazing. The
the Chairman’s Award for the same? management should keep this momentum as we are truly making a
Yes, we would believe that, as winning is just the beginning. difference to the lives of needy irrespective of caste, creed, and
Every time a colleague congratulates us, it is in a way a reminder community.
of our responsibility towards contributing to society. Each one of The difference in our initiative is that we have not just donated
us now feels the responsibility even more. When we took up the but participated, worked with them, shared with them and made
project Mirchiwadi, there were no expectations but for the fact them feel we are with them.
that we wanted to give our best, now we hope that our future
If we have to touch these hearts its not donation alone but
endeavours are equally enriching for all of us.
participation that is important.

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

Giving you more choices and

opportunities to touch lives…

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

Giving you more choices and

opportunities to touch lives…

We all have the desire to contribute towards the

community and to do our bit to make the world a better
place to live in. Somehow this desire often gets
overshadowed by the hectic pace of our lives, and we
forget where to start from.
This is where the Corporate Affairs team steps in. Their
vision is to provide each and every member of Barclays GRCB India family with the opportunity to be
meaningfully engaged in community service activity at least once a year.
Taking a step ahead in the same direction, they launched the ‘Gift a Smile’ programme in April 2009. The
idea was to not only to give colleagues an opportunity to ‘connect’ with the community, but get
associated with a cause of their choice.
The tone and theme of the 15-day long launch campaign was carefully chosen to be positive and
constructive (which the programme truly stands for) rather than morose and sympathetic. The smiles and
innocence that come through in the visuals are a reflection of the belief and confidence of the people who
we are supporting through this programme.
The final list of five NGOs (chosen from a basket of over 80 NGOs shared with us by our partner, Charities
Aid Foundation) mirror the five Barclays Corporate Sustainability platforms, while ensuring at the same
time that they provide a fair mix of local and national charities.
! Akanksha Foundation – provides formal and non formal education
! Chetna – works with street children and has a special focus on the girl child
! Dignity Foundation – supports and caters to the needs of the elderly
! Banyan – provides care and rehabilitation to mentally ill and destitute women
! Bombay Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BSPCA) – focuses on animal welfare (outside the
original list of NGOs supported by CAF)
With the launch of ‘Gift a Smile’, Barclays GRCB India became the first country across the Emerging
Markets and the fourth in the Barclays world to roll out such an employee payroll giving programme.
A total of 87 employees have signed up for the programme to date – close to 6% of our total workforce.
While some colleagues might find this number small, this should be seen against the global success
benchmark of 2% for colleagues opting it in the launch month.
Our initiative has also inspired three other Barclays entities in India – BSS, BTCI and Barclays Finance – to
roll out this programme. All three are in close talks with us to understand how we went about the same.
Our efforts to raise colleague awareness and interest in the programme continues with our efforts to
organize interactive sessions with the managers and beneficiaries of our chosen NGOs. Be a part of these
programmes to understand how your contribution can indeed gift a smile to somebody’s life.
If you wish to join the programme and be a part of our efforts to bring about change, please write in to
our Community Manager, Gururaj Rao at to get more information on the same.
Our Corporate Affairs team is committed to provide you with ways to keep your community quotient alive!

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

Your Voice
Mini Town Hall Survey Analyses

We are thankful to all colleagues who participated in the Mini Town hall survey organised in the Month
of May. We have the results with us and we are happy to share these with you.
We are working on the feedback you provided to us to make the townhalls more engaging and convenient
for you.
Month – May 2009
Participants – All colleagues, except the technology team, who participated in four mini-town halls
in Mumbai and Delhi
Research method – Conducted through an online survey tool
Number of respondents to the survey – 171
Key findings:
The format of the mini town-halls were liked by all colleagues
Colleagues do appreciate the efforts that management has made to reach out to them.
The maximum number of recommendations / views suggest that colleagues want more transparency
and clarity on business in town halls

Please rate the town hall in terms of - providing clarity

Did you like the format of the town hall?
to the business situation and clarity in expectations?
The format has received a thumping majority (Please regard 1 as the least and 5 as the best)
Coincidently, the maximum respondents who have said 'no' 45% of respondents have voted in favour of the town hall
are amongst the first 20 respondents to the survey providing clarity on the situation

5 1
11% 9%

13% No 2

87% Yes 34%


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Vol 6: Jun 2009

News round-up

'Fan of India' First anniversary of Timescard

Barclays launched its
search for the the
‘most passionate
supporter of the
Barclays Premier
League’ in the country
between 11 May to 9
June. India is the first
Barclays country to
launch this contest.
From Kerala to
Kolkata, Mumbai to
Mohali and Goa to
Guwahati, India has
some of the most
Barclaycard recently celebrated the first anniversary
fervent fans of Barclays Premier League football in the
of its co-branded Times Card (a joint initiative of
world. Barclays wanted to find fans that went to
Barclaycard and TimesofMoney) with a series of
extraordinary lengths to support their favourite
fabulous offers made available to its customers. The
Barclays Premier League team or player. Fans were
offers span popular consumer pursuits such as
requested to explain in no more than 100 words why
shopping, movies, personal grooming, entertainment
they are the Barclays Fan of India and can include
and leisure.
slogans, videos or photographs to support their entry. A
special micro-site, was Times Card has, over the past year, continued to
also created to provide a chance to as many people as unveil exciting offers for its base of over 1,00,000
possible. satisfied customers. Existing offers on the Card
include: ‘Shoppers Whoppers’ – the promotion that
All entrants in the Barclays Fans of India competition
allows you to ‘shop till you drop’ at amazing prices;
have the opportunity to win:
‘Movie Mania’ - wherein cardholders can avail of
A trip for two to watch their favourite Barclays
? tickets of their favorite movie at the theatre of their
Premier League team play ‘live’ in England during choice and ‘Beauty & Body’ - for all who would like to
the 2009/10 season. This will include flights, 4-star indulge in rejuvenating beauty treatments at leading
hotel accommodation, tickets and transfers. salons and spas around the country, at prices that are
10 runners up will also receive a Barclays Premier
? unbelievable. For all those who need to get away
League team shirt of their choice from the grind, the Times Card has a special
‘Holidays’ category, which offers cardholders
The four leading sports stars who have endorsed the
irresistible holiday packages across the country.
contest are, Bryan Robson (Manchester United’s
Foodies can also find solace in ‘Culinary Stops’, which
legendary midfielder), Pepe Reina (Liverpool’s Spanish
acts as a guide to the country’s best restaurants.
goalkeeper), Glen Johnson (Portsmouth) and Andrew
Flintoff (England Cricket’s all rounder) The card also provides privilege access to a host of
prominent celebrity events and parties including
More than 7000 football enthusiasts have participated
Filmfare Awards and the Pantaloons Femina Miss India
in the contest. The winner announcement is expected
beauty pageant.
to be made by first week of July.
The Barclayscard team is currently inviting colleagues
The Barclays Premier League is the most popular
who want to apply for a Barclays credit card.
domestic football tournament anywhere in the world,
Please write into
with over 4.77 billion people watching it in over 200
for more details.

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

News round-up

Hello Money gets upgraded Taking the lead in forging

with NEFT services meaningful and responsible
Barclays Global relationships
Retail and
Commercial Bank
(GRCB) India has
enhanced its flagship ‘Hello Money’ service, with National
Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) facility. Through this
facility, customers can now transfer funds to other bank
accounts in India from their Barclays account with the help
of their mobile phones. The facility will be offered free to
customers availing of the Barclays ‘Hello Money’ service
and will allow them to transfer their money faster and
more conveniently, without having to visit a branch.
The funds will be transferred to the beneficiary’s bank
using the Reserve Bank of India’s Payment Interface (PI).
Customers availing of Hello Money services would need the
details given below of the beneficiary bank to initiate the
The Barclays Retails Liabilities team has struck a unique
cord between business, customers and community
1.Beneficiary’s Account Number service in India. Strengthening Barclays commitment to
2.Beneficiary Bank’s IFSC Code the community and making customers a part of the
3.Amount to be transferred. same, the Barclays Prestige Banking team has decided
to ‘plant a tree’ on behalf of every new customer
4.Beneficiary’s Name
relationship that they acquire between the 1st and 30th
Customers will need to work within a daily transfer limit is of June 2009 in celebration of ‘Earth Month’. The World
INR 5000/-. Environment day on 05 June, set the background to the
The initiative has been inspired by an activity
Cash Management services undertaken on Earth Day, 22 April, by the Mumbai
Barclays Global Retail and Commercial Bank (GRCB) India, Branch who decided to do their bit for the environment
announced the launch of 'Easy Cash Management Solution', by planting trees. The Prestige Banking team saw this as
an end-to-end suite of products and services to enhance a unique way to welcome customers into the Barclays
ease and efficiency. With this, Barclays commercial fold and strengthen existing customer relationships.
banking customers can now access a slew of customized As part of this initiative, all existing and potential
products. customers of the Barclays Prestige Banking unit will be
Commercial banking today has a roster of over 2300 asked to opt for a ‘Systematic Investment Plan’ or avail
clients. This includes large multinationals, public sector of Insurance through Barclays. For every new
companies and a growing base of small and medium relationship that the Prestige Banking unit acquires
enterprises. Barclays offers them a broad spectrum of between 01 June and 15 July 2009, the team will plant
services including loans, deposits, payments & cash a tree. Existing customers will be informed by their
management services, trade finance and treasury respective relationship managers via e-mail as to when
solutions. Barclays has already launched its receivable this is being done. The team would also be sending text
products under Cash Management last year. The three new messages to existing customers to create greater
products currently on offer are: awareness around the programme.
Direct Debit
? The tree plantation drive will be carried out in the last
Invoice Matching and Reconciliation
week of July in Mumbai. The Prestige team has tied-up
with Sage Foundation – an NGO that exclusive works for
Post Dated Cheque Management
the cause of protecting environment – to take matters
Furthermore, these services will be linked through internet forward.
banking to provide easy accessibility and convenience to
Barclays GRCB commercial banking customers.

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

We make it simple for you

It never costs to know more especially about the industry one works in. In our effort to add to your knowledge of functions beyond your domain,
we are starting a series of articles which will tell you about one business in each edition. We start with Wholesale Banking and de-mystify the
function for you. And doing so is Ruchi Saraswat, who is Credit Analyst with the Wholesale Banking Credit team at Barclays GRCB, Delhi.
The series will be lead by colleagues. If you are interested and want to share your expertise with us, do write in to us about your business at

Wholesale Banking
“All of life is the management of in India comprises of two major units –
risk not its elimination.” Credit Analysis
- Walter Wriston, former chairman of
Credit Administration & Control
While Credit Analysis unit is responsible for evaluating and
Walter Wriston aptly summarised the assessing of lending proposals submitted by Commercial
approach with which the risk, Banking relationship team and granting a decision on the
irrespective of magnitude, should be same ( i & ii point of above mentioned 4 step approach),
Ruchi Saraswat viewed and managed. Be it risk of Credit Admin unit takes care of post sanction documentation,
crossing the road in your security creation and monitoring of accounts ( iii & iv point
neighbourhood or assessment of a million pound lending of above mentioned four step approach)
However, credit risk must not be viewed and assessed in
In common parlance risk tends to be viewed in a very isolation, not only because a single transaction might have a
negative sense. It is generally defined in terms of something number of risks but also one type of risk can trigger other
that might occur to adversely affect you in achieving your risks. Since interaction of various risks could result in
goals. Here, we would like to broaden that definition a little diminution or increase in risk, the risk management process
and suggest that risk may not always have an adverse impact. should recognize and reflect risk interactions in all business
Let's just say that risk is not necessarily something going activities as appropriate.
wrong - it is simply something turning out differently to how With this view, wholesale banking credit doesn't manage only
you expected or planned for. This view allows the possibility credit risk, but also looks at a number of other risks affecting
that risks can be turned into opportunities if managed the business. Let's now see how a given business is affected
effectively. by various types of risks depending on a number of factors.
The next diagram explains how a particular industry is
It is a constant process of identifying the negatives of why a
affected by micro and macro forces –
decision or action/opportunity should not be taken which
leads to opportunities not being pursued.

Credit Risk is the risk assumed for the possible non-payment

of credit extended. While financial institutions have faced
difficulties over the years for a multitude of reasons, the
major cause of serious banking problems continues to be Macro Risk Micro Risk
directly related to lax credit standards for borrowers and (Affect the industry (Affect the individual
as a whole) business)
counterparties, poor portfolio risk management, or a lack of ? Industry Risk Given ? Financial Risk
attention to changes in economic or other circumstances that ? Market Risk Business or ? Management Risk
? Political Risk Company ? Supply Chain Risk
can lead to a deterioration in the credit standing of a bank's
? Regulatory Risk ? Competition Risk
counterparties. ? Operational Risk
? Concentration Risk
Identification of risk and developing a mechanism to address
them is critical to appraisal of any lending opportunity.
Although specific credit risk management practices may differ
among banks depending upon the nature and complexity of
their credit activities, a comprehensive credit risk
management program will address under mentioned four
areas –
Finally, assessment of a borrower’s application can be a
(I) Establishing an appropriate credit risk environment combination of one or more of these risks. The credit team
tries to manage these risks on an ongoing basis without losing
(ii) Operating under a sound credit-granting process
sight of common objective of preserving banks capital without
(iii) Maintaining an appropriate credit administration, compromising on the returns to the stakeholders.
measurement and monitoring process
So next time don’t be too surprised if a credit manger tells you,
(iv) Ensuring adequate controls over credit risk “I am in business of taking risk”, what he really means is
Accordingly, Wholesale Banking Credit team at Barclays GRCB capitalising of opportunities while managing calculated risks.

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

Your corner

In the lap of nature – The Hermitage

engaged. Our hostess cooked all meals, and she did a
wonderful job of it. We found ourselves licking our fingers
after every meal.
We rounded off our trip trying our hands at pottery – a
potters wheel has been placed in a hut with a sheet of
instructions and all materials needed, for those who want
to try it out. After a few trials and errors, we managed to
make something resembling a pot, which brought us a
great deal of satisfaction. It was with a heavy heart that
we said goodbye to our hosts and returned back to the
mundane city life, but enriched in ways more than one
with our short, but sweet experience of nature at its best.
For more details about The Hermitage, visit their website:
On the river bank
Living in a concrete jungle, tied up in day to day chores, All details – contact numbers, tariff, activities etc. can be
one wonders what it would be like to live far away from found on the site, which is quite well maintained.
civilization. We got a glimpse of just that when we visited
The Hermitage Guest House. Home of David and Morvarid
Fernandez, The Hermitage is 45 Kms off Belgaum, nestled
amidst the Western Ghats. The couple moved there 28
years ago, and they have created a haven for themselves
into which for the past 7 years, they have accepted a few
guests who would like to experience the beauty of nature
in an eco-friendly manner.
Travelling with our five year old son - Samhith, we were
advised to settle down in the Gota, a rural style cottage,
with electricity and an attached bathroom. The other
options for stay are the Macchan – a tree house, and a
Kadaba – a typical village hut, both which have no
electricity and have open-roofed bathrooms outside.
There are a number of activities that can keep you
The Macchan
occupied during your visit to The Hermitage, especially if
you are an avid birdwatcher, trekker or swimmer. We chose
a nature walk through the jungle on the first day, followed
by a part-drive, part-trek to the Mandovi River. Walking
through the dense jungle was a wonderful experience, and
though we did not come across any wild animals, the
absence of human habitation itself was a wonderful thing.
We saw a number of birds and insects, and could identify a
few with the help of David, who knows this area like the
back of his hand. Samhith enjoyed the visit to the river,
getting into the water looking for stones to take back
home, getting a piggy back ride with David to cross the
river, and spotting a snake skin shed on the stones on the
The Hermitage has a central recreation area, which is
tastefully decorated, the high point being a pair of bison Cattle Egrets
skulls, which were found in the area. All meals are served
here, and while you wait for food or relax after a heavy Anuradha Shankar is the better half of J. Shankar Narayan,
meal, there are plenty of games and crafts to keep you who works with the IT team

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

Your corner
Oh Calcutta!
I remember my first sight of Calcutta – the fond memories of that trip.
the Coromandel Express turned a Going to my relatives, my maternal family, was a revelation. I met
corner and there was the Howrah the whole spectrum, from admiring aunts who told their sons what a
Bridge resplendent in all its dulled scholar I was, to an awfully judgemental grand-uncle who asked me
steel glory. why I was so dark (“moila rong”, the colour of mud) when I had such
My childhood memories about this good-looking, ruddy-complexioned parents. They petted and made
place fill me with joy. Endless number much of me (much to my relief as I seemed almost ignored in other
of delicious, elaborate Bengali meals, quarters, after the birth of my brother!)
small villages in West Bengal with Best of all, life was one never-ending gastronomic parade-chochoris,
Supriya Rajan quaint names, filthy lotus ponds and chutneys, fish preparations , the savouries, the tea flavoured with
dense black greenery. Memories which community gossip, and the sweets. I was woken up in the morning
will never fade away, though the with succulently soft sandesh, serenaded at lunch with mishti doi,
childhood did! and lulled to sleep with fresh rabri . …it was the same case whether
The train chugs into Howrah station and there is my uncle, in Gariahat or Cossipore.
waiting for us with my cousin. After the initial hugs and I can never forget standing in all my adolescent glory, on the banks
pleasantries are exchanged, my eyes look around to scan to of Belur Math, taken there by my garrulous cousin, wondering if
check if everything is the same as I had left. Vivekananda stood there too and pondered the mysteries of
I look around curiously at the sacks of litchees on their way to life…while the glorious domes of Dakshineshwar glittered on the
goodness, God knows where. There are mounds of mangoes other side of the Hooghly.
biding their time in a corner of the station and all around, there Nothing in all my experience since then even comes close to that
is a teeming mass of humanity, talking, spitting, chewing paan – matchless peace one feels, being rowed by a singing boatman, ever
but I don’t care! I am happy, I have arrived home. Of all the so slowly, across the Hooghly … to step right into the Goddess’s
places in my mixed-up identity and existence of twelve years,
this is one place I identify with the most.
My uncle scoops up my little brother in his arms, admiring his
sweet smile and the almost fluorescent fairness of his skin while
I happily skip along beside him, talking nineteen to a dozen.
‘Calcutta’, my uncle says is “cultured, garrulous, thirsty for
knowledge and intellectual exchange and the quintessential
bhadralok”. Though, he isn’t Bengali.
He takes us to the line for taxis, snaking along, never-ending. We
await our turn and I see the Marwari women in their self-secure
existence, the Bengali women hen-pecking and screaming down
humanity in general, with their precocious children running all
over the place, screaming that they are hungry. The hunger of a
Bengali child never ceases to amaze me. They feel hungry at the
oddest of times and in the vaguest of places.Their mothers are
devoted to them and hunger of her child is the Bengali woman’s
first priority. Even in those fleeting moments, I am struck by the
beauty of the Bengali woman – her flashing eyes (now she’s abode in Dakshineshwar. Here is the fearsome glory of the mother
angry, now she’s flirting), her luminous skin and her black, black goddess, Kali –and her other more peace loving form, Durga. Here is
hair, falling way past her waist in a thick rope or coiled tight at all the glory of Ramakrishna and his simple teachings of humanity
the nape of her neck. and faith. The colour red is all-pervading here – complete in its
holiness, its passion of belief and above all, its sense of the living.
Miraculously, our yellow taxi is in front of us with a cheerful Sikh
driver urging us to climb in. The taxi creaks, shudders when it Life in Calcutta just flows – as mellifluously, as constantly and
moves, right from the roof to the boot. I imagine that we will all heartfelt as the Bengali tongue. I sometimes think if there ever is a
be thrown out especially when we go over a pothole …the taxi universal language, it’ll be Bengali – its sweetness and more
shakes like one taking his last breath, and keeps going. Just like importantly its ability to describe any feeling completely makes it
Calcutta, it keeps going… my first choice.
The next two weeks pass quickly. Visits to and by relatives and I haven’t been to Calcutta for nine years now. I can almost not bear
outings to “places of educational interest” - the massive three- to go back there– freeze-framed as it is, in my mind’s eye – I know I
storey museum, a local book store to buy the next edition of cannot bear to see the changes. For I am sure, Calcutta has
‘Tell Me Why’ by Arkady Leokum with my uncle, and to the more changed – just as I have.
plebeian places like the local Lake market, the Kaali Bari, Priya Supriya Rajan works in Chennai and is associated with the Query
theatre for the latest movie and the puchkawala, are some of Resolution Unit, Cards and Assets.

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Vol 6: Jun 2009

Your corner

exci in
Sudoku Quiz t
priz ing

It is a very easy quiz provided you have read the magazine and
1 7 4 follow the communications sent to you
1) Who were the two finalists in the individual category for the
5 9 3 2 chariman's awards?
2) Commercial Banking announced the launch of which service?
6 7 9 3) Mirchiwadi project was all about?
4) Wholesale Banking Credit unit comprises of?
4 8 5) Latest addition to Hello Money service is?
6) Five priorities as stated by Vinit in his address for 2009 are?
2 1 7) Prestige Banking team's recent initiative related to
9 5 8) In total, how many nominations did India get for the
Chairman’s award?
4 7 3 9) India launched the Payroll giving initiative after which all
7 3 2 6 10) The five NGOs that ‘Gift a Smile’ supports are:
Rush in your entries. The first three all correct entries will
win a prize.
6 5 4
Mail your answers to

Answers to last issue’s quiz:

Please join me in congratulating Lovneesh Bansal
1. Profit Before Tax FY 2008 2. Detailed Risk and Control Analysis 3. Bhaskar Venkateswaran from Risk Control and Rigour and Tushad Bilimoria
4. Walk a mile in my moccasins 5. called RMU Audit. 6. Paint My Dream from HR for giving all correct answers for the Quiz
7. Aiming for customer delight 8. Latitude Club newsletter also the Latitude Co-ordinates of Delhi in the last edition. Your Prizes will reach you in
the next 24 hours.
9. October 2008 10. +000 800 440 1540


A good one...better actually

I have passed this on to our Corporate Affairs
Asif Upadhye
team as it is certainly an engaging publication.
Prestige Banklng
The layout is very classy and vibrant and the
Good One, Cheers ! keep it up. pictures capture the great spirit of our
Armine Mehta colleagues in India.
Credit Operations - GRCB
Sarah Mashhour
It's pretty well done….!!!!!!!! Internal Communications Manager
Shruti Choudhary Barclays Bank Egypt SAE
Commercial Banking

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