ORGANISATION STRUCTURE TRAINING at Manjilas Double Horse For MBA Christ University

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JUNE 2014


I thank Christ University for giving me an opportunity to execute an organizational structural
training project. I would also like to express the deepest gratefulness to my mentor Professor
Dilip Chandra, for approving the company chosen by me and guiding me throughout the project
period. Without his supervision and steady help this project might not have been conceivable.
Also, a thank you to Manjilas Double Horse Company, Priya Sajeev (HR) and Deepi (HR) for
guiding me during the project period and helping me to acquire necessary information. I
likewise thank all the company departments and its team members for the valuable cooperation.
Lastly, but not the least, May I express my sincere gratitude to God Almighty and my parents
who have supported me all through my life.

1. Declaration by the Candidate 2
2. Acknowledgement.3
3. Table Of Contents..4
4. History of the Organisation6
5. Profile of the Products7
6. Vision, Mission, Objectives & Strategies of the Organisation...8
i. Vision..8
ii. Mission8
iii. Business Objectives.....8
iv. Marketing Objectives...8
v. Strategies for further growth8
7. Organisational Design & Structure..9
8. Functions of various departments..10
i. HR Department..10
ii. Finance Department...11
iii. Production Department..12
iv. Marketing & Sales Department.12
v. Research & Development Department..13
vi. Quality Control Department..13
9. SWOT Analysis of the Organisation.14
10. KRA of the Organisation...14
i. KRA of HR Department15
ii. KRA of Research & Development Department.15
iii. KRA of Production Department16
iv. KRA of Finance & Accounting Department16
v. KRA of Sales Department.17
vi. KRA of Manufacturing Department..17
vii. KRA of Marketing Department.17
viii. KRA of Marketing Trainer18

ix. KRA of HR Specialist18

x. KRA of General Manger or Senior Executive...18
xi. KRA of Secretarial, Clerical and Administrative Executives19
11. KR Activities of the Organisation..19
12. Significant Factors for Success..20
13. System of Accounting Followed21
14. Product Promotional Measures..21
15. System Followed for Purchase of Materials..22
16. HRD Measures, Policies & Procedures Followed.22
i. Leave Policy...22
ii. Loan Policy23
iii. Working Time Policy23
iv. Accident Policy.24
v. Visitors Policy25
vi. Computer Policy....25
vii. Cell Phone Policy..26
viii. Employee Communication Policy.26
ix. Problem Resolution Policy27
17. Manpower Planning...28
18. Recruitment Policy & Performance Appraisal System.30
19. Future Plans for the growth of the Organisation30
20. Organisational Structure30
21. Advantages & Disadvantages of the Organisational Structure..31
22. Recommendations to Overcome Drawbacks.31
23. Modifications to the Organisational Structure..32
24. Further Recommendations to the Company..34
25. Appendix 1 - Product Depth/Variants of Rice Products35
26. Appendix 2 - Product Depth/Variants of Instant Products ...35
27. Appendix 3 - Communication Materials of the Company - Few Video Ads, A Print Ad,
Brand Ambassador, Brand Logo35

History of the Organization

Manjilas, the mother brand of Double Horse, was founded in the year 1959, as a rice milling
company selling high-quality rice grains. The brand, on the strength of its commitment to deliver
only the best to its customers, has witnessed a phenomenal growth over the years. It
revolutionized the food sector in Kerala becoming the first ISO 9001:2000 certified Rice Mill in
the state and the first food brand to introduce sortex rice, stoneless rice and colour grading.

Inspired by the support of its customers and foreseeing the potential for traditional food thats
made easy to suit todays busy, modern lifestyle, Manjilas Double Horse started introducing
products- from rice powders- breakfast mixes to instant mixes, wheat products, curry powders
and condiments made using Perfect Blend technology, naturally preserved pickles, health
foods, ready-to-cook & ready-to-eat products, traditional preserves, coconut products and more;
and is dedicatedly developing new and innovative product ranges, to keep up with its promise to
deliver good food and in turn, inculcate a healthy eating habit.

The founder of the company Late Mr. M. O. John - a visionary, a philanthropic and a
businessperson started off the firm with the aim of providing Great sustenance, for all. Mr.
M.O John was also the General Secretary of Kerala Vyapara Vyavasayi Ekopnana Samithi, the
biggest association of entrepreneurs in Kerala and the President of Chamber of Commerce,
Thrissur. His entrepreneurial abilities made him a pioneer of his times, and his brand the
pioneer for more than 50 years.

Today, Manjilas Double Horse offers its customers the widest variety of good food with more
than 20 superior types of rice and 100 premium quality food products in different ranges.

Profile of the Products


Chakki Fresh
Broken Wheat
Broken Wheat
Wheat Rava
Pls refer
Appendix 1 for Samba Wheat
Roasted Rava
(Short Cut)

Garlic Paste
Ginger Paste
Tamarind Paste
Ginger Garlic

Ragi Vita



les In

Chilli Powder
Crushed Chilli

Instant Ready to Cook Curry Mix
Instant Ready to eat Payasams
Instant Ready to eat
Instant Breakfast


Palada Payasam Mix
Rice Palada Payasam
Vermicelli Kheer Mix
Rice Ada
Diet Payasam Mix

Vision, Mission, Objectives, and

Strategies of the Organization
To be a leader in the food industry, offering the widest variety of high - quality food products
that become a way of life for all those who love good food, across the globe.

To come out with a wide variety of innovative food products, that combines health, taste &
convenience, so as to make cooking good food fun & easy.

Business Objectives

To achieve a turnover of 500 Cr in the next 5 years

To dominate the market in Kerala

Marketing Objectives

To dominate the national market rather than limiting the reach to just the Kerala market
To be the most preferred brand amongst malayalees

Strategies for further growth

Expand the ready to eat food products to further market

To introduce frozen food products to the product line
Introduce the products through a trial and error method inorder to seek the opinion of the
target group
High Quality Packing
Variety In Products
Uncompromised quality in food products

Organizational Design and Structure




































Functions of Various Departments

HR Department
Management is one of the most complex and challenging field of Endeavour. The scope of HR
department is very vast. It includes all the major activity in the working life of a worker from the
time of his or her entry to an organization until he or she leaves. Personnel management is
planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation,
integration, maintenance and separation of personnel to the extent the individual, organizational
and social objectives are accomplished. This department treats people as an important asset to be
used for the benefit of the organization, employees and society. It is emerging now as a distinct
philosophy of management aiming at policies that promote mutual goals, mutual respects, mutual
rewards and mutual responsibilities.
The role of the HR department is to manage and motivate employees in the workplace. The
specific roles of this department include: selection, recruitment, induction and training of
employees, organising appraisals, managing payment systems and organising termination of
employees. The department is also responsible overall for implementing government policies
regarding the workforce according to labour laws.

Manjilas group of companies has a common HR department for all the mills and units. This
department is located in the head office. All the units will have an HR executive who will report
to HR department at the head office. Total Human resource in the group is 1101 including staffs
and trainees. The HR department has to look after the ESI, PF and salary of all these staffs every
month. The HR manager will go to each unit every month personally to sort out the problems in
the mills. There are all together 4 executives at the head office working under this department.
The key activities of HR department includes the following, which when effectively integrated
provide significant, economic benefits to the company.

Workforce Planning
Induction, Orientation and On Boarding
Skills Management
Training and Development
Personnel Administration
Compensation in wage or salary
Time Management
Travel Management


Employee Benefit Administration
Personnel Cost Planning
Performance Appraisal
Labour Relation

Finance Department
Procurement of capital is one of the most important milestones of ideating a business. It is
equally significant to channelize and allocate finance to various units that enhances successful
running of the business. Thus finance is an important aspect in achieving the progress of the
organization. The functions of finance department are diverse with distinct procedures for each
activities. (For instance, purchase of raw materials, payment of salaries towards staffs, marketing
activities, statutory payments like taxes and so on).
The finance department of double horse includes finance manager, chief accountant and account
staffs. The main activities of finance department are broadly classified into three. They are as

Procurement Of Funds

Allocation Of Funds

Finance Research & Analysis

Procurement of Funds
The funds are collected for the effective usage of finance resources. The company collects funds
from the following sources.
As loans loans can be taken from banks and other financial institutions in the form of
Bank OD, cash credits, bank loans etc
Investments The capital of the company is funded by venture capitalists and through
Angel funding. Investments like insurance, fixed deposits are also a source of finance
Funds from sales The funds emerging from sales are in the form of cash or credit. In the
case of cash sales the cash is directly received by the department and in the case of credit
sale, cash is collected from the debtors within a certain period


Allocation of Funds
It is of great significance for the finance department to channelize the fund in strategic manner
for the existence and operation if the business. The funds would be allocated to the following:

Procurement of raw materials

Employee wages and office salary
Office expenses
Taxes and other legal expenses
Maintenance expenses
Carriage and transportation
Petty expenses

Finance Research and Analysis

The various research and analysis techniques that helps improve the firms running are as
Ratio analysis gross profit ratio, net profit ratio, solvency, working capital turnover
ratios, current and liquidity ratios
Cost sheets of production To control costs
Profit and loss statements, balance sheet and cash flow statements to guide, monitor and
update the financial status of the organization.

Production Department
The production department is crucial in an industrial organization like Manjilas Double Horse.
Production is the process by which raw materials and other inputs are converted into finished
products. Organizational wealth is determined by production. In a specified period of time, the
aggregate amount of goods and services produced in an organization is known as wealth. The
time frame may be short, medium or long depending on the type of product or services produced.
Production of goods as the fabrication of the physical object is of the resources available to the
manager. These resources include men, material, money, methods and machines. Production of
services is nothing but the discharge of function which has some utility to somebody. The
interpretation of the production of goods and services is a broader one. In general, the production
is equated with manufacturing which is myopic interpretation. Fundamentally, they may look
alike the position being maintained in that there is no difference between tangible and something
which provides advice, assistance, helper information. In both cases, outputs are not similar.

Marketing and Sales Department

Marketing and Sales Department of Manjilas Double Horse consists of marketing manager, north
area and south area managers, area sales managers, sales executives and marketing coordinator.
The marketing and sales department is headed by the Marketing manager.


The marketing and sales departments functions are vast; a few of which is mentioned beneath:

Monitoring of sales in the area

Monitoring of prices and terms of company products compared to competitors
Processing credit proposals for dealers and institution
Processing proposals for extending special incentives / credit terms to dealers
Committee work for appropriate cancellation of dealers
Processing proposals for special arrangements / sales terms with bulk buyers /
Sales force motivation through internal & external training programs
Processing and sending replies to audit queries at divisional establishments
Monitoring overdue and outstanding of area / credit management
Co-ordination of sales promotion and market development activities
Supervising and controlling the sales promotion service department
Monitoring the marketing communication

Research and Development Department

Double horse food products have well established R & D department involved in the
development of traditional as well as innovative products giving novelty to the customers taste
and appetite. As a part of the golden jubilee year (2009), the company aimed at launching 50
new products with prime importance for ready to eat products and masala mixes.

Quality Control Department

Quality control department refers to the ways and means where quality standards are maintained.
The aim of quality control is not only to improve quality of products, but also to eliminate bad
quality goods. Once the quality standard is set, then it should be achieved and maintained in
future and efforts should be made to improve it further. Manjilas group of companies have set up
a quality control department for the purpose of determining the quality of the product. Different
types of tools are used for the purpose of checking control. Their department consists of 7 people
headed by the quality control manager. Double horse emphasis on maintaining strict quality
parameters that involves the detection of

Total bacterial count

Total fungal count
Collide forms
Detection of pathogens like e.coli, Staphylococcus, salmonella, bacillus, listeria,
clostridium and so on.


SWOT Analysis of the Organization

Large exporters of rice and food
Wider reach by exporting products
to outside India
Provide large volume of employment
More than 1100 skilled labourers
Variety in food products
Use of high quality equipments
imported from Japan
Provides good welfare benefits to

High demand in foreign and local
Introduction of sachet packets

Comparatively low degree of
promotional policies
Poor performance appraisal
Weak training methods

Increasing competition from existing
players and new entrants
Changing Consumer Behaviour
(Consumer shifting to western diets and

KRA of the Organization

The following are the key result areas that the organization as a whole focuses upon.
PROFIT: The net profit or surplus before tax planning efforts, produced by the efficient
operation and effective administration of your enterprise.
SALES/INCOME/REVENUE: The gross or top line billing/invoicing produced by all
operational activities of your enterprise.
COMMUNITY IMAGE: The way your organization is perceived by the social, vendor,
customer and employee communities - Stakeholder perceptions.


CUSTOMER/CLIENT SATISFACTION: The policies, procedures and values that

determine how your people provide service, and to what degree your customers/clients'
needs will be satisfied.
PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT (PLACE): The physical space, layout, ambiance, tools
and equipment that your people work in and with.
PEOPLE: The number, positions, qualifications, pay scales, benefits and
training/development needs of your people at all levels. How you compensate them, how
you recruit, hire, appraise performance, promote and transfer, your organization's policies
& structure.
DIVERSIFICATION: The identification/creation/acquisition of new products, services,
geographic & demographic markets to ensure your organization's continued competitive
SYSTEMS, PROCEDURES & TECHNOLOGY: The methods, principles and
technologies used, the "way the company does things," to ensure the best use of human,
financial and equipment resources to generate profit and satisfy your customers.

KRA of HR department

Recruitment/ Selection
Workforce Planning
Diversity Management
Performance Management
Reward Management
Workplace Management
Industrial Relations
Safety And Health Workplace
Building Capabilities And Organization Learning

KRA of Research & Development Department

Plan and estimate development activities. Hold reviews to validate designs & analysis.
Working out on budget
Cost analysis
Minimize purchasing costs
New Product development & Testing.
Value engineering & innovative solutions
Analysis of customer requirements.
Coordinate with the factory and suppliers for product development.


Preparation of SOPs. Authorize all documents for development of new product.

Preparation of technical documentation and resolve product problems.
Define specifications of all the instruments & research materials for conducting the
Evaluate competitors offerings technically & commercially.

KRA of Production Department

Good working conditions

Product development
Preventive maintenance
Delivery management
Minimize downtime and meet annual production target as per expected cycle time
Resource utilization
Maximizing quality of product, efficiency of production and maximize production rates
Maximize plant efficiency through teamwork and innovation
Operational costs
Minimize the scrap level/wastage reduction
Control overhead expenditure
Stock control
Reduction in operating costs
Minimize the inventory levels
Implementation of quality control programs
Apply newer management techniques such as ISO, TQM, Six Sigma, etc.
Application and acceptance of new technology
Shop floor improvements
Productivity: Improvement of process
Record Keeping
Customer Satisfaction

KRA of Finance and Accounting Department

Credit referencing
Management information
Capital expenditure
Financial analysis
Cost control
Internal audit
Regulatory reporting
Credit control
Financial records


Cashflow forecasting
New business acquisition

KRA of Sales Department

New business acquisition

Territory management
Customer care
Lead generation
Lead follow up (internal and external)
Account management
Customer retention
Interpersonal skills
Negotiating skills
Product knowledge
Sales forecasting

KRA of Manufacturing Department

Stock control
Labour relations
Waste management
Health and Safety
Quality control
Record keeping

KRA of Marketing Department

Promotional strategy
Hold/ Participate in events
Market research
Field support
Marketing materials
Media relations
Sales support
Agency relations


Strategize Marketing Mediums

KRA of the Marketing Trainer

Design of solutions
Delivery of solutions
Evaluation of solutions
Client satisfaction

KRA of the Human Resource Specialist

Employee relations
Employee development
Compensation planning and administration
Policy development
Benefits administration
Career development
Statutory compliance
Human Resource information systems

KRA of General Manager or Senior Executive

Internal operations
Market development
Organisational structure
Organisational vision and mission
Asset and liability management
Board of directors relationship
Financial strategy
Business development
Customer satisfaction
Community relations
Regulatory compliance


KRA of Secretarial, Clerical and Administrative Executives

Records management
Administrative support
Internal customer relations
Equipment maintenance
Forms administration
Supply maintenance and purchasing
Telephone coverage
Project support

K R Activities of the Organization

The key result areas (KRA) of each individual in an organization can be broken down into key
performance areas (KPA) and performance indicators (KPI). KPAs are necessary to decide the
performance appraisals of individuals annually. KPIs are a set of activities that is vital to carry
forward their functions and achieve their assigned goals.

KR Activity 1

Key Performance
Area 1

KR Activity 2

Key Performance
Area 2......

KR Activity 3....

Key Result Areas

KR Activities will be further explained through an example below.



The Objective is
to improve
productivity of the
company. This
objective is to be
achieved by the
HR Department

Key Result Areas


Key Performance Areas Key Result Activities


Recruitment &

KPA 1 Recruitment
KPA 2 - Selection

KR Activities for
1. Invite Applications


KPA 1 Performance
KPA 2 Succession

Reward Management

Building Capabilities
& Organizational

KPA 1 Market
Oriented Salary
KPA 2 Benefits
KPA 1 Training
KPA 2 Management



Online/Print/ Ads),
Word of- mouth
Screen the received
Narrow down the
list of applicants to
the most qualifying
Announce the final
rounds of interview
Conduct the final
selection rounds
Select suitable
employee to the
required profile

Significant Factors for Success

Every step of the company was aligned to the vision seeded by the founder of the

company Mr MO John and this has been a significant factor that determined the success
of the company. Double Horse succeeded in providing good quality diverse products to
every individual and ceased to compromise on the quality of its products.
The company set themselves apart in being innovative at every stage. They were the
pioneers in introducing unique packaging, product quality, technological impediments,
marketing techniques, machineries etc.
The company made the right move at the right time by expanding to the market oversees.
A large number of malayalees shift to gulf countries for work and it was a strategically
woven effort by the company to tap this market opportunity.

The company has been serving the market for more than 50 years and is well accepted by

the target market

They have also succeeded in updating their product line and product quality as to suit the
needs of the changing consumer behaviour and market environment
These are the major factors for the success of the company.

System of Accounting Followed

The accounting system of Manjilas Group is supported by German software system SAP. It
builds service orientation directly into its solutions through a technology called as SAP
NetWeaver. This software supports companies in the development of their own service oriented
architectures. Functional units of SAP are split across different organizational units for R&D
needs, field activities and customer support. The main advantage of SAP system is that, this
system enables the users to get to know the full details of an employee right from the day of
his/her arrival in the organization. Pay role is processed using SAP. Even if an employee is
absent, that will be also marked in his profile using SAP. Finally, when an employee salary is
computed, the SAP will calculate his/her salary depending upon the number of leaves taken. This
will help the organization into reducing its human effort.

Product Promotional Measures

Manjilas Group of Companies promotes its brands through advertisements and other sales
promotional techniques. The Double Horse brand advertises through Television, Newspapers,
Magazines and Digitally. They advertise throughout Kerala state through banners and posters.
The company presently targets Keralites in Gulf Regions as well. In the Gulf Countries, the
brand advertisements extend into Malayalam Channels, Stickers, Banners and Brochures.
The marketing communication of Manjilas Double Horse products are done by a P R agency
named Brand ID. This agency handles the advertisements for the television and print media.
Double Horse products advertisements are usually given during the festival seasons of Kerala.
Other than these ads, the company gives offers to its distributors of all regions for procurement
of shelf space.
(Please refer Appendix 3 for the brochure, leaflets and other print and video communications)


System followed for purchase of

The materials are also purchased on the basis of the data notified by SAP. The software intimates
the respective department/ purchase managers about the minimum stocks to keep, stock level,
ingredients to be purchased, the units from where purchases are made nationally etc. The group
has processing units at Thrissur, Palakad, Coimbatore and Pondicherry. The company does not
compromise on quality of its ingredients or products. They usually follow credit system in
purchases as the purchases are made in bulk from regular suppliers. Manjilas introduced Keralas
first SAP solution which made procurement of real-time inventory feasible over a large network.

HRD Measures, Policies & Procedures

Leave Policy
Leave policies of Double Horse applicable for the different types of leaves are briefly explained
Annual Leave
An employee may use annual leave for vacations, rest and relaxation, and personal business or
emergencies. An employee has a right to take annual leave, subject to the right of the supervisor
to schedule the time at which annual leave may be taken.
Sick Leave
Sick leave (or sickness pay or sick pay) is an employee benefit in the form of paid leave which
can be taken during periods of sickness, to attend doctor visits, or to care for family members.
Maternity Leave
Maternity leave, now often called parental or family leave, is the time a mother (or father) takes
off from work for the birth or adoption of a child.
Time in Lieu
Time-in-lieu will be granted to those employees who are required by their manager to work
outside of their normal job function. All time-in-lieu granted will be added to the employees
annual leave. The company will maintain time-in-lieu accounts which will record time-in-lieu
credits and debits. This allows management to provide time-in-lieu as a discretionary benefit.
Generally, time-in-lieu should be taken within the same financial year within which it is accrued.


Emergency Services Leave

If an employee needs to take temporary absence from work because of voluntary emergency
management activities then they must make a request to management for leave. The total
absence for such leave must be reasonable (take into account current work deadlines etc) and
must be agreed between the employee and management.Company may refuse a request by an
employee to attend emergencies if they are urgently required at work. If an employee does not
accept the decision of the directors and leaves work without permission, they may be subject to
disciplinary proceedings including dismissal.
Leave without pay
An application giving personal details, employment details, the amount of time and the reason
for the leave should be submitted by the employee.
Bereavement Leave
Compassionate leave is paid leave taken by an employee for the purposes of spending time with
a family member/member of employees household, who has a personal illness, or injury, that
poses a serious threat to his/her life, or after the death of a family member/member of the
employees household.

Loan Policy
General loans policy
The company provides loans for general purpose such a marriage of self or own sisters, accidents
and emergencies such as accidents, hospitalization and death in the family (Self, spouse, children
and parents). These loans are provided to permanent employees who have completed 1 years of
Loans procedure
The applicant has to fill a loan application form (as per annexure).The duly filled form is
thereafter forwarded to HR department with respective department heads comments on it.
The HR Department verifies the eligibility amount and forwards the application to Vice
President for approval. The sanction / rejection of loan is finally at the discretion of the Vice
President. After the loan is sanctioned, an advice is given by HR to Finance to process the
payment. If an Employee leaves the organization before the repayment of the full loan amount,
the employee is liable to pay the balance of the loan amount before being relieved.

Working Time Policy

Working hours
The normal work schedule for all employees is Monday to Saturday. The prescribed working
hours are from 9.00 a.m. to 05.30 p.m. for women and from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. for men.
Operational demands may necessitate variations in starting and ending times.


Employee code number

Whenever an employee joins the organizations a trainee; probation; permanent he / she is alloted
a code number which shall be referred in all the official transactions in addition to his name.
Attendance Register
Employees are required to punch time card shall get cards punched in the time clock at the time
of reporting for duty and at the time of leaving duty. All employees shall report to their place of
work punctually at the specified time in the manner directed by the management from time to
time. Systematic Work schedules and attendance of each employee is also registered in SAP
software. SAP plays a significant role on deciding the salary, appraisal and incentives to the
respective employee. An employee who is absent from duty without prior or post factor
sanctioned leave shall be liable for deduction of wages for the period of his absence.
Employee Movement Passes
When ever an employee intends to leave the premises or sent on official work before schedule
ending or the shift, he / she shall be allowed in writing to leave the premises by the authorized
official, the same is called employee movement pass.
Identity badge
Every employee excluding (Casual / Temporary / Apprentice ) will be issued an Identity Badge
or other means of identifications. Every employee shall take atmost care to ensure against loss or
theft of the Identity Badge. Loss or theft of the Badge shall be immediately notified in writing to
the issuing authority. Every employee shall were Identity Badge in a conspicuous Position on his
dress and hold the same in his custody while on duty as directed by the management from time to

Accident Policy
The Production unit of the company could be prone to accidents as there would be high use of
machines. Hence, the following accident policies apply mainly to those employees who work in
the manufacturing and production units of the firm.
All control buttons and switches shall be properly identified as to their function and
All control buttons and switches shall be colour-coded
All unsafe work conditions are reported to a supervisor or the safety coordinator.
Report, in writing, all work-related accidents, injuries or illnesses to a supervisor or the
safety coordinator
Correct or report any safety device that is missing or inoperative
Return tools and equipment to proper storage place after use


Oily rags and containers that contained flammable liquids shall be disposed of
immediately after use in covered metal containers
Qualified personnel shall perform maintenance of equipment.
No jewellery, long hair or loose clothing is allowed around any machinery while
Aisles and emergency exits shall be kept free of debris at all times and maintain a
minimum width of 24
Floors shall be kept clean and dry
Floors and platforms shall be kept free of projections, obstructions, holes and loose
Exits shall never be blocked or obstructed
Fire extinguishers shall not be blocked or obstructed at any time
Safety devices and guards shall not be removed, and/or will be replaced before operating
any machine
Smoking is not allowed in any enclosed space, which is company property
Proper hygiene shall be used when leaving or returning to work areas for break and meal
periods (i.e., washing hands)

Visitors Policy
General visitor policy
All employees need to ensure that any visitor coming to meet them takes prior appointment as far
as possible. All the visitors to the premises must be met and the discussions held in the common
reception/discussion area. If anyone is found to be transgressing this he/she shall be liable for
suitable disciplinary action including termination from the services & organization reserves the
right to prosecute the employee concerned or recover the damage incurred thereof.
Procedure of visitor policy
On the arrival of the visitor, Security would inform the concerned person who can either receive
the visitor himself or direct the guest to the visitors area. After the visit the visitor should be
escorted to the reception. However, if a visitor comes uninformed, security will check with the
concerned person. If the person declines to accept or to receive the guest, the visitor would be
sent back. If the visitor is accepted then the above-mentioned procedure will be followed.
An employee is not expected to:
Discuss his/her company related activities with an outsider
Give out customer information
Comment on issues that are a subject matter in the court of law
Discuss financial projections of the company
Discuss plans, programs, products or operations of the company.


Computer Policy

Use of technology equipment

Log in using employees own appropriate account. It is never acceptable to use someone
elses account
Use computers for the purpose directed by business in charge. Employees are not to play
games or use any other software unless the admin has given specific permission for this.
Do not tamper with the computer system. It is unacceptable to seek access to restricted
areas of the computer network
Do not swap around any equipment. That is, no changing of keyboards, mice or other
equipment from one computer to another.
When a employee has been allocated a password, it is the employees responsibility to
remember that password. If a employee forgets their password, he/she is to report to the
IT manager to have it changed.
Computer usage guidelines
Users are to have valid, authorized accounts and may only use those computer resources
which are specifically authorized.
Users may only use their account in accordance with its authorized purpose.
Users are responsible for safeguarding their own computer account.
Users should not let another person use their account unless authorized by the system
administrator for a specific purpose.
Passwords should be changed often to ensure that private and secure files are kept secure.

Cell Phone Policy

Providing cell phone

Company may purchase cell phones and pay for service that apply for some positions
such as senior management, sells staff
All equipment purchased remains the property of the company
A provided cell phone request form must be approved by the director
The submitting department must keep the approved records on file and available for
internal or external audit
All cell phone invoices must be kept with the monthly purchasing card documentation
No personal calls are allowed on company-provided cell phones
Admin manager must review the monthly bills of company-provided cell phones to
ensure that no personal calls were made


Employee Communication Policy

Internal Magazine
The company circulates to all its employees an internal magazine (quarterly) christened We at
Notice Boards
All communication from the management to the employees will be put up on the notice board as
early as possible by the management.
Bulletin Board
The Company will keep a Bulletin Board at a prominent Location in the Office for all its internal
communications. Employees are requested to update themselves on the changes in the Bulletin
Web Mail
The Company will also use the Web Mail to communicate with the employees.
Board Meetings
Board Meetings will be held at frequent intervals and only the Senior Level as authorized by the
management are allowed to attend these meetings. Other personnel may be invited to attend on a
need basis. All directors are involved in the decision making process and will have one vote
each. The Managing Director will have the absolute right to decide which subject on the agenda
will be put through a voting process and the final decision will be made by the Managing
Director or the General Manager in his absence after the vote which will be binding on all
Employees. Minutes of the Previous Board Meeting will be circulated at the subsequent Board
Meeting. Staff meetings will be held at least two (2) times a year. These informative meetings
allow Employees to be informed of recent Company activities and changes in the workplace.
Suggestion Box
The Company encourages employees who have suggestions that they do not want to offer orally
or in person to write them down and leave them with their Superior or the Management.
Every care will be taken to preserve the Employees privacy. No action will be taken on
anonymous complaints or suggestions and the management has the right to reject such
suggestions. Suggestions may be sent by e- mail to their respective Superior or Departmental
Procedure for Handling Complaints
Under normal working conditions, Employees who have a job-related problem, question or
complaint should first discuss it with their immediate Superior. At this level, Employees usually
reach the simplest, quickest, and most satisfactory solution. If the Employee and Superior cannot
solve the problem, the Company encourages the Employee to escalate the issue upwards in the
management hierarchy until the problem is resolved.


An employee shall convey grievances to the Management only in writing. The Management shall
respond, in writing and within a reasonable time, as to whether the grievances would be given
due consideration or otherwise. The Management may opt to implement corrective measures
immediately or at their discretion, establish a Board of Inquiry to review and consider the
grievances. The Board of Inquiry shall recommend to Management the corrective measures to be

Problem Resolution Policy

Company is committed to providing the best possible working conditions for its employees. Part
of this commitment is encouraging an open and frank atmosphere in which any problem,
complaint, suggestion, or question receives a timely response from company supervisors and
management. Company strives to ensure fair and honest treatment of all employees. Supervisors,
managers, and employees are expected to treat each other with mutual respect. Employees are
encouraged to offer positive and constructive criticism. If employees disagree with established
rules of conduct, policies, or practices, they can express their concern through the problem
resolution procedure. No employee will be penalized, formally or informally, for voicing a
complaint with company in a reasonable, business-like manner, or for using the problem
resolution procedure.

Manpower Planning
Budgeting of manpower or sanction for positions is approved by the Managing Director. This
sanction is only for an increase in actual man power numbers. The HR head also approves
replacements. The total head count for any function has to be kept within sanctioned limits.
Human Resource and Administration Department is one which facilitates smooth working of an
organization by looking into the human resource side and the overall administration of the
organization. The manpower planning of Manjilas Group of Companies extends to the following
Selection, Recruitment and Induction

Internal Review every Thursday for every employees

Training for the marketing department once in every 2 years by an external trainer

Industrial Relation


Safety and Security

Other Administrative Functions

Recruitment Policy & Performance

Appraisal System
It is the policy of Manjilas to recruit appropriate candidates matching the companies HR
requirements in terms of qualifications, experience, attitude and values. The company shall
remain competitive and maintain a lean and flat organization by recruiting in a planned way. The
recruitment is done by giving advertisement in newspapers and also through placement agencies.
Selection is through interview. There is an induction training of 2 days. The new employees have
to undergo a training program of 6 months and also a probation period of 6 months.
Performance appraisal is done annually. A Training Need Analysis is also done as part of the
appraisal program. The result of appraisal will affect the increment, promotion, transfer and so
on. Periodical training is given to employees once in every 3 months. The company recently
introduced a grievance handling and welfare cell to make the grievance handling procedure more
effective. Wages are according to long term settlement of 3 years which will expire in March
2017. The LTS is based on the lateral discussion. The main trade union in the company is
TUCA. Management staffs are given salary based on the group fixed pay scale.

Employment Category
Each employee will belong to one of the employment category given below:
Regular full-time employees
Regular full-time employees are those who are not in a temporary or probation status and who
are regularly scheduled to work company full-time schedule. Generally, they are eligible for
company benefit package, subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefit
Probation employees
Probation is those whose performance is being evaluated to determine whether further
employment in a specific position or with company is appropriate. Employees who satisfactorily
complete the probation period will be notified of their new employment classification.
Contractual employees
Contractual employees are those who are hired as interim replacements, to temporarily
supplement the work force, or to assist in the completion of a specific project. Employment
assignments in this category are of a limited duration. Employment beyond any initially stated
period does not in any way imply a change in employment status. Temporary employees retain


that status unless and until notified of a change. While temporary employees receive all legally
mandated benefits, they are ineligible for all of company other benefit programs.
Casual employees
Casual employees are those who have established an employment relationship with company but
who are assigned to work on an intermittent and/or unpredictable basis. While they receive all
legally mandated benefits, they are ineligible for all of company other benefit programs.

Future plans for the growth of the

As of now, the primary target group of the firm is malayalees all over the world. However, they aim for a
national level market in the future by diversifying the product line of food product categories of
respective regions. Besides this, the company is also planning to introduce snacks and a frozen foods
category. The company also aims to imbibe Retort an advanced production process/ technology in
order to increase the longevity for ready to eat products. This expanded technology is to be introduced
aiming larger market share and wider reach.

Organizational Structure
The organisational structure followed in Manjilas Double Horse is in the form of line. A line
organisation has only direct, vertical relationships between different levels in the firm. There are
only line departments - departments directly involved in accomplishing the primary goal of the
organisation. For example, in a typical firm, line departments include production and marketing.
In a line organisation authority follows the chain of command. The picture below illustrates a
single line organisational structure.


Features of Line Organisational Structure

It has only direct vertical relationships between different levels in the firm.

Advantages of Line Organizational Structure

Some of the advantages of a pure line organisation are:
(i) A line structure tends to simplify and clarify responsibility, authority and accountability
relationships. The levels of responsibility and authority are likely to be precise and
(ii) A line structure promotes fast decision making and flexibility.
(iii) Because line organisations are usually small, managements and employees have greater

Disadvantages of Line Organizational Structure

However, there are some disadvantages also. They are:
(i) As the firm grows larger, line organisation becomes more ineffective.
(ii) Improved speed and flexibility may not offset the lack of specialized knowledge.
(iii) Managers may have to become experts in too many fields.
(iv) There is a tendency to become overly dependent on the few key people who perform
numerous jobs.

Recommendations to overcome the

The drawbacks of line organizational structure are prone to occur in Manjilas Double Horse. In
the line organisation, the line managers cannot be experts in all the functions they are required to
perform. But in the functional authority organisation, staff personnel who are specialists in some
fields are given functional authority (The right of staff specialists to issue orders in their own
names in designated areas). This helps overcoming the disadvantages of a line organisational
structure of the company. Thus, opting a functional organisational structure is better for this
company. An organisation where staff departments have authority over line personnel in narrow
areas of specialization is known as functional authority organisation.


Exhibit illustrates a staff or functional authority organisational structure.

Modifications to the organization

The organisational system currently followed in Manjilas Double Horse can be modified to a
system which has both the qualities of both Line and Staff / functional authorities. Most large
organisations have direct, vertical relationships between different levels and also specialists
responsible for advising and assisting line managers. Such organisations have both line and staff
departments. Staff departments provide line people with advice and assistance in specialized
areas (for example, quality control advising production department)


1. Line and staff have direct vertical relationship between different levels.
2. Staff specialists are responsible for advising and assisting line managers/officers in specialized
3. These types of specialized staff are (a) Advisory, (b) Service, (c) Control e.g.,
The line, line and staff and functional authority organisational structures facilitate establishment
and distribution of authority for vertical coordination and control rather than horizontal
relationships. Thus it enables a mix of both the line and functional authority systems customised
considering the work scenario at Manjilas Double Horse.


Further Recommendations to the

Comparatively low degree of promotional policies
The distribution of Double Horse Products is done only through middlemen
distributors and not to direct retailers. Though certain incentives are given to the
distributors to push the shelf space and space allocations, the company have not
introduced sales promotional offers uptill now. I believe, introducing sales
promotional offers (seasonal/ non seasonal) can induce bulk buying and impulse
buying of products.
Poor performance appraisal programs

Better performance appraisals will act as a motivator to the employees thus

increasing productivity to a large share
Weak training methods

Training measures could be strengthened and proper training has to be given to all
recruits. Training areas should cover functional responsibilities, effective
communication, social media management, grooming and personal development.
Weak online presence
Marketing through online plays a good role in spreading the brand name over a
large crowd in short time. Online reputation management and social media
monitoring are other areas that the company should focus upon. The social media
presence (Face book, twitter etc.) of Double Horse is poor and non-interactive and
their corporate and promotional ads have very low hits in sites like YouTube.

Appendix 1
Product Depth / Variants of Rice, Rice Products and Puttupodi



Easy Palappam Mix

Appam Idiyappam Pathiri
Rice Flour
Aval Thick
Dosa Mix

Jyothi Matta
Red Raw Rice
Matta Broken
Ponni Rice

White Puttu Podi

Samba Wheat Puttu Podi
Chemba Puttu Podi
Ragi Puttu Podi
Corn Puttu Podi


Single Matta
Jaya Rice
Idli Rice
Raw Rice Meals
Ghee Rice
BT Meal

White Rice Flour

Idly Mix
Roasted Pathiri Flour
Palappam Mix
Vattayappam Mix
Red Aval
White Aval
Thick Aval

Appendix 2
Product Depth/ Variances for Instant Products

Chicken Biryani
Kerala Meat Curry
Kerala Chicken
Curry Mix
Kerala Fish Curry
Sambar Mix




Wheat Payasam
Palada Payasam

Chakka Varatty
(Jack Fruit Dessert)
Pazham Varatty
(Kerala Banana Jam)
Boiled Chinese
Potato (Koorkka)
Nadan Kappa
Puzhukku (Kerala
Tapioca Curry)
Roasted Coconut

Instant Idiyappam
Rice Sevai
Upuma Mix

Appendix 3
Communication Materials of the Company
Few Video Ads

A Print Ad of the Company


Brand Ambassador South Indian Actress Sobhana

Brand Logo

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