Schizophrenia and Homeopathy

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Psychological illnesses are one of the foremost health concerns today. In olden days, when the term
Schizophrenia was unknown, those suffering from this illness were thought to be possessed by evil spirits and
were teased, feared or tortured. Schizophrenia is a mentally distressing biological illness that may result from a
combination of genetic and environmental factors, leading to an imbalance of chemicals in the brain that causes
messages in the brain to mix up. People with Schizophrenia are split up from reality and cannot tell between real
and unreal, due to which they often come across challenges when it comes to their friends and family.
Types of Schizophrenia:
Paranoid Schizophrenic These individuals are very skeptical of others, and are delusional of being wronged
or plotted against.
Disorganized Schizophrenic These individuals are restless, emotionless, verbally illogical and absurd.
Catatonic Schizophrenic These individuals are very pessimistic, secluded and present abnormal behavior.
They can become fixated in a single position for a long time.
Undifferentiated Schizophrenic These individuals exhibit psychotic signs with absolute loss of contact with
Residual Schizophrenic These individuals do not hallucinate, but are suicidal with no interest in life.
Causes of Schizophrenia:
Any severe infection faced during intrauterine development and birth.
Exposure to lead, X-ray radiation, alcohol, drugs like Marijuana.
Low Folic Acid levels, Genital herpes in pregnant women, Maternal fetal Rh blood incompatibility increases the
risk of developing Schizophrenia in offsprings.
Child abuse physical, emotional and sexual.
Stressful life events.
Childhood exposure to cats with the T. Gondi parasite.
Symptoms of Schizophrenia:
Difficulty comprehending the difference between real and unreal.
Dilemma with rational thinking and behaving in social situations.
Immature behaviors.
Violent speech and behavior.
Social isolation.
Delusions (false ideas) of being controlled by outside forces, scrutinized or being plotted against.
Hallucinations (false perceptions) such as hearing imaginary voices, seeing imaginary things.
Lack of emotions or wrong display of emotions.

Problems with intellectual functioning and remembering simple tasks.

Difficulty managing day to day life.
Difficulty with personal hygiene.
Sitting in one place without moving, talking or uncoordinated bodily movements.
Loss of appetite.
Depression leading to substance abuse or even suicide.
Homeopathic approach to Schizophrenia:
Homeopathy is an uprising healing modality in the treatment of all types of psychological illnesses including
Schizophrenia. Homeopathy treats the person as a whole, which means that it focuses on the patients body, mind,
emotions and the pathological condition. Homeopathy is the most promising, nontoxic, gentle and established
modality approach to psychological ailments. In view of the fact, that it works with the persons self healing ability
towards equilibrium and healing, it influences the brain chemistry and assists the patient in resuming psychological
strength and symmetry. In conclusion, the Homeopathic understanding of health believes that body and mind are
dynamically interconnected and that both directly influence each other. Homeopathic treatment will relieve the
symptoms of Schizophrenia giving the patient an improved awareness of their disease and a deeper selfconsciousness, thus contributing to permit the patient a healthier quality of life.
Some Homeopathic remedies that are commonly used in Schizophrenia are given below. These
remedies are just a few of the commonly used Homeopathic remedies and are mentioned only to
create awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines in Schizophrenia. It is not
advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease.
Homeopathic remedies for Schizophrenia:
Anacardium: This is an excellent remedy for patients who consider themselves Clairvoyant, have delusions that
they are possessed of two persons or wills, they hear voices of the dead, are anxious when walking as if pursued.
They have fixed ideas, are verbally violent, suspicious, wicked, absent minded and have no moral restraint.
Aurum Metallicum: This remedy is recommended when there is an immense desire to commit suicide but with
tremendous fear of death, with feelings of hopelessness and self destruction. They fear people, are depressed,
oversensitive to noise, have an unusual sexual excitement and hallucinate fiery objects with upper half invisible.
Cannabis Indica: This remedy is indicated when hallucinations and all emotions are exaggerated to the
paramount degree, exaggeration of the extent of space, duration of the time which seems too long, even seconds
seems ages. The patient is in a subconscious or dual nature state, is exceptionally happy and contented with
nothing bothering them. Patient seems maniac with constant movement, very forgetful cannot even finish a
sentence, is lost in delirious thoughts with uncontrollable laughter and unable to recognize their own identity. All
symptoms are worse from coffee, alcohol and tobacco.

Helleborus Niger: This remedy works proficiently on patients with marked muscular weakness, imperfection in
everything, picks lips, clothes and are slow in answering. Symptoms usually get worse from 4 pm to 8 pm. Patient
screams suddenly, rolls head all the time with involuntary motion of one arm and leg, gives a vacant look and eats
greedily with an aversion to food.
Hyoscyamus: This remedy is advised in Schizophrenic patients who have a quarrelsome and indecent character,
are delirious, hear voices, desire to go around naked, are very talkative, arrogant in acts, gestures and expressions,
are jealous, suspicious and afraid of being poisoned.
Stramonium: This is an outstanding remedy for Schizophrenic patients, who have a constant feeling as if limbs
were separated from their body. These patients are very talkative but stammer, see ghosts, hear voices and talk
with spirits. They are very violent and have delusions about their identity, think they are tall, double and have a part
missing. Have an invariable desire to escape with religious mania. Always complain of darkness and call for light,
small objects look large, all objects look black and parts of the body seem swollen. Men needing this remedy are
sexually very sensitive, easily stimulated with indecent speech and action, hands are constantly on genitals. All
symptoms get worse in a dark room, when alone and when looking at bright objects.
Self measures of dealing with a Schizophrenic patient:
Speak slowly & clearly, do not shout or express frustration to Schizophrenic patients.
Provide structure & instructions, as these patients need a predictable routine and structure in their lives.
Be friendly, encouraging, listen to them, include them and treat them with respect.
Avoid being critical and putting them into unpleasant situations.
Hence, consider Homeopathic constitutional treatment and improve your quality of life with a healthier long term
prognosis of Schizophrenic disorder.
About the author:
Neepa Sevak (DHMS, DHom, DIHom, DHM, CCH, RSHom (NA), HMA) is experienced and registered with the
Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical Examiners, and certified by the Council of Homeopathic certification. She is
currently practicing Classical Homeopathy, is a Supervisor, Clinical Faculty and is on the Board of International
Affairs at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. Neepa is also serving as a specialist at ACA (Autism
Community of Africa, an organization that is helping heal Autistic children in Africa, with the help of Homeopathic
remedies). Her mission is to Promote Health through Homeopathy with a Holistic, Totalistic, and
Individualistic approach.
Phone: (480) 363 0758

Homoepathic Remedies for Schizophrenia

Homeopathic Remedies for schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by the presence of various delusions (a false rigid belief
without any evidence to support it ,also that cannot be altered by argument or reasoning); hallucinations
(falsely perceiving things having no relation to reality and without any external stimulus), disorganized speech
and behavior and social withdrawal.

Symptoms of Schizophrenia:
1) The main symptom of Schizophrenia is delusion that is mainly of the persecutory, grandiose, control and
jealousy type. The patient with the persecutory delusion believes that others are making some plots/plans to
harm him and are against him. The delusion of control makes the patient believe that his thoughts, actions,
emotions are being controlled by outside factors. This also includes thought broadcasting and
insertion/withdrawal of thoughts in which the patient feels that his/her thoughts are being broadcast to others
and thoughts that are not his own are being inserted or withdrawn from his mind. The patient with the
delusion of grandeur feels that he is a very important, worthy person with much power and status, possessing
great wealth and ability.
2) Another important symptom of Schizophrenia is hallucination, mainly of the auditory type, in which the
person hears voices of people which are not present in reality.
3) The next important symptom is disorganized speech and behavior. Disorganized speech may be present in
various forms like saying meaningless words, repeating the same couple of words, difficulty in maintaining a
train of thoughts, starting to talk about a topic and ending it on a totally different subject, giving a totally
different unassociated answer on being asked a question etc. Disorganized behavior includes child like,
aggressive and irritated responses.
4) Another symptom is the flat effect in which a person is not able to express his emotions either verbally or
non-verbally through gestures and lack of facial expressions in various situations.
5) Other associated symptoms are: Lack of motivation (avolition); lack of pleasure in acts that are
pleasurable (anhedonia); difficulty in speaking (alogia); increased feeling of depression with the mood of
dissatisfaction, restlessness, anxiety, unhappiness (dysphoria); feeling of temporary loss or alteration of
ones own reality
(depersonalization) like feeling that the limbs have changed size; speaking less; poor self care; social
isolation; lack of desire to form relationships or to take any responsibility.

Homeopathic Medicines for Schizophrenia

Hyoscyamus Niger and Lachesis Homeopathic Medicines for Schizophrenia where
the delusion of persecution predominates:

Hyoscyamus Niger this homeopathic remedy is useful for those cases of Schizophrenia where the main
symptom is delusion of persecution and the patient feels that others are making some plot against him.
Another symptom which points to its use is- suspicion and the patients perception that he will be poisoned,
thus refusing to take anything offered, even medicine too ; there is a mistrust that his friends are no longer his
friends and he carries on conversation with imaginary people. It can be recommended for patients in which
the disease arises due to past unfortunate love relationships. The next medicine, Lachesis , is also very
effective for treating the delusion of persecution and its use is called for where the symptoms of suspicion and
jealousy without any reason are present. Other symptoms like aversion to mix with the world and excessive
talkativeness also warrant its use. Other indications requiring its usage are patient imagines that he is under
the control of superhuman powers; that his friends and children are trying to damage him/her; that his
friends are planning to put him in a mental asylum and that others are talking about him/her.

Platinum Metallicum and Phosphorus Homeopathic Remedies for Schizophrenia

when delusion of grandeur is the dominant symptom
Platinum Metallicum is an excellent medicine for treating delusion of grandeur . The characteristic features
calling for this medicine to be used are the superiority complex, where the person feels that everyone around
him/her is inconsequential and of no value and only he/she is superior and important. The schizophrenic
patients requiring this medicine are very proud and arrogant in nature.
Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus also ranks as a top medicine for curing the grandiose delusion. The
patients for whom this medicine is usually recommended are those possessing an exaggerated idea of selfimportance; over-sensitiveness to all external impressions; depression and indifferent behavior towards
family and friends, and have strange imaginations e.g. . that something is creeping out of every corner.
Another feature that needs a special mention for this medicine to be used is that the symptoms get worse
during thunderstorms.

Homeopathic medicine Anacardium Orientale for auditory hallucinations in

schizophrenic patients:
Anacardium Orientale is an important medicine that can be utilized in patients experiencing the auditory
hallucinations. The patient requiring this medicine usually complains of hearing voices from far away that
command him to do activities. He also hears voices of dead people. This medicine also works well in case of
the symptoms of- excessive talkativeness coupled with the use of abusive words; suspicion at everything
around him and anxiety while walking. He also feels as if someone is following him and talking about him .

Homeopathic medicines Cannabis Indica and Stramonium for disordered speech in

Cannabiis Indica is a wonderful homeopathic medicine where disorganized speech is present in Schizophrenia
. The important symptoms making Cannabis Indica an ideal choice are persistent thoughts crowding the
brain which make the patient forget while talking and preventing rational speech. The patient forgets the last
said words and cannot recall them; and has the fear of becoming insane and exhibits uncontrollable laughter.
Homeopathic Medicine Stramonium is yet another useful cure for disorganized speech and the guiding
symptoms are continuos talking , incomprehensible speech, excessive praying, religious mania, fear of
darkness and the tendency to talk with spirits
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