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Linking the school with the community


Humphreys Street, Albany WA 6330. Phone: 9841 1166 Fax: 9841 7262

Care, Compassion, Excellence;

Mount Lockyer Primary School a place to learn and grow

Newsletter No: 7
Dates to Remember
Wednesday 27th May
Early Close 2.30pm
Thursday 28th May
Assembly 9.00am
Room 15
Thursday 28th May
Faction Cross
Monday 1st June
WA Day Public
Tuesday 2nd June
In-Term swimming
classes start

26th May 2015

Attendance for 4th May to 15th May 2015









Hi everyone,
I cannot believe it is Week 6 already, there just does not seem to be enough hours in the day to get
through all that is happening this term.
Swimming lessons will commence next week, week 7, for a number of classes. A reminder that
you can pay daily or make deposits prior to the lessons as opposed to one lump sum.
Sunday week ago the children in Year 2 attended the Drum Struck performance at the Albany
Entertainment Centre. I would like to thank all the staff who attended, with particular reference to
Miss Lace who was predominately responsible for arranging this wonderful experience for the
children. Additionally to the parents who made arrangements to ensure their children were able to
attend, thank you.

Reports back from the general public and school community have been glowing. The behaviour,
participation and presentation of the children who attended being widely acknowledged across the
Wednesday 3rd June Albany community. The staff of Mount Lockyer Primary School are a passionate, dedicated group of
Year 6 Transition visit people who work incredibly hard to make our school the best it can be so it is always greatly
appreciated when members of the public and community take the time to positively acknowledge
Weeks 5 and 6 Value and support our school.
Patience is waiting
Healthy Eating: It is widely recognised that the food children eat can have an impact on behaviour.
calmly and trusting
Foods high in sugar and preservatives can affect some childrens capacity to concentrate and apply
that all will turn out
themselves productively to their school work. Healthy foods allow children to grow and develop,
concentrate and have the energy to play and participate in sporting activities.
Monday 8th June
P&C meeting 6.30pm You can support healthy food and drink choices by ensuring your children have a healthy breakfast
and packed lunch. When making lunches and snacks at home:
in the school
Choose a variety of foods;

Include bread, whole-grains, rice, pasta or noodles;

Include cheese or yoghurt;

P&C Uniform Shop

Include some meat, fish, chicken, eggs;

Open Days:

Go for 2 fruit and 5 vegetables;


Choose water as a drink; and

8:30am 9:30am

Keep junk food away from school.

8:30am 9:30am
This week the children from Room 15 will be providing the entertainment at the school assembly.
Additionally for your enjoyment are some snaps from Drum Struck.
Mount Lockyer
Maxine Augustson
Every Wednesday at Principal
Our Place
9.00am to 12.00pm

WEEK 4 Term 2 2015 WINNERS

Most Locky Legends Cinema Tickets: Shayse Porteous
Newsletter Quiz: Michala Brooks
Most Locky Legends in the ClassRoom 3: Zaria Beattie and Chloe Mooney
Room 2: Jye Balhorn
Room 4: Zahra Hossaini
Room 5: Brianna Patterson
Room 6: Louis Adebija
Room 8: Fiona Hindge, Cameron Tester,
Nicholas SimpsonStandish
Room 9: Riley Robertson
Room 11: Tyson Petter
Room 12: Sommara Howarth
Room 14: Jorja Whitehurst
Room 15: Lexy Colton
Room 17: Isabel Van Den Bogert
Room 21: Shayse Porteous
Room 22: Jocelyn Meade, Marlee Ashton
Room 24: Zoe Versluis
Parent Nomination for Consideration: Laura Van De Laar
School Voluntary Contribution
Please be advised that the Voluntary Contribution is now
payable. Once again we are offering an incentive to those
who pay in second term. They will go into a draw to win a
$50 Voucher.
If paying by direct deposit for camp, contributions,
excursions etc. please make payment to the following
account, please put student name and description.
BSB 016510
Mount Lockyer Primary School
Acc Number 290370834
EFTPOS facilities are now available at the office.
Congratulations to the Manuel family winning the voucher
for First Term.


This term, swimming lessons will be in weeks 7 and 8 for
Rooms 4, 22, 15, 14, 17, 13, 3, 7, 6( Yr 3s), PP1 and
12.This will be a nine day block because of the W.A Day
holiday. In weeks 9 and 10 it will be Rooms 5, 21, 24, 23, 8,
PP2, 11, 16, 9 and Room 6 Yr 2s. Enrolment forms will be
sent home this week for the next round. Mr Roggio.

Merit Certificates
Congratulations to the following students who received
honour certificates at the last school assembly:
Room 1:
Room 2:
Room 3:
Room 4:
Room 5:
Room 6:
Room 7:
Room 8:
Room 9:
Room 11:
Room 12:
Room 13:
Room 14:
Room 15:
Room 16:
Room 17:
Room 21:
Room 22:
Room 23:
Room 24:

Chloe Coxall and Nate Hickling

Ashanti Ackrell
Ronald Coyne
OShaie McGlade
Clay Harrington
Evie Brenton-Reed
Ethan Tutt
Cameron Tester
Keilarni Lloyd
Kees Andrews
Joel Meyers
Luke PercyFranken
Mue Lah Thaw
Kiran Brown
Malcolm Roberts
Declan Hope
John Maratas
Amber-Lee Thompson
Nevaeh Brooks and Zethrow Hill
Aidan Coombe

Mount Lockyer Cross Country

There have been some changes made to Cross Country
events. This year, all students from Pre-Primary to Year Six
will be involved. The Cross Country will be run next
Thursday 28 May 2015.
Following is a timetable of the races. Please note that these
are estimated times only.
11.25am: Year 3 Boys
11.40am: PP Girls
Year 5 Boys
12.30pm: Year 4 Boys
1.30pm: Year 1 Boys
1.50pm: Year 2 Boys
2.20pm: Year 6 Boys

11.35am: PP boys
11.45am: Year 3 Girls
12.15pm: Year 5 Girls
12.45pm : Year 4 Girls
1.40pm: Year 1 Girls
2.05pm: Year 2 Girls
2.35pm: Year 6 Girls

This is a compulsory part of the school PE program and all

children are expected to take part. At Mount Lockyer we all
compete but can complete the course at our own rate.
There is no expectation that children must run the whole
Please ensure that if your child is affected by asthma they
have their Ventolin puffer with them for the day.
Mr Swann


On the last day of this term we will be running our Jump Rope For Heart Jump Off Day which raises funds for the Heart
Foundation. Children are asked to seek sponsors for the hour of skipping that they will be doing. This sponsorship money
goes to the Heart Foundation.
If you give permission for your child to seek sponsors for the event, please complete the slip below and return it to Miss
Jones in her music room as soon as possible so a sponsorship form can be sent home.
I give permission for ___________________________________________ (child/childrens names)
of Room/s ______________________to bring home a Jump Rope For Heart Sponsorship form.
Parent Name:__________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________

Transition to High School a message from NASHS

In the week beginning 1 June, Mr Harrison (Student
Services Coordinator), Ben Wyatt and Jennie Small
(NASHS Chaplains) and/or Mr Simpson, (Deputy Principal),
will be visiting your school and the Year 6 students. The
students will be provided with information on subjects,
teachers and events to look forward to in the future. They
will also be provided with an enrolment package containing
lots of information about Year 7 in 2016. It would be
appreciated if you could complete and return the forms in
the package to your childs teacher by Friday, 26 June 2015.
On Tuesday, 16 June we will be holding a Parent
Information Night for Year 6 to 7 from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.
For more information please refer to the flyer inside the
enrolment package. We look forward to seeing parents of
Year 6 students.
If you have any further queries regarding the Year 6 to 7
transition program, please feel free to contact Glenn
Simpson (Lower School Deputy Principal) on 9892 0611.

Come along to our next meeting in the school staffroom at
6.30pm on Monday 8th June.
Hi bankers....keep up the good work. Prizes look great this
term, with the rocket proving popular. If you are unsure how
many tokens you have, put a note in with your banking and
we can check for you.
If you havent joined school banking...its never too late,
pick up an information pack at the office.
FREE one day workshop for parents and carers of school
age children on the autism spectrum.
When: Wednesday 3rd June 2015
Venue: Albany District Education Office, 85 Serpentine
Road, Albany WA 6330
Time: 9.00am to 2.30pm (Registration from 8.30am)
Free parking at the rear of the building.
Online registrations :
Phone enquiries: 1300 881 971
Road Safety reminder: The correct use of seatbelts
Seatbelts can reduce the risk of being killed in an accident
by up to 50% so it is essential that parents restrain their
children in the correct way. The safest way for children to
wear seatbelts differs with age. By law, there is a specific
way to restrain a child between birth and six months old; six
months and four years old; four and seven years old; and
over seven years old. The Road Safety Council and School
Drug Education and Road Aware are urging principals to
remind parents that it is unsafe and illegal not to follow
these practices.
Please see the attached insert outlining Getting kids
in and out of the car included in this newsletter today.


Building Capacitygrowing our children together
Conference July 19th and 20th 2015.
Albany Entertainment Centre. Keynote Speakers are Mem
Fox, Sally Brinkman, Maggie Dent and Paul Pritchard.
For further details or to register your interest please contact or
Pre Conference Workshop with Mem Fox
Saturday July 18th 1.30pm to 3.00pm at the Albany Public
Library $20/pp To register :
Limited places available. Registration includes free crche.

Saturday 30th May 2015 7pm to 9pm
Cost: $5.00
Venue: Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre
Age: Must be 10 years or older to attend.
Activities include pool inflatable, Roller blades/Skates, MAD-D
waterslide, DJ, Music.
For tickets and enquiries contact ALAC on 9844 2250
Transport home is available to those within the town limits.
Bookings essential phone: 9841 9294
Monday 1st June 2015 10am to 4pm
Relax with family and friends this WA Day public holiday and
discover more about your WA Museum.
There will be many free attractions including a lunchtime
BBQ, bouncy castle, pony rides, face painting, kite making,
Jamie the clown with balloons and mask making, Bush Poets,
Lockyer Leapers, a didjeridoo player, Southern Edge Arts, a
community canvas, Sea of Hands reconciliation activity and
live music (from 12pm onwards)
Community groups attending include Albany Greenskills,
Albany Mens Shed, the Mens Resource Centre, Albany Surf
Life Saving Club and Born Free Wildlife Carers.
For more information please contact: 9841 4844
Are you curious about Plastic Free July? Save oceans! Save
money! Protect animals! Protect your health!
Come along and network, learn skills and discover local
resources. Make beeswax food wraps, cleaning products,
toothpaste, face scrubs and more! Gain a group to support
you through the challenge of avoiding disposable plastic all
July, get food and bodycare recipes, and create a map of local
plastic-free sources.

Monday 8th June: Food Shopping

Monday 15th June: Food Storage

Monday 22nd June: Traditional Toys

Monday 29th June: Gifts and Travel

1-2pm: Rainbow Coast Neighbourhood Centre, North
Road, Albany. $15 / week .Free creche.
Bookings essential: 9841 8254.


Students who bring mobile phones onto school premises must adhere to these guidelines.
Mount Lockyer Primary School acknowledges that mobile phones may be used as a safety measure out of school hours. Parents are
reminded that in cases of emergency, the school office remains the most appropriate point of contact during the school day.
The school accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones.

Students mobile phones are to be switched off during school time and handed to the class teacher or office upon arrival in the morning.
Students are not permitted to use mobile phones for any purpose on school grounds.
Mobile phones are not permitted to be taken to school camps, excursions or other functions unless permission is granted by the school

Students seen using mobile phones on school groundsFirst breach- The phone will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the school day.
Further breaches- The phone will be confiscated and parents/carers will need to collect it from the office.

Dear Parents
The value from the 18th May to 29th May is Patience. If your child has demonstrated patience, notify your
classroom teacher and they will be in the draw for a prize at this weeks assembly.
Value: Patience
Memory Jogger - I am patient. I wait calmly. I am gentle on myself and others when we make mistakes
Student Name:- ___________________________________________________Value: Patience
Thursday Friday
Week 5
Week 6

NEWSLETTER QUIZ Q: How many Fruits and Vegetables make a healthy eating option for your children? A: _______________________
Name _________________________________________________________ Room ____________________________________



The key to this approach is that the child is given a choice at each step to
follow directions or face increased consequences.
Students making GOOD CHOICES are acknowledged for their efforts.
For students making POOR CHOICES the following consequences
apply ~

Bullying is when a student or group

keep picking on another student. They
try to hurt them physically or
deliberate and repeated.

Student refuses to follow directions.
Verbal warning.
Student still refuses to follow directionsIn-class consequence e.g. Time Out
Student still refuses to follow directionsOut-of-class consequence e.g. Buddy
Student still refuses to follow directionsRED CARD is sent to the office.
Parents will be requested to attend

Students will be immediately
suspended for verbal abuse of
staff and/or violence towards
staff or students.

Students returning from
suspension must be
accompanied by an adult and
will attend the Intervention
Centre (Room 20) where an
Individual Behaviour
Management Plan will be
developed and implemented.

A fight or disagreement between

equal students is not bullying.

Tell an adult, it is not dobbing to

ask for help. Both victim and
those bullying will be counselled
and supported.
Do not be a by-stander; if you
witness bullying try to stop it or
report it.

Step 1: Warning
Step 2: In school isolation and
counselling at recess and lunch,
parents will be notified
Step 3:
For continued breaches
students will be suspended.

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