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A Great Shaking Is Coming!

An Epicenter of Evangelism
From Pastor Doug
Publication Date Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Our marching orders from Jesus are clear: Go ye therefore, and teach all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:19). We are to reach the world with the three angels
But theres a problem.
There are currently about 6.7 BILLION people in the world. And every day, the
earth sees a net increase of 250,000 human beings per day or 91 million
per year!
Something extraordinary must be done for the proclamation of the everlasting
gospel and discipleship to catch up with the exploding population. We believe
that the Lord has given Amazing Facts a plan to help bring about this kind of
exponential international evangelism. And now is the time.
A World in Turmoil!
On the borders of a new year, much of the world is unsettled about the future.
Were experiencing an unprecedented global economic earthquake.
Desperate leaders are shifting toward a more uniform world economy.
Politically, financially, socially 2009 promises to be a year of astonishing
change as, little by little, the stage is set for the final events of prophecy.
People are afraid and sense something ominous is about to happen, with
mens hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which
are coming on the earth (Luke 21:25). They are searching for meaning and
purpose. They are looking for answers.
Challenging Times & Extraordinary Opportunities!
Yet these are also amazing times for Gods people. During times of trial,
people are more open to the gospel. These searching hearts and lost souls
MUST be reached with the wonderful truth of salvation. God is longing for
them to be with Him in the kingdom.
Thats why Amazing Facts has been making BIG plans for 2009 and beyond.
God is calling us to do more NOW to proclaim the everlasting gospel with a
loud voice (Revelation 14:7). This means that we need to increase the
quality, quantity, and distribution of our media programs to reach the world.
Amazing Facts Desperately Needs Our Own Studios
Most people I meet dont realize that even though Amazing Facts is a media

ministry, we dont actually have our own studios. For years weve rented
various studios, in different places and at very odd hours. In order to meet the
growing demand for new programs and have the equipment we need, we
must have our own studios, enabling us to do more such as expand our TV
Television is an incredibly effective way to get into homes and hearts. It helps
people see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with
their heart, and convert, and be healed (Isaiah 6:10). Its no wonder then that
thousands respond each month from watching Central Study Hour, Amazing
Facts Presents, and our other television broadcasts. God is using these
programs to reach people who might otherwise never visit a church or attend
a Bible study.
But we cant keep up with the broadcast demand because we dont have the
studios or enough personnel to produce the programs.
Build, Sure But Now?
You might be thinking, Pastor Doug, with the weak economy, isnt this a bad
time to build media studios? Actually, this is the best time in years! The
strained economy has brought down labor and construction prices. We can
save up to 30 percent if we do this now!
This new studio will be a lighthouse for the last days, a factory of faith, yes
an Epicenter of Evangelism, which can be to the final proclamation of the
gospel as the upper room was to Pentecost a place from which messages
of truth will stream out all across the globe!
Having our own studios will not allow Amazing Facts to create more media
programs, we can also provide:
More witnessing tools
More internet programs
More training programs
Higher quality programs
More time saved
More money saved
But most of all it means MORE PEOPLE ARE SAVED!
We are moving forward now by faith with plans to build or renovate a building
in order to have the studios we need. At the same time, we dont want to slow
down on all that we are already accomplishing through the Holy Spirits
power. We get nearly 15,000 responses each month from our media
programs alone!
Thats why at this time, we humbly ask you to consider a special gift to help
our work explode with more programs, resources for sharing, and more ways
of reaching people which can only be accomplished if we have the
equipment and studios to produce these important end-time messages. We
can do so much more with the right tools!

We Must Pray!
I dont believe for a minute that it is through mans devising that the final work
of God will succeed. It will be the moving of the Spirit: Not by might, nor by
power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6).
When the children of Israel built the tabernacle in the wilderness, then the
Spirit of God filled what they had built. So we must build and then pray for
Gods Spirit.
Please pray today and ask Jesus if this evangelism project is the eternal
investment He would have you make. Investments in our world today are
unsure, but an investment in winning souls has out-of-this-world benefits!
Please click here to make an eternal investment now!
Your partner in sharing the everlasting gospel,
Pastor Doug
P.S. A few years before the worldwide flood, God told Noah to build
something grand that would be the means of saving as many as possible. I
believe this Epicenter of Evangelism will be an ark of salvation. These studios
will help thousands hear the three angels messages and find Jesus before
the end comes. Please help us reach them!

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