Kriya Yoga 12 Lessons

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The Twelve Lessons

By Swami Aliyananda


Swami Aliyananda Paramahansa is Founder of The World

Peace Mission.
I teach Kriya Yoga and Meditation for the World Peace
Mission, which I founded as requested by My Master, Maha
Avatar Babaji, in 2003. This mission is to nourish and awaken
people to peace so that their souls rejoice in the world.


Copyright Swami Aliyananda Paramahansa 2012

All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be
reproduced in any form without the written permission of the


Introduction ................................................................................................. 4
Prologue........................................................................................................ 5
The First Lesson .......................................................................................... 6
The Second Lesson.................................................................................... 7
The Third Lesson ..................................................................................... 10
The Fourth Lesson .................................................................................. 11
The Fifth Lesson ...................................................................................... 14
The Sixth Lesson...................................................................................... 15
The Seventh Lesson ............................................................................... 18
The Eighth Lesson .................................................................................. 19
The Ninth Lesson .................................................................................... 21
The Tenth Lesson .................................................................................... 22
The Eleventh Lesson .............................................................................. 23
The Twelfth Lesson ................................................................................ 24

Swami Aliyananda Paramahansa is a disciple of Maha Avatar
Aliyananda met Babaji in 1997 after searching for him over a
12-year period.
Babaji taught Aliyananda Kriya Yoga and guided her in her
spiritual journey to Self-Realisation.
Babaji commissioned Aliyananda to bring the teaching of
Kriya Yoga to the West and to seed and initiate her students
into the practice as part of the World Peace Mission.
In this book, Swami Aliyananda Paramahansa describes her
experience of Self-Realisation in a series of 12 lessons, which
she hopes will inspire and help you in your spiritual journey.

I sit in the mouth of the cave in the Himalayas. I sit there crosslegged, my eyes gently shut, just feeling the cool night air on
my face.
The moon has risen in the sky and the stars are heavenly. They
are sparkling in the heavens above.
A shooting star goes across this great, great sky. All is well in
the quiet of the night and stillness of the night.
My Master is sitting by me, his body luminous in the nightlight. A beautiful radiance emanates from his skin and hair and
his eyes sparkle in the moonlight.
His voice is sweet, his fragrance exquisite. He is the epitome of
God on earth, here to teach us and be with us.

The First Lesson

Be careful what you ask for. Watch the mind, watch your
excitements and watch your animal instincts. The mind is the
key. To still the mind is stilling the excitements.
The Buddha sat and contemplated and he came into a blissful
place of cognition with the light. If we resonate and meditate,
then we come into enlightenment and the light.
Kriya Yoga is the technique that takes you into this place to
breathe the Kriyas and to open up the body.
To open up the body to the resonance of the Divine breath is
how the human nature can be stilled and controlled. The
human nature is our tester to finding our divine potential.
God is in every atom, every whisper, every motion, every
breath and every star. In every wave, in the waters, in the earth,
in the heaven, in the sky,; it is in us, around us and through us.
When we can still the mind and bring peace into the mind, we
merge with the oneness of the great All.
It is in this that we understand everything. It is in the Allness,
this oneness that we perceive everything.
The lesson of Kriya Yoga is the major lesson and it is the first
lesson that I am giving you.

The Second Lesson

After mastering the Kriya Yoga technique, the second lesson is
about healing.

Healing the Physical, Mind and Spirit

As we bring this peacefulness into the mind and our mind
becomes at one with the life and will, all light and all energy,
so our minds and the mind of the person that is sick become
In this state, because we have attuned to all life, we then hear
and understand how that person is sick and it is from a place
of understanding of wisdom, of energy that we heal that
Not only do we heal them with the energy that emanates from
our body, but also we heal them from the inner eye of seeing
them in a dimension that they do not see themselves.
That dimension is a soul dimension, an inner plane dimension,
and not only do you heal the physical body, you also heal the
mind and the spirit.

Healing the Fear of Death

Kriya Yoga and the technique of Kriya Yoga make you
immortal. This means with meditation and Self-Realisation we
realise the consciousness of our soul-seed.
We are born into the world not remembering our birth, but
this soul-seed from the great Ocean of Consciousness is
carried in our mortal body throughout our lives.
When we are conscious of this seed, we realise this cosmic
consciousness never dies.
At the point of leaving our mortal body, this soul-seed is born
again into the cosmic ocean. We are born from it, live in it and
continue in it after our mortal body dies. Kriya Yoga awakens
us to the cosmic ocean and deathlessness.
Immortality means that you rise in the resurrection and you do
not cling to the body and the fear of the illness, but you leave
the body in the full knowing and in the presence of the Divine.
On this level of knowing, the angelic realms come in and play
their part. The angels help your soul rise from your body and
take you into the celestial spheres.
Then, in my house there are many mansions. As you live
your life, so this is already mapping out your destiny of how
you will rise from the body in your departing.
So be careful and remember the first lesson. Watch your mind,
watch the excitements and watch your animal nature.

Kriya Yoga calms all these natures, so when it comes to your

day of departing from your physical mortal body, you will
resurrect and the angelic realms will open up for you.
You will move out of your body with ease, in the fullness of
the grace of God.

Healing the Ignorance of Who We Are

I and my Father are one.
We pass through the ignorance of duality that our mortal
body is all there is, and we have realised the light of our being.
This is immortal and is the light of the great All.
At this stage you and your Father will be one, as you merge
into that ocean. Jesus came to show this.
You will rise from your cross like a phoenix from the ashes and
you will rise in a resurrected way.
In a knowing and understanding you will leave your body and
be truly blessed. You will discard the body just like an old

The Third Lesson

Remember always: your body is a holy temple. Treat your
body with respect.
Love it. Take care of it. Do not over pamper it. It is not a
creature. It is not a dog.
Just be aware of it and love it and be kind and respect it.
Open your body like a divine vessel. Be aware of how beautiful
it is. Be aware of the beauty of your hands, be aware of the
beauty of your eyes, be aware of the beauty of your voice and
be aware of the beauty of your mind.
Remember that the Divine fills you like the Grail cup. You
become the Grail cup.
The Divine shines through your eyes, the Divine speaks from
your mouth, and the Divine emanates from your hands.
You become a servant of the Lord and live in oneness with this
cosmic resonance of the Divine.


The Fourth Lesson

The Experience of Realisation
Your crown chakra opens up to receive, becoming like a great
Grail. The heavenly waters pour in, filling your being and
emanating from every cell.
You become vitalized and energized with this divine, pulsing
radiance. That radiance fills the physical form.
This radiance of God comes down into you, with the crown
chakra opening up, you become like a great vessel full of the
sparkling liquid of divine love.
The love emanates through your skin and fills and touches
whomever you are with. It fills and touches your eyes to see
and your mouth to speak, so that as the words come, they
bless and transform humanity wherever you are.
As this energy comes down your awareness opens up.
As you work with Kriya Yoga, the divine breath opens you up
to your Chakra system, so you find that you build an
Antahkarana bridge from the roof of your head from the
crown right up into the heavens and there is a ladder of light.
Your soul can run up and down this ladder of light and access
any information it needs in the heavens. It is so.

Like Elijah you can just move out of your body and carry on up
like in a chariot of fire into the heavens.
The information will come in through your head and in your
brow and you will see it written in the word and the testament.
The word will be God and your mind will see Gods words and
see Gods writing. The forehead will be alive in the light and
the fiery words of God will emanate into your mind.
The word was God and the mind was filled with the word of
God and you are at one.
This is when your mind is changed and it has surrendered to
Gods word and mind.
When your mind is cleared, the top of your head opens right
out and is filled with the dazzling light and fire of God. It fills
your mind. The fire, the light of God, fills your eyes and your
You will see the flames and the tongue of fire come from your
lips as you speak.
You will see the flames and the tongues of fire come from
your eyes as you look.
You will see and feel the resonance, the fire in your ears. You
will hear the great Om of the mountains, of the seas of the
earth. You will hear like with the elephants ears, a long way
The fire will sweep into your throat chakra opening it up and
you will speak with the word of the Lord.
You will feel this fire sweep right down through you, sparking
your heart with diamond light. This great diamond light will fill

your body like a great lantern. It will be the light to show the
light in the world.
This will emanate down onto the path for people and they will
hear you and feel your love for them. Your compassion will
come from your heart, sweep around them, hold them, ignite
them and love them.
Your solar plexus will be calm and your sacral will be calm.
Your root will be full in the earth and the energy will come up
from the centre of the earth, like a great vortex, and will enter
As above, so below. The energy comes rushing up, right up
through you and it will meet and merge in your body and your
heart will be full of radiance.


The Fifth Lesson

Opening up to God Consciousness
Remember you will not access this energy, any of it, until you
have controlled your mind, your excitements and your lower
(animal) natures.
This energy is so powerful that if it was used with disregard
you could hurt people with it.
It is only when you have had the journey to break down a lot
of your animal nature, and you have broken yourself down,
then the doorway of compassion is opened in your heart; and
you have opened yourself up fully to God and called that I
and my Father and Mother are one.
You have risen to that place where you have awoken to this
God consciousness.
Kriya Yoga helps you to open up to this and let it happen.
It is important now in this new age that humanity gets to grips
with their lower nature and open up to this resonance.
I am here on the earth living in this resonance fully
understanding, fully expressing, always consciously aware of
this magnetism.


The Sixth Lesson

In the sixth lesson we talk about the sixth chakra, the third eye
in the brow and centre of the head; a beautiful deep blue
As the energy comes up the spine, the great snake, the
Kundalini energy rises.
So this beautiful sapphire starts whirling and spinning. It
gradually spins faster and faster until it has spun right out of
your head and you rise up. You look down on the top of your
You rise through the first one of you sitting on your head, the
You rise up through the second one, through all the chakra
You rise up spinning through the third one and all that chakra
You rise up through the fourth one, through that chakra
system, spinning.
You rise up through the fifth one, which is the throat through
the next chakra system, but its the whole one, the whole
Buddha sitting there.
You rise up through the sixth and you come into the crown.
You feel the top of your head tingling. You look back. Its like a

cascade of energy that comes down around this, like a

So the heavenly waters cascade down the seven Buddhas
sitting on the top of your head, cascading through them
around them and down them. Each one now is giving off a
light. It is building up a beautiful rainbow bridge.
The one on top of the head is red; the next one is orange, the
great colours coming out from them.
Beautiful redness. The next one is orange, then yellow, green
the heart, lovely blue. The third eye is beautiful blue, a darker
blue and the crown is purple and white tinged with purple.
This whole thing is spinning now like a spinning top. It has the
sound of the Om. All the chakras of the body are spinning
with the top chakras now like a great pole or vortex. They are
spinning so fast now it is becoming like a great diamond.
The energy is becoming like a substance now, it is like a great
pole, a vortex of light. At the centre of this has become a great
white light. Like a great diamond pillar of light and off that are
all these colours.
The energy is spinning off this and this top chakra pillar is now
working its way down into the physical body thats sitting
down below.
This top chakra system is coming down into the body and
filling the body. This is like the etheric or astral higher mental
body coming into the physical body overlapping it all.
The higher body is coming into the lower body but it is fusing
with this chakra system in the body.

The resonance and Om is still vibrating through the physical

body, vibrating through the mental, emotional, spiritual,
physical body.
All the bodies are now enlightened together at the same
frequency. The physical body has been enlightened with the
The head is full of light. The physical head is full of light. The
throat, the heart, the solar plexus, the sacral and root.
From the physical to the etheric to the astral to the mental
and higher mental and causal are all vibrating; and at one
together at this moment in time. You have broken through
the veil and become one with your Over-soul on earth.
This is what Babaji is like all the time. This is what he would
like humanity to get to now in this lifetime.
This is what he is looking for, the resurrected body on earth. A
God filled body on earth.


The Seventh Lesson

This body can heal at a look.
This is the seventh lesson because you are now working in the
crown chakra and all the chakras are working fully with all the
seven levels of the body.
This is the resurrection on earth.


The Eighth Lesson

Illnesses and sickness are like knots in the energy field. All the
healer does is to put different energy into the place where the
knots have occurred and they disperse.
This is what Mother Meera did in Germany, just sitting in
silence and being in her energy field.
With her inner eye she could see where your knots needed to
be untied and would untie them.
The angels come and they take the knots and they comb
through the energy field.
If you ask them, they will come and comb through anyones
energy field and take the knots away. They also take the balls
of sickness away where the knots are.
Depending on the persons mind, their karma and how
embedded they are in the physical form, the balls of sickness
can be removed and major healings can take place.
This is the new sort of healing that I would like to teach in this
new age, this energy healing and remembering that we can
access this energy.
We are like atomic bombs.
This radiance comes from our core, like the core of an atomic
bomb and comes out through us.

When we are vivified and we have moved into this place,

where our physical body is energized and can open up the
vibration and be at tune with all these other bodies that we
have (our mental, casual, all those bodies), then working this is
opening up to all those resonances and fully working in them,
then this is something great.
Something magical can happen and God can work through us
because we are truly open to God.
We are truly open and working in His work.


The Ninth Lesson

This is my message for you. This is what I am hoping that more
of you will do and these are the lessons that I hope you will
learn and work with.
As you open up to these different levels, so your intuitive level,
your psychic level and your mind level will alter and become
intuitive with the mind of God.
All these wands will be brought to you and they will naturally
work with you in your physical body and that will be a tool for
you because you will have transcended your body.
You will be working with God in a transcended way.


The Tenth Lesson

The tenth lesson in doing Kriya Yoga keeps you opened up to
all these other levels. It keeps burning away your sickness.
It keeps the fire coming through and stops any balls forming
in your energy field.
It cleanses the energy field continually, continually,
continually, and that is why these great Prophets and Masters
become that they never need to be born again or do this
cleansing process to stop the knots and the balls forming.


The Eleventh Lesson

The eleventh lesson will be that you will open up to nature in
a completely different way.
You will open up to nature.
You will open up to the animal kingdom.
You will open up the universe.
You will open up to the planets, the sky, the stars, the sun and
the moon.
Because these are all on other levels in your body, then you
will be aware of them.
They will then open up to you and you will open up to them,
and they will teach you and you will teach them, and then you
will live with the seasons.
You will live with the animals of the season, the fruits of the
seasons and you will be aware of something different in your


The Twelfth Lesson

And you will come to the twelfth lesson and the twelfth lesson
is that immortality exists.
You will be living in an immortal way with all your resonance
You will become immortal and at that day you will never die
because you are living in the deathless state, here and now on
the earth.
You are never going to die; your body will never die. Your
levels will never die. You may want to leave your body, but
you will become immortal.

Thank you. Amen.








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