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SD Questions About Pricing Condition

The Most Important Tips in Pricing For SAP SD Module to crack interviews...
Whenever we define our pricing procedures, we remain least interested in creating our own
Condition Types,Condition
Tables & Access Sequences. What we do is, we just define our own pricing procedures by using
the existing condition types (i.e: PR00, K004, K007, KA02, KF00 etc.) & then assign that
Pricing Procedure with " Sales Area, Document Pricing Procedure & Customer Pricing
Procedure " .
After that we put the values against each Condition Types, mentioned in our Pricing Procedure
by using the T-Code "VK11". But we also need to know about the Condition Tables, Condition
Types & Access Sequence Creation. So for that purpose we have to use the following T-Codes
respectively : "V/05", "V/06" & "V/07". Now it will become easy to create the same.
Also to inform that, using T-Codes is more smarter than following paths through IMG screen.
Utsav Mukherjee - utsavmukherjee143@hotmail.
What is the difference of VK11 and VK31 (condition records)?
My condition type is PR00 and Access sequence is PR02. And in this access sequence table
304 is available. Now when I was entering the PR00 in VK31 it shows error Table 304 is
not defining for the condition type PR02. But when I was entering the PR00 at VK11 it is
accepting it.
Difference between VK11 and VK31 - if you go through the menu path you will get the vk 31 as
condition record from the tamplets whereas vk11 as simple condition record. In VK11 you can
store condition record for more than one condition
type. This means you can have same condition record for different condition types.This feature
is given to enhance the system's performane and not to create the duplcation of the work for each
condition type.
Again system is not allowing to store the record in the vk31 for the condition type pr00 and
access sequence pr02.This is because if you see this ac seq cointains two accessses 20 and 30
having the same table no.But you see there is the difference between the technical view of it for
transfering the data from document field and condition field,so you can not maintain the data at
What is the difference between Header condition and Item condition? I know item
condition applies to each item in a sales document. Header condition can only be applied to
an entire document.
Difference between header and item condition - as YOU CORRECTLY SAID HEADER

Say fright is dependent on the total weight of all the items in the documents then header
condition adds on weights of all items and calculates the record accordingly.
You have two different types of the header conditions.
a) In one you can duplicate the same value throughout the document for each item.Say discount
2% at header level which is also applicable to all the items
b)Second is the accumulation of the values of all the item at the header level,as earlier explained
for the weight/fright.
These differenes are controlled through the indicator of group condition in the cond.type
And so obviously header condition can not have the condition record and hence access sequence.
SAP SD Tips by : Vishwajit
Disallowing Condition Types - How I can accomplish the following:
Be able to DISALLOW Z0BP Condition type to be negative ( Invoice Block)
You can modify condition type from customising;
Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Condition Types>Maintain Condition Types
Change condition type ZOBP's plus/minus indicator to "A" which means only positive is
allowed. *-- Arvind Rana
In pricing procedure there are column such as requirement, sub total altclty, altbv,
accurals. What are these and where we calculate all these values which we put.
1. Requirement: Denoted by nos and maintained in VOFM, this is a condition required for a
particular condition type to be executed. Eg. PR00: req 2 ie item relevant for pricing
VPRS/EKO1: req 4 ie cost
Rebate BAO1 Req 24/Req 25 etc
2. Subtotal: this represents where a which table a value is stored, which can be processed for
further calculation.
Eg. for PR00, if this value is to be used for credt check of a customer, we mark the subtotal as A.
3 Alternate Calculation type: this is also denoted by numbers and maintained in VOFM. Eg.
Suppose for 45 units , each unit is charged $100 per unit, the order value comes out to be $4500,
that is calculation is done as per unit price, if the client wants calculation type to be based on
volume or wieght, alternate calculation type can be configured.
4. Alternate base value: Denoted by no. and maintained in VOFM.

Eg, if the pricing scale is maintained and pricing for 45 units comes under the scale of $100 per
unit., the base value is 45 units, but if the client wants a standard base value in some casesto be
assumed inspite of maintaining the scale, an alternate base value is confihured, that is the base
value based on which the order value is to be calculated changes.
5. Accruals: Accruals are maintained for rebate agreements, it constitutes the total accumulated
value which customer has earned through rebate, one the rebate for certain amount is settled the
amount from the accruals get deducted.

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