Prayer Letter - February 2

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Mission weeks

February is mission week month for Christian Unions up and down the
land. Alongside freshers week (in September), it is probably the best
opportunity CUs have, as a body, to reach non-christian students in
large numbers, with the gospel.
Last week I was helping out for a couple of days in the Aberystwyth
CU mission, and at the end of the week two people accepted Jesus as
their saviour! Next week we have our mission week in Bangor, and the
CU will be aided by the whole Welsh UCCF team (6 staff workers and
6 relay workers).
We will have free lunches with talks on topics such as: love, life,
‘FREE’ is the theme of the suffering and science. In the evenings we will have events specifically
mission week. for internationals, sporty students and welsh speakers. All with the aim
to meet people and share the gospel with them. On the Thursday
night we will have the gospel preaching meeting, involving a drama (in
which I will play the devil!)

Please pray for unity in Christ; for opporttunities and boldness to

share God’s love; for energy and love; for the CU to be enthused and
active; for CU to invite their friends; for the follow up course exploring
mark’s gospel; for God to save sinners!

New leaders
Also during February, the leaders of the CUs are changing. Please
pray for a smooth changeover and that the new leaders would be bold
UCCF Welsh Team and faithful to God in the way they lead. They will be running the day
to day aspects of the CU as well as planning evangelistic events and
leading bible studies. On the weekend of the 26th February UCCF will
coming up… hold a training conference to help equip and strengthen all these new
15-19 Feb Mission week, Bangor leaders from welsh university CUs. I will be helping at that.
20-21 Feb Home for the weekend
22-26 Feb Mission week, Swansea
26-28 Feb New CU leaders training Praise & prayer
17-19 Mar Welsh team days, Cardiff Please continue to pray for CUs across North Wales; that Christian
students would live and speak for Jesus and unbelievers would be
saved (see above).
Please pray for me in my work and studies (see above); that it will
uccf:thechristianunions never be just study, but it will effect and transform me.
UCCF Office T 0116 255 1700 Personally I’d appreciate prayer for guidance in finding a job and a
38 De Montfort St. F 0116 255 5672 place to live starting in July and for me and Una as we plan for our
Leicester wedding and marriage in the summer.
Thank you for reading my letters and thank you so much for your
Registered charity number 306137
continued love and support Jon :)

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