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SPE 108876

Pipeline Stream CrossingsInternational Industry Best Practices for Russia/CIS

John G. Aronson, Viktor Raykin, and Mikhail Skopets, AATA International

Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, Security and
Environment Conference and Exhibition held in Bangkok, Thailand, 1012 September 2007.
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Many new large-scale pipeline projects are being planned and
constructed in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent
States (CIS). The construction of large linear pipeline projects
in the Russian Far East, including such interesting locations as
Sakhalin Island, poses many challenges for oil and gas
developments throughout the region. This poster explores
modern approaches for effective management of pipeline
crossings, especially where high quality salmonid fisheries
may be involved, and recommends that a watershed approach
be taken for more effective management and control. Russian
regulations concerning elevation of background total
suspended sediment concentrations from construction in and
near watercourses are examined, especially with respect to the
hydraulics and river mechanics, and natural background
concentrations. Some promising modern erosion and sediment
control strategies and practices are offered in poster session,
along with case history examples. Rapid winter construction
practices that result in short downstream sediment transport
events are reviewed with respect to their potential impact to
short-term and long-term salmon spawning success.
Stabilization and revegetation of crossings, approaches, and
adjacent disturbed watershed areas is a key element for
effective long-term impact mitigation, and can be used to
offset the short-term impacts of pipeline construction.

This poster (paper) identifies and explores international best
practices for pipeline stream crossings in Russia and the
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS Former Soviet
Union). There are a number of large-scale oil and gas pipeline
projects being contemplated, planned, or under construction
throughout Russia and the CIS, many of which are in the
Russian Far East. Perhaps the largest of these new projects is

the Sakhalin II project being constructed by Sakhalin Energy

Investment Company (SEIC -Shell) which has two large oil
and gas pipelines stretching nearly 700 km from the offshore
Moliqpak in the northern part of Sakhalin Island to
Prigoridnoye, the site of the large Liquefied Natural Gas
(LNG) plant. The construction of this pipeline crossed nearly
1100 streams, 455 of which were salmon spawning streams,
and 155 of which were ranked as very high quality streams. A
detailed River Crossing Strategy was organized for the
Sakhalin II project and is cited here. Other large-scale
pipeline projects were constructed for ExxonMobils Sakhalin
1 project, from near Chayvo, across Sakhalin Island and the
Tatar Strait to the port city of Dekastri. Many pipelines are
being proposed, planned and constructed throughout the CIS,
and the Russian Far East. A watershed approach, which
recognizes the ecological and hydrological dynamics of the
systems involved, is proposed, to directly address minimizing
acute and chronic impacts, and also as an offset strategy for
improving overall ecological integrity, and long term
protection of important stream ecosystems.
Russian Regulations Limits versus Nature
The regulation of pipeline stream crossings is administered by
Rosprirodnadzor, of the Ministry of Natural Resources,
("Rules of Protection of Surface Waters" - State Committee
for Nature Protection of the USSR, 1991). A water use permit
is an essential element of large-scale oil and gas projects
involving stream crossings. Of particular interest is the water
quality criterion which states that for Class I streams (highest
quality) that the total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations
should not exceed 0.25 mg/L above background at 500 m
downstream of the crossing. For Class II streams, it is 0.75
mg/L. These are clearly extremely low values, and quite
unattainable for even the most insignificant of disturbances.
Most of the recent monitoring to date indicates that for at least
a day or two, the concentrations of TSS below wet trench
operations for even smaller pipelines can exceed several
hundred mg/L. If effective water management is not achieved,
these values can be several thousand mg/L above background
for a short time. Variations in natural sediment concentrations
have been documented in the range of several hundred mg/L
for Sakhalin rivers where there are active sediment sources,
natural and/or anthropogenic. Based upon SakhGidroMet
summary data from baseline investigations in 2001 (Table 1),
the natural variations of rivers in southern Sakhalin island
varied between 4 and 50 mg/L, with some spring floods

SPE 108876

producing levels in excess of 300 mg/L. The senior author

sampled 19 Sakhalin rivers from Nogliki to Yuzhno
Sakhalinsk, during flood stage with TSS levels in all rivers
highly elevated in the range of several hundred mg/L.
River name
(from N to S)
Dvoinoi Stream
Malaya Tym

TSS (mg/l)
12,2 - 26,0
37,4 - 40,0
2,0 - 38,6

International Best Practices A number of international

best practices have evolved over recent years which should be
considered for effective pipeline stream crossings. The poster
provides a summary listing and graphics of examples which
should be carefully matched with the stream characteristics to
be most effective. Besides accurate evaluation of stream
ecology, to determine the potential impacts involved with
stream crossings, three principal issues have emerged with
respect to minimizing the mobilization of sediments from
stream crossing sites: a) matching the basic stream crossing
method with the type of stream based upon flow, cross section,
and bed material, including overall sediment transport
capacity, river mechanics and general hydraulic
characteristics, b) effective implementation of the selected
method, and c) approach controls and management of erosion
from adjacent disturbed areas. Recent monitoring data will be
presented in graphical format in the poster session. A
summary of good and poor practices will be provided.

max. 340


max. 340
12,1 - 53,3


12,1 - 53,3


3,6 - 28,8


3,6 - 28,8

which can be used for selection and application of crossing

strategies. Sediment transport and river mechanics play an
important role in evaluation of the potential impacts and in
real world management of the stream crossing construction
activities. The poster will illustrate some standard baseline
investigations, and good and poor construction practices.

Wet trench method the stream is crossed using a standard

cross trench.
Dry trench (flume) method construction of a flume to
redirect stream flow during pipeline construction.

Podlesnaya *
Table 1. Summary of Sakhalin River TSS levels, 2001

Horizontal direction drilling (HDD) higher cost method for

eliminating instream impacts on larger rivers, but with higher
potential for riparian and watershed impacts due to approach.
Bank stabilization methods physical, chemical, and
biological treatments for bank stabilization.

Watershed and Stream Conditions Understanding the

watershed and the overall stream conditions (physical,
chemical, biological and even social) is a critical step in the
application of appropriate stream crossing strategies and
implementation of modern approaches.
Upstream and
downstream water users, disturbances, and commercial fishing
are some of the key social attributes which must be
considered. A detailed baseline inventory should be engaged
to characterize the watershed and the stream, especially from
the standpoint of drainage area, background water quality,
sediment transport capacity, hydrology, hydraulics, and
ecology. An entire spectrum of watersheds and streams exists,
and it is commonly recognized that no two watersheds or
streams are exactly alike, given the variation in nature, and in
anthropogenic activities. The erodibility of soils in the upper
watershed, and areas directly adjacent and tributary to the
stream should be evaluated. Once a solid understanding is
reached, streams can be classified into several categories,

Advanced reclamation techniques effective utilization of

filter fabric, sediment fencing, gabions, riprap, geotextiles,
hydroseeding, and other methods.

Summary A watershed approach which recognizes that the

construction of pipeline crossings may induce short-term acute
and long-term chronic sedimentological impacts to receiving
waters is recommended.
Stream dynamics, especially
sediment transport capacity, and particle size distribution are
extremely important when estimating impacts from stream
crossings over short distances and times. The hydraulics and
river mechanics of each stream should be characterized, and
the fisheries dynamics understood.
Location and
characterization of the spawning beds and feeding areas of
important species must be carefully evaluated, and appropriate
monitoring strategies employed. Understanding the natural
evolution of streams and their normal sediment transport
dynamics is an important aspect of effective long-term
fisheries management and protection in the Russian Far East.

SPE 108876

The very short-term nature of acute sediment impacts must be

put into context with respect to long-term watershed responses
to natural and anthropogenic factors. Application of modern
watershed management approaches can be utilized to reduce
erosion and sediment transport for offsetting both short-term
and long-term impacts. A watershed management offset
strategy can play an important role in long term protection and
management of important salmonid fisheries in Russia/CIS.
Aronson, John G. 1998. Watershed Management in Russia
and the Former Soviet Union. IN Reimold, R.A. Watershed
Management, McGraw Hill 342 pp.
Fogg, J. and H. Hadley. 2007. Hydraulic considerations for
pipelines crossing stream channels. Technical Note 423.
BLM ST/ST-07?007+2880. U.S. Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Land Management, National Science and
Technology Center, Denver, Colorado, USA 20pp.
Richardson, E.V., Daryl B. Simons, and P.F. Lagasse. 2001.
Highways in the River Environment. Report FHWA NH1 01004, Hydraulic Design Series Number 6, Federal Highway
Administration, Washington, D.C.
Simons, Li, and Associates. 1982. Engineering Analysis of
Fluvial Systems. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
Biedenharn, D.S., C.M. Elliott, and C. C. Watson. 1997. The
Waterways Experiment Station (WES) stream investigation
and streambank stabilization handbook. U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, WES, Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA.
Sakhalin Energy Investment Company. 2005. River Crossing
Strategy. Phase II Project, Onshore Pipelines. SEIC web
Newcombe C.P. and MacDonald D.D. 1991. Effects of
suspended sediments on aquatic ecosystems. North
American Journal of Fisheries Management 11, 72-82.
Dedication This paper is dedicated to the memory of the
late Dr. Daryl B. Simons, Simons and Associates, Inc. (and
Colorado State University) and to his lifelong pursuit of
excellence in understanding river mechanics, sedimentology,
and engineering in the river environment. The author wishes
to recognize the important contributions that Dr. Simons has
made to multidisciplinary environmental analysis worldwide
using a watershed approach.

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