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(Submited to complited one of study english)

Author :
Dede Pipin
Iyang Purwa A
Muhammad Fachriza N
Mahrul Malik Halil


Praise to Allah SWT. constituent pray, because thanks to the guidance of His grace and the
author managed to finish a paper that the author titled "First Aids (Unconscious Position)". The
paper was submitted to fulfill the task of the English language courses.
The author wishes to extend his deepest gratitude to all those who have helped the author in
order to finish the paper on time. The authors believe this paper is still far from the value of
perfection, therefore, criticism and constructive suggestions are expected by the authors in order
to make this paper better.
Hopefully the paper "First Aids (Unconscious Position)" provides useful information for the
public as well as useful insights for the development and improvement of science for all of us.

Tasikmalaya, May 2014





1.1 Background
1.2 Formulations of the study .
1.3 Objectives of the study .
1.4 Significances of the study. .


2.1 Unconscious
2.2 Causes of the unconscious .
2.3 What should we do went there are somebody unconscious




A. Background
All unconscious casualties who are breathing properly (except those with suspected fractures
of the spines or neck) should be turned as quickly as possible on their stomachs and arranged
in the unconscious, or recovery, position.
The positions prevents the casualtys tongue from falling into the back of his throat and
choking him, allows fluid-such as blood or vomit-to drain from his mouth.
Handle any serious wounds gently while arranging the casualty. But remember that the
unconscious position is a life-saver, and in most accidents involving a breathing, unconscious
victim it has priority over othe treatment.
B. Formulations of the study
1. What the definition of unconscious ?
2. What the causes of unconscious ?
3. What should we do went there are somebody unconscious ?
C. Objectives of the study
1. To know what is unconscious
2. To know what the causes unconscious
3. To know What should we do went there are somebody unconscious
D. Significances of the study
The results of this study are expected can provide benefits to all parties, especially to friends
for increase knowledge and insight.

2.1 Unconscious

Unconscious is a condition in which people experience a sudden loss of consciousness in a

relatively short time or periodic unsconciousness means decreased consciousness
Unconscious in medical term is syncope . Understanding fainting itself is a temporary state
of a person loses consciousness and weakness / fall of the postural body characterized by
rapid onset , short duration , and spontaneous recovery due to global cerebral hypoperfusion
caused by hypotension .
Unconscious is divided into two categories . The first category is cardiogenic or reflex
syncope underlie most forms of syncope . Form of cardiogenic more likely to produce
serious morbidity or mortality and require prompt treatment or even directly . Although
cardiogenic syncope is much more common in older patients , is an attempt to get rid of
arrhythmic , obstructive , causing ischemic , or cardiomyopathic syncope and circulation is
required to be done every patient
Perhaps most people wondered . How do I get people to faint ? The cause of fainting is a lot
of stuff. One is anemia . Anemia or blood deficiency occurs due to insufficient red blood
cells to supply oxygen to the brain . Reactions shock can also cause fainting . Shock is a
condition characterized by low blood pressure which can lead to loss of consciousness .
In addition to the above , the trigger fainting is due to dehydration . Dehydration or lack of
fluids in the body can also cause fainting . Dehydration can be caused by vomiting , diarrhea,
fever , sweating , burns or less drinking . Some diseases such as diabetes can also lead to
dehydration because of too frequent urination . Vomiting and diarrhea , in particular , also
stimulates the vagus nerve so that the double effect .
2.2 Causes of the unconscious
1. The lack of supply of oxygen from the blood to the brain is less, because:
a. the heart fails to pump blood
b. Blood vessels are not strong enough to maintain blood flow to the brain
c. there is not enough blood in the blood vessels
d. or a combination of all the above causes
2. Due to hiversensitivitas vagus (brain nerve tenth mensarafi organs of the body and affects
the heart rate.)
3. Electric disturbances in the brain
4. The state of hypoglycemia moment (the brain is deprived of sugar)

5. Psychological problems
2.3 What should we do went there are somebody unconscious
1. Move to a flat
2. Raise both feet higher than the heart of the goal that more blood can flow to the brain
3. Open or loosen the dress and belt so that blood can flow smoothly
4. Give odors to assist the return of consciousness such as wind and so the smell of oil.
5. Wait 2-3 minutes until the realized return
6. After awakening provide fresh drinking water

3.1 Conclusion
Unconscious is a condition in which people experience a sudden loss of consciousness in a
relatively short time or periodic unsconciousness means decreased consciousness
Handle any serious wounds gently while arranging the casualty. But remember that the
unconscious position is a life-saver, and in most accidents involving a breathing, unconscious
victim it has priority over othe treatment.
Although cardiogenic syncope is much more common in older patients , is an attempt to get
rid of arrhythmic , obstructive , causing ischemic , or cardiomyopathic syncope and
circulation is required to be done every patient

Causes of the unconscious is a Psychological problems, Blood vessels are not strong enough
to maintain blood flow to the brain, or a combination of all the above causes.


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